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New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166
More Details About Magnum Opus: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
This is perhaps the greatest news I have received in the last few years, and I cannot express the joy and love that fills me.

Blessed to Our Mother, who gave us JoS as a present and always guided us in the midst of so many difficulties, to become a Goddess as a fruit of all her work!

Hail Satan!
Hail Lady Maxine!
Hail Lord Balaam!
We have come so far, all our past, present and future achievement wouldn't be possible without she who first created the pillar and the door to our knowledge and our Gods and Goddesses
Perhaps this ritual is more deep and meaningful for the JoS than anything else. May our Mother Maxine be praised forever.
Thank you Commander, for this gift and for your spiritual streght that carried us and keep carrying us to this very day and beyond.
Also I'm very happy for Lord Balaam's ritual too, regardless of the power of this one, connecting with all our Gods and Goddesses is always a priceless gift.

Hail to the Joy Of Satan!
This day will go in history. In the future, the young students of Satanism will know about HPS Maxine Dietrich and how she saved our world by bringing Satan back to us.

Hail HPS Maxine Dietrich!!!
This one of the greatest news! Hail Lady Maxine! Our Mother!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Lord Balaam!
ALL HAIL LORD BALAAM! He is a perennial thorn in the jewish criminals side and is legendary, one of the greatest figures. The church has seethed about Lord Balaam at length since the rats of Chrysostom and Origen.

ALL HAIL HPS MAXINE! I owe all things to the Gods and Her! There are no words to describe Her efforts as a Heroine. May many become as Her.
Can you tell us more about Balaam? I have not heard of him before and although I can gather some obvious things from the ritual it would be nice for a formal introduction to him, it feels somewhat hollow to me to affirm that he is remembered when I know very little if anything about him (I know that is part of what the affirmation is meant to solve, but still).

HPHC I really like the forward momentum you have given JoS, however I feel at times that I am being introduced to concepts quicker than I can comprehend them such as how we can do rituals to specific female or male aspects of a God, I am not trying to come across as demanding for knowledge I havent earned, its just as you know finding good information about anything truthful in regards to our Gods is supremely difficult and I dont want to misinform myself.

My research into Sanskrit had me stumble across the word Balam which I believe was defined as strength, I was hesitant to use it as part of a mantra in case it was a misinterpation, can the Balam mantra or should I say the name Balaam be used as part of a mantra?

Regardless, fantastic job bringing us more rituals to grow closer to the Gods I look forward to repaying Maxine at least a small amount of the immense gifts she has given me.
Can you tell us more about Balaam?

The name Balaam is originally of Gentile origin and yes, Sanskrit further proves this as usual. I updated the original topic on the history of Balaam.

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription
This is incredible, the first recorded Apotheosis in how many years?


I have a thousand questions but I will try to not flood this thread with those!
There are some although that I really want to ask:
  1. As She has completed the immortalization of the Soul, the body still is another matter though right? Does this mean She will have to reincarnate? Maybe in recent times? What does that entail? Can more details be shared now that this fact is public knowledge for all of us to revere? Pardon my curiosity!
  2. I was wondering, since now She too has a Sigil, how does it work, how does the creation of a Sigil work when one reaches this Apotheosis? Will the Sigil change as She reaches Higher levels? (Since it looks pretty different from the other Sigils I am used to seeing)
I'll understand if what I am asking is too much, and if HPHC would rather not answer now, but there was no harm in trying.
I'll be perfectly fine if I'll be told to patience more. I'm just caught in the joyous frenzy of the moment!
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
For me, this is a very important and amazing post that reminds me of my main goal - become the God 🎃
The schedule of rituals is just great, thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 (y)
Our beloved High Priestess is now immortal. Words are truly inadequate. If we've made it this far, it's all thanks to her. Thank you for everything, Lady Maxine! And especially thank you, our High Priest. We all lucky to have you! HAIL MAXINE! HAİL HOODED COBRA!
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
Is it possible we can be like her? Can we become heroes in this lifetime? Can I?

She’s so inspiring yet, I don’t know if I can be as strong as her, whenever I think I’m strong, smart, or have knowledge compared to Andrapoda, compared to HPS Maxine I always feel like I’m nothing.

I want to be like her, I want to transform all my pain, falsehood, weakness, struggle, poverty, and ignorance into power, wisdom, strength, divinity, and beauty like her.

What can I do? What do I need?
Is it possible we can be like her? Can we become heroes in this lifetime? Can I?

She’s so inspiring yet, I don’t know if I can be as strong as her, whenever I think I’m strong, smart, or have knowledge compared to Andrapoda, compared to HPS Maxine I always feel like I’m nothing.

I want to be like her, I want to transform all my pain, falsehood, weakness, struggle, poverty, and ignorance into power, wisdom, strength, divinity, and beauty like her.

What can I do? What do I need?

None of this has to do with comparisons, but with good example set. Good examples help us become better, bad examples make us worse.

We are all carrying certain things we need to fix and not every soul is on the same level at the same time. That is a very good thing because those ahead can help those starting now. That's why different people get together, so everyone can evolve from one another.

In the end of the day one is comparing themselves to themselves, it's ourselves that we must overcome. Anyone else is just a point of reference. Make sure that point of reference is used in a constructive manner and not to tear yourself apart trying to "compare".

Spiritual Satanism is not like an athletic competition. But even if it was, the athlete grows not when comparing to others but when they conquer their own self and they are better than yesterday. Each soul is also looked upon the Gods based on it's evolutionary condition and how it overcomes itself, not how it compares to others.

Comparisons do not carry any content here if done negatively, that is also why I just poker face when they "compare" me to HPS Maxine. What is the point on comparing me to my Mother, or my Sister? As I could not do what she did on the time that she did, she may not have done what I do on my own time.

Everyone can be of essential function. I know in many areas I will not be "as good as" others, for example, a Spanish member will always speak better Spanish than me - other Karma, other paths, same family however. Their function is essential, mine is also, everyone's is.

Another will become x100 times more "rich" than me, that is excellent and I am very happy about this, still, it is their existence there. What they do based on this will define them. If they do a big move like this for the JoS for example, they will have my respect for what it matters, and I will consider them a point of referrence on how I could improve while simultaneously admiring them. That produces a feeling of goodness in me also, since it shows me how I could potentially improve in an area.

While there is a hierarchy and everyone looks at others sometimes, we must look at them for source of inspiration or to improve our own self, not to damn ourselves in drawing false correlations.

Instead of seeing all these from lenses of comparison, since I perceive everyone as a family, I understand that the small or the big acts are all correlated and all holy and necessary in their process. The Gods judge us not based on comparison but because of what we ourselves have done toward ourselves and if we served our function. Then there is endless untapped potential that everyone can eventually achieve, with dedication and work.

Self acceptance is required here not self comparison and brutalization over the pretext that someone else is X or X.

You already answered about what you need to do, for yourself first and foremost. That is the path.
Is it possible we can be like her? Can we become heroes in this lifetime? Can I?

She’s so inspiring yet, I don’t know if I can be as strong as her, whenever I think I’m strong, smart, or have knowledge compared to Andrapoda, compared to HPS Maxine I always feel like I’m nothing.

I want to be like her, I want to transform all my pain, falsehood, weakness, struggle, poverty, and ignorance into power, wisdom, strength, divinity, and beauty like her.

What can I do? What do I need?
You are not 'nothing', you are developing in a harsh environment trying to inhibit your strengths.

HPS Maxine underwent many dangerous and difficult trials as the Ritual says - precisely one of the reasons the ascension to being a Heroine is happening. By no means was there some picket fence, apple pie, mediocre existence.

It's what you learn from these trials that is important.
My beloved High Priest!

Your greatest gifts to this community are Gods rituals and this one was amazing gift. I did it now and felt her divine freedom giving presence again. For so long we missed her and now her energies are felt again here. We were waiting her and she returned to us as a Goddess she was always meant to be. Her strength, her calmness, compassion and in the same time reassuring comforting support. I felt it all again as in times I had emailed her (many years ago). Now I can say it openly - I emailed a Goddess of Hell then. This is reality.

Thank you for this gift!
None of this has to do with comparisons, but with good example set. Good examples help us become better, bad examples make us worse.

We are all carrying certain things we need to fix and not every soul is on the same level at the same time. That is a very good thing because those ahead can help those starting now. That's why different people get together, so everyone can evolve from one another.

In the end of the day one is comparing themselves to themselves, it's ourselves that we must overcome. Anyone else is just a point of reference. Make sure that point of reference is used in a constructive manner and not to tear yourself apart trying to "compare".

Spiritual Satanism is not like an athletic competition. But even if it was, the athlete grows not when comparing to others but when they conquer their own self and they are better than yesterday. Each soul is also looked upon the Gods based on it's evolutionary condition and how it overcomes itself, not how it compares to others.

Comparisons do not carry any content here if done negatively, that is also why I just poker face when they "compare" me to HPS Maxine. What is the point on comparing me to my Mother, or my Sister? As I could not do what she did on the time that she did, she may not have done what I do on my own time.

Everyone can be of essential function. I know in many areas I will not be "as good as" others, for example, a Spanish member will always speak better Spanish than me - other Karma, other paths, same family however. Their function is essential, mine is also, everyone's is.

Another will become x100 times more "rich" than me, that is excellent and I am very happy about this, still, it is their existence there. What they do based on this will define them. If they do a big move like this for the JoS for example, they will have my respect for what it matters, and I will consider them a point of referrence on how I could improve while simultaneously admiring them. That produces a feeling of goodness in me also, since it shows me how I could potentially improve in an area.

While there is a hierarchy and everyone looks at others sometimes, we must look at them for source of inspiration or to improve our own self, not to damn ourselves in drawing false correlations.

Instead of seeing all these from lenses of comparison, since I perceive everyone as a family, I understand that the small or the big acts are all correlated and all holy and necessary in their process. The Gods judge us not based on comparison but because of what we ourselves have done toward ourselves and if we served our function. Then there is endless untapped potential that everyone can eventually achieve, with dedication and work.

Self acceptance is required here not self comparison and brutalization over the pretext that someone else is X or X.

You already answered about what you need to do, for yourself first and foremost. That is the path.
Thank you, High Priest for taking the time to reply.

Words of wisdom as always, I needed to hear this.
We’re so lucky to have you!
You are not 'nothing', you are developing in a harsh environment trying to inhibit your strengths.

HPS Maxine underwent many dangerous and difficult trials as the Ritual says - precisely one of the reasons the ascension to being a Heroine is happening. By no means was there some picket fence, apple pie, mediocre existence.

It's what you learn from these trials that is important.
Yes, brother, I need to be stronger, overcome my weaknesses and don’t give up to the darkness of this world and life.

Let’s build our own light and power!
Dear HP Commander,

I want to right now do the rituals. But in my country, Right now It is void of course moon. Will I continue sir?
The Ritual has already been started by others, therefore VoC doesn't apply as it's an ongoing working.
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra for these holy rituals. I am truly beyond words with all of this. I was certain Maxine had ascended, but I am so happy to see this and know for absolute certainty.


Holy Hell literally! It’s funny man, when I read months that HPS Maxine suddenly left to handle important things I had my intuition tell me instantly it’s because she was ascended to Godhood. I just knew somehow. This is amazing! Ooooooh man, we’re gonna win guys. We’re gonna win in our lifetime I really think so. Hail all our True Gods! Hail all who’ve Ascended with Satan! Hail Maxine!
This is wonderful news to hear HP. All glory to Lady Maxine Dietrich!!! I have fully resolved myself after hearing this. Onward to the Godhead. Let nothing stop you, not even yourself.
The fact that if we wanna know the pronunciations of the runes and go to runes page it's HPS Maxine's voice in the recordings. We get to hear the hero we are doing the ritual for, truly out of this world. May she be eternally blessed and glorified!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
