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Ideas on how to psychically harvest energy from the vaccinated?

NinRick said:
Dahaarkan said:
NinRick said:
This dude posts bs all the time for months now. He has many accouts, and even cursed the JoS, and hates HP, insults and attacks other ppl for not worshipping his ass. Time on him is wasted anyways. Many accounts of him even got banned.

Listen I will take back most of what I said if what you claim about this individual is true, and the attitude towards them is warranted. But please also provide material to back these claims, because otherwise this simply appears as overly abrasive, borderline abusive behavior towards a new member.

I don’t want to search for evidence, but this dude always pushes BS, like opening the 6th chakra with music, gets all but hurt and offensive when people try to explain things to him, makes other accounts and has conservations with himself, keeps talking about „dark magick“, and each time says that he will leave this place.

Oh I forgot, he even told Demons to curse me and VoiceofEnki, with the curse of „the eternal flames“, and when the forums went down during the jewish holidays, he thought it was his doing.

He was even dumb enough to share his chart like 3 months ago. i still have the screen shot, if u saw hos chart, you would understand why he is the way he is. Mich potential, but he wastes it all, and is highly deluded.

Search for Sisasaah, it is one of his accounts, in the thread about opening the 6th with music, he was also the OP (with another account)

I've read through the degenerate garbage this sisasaah character was ranting about, but I must say at least in style of writing, and the way he reacted to criticisms is strikingly different. I'm not convinced this is the same person, but regardless, I don't think you guys should default to abrasive language before actual shit behavior occurs in that account, or if it's undeniable and obvious that the account is trolling.
Aquarius said:
NinRick said:
Dahaarkan said:
Listen I will take back most of what I said if what you claim about this individual is true, and the attitude towards them is warranted. But please also provide material to back these claims, because otherwise this simply appears as overly abrasive, borderline abusive behavior towards a new member.

I don’t want to search for evidence, but this dude always pushes BS, like opening the 6th chakra with music, gets all but hurt and offensive when people try to explain things to him, makes other accounts and has conservations with himself, keeps talking about „dark magick“, and each time says that he will leave this place.

Oh I forgot, he even told Demons to curse me and VoiceofEnki, with the curse of „the eternal flames“, and when the forums went down during the jewish holidays, he thought it was his doing.

He was even dumb enough to share his chart like 3 months ago. i still have the screen shot, if u saw hos chart, you would understand why he is the way he is. Mich potential, but he wastes it all, and is highly deluded.

Search for Sisasaah, it is one of his accounts, in the thread about opening the 6th with music, he was also the OP (with another account)
You don't have to justify anything to daharkaan, he's here "helping" only because the guy has an interesting in parasitizing off people's energy, something daharkaan has promoted and does.

Well, if someone knows how to drain people of their energy, and is able to do so, this is actually a very powerful source of energy and Doesn‘t take this long. You will start shining in light, while the other person will be severely drained, and if you drain too much they will eventually faint, and if they have no means, knowledge and ability to regain the energy effectively, recovery with physical symptoms will take quite a while, possibly some days. (Depending on the subject)

So by all means, this is very parasitic. Yes I agree.
The Gods want us to have a framework of morals and priorities straight.

No Satanist should see other people as energy sources.
This will harm them much more, than you will benefit from it.
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
NinRick said:
I don’t want to search for evidence, but this dude always pushes BS, like opening the 6th chakra with music, gets all but hurt and offensive when people try to explain things to him, makes other accounts and has conservations with himself, keeps talking about „dark magick“, and each time says that he will leave this place.

Oh I forgot, he even told Demons to curse me and VoiceofEnki, with the curse of „the eternal flames“, and when the forums went down during the jewish holidays, he thought it was his doing.

He was even dumb enough to share his chart like 3 months ago. i still have the screen shot, if u saw hos chart, you would understand why he is the way he is. Mich potential, but he wastes it all, and is highly deluded.

Search for Sisasaah, it is one of his accounts, in the thread about opening the 6th with music, he was also the OP (with another account)
You don't have to justify anything to daharkaan, he's here "helping" only because the guy has an interesting in parasitizing off people's energy, something daharkaan has promoted and does.

Yes even on my thread on Psychic vampires he sounded like he was promoting this I only asked cause I wondered if the same spiritual techniques some psychic vampires use (the tendrils thing) could be used for positive (I still think they might be able to I will when my partner is more ready have us both test this out on each other) where no ones energy is parasited but a deeper connection with someone is created. I have seen him not ever come out strongly against this type of thing. Another thread I saw him saying this is ok.

If Psychic vampirism and harvesting energy is not a spiritual practice of the enemy then I don't know what is an enemy practice.

I never heard anyone reference the word harvesting outside of some enemy occult bs I came across from time to time. So I do think this person is some troll or person trying to promote enemy stuff.

You can just put her in trance, or a meditative relaxed state, and guide her focus on what you are doing. Then you can start even right now with what you want to do.

The only thing is, do you think it is a good idea to tie too strong into another human being?

Don’t you want to be independent?

The sad fact in our path is, that in the long run we are alone. Alone as we don’t really walk with other humans. We have our beloved Satan and the Demons, they truly stay with us forever, or rather we stay with them, as we are of them. But this doesn’t really count for humans.

What will you do, if in the future you are not able to be with your spouse anymore, you have a very deep connection to her, and vowed that you will be together forever? Like for example you do not reincarnate together?

Even then when you are not able to with her, you depend on her, and chances are you won’t have any profound love relationships anymore, as your soul is bound and dependent on her.

In any case, this is just my own thought and opinion on this, and I do not want to influence you, just wanted to give you a perspective. You already tie through sex and orgasms into her and vice versa.

Sad fact is, that on this path towards Satan and the Demons, you walk alone.
NinRick said:
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
You don't have to justify anything to daharkaan, he's here "helping" only because the guy has an interesting in parasitizing off people's energy, something daharkaan has promoted and does.

Yes even on my thread on Psychic vampires he sounded like he was promoting this I only asked cause I wondered if the same spiritual techniques some psychic vampires use (the tendrils thing) could be used for positive (I still think they might be able to I will when my partner is more ready have us both test this out on each other) where no ones energy is parasited but a deeper connection with someone is created. I have seen him not ever come out strongly against this type of thing. Another thread I saw him saying this is ok.

If Psychic vampirism and harvesting energy is not a spiritual practice of the enemy then I don't know what is an enemy practice.

I never heard anyone reference the word harvesting outside of some enemy occult bs I came across from time to time. So I do think this person is some troll or person trying to promote enemy stuff.

You can just put her in trance, or a meditative relaxed state, and guide her focus on what you are doing. Then you can start even right now with what you want to do.

The only thing is, do you think it is a good idea to tie too strong into another human being?

Don’t you want to be independent?

The sad fact in our path is, that in the long run we are alone. Alone as we don’t really walk with other humans. We have our beloved Satan and the Demons, they truly stay with us forever, or rather we stay with them, as we are of them. But this doesn’t really count for humans.

What will you do, if in the future you are not able to be with your spouse anymore, you have a very deep connection to her, and vowed that you will be together forever? Like for example you do not reincarnate together?

Even then when you are not able to with her, you depend on her, and chances are you won’t have any profound love relationships anymore, as your soul is bound and dependent on her.

In any case, this is just my own thought and opinion on this, and I do not want to influence you, just wanted to give you a perspective. You already tie through sex and orgasms into her and vice versa.

Sad fact is, that on this path towards Satan and the Demons, you walk alone.

We are kind of independent but that hasn't happened in a long time remember the thing about life reviews Cobra talked about we get to choose to be together each life. That's how it was for a long time.

The only problem is she met several kikes who kind of filled her up with curses and told her what to do and think. Getting her out of this fully is a bitch. She is of Satan on a soul level though.

But btw I just wanted to test this out maybe if I don't like it remove it i do not want to have the same thoughts as someone or something that sounds scary but my idea was to see what this could do so to find out if it's useful with regular people if I wanted to influence them towards something or take control of their thoughts and emotions. That might be useful at some point for gaining something. So I want to learn it.
Halimut said:
These braindead psychopaths keep pushing their kike spike on everyone and are wishing death and harm upon all unvaccinated.

I’d like to brainstorm some ideas on how to invert their harmful thoughtform back upon them and feed psychically off them.

Here’s one idea: conjure up a sigil and host it on a website. Have them click a shortened url link. In the link is a long written agreement that by clicking, they agree to give over their life force energy to me for eternity as punishment for being insufferable assholes.

One can also collect their IP address and direct an energy harpoon into their power chakra from a distance.
The disturbances created by the Jews are kabalistic events and the energies will go to their thought forms and therefore to their goals, you cannot and do not make sense to do such a thing.
Also the method you listed doesn't work, you don't create unconscious acceptance that way, if you read the sermons on 9/11 you understand that there are other things at play that affect the souls of the gentiles, this is different from accepting a notice online without reading it.
Also, the SS doesn't act that way.
NinRick said:
Halimut said:
Mods- delete this post. Delete this user avatar “Halimut” and all its comments. I want absolutely nothing to do with this organization or the low level members that reside here.

One would expect this type of low level behavior on Reddit or some other forum full of NPCs. For your members to not only misunderstand dark magic and the laws of cause and effect- let alone violate them and go out of their way to attack and insult my personhood instead of the ideas discussed, is a glaring indicator as to the lack of development and spiritual attainment of this community as a whole.

I absolutely will not tolerate further abuses. Delete this account and separate completely.

Stop creating new accounts over and over again.
Xnder, Sisasaah, whatever, you have 1000 accounts by now.
I was wondering, if each of us did one more RTR per day directed to the JoS, would these trolls start to disappear? After freaking out of course.
Doing so will destroy the souls of the jewish infiltrators.

I have to disagree when you say certain people do not represent the JoS. Every single one of us represents the JoS, including you, who are openly insulting your Brothers for disregarding unethical behavior that is parasitical in nature and contrary to all natural human instincts and contrary to the teachings of the Gods of healthy spiritual independence.

Now, I mean no offense with this, but I am genuinely curious as to what is the whole point of harvesting energy from other people in a parasitical fashion. Even if they are Christians or whatever, they are still Gentiles, they are still Satan‘s people. You are essentially hurting their soul. Jews on the other hand, I couldn't care less, but they have a totally different energy from ours and as such would be suicidal to absorb that kind of energy into the soul. Even if let's say you are able to absorb raw bioelectricity from another being without it being tainted, this would be nothing compared to the energy of, for example, the Sun which is way more powerful and you can absorb effortlessly and is absolutely invigorating and healthy for you, without ever harming another human being.

The only "positive" use I can think of, that would not be unethical is in cases of vengeance. Anything else, I would think is just utterly wrong and unethical. Just because we in theory are allowed to do whatever we want to do, does not mean that we should, and specially so against Satan‘s people, which is not just the Satanic community but the Human species as whole.

I am genuinely trying to understand what motivates a dedicated Spiritual Satanist to engage in this kind of practice and I would like to hear your opinion on this, not that I am interesting in joining in, just trying to understand, it would also be interesting to know from an Astrological perspective what influences such behavior. If I were to guess, I would say perhaps a very debilitated Natal Sun that would make you want to obtain the energy from others in order to compensate for the bioelectricity that you would naturally lack but it would probably be deeper than just that, I haven't been able to figure out what exactly though.
Psychic vampirism is like kneeling infront of someone, opening your mouth and telling them to piss in it. And if that's something you like, you have some serious mental problems. You don't need to become a psychic vampire when you're naturally possessing of spiritual power that can overpower any obstacle. It's called Prana. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Aquarius said:
NinRick said:
Dahaarkan said:
Listen I will take back most of what I said if what you claim about this individual is true, and the attitude towards them is warranted. But please also provide material to back these claims, because otherwise this simply appears as overly abrasive, borderline abusive behavior towards a new member.

I don’t want to search for evidence, but this dude always pushes BS, like opening the 6th chakra with music, gets all but hurt and offensive when people try to explain things to him, makes other accounts and has conservations with himself, keeps talking about „dark magick“, and each time says that he will leave this place.

Oh I forgot, he even told Demons to curse me and VoiceofEnki, with the curse of „the eternal flames“, and when the forums went down during the jewish holidays, he thought it was his doing.

He was even dumb enough to share his chart like 3 months ago. i still have the screen shot, if u saw hos chart, you would understand why he is the way he is. Mich potential, but he wastes it all, and is highly deluded.

Search for Sisasaah, it is one of his accounts, in the thread about opening the 6th with music, he was also the OP (with another account)
You don't have to justify anything to daharkaan, he's here "helping" only because the guy has an interesting in parasitizing off people's energy, something daharkaan has promoted and does.

or abusing people with the enemy model of real estate.
slyscorpion said:
NinRick said:
slyscorpion said:
Yes even on my thread on Psychic vampires he sounded like he was promoting this I only asked cause I wondered if the same spiritual techniques some psychic vampires use (the tendrils thing) could be used for positive (I still think they might be able to I will when my partner is more ready have us both test this out on each other) where no ones energy is parasited but a deeper connection with someone is created. I have seen him not ever come out strongly against this type of thing. Another thread I saw him saying this is ok.

If Psychic vampirism and harvesting energy is not a spiritual practice of the enemy then I don't know what is an enemy practice.

I never heard anyone reference the word harvesting outside of some enemy occult bs I came across from time to time. So I do think this person is some troll or person trying to promote enemy stuff.

You can just put her in trance, or a meditative relaxed state, and guide her focus on what you are doing. Then you can start even right now with what you want to do.

The only thing is, do you think it is a good idea to tie too strong into another human being?

Don’t you want to be independent?

The sad fact in our path is, that in the long run we are alone. Alone as we don’t really walk with other humans. We have our beloved Satan and the Demons, they truly stay with us forever, or rather we stay with them, as we are of them. But this doesn’t really count for humans.

What will you do, if in the future you are not able to be with your spouse anymore, you have a very deep connection to her, and vowed that you will be together forever? Like for example you do not reincarnate together?

Even then when you are not able to with her, you depend on her, and chances are you won’t have any profound love relationships anymore, as your soul is bound and dependent on her.

In any case, this is just my own thought and opinion on this, and I do not want to influence you, just wanted to give you a perspective. You already tie through sex and orgasms into her and vice versa.

Sad fact is, that on this path towards Satan and the Demons, you walk alone.

We are kind of independent but that hasn't happened in a long time remember the thing about life reviews Cobra talked about we get to choose to be together each life. That's how it was for a long time.

The only problem is she met several kikes who kind of filled her up with curses and told her what to do and think. Getting her out of this fully is a bitch. She is of Satan on a soul level though.

But btw I just wanted to test this out maybe if I don't like it remove it i do not want to have the same thoughts as someone or something that sounds scary but my idea was to see what this could do so to find out if it's useful with regular people if I wanted to influence them towards something or take control of their thoughts and emotions. That might be useful at some point for gaining something. So I want to learn it.

You can command people into doing things, without being connected to them. Go in a class or something, somewhere where you can sit still, focus and observe , and command the professor into doing little tasks like drinking water, looking on the ground, scratching the head etc.
This works and proves that you feed them with thoughts. (You need to figure out how this works tho)
Using the Aura is also very powerful in influencing people. If your goal is to influence people, you don’t want to connect on a soul level to them. You wanna do this to someone you really love to merge with them. Which I believe can be very beautiful but on the other hand I also believe this can have a downside as well, as I stated my concerns in the above already.
Stormblood said:
or abusing people with the enemy model of real estate.

I really live rent free in your mind, don't I?

What is your issue with me exactly?
NinRick said:
Well, if someone knows how to drain people of their energy, and is able to do so, this is actually a very powerful source of energy and Doesn‘t take this long. You will start shining in light, while the other person will be severely drained, and if you drain too much they will eventually faint, and if they have no means, knowledge and ability to regain the energy effectively, recovery with physical symptoms will take quite a while, possibly some days. (Depending on the subject)

So by all means, this is very parasitic. Yes I agree.
The Gods want us to have a framework of morals and priorities straight.

No Satanist should see other people as energy sources.
This will harm them much more, than you will benefit from it.

In my experience completely draining a person is not really efficient. Like I said in another post, psychic vampirism is like sticking your arm in a sewage pipe. You have to know what you're looking for and where to find it, as you don't want to get all that filth on yourself. Intense draining is extremely dangerous if you take that mass of energy into yourself carelessly. You ought to be selective and subtle.

Without saying much, draining specific parts of the soul, that are connected to certain material things can transfer that defining piece of their existence, for example wealth, to you.

Doing this correctly overtime their wealth begins to dissipate, expensive legal trouble befalls them, their business loses customers and revenue, and they have financial mishaps and misfortunes.

On the other side of this transaction you get a raise or promotion, or maybe find a job that pays better, or sell something for extravagant price, or gain a new asset etc.

You go up, they go down. You can complain eternally about how this is a jewish practice and it's evil and bla bla bla. I say find the people who deserve to lose everything, and show them the same level of mercy they give to their employees. No mercy for slavers, take everything from them.
Black Rain said:
Also NinRick, always good to see you around. Hope you are enjoying your Yule!

Hail Satan and our Gods!

Oh damn, I didn't see you quoted me!
Sometimes I just don't get any notifications..

It is also good to see you around, and yes I had a nice Yule time!
I always enjoy this time of the year, I feel very blessed at that time.
I hope you also had a very nice time with your family, friends, spirituality and with Father Satan and our Gods!

Hail Satan and the Demons of Hell!
Dahaarkan said:
NinRick said:
Well, if someone knows how to drain people of their energy, and is able to do so, this is actually a very powerful source of energy and Doesn‘t take this long. You will start shining in light, while the other person will be severely drained, and if you drain too much they will eventually faint, and if they have no means, knowledge and ability to regain the energy effectively, recovery with physical symptoms will take quite a while, possibly some days. (Depending on the subject)

So by all means, this is very parasitic. Yes I agree.
The Gods want us to have a framework of morals and priorities straight.

No Satanist should see other people as energy sources.
This will harm them much more, than you will benefit from it.

In my experience completely draining a person is not really efficient. Like I said in another post, psychic vampirism is like sticking your arm in a sewage pipe. You have to know what you're looking for and where to find it, as you don't want to get all that filth on yourself. Intense draining is extremely dangerous if you take that mass of energy into yourself carelessly. You ought to be selective and subtle.

Without saying much, draining specific parts of the soul, that are connected to certain material things can transfer that defining piece of their existence, for example wealth, to you.

Doing this correctly overtime their wealth begins to dissipate, expensive legal trouble befalls them, their business loses customers and revenue, and they have financial mishaps and misfortunes.

On the other side of this transaction you get a raise or promotion, or maybe find a job that pays better, or sell something for extravagant price, or gain a new asset etc.

You go up, they go down. You can complain eternally about how this is a jewish practice and it's evil and bla bla bla. I say find the people who deserve to lose everything, and show them the same level of mercy they give to their employees. No mercy for slavers, take everything from them.

I wanted to ask you out of curiosity, what happens after an extended period of time of draining someone, as I also thought of the same, that you literally take all their energy, and also probably quite some dross into you.
(Altho I didn't feel any dirt entering me, as I did something very specific which probably made sure only certain energies left their bodies. But non the less they were close to fainting.)

Needless to say, this is, as you already pointed out, black magick.
Don't use it carelessly, as we need to have our morals and priorities straight.
FuckYu_666 said:
NinRick said:
Halimut said:
Mods- delete this post. Delete this user avatar “Halimut” and all its comments. I want absolutely nothing to do with this organization or the low level members that reside here.

One would expect this type of low level behavior on Reddit or some other forum full of NPCs. For your members to not only misunderstand dark magic and the laws of cause and effect- let alone violate them and go out of their way to attack and insult my personhood instead of the ideas discussed, is a glaring indicator as to the lack of development and spiritual attainment of this community as a whole.

I absolutely will not tolerate further abuses. Delete this account and separate completely.

Stop creating new accounts over and over again.
Xnder, Sisasaah, whatever, you have 1000 accounts by now.
I was wondering, if each of us did one more RTR per day directed to the JoS, would these trolls start to disappear? After freaking out of course.
Doing so will destroy the souls of the jewish infiltrators.

From my understanding we do not directly destroy the jewish souls.

The Final RTR makes sure that we destroy the spiritual foundation of the jews, the pillars of their magick, the Hebrew letters, as everything evolves around them, in their spirituality.

The Killing the Tetragramaton, is destroying their multidimensional "Window", the vortex of energy where they get energy supplied. That's why we direct the destructive energies on the highest level - the Dimensions, [... destroyed in all dimensions of existance]. after that we go a level down and destroy it in all "Worlds" (other Universes that exist parallel and next to ours) [... bnaished from this world and all worlds]. and then we go another level down and destroy it specifically in our world with the last phrase of the affirmation.
This is to cut their energy supply and support from other dimensions/worlds.

and the Shattering destroys their thoughtforms, angels and any and all forms of protection, we strip them naked.

With our rituals we destroy their weapons, shields & armour and their supply of energy.

This is my current understanding of things.
Jack said:
You don't need to become a psychic vampire when you're naturally possessing of spiritual power that can overpower any obstacle. It's called Prana. :roll: :roll: :roll:

This is the mindset of a warrior that wants to elevate themselves to the highest heights and strive for their own evolution!
Well said!
Dahaarkan said:
Stormblood said:
or abusing people with the enemy model of real estate.

I really live rent free in your mind, don't I?

What is your issue with me exactly?

No, you're just a meme from time to time. The issue is that you regurgitate enemy stuff. That's all and, now that I think about it, you also make widespread assumptions about what other real estate owners like you do, as if they all kept properties in perfect or even just good conditions.
NinRick said:
Dahaarkan said:
NinRick said:
Well, if someone knows how to drain people of their energy, and is able to do so, this is actually a very powerful source of energy and Doesn‘t take this long. You will start shining in light, while the other person will be severely drained, and if you drain too much they will eventually faint, and if they have no means, knowledge and ability to regain the energy effectively, recovery with physical symptoms will take quite a while, possibly some days. (Depending on the subject)

So by all means, this is very parasitic. Yes I agree.
The Gods want us to have a framework of morals and priorities straight.

No Satanist should see other people as energy sources.
This will harm them much more, than you will benefit from it.

In my experience completely draining a person is not really efficient. Like I said in another post, psychic vampirism is like sticking your arm in a sewage pipe. You have to know what you're looking for and where to find it, as you don't want to get all that filth on yourself. Intense draining is extremely dangerous if you take that mass of energy into yourself carelessly. You ought to be selective and subtle.

Without saying much, draining specific parts of the soul, that are connected to certain material things can transfer that defining piece of their existence, for example wealth, to you.

Doing this correctly overtime their wealth begins to dissipate, expensive legal trouble befalls them, their business loses customers and revenue, and they have financial mishaps and misfortunes.

On the other side of this transaction you get a raise or promotion, or maybe find a job that pays better, or sell something for extravagant price, or gain a new asset etc.

You go up, they go down. You can complain eternally about how this is a jewish practice and it's evil and bla bla bla. I say find the people who deserve to lose everything, and show them the same level of mercy they give to their employees. No mercy for slavers, take everything from them.

I wanted to ask you out of curiosity, what happens after an extended period of time of draining someone, as I also thought of the same, that you literally take all their energy, and also probably quite some dross into you.
(Altho I didn't feel any dirt entering me, as I did something very specific which probably made sure only certain energies left their bodies. But non the less they were close to fainting.)

Needless to say, this is, as you already pointed out, black magick.
Don't use it carelessly, as we need to have our morals and priorities straight.

If you drain someone's energies thoroughly and consistently for very extended periods of time (I consider 6 to 12 months), initially you will notice mental and emotional instability, people become irritable, distant, they lose focus easily and make bad decisions. Later down the line you notice more and more physical symptoms, they get tired or even exhausted easily, their immune system weakens, and really overall their physical health will deteriorate over long periods.

This all depends on their lifestyle, someone who has good physical health, meditates and has a balanced diet and good mental stability is more resilient to this as their lifestyle keeps their energy levels at an at least somewhat balanced state, though most people don't do any of this, and more importantly don't meditate, so without replenishing their energies draining can be devastating to them over long periods.

Also, you can drain a person and selectively take in specific energies into yourself, or you can sloppily rip everything out of them. When doing the latter, nothing should be taken into yourself. Burn them, re-direct them, do whatever you want with them, but never take their condensed blob of energy into yourself. This is what your average psychic vampire does, and they become an amalgamate of several people's energies, they become emotionally imbalanced, spiritually polluted and will almost certainly go insane given enough time.

Also, when taking in other's energies into yourself, you should do it no longer than a month in my opinion. If a person does not meditate, clean themselves and re-energize, at a certain point there is nothing left that is worth taking into yourself.

Theoretically, if you find a suitable "host" who meditates daily and consistently, you could subtly drain them indefinitely. In my opinion this is exceedingly distasteful if done to someone who does not deserve such treatment, and is one of the reasons I don't explain the practice in depth because most people do not have the emotional stability, and sense of morality to use this knowledge in a morally acceptable fashion.

Most psychic vampires drain subconsciously and are extremely sloppy and unclean, a small percentage of them do it consciously but are equally inept and destroy themselves in time. An even more minuscule percentage knows what they are doing and do so in a morally acceptable manner.

"Psychic vampirism" is an unfortunate name for something that is more accurately described as manipulation of the connections between souls, and the transfer of energies done through these connections. You can claim that a majority of people use these methods of energy transfer in a parasitic and morally unacceptable fashion, but this does not by default mean that the practice is inherently evil.

It is neither good nor evil, as you can use this knowledge for either good or evil outcomes. The idea that this practice is inherently evil, taboo or "jewish" is insane. Refusing to learn it, and learn about it in depth, only puts you at a disadvantage.

Many people are afraid of, and cannot deal with psychic vampires, as a result of a lack of knowledge in this field. And when I attempt to shed light on it, I have a tirade of people complaining that it is evil and of the jews. When you know how these paths function, and how energy transfers can be used, a vampire attached to you is not only a non-threat, it can even benefit you, as you can literally turn them into a vacuum of negative energy and filter all the undesirable energies in you and transfer these to them.
Aquarius said:
That's mentally sick of you. Completely jewish idea.

I love how straight you put it, Aquarius. I agree, this is fucked up. Some people here have some problems
Stormblood said:
Dahaarkan said:
Stormblood said:
or abusing people with the enemy model of real estate.

I really live rent free in your mind, don't I?

What is your issue with me exactly?

No, you're just a meme from time to time. The issue is that you regurgitate enemy stuff. That's all and, now that I think about it, you also make widespread assumptions about what other real estate owners like you do, as if they all kept properties in perfect or even just good conditions.

I will be friendly, and even link to the thread where we discussed this, so everyone can see just how evil and psychotic I am!


Between you and me let's just hope nobody notices your insane communist rants where you dream about a communist dystopia where everyone needs social credit to be allowed to have housing, which is all owned and given by the state, because that would make the comment about me regurgitating enemy stuff feel hypocritical and downright retarded :?

Fingers crossed!

I thought you learned by now, this twisting words, assumptions, empty accusation dogshit doesn't work with me. You just look like a stubborn idiot as usual, and neither of us gain anything from this. I literally have nothing against you, and have nothing but respect for what you do. But for some reason you are bent on being in a permanent feud with me.

I know you desperately want to make me look bad because I'm one of the few people who points out how silly you are at times. Not that it devalues anything else you do. But it doesn't matter because unlike you I have no attachment to my image or reputation in this community. I say nothing that I am not convinced is truth and have absolutely no ill intentions towards JoS or anybody here. And unlike you I have the balls to admit when I'm wrong or make a mistake.

I also don't harbor petty anger with anybody and don't carry any ill will towards anyone here. Most people don't. Most people argue and disagree and then leave it at that. This is called being an adult, the way children argue and disagree is they hold grudges for months and then take pitiful jabs in unrelated topics months later. I'm not angry at you or anything, just disappointed.

You've come a long way and yet, you are still terribly emotionally imbalanced and immature. So tell me stormblood what exactly did you gain from your posts on this thread?
BlackOnyx8 said:

I have to disagree when you say certain people do not represent the JoS. Every single one of us represents the JoS, including you, who are openly insulting your Brothers for disregarding unethical behavior that is parasitical in nature and contrary to all natural human instincts and contrary to the teachings of the Gods of healthy spiritual independence.

Now, I mean no offense with this, but I am genuinely curious as to what is the whole point of harvesting energy from other people in a parasitical fashion. Even if they are Christians or whatever, they are still Gentiles, they are still Satan‘s people. You are essentially hurting their soul. Jews on the other hand, I couldn't care less, but they have a totally different energy from ours and as such would be suicidal to absorb that kind of energy into the soul. Even if let's say you are able to absorb raw bioelectricity from another being without it being tainted, this would be nothing compared to the energy of, for example, the Sun which is way more powerful and you can absorb effortlessly and is absolutely invigorating and healthy for you, without ever harming another human being.

The only "positive" use I can think of, that would not be unethical is in cases of vengeance. Anything else, I would think is just utterly wrong and unethical. Just because we in theory are allowed to do whatever we want to do, does not mean that we should, and specially so against Satan‘s people, which is not just the Satanic community but the Human species as whole.

I am genuinely trying to understand what motivates a dedicated Spiritual Satanist to engage in this kind of practice and I would like to hear your opinion on this, not that I am interesting in joining in, just trying to understand, it would also be interesting to know from an Astrological perspective what influences such behavior. If I were to guess, I would say perhaps a very debilitated Natal Sun that would make you want to obtain the energy from others in order to compensate for the bioelectricity that you would naturally lack but it would probably be deeper than just that, I haven't been able to figure out what exactly though.

I will make an article about "psychic vampirism" to finally put this topic to rest. I know now there are many assumptions, confusion and bullshit regarding my involvement in this practice, and probably should have just kept to myself, but I genuinely dislike hiding things from you. I prefer to be bluntly honest.

I want you to understand that having knowledge of something, doesn't mean you use that knowledge to an absolute extreme of pure evil. Psychic vampirism is the parasitic application of knowledge on connections, and energy transferring between souls. There are more applications to this knowledge, but even psychic vampirism can be applied to a positive outcome.

Motivations behind it know that I'm a deeply jealous, angry and hateful person. I am obsessed with extremely heavy handed justice and wholeheartedly believe that people who viciously exploit others deserve to be mercilessly exploited themselves. I don't care if they are gentiles or not, degenerates deserve punishment, and draining a rich bastard who made outrageous fortune off the backs of innocent people is poetic.

It can directly benefit me, and I'm destroying people who deserve to be destroyed. To plant in them the financial stress and struggle they put on others, nothing tastes sweeter. They deserve to lose everything. My detractors ignore this, which I have stated repeatedly. I have never done harm to anybody who did not completely deserve it. It is easier to paint me as a psychopath who drains everybody I meet, so they can endlessly complain about me to validate themselves and look good.

The brave heroes standing up against the big bad villain of the forums who turns satanists into vampires and psychopaths, or whatever. In truth they are just complaining about something they don't understand, and making assumptions about someone they don't know.

I want you all to be the best you can be. To be armed with every weapon imaginable, to learn everything there is to learn. Anything that can benefit you, I want to share with you, that is all.

As for my behavior on this thread, I deeply apologize if in reality this was a troll. Understand that, if I see someone sabotaging the forums in some way, in this case to me driving people away in a callous manner, I go ballistic. From my perspective this was just a callous disregard of the purpose of the forums, and unacceptable behavior towards a new member.

My commitment and loyalty to Satan's designs is absolute. Any damage, intentional or not to this place pisses me off immensely. Sometimes it can be misguided, don't take it personally.
Jack said:
Psychic vampirism is like kneeling infront of someone, opening your mouth and telling them to piss in it. And if that's something you like, you have some serious mental problems. You don't need to become a psychic vampire when you're naturally possessing of spiritual power that can overpower any obstacle. It's called Prana. :roll: :roll: :roll:

It seems regardless of topic, you always manage to find a way to make it about trannies or some kind of sexual fantasy about defecation. We're talking spiritual stuff here, not your fetishes.
Dahaarkan said:
NinRick said:
Well, if someone knows how to drain people of their energy, and is able to do so, this is actually a very powerful source of energy and Doesn‘t take this long. You will start shining in light, while the other person will be severely drained, and if you drain too much they will eventually faint, and if they have no means, knowledge and ability to regain the energy effectively, recovery with physical symptoms will take quite a while, possibly some days. (Depending on the subject)

So by all means, this is very parasitic. Yes I agree.
The Gods want us to have a framework of morals and priorities straight.

No Satanist should see other people as energy sources.
This will harm them much more, than you will benefit from it.

In my experience completely draining a person is not really efficient. Like I said in another post, psychic vampirism is like sticking your arm in a sewage pipe. You have to know what you're looking for and where to find it, as you don't want to get all that filth on yourself. Intense draining is extremely dangerous if you take that mass of energy into yourself carelessly. You ought to be selective and subtle.

Without saying much, draining specific parts of the soul, that are connected to certain material things can transfer that defining piece of their existence, for example wealth, to you.

Doing this correctly overtime their wealth begins to dissipate, expensive legal trouble befalls them, their business loses customers and revenue, and they have financial mishaps and misfortunes.

On the other side of this transaction you get a raise or promotion, or maybe find a job that pays better, or sell something for extravagant price, or gain a new asset etc.

You go up, they go down. You can complain eternally about how this is a jewish practice and it's evil and bla bla bla. I say find the people who deserve to lose everything, and show them the same level of mercy they give to their employees. No mercy for slavers, take everything from them.

Transferring of wealth should be done by someone and wealth should be transferred to people based on merit, hence why a SS justice system will deal with this in the future, not edgy people moving blood money to themselves without having done much to deserve them.

Yes, this people should be punished. No, nobody appointed you to be judge and executioner. Those roles you can assume when you have been personally wronged. For your sjw needs, an appropriate authority that exact actual justice needs to be involved. This is clearly not you, or wealth would be appropriately redistributed amongst the people affected.

These things require conscience and judgement, which you lack. You are only in it for yourself. Hence why you are having backslash on here. Not just by me but by nearly everyone. You are no different than a thief.

In logic, just because a premise is correct it doesn't imply that the result is too. And if you reply 'better an SS Gentile than a slaver', anyone can see how short-sighted of a statement that would be.

How about you try to redistribute wealth properly to the people affected and stop being a thief? Maybe the Gods would be on your side and would be even willing to help you in this endeavour by showing you who these need to be bestowed upon, rather than yourself.

For your own personal gain, there are ways that do not involve thievery. Spiritual Satanism has moral and ethics too. The Gods teach them. You should attend some classes.
NinRick said:
Jack said:
You don't need to become a psychic vampire when you're naturally possessing of spiritual power that can overpower any obstacle. It's called Prana. :roll: :roll: :roll:

This is the mindset of a warrior that wants to elevate themselves to the highest heights and strive for their own evolution!
Well said!

And you're constantly immersed in an endless supply of it. You can have as much of it as you want to shape for your goals.
Stormblood said:
Dahaarkan said:
NinRick said:
Well, if someone knows how to drain people of their energy, and is able to do so, this is actually a very powerful source of energy and Doesn‘t take this long. You will start shining in light, while the other person will be severely drained, and if you drain too much they will eventually faint, and if they have no means, knowledge and ability to regain the energy effectively, recovery with physical symptoms will take quite a while, possibly some days. (Depending on the subject)

So by all means, this is very parasitic. Yes I agree.
The Gods want us to have a framework of morals and priorities straight.

No Satanist should see other people as energy sources.
This will harm them much more, than you will benefit from it.

In my experience completely draining a person is not really efficient. Like I said in another post, psychic vampirism is like sticking your arm in a sewage pipe. You have to know what you're looking for and where to find it, as you don't want to get all that filth on yourself. Intense draining is extremely dangerous if you take that mass of energy into yourself carelessly. You ought to be selective and subtle.

Without saying much, draining specific parts of the soul, that are connected to certain material things can transfer that defining piece of their existence, for example wealth, to you.

Doing this correctly overtime their wealth begins to dissipate, expensive legal trouble befalls them, their business loses customers and revenue, and they have financial mishaps and misfortunes.

On the other side of this transaction you get a raise or promotion, or maybe find a job that pays better, or sell something for extravagant price, or gain a new asset etc.

You go up, they go down. You can complain eternally about how this is a jewish practice and it's evil and bla bla bla. I say find the people who deserve to lose everything, and show them the same level of mercy they give to their employees. No mercy for slavers, take everything from them.

Transferring of wealth should be done by someone and wealth should be transferred to people based on merit, hence why a SS justice system will deal with this in the future, not edgy people moving blood money to themselves without having done much to deserve them.

Yes, this people should be punished. No, nobody appointed you to be judge and executioner. Those roles you can assume when you have been personally wronged. For your sjw needs, an appropriate authority that exact actual justice needs to be involved. This is clearly not you, or wealth would be appropriately redistributed amongst the people affected.

These things require conscience and judgement, which you lack. You are only in it for yourself. Hence why you are having backslash on here. Not just by me but by nearly everyone. You are no different than a thief.

In logic, just because a premise is correct it doesn't imply that the result is too. And if you reply 'better an SS Gentile than a slaver', anyone can see how short-sighted of a statement that would be.

How about you try to redistribute wealth properly to the people affected and stop being a thief? Maybe the Gods would be on your side and would be even willing to help you in this endeavour by showing you who these need to be bestowed upon, rather than yourself.

For your own personal gain, there are ways that do not involve thievery. Spiritual Satanism has moral and ethics too. The Gods teach them. You should attend some classes.

Judge jury and executioner? If even average people would compliment you on something if they knew you did it I don't think a person is doing a bad job with that. This is one of the cases that wouldn't be that disagreed with. Even people of low Consciousness know some should not have wealth like they do. If a person is targeting an undeserving person that's bad but that's not what is being suggested here.

I don't like Psychic vampirism in fact the whole idea repulses me I never did it other than to try and drain a church once (was a huge mistake and took a long time to cleanse out of me) but this I don't disagree with if there is a way to gain something that another person should ethically not have anyways there is no problem with it.

If you are a more moral person which is almost always the case you deserve this stuff and not to suffer.
Why bother developing psychic vampirism when you can instead develop something way better that becomes part of you? :|
Dahaarkan said:
Stormblood said:
Dahaarkan said:
I really live rent free in your mind, don't I?

What is your issue with me exactly?

No, you're just a meme from time to time. The issue is that you regurgitate enemy stuff. That's all and, now that I think about it, you also make widespread assumptions about what other real estate owners like you do, as if they all kept properties in perfect or even just good conditions.

I will be friendly, and even link to the thread where we discussed this, so everyone can see just how evil and psychotic I am!


Between you and me let's just hope nobody notices your insane communist rants where you dream about a communist dystopia where everyone needs social credit to be allowed to have housing, which is all owned and given by the state, because that would make the comment about me regurgitating enemy stuff feel hypocritical and downright retarded :?

Fingers crossed!

I thought you learned by now, this twisting words, assumptions, empty accusation dogshit doesn't work with me. You just look like a stubborn idiot as usual, and neither of us gain anything from this. I literally have nothing against you, and have nothing but respect for what you do. But for some reason you are bent on being in a permanent feud with me.

I know you desperately want to make me look bad because I'm one of the few people who points out how silly you are at times. Not that it devalues anything else you do. But it doesn't matter because unlike you I have no attachment to my image or reputation in this community. I say nothing that I am not convinced is truth and have absolutely no ill intentions towards JoS or anybody here. And unlike you I have the balls to admit when I'm wrong or make a mistake.

I also don't harbor petty anger with anybody and don't carry any ill will towards anyone here. Most people don't. Most people argue and disagree and then leave it at that. This is called being an adult, the way children argue and disagree is they hold grudges for months and then take pitiful jabs in unrelated topics months later. I'm not angry at you or anything, just disappointed.

You've come a long way and yet, you are still terribly emotionally imbalanced and immature. So tell me stormblood what exactly did you gain from your posts on this thread?

I gain nothing personally. You, on the other hand, get exposed more and more. Now, even the lazy ones have that topic too at their disposal so they can read it as well without having to search for it. Keep up the good job of digging your own grave. Please, keep making posts that expose you more and more as you contradict yourself and also insult other users that tell you off. It is clear what the Gods have in mind for you is gradual exposure. Nothing more, nothing less.

As for whomever wants to call me out for something, they do and they have done it in the past. With those who were right and the cases were the situation was unclear never reached any point of heated argument or name-calling. Why? Because they were people who actually have awareness of this and deserve respect. They were people who have a high degree of reading comprehension and self-awareness, unlike you. You just like to discuss with me because I give you attention. With those people you wouldn't get any attention. They would shut you down immediately, hence why you complained that I am the only entertaining person you can argue with. Your own admission.

But no more of that. It is clear you lack reading comprehension skills (for your own writings as well) and self-awareness, and you have no intention to develop either of those, which is why I will no longer be trying to help you understand what your issues are. You said it yourself: it is a waste of time. So, you'll just be shut down or ignored from now on, depending on the case. Effective immediately.
Stormblood said:
Dahaarkan said:
NinRick said:
Well, if someone knows how to drain people of their energy, and is able to do so, this is actually a very powerful source of energy and Doesn‘t take this long. You will start shining in light, while the other person will be severely drained, and if you drain too much they will eventually faint, and if they have no means, knowledge and ability to regain the energy effectively, recovery with physical symptoms will take quite a while, possibly some days. (Depending on the subject)

So by all means, this is very parasitic. Yes I agree.
The Gods want us to have a framework of morals and priorities straight.

No Satanist should see other people as energy sources.
This will harm them much more, than you will benefit from it.

In my experience completely draining a person is not really efficient. Like I said in another post, psychic vampirism is like sticking your arm in a sewage pipe. You have to know what you're looking for and where to find it, as you don't want to get all that filth on yourself. Intense draining is extremely dangerous if you take that mass of energy into yourself carelessly. You ought to be selective and subtle.

Without saying much, draining specific parts of the soul, that are connected to certain material things can transfer that defining piece of their existence, for example wealth, to you.

Doing this correctly overtime their wealth begins to dissipate, expensive legal trouble befalls them, their business loses customers and revenue, and they have financial mishaps and misfortunes.

On the other side of this transaction you get a raise or promotion, or maybe find a job that pays better, or sell something for extravagant price, or gain a new asset etc.

You go up, they go down. You can complain eternally about how this is a jewish practice and it's evil and bla bla bla. I say find the people who deserve to lose everything, and show them the same level of mercy they give to their employees. No mercy for slavers, take everything from them.

Transferring of wealth should be done by someone and wealth should be transferred to people based on merit, hence why a SS justice system will deal with this in the future, not edgy people moving blood money to themselves without having done much to deserve them.

Yes, this people should be punished. No, nobody appointed you to be judge and executioner. Those roles you can assume when you have been personally wronged. For your sjw needs, an appropriate authority that exact actual justice needs to be involved. This is clearly not you, or wealth would be appropriately redistributed amongst the people affected.

These things require conscience and judgement, which you lack. You are only in it for yourself. Hence why you are having backslash on here. Not just by me but by nearly everyone. You are no different than a thief.

In logic, just because a premise is correct it doesn't imply that the result is too. And if you reply 'better an SS Gentile than a slaver', anyone can see how short-sighted of a statement that would be.

How about you try to redistribute wealth properly to the people affected and stop being a thief? Maybe the Gods would be on your side and would be even willing to help you in this endeavour by showing you who these need to be bestowed upon, rather than yourself.

For your own personal gain, there are ways that do not involve thievery. Spiritual Satanism has moral and ethics too. The Gods teach them. You should attend some classes.
so how will wealth be justly transferred in a SS system like workers who work low wage jobs will they still live paycheck to paycheck or live with roommates or work 40 to 80 hours a week cause i remember a sermon from HPHoodedCobra that an SS society would be something like as long as you work and contribute you'll have a place and not be in poverty and not live paycheck to paycheck also by merit do you mean working hard? having a college degree? having a trade/skill? what do you mean cause nowadays working hard doesn't mean much in jobs unless you have some kind of skill. also would low wage jobs be replaced by robots since the logic on the internet is that everyone should be a doctor or engineer to not live paycheck to paycheck.

also is Dahaarkan being hated because he's promoting psychic vampirism if so he deserves it fuck jewish practices!

i kindly request some answers to my questions if you got the time Stormbro

also do you like my insult to reptilians bitchtilians? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Stormblood said:
I gain nothing personally. You, on the other hand, get exposed more and more. Now, even the lazy ones have that topic too at their disposal so they can read it as well without having to search for it. Keep up the good job of digging your own grave. Please, keep making posts that expose you more and more as you contradict yourself and also insult other users that tell you off. It is clear what the Gods have in mind for you is gradual exposure. Nothing more, nothing less.

As for whomever wants to call me out for something, they do and they have done it in the past. With those who were right and the cases were the situation was unclear never reached any point of heated argument or name-calling. Why? Because they were people who actually have awareness of this and deserve respect. They were people who have a high degree of reading comprehension and self-awareness, unlike you. You just like to discuss with me because I give you attention. With those people you wouldn't get any attention. They would shut you down immediately, hence why you complained that I am the only entertaining person you can argue with. Your own admission.

But no more of that. It is clear you lack reading comprehension skills (for your own writings as well) and self-awareness, and you have no intention to develop either of those, which is why I will no longer be trying to help you understand what your issues are. You said it yourself: it is a waste of time. So, you'll just be shut down or ignored from now on, depending on the case. Effective immediately.

Have you noticed you enjoy writing extensive texts criticizing other people, often in a passive aggressive manner, but when anybody addresses any flaws in your character, you can't take it.

You can continue to day dream about the gods exposing me for whatever you imagine I am guilty of, you can criticize me and make assumptions about my personal or financial life and all these things. You can pray and hope for my destruction all you want. And do so knowing I have nothing against you, and never had. Everything that I have ever said to you, was in response to something else you directed at me.

The truth is that all I am guilty of, is having different views, and different opinions to yours. You cannot accept this, it's why you carry extreme resentment for me over a discussion we had months ago. I stand by what I said, you are a beautiful soul and I have a lot of respect for you, but you are immature and emotionally imbalanced, and overly obsessed with meaningless things.

Nobody is going to read several pages of a discussion on real estate just because you claimed I said something nasty. I posted the link just to piss you off. Literally no one cares about this kind of petty crap. Nobody but you. Obsessed and immature.

Just let it go man. I am not your enemy, and we don't have to agree on everything. And you don't have to be trying to destroy me in every thread lol. First and foremost because you cannot, and secondly you gain nothing from trying.

We are on the same side but you antagonize me over petty nonsense. Relax.

On the topic of arguing with you, yes, I very much enjoyed discussing things with you before you became...this. I often enjoy discussion with people who have different views to mine, but for some reason now you take everything personally and see any form of disagreement as a personal attack. It's become quite boring admittedly. We used to be able to have a discussion without you being passive aggressive constantly, that was nice.

Back in the day we could even agree to disagree and leave it at that, imagine!
Dahaarkan said:
On the topic of arguing with you, yes, I very much enjoyed discussing things with you before you became...this. I often enjoy discussion with people who have different views to mine, but for some reason now you take everything personally and see any form of disagreement as a personal attack. It's become quite boring admittedly. We used to be able to have a discussion without you being passive aggressive constantly, that was nice.

Back in the day we could even agree to disagree and leave it at that, imagine!

The reason why Stormblood no longer agrees to disagree with you is because what you advocate and practice is no longer Spiritual Satanism.

Why would Stormblood, or any dedicated SS for that matter simply agree to disagree with someone practicing psychic vampirism in any form, and associating it with Spiritual Satanism?

Practice it if you like, but do not expect us to agree or accept your views on it, which are incompatible with the Spiritual Satanic spirit and way, if you come here to advocate such methods.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Dahaarkan said:
On the topic of arguing with you, yes, I very much enjoyed discussing things with you before you became...this. I often enjoy discussion with people who have different views to mine, but for some reason now you take everything personally and see any form of disagreement as a personal attack. It's become quite boring admittedly. We used to be able to have a discussion without you being passive aggressive constantly, that was nice.

Back in the day we could even agree to disagree and leave it at that, imagine!

The reason why Stormblood no longer agrees to disagree with you is because what you advocate and practice is no longer Spiritual Satanism.

Why would Stormblood, or any dedicated SS for that matter simply agree to disagree with someone practicing psychic vampirism in any form, and associating it with Spiritual Satanism?

Practice it if you like, but do not expect us to agree or accept your views on it, which are incompatible with the Spiritual Satanic spirit and way, if you come here to advocate such methods.

Hail Satan!

The spiritual satanic way includes justice. What does it matter which tool you use to achieve it?

If you actually knew me, knew the way I apply the knowledge I have on this, the things I do with it and the kind of people I target. You'd know what I do is just and good.

But for some reason you automatically assume I use my knowledge in cruel and callous ways. You don't know me. So don't assume. And I've told you already, be careful with the "we" thing. You are in no position to dictate to me (or anyone) what is and isn't Satanic or acceptable.

And don't pass off stormblood's attitude being just about this topic. He's like this no matter what we discuss, he takes everything personally, and holds grudges indefinitely.
Dahaarkan said:
The spiritual satanic way includes justice. What does it matter which tool you use to achieve it?

If you actually knew me, knew the way I apply the knowledge I have on this, the things I do with it and the kind of people I target. You'd know what I do is just and good.

But for some reason you automatically assume I use my knowledge in cruel and callous ways. You don't know me. So don't assume. And I've told you already, be careful with the "we" thing. You are in no position to dictate to me (or anyone) what is and isn't Satanic or acceptable.

And don't pass off stormblood's attitude being just about this topic. He's like this no matter what we discuss, he takes everything personally, and holds grudges indefinitely.

You fancy yourself as a sort of Robinhood who likes to tear down those in power that you perceive as evil or undeserving of the power they have, and then somehow hope that helps or benefits anything or anyone.

Unfortunately, you do not have the power or understanding to do this properly at all. You do not have the power to take and redistribute what belongs to others. You may be able to do some things and see some reactions, or perhaps even destroy some wealthy person whom you perceive as deserving of this (And you may be right on that), but to do as you wish to do, there is more to it than that.

On what basis do you decide who deserves or doesn't deserve their position of power?
On what basis do you decide, if at all, where does the wealth you want to tear from them go?
How is it redistributed any better than it was before?
What happens to the people working for, or under the person you tear down from his position?
What happens to their relatives, or any related people after you pull the rug from under them?

If it is only against jews, sure, it doesn't matter what happens to their relatives, better if they all fall down along with them, but from what you write, it doesn't sound like this is what you do, therefore my evaluation of it.

Do you stop to think if what you do benefits anyone at all, or is just the meaningless act of an egoistical person who has build some power that most others don't have, and likes to abuse it for his own personal satisfaction more than anything else?

About being in some position or not, based on the wisdom I have and the understanding about the Spiritual Satanic path I hold, I am in fact capable of judging what is or isn't Satanic, and what is or isn't compatible with the Spiritual Satanism that we teach, and with the ways of life the Gods teach to their followers.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:

Greetings brother, may I ask you a question?
I think that there are good chances that you know the answer.
In the Sigil of Lady Inanna, there are two straight lines, that go from top to bottom, which are parallel. Are those nadhis?

Hail Lady Inanna!
NinRick said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Greetings brother, may I ask you a question?
I think that there are good chances that you know the answer.
In the Sigil of Lady Inanna, there are two straight lines, that go from top to bottom, which are parallel. Are those nadhis?

Hail Lady Inanna!

Yes and no. The sigil is actually extremely deep and complex, where I do not understand it all yet either.

In some way, one can say the two straight lines represent the Ida and Pingala, but that is not all.

The pentagram represents the 5 elements, while the two lines represent the two polarities that are born from the elements, and the two, or the duality, then comes together to create a whole all pervading force/power, and also the reverse, how the all pervading force/power can divide into polarities and then diffuse into the elements to create invocatively or evocatively.

All together it shows the permutation of the spiritual energies as one performs the spiritual alchemy, and contains within the full secret of the spiritual alchemy and force of creation/destruction.

It also shows a concept of infinity, the perpetual generation of energies without dissipating, which is the state the soul attains when the Godhead is reached.

HP HoodedCobra understands it better and can explain it better, but I think it is something that should be figured out on ones own by meditating upon it.
VoiceofEnki said:
Dahaarkan said:
The spiritual satanic way includes justice. What does it matter which tool you use to achieve it?

If you actually knew me, knew the way I apply the knowledge I have on this, the things I do with it and the kind of people I target. You'd know what I do is just and good.

But for some reason you automatically assume I use my knowledge in cruel and callous ways. You don't know me. So don't assume. And I've told you already, be careful with the "we" thing. You are in no position to dictate to me (or anyone) what is and isn't Satanic or acceptable.

And don't pass off stormblood's attitude being just about this topic. He's like this no matter what we discuss, he takes everything personally, and holds grudges indefinitely.

You fancy yourself as a sort of Robinhood who likes to tear down those in power that you perceive as evil or undeserving of the power they have, and then somehow hope that helps or benefits anything or anyone.

Unfortunately, you do not have the power or understanding to do this properly at all. You do not have the power to take and redistribute what belongs to others. You may be able to do some things and see some reactions, or perhaps even destroy some wealthy person whom you perceive as deserving of this (And you may be right on that), but to do as you wish to do, there is more to it than that.

On what basis do you decide who deserves or doesn't deserve their position of power?
On what basis do you decide, if at all, where does the wealth you want to tear from them go?
How is it redistributed any better than it was before?
What happens to the people working for, or under the person you tear down from his position?
What happens to their relatives, or any related people after you pull the rug from under them?

If it is only against jews, sure, it doesn't matter what happens to their relatives, better if they all fall down along with them, but from what you write, it doesn't sound like this is what you do, therefore my evaluation of it.

Do you stop to think if what you do benefits anyone at all, or is just the meaningless act of an egoistical person who has build some power that most others don't have, and likes to abuse it for his own personal satisfaction more than anything else?

About being in some position or not, based on the wisdom I have and the understanding about the Spiritual Satanic path I hold, I am in fact capable of judging what is or isn't Satanic, and what is or isn't compatible with the Spiritual Satanism that we teach, and with the ways of life the Gods teach to their followers.

Hail Satan!

I'm sorry but do you spend all your time and energy babysitting random people?

Blessing them, doing money workings directed at them, etc?

I assume not. So why is this expected of me?

I do not owe anything to anyone. The idea that somehow it is my personal duty to redistribute wealth among the masses is only properly described as insanity. I use my power and knowledge to better myself and my conditions, just like you do, and I use my power and knowledge to destroy my enemies, just like you do. I'm just more creative than you.

Everybody and anybody in the world can choose to use 2% of their brain and realize there are serious problems with the world, and use their access to the internet to look for answers, and before long find their way here. Then begin to take control of their own lives. I hold no responsibility over other people's lives just because I'm a Satanist, this is insane.

I could make another account and claim that I'm destroying the same people, just with different methods. And I'd get nothing but praise for it. But because it's done in a way you find distasteful, you can't handle it. And since there's no real argument against it, you have to say vague things like "it's not the satanic way" or do what most are doing, make assumptions on me personally and what I'm doing, instead of discussing the topic.

And yes, all of it is for selfish reasons. I want to grow my wealth. I also have a personal hatred for people who built their wealth on the exploitation of others and find it poetic to exploit them themselves.

Also yes, I do not have the power to redistribute wealth among the masses. Never claimed I was trying to do this. I use the power I have to better myself and my conditions, just like everyone else. I just happen to be more creative about it. And I'm hurting no one who isn't deserving of harm.

Like I said in another reply, just because I know how to do something, doesn't mean I will do it to an absolute extreme of pure evil like you automatically assume that I do. Herein lies the real problem and why you are afraid of this practice, you assume that because I have a gun, that I will shoot everybody I see. This is not the truth of the matter.

I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I'm trying to be some robin hood figure that steals from the rich and gives to the poor, this is not what's happening at all. I do it for myself. For the same reason when you do a money working, you direct it towards you and not random people.

And as for your final comment, just know that I completely reject your judgement on what is and isn't Satanic. You have no authority over me, or anyone, to dictate or declare such things. Satan himself permits all of us to follow the dictates of our own nature so long as we do not go against his designs.

You know you can simply say you are personally repulsed by it, find it disgusting etc etc. As others have said, and that's totally fine. Just don't try to pass it off as if it is some kind of sin because such doesn't exist in Satanism. Satanism is about knowledge, and pursuing knowledge, this is undeniable. As far as I see it, this includes ALL knowledge, not just what you cherry pick and personally enjoy learning.
VoiceofEnki said:
NinRick said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Greetings brother, may I ask you a question?
I think that there are good chances that you know the answer.
In the Sigil of Lady Inanna, there are two straight lines, that go from top to bottom, which are parallel. Are those nadhis?

Hail Lady Inanna!

Yes and no. The sigil is actually extremely deep and complex, where I do not understand it all yet either.

In some way, one can say the two straight lines represent the Ida and Pingala, but that is not all.

The pentagram represents the 5 elements, while the two lines represent the two polarities that are born from the elements, and the two, or the duality, then comes together to create a whole all pervading force/power, and also the reverse, how the all pervading force/power can divide into polarities and then diffuse into the elements to create invocatively or evocatively.

All together it shows the permutation of the spiritual energies as one performs the spiritual alchemy, and contains within the full secret of the spiritual alchemy and force of creation/destruction.

It also shows a concept of infinity, the perpetual generation of energies without dissipating, which is the state the soul attains when the Godhead is reached.

HP HoodedCobra understands it better and can explain it better, but I think it is something that should be figured out on ones own by meditating upon it.

Oh, thank you for the input!

In meditation Lady Inanna‘s Sigil flashed up, and I wanted to verify what I opened up by doing so. Agreed, this should be figured out by the individual with the guidance of the Gods.

Again thank you!
Crystallized Mushroom said:
so how will wealth be justly transferred in a SS system like workers who work low wage jobs will they still live paycheck to paycheck or live with roommates or work 40 to 80 hours a week cause i remember a sermon from HPHoodedCobra that an SS society would be something like as long as you work and contribute you'll have a place and not be in poverty and not live paycheck to paycheck also by merit do you mean working hard? having a college degree? having a trade/skill? what do you mean cause nowadays working hard doesn't mean much in jobs unless you have some kind of skill. also would low wage jobs be replaced by robots since the logic on the internet is that everyone should be a doctor or engineer to not live paycheck to paycheck.

also is Dahaarkan being hated because he's promoting psychic vampirism if so he deserves it fuck jewish practices!

i kindly request some answers to my questions if you got the time Stormbro

also do you like my insult to reptilians bitchtilians? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We don't know yet how it will work. It will be an evolving situation. You can imagine what HP Hooded Cobra stated as a mission statement, and the wise people of a country will gradually manifest it in reality. What we have today is a completely poisoned system. What we will have in the future will be completely unbelievable for most, especially for people who have not freed themselves yet from the enemy shackles. However, not as unbelievable as the system of the Gods, as we are still so far away from that level.
VoiceofEnki said:
Dahaarkan said:
On the topic of arguing with you, yes, I very much enjoyed discussing things with you before you became...this. I often enjoy discussion with people who have different views to mine, but for some reason now you take everything personally and see any form of disagreement as a personal attack. It's become quite boring admittedly. We used to be able to have a discussion without you being passive aggressive constantly, that was nice.

Back in the day we could even agree to disagree and leave it at that, imagine!

The reason why Stormblood no longer agrees to disagree with you is because what you advocate and practice is no longer Spiritual Satanism.

Why would Stormblood, or any dedicated SS for that matter simply agree to disagree with someone practicing psychic vampirism in any form, and associating it with Spiritual Satanism?

Practice it if you like, but do not expect us to agree or accept your views on it, which are incompatible with the Spiritual Satanic spirit and way, if you come here to advocate such methods.

Hail Satan!

Great way to put it.

He's also way off-base about how I am feeling about him, which is simply nothing. Coldness if anything. On the other hand, his aura is pure hostility whenever I focus on him, remaining on the shallowest of levels of focus. This means hostility is his basic unconscious state when he comes in contact with me or my energies in general. He is just projecting his feelings upon me, falsely attributing them to me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
