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My mother is Russian., need help


New member
Apr 27, 2019
My mother is Russian and she supports URSS , she's also very proud of URSS.
My dad is Italian.

Is my soul "impure" "corrupted" or stuff like that because of this?

I Hate URSS, but I've got Russian blood.

I'm very worried
Cześć, rosyjski kolego.

It should be emphasized that the one ethnicity that bars you from becoming a Spiritual Satanist, is Jewish blood. Now communism - and thus the entirety of the Jewish, not Russian, USSR - is a Jewish ideology, but this does not "infect" so-to-speak the souls of Gentile victims living under communism. Nor does your father being a White Italian fellow.

Communist thinking goes against the natural order of how Humans like to organize and live together, so believing in communist ideas can harm you mentally as you are trying to accept ideas designed to not work well with people. But your soul is not beyond helping here, especially since you understand that the USSR was one of the most abominable nations the Jews spawned into being.

Russians have the potential to be powerful and outright deadly warriors for Father Satan. Such is one reason why the Jews targeted them the way they have. You should be proud of your blood and work to empower yourself spiritually through meditation so you can be among the Russians who will help transition this world into a Satanic Age.
No. Russians are whites too. Why do you think the Jews tried to genocide them. They are not bad at all of course they have pure souls if they meditate. Be proud of who you are and love yourself. Oh and what your parents support has no bearing on you even if they liked the soviet Jewnion you are free doesnt matter. Use the ansuz run 9-40 times in each chakra (vibrate) a day and affirm "my ____ chakra is completely and eternally free from all connections and influiences of the enemies of Satan now" you can start that any day moon is not void but best on waining Scorpio Sagittarius Cancer Pisces Aquarius or Aries moon.

Good luck
I think you mean USSR. And no you are not impure, except probably lacking in cleanliness of the soul(which is true for majority of the people) and lacking in spiritual power. Simply start a meditation program and get power asap.
Check out the 40 days meditation program in Satan's Library.
You mean USSR?
i guess it's the same thing,

but honestly, you're worrying to much over something so irrelevant / trivial,
you're fine.
Lol funny my mother is belarussian and doesent really support the ussr but is still brainwashed to think that the commies were good and the nazis bad. My father is italian and is a closet commie. No we arent impure, their decisions don't affect our soul or anything, they're simply just retarded, and no amount of information at this point will make them change idea.
AidhaNitya said:
My mother is Russian and she supports URSS , she's also very proud of URSS.
My dad is Italian.

Is my soul "impure" "corrupted" or stuff like that because of this?

I Hate URSS, but I've got Russian blood.

I'm very worried
You are fine.
AidhaNitya said:
My mother is Russian and she supports URSS , she's also very proud of URSS. 1.
My dad is Italian. 2.

Is my soul "impure" "corrupted" or stuff like that because of this? 2.

I Hate URSS, but I've got Russian blood. 1.

I'm very worried 2.

1. Don´t tell her about our stuff. This is similar to the case if someone has hardcore christian or muslim parents. I know about russia if you support/promote national socialism there is a death penalty. This law was passed right after the communist/jewish revolution. From this perspective it is better for people thear to act like they like the communist party/putin. You are not responsibel for your parents. If you are able practice the meditations /rtr in secret (rtr first after you did dedicate your soul to satan = protection of the gods). Your blood is related to race, not a political strukture (national socialism is the best natural political form for gentiles/non jews).

2. Italian and Russian belong to the white race. You are fine.
Even if someone is mixed this doesn´t matter (besides some workings, please don´t race mix , we are only able to reincarnate in the same race as we did life ) , what matters is to fight everyday against the destruction of mankind = Doing the Final RTR, online activism (if able to do safe/anonymous), helping other ss, ... .
AidhaNitya said:
Is this a problem to have Russian blood?
No it’s not, Hitler never hated the russians, he hated communists, there were many russians who have fought for Hitler against the communists.
Your mother is probably meme'ing herself with the whole "We wuz great as Soviets and shiet".

Remember all the problems of the Soviet Union till it's collapse and even currently with the Soviet Ruble is still based on a combination of Hitler's decisive blow, wars like Afghanistan, and the jews. They keep rolling the Ruble through WW2, due to the fact that money is still being berg'd by the jews, so they continue the offensive against Gentiles despite the fact they deem themselves as Russian and or Gentiles.

The reality is the Soviet Union was great at fucking things up. She should be reminded of the fact that when buying things people had to actually order forms and spend months or years waiting for furniture. Her entire premise of the Soviet greatness is merely propaganda. Much like jewish wet dreams; "It was real because it was in my mind". "Oy vey Goyim it was real cause it was in our minds now bow down and accept the mental tricknology of realness".

AidhaNitya's Mother: "It was great cause I was under propaganda spell".

Despite the fact I'm not telling you to tell her your a National Socialist nor especially a Spiritual Satanist. Next time she speaks favorably it's not out of the question to remind her of the bad things. In simplest terms her ignorance is easily fixable without delving into Nazism or Satanism. In fact her being a woman is kinda the problem. Women seem more emotionally connected to propaganda, simply speaking emotionally might wake her up to do her own research. Again you don't have to reveal anything but in the future you can state something like "I've done research on the Nazis and they state things that happened in Russia based on what the communists did and they did great evil towards our Russian people" "Why would communist hurt our people if they were here to help us and why did Nazis come and help our people when they were the enemy, even the Germans deemed themselves liberators of Russia and the Russians that worked for the Germans stated they came to liberate us."

In other words once some time passes and she gets in her head that she is wrong. You can push her a bit and help her out. Unfortunately many modern Russians fool themselves with the soviet lie of greatness. It's basically "Instead of Maga it's MSUGA, Make Soviet Union Great Again." Unfortunately as scary as it sounds with rabbi putin wanting his neo-soviet union I'm surprised he didn't jump on the trump bandwagon and pumped the MSUGA.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
