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JEWISH RITUAL MURDER: Serial killers are all JEWS


New member
Dec 2, 2006
Ever wonder why the media always portrays whites as insane serial killers but the killer in question always has a jewish name?
This list should explain alot.
But of course I'll start with the infamous jack the JEWISH ripper, Aaron Kosminski.
This was an obvious conclusion that the police KNEW this jew was the killer because the instant Kosminski got thrown in a nuthouse the cops quit patrolling for Jack.

Well here is another long list of jewish serial killers the media intentionally portrayed as "evil white men psychos"

Among the jewish loonies in this list are: Son of Sam, The "shoemaker",  and many more!

Jew Serial Killers  Isn't that so like a jew to blame white people for their own crimes even when it comes to serial killers who in truth are jews carrying out ritual mass murder.

This of course got the jews banned from Europe 109 times in addition to the crimes of rape, robbery, slave running, fraud, racketeering, pedophilia, cannibalism, extortion, political subterfuge, assassinations, war profiteering and alot of crimes that are so deranged and so hideous they dont even HAVE names in any language on earth.

So I think we can all agree that with the exception of the VERY VERY RARE white man who probably was raised by xians or on drugs, nearly ALL serial killers were and are in fact JEWS!

Blacks dont make the list because blacks are already mass murderers and most of their crimes are drug and gang related.
Although these blacks DO commit 50% of all crime in white European nations, mainly here in JEWmerica, whereas in Europe and Australia the percentage of all crimes committed by non-whites are more like 99%....
Holy SHIT that's even worse than in JEWmerica! Of course that is also counting all the muslims and mestizos and not just the blacks but hold on.

Statistically if I counted mexicans, muslims and blacks in JEWmerica that's STILL 90% of all crime in the country!
50% of the crime being committed by blacks, the other 40% being committed by jews, muslims and mexicans.
90% of the most wanted lists in every state for federal crimes are illegal mexican immigrants,
99% of organized serial murder being committed by jews and the occasional christian psychopath regardless of ethnicity.
90% of interracial crime being black on white crime, 50% of which is blacks gang raping white women.

And as for the jews, well they never make the news and when they do the media FALSELY portrays them as "white psychopaths/pedophiles"

Well if you look into the background history of serial killers nearly ALL of them were jews!

What about the other 10% of crimes actually committed by whites?
These are more often than not "murders" where whites were DEFENDING THEMSELVES from racist blacks who were trying to kill them, such as those 5 white boys who are now in jail because they shot several black lives matter TERRORISTS because those blacks tried to beat them to death!

The news media LIED and said these blacks were unarmed protesters but some of the black lives matter thugs in question admitted that the blacks who did get shot were trying to kill these whites and that they were warned the whites they were chasing had guns.

When the dindu lives matter thugs ignore the few remotely intelligent blacks who told them not to chase down those white kids because they were armed those thugs got shot and the cops arrested the white VICTIMS who were just defending themselves!


It's very sad really that so many black people are actually such disrespectful and criminal people. 
They were very peaceful people untill the jews decided they should enslave them and use them as pack horses because they were free for the taking... 

Now the jews rile them up against us whites by making the blacks who are the most suseptible to manipulation of all the races believe the lies that white people were responsible for the slave trading and that white people are racist black haters. 

Mass murder is absolutly terrible and disgusting, but the most disgusting people are the ones that go after innocent woman and gang rape them or in the worst case rape and kill them afterwards.. 
The mind of the jew is so vile there seriously aren't any words to discribe it. 
To top it off they are so sly, the only way to see through their lies is to be free of their dogma entirely.. 

The black people have degraded the most of all the gentile races aswell.. Becomming almost like wild beasts in some cases instead of the culturally advanced mighty people they could be.. Despite how disgusting they all are it is sad since in the end they are just victims of the jew. Still that doesn't mean they should go unpunished. 

The jew hasn't tasted suffering in centuries. After we win the war all of the suffering they have caused the world is comming back and being unleashed right back at them. The curses they been reinforcing for thousands of years and the hell they have visualized to torment the gentile peoples is in the end their own prison. We don't even need to stain our hands in their vile blood, they are their own undoing. 
Just as the creation of the jews was most vile and unnatural, their end is just as deranged and sickening. 

If they had been taking the same level of abuse that our peoples have recieved for thousands of years by their hand they would have crumbled within less than a day. They are weak and just drunk on their own stolen power. When reality is smacked in their hidious faces they wish they had never been born. 

Geez!From: "angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] Sender: [email protected] Date: 10 Mar 2016 07:24:54 -0800To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [JoyofSatan666] JEWISH RITUAL MURDER: Serial killers are all JEWS
  Ever wonder why the media always portrays whites as insane serial killers but the killer in question always has a jewish name?
This list should explain alot.
But of course I'll start with the infamous jack the JEWISH ripper, Aaron Kosminski.
This was an obvious conclusion that the police KNEW this jew was the killer because the instant Kosminski got thrown in a nuthouse the cops quit patrolling for Jack.

Well here is another long list of jewish serial killers the media intentionally portrayed as "evil white men psychos"

Among the jewish loonies in this list are: Son of Sam, The "shoemaker",  and many more!

Jew Serial Killers  Isn't that so like a jew to blame white people for their own crimes even when it comes to serial killers who in truth are jews carrying out ritual mass murder.

This of course got the jews banned from Europe 109 times in addition to the crimes of rape, robbery, slave running, fraud, racketeering, pedophilia, cannibalism, extortion, political subterfuge, assassinations, war profiteering and alot of crimes that are so deranged and so hideous they dont even HAVE names in any language on earth.

So I think we can all agree that with the exception of the VERY VERY RARE white man who probably was raised by xians or on drugs, nearly ALL serial killers were and are in fact JEWS!

Blacks dont make the list because blacks are already mass murderers and most of their crimes are drug and gang related.
Although these blacks DO commit 50% of all crime in white European nations, mainly here in JEWmerica, whereas in Europe and Australia the percentage of all crimes committed by non-whites are more like 99%....
Holy SHIT that's even worse than in JEWmerica! Of course that is also counting all the muslims and mestizos and not just the blacks but hold on.

Statistically if I counted mexicans, muslims and blacks in JEWmerica that's STILL 90% of all crime in the country!
50% of the crime being committed by blacks, the other 40% being committed by jews, muslims and mexicans.
90% of the most wanted lists in every state for federal crimes are illegal mexican immigrants,
99% of organized serial murder being committed by jews and the occasional christian psychopath regardless of ethnicity.
90% of interracial crime being black on white crime, 50% of which is blacks gang raping white women.

And as for the jews, well they never make the news and when they do the media FALSELY portrays them as "white psychopaths/pedophiles"

Well if you look into the background history of serial killers nearly ALL of them were jews!

What about the other 10% of crimes actually committed by whites?
These are more often than not "murders" where whites were DEFENDING THEMSELVES from racist blacks who were trying to kill them, such as those 5 white boys who are now in jail because they shot several black lives matter TERRORISTS because those blacks tried to beat them to death!

The news media LIED and said these blacks were unarmed protesters but some of the black lives matter thugs in question admitted that the blacks who did get shot were trying to kill these whites and that they were warned the whites they were chasing had guns.

When the dindu lives matter thugs ignore the few remotely intelligent blacks who told them not to chase down those white kids because they were armed those thugs got shot and the cops arrested the white VICTIMS who were just defending themselves!


well said!And for this purpose I have made a topic linking the eternal jew!A must watch for ANY dedicated SS!

On Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:07 AM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  It's very sad really that so many black people are actually such disrespectful and criminal people. 
They were very peaceful people untill the jews decided they should enslave them and use them as pack horses because they were free for the taking... 

Now the jews rile them up against us whites by making the blacks who are the most suseptible to manipulation of all the races believe the lies that white people were responsible for the slave trading and that white people are racist black haters. 

Mass murder is absolutly terrible and disgusting, but the most disgusting people are the ones that go after innocent woman and gang rape them or in the worst case rape and kill them afterwards.. 
The mind of the jew is so vile there seriously aren't any words to discribe it. 
To top it off they are so sly, the only way to see through their lies is to be free of their dogma entirely.. 

The black people have degraded the most of all the gentile races aswell.. Becomming almost like wild beasts in some cases instead of the culturally advanced mighty people they could be.. Despite how disgusting they all are it is sad since in the end they are just victims of the jew. Still that doesn't mean they should go unpunished. 

The jew hasn't tasted suffering in centuries. After we win the war all of the suffering they have caused the world is comming back and being unleashed right back at them. The curses they been reinforcing for thousands of years and the hell they have visualized to torment the gentile peoples is in the end their own prison. We don't even need to stain our hands in their vile blood, they are their own undoing. 
Just as the creation of the jews was most vile and unnatural, their end is just as deranged and sickening. 

If they had been taking the same level of abuse that our peoples have recieved for thousands of years by their hand they would have crumbled within less than a day. They are weak and just drunk on their own stolen power. When reality is smacked in their hidious faces they wish they had never been born. 


Ooh just as a disclaimer before people start asking, I didn't mean to give any racial disrespect. 
I was just noting the sad state the gentile black people have found themselves in because of the jewish lies that they believe.. 
This too is what Azazel was referring to when he mentioned his utter disgust for humanity's current and hideously degenerated state.

On Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:01 PM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Ooh just as a disclaimer before people start asking, I didn't mean to give any racial disrespect. 
I was just noting the sad state the gentile black people have found themselves in because of the jewish lies that they believe.. 

@Luka No, I do disagree Blacks are disrespectful etc. Maybe Not Africans you mean anyway.... There are bad people everywhere. There's too much good about the bad of us and too much bad about the good of us such that it becomes preposterous to speak ill of the next person.... I'm a Black African, pursuing my career in soccer I've met too many Whites, Americans etc, none spoke ill of me... If another Black guy did something somewhere, it isn't a yardstick to see the rest, to stereotype. I agree and I've always had issues against the Jews and Christians/Christianity. I've asked questions here but it seemed no one cared to answer or only chose to answer .... Most Satanist here speak with such hate they sound like they have nÓ idea whom Father SÀtan is. I mÁy I may be less than a month old as an SS but it doesn't deny me of logical thoughts. I've asked questions that directs to my race: Black Africa with Nigeria as a point of reference but I never got answers.... Í can't but mention that I've perceived elements of sheer racism from one or two people,(not of the Jews but blacks) and it hurts and it's hypocritical as we all know Satan stands for a whole lot including but not limited to love, diversity etc....

AVE SATANAS!From: "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] Sender: [email protected] Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 21:54:28 +0000 (UTC)To: [email protected]<[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: JEWISH RITUAL MURDER: Serial killers are all JEWS
  well said!And for this purpose I have made a topic linking the eternal jew!A must watch for ANY dedicated SS!

On Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:07 AM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  It's very sad really that so many black people are actually such disrespectful and criminal people. 
They were very peaceful people untill the jews decided they should enslave them and use them as pack horses because they were free for the taking... 

Now the jews rile them up against us whites by making the blacks who are the most suseptible to manipulation of all the races believe the lies that white people were responsible for the slave trading and that white people are racist black haters. 

Mass murder is absolutly terrible and disgusting, but the most disgusting people are the ones that go after innocent woman and gang rape them or in the worst case rape and kill them afterwards.. 
The mind of the jew is so vile there seriously aren't any words to discribe it. 
To top it off they are so sly, the only way to see through their lies is to be free of their dogma entirely.. 

The black people have degraded the most of all the gentile races aswell.. Becomming almost like wild beasts in some cases instead of the culturally advanced mighty people they could be.. Despite how disgusting they all are it is sad since in the end they are just victims of the jew. Still that doesn't mean they should go unpunished. 

The jew hasn't tasted suffering in centuries. After we win the war all of the suffering they have caused the world is comming back and being unleashed right back at them. The curses they been reinforcing for thousands of years and the hell they have visualized to torment the gentile peoples is in the end their own prison. We don't even need to stain our hands in their vile blood, they are their own undoing. 
Just as the creation of the jews was most vile and unnatural, their end is just as deranged and sickening. 

If they had been taking the same level of abuse that our peoples have recieved for thousands of years by their hand they would have crumbled within less than a day. They are weak and just drunk on their own stolen power. When reality is smacked in their hidious faces they wish they had never been born. 


I've studied serial killers (former psych major here), and it's true that most of them are jews. The ones who are not, from my research, were raised as xian and developed deep psychological issues from xianity.
A book I recommend for anyone interested, is Serial Killers: The Method and Madness of Monsters by Peter Vronsky. I believe he is Gentile, looking at his pics. Lots of good info in it, and tips on what to look out for. 
FYI- you know Joan of Arc? Her right hand man, Gille De Rais, was a mass pedophile/torturer/murderer. We're talking in the hundreds, mainly young boys he kidnapped (under the rouse of hiring them to be staff in his castle) and tortured, raped, and killed them. Very sadistically. I'm digressing a bit though. 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
