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I need Help

Antares Warrior

New member
Apr 25, 2023
I think I have been decieved by the enemy for awhile. My name used to be Slyscorpion. I have been having someone talk to me in the spiritual telling me I was Beelzebuls son and that he was Beelzebul. However the teachings givin conflict with the JOS. I wanted to believe I was important and a king in my past life and would be in the future. However the voice was telling me certain teachings like I can't do anything without getting in trouble. I was punished by a feeling of great anger and powerful force telling me I could not eat or drink for days and telling me I have to obey. He said the internet is Jewish and I cannot be on the groups or speak. Rock music (my favorite kind) is Jewish and a control thing. I cannot eat beef or cheese or drink coffee but it came down to me barley being able to eat any kind of food because it conflicted with my soul. I have been off the groups for awhile because I was told not to be on here. I couldn't watch TV or listen to the radio or news. I couldn't use YouTube or any kind of Jewish service. I couldn't go into most stores in my neighborhood. Now I admit I used to steal from the stores but having nowhere to shop for even groceries is hard. I couldn't eat pizza or drink pop or anything with caffeine in it. I could not be social or talk to anyone very much. I had to stop talking to my family and cut them off because they are xtian and have very bad energy. I could not use anything with drugs or alcohol in it. Even soap.

My girlfriend is out of body and I cannot have sex with her without it being rape. So I quit talking to her for a year almost because of threat of punishment. I am starting to doubt I am talking to Beelzebul because the teachings while some of them being good lead me to not having anything to do or anyone to talk to. I was made believe I was a very important person. I thought about suicide like going downtown and jumping from the parking garage. I was made believe I would have nothing to do until the end of the war because I can't be part of any Jewish stuff.

I now am not believing the voice is Beelzebul. I am still not very open. I told my xtian family about the voices and they said that it's very destructive. I currently am court ordered to take meds from cmh because I was told to throw out all my stuff and since I am getting money from the government I have to stop but I can't work either. He would not let me have a job. I have been alone and isolated for awhile. If any of the stuff is Beelzebul I am sorry but I do not anymore believe it is. Many of the teachings were about becoming more moral and a better person but all this is leading too is me not having any friends any job or being able to support myself.

Literally I cannot do anything without pissing off Beelzebul or whoever the voice was. Nothing on the JOS suggests most of these teachings.

I am very fearful of being punished in a severe way for talking about any of this with my family or on here. Of course I am leaving out a lot when talking to my xtian family.

The positive is I no longer smoke or use vape and am more polite and clean but I doubt much of the stuff he is saying. I think the enemy has been talking to me.

If I am wrong I will be punished very severely for going against the Gods. But I cannot handle not being at all a part of society. I was told I can't do many of the meditations on the JOS or rituals because of the energy from my family and the JOS is low level people. I was told a bunch of stuff this is only part of it.

However I doubt now I am Beelzebuls son and doubt I should not take part in anything. Other teachings is I can buy nothing on sale and have to pay full price for everything and am greatly in debt even oweing the hospital bills I have because he doesn't believe in insurance. I cannot invest anything or gamble. I cannot receive money from the government or my family and I cannot get a job.

Help I am not talking to Beelzebul am I. I will end up committing suicide if I have to isolate from society.
Antares Warrior said:
However I doubt now I am Beelzebuls son and doubt I should not take part in anything. Other teachings is I can buy nothing on sale and have to pay full price for everything and am greatly in debt even oweing the hospital bills I have because he doesn't believe in insurance. I cannot invest anything or gamble. I cannot receive money from the government or my family and I cannot get a job.

Help I am not talking to Beelzebul am I. I will end up committing suicide if I have to isolate from society.

Yes you are being deceived by an enemy entity. This is what it is like to be deceived by enemy thoughtforms.

They will whisper to you sweet little lies that make you feel good, such as, you are Beelzebul's son, you are very important, and you are talking to Beelzebul now who is talking with you every day because you are so important.

Then they tell you ruinous advice that wrecks your life appart and tell you to stay away from all the things which can possibly help you under threat of punishment, threatening that you will betray Beelzebul by doing the things that will help you in life, they order you to do things which make you miserable, while further leading you to believe this is all for some higher purpose or the road to great power and enlightenment.

It took you far too long to realize this. Beelzebul doesn't want you to be miserable, He doesn't mind what you enjoy in life or what you like to eat, He cares for His people and is always there for them to give them the advice and help they need to get out of depression or troubles, He doesn't ask any such nonsense from any of His followers.

I suggest you try your best to do Beelzebul's authority ritual, and feel his real majesty, feel the raging thunder strike you out of this downwards spiral you have gotten yourself in.

Yes, you are not Beelzebul's literal son, and probably you have not been anyone very special in the past. However, even if you were, that doesn't mean anything.

It doesn't matter who's son you are, or who you've been in a past life, what matters is how you live at present and how you walk through life with Joy and in Power.

Listen to the music you want to listen to, no God will come whispering or yelling in your ears for liking some music.

Eat the food you want to eat, but do so with your own health in mind, don't overindulge on things that wreck your health, and don't starve yourself, just enjoy food as you like it while taking care of your body in a reasonable way.

Gods won't come yelling in your ear and forbid you from using youtube, or any other website for that matter. No God has time to police your life in ridiculous ways. They have far more important things to do than dish out punishments to people for watching too much youtube, or drinking coffee.

Any entity that comes around parading in Satan's name, or the name of our Esteemed Demons, who goes around talking about such insignificant crap is a complete piece of trash imposter creature. Smite them down with the wrath of Beelzebul for daring to make such a transgression upon the Great Names of our Gods, and tell them to fuck off while you enjoy your pizza and listen to your favorite rock band on a youtube video.

Make it up with your family when you can, don't push them away. Apologize to them if you've ghosted them or broken off your relationship with them unceremoniously, tell them you've struggled with your self but are recovering now, and do your best to speak amiably with them. Don't push them away any longer.

All of these things can be turned around. Do not allow these bullshit entities to ruin your life. Don't allow them to waste your life over this kind of garbage.

Don't allow them victory over yourself.

Live in Power and with Joy.

Hail Satan.
Why would I have to believe you when you say you are Slyscorpion? Any proof?
Sly!!! What the fuck bro I thought you were in the hospital or some shit.. I'm so glad you are alive. People have been asking about you here like FOREVER. That sounds like some serious delusional enemy bs that you got dragged into. I remember you telling me in the past you felt like you could have been a top nazi in a past life but this turned out to be inaccurate as well. Look, I think you have something that can indicate a pattern of you having these sorts of delusions. We have a waning scorpio moon coming up in November i suggest you take good advantage of it to free your soul from these types of patterns, as it appears the enemy has used these tendencies to fantasize to the extreme to the point of delusion to hold you down.

Have you done any rituals to the Gods lately? Keep these up as it will help you break through obstacles and lies.
I remember before you left the forums that you mentioned that you had problems because you had connections with enemy entities, something that can be solved by working with the FRTR, deep cleansing and doing every day the Abrasax ritual to banish, if you stopped meditating and doing the RTRs you gave the enemy the opportunity to take control and ruin your mind and your life.

You still have time to work and fix it.
Damn Brother that's really tragic story.
Without ZERO doubt, you have been talking to an enemy entity, and not to Baalzebul.

This is a perfect time to start a deep cleaning. Today on witches sabbath, or 2 weeks later, on witches esbat.

Probably several works will be needed.

In the very beginning of yours schedule, in the morning, Rise your energies with 20x SATANAS for example.

Do 2x or more times FRTR.

Than do deep cleaning.
A deep cleaning example:
Vibrate ViSuddhi 20x each time into all 7 main chakras, than into your light body, than into your aura, and each time state your affirmation.
"this energy completely cleanse my ... chakra in the most positive way for me" or something similar. "this energy completely cleanse my ... chakra from any and all negative influence, in the most positive way for me"

You can also do a MUNKA working, along with the deep cleaning, but this one is on you:
Vibrate MUNKA 40x or more times into your whole body, and every aspect of your soul, and state your affirmation
"This energy completely frees my soul from any and all enemy/negative influence"

Than do aura cleaning
Than do the Returning curses part one, while saying the prayer, intensively focusing, meditating on Satan's sigil.

You can also do a Standard ritual praying for help. But this is just for one time, and make that a long, formally perfect occasion.

Than do a WARFARE SPECIFIC AOP, possibly with the most vibrations that you can do.

After, you should do empowering, but you can do this with HATHA yoga, just vibrate the appropiate mantra while doing the asana.

After that, or in the beginning of your schedule, you should do a power ritual to ABRASAX, and BAALZEBUL.
When you do Abrasax's, you focus on banishing this kike energy, when doing Baalzebul's you focus on killing this piece of shit, and making connection with the true baalzebul. When you done with Baalzebul's ritual, you focus on his sigil, and meditate on it as long as you can. Write a humbling prayer, and say it while focusing on his sigil. Than imagine yourself in an infine black/akashic sphere, whit yourself sitting in it, and directly in front of you there is Baalzebuls sigil. Connect yourself with the sigil.

Exclusively make sure you do not start anything on a VoC.
You were/are a great member, you can free yourself from this shit, it's not impossible.

Look at your natal chart and when this happened at the first time, and you might figure out what went wrong.

You won't be punished by the Gods.
Antares Warrior said:

Brother, this is all extremely alarming. No, you are definitely not talking to Baalzebul, and no you don't have to be isolated from society. In fact, the opposite is true, that you should be very open with both us, and the society of the Gods, feeling welcome in both.

Anyway, these deceptions are out of control. You must cut all attachments with this enemy, and also work on grounding your mind. For example, chant Nauthiz and program it to both ground you and remove any attachments to this entity.

To connect with the Gods, always focus on their sigils only. You are highly sensitive, so use this in a positive manner by connecting to the Gods, not the enemy. There is a big difference here. At this point, I would suggest not having any connections that do not go directly through the sigils of the Gods, just to be safe.


Why would you fear punishment when in fact your life has already been highly ruined by this same entity? The Gods are always loving and caring, not excessively punishing like this.

You say: "because the teachings while some of them being good lead me to not having anything to do or anyone to talk to"
This shows that you are giving too much credit to whatever this retarded entity is. Do you seriously believe a God would give you this type of dogshit advice? I am not saying this to be mean to you, but so you can wake up to what is going on. They are serving you poop on a platter and you are acting like it is still edible and good for you. None of what you were told were "teachings".

You need to be highly integrated with your friends, family, good food, entertainment, and so on. Any changes to this come from natural advancement, not harsh restriction, like what Christians or Muslims do. Such restrictions did not result in you empowering your soul, but rather weakening it, as you lost your physical attachment to food and family.

Again, start grounding yourself so that your soul is able to discern reality better, as a lack of this is how these delusions are able to manifest. Connect directly with the Gods' sigils so that they can help you. Do this with many of them, not just Baalezebul.


It was brave of you to reach out for help, and you should continue to do this with both us and the Gods. No, you may not be literally the son of Baalzebul, but you are still special to us and them in your own way.
Antares Warrior said:

Pure schizophrenia, not talking to the Gods. A real throwback to the 'good old days' of Zola, Aldrick and their ilk right here. If you aren't a king or at least a being of grand importance now it's highly unlikely you were one in any past life. Reminds me of the other one claiming he is the 'son of Ares'.

Beelzebul doesn't give a single shit if you eat beef, put pizza slices in your mouth, or listen to rock music. HELLO.... Rock and roll is the devil's music. The JoS was MADE on the internet. Even you must know HPS Maxine listened to heavy metal? There is nothing here that is anything to do with morality, just like most lectures by certain members have nothing of moral content that the Gods would classify as actual morality. This is just fear, paranoia and guilt manifested in mental illness.

Where do HPS Maxine, or Satan, or Beelzebul say anywhere on the site that you should stop going outside, isolate yourself from your family and stop talking to people? Why is it such a perennial thing with the 'old guard' here that you should stop doing literally everything and act like some frum jew who enjoys zero in life because it's evil to do X Y and Z when none of this is written on the site anywhere?

Karnonnos said:
Pure schizophrenia, not talking to the Gods. A real throwback to the 'good old days' of Zola, Aldrick and their ilk right here. If you aren't a king or at least a being of grand importance now it's highly unlikely you were one in any past life. Reminds me of the other one claiming he is the 'son of Ares'.
I agree. People in general need to stop deluding themselves and think they're so special because of this or that fairy tale.

You really want to be special? Is that so? Then make yourself special. How? With your everyday work, your consistency, your diligence and your efforts. All of a sudden no one wants to be special anymore. That's the thing, people always like to complain, but they never want to accept that if they're not special it's beause of their lazy self. They're the ones hindering themselves.

This is not to demoralize, but to motivate. We have a golden opportunity, make the most out of it with your actions, and differentiate yourself with your work.
Welcome back to the forums SlyScorpion, we missed you!
I'm sorry to hear you're going through a rough time, the enemy has really gotten to you.
You should deep clean your soul and cut off any link with that malevolent entity from your soul.
Antares Warrior said:
Welcome back.
i kind of agree with wise Dragon is there anyone you told personal information to that you trust on the forums so they can confirm your identity?

Although I would be inclined to believe you anyway considering I myself returned around the same time an unlikely coincidence.

Yes this is a deception. Plain and simple, Realize this Most of us are descendants of Gods in various Extents But The Gods Wouldn’t just tell you who your Progenitor is. That’s not something that just happens without serious advancement. It’s likely a negative manifestation of Antares, the need to feel important as a warrior. And what’s the vice of Antares? self sabotage.

Witches Cleaning soon You Must partake!

Stay strong, Stay on the Forums.
Good luck to you
I wonder if you have chosen this more in your mind while you knew at least minimally that this is bullshit. Why did you want to believe this?

I know it is hard to get to know, but no entity made you do these things, but you did them. You have acted in this material life and cut things from yourself. If you understand that the 99,9% of this was your action, you can now also understand that you can hold responsibility over yourself, and must care for yourself. In the same way you can act in a dangerous way for yourself, you can act in a good way for yourself.

I would advise completely forgetting any need for communication in this way, by verbal ability and so on. If you do the God Rituals, and you mean them, they become part of you in time. They will act as protection and blessings on and in you.

I would also, in a respectable way, advise you to try some therapy, and some healing including maybe also talking to a doctor, if things get out of hand and you cannot control yourself. Because you have to think at a point, to what degree is this supernatural and enemy inspired and to what degree I am enabling this, and to what degree do I take care of my mind, body and soul. It gets to a point where you may not be the best judgement of character in this and you need to talk to some people.
This throws me back to the whole neptunian mermaid charade.
MattTheSockdemon said:
Antares Warrior said:
Welcome back.
i kind of agree with wise Dragon is there anyone you told personal information to that you trust on the forums so they can confirm your identity?

Although I would be inclined to believe you anyway considering I myself returned around the same time an unlikely coincidence.

Yes this is a deception. Plain and simple, Realize this Most of us are descendants of Gods in various Extents But The Gods Wouldn’t just tell you who your Progenitor is. That’s not something that just happens without serious advancement. It’s likely a negative manifestation of Antares, the need to feel important as a warrior. And what’s the vice of Antares? self sabotage.

Witches Cleaning soon You Must partake!

Stay strong, Stay on the Forums.
Good luck to you

I can email someone from my old email.
Antares Warrior said:
I think I have been decieved by the enemy for awhile. My name used to be Slyscorpion. I have been having someone talk to me in the spiritual telling me I was Beelzebuls son and that he was Beelzebul. However the teachings givin conflict with the JOS. I wanted to believe I was important and a king in my past life and would be in the future. However the voice was telling me certain teachings like I can't do anything without getting in trouble. I was punished by a feeling of great anger and powerful force telling me I could not eat or drink for days and telling me I have to obey. He said the internet is Jewish and I cannot be on the groups or speak. Rock music (my favorite kind) is Jewish and a control thing. I cannot eat beef or cheese or drink coffee but it came down to me barley being able to eat any kind of food because it conflicted with my soul. I have been off the groups for awhile because I was told not to be on here. I couldn't watch TV or listen to the radio or news. I couldn't use YouTube or any kind of Jewish service. I couldn't go into most stores in my neighborhood. Now I admit I used to steal from the stores but having nowhere to shop for even groceries is hard. I couldn't eat pizza or drink pop or anything with caffeine in it. I could not be social or talk to anyone very much. I had to stop talking to my family and cut them off because they are xtian and have very bad energy. I could not use anything with drugs or alcohol in it. Even soap.

My girlfriend is out of body and I cannot have sex with her without it being rape. So I quit talking to her for a year almost because of threat of punishment. I am starting to doubt I am talking to Beelzebul because the teachings while some of them being good lead me to not having anything to do or anyone to talk to. I was made believe I was a very important person. I thought about suicide like going downtown and jumping from the parking garage. I was made believe I would have nothing to do until the end of the war because I can't be part of any Jewish stuff.

I now am not believing the voice is Beelzebul. I am still not very open. I told my xtian family about the voices and they said that it's very destructive. I currently am court ordered to take meds from cmh because I was told to throw out all my stuff and since I am getting money from the government I have to stop but I can't work either. He would not let me have a job. I have been alone and isolated for awhile. If any of the stuff is Beelzebul I am sorry but I do not anymore believe it is. Many of the teachings were about becoming more moral and a better person but all this is leading too is me not having any friends any job or being able to support myself.

Literally I cannot do anything without pissing off Beelzebul or whoever the voice was. Nothing on the JOS suggests most of these teachings.

I am very fearful of being punished in a severe way for talking about any of this with my family or on here. Of course I am leaving out a lot when talking to my xtian family.

The positive is I no longer smoke or use vape and am more polite and clean but I doubt much of the stuff he is saying. I think the enemy has been talking to me.

If I am wrong I will be punished very severely for going against the Gods. But I cannot handle not being at all a part of society. I was told I can't do many of the meditations on the JOS or rituals because of the energy from my family and the JOS is low level people. I was told a bunch of stuff this is only part of it.

However I doubt now I am Beelzebuls son and doubt I should not take part in anything. Other teachings is I can buy nothing on sale and have to pay full price for everything and am greatly in debt even oweing the hospital bills I have because he doesn't believe in insurance. I cannot invest anything or gamble. I cannot receive money from the government or my family and I cannot get a job.

Help I am not talking to Beelzebul am I. I will end up committing suicide if I have to isolate from society.
Bro... really? How long have you been here now?
You should know better than that by now. You must be trolling. If not you should quit smoking whatever you're smoking and whatever other substances you're using that are not as prescribed to you by a doctor. Get a hold of yourself and get treatment because you really seem to be needing it.
Antares Warrior said:
MattTheSockdemon said:
Antares Warrior said:
Welcome back.
i kind of agree with wise Dragon is there anyone you told personal information to that you trust on the forums so they can confirm your identity?

Although I would be inclined to believe you anyway considering I myself returned around the same time an unlikely coincidence.

Yes this is a deception. Plain and simple, Realize this Most of us are descendants of Gods in various Extents But The Gods Wouldn’t just tell you who your Progenitor is. That’s not something that just happens without serious advancement. It’s likely a negative manifestation of Antares, the need to feel important as a warrior. And what’s the vice of Antares? self sabotage.

Witches Cleaning soon You Must partake!

Stay strong, Stay on the Forums.
Good luck to you

I can email someone from my old email.

Better than nothing. Ask them to confirm here for clarity sake.

Regardless your spare time should be focused on Cleaning Protections Void repeat it multiple times a day participate in the shen rituals probably stay away from the Rtrs until you’re comfortable. Afterwards continue with Satans ritual every day. It can be easier to communicate with said Daemons after the rituals.

Although I double down on what Pluto said, change your way of expected communication with the Gods.

This can't be sly, he isn't like this.
Idk who you are but its total trash you are capitalising on his absence.
Soul Wings said:
This can't be sly, he isn't like this.
Idk who you are but its total trash you are capitalising on his absence.

No need to be rash, people make mistakes.

Lots of people returned last month mercury wisdom, style coin, myself and others. is it really that far fetched?

I remember one of Sly’s last posts he asked for the Pluto mantra. Henu warned him to be careful as well.

Granted I’m not saying he should be believed, but sometimes it’s better to give people the benefit of the doubt.
And I thought I was the only one experiencing similar deceptions like this too, well shit...the next time this happens I'm visualizing blue fire over whatever whispers stupid shit up my ears ever again.
Oh by the way, glad to see you back again slyscorpion.
Wildfire said:
And I thought I was the only one experiencing similar deceptions like this too, well shit...the next time this happens I'm visualizing blue fire over whatever whispers stupid shit up my ears ever again.

Ya definitely one needs to be very cautious. Cobra said it himself, the enemy will try and manifest in almost all forms of communication. (paraphrasing) so one needs to take extra care.

The gods can manifest as whispers usually when they are busy or sometimes it’s convenient depending on the mage. If they really want to convey something you will know it

Ask yourself these questions.
1. Why are they saying this?
2. Does this help me in anyway?
3. Would this be harmful information?

The enemy has been trying to trick me constantly as well, (One word answers are a dead giveaway) I’ve taken to slashing every voice with blue fire claws.

The Gods understand. “better safe than sorry”
Matt.TheEnvoyOfSol_ said:
Wildfire said:
And I thought I was the only one experiencing similar deceptions like this too, well shit...the next time this happens I'm visualizing blue fire over whatever whispers stupid shit up my ears ever again.

Ya definitely one needs to be very cautious. Cobra said it himself, the enemy will try and manifest in almost all forms of communication. (paraphrasing) so one needs to take extra care.

The gods can manifest as whispers usually when they are busy or sometimes it’s convenient depending on the mage. If they really want to convey something you will know it

Ask yourself these questions.
1. Why are they saying this?
2. Does this help me in anyway?
3. Would this be harmful information?

The enemy has been trying to trick me constantly as well, (One word answers are a dead giveaway) I’ve taken to slashing every voice with blue fire claws.

The Gods understand. “better safe than sorry”

I prefer blue incendiary explosions on my end like someone mishandled a gas tank right behind them lol.

I know what I'm about to reference has some blasphemy in it like the stupid angel "gabriel" being Satan but this is for the sake of slinging the enemy's shit back at them. The real imposters are the grey drone and reptard assholes.

*mandela catalgue flashbacks*
Maybe. Regardless, I still stand by what I said and that's why I posted it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
