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Joy Of Satan On I2P - I2P Site


Active member
Oct 27, 2021
Greetings, Wonderful Satanic Family.

A great Project was started in the past and the results are now available. The goal was to share the writings of SS members on another user interface, which is none other than an encrypted and anonymous network - I2P.

I won't go into the full working principle of I2P, but it is somewhat similar to the Tor network.

From the I2P Site - "The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is a fully encrypted private network layer that has been developed with privacy and security by design in order to provide protection for your activity, location and your identity.

The software ships with a router that connects you to the network and applications for sharing, communicating and building.

The network at a glance is made up of a set of nodes ("routers") with a number of unidirectional inbound and outbound virtual paths ("tunnels", as outlined on the tunnel routing page). Each router is identified by a cryptographic Router Identity which is typically long lived. These routers communicate with each other through existing transport mechanisms (TCP, UDP, etc), passing various messages.

Client applications have their own cryptographic identifier ("Destination") which enables it to send and receive messages. These clients can connect to any router and authorize the temporary allocation ("lease") of some tunnels that will be used for sending and receiving messages through the network. I2P has its own internal network database (using a modification of the Kademlia algorithm) for distributing routing and contact information securely."

Since JoS is available on the surface web, on the Tor network, I thought it should be made available to some extent on the I2P network. To fully mobilize and migrate Joy Of Satan to I2P is not a simple task, as it takes a lot of time.

However, this site has a different purpose.

1) I2P users will be able to make the Truth widely known on this network, which will further increase the awareness of the Joy Of Satan, and thus more and more of our fellow human beings will wake up from the monumental ignorance that has unfortunately become rampant in our world.

2. In addition to the Joy Of Satan Library, I wanted members' writings to appear on other Satanic Sites, and in fact this I2P site serves that purpose.

3. To promote the Joy Of Satan 10-year plan and thereby bring the teachings of Joy Of Satan to as many people as possible.

There are already several writings on the site, but for now these are my writings. I have consulted with an SS and she has given me permission to publish her writings, of course in unchanged form, just as the writings on the Joy Of Satan Main Page are published in unchanged form.

One can infer from this that this is a Satanic Community site, where we can collectively decide what writings to put on the site. But before that, I would like to give you a guide to installing I2P on Linux.

But if there are SSs who use Windows, they have an easier time, because on Windows you just download the file, install and run it - that's it.

On Linux systems it's a bit different. These commands will work on most Debian systems, so for example on Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Parrot OS. On other systems the installation part in Terminal is different, but you can easily find a solution for that on the internet.

Download I2P from their site - https://geti2p.net/en/ - Select your system (Linux), this will redirect you to the I2P download page and start the download. Once downloaded, open Terminal and type the following:

cd Downloads


java -jar i2pinstall_2.1.0.jar

On Kali Linux and Parrot OS java is available by default, Ubuntu may have problems. As soon as you type "java -jar" you may get a message that you need to install something. Just copy these and install them with "sudo apt install". This will be OpenJDK.

At the end of the installer it will tell you what you can use to start I2P. In most cases, this will be "/home/your_username/i2p/i2prouter start" or "i2prouter start". You type this into Terminal and it will start.

The next step is to configure the browser. Change the "Always Incognito Mode" option to "Remember History", as the incognito mode can always do from HTTP to HTTPS. Turn off "Always HTTPS mode" while browsing I2P.

Don't worry, I2P requires this. This does not change your anonymity and security on the I2P network, it is required by I2P because I2P uses the HTTP protocol. Of course you can solve HTTPS with the "false.i2p" out-proxy, but that is not needed here.

In the settings section, click on the "Network Settings" section and change the HTTP and HTTPS Proxy to "", without quotes, and then for both, the port to "4444", again without quotes. That should solve this part.

Your first I2P experience will start with "" where you can configure things. If you just go to "Next" and "Next" and select "Finish" at the very end, you should have no problem. Wait for the "Bandwidth" test, it takes about 1 minute.

Once you are done with that, you can move on to the next part.

In the search box, you can start typing the pages you know. My site can be reached at "http://666spiritualsatanism666.i2p/" (without quotes). It will probably bring up a window and you can choose from 3 variations.

Click on "redirect with stats.i2p" and after a little waiting you will find yourself on the page. I'm not sure if it will say "redirect with stats.i2p", the main thing is to click on "stats.i2p jump service". Wait a little and the page will load.

That's it, from now on you can browse I2P sites in an encrypted, secure and anonymous way. I didn't use very complicated files for my site, so I just have the files in HTML and CSS format, in order to make it work with the appropriate and recommended security extensions.

Of course I could have included JavaScript, but I didn't feel the need to do that yet.

If you like the site itself and the idea, you can write your opinion on what should be improved. If you would like to have your writings displayed on the site, please add the URL of the posts to the comments and I will add it soon.

I was thinking primarily of the writings of people like Lydia, NakedPluto, Shadowcat, Blackdragon but I have not done anything with the writings and will not do so until their permission is received, as I will not display them on the site without the permission of the authors.

So far, my writings are up, High Priest and High Priestess Maxine Dietrich writings are up, but editing and displaying the writings is not going as fast as I thought it would, so it will have to wait, as there are over 100 of my post, not counting my books.

I would like to thank Satan and the Gods who have Helped me in an incredible way with this, and I would also like to especially thank Soaring Eagle for his advice, as his advice was also a great essence in getting the site to display.

It is advisable to use two browsers, one for I2P and one for the forums. If I may give you a piece of advice, configure Firefox as described here - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=80307&sid=8067ad2a597ad57220787724b45b435c, and use Firefox for I2P and Pale Moon for Forums.

Here is the Address - http://666spiritualsatanism666.i2p/

The Base32 Address - http://lqv4wnsany5yuogslbzlibtiurk6pnrxgt56drowspnqi7cdquia.b32.i2p/

One more thing Number Two - The I2P site works as long as I am online. It's not like Clear Net sites, which unfortunately are available all day. I try to make the site available as long as possible each day.

If I forget anything else (I tend to), I'll post more.

Very well :)

Thank you for doing this for all the people to access the JOS writings.

I think you should include the Astrology Lessons from Blackdragon, our proud Black JG as he shared a lot of useful information :).

In my opinion, going with writings that are from Blitzkreig is also a good option as there are a lot of helpful guides with runes and specific affirmations.

Of course, after the permission is granted hehe :mrgreen:
I have no idea what I2P is, but what I write here is fully public and to help SS and interested outsiders, so post freely.
Big Doggo Boy said:
Very well :)

Thank you for doing this for all the people to access the JOS writings.

I think you should include the Astrology Lessons from Blackdragon, our proud Black JG as he shared a lot of useful information :).

In my opinion, going with writings that are from Blitzkreig is also a good option as there are a lot of helpful guides with runes and specific affirmations.

Of course, after the permission is granted hehe :mrgreen:

Of course, there are more writings to be included, which is why it is necessary to collect the writings under this theme, which need to be displayed so that many people read them.
BrightSpace666 said:

As mentioned to you, you have my permission. If this positively influences quality people to come to Jos and the Gods then i'm all for it. Blitzkrieg also has a lot of great posts also, especially for TCM, I believe Centralforce666 will have good TCM input on these forums here and there as well.

I will look at the site when i have some time soon.

Only thing is, Do not edit anyone's posts in any way, especially by deleting and recreating whole sentences. Leave everything as is.
NakedPluto said:
I have no idea what I2P is, but what I write here is fully public and to help SS and interested outsiders, so post freely.

@BrightSpace666, Same with my posts ^

If any of mine are related to a specific time (like any workings mentioning an ideal upcoming date which is now passed), you can go ahead and insert something like [Note: this date has since passed, you can look at the SS Calendar for more ideal upcoming dates] and maybe link to the SS Calendar in the JoS-astro.com
NakedPluto said:
I have no idea what I2P is, but what I write here is fully public and to help SS and interested outsiders, so post freely.

I2P is another Internet anonymization tool, but, unlike TOR browser it mostly focuses on IP addresses of the websites you access, ie. the IP of the server 123.456.789 .

That is why I2P (Internet-to-peer) is more technical in perspective, but, if certain commands are learned, I2P can be easily used to navigate freely and anonymous.
Shadowcat said:
BrightSpace666 said:

As mentioned to you, you have my permission. If this positively influences quality people to come to Jos and the Gods then i'm all for it. Blitzkrieg also has a lot of great posts also, especially for TCM, I believe Centralforce666 will have good TCM input on these forums here and there as well.

I will look at the site when i have some time soon.

Only thing is, Do not edit anyone's posts in any way, especially by deleting and recreating whole sentences. Leave everything as is.

Yes, more people's writings should be posting, but on the "Writings" site is currently listed for about 8 people, which I need to increase. There is already a lot of writing on the site and it is growing. The "Exposing Christianity" column should definitely be moved, although I have navigated there several times on my site.

Though Exposing Christianity itself is long, and pages like Third Reich or Black For Satan, or the Satan's Library itself, should be available there as well. Although, since Satan's Library is almost a PDF, this could probably be done more quickly, and with an I2P Mirror in addition to Clear Net and Tor.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=415905 time=1674566788 user_id=57]
NakedPluto said:
I have no idea what I2P is, but what I write here is fully public and to help SS and interested outsiders, so post freely.

@BrightSpace666, Same with my posts ^

If any of mine are related to a specific time (like any workings mentioning an ideal upcoming date which is now passed), you can go ahead and insert something like [Note: this date has since passed, you can look at the SS Calendar for more ideal upcoming dates] and maybe link to the SS Calendar in the JoS-astro.com

I completely forgot the JoS Astrology part, good that you mentioned it.
BrightSpace666 said:
One more thing Number Two - The I2P site works as long as I am online. It's not like Clear Net sites, which unfortunately are available all day. I try to make the site available as long as possible each day.

If I forget anything else (I tend to), I'll post more.


You can put it on a thin client. On ebay there's the HP t620 that is quite cheap to buy and cheap to run.
Master.mind said:
BrightSpace666 said:
One more thing Number Two - The I2P site works as long as I am online. It's not like Clear Net sites, which unfortunately are available all day. I try to make the site available as long as possible each day.

If I forget anything else (I tend to), I'll post more.


You can put it on a thin client. On ebay there's the HP t620 that is quite cheap to buy and cheap to run.

Not a bad idea, thanks.
Everything I write is public as well, use freely.
SATchives said:
Everything I write is public as well, use freely.

Although the site is on hiatus due to certain reasons and "dubious" processes, if this "dubious" process succeeds, something really great will come out of it.
BrightSpace666 said:
SATchives said:
Everything I write is public as well, use freely.

Although the site is on hiatus due to certain reasons and "dubious" processes, if this "dubious" process succeeds, something really great will come out of it.

Looking forward to the success
Thank you, downloaded it (I don't understand a thing).
blueFlame666 said:
Thank you, downloaded it (I don't understand a thing).


What do you need help with? Having problems with I2P or accessing the site? If it is the latter, it is not your fault, the site is currently paused.

This will not be the case for long, but as things stand at the moment it is necessary.
I2P JoS is a good idea. One can also access the I2P network via the F-Droid I2P app, if one does not have Linux.

As for not having a steady up-time, I am sure that you will figure it out. Satan is going to guide you to the answers that you are looking for, as He always does.

I2P can also be used on jewdows (windows), but it's NOT recommended. Using I2P on jewdows comes with a lot of risks, but it is possible, if you have the know-how. Of course, the best way to use I2P would be inside Whonix, or via Tails OS.

Keep up the good work!

At what times will the site be available?
AFODO said:
At what times will the site be available?

The site was available for a while. Then where I registered the page, it disappeared, so at least I can't find it anywhere, I made a new one. However, I'm not making it available for the time being, because I have plans to add more pages to my site, but these are just plans and I don't want to do anything with it until then.

As for the new page, this post will become obsolete, at least as far as the contact details it contains are concerned. The new page will be announced as soon as it is ready, but it's a longer process.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
