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Is JoS a Cult?


New member
Apr 28, 2022
Is Joy of Satan a cult? Convince me it isn't.

It promotes hating jews. Thus alienating itself.
It promotes hate for members that are against or unwilling or not understanding of the principles.

Only the the few chosen get to annouce and tell everyone what comes next.

Only the few chosen seem to get instructions from the higher beings. I have never gotten instructions.

It has very few minorities (hence seems to promote ideologies for the white)

It promotes separatism which scares me sometimes when i think about it. Because i do feel like we need each other.

It shows basics of doing magick but doesn't share the powerful methods.

It promotes donations of which other than running the site and forums i don't know anything else the donations are used for.

It keeps secrets such as not telling where the leader is or what is happening.

I am not a jew. I have no jewish friends. I am not in anyway connected to christian programming.

It promotes sex and tells men to avoid no fap yet with my experience no fap was the only thing that made me feel human. It was a most powerful experience for me.

I do wanna honestly know if JoS is A cult. Because i am starting to have doubts. I have faced so much struggle walking in this path. 80% of the time i have felt alone and lonely. I have never felt any powerful presence of the gods. I don't even sense my Guardian Demon. I feel so confused and alone. My life is in turmoil. The things i thought i would have gained through the 11 years joining this path i gained only 10%. This is not natural for me. I don't feel normal most of the time. I feel like i am living in a bubble. If this post won't go through, i probably would think JoS is a cult.
Curious666 said:

None of this means JoS is a "cult". By your definitions, many places could be considered that way. Does JoS abuse you? Do we try to restrict your freedom? Do we prevent you from leaving? Do we say to run away from your family?

If you try to work a job at some business, you would become shocked to see that a hierarchy also exists there, which includes have leaders, keeping "secrets", organization of cash flow, dislike of people who don't do their job, etc.

Many of these things are necessary for any organization.

Also, donations are used for expansion of the site. How can we advertise, for example?


Anyway, I am empathetic if you are going through a hard time, but you cannot turn around and claim JoS is the problem. You would do better to explain these problems and concerns, either to us or Satan, so we can help you solve them.

For your spiritual questions: The Gods are always guiding us, whether we can hear them or not. Be open to their signs and continue to meditate on their sigils.

JoS does not promote separatism or races. The races should be allied and cooperative. There are many minorities here. Just because there is not an equal proportion doesn't mean we don't support them. How are we supposed to make this equal? We cannot force people to join JoS. If you know of any minorities who will join, safely send them here.

We stand for spiritual advancement, which the jews are opposed to. They blaspheme and attack our Gods, and directly try to replace them. How can we ever spiritually align with them? Their magical systems directly oppose ours.

Nofap is bad in the case of over-restriction of sexual energy. This is different from giving yourself time to recharge, or distancing yourself from porn.

I hope that answers everything. Please don't jump to the worst conclusions about JoS just due to having a few questions.
Are you sure you understand what a cult is? Most of the things you post have nothing to do with a cult. I'll reply to them and then state what an actual cult is or does and I will show that the JoS does the exact opposite things of a cult:

Curious666 said:
It promotes hating jews. Thus alienating itself.

That's not what a cult is or does. Literally every religion hates different groups of people, by your logic all are cults.

Curious666 said:
It promotes hate for members that are against or unwilling or not understanding of the principles.

It doesn't do such thing, but even if it did, that's not what a cult is or does.

Curious666 said:
Only the the few chosen get to annouce and tell everyone what comes next.

No, they don't. It's been said that you can question things and work to ask Satan for yourself and you don't have to believe anything if you are not sure about it. The High Priests are here for guidance, but again you don't have to blindly believe what they say.

Curious666 said:
Only the few chosen seem to get instructions from the higher beings. I have never gotten instructions.

Those who work to develop their astral senses and build relationship with the Gods can work with them, but it usually takes time. Again that's not what a cult says. A cult leader typically says that only he is a mediator between the God/Gods and nobody else can communicate with them and you have to blindly obey him. The JoS encourages people to question things and work to ask Satan and not just blindly believe things.

Curious666 said:
It has very few minorities (hence seems to promote ideologies for the white)

It promotes separatism which scares me sometimes when i think about it. Because i do feel like we need each other.

Again, that's not what a cult is or does. Separatism doesn't make something a cult. Every religion is separatist. Also, on Western countries the majority are White so of course in every Western-originated religion most people are White, including Western Buddhism, Wicca and others. There's no affirmative action or other bullshit here.

Curious666 said:
It shows basics of doing magick but doesn't share the powerful methods.

Actually everything you need to do for magick is on JoS. It has even an advanced section with workings that have many warnings in them. You can't really find more advanced magick anywhere on Internet or the books other than from JoS.

Curious666 said:
It promotes donations of which other than running the site and forums i don't know anything else the donations are used for.

Again, that's not what a cult is or does. A donation is completely optional and you are not forced to donate, unlike in actual cults where they demand money for membership or other reasons.

Curious666 said:
It keeps secrets such as not telling where the leader is or what is happening.

Not even sure what you mean by that, and I'm pretty sure that it's something that has nothing to do with a cult. Literally an online anonymous group cannot give personal info, either of clergy members or average people.

Curious666 said:
It promotes sex and tells men to avoid no fap yet with my experience no fap was the only thing that made me feel human. It was a most powerful experience for me.

Again, that's not what a cult is or does. In my experience, I tried no fap and made me feel like a zombie. I was a human again after I started having sex.

Curious666 said:
If this post won't go through, i probably would think JoS is a cult.

Again, that's not what a cult is or does.

Let me describe briefly what a cult does. A real cult:

  • Has a charismatic leader who claims to be the mediator who is the only one who communicates with the god or gods and everyone is supposed to blindly obey.
  • The cult leader uses members for his own gratification and purposes.
  • Alienates people from their families, often having them live in their own separated community with no contact with their loved ones
  • Gathers as much personal info as possible from people to blackmail them in case they are trying to leave.
  • Is usually based in real life and not just an online group, for obvious reasons: you can't control anonymous people on the internet
  • The cult usually demands lots of money from the members and not just donations which are optional
  • A cult is easy to join but hard to leave, as they will blackmail you and stalk you if you try to leave

You can see from the above list that neither of them is true for the JoS:

There isn't a "leader" here but some HPs who act as guides. HPs Maxine, the founder of JoS, has said multiple times that she will never put up her real photo or personal info online because she doesn't want people to focus on her person, but the info that she shows people. This is contrary to what cult leaders do, where they want to worship their person.

It's impossible to physically separate you in an online forum and nobody advises anyone to separate from their families.

An anonymous forum where you can make an anonymous account can't gather any personal info about you and can't blackmail you.

There's zero money for membership here, unlike other Satanic or other organizations which demand money to join and/or have you swear an oath that you will not reveal anything to anyone else. Someone posted a website of Luciferian order in which there was almost no info or teachings available, but said that its teachings are secret, you have to join to get them, you have to pay money to join, and you have to swear not to reveal anything to anyone. Despite that, that order isn't probably a cult, so more for an organization in which every single one of its teachings is available online for free.

You can easily leave JoS: all you have to do is log off from this forum and never come back, stop practicing SS and just do something else and go on with your life. Nobody will blackmail you because you joined using an anonymous account.
Curious666 said:
Is Joy of Satan a cult? Convince me it isn't.
How Is A Real Cult? The Story Of A Real Cult - Post By Tabby - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Curious666 said:
It promotes hating jews. Thus alienating itself.
Oy vey
Curious666 said:
It promotes hate for members that are against or unwilling or not understanding of the principles.
Cite one example.
Curious666 said:
Only the the few chosen get to annouce and tell everyone what comes next.
Curious666 said:
Only the few chosen seem to get instructions from the higher beings. I have never gotten instructions.
Experiences With The Gods: Levels of Experiences - HP. Hoodedcobra666
It has very few minorities (hence seems to promote ideologies for the white)
National Socialism is applicable to all races.
Curious666 said:
It promotes separatism which scares me sometimes when i think about it. Because i do feel like we need each other.
Rainbows are beautiful because each color is distinct. What happens if we mix it all together?
You don't need foreigners. You need your country men and women.
Curious666 said:
It shows basics of doing magick but doesn't share the powerful methods.
Curious666 said:
It promotes donations of which other than running the site and forums i don't know anything else the donations are used for.
Donations FAQ - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Curious666 said:
It keeps secrets such as not telling where the leader is or what is happening.
Re: The demotion,Maxine,and the slide show
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HPS Maxine is to be treated in the highest regard and her inscription on the JoS is permanent.

High Priestess is her eternal title.

She's also perfectly fine and unable to be harmed in anyway, shape or form, so don't sound false alarms.
Curious666 said:
I am not a jew. I have no jewish friends. I am not in anyway connected to christian programming.
Curious666 said:
It promotes sex and tells men to avoid no fap yet with my experience no fap was the only thing that made me feel human. It was a most powerful experience for me.
On Celibacy - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Curious666 said:
I do wanna honestly know if JoS is A cult. Because i am starting to have doubts. I have faced so much struggle walking in this path. 80% of the time i have felt alone and lonely. I have never felt any powerful presence of the gods. I don't even sense my Guardian Demon. I feel so confused and alone. My life is in turmoil. The things i thought i would have gained through the 11 years joining this path i gained only 10%. This is not natural for me. I don't feel normal most of the time. I feel like i am living in a bubble. If this post won't go through, i probably would think JoS is a cult.
Excuses About Meditation - And its Necessity
Functions Of The Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles In Meditation
Being "Stuck" With Meditation, Patience, Overcoming Obstacles
The Fast Path: Meditation In JoS
Happy Mistakes - About Rituals and Meditations
Functions Of The Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles In Meditation
Advancing Properly: Bring Yourself To A State For Meditation
- HP. Hoodedcobra666
Never Surrender / Obstacles - NakedPluto
How to correctly handle a severely bad hand of fate. My testimonial. - serpentwalker666
Curious666 said:
I do wanna honestly know if JoS is A cult. Because i am starting to have doubts. I have faced so much struggle walking in this path. 80% of the time i have felt alone and lonely. I have never felt any powerful presence of the gods. I don't even sense my Guardian Demon. I feel so confused and alone. My life is in turmoil. The things i thought i would have gained through the 11 years joining this path i gained only 10%. This is not natural for me. I don't feel normal most of the time. I feel like i am living in a bubble. If this post won't go through, i probably would think JoS is a cult.

Listen to the helpful posts that everyone has left you above, Jos isn't a cult. Don't blame Jos because of your difficulties, you must take accountability and focus on what is preventing you from your advancement.

You aren't alone, You have Father Satan and the Gods, and all of us here. Your Guardian is there with you even when you can't sense them yet. Keep some faith in this. Even if you don't know who your GD is, you can still meditate and speak with them about your concerns. As well as speaking to Father Satan. Everyone advances at their own pace, but you have to really try.

If you feel like you've reached a barrier, think on what could be causing it. Are you practicing a good and organized routine daily? Are you meditating every day? Are you doing daily protection and Rtrs? Have you been keeping up with returning curses and cleaning your aura? It's not much different from exercise. It's not healthy to start accusing Jos of being a cult just because you haven't advanced as much as you'd like. For example, so many overweight people will blame everything from genetics, the food industry, even their doctors. But the issue is they haven't been keeping up with diet, medications, working out, eating less junk, etc. And they are looking for a scapegoat to blame for their inactivity and bad habits.

Oftentimes people will get upset when stuff like this is pointed out because they feel personally called out, or attacked, instead of letting the helpful advice actually point them in the right direction. Don't feel bad about your lack of advancement. Just try to find out what you can do to get yourself back on the right track. Don't give up on yourself, or Jos. And most importantly don't lose faith or give up on the Gods. They have never given up on us. They are always there to help us and guide us, when we are serious and ask them for their help. And this should give you comfort.

You have to be consistent with your daily routine then you will see real and legitimate results. You need to step back and look at what you do daily and try to figure out what is causing you these issues. Ask for guidance from the Gods. Don't play the blame game, introspect and challenge yourself to change bad habits and form better and new ones. It will get better, nothing is going to be easy at first but once you start buckling down and working harder towards your personal goals, things will start going smoothly and fall in to place.

Good Luck!
Curious666 said:
Is Joy of Satan a cult? Convince me it isn't.

It promotes hating jews. Thus alienating itself.
It promotes hate for members that are against or unwilling or not understanding of the principles.

Only the the few chosen get to annouce and tell everyone what comes next.

Only the few chosen seem to get instructions from the higher beings. I have never gotten instructions.

It has very few minorities (hence seems to promote ideologies for the white)

It promotes separatism which scares me sometimes when i think about it. Because i do feel like we need each other.

It shows basics of doing magick but doesn't share the powerful methods.

It promotes donations of which other than running the site and forums i don't know anything else the donations are used for.

It keeps secrets such as not telling where the leader is or what is happening.

I am not a jew. I have no jewish friends. I am not in anyway connected to christian programming.

It promotes sex and tells men to avoid no fap yet with my experience no fap was the only thing that made me feel human. It was a most powerful experience for me.

I do wanna honestly know if JoS is A cult. Because i am starting to have doubts. I have faced so much struggle walking in this path. 80% of the time i have felt alone and lonely. I have never felt any powerful presence of the gods. I don't even sense my Guardian Demon. I feel so confused and alone. My life is in turmoil. The things i thought i would have gained through the 11 years joining this path i gained only 10%. This is not natural for me. I don't feel normal most of the time. I feel like i am living in a bubble. If this post won't go through, i probably would think JoS is a cult.
It promotes hating jews. Thus alienating itself.
This sentence is very non-sensical and weird. If we promote hating jews how are we alienating ourselves? Does that mean that jews are the entire human race, thus we are "alienated" by hating them?

If we promote hating jews we aren't alienating ourselves, rather alienating them. (the jews)

Also, we don't promote hating jews. We hate jews because of what they are, what they have done, and have been consistenly doing.

It promotes hate for members that are against or unwilling or not understanding of the principles.
We don't hate members that are against, or unwilling to follow our principles. An example for this is someone who says they love doing drugs because it helps them feel good spiritually. Then an SS member tells them drugs that drugs will fuck your life up and make you spiritually and mentally retarded.

This is not hate. This is just stating facts and truths that might make you feel bad about yourself.

In fact there are no specific rules or principals that Satanism dictates. You're free to do as you wish and are encouraged to have free thought. Although, the rules of nature and common sense will still apply. If you harm yourself or others consistenly, you'll get harmed. No shit.

Another example is why we are against race mixing. What is the most obvious end result of race mixing eventually, scientifically? Is it diversity and peace? No, you'll get extinct races and LACK of diversity. There won't be white people, black people, or asians. People will just be a mesh of races with no clear identity. Again, for anyone who studied genetics, no shit.

Only the the few chosen get to annouce and tell everyone what comes next.
Well, no shit. That's what happens in literally every organization on Earth. You have a hierarchy, and levels of management. Some stuff gets to the top management first. Well, yeah, of course they will dumbass. That's why they are management. They have worked hard for years and earned the trust of the organization with the sheer effort, focus, and hardwork. Not to mention meditation and studying from as far as the 2000's.

Only the few chosen seem to get instructions from the higher beings. I have never gotten instructions.
How is your meditation schedule? Are you meditating?

If not, start meditating properly and put some work into it. Messages from the Gods will start to open up for you bit by bit. Accordingly to the spiritual work you put in.

It has very few minorities (hence seems to promote ideologies for the white)
Yeah, sure. It has very few minorities to the point it has a dedicated forum for blacks, and asians.

One of the most wise, reliable and hard working spiritual satanists I know are black btw. I don't get why you get the feeling JoS discriminates.

Additionally, JoS have been working very tediously to translate to languages to reach even more gentiles, or "minorities" as you call them and have been very succssful.

It promotes separatism which scares me sometimes when i think about it. Because i do feel like we need each other.
JoS doesn't promote seperatism. You just saw that in your head.

HP and as a general rule JoS have explained in many writings the value of family, friendships, community, mothers, fathers, and love. Because they are sacred to Satan and the Gods.

It shows basics of doing magick but doesn't share the powerful methods.
This is very dumb. Did you do all the meditations then? Have you mastered the elements and can do telekinesis and lift even a piece of paper now that makes you feel that all magick shared on JoS "basics"? My man have you even read all the website's articles?

It promotes donations of which other than running the site and forums i don't know anything else the donations are used for.
If you don't want to donate, you don't have to. No one is gonna ask you to, either.

But donations are used for more than that. The donations page includes the very info that explains what the donations are used for. If you decide the reasons are worth it you can donate. If you think you don't want to, then don't.

Motherfuckers would easily donate thousands upon thousands of their hard earned cash for hot twitch streamers and onlyfans. Then, when it comes to an organization like JoS, they want to get the world for free.

It keeps secrets such as not telling where the leader is or what is happening.
The JoS "leadership's" life is private. If she decides one day after 20 years of hard and tedious service, study, and work. To take a break to attend to some matters that should be her choice.

Other than that. Secrets are kept for a reason. If JoS leadership decides to conceal something. It is usually because they either can't or they shouldn't.

Although, throughout the years of me being here in JoS. I have seen, everything is shared when the time is just right. Because of many reasons, one of them is the enemy.

The enemy literally holds secret meetings with the most powerful and evil men of society with ultimate secrecy and concealment. While some people whine because some information is kept secret on a goddamn public forum on the worldwide web dumbass.

It promotes sex and tells men to avoid no fap yet with my experience no fap was the only thing that made me feel human. It was a most powerful experience for me.
If you don't want to fap. Then, don't. No one is gonna and come fap for you or something.

We just explain that although porn is extremely jewish and destructive and we encourage completely quitting it. We also explain that actual sexual expression is crucial. Try to be sexually repressed and talk to girls and tell me how nofap "changed your life". You never have to masturbate to porn either. There are many ways you can enjoy true and healthy sexuality.

Btw, you speak like a certain "sloth" we've had here. Just know if my intuition is correct you can't fool us anymore and your tries are just cringe and disgusting. We've grown alot.
Curious666 said:
I have faced so much struggle walking in this path.

The only "path" I took was to strongly discipline myself to meditate and do yoga asanas. No contact with any Demons or Satan whatsoever and don't feel any need to either. The website convinced me of the importance of meditation through strong logical arguments and evidence.

As for "path" I'm just walking my totally own one, as you also should being a Satanist. I really just don't get this thing about taking a certain path just because of knowledge obtained.

And it's no cult either telling you to take any other than your own decided path, because that's what Christianity and Islam is about, which Satanism wants to break free from. In a way one can see Joy of Satan as a voice or Truth in a world of lies and one can either agree or disagree, join this forum or not which is open for all to see etc. So cult no.
Curious666 said:
Is Joy of Satan a cult? Convince me it isn't.

It promotes hating jews. Thus alienating itself.

Why do you have to advocate that everyone has to compulsively love jews?

That's what rapists say, that you must LOVE them, or that it's otherwise racist and so on. Nobody has been allowed to form opinion on jews or to "hate" them.

One could be neutral, ignore them, or learn about them, or defend themselves from their obvious and proven works against us. It is our right to want to not participate in their agenda or not want to go on board. And yes, to hate it too if we consider it wrong.

We are antagonistical to jews because they oppose our will and that of the Gods. That's part of life. They have desecrated our culture and civilization.

Many people hate other people on this earth. This is an everyday occurrence.

We don't promote "hate", we promote to look into them with the information they are censoring and then eventually, you make up your own mind about this. But wait, you can't do that because you can't question the jewish cult, lol.

Curious666 said:
It promotes hate for members that are against or unwilling or not understanding of the principles.

Completely false and based solely on bias. Some people might be stern or whatever, but this is not called "hate". Hate is a very serious word.

Curious666 said:
Only the the few chosen get to annouce and tell everyone what comes next.

Only the few chosen seem to get instructions from the higher beings. I have never gotten instructions.

Correct. And guess what, Presidents also tell people what's next in everything, and CEO's tell in every company what is to happen next, alongside with superiors.

All the world's a fucking cult!

The President literally gives a country it's direction! My fucking god, it's all a cult!

Curious666 said:
It has very few minorities (hence seems to promote ideologies for the white)

It promotes separatism which scares me sometimes when i think about it. Because i do feel like we need each other.

We don't promote things that will wipe out civilization, but we locate certain problems that we believe eventually could be fixed if we accepted the reality that races and people are different groups, which everyone else on the planet already understands in Arabia, India or China, yet the "West" does not because the people you say we "hate" brainwashed them with this.

Curious666 said:
It shows basics of doing magick but doesn't share the powerful methods.

You don't deserve them, especially yourself. Sorry. It's stated clearly in the JoS you must establish a communication with the Gods and many other things.

Go apologize to your government it doesn't hand everyone the Nuclear Codes.

Curious666 said:
It promotes donations of which other than running the site and forums i don't know anything else the donations are used for.

Holy cow, I could never imagine companies, banks, and everyone else, doesn't disclose fully whatever they do in the open spaces and the public or for deadly enemies to see that. Now that's insane. No wait, that's how the world works again.

Curious666 said:
It keeps secrets such as not telling where the leader is or what is happening.

Correct, we just want to die, maybe that's a good policy. But maybe just to appease you we could die too.

Brb, disclosing location to people who have billions and kill whole nations for no reason and conduct genocides on a regular basis, that's an excellent idea to do.

Curious666 said:
I am not a jew. I have no jewish friends. I am not in anyway connected to christian programming.

Great, but why? The JoS promotes "hate". You want an inclusive world. Go become "one" with them and their slave. Write us a testimony on how that goes.

Curious666 said:
It promotes sex and tells men to avoid no fap yet with my experience no fap was the only thing that made me feel human. It was a most powerful experience for me.

It promotes sex? That's a crime. It also produces children. That's a terrible thing, I am telling you. Getting women is likely a crime from another planet. We also don't obsess all day over why you fap and when you do. That's also unacceptable of us.

Curious666 said:
I do wanna honestly know if JoS is A cult. Because i am starting to have doubts.

Yes, we are all cultists, after all, if anything isn't as one approves or whatever, it's a cult always.

Curious666 said:
I have faced so much struggle walking in this path.

That's insane, I used to feel a lot of struggle going to the gym, making money, learning, and doing everything valuable in this world. Apparently, there was no heavenly entity that came and took me to do everything to me. JoS must definitely be a cult. These entities after all this time, only let me know how to do things for myself and help me in very functional ways, which are often hard paths. Strange. They also tell me how to swim and help me understand, but I have to do the swimming.

Maybe that's how life works?

Curious666 said:
80% of the time i have felt alone and lonely.

This can be a psychological situation here, and others, nor the JoS, decided who your parents were, how your life was run, or your natal chart, or a million other things.

However, our cult preaches that you look into all of this and fix this, to give yourself healing and a better life. Me as the supreme cult leader, have wasted all my years trying to help and give proper advice to people who will eventually spit on me or call me demeaning things including a cult leader.

Therefore, I am going to be Supreme Cult Leader from now on.

Curious666 said:
I have never felt any powerful presence of the gods. I don't even sense my Guardian Demon. I feel so confused and alone. My life is in turmoil. The things i thought i would have gained through the 11 years joining this path i gained only 10%. This is not natural for me. I don't feel normal most of the time. I feel like i am living in a bubble. If this post won't go through, i probably would think JoS is a cult.

The only "cult" you had created is the cult of false expectations, and expecting that everything would happen without labor or work on your behalf. Many people are into this loop despite of me repeating the Truth again and again. The path upwards and to improvement is a path the Gods help in.

If you improved by 10%, that is way better than nothing, as most humans out there are minus 90% every decade instead of +10%.

My advice to you is to get real, keep your head up high, take what you need of JoS, and look after yourself. If one feels like they hate how the world works, or how they work, or how the universe works, one has to adapt and change.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Curious666 said:

Please read about Scientology, or what is a billion times worse than Scienos, the history of xianity in all forms, and you will understand what a CULT is.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Curious666 said:
It promotes sex and tells men to avoid no fap yet with my experience no fap was the only thing that made me feel human. It was a most powerful experience for me.

It promotes sex? That's a crime. It also produces children. That's a terrible thing, I am telling you. Getting women is likely a crime from another planet. We also don't obsess all day over why you fap and when you do. That's also unacceptable of us.

Rekt :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was expecting HP Hoodedcobra to write a humorous, sarcastic reply to this. Wasn't dissapointed. :lol:
Hyperactive Melon said:

Sex is not bad. Quit attacking the human soul in this way. Yes, ejaculation gives up vital energy, but so does doing labor. Instead of trying to beat up your soul, you can instead improve this. A Mars Square will make your body produce more semen.
Stop reading these stupid new age sites.

Yes, you should talk to the Gods. Satan is not "too powerful" to talk to you. Your message is borderline dangerous by promoting people to avoid the Gods.

Similarly, you outright attack the priests and other advanced members by saying they do not receive instructions from the Gods. Instead of thinking you are the smartest man in the universe, you should stay humble and quit attacking everyone here and the information on JoS.

Some people have insulted you before, and I don't think this is right, but if you have schizophrenia or other problems, then you are far off from being advanced. We have to grow in a stable manner, and having schizophrenia is the opposite of this.
That is the brutal truth here. Yes, you can improve this, as can anyone improve, but you must be planning workings for this.

I don't mind you as a person, but you have to realize where you stand. Keep working on fixing your problems, rather than acting like the only person who is right and telling other people to adopt the same reckless attitude. Hearing you encourage a person who attacks JoS, the same community you partake in, is very frustrating to see from you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=433982 time=1680415401 user_id=21286]
Hyperactive Melon said:

Sex is not bad. Quit attacking the human soul in this way. Yes, ejaculation gives up vital energy, but so does doing labor. Instead of trying to beat up your soul, you can instead improve this. A Mars Square will make your body produce more semen.
Stop reading these stupid new age sites.

Yes, you should talk to the Gods. Satan is not "too powerful" to talk to you. Your message is borderline dangerous by promoting people to avoid the Gods.

Similarly, you outright attack the priests and other advanced members by saying they do not receive instructions from the Gods. Instead of thinking you are the smartest man in the universe, you should stay humble and quit attacking everyone here and the information on JoS.

Some people have insulted you before, and I don't think this is right, but if you have schizophrenia or other problems, then you are far off from being advanced. We have to grow in a stable manner, and having schizophrenia is the opposite of this.
That is the brutal truth here. Yes, you can improve this, as can anyone improve, but you must be planning workings for this.

I don't mind you as a person, but you have to realize where you stand. Keep working on fixing your problems, rather than acting like the only person who is right and telling other people to adopt the same reckless attitude. Hearing you encourage a person who attacks JoS, the same community you partake in, is very frustrating to see from you.

My schizophrenia is a result of a chemical imbalance which I am working on and have successfully reduced by my own techniques far powerful then medication vibration can create chemicals sex is not bad for the average person but when your kundalini reaches the muladhara and starts working on the other parts of the soul it is best to preserve Vitality at that stage as you will already feel very weak I have reached that stage trust me I have not yet asended my kundalini which will be my triumph and I too shall be a priest I will not need to ask anyone then I partake here because I believe that someone with real knowledge or experience might be able to guide me too but it seems that's yet not the case Mars square will definitely improve vitality but when your kundalini is in the preliminary stages your semen is made very fast and is absorbed in body and converted to ojas which is your aura and ojas stock is a lot you will always feel weak compared to when you didn't have kundalini working this is experience speaking I may have had schizophrenia but that doesn't mean I haven't done anything to progress and sometimes god gives the biggest challenge to the ones that have the most potential I believe this forums is on the right path but something's can change sex energy can transmutated to ojas and gives a lot of power if you have never done that
mercury_wisdom said:
Btw, you speak like a certain "sloth" we've had here. Just know if my intuition is correct you can't fool us anymore and your tries are just cringe and disgusting. We've grown alot.

Magestein is more sophisticated and makes more grammar and spelling mistakes, so I don't think it's the same person. Looking at this person's posts, it seems he's been trying for a long time to get JoS to do what he wants and now that he's failed he's resorted to calling it a cult.

It's common among people to call something that doesn't fit their expectation and isn't politically correct a cult as a rage-quit tactic.

"Waah, you removed my slanderous, JoS-bashing post! You must be a cult!"

"Waah, you are aNti-ScUmItIc and hAtEfUl! Cult!"

"Waah, Satan didn't appear physically in front of me to tell me how great I am! Cult!"

"Waah, clergy members don't give their personal info and location so I can dox them! Cult!"

"Waah, you're too White and I'll call you a cult because I'm an anti-White asshole!"

Shadowmage said:
Also, on Western countries the majority are White so of course in every Western-originated religion most people are White, including Western Buddhism, Wicca and others.

In case someone asks "what the hell are you talking about? Western Buddhism? How can Buddhism be Western?", I'm referring to the New Ageized version of Buddhism which is an exclusively Western phenomenon: it has removed all teachings of Buddhism that are not palatable to the Western materialistic science and lifestyle (karma, reincarnation, ascetism, its goal of Nirvana e.t.c.) and turned Buddhism into a self-help thing where you just meditate to feel good and follow some of its teachings that help you cope with your life while you keep living like a middle/uper class person without all that pesky ascetism and renouncing things. Its teachers are almost exclusively jewish (Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Tara Brach, Noah Levine and many others) and promote Cultural Marxism and anti-Whiteism and its adherents are almost exclusively White. One of these jews, Joseph Goldstein, complained that his workshops are completely full of White people (typical anti-White jew) and some person correctly pointed out that if he wanted to attract more non-White people then he should use the more traditional teachings as found in Asian countries because Asian people don't want to follow a Westernized, Newageized, watered down version of their religion.

New Ageism is also almost exclusively a White thing.

But of course the OP has to assume that because something is White it must be bad. Anti-Whiteism anyone? Does he also assume that Santeria is bad because it's almost exclusively Black? Whites have the least in-group bias thanks to the jews who have pushed suicidal self-hating white guilt bullshit to them and made "racism" the ultimate "sin" in Western countries. So if you are non-White, I guarantee you will be treated much better in a majority White group than a White person will be treated in a majority Black group. It's more likely to find self-hating White people who will apologize to you than "racist" White people who hate you.
Shadowmage said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Btw, you speak like a certain "sloth" we've had here. Just know if my intuition is correct you can't fool us anymore and your tries are just cringe and disgusting. We've grown alot.

Magestein is more sophisticated and makes more grammar and spelling mistakes, so I don't think it's the same person. Looking at this person's posts, it seems he's been trying for a long time to get JoS to do what he wants and now that he's failed he's resorted to calling it a cult.

It's common among people to call something that doesn't fit their expectation and isn't politically correct a cult as a rage-quit tactic.

"Waah, you removed my slanderous, JoS-bashing post! You must be a cult!"

"Waah, you are aNti-ScUmItIc and hAtEfUl! Cult!"

"Waah, Satan didn't appear physically in front of me to tell me how great I am! Cult!"

"Waah, clergy members don't give their personal info and location so I can dox them! Cult!"

"Waah, you're too White and I'll call you a cult because I'm an anti-White asshole!"

Idk. It's just my intuition and somehow it seems it is usually right. Maybe not the person specifically but those affiliated with those people.

They also always use these points as confusion tactics before. But rn it's just pathetic.

HP has proved himself to be more than dedicated to the cause and community and the JoS has gone past the point of calling it a cult as a confusion tactic as well. We've gone through alot. But it helped us be more stronger and solid.
Hyperactive Melon said:
Dude I have dripping ambrosia and have had 4 kundalini awakenings I met no god I just realised real god is Shiva and he is guiding me i dont need any man to tell me what's right or wrong because I'm pretty sure they are not guided by someone to truly know the truth you must listen to your soul and find your own path god is real and he's so freaking powerful that none of these people have any idea of he doesn't need to come and talk to you he's too powerful for that all these concepts kundalini chakras are stolen from sanatan religion and yes sex is bad all these people are addicted to fapping and have not yet realised the potential of semen and its effect on the body you are completely right my friend you are on the right path even the breathing exercises mentioned on the website are a copy of Indian yoga and it's not aum its om they don't even know about Sanskrit sandhi let alone receiving instructions from gods

One Wire Phenomenon please take your meds...
Karnonnos said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Dude I have dripping ambrosia and have had 4 kundalini awakenings I met no god I just realised real god is Shiva and he is guiding me i dont need any man to tell me what's right or wrong because I'm pretty sure they are not guided by someone to truly know the truth you must listen to your soul and find your own path god is real and he's so freaking powerful that none of these people have any idea of he doesn't need to come and talk to you he's too powerful for that all these concepts kundalini chakras are stolen from sanatan religion and yes sex is bad all these people are addicted to fapping and have not yet realised the potential of semen and its effect on the body you are completely right my friend you are on the right path even the breathing exercises mentioned on the website are a copy of Indian yoga and it's not aum its om they don't even know about Sanskrit sandhi let alone receiving instructions from gods

One Wire Phenomenon please take your meds...
You didn't use your brain while typing this how is this related to taking meds I'm not the one claiming to talk to a ghost here now am I
Karnonnos said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Dude I have dripping ambrosia and have had 4 kundalini awakenings I met no god I just realised real god is Shiva and he is guiding me i dont need any man to tell me what's right or wrong because I'm pretty sure they are not guided by someone to truly know the truth you must listen to your soul and find your own path god is real and he's so freaking powerful that none of these people have any idea of he doesn't need to come and talk to you he's too powerful for that all these concepts kundalini chakras are stolen from sanatan religion and yes sex is bad all these people are addicted to fapping and have not yet realised the potential of semen and its effect on the body you are completely right my friend you are on the right path even the breathing exercises mentioned on the website are a copy of Indian yoga and it's not aum its om they don't even know about Sanskrit sandhi let alone receiving instructions from gods

One Wire Phenomenon please take your meds...

Very rude of you to make such a comment i respect everyone here so you should too I am not making fun of someones illness like you if you hate free speech so much you should consider not visiting these forums
A questão separatista é de extrema importância ter o intendimento para que não se confunda com ,outras coisas como por exemplo clássico de nós somos maldade nós olhos!
Nada disso!
O separatismo se vale do adjetivo separado e o verbo separar!
Então a conclusão de apontamento ou acusação não cabe no texto em si, porém a palavra se torna agressiva e discutível!!
Mas se eu quiser me separar de outras coisas que não fazem parte de mim é um direito de liberdade e escolha minha e não é o contexto e a conotação de separatismo que faz o indivíduo ser ou não ser !
É a escolha dele de não querer e poder se separar de USURPADORES da nossa ancestralidade!

Vejam bem uma simples palavra no texto pode gerar um debate gigante!!

Citron lux
Espiritual sempre..
Karnonnos said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Dude I have dripping ambrosia and have had 4 kundalini awakenings I met no god I just realised real god is Shiva and he is guiding me i dont need any man to tell me what's right or wrong because I'm pretty sure they are not guided by someone to truly know the truth you must listen to your soul and find your own path god is real and he's so freaking powerful that none of these people have any idea of he doesn't need to come and talk to you he's too powerful for that all these concepts kundalini chakras are stolen from sanatan religion and yes sex is bad all these people are addicted to fapping and have not yet realised the potential of semen and its effect on the body you are completely right my friend you are on the right path even the breathing exercises mentioned on the website are a copy of Indian yoga and it's not aum its om they don't even know about Sanskrit sandhi let alone receiving instructions from gods

One Wire Phenomenon please take your meds...

If this is one wire his parasites babies had grand babies 🤣🤣
Hyperactive Melon said:
Karnonnos said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Dude I have dripping ambrosia and have had 4 kundalini awakenings I met no god I just realised real god is Shiva and he is guiding me i dont need any man to tell me what's right or wrong because I'm pretty sure they are not guided by someone to truly know the truth you must listen to your soul and find your own path god is real and he's so freaking powerful that none of these people have any idea of he doesn't need to come and talk to you he's too powerful for that all these concepts kundalini chakras are stolen from sanatan religion and yes sex is bad all these people are addicted to fapping and have not yet realised the potential of semen and its effect on the body you are completely right my friend you are on the right path even the breathing exercises mentioned on the website are a copy of Indian yoga and it's not aum its om they don't even know about Sanskrit sandhi let alone receiving instructions from gods

One Wire Phenomenon please take your meds...
You didn't use your brain while typing this how is this related to taking meds I'm not the one claiming to talk to a ghost here now am I

Holy shit I thought you were being ironic until this reply. You're literally the reason why ignorant people think there's crazies allowed to run around here but fortunately people like me and everyone else who mocks you shows newbies and outsiders that we don't take people like you seruous around here. It's only people with no common sense like you who think you're doing any damage to us when in reality the sane and wise can see thru your weird shit and ignore it and actually take our lessons serious so they can improve themselves and the world.

So keep making us laugh, clown.
hailourtruegod said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Karnonnos said:
One Wire Phenomenon please take your meds...
You didn't use your brain while typing this how is this related to taking meds I'm not the one claiming to talk to a ghost here now am I

Holy shit I thought you were being ironic until this reply. You're literally the reason why ignorant people think there's crazies allowed to run around here but fortunately people like me and everyone else who mocks you shows newbies and outsiders that we don't take people like you seruous around here. It's only people with no common sense like you who think you're doing any damage to us when in reality the sane and wise can see thru your weird shit and ignore it and actually take our lessons serious so they can improve themselves and the world.

So keep making us laugh, clown.
Oh i see how much of a big difference you are making in the world we all are just a tiny speck in this world what good will you be able to do
Hyperactive Melon said:
Oh i see how much of a big difference you are making in the world we all are just a tiny speck in this world what good will you be able to do
Actually, when one wants to make something happen, they send a small specialized squad to do the task instead of a legion of warriors.

But you be you. Ignorant and meaningless. It's good that you finally show who you really are.
Henu the Great said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Oh i see how much of a big difference you are making in the world we all are just a tiny speck in this world what good will you be able to do
Actually, when one wants to make something happen, they send a small specialized squad to do the task instead of a legion of warriors.

But you be you. Ignorant and meaningless. It's good that you finally show who you really are.

Showing who i really am? You're the ones calling me a clown telling me to take meds am i honestly the one being bad here I am not ignorant I am trying to be real i will see the website again if I have time
This is what keeps me suprised. The way you keep saying jews using tactics etc. What would a jew gain from writing such a comment i wonder? If they have such wealth and spiritual power, why would they want to use simple comments? It's actually funny really. I am a black person from South Africa. Have nothing to do with the ejected priest. And have no intention to cause any problems. I am just a seeker of truth.

I am Generally Grateful for the Comments. As Hp Cobra said "Maybe My problem is the conceived ideas i came with while joining JoS back when i was 16 years of age.".. Poverty, Ignorance and Luck of opportunities can Cause so much confusing ideologies in one's mind. I came wanting a very Great life but again met with so much different than i expected.

I know i am not Lazy, But well maybe I am. Who knows. As i grow more I feel less closer to the gods which is sad really. But I have to understand that reality isn't what i think it to be. I am grateful for where I am at now. But i think should take time off JoS to focus on myself and what i should do with my life. Because I am clearly a very sad and lonely individual. Suicide sometimes takes over my mind which is Not Natural really and scares me alot (even just simple pains make me think of suicide which is actually really Sad).

Sadness and pain in this path has really over weighed happiness. And as Xyint said maybe i should try taking a one year break from the path to see if i will be happy. Focus on me. And Go hard on meditation and Yoga. Thanks Alot.
Hyperactive Melon said:
hailourtruegod said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
You didn't use your brain while typing this how is this related to taking meds I'm not the one claiming to talk to a ghost here now am I

Holy shit I thought you were being ironic until this reply. You're literally the reason why ignorant people think there's crazies allowed to run around here but fortunately people like me and everyone else who mocks you shows newbies and outsiders that we don't take people like you seruous around here. It's only people with no common sense like you who think you're doing any damage to us when in reality the sane and wise can see thru your weird shit and ignore it and actually take our lessons serious so they can improve themselves and the world.

So keep making us laugh, clown.
Oh i see how much of a big difference you are making in the world we all are just a tiny speck in this world what good will you be able to do

Lol thanks for proving my point of your low understanding while at the same time exposing yourself some more. This is gold.
Henu the Great said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Oh i see how much of a big difference you are making in the world we all are just a tiny speck in this world what good will you be able to do
Actually, when one wants to make something happen, they send a small specialized squad to do the task instead of a legion of warriors.

But you be you. Ignorant and meaningless. It's good that you finally show who you really are.

Agreed, brother.
Curious666 said:
It promotes donations of which other than running the site and forums i don't know anything else the donations are used for.

Your lack of awareness regarding the functioning of certain things does not mean that the JoS is a cult or that we are attempting to deceive you for financial gain.

As far as I know, the JoS provides support for the majority, if not all, websites in all the available languages, and also websites that are related but not official. The expenses associated with this support are quite significant, including hosting fees, domain name registration costs, software licensing fees, regular maintenance and updates, possibly marketing tools, copyright registration fees, and the provision of backup servers to ensure everything is up and running for FREE at all times, even when the enemy tries to shut us down.

Have you even considered the amount of money that would be required just for that? It is unfair for the HP to bear the sole responsibility of covering these costs. While the benefits of this material extend to all of humanity, it is undeniable that we, as members of this Community, reap the most significant rewards. As such, it would be reasonable for each member to contribute something towards the costs involved.

Moreover, with a greater amount of financial resources at the disposal of the JoS, we can disseminate our message across a broader audience. Certain strategies will probably not be disclosed to prevent interference from the enemy, while others will be made public. And that is perfectly understandable and expected to happen.

This made remember an old sermon from HPS Maxine, which I'll quote below:

"Do you realize where Satanism would be if we owned radio stations, prime time TV slots, buildings taking up entire city blocks, book stores, printing presses, and publishing houses? [Unbeknownst to many, the Jews control and own 96 percent of the media. In truth, they are the ones who work to promote Christianity]. Satanic truth would have the world in 6 months or less."

We will have all of these things at some point, but that will take a lot of effort and money.
Hyperactive Melon said:
Showing who i really am? You're the ones calling me a clown telling me to take meds am i honestly the one being bad here I am not ignorant I am trying to be real i will see the website again if I have time
You came in first with delusional nonsense.

Then you built up an image of schizophrenic to which you have repeatedly been advised to heal from.

And your latest output has been to attack human sexuality, leadership and membership of JoS and misdirection of people.

And you still want to play the victim card.

Maybe get on with healing your mind instead... (Unless, there is nothing to heal from in reality and you actually are a clown. In which case, be a clown.)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Curious666 said:
Is Joy of Satan a cult? Convince me it isn't.

It promotes hating jews. Thus alienating itself.

Why do you have to advocate that everyone has to compulsively love jews?

That's what rapists say, that you must LOVE them, or that it's otherwise racist and so on. Nobody has been allowed to form opinion on jews or to "hate" them.

One could be neutral, ignore them, or learn about them, or defend themselves from their obvious and proven works against us. It is our right to want to not participate in their agenda or not want to go on board. And yes, to hate it too if we consider it wrong.

We are antagonistical to jews because they oppose our will and that of the Gods. That's part of life. They have desecrated our culture and civilization.

Many people hate other people on this earth. This is an everyday occurrence.

We don't promote "hate", we promote to look into them with the information they are censoring and then eventually, you make up your own mind about this. But wait, you can't do that because you can't question the jewish cult, lol.

Curious666 said:
It promotes hate for members that are against or unwilling or not understanding of the principles.

Completely false and based solely on bias. Some people might be stern or whatever, but this is not called "hate". Hate is a very serious word.

Curious666 said:
Only the the few chosen get to annouce and tell everyone what comes next.

Only the few chosen seem to get instructions from the higher beings. I have never gotten instructions.

Correct. And guess what, Presidents also tell people what's next in everything, and CEO's tell in every company what is to happen next, alongside with superiors.

All the world's a fucking cult!

The President literally gives a country it's direction! My fucking god, it's all a cult!

Curious666 said:
It has very few minorities (hence seems to promote ideologies for the white)

It promotes separatism which scares me sometimes when i think about it. Because i do feel like we need each other.

We don't promote things that will wipe out civilization, but we locate certain problems that we believe eventually could be fixed if we accepted the reality that races and people are different groups, which everyone else on the planet already understands in Arabia, India or China, yet the "West" does not because the people you say we "hate" brainwashed them with this.

Curious666 said:
It shows basics of doing magick but doesn't share the powerful methods.

You don't deserve them, especially yourself. Sorry. It's stated clearly in the JoS you must establish a communication with the Gods and many other things.

Go apologize to your government it doesn't hand everyone the Nuclear Codes.

Curious666 said:
It promotes donations of which other than running the site and forums i don't know anything else the donations are used for.

Holy cow, I could never imagine companies, banks, and everyone else, doesn't disclose fully whatever they do in the open spaces and the public or for deadly enemies to see that. Now that's insane. No wait, that's how the world works again.

Curious666 said:
It keeps secrets such as not telling where the leader is or what is happening.

Correct, we just want to die, maybe that's a good policy. But maybe just to appease you we could die too.

Brb, disclosing location to people who have billions and kill whole nations for no reason and conduct genocides on a regular basis, that's an excellent idea to do.

Curious666 said:
I am not a jew. I have no jewish friends. I am not in anyway connected to christian programming.

Great, but why? The JoS promotes "hate". You want an inclusive world. Go become "one" with them and their slave. Write us a testimony on how that goes.

Curious666 said:
It promotes sex and tells men to avoid no fap yet with my experience no fap was the only thing that made me feel human. It was a most powerful experience for me.

It promotes sex? That's a crime. It also produces children. That's a terrible thing, I am telling you. Getting women is likely a crime from another planet. We also don't obsess all day over why you fap and when you do. That's also unacceptable of us.

Curious666 said:
I do wanna honestly know if JoS is A cult. Because i am starting to have doubts.

Yes, we are all cultists, after all, if anything isn't as one approves or whatever, it's a cult always.

Curious666 said:
I have faced so much struggle walking in this path.

That's insane, I used to feel a lot of struggle going to the gym, making money, learning, and doing everything valuable in this world. Apparently, there was no heavenly entity that came and took me to do everything to me. JoS must definitely be a cult. These entities after all this time, only let me know how to do things for myself and help me in very functional ways, which are often hard paths. Strange. They also tell me how to swim and help me understand, but I have to do the swimming.

Maybe that's how life works?

Curious666 said:
80% of the time i have felt alone and lonely.

This can be a psychological situation here, and others, nor the JoS, decided who your parents were, how your life was run, or your natal chart, or a million other things.

However, our cult preaches that you look into all of this and fix this, to give yourself healing and a better life. Me as the supreme cult leader, have wasted all my years trying to help and give proper advice to people who will eventually spit on me or call me demeaning things including a cult leader.

Therefore, I am going to be Supreme Cult Leader from now on.

Curious666 said:
I have never felt any powerful presence of the gods. I don't even sense my Guardian Demon. I feel so confused and alone. My life is in turmoil. The things i thought i would have gained through the 11 years joining this path i gained only 10%. This is not natural for me. I don't feel normal most of the time. I feel like i am living in a bubble. If this post won't go through, i probably would think JoS is a cult.

The only "cult" you had created is the cult of false expectations, and expecting that everything would happen without labor or work on your behalf. Many people are into this loop despite of me repeating the Truth again and again. The path upwards and to improvement is a path the Gods help in.

If you improved by 10%, that is way better than nothing, as most humans out there are minus 90% every decade instead of +10%.

My advice to you is to get real, keep your head up high, take what you need of JoS, and look after yourself. If one feels like they hate how the world works, or how they work, or how the universe works, one has to adapt and change.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
"Me as the supreme cult leader" is such a great joke xD
Henu the Great said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Showing who i really am? You're the ones calling me a clown telling me to take meds am i honestly the one being bad here I am not ignorant I am trying to be real i will see the website again if I have time
You came in first with delusional nonsense.

Then you built up an image of schizophrenic to which you have repeatedly been advised to heal from.

And your latest output has been to attack human sexuality, leadership and membership of JoS and misdirection of people.

And you still want to play the victim card.

Maybe get on with healing your mind instead... (Unless, there is nothing to heal from in reality and you actually are a clown. In which case, be a clown.)
I hope one day you are treated the same way you have treated me goodbye I'm not going to say anything as you guys are just feeding off of it bye

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
