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New - Joy Of Satan Newsletter


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Earth, Satan's Kingdom
Greetings, Satanic family.

It is time for me today to introduce a personal project that I have been working on for some time now - Joy Of Satan Newsletter.

The idea behind it is rather straightforward: collection of sermons and articles from High Priest HoodedCobra666, Guardians and members, compiled together in a pleasant to read format, while also ensuring that at least some of our valuable material is preserved for all times.

The Newsletter will be issued monthly (on 1st of every month).

The May issue has all of the articles that have found themselves on the landing page of the forum.

But, I don't think that this project should stop there. The intent is to include much more than what is included in May 2023 issue. Since this month has been quite busy, I couldn't ask people if they would be OK with their posts being included.

Why would I even need to ask? Because quite few times it happened that a member decides to leave the forum, asks for his account and all posts to be deleted. If I include post from people who might decide to do this once day, it would make some of their posts virtually permanent. I think such situations should be avoided, therefore, for June issue, people will be asked if they are alright with their posts being included.

Therefore, let this May issue be just a small taste of things to come.

Also, Lydia, Jrvan...I was told by HPHC666 to contact you regarding this, however none of you have emails in your signatures or anywhere else, so I am putting this out here.

(To avoid hosting the file elsewhere, I will wait for response from above mentioned people and hopefully it will be available on some of our pages)


Hail Satan!!!
Larissa, that sounds like a good idea. When done properly, it can be quite effective.

I have a great interest in all kinds of projects at Joy of Satan. If you can drop me your e-mail, I would be happy to contribute to this project in all aspects of design, software and ideation.
Spine said:
Larissa, that sounds like a good idea. When done properly, it can be quite effective.

I have a great interest in all kinds of projects at Joy of Satan. If you can drop me your e-mail, I would be happy to contribute to this project in all aspects of design, software and ideation.

Thank you very much, I will make sure to remember your contribution offer. There is not much in terms of software to be done, this is a writing project that would also benefit from some art in terms of page illustrations (the only illustration included in May issue is a bit of free licensed art).
This is an amazing idea!! :)

If I could help in some way, I'd be honored, however, that is up to you!

Regardless, I wish you much luck on this project!! :)
Larissa666 said:
Greetings, Satanic family.

It is time for me today to introduce a personal project that I have been working on for some time now - Joy Of Satan Newsletter.

The idea behind it is rather straightforward: collection of sermons and articles from High Priest HoodedCobra666, Guardians and members, compiled together in a pleasant to read format, while also ensuring that at least some of our valuable material is preserved for all times.

The Newsletter will be issued monthly (on 1st of every month).

The May issue has all of the articles that have found themselves on the landing page of the forum.

But, I don't think that this project should stop there. The intent is to include much more than what is included in May 2023 issue. Since this month has been quite busy, I couldn't ask people if they would be OK with their posts being included.

Why would I even need to ask? Because quite few times it happened that a member decides to leave the forum, asks for his account and all posts to be deleted. If I include post from people who might decide to do this once day, it would make some of their posts virtually permanent. I think such situations should be avoided, therefore, for June issue, people will be asked if they are alright with their posts being included.

Therefore, let this May issue be just a small taste of things to come.

Also, Lydia, Jrvan...I was told by HPHC666 to contact you regarding this, however none of you have emails in your signatures or anywhere else, so I am putting this out here.

(To avoid hosting the file elsewhere, I will wait for response from above mentioned people and hopefully it will be available on some of our pages)


Hail Satan!!!
I like the idea of a reader's digest.

There are posts that contain valuable information but are buried in threads with lots of replies and have strayed beyond the original subject, or in threads about things that not everyone is going to be interested in reading, or in threads that are old and buried.

This would be a good way to bring those posts to light.

Regarding people who ask for their posts to be deleted, those people should know better. Nothing you put on the web belongs to you anymore. It gets scraped up by bots and archived automatically, right away, and will always be public and accessible. Those posts often live on in quotes from other members, as well. So I would argue it's a foregone conclusion. Privacy is only maintained through prevention.

But it is good manners to ask if they want to be mentioned, as not everybody wants to be in the spotlight, either.
Larissa666 said:
Also, Lydia, Jrvan...I was told by HPHC666 to contact you regarding this, however none of you have emails in your signatures or anywhere else, so I am putting this out here.

1. You couldn't gotten my email from HPHC himself, same with Jrvan's.

2. My email has been mentioned a lot, as well as a post I made regarding my new email, which is easily found: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=86126&p=444775&hilit=email#p444775 (regarding where you wrote "or anywhere else").

As for posts made by members, they post, so it becomes JoS property. Anything posted here can be used for JoS purposes. It doesn't matter if someone throws a tantrum and wants all their posts removed, this is a courtesy HPHC does, it is not mandatory.

Btw, I think this is a great idea :)
Larissa666 said:
Greetings, Satanic family.

It is time for me today to introduce a personal project that I have been working on for some time now - Joy Of Satan Newsletter.

The idea behind it is rather straightforward: collection of sermons and articles from High Priest HoodedCobra666, Guardians and members, compiled together in a pleasant to read format, while also ensuring that at least some of our valuable material is preserved for all times.
This is a great endeavour. JoS can definitely have a monthly newsletter that will comprise the best sermons and replies from all members posted on the previous month from a variety of subjects, structured in a nicely made PDF with maybe a pre-set number of pages that can resemble a format similar to magazines or similar releases. The most challenging task would be for someone to "scan" the forum permanently for these high-quality replies. Also finding a great design for the newsletter. I think it must have a lot more colour, images and symbolism compared to the sermon PDFs for example which in essence need to be formatted simply and easy to read.
We had something quite like this in the yahoo! days.

Yahoo! JoS Newsletter. It was monthly, bi-monthly, or outright once every two months. Or as much as Maxine would create a sermon for it or some HP.

I believe Maxine not just created works for it but some of the other people did. Think pre-/proto- JoS guardians there were people like former HP. Jake Carlson and Hammerofthegods666 and a few other select people.

Although Maxine was mostly driven by this and a few recognizable HPs and non-HPs. It was JoS Newsletter section on the multiple Yahoo forum accounts. Current forums are more centralized but Yahoo operated like a semi-central/decentralized with multiple forums.

Sheer fact is JoS Sermons or Important Articles from JoS Ministry fills this role a bit. But from time to time HP.Cobra or JoSG bumps up a sermon of a member like the recent Tartarus sermon by Arcadia; excellent rendition, quite educative.

I notice with members posts bumped up when debumped it returns back to the General666 or other sections. I think keeping a record of important JoS documentation i.e. sermons from members, HPs, non-HPs, Guardian etc.etc. would be very good. I recall a while back a member making an extremely good sermon and then debumped back to General and left in a pile of other stuff.

I think the idea should be improved to keep sermons of members up in a increased level. I believe we can implement a points count system or some sort of system to state this sermon should be bumped to a higher area Important or Newsletter or kept in mind.

Albeit a points system or a voting system or something might not be a good idea considering the HP/G system is what decides to actually do this. I guess we can have members vote or state this post should be upgraded from the mass pile to a Newsletter system.

Either way it's a good idea. Maxine was big on this using it as a form of Important Sermons. Or alternative sermons that require more in depth study. I also recall the email version of this which the Newsletter had Email option on. So Hammerofthegods666 would always have one, two, maybe three sermons at the most in my email. Last time I recall such thing was like late-2017/early-2018 before I stopped receiving Hotg666 and Jake's yahoo newsletter.

It's been a long time since I used Yahoo but do keep in mind many of these forum's properties were already done in Yahoo albeit in a decentralized fashion. We had multiple forums in Yahoo system rather than this central one, the only centralization was the yahoo front-end expressing multiple forums.
Okay, an update, for the time being, issues will be hosted on the Dropbox.

If you do not feel like exposing your details to Dropbox, you can use a VPN. Download is open to anyone with a link, no account needed.


Larissa666 said:
Okay, an update, for the time being, issues will be hosted on the Dropbox.

If you do not feel like exposing your details to Dropbox, you can use a VPN. Download is open to anyone with a link, no account needed.



They look good!

I wonder if we cold do it with an old paper background somethung like this:

Or is it a bad idea? When I first seen a pdf with these backgrounds I was amazed.
AFODO said:
Larissa666 said:
Okay, an update, for the time being, issues will be hosted on the Dropbox.

If you do not feel like exposing your details to Dropbox, you can use a VPN. Download is open to anyone with a link, no account needed.



They look good!

I wonder if we cold do it with an old paper background somethung like this:

Or is it a bad idea? When I first seen a pdf with these backgrounds I was amazed.
Yeah, looks like a papyrus kinda.

Looks cool, but my personal opinion is that something like that is just unnecessary aesthetic and impedes with the readability. I am all for balance between functionality and looks.

(if more people want something like that, I guess we can go with the flow).

Thanks for suggestion and feedback though. It's much appreciated.
Larissa666 said:
Okay, an update, for the time being, issues will be hosted on the Dropbox.

If you do not feel like exposing your details to Dropbox, you can use a VPN. Download is open to anyone with a link, no account needed.



Congratulations, this is great :) thank you
July 2023 is out!


Also, for everyone who offered help (and to those who didn't, but would like now), we can use a new frontpage illustration for September issue.

The only rule is that is has to be monochrome line art, and has to be symbolic to Father Satan and Satanism (like for example peacock currently is). With that in mind, let your creativity flow.

Another thing, if you feel inspired writing something, let me know, post it on the forum, post the link to it in this thread and let me know you would like it included (it has to be on the forum also, so no mailing me writings. Forum is our primary and only official method of communication).

Hail Satan!
August 2023 issue is now available:

Larissa666 said:
August 2023 issue is now available:


This looks great :)
September 2023 is now out:


Use this link, because previous one needs my approval in order to download, apologies for a mistake:

Larissa666 said:

Use this link, because previous one needs my approval in order to download, apologies for a mistake:

This is my first time here; I read this out of curiosity and I have to give my praises, I like the minimalist peacock cover and how readable it all is. Thank you for your hard work. However, I think you accidentally linked to the August edition again instead of linking to the September edition. :D
I feel like contributing to this, do you need help with anything regarding the newsletter? I can translate it to a few more languages, though I'm not sure how many people would read them.
CrimsonMonarch said:
Larissa666 said:

Use this link, because previous one needs my approval in order to download, apologies for a mistake:

This is my first time here; I read this out of curiosity and I have to give my praises, I like the minimalist peacock cover and how readable it all is. Thank you for your hard work. However, I think you accidentally linked to the August edition again instead of linking to the September edition. :D
I feel like contributing to this, do you need help with anything regarding the newsletter? I can translate it to a few more languages, though I'm not sure how many people would read them.

Oh my, you are absolutely right:

September 2023 link:


As for help, thank you very much, I will keep you in mind if we decide to include translations in other languages. Thanks in advance.

Absolutely love this! it looks very slick.
i agree with Lydia about including any and all post that you deem worthy of being in the monthly newsletter, it would be a shame to hold yourself back just because there might be people that get their ''feelings'' hurt by you sharing their advise or comments. Keep at it, you're doing great work

Do you also take recommendations? there aren't many posts of mine that would cut the bill, but i believe that this post might be interesting for the newsletter:

It is however a good idea to start taking more care about your health, when it comes to the face, splash it with cold water when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Remove contact when you go to sleep and keep them clean, personally i am not a fan of contacts, lenses or glasses since they can negatively impact your vision. It might be a good idea to start doing eye exercises, contrary to many believes it is possible to train your eyes, contacts / glasses will make your eyes lazy causing a range of problems.

Some exercises are for example following a bird with your eyes only, or focusing on an object in the distance, then focus on an object close by, keep switching between the 2, make sure to focus on those objects correctly. If you always look at things up close like watching tv a lot, make sure to look at far away objects regularly, you can simply go for a walk and watch whats going on a couple of hundred meters away from you. Its not always possible to do this so when you are sitting in front of the tv for an extended period of time look away from the tv and relax your eyes for a bit.

make sure your eyes get enough sunlight, the morning sun will have a great effect on your eyes (Never look directly into the sun tough). Having deficiencies in minerals / vitamins can cause many problems so make certain you get all of the necessary nutrients and vitamins in every day.

I am shameless i know :lol:, no worries if you decide to slide it off the desk, it is your project. :)
October 2023 is now out:

CrimsonMonarch said:
Larissa666 said:
October 2023 is now out...
Thank you for another lovely newsletter, and thanks a lot for including the short stories as well :D.
Have a great Samhain, Larissa!
Thank you, Brother, you too have a wonderful Samhain.
Larissa, your idea is fantastic! It promises to greatly support our members by enhancing dynamic learning and providing effortless navigation through various topics and their corresponding answers. While a similar approach exists primarily for sermons, I can attest for the immense amount of knowledge I've gained from it. The community consistently delivers serious, substantial, and highly valuable answers, significantly benefiting everyone involved! This will be great :)

Hey, Can i get into contact with you? i haven't been able to find your email so here's mine:
[email protected]
SSinHeartandSoul said:

Hey, Can i get into contact with you? i haven't been able to find your email so here's mine:
[email protected]

If it's topic related, you can ask here as well.

But, if it really needs to be said via mail, then you can send at [email protected]
November 2023:

Maya said:
Oh this is amazing! Thank you for creating this, great idea! :)
Thank you, Maya, I appreciate it very much :))))
Larissa666 said:
November 2023:
Another amazing edition, as always. Thank you very much :D
One question, will the December edition feature a different cover due to Yule and the coming of a New Year? Just curious, since I liked the change in cover for Samhain.
December 2023, last one for this year: https://jos-projects.com/newsletters/JoSNewsletter_December_2023.pdf

Dropbox will not be used for hosting anymore, but old ones will remain on it until further notice.
CrimsonMonarch said:
Larissa666 said:
November 2023:
Another amazing edition, as always. Thank you very much :D
One question, will the December edition feature a different cover due to Yule and the coming of a New Year? Just curious, since I liked the change in cover for Samhain.

As you can see, yes. Sorry for late reply.

I think I should get me a drawing tablet and create some myself instead of hunting around for royalty free art

I just saw the newsletter, I couldn't really be online for the last 2 weeks due to illnesses, so sorry for the late reply and happy new year. I actually thought you made the covers yourself, and I think it's a good idea to try designing the covers, you could probably convey Satanic symbology better than whatever royalty free design you can find online. Thank you for your hard work once more on this December edition :D
CrimsonMonarch said:
I just saw the newsletter, I couldn't really be online for the last 2 weeks due to illnesses, so sorry for the late reply and happy new year.

Sorry to hear that. I hope you are better now. Happy New Year.

CrimsonMonarch said:
I actually thought you made the covers yourself, and I think it's a good idea to try designing the covers, you could probably convey Satanic symbology better than whatever royalty free design you can find online.

I know, you are absolutely right. I had a few ideas for December, but I couldn't manifest them into reality.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
