Cześć, rosyjski kolego.
It should be emphasized that the one ethnicity that bars you from becoming a Spiritual Satanist, is Jewish blood. Now communism - and thus the entirety of the Jewish, not Russian, USSR - is a Jewish ideology, but this does not "infect" so-to-speak the souls of Gentile victims living under communism. Nor does your father being a White Italian fellow.
Communist thinking goes against the natural order of how Humans like to organize and live together, so believing in communist ideas can harm you mentally as you are trying to accept ideas designed to not work well with people. But your soul is not beyond helping here, especially since you understand that the USSR was one of the most abominable nations the Jews spawned into being.
Russians have the potential to be powerful and outright deadly warriors for Father Satan. Such is one reason why the Jews targeted them the way they have. You should be proud of your blood and work to empower yourself spiritually through meditation so you can be among the Russians who will help transition this world into a Satanic Age.