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How is Vedic Astrology Flawed?

Apr 17, 2024
I know it has many good things about it, like Nakshatras, but what are the flaws, or what is the flaw?
I've read what HPS Maxine stated about it, but I mean technically. Youtube has just confused me more.. I'm not knowledgeable about astrology and I don't have time to invest in diving into it seriously. I just have someone telling me how much better Vedic is, and I'm thinking 'well that's you.' It does actually calculate the movement of celestial bodies, while we have a fixed system that's not even congruent with the seasons in the sky now -- as it was made a couple thousand years ago.
Thank you, that’s helpful, although I’m still curious about how the Vedic system measures the planets that move and western astrology does not. The zodiac signs have all moved. How can this be explained that our system still works. I don’t doubt it. I just want to know technically. This answers the why but I still want to know how, in a manner of speaking.
Our system is the one that has always worked, because that is how it is, that it works. This knowledge present in Jos is "revised" by the gods.

Sidereal astrology takes into consideration the constellations and fixed stars. The tropical system takes into consideration the position of the sun relative to the earth's equator for chart formation.
Our system is the one that has always worked, because that is how it is, that it works. This knowledge present in Jos is "revised" by the gods.

Sidereal astrology takes into consideration the constellations and fixed stars. The tropical system takes into consideration the position of the sun relative to the earth's equator for chart formation.
Right, I understand, I’m just curious like how that is if the signs have moved so far. I have no doubt that our system is legit, i’m just tired of people saying tropical astrology is false because the signs have moved, and therefore, claiming that Vedic is accurate because it changes with the times… I would like to be able to counter that argument, and I’m hoping somebody can’t provide technical information on why that is. Either way, I believe it. I’ve met someone who won’t take this seriously because we use tropical astrology… I mean, yeah whatever it’s their loss… It’s frustrating that I don’t know how to technically defend it.

Every other fuckwit on the Internet is saying this shit and I think we need to clarify the technical reason. We can’t just say that it works because it works. I mean we can, but it’s not a great look in my opinion.
[...] It does actually calculate the movement of celestial bodies, while we have a fixed system that's not even congruent with the seasons in the sky now -- as it was made a couple thousand years ago.
Even thought the signs have moved, the energy curves so it hits the Earth the same way that it did before. Energy curves in space, it doesn't go in a direct line.

This is a very basic explanation. It might take volumes to explain it all better, but this should suffice for now.
Even thought the signs have moved, the energy curves so it hits the Earth the same way that it did before. Energy curves in space, it doesn't go in a direct line.

This is a very basic explanation. It might take volumes to explain it all better, but this should suffice for now.
Lady Lydia 🙏🏼🎯💯🤘🏼 I am very grateful for your astute reply!! I find this to be a profound fact. I hope this fact will be mentioned in JoS astrology sometime. I can’t comprehend how complicated this actually is! Have a great weekend!! Hail Satan!!
This stuff is also having a push because morons believe whatever "brown colonized bodies" create is holistic and "better", even though most white liberals frankly wouldn't care if all of India was detonated (because they love islam and Pakistanis so much, yet want to practice Astrology where in xianity and islam you can be burned alive for just looking at it).

First of all, it's mostly not Vedic Astrology. It's modern Indian Astrology, using a Sidereal Chart.

So called 'evil' Western Astrology can be done with Sidereal and has been. Many ancient 'Western' Charts actually are Sidereal, from Babylonia to Rome. Some Western Astrologers prefer Sidereal and don't use a Tropical system.

Ancient Vedic Astrology is totally TROPICAL other than (sometimes) calculating the Nakshatras and 'Great Years'. Vic DiCara proved this in translating Ancient Sanskrit texts.

As for the twelve signs - these come from Babylonia and Greece, passed on through Alexander's Empire. ALL the Sanskrit texts say the twelve signs came from 'Yanan' (Ionia, the Greeks). It makes zero sense to calculate these in a Sidereal manner. Most Indians didn't know how to describe them in terms of personality traits until hippie new agers came to India in the 1970s.

Now,the 'Sidereal' descriptions of the Solar signs just fudge the two together. Certain traits of Leo (being kingly) are fudged into Cancer, for instance.

Certain aspects of the Indian approach to Astrology are better and have a lot more wisdom compared to Western ideas. HPS Maxine pointed out that Indians put an emphasis on blending planetary meanings and not viewing a trine from malefics as a 'good thing', for example.

A lot of Western Astrologers are bullshitters, liars and 'everything is good if the universe wills it for you' people, they don't even consult Western Astrological texts as they are not very literate and don't care for their own history. This is another reason Indian Astrologers can have an advantage.

As an aside, absolutely none of our meditations work with Sidereal for a reason. You can try this yourself. It has other applications.
What matters are the results. Technicality, staying with the “protractor,” is not productive. And in this case, it can lead to errors in judgment.

The sidereal does not work, not because of theory, but because of results. People need only show their graph to realize this. It is not necessary to create an explanation.

Most people will not understand, even with evidence or results. Don't waste your time with them. It is useless.

Recently, I saw a person analyze the world situation through astrology. When he could not analyze, find the “connection” of events with the chart, he would change systems and switch to sidereal.

But the problem was that he could not read the chart, not the system.

Today all the theories that go against the tropical system are wrong. But not because of the theory, but because of the results. There is no question about it.
What matters are the results. Technicality, staying with the “protractor,” is not productive. And in this case, it can lead to errors in judgment.

The sidereal does not work, not because of theory, but because of results. People need only show their graph to realize this. It is not necessary to create an explanation.

Most people will not understand, even with evidence or results. Don't waste your time with them. It is useless.

Recently, I saw a person analyze the world situation through astrology. When he could not analyze, find the “connection” of events with the chart, he would change systems and switch to sidereal.

But the problem was that he could not read the chart, not the system.

Today all the theories that go against the tropical system are wrong. But not because of the theory, but because of the results. There is no question about it.
I appreciate your expanded explanation!! This is a good in-depth answer! That trips me out that the signs can move, but still have the same effect, but yeah, I will drop trying to explain it and now that I have an understanding of it fundamentally, I can set aside all the mental garbage.
I agree that people don’t care about the results. They care about what they want to care about. Now I at least can just share my opinion now if it comes up again, which it probably will at some point.
I’m just very Virgo and care about the details so I wanted a technical answer, and with you and Lydia I now have it so I very much appreciate that🔥🎯💯🤘🏼👌🏼
I appreciate your expanded explanation!! This is a good in-depth answer! That trips me out that the signs can move, but still have the same effect, but yeah, I will drop trying to explain it and now that I have an understanding of it fundamentally, I can set aside all the mental garbage.
I agree that people don’t care about the results. They care about what they want to care about. Now I at least can just share my opinion now if it comes up again, which it probably will at some point.
I’m just very Virgo and care about the details so I wanted a technical answer, and with you and Lydia I now have it so I very much appreciate that🔥🎯💯🤘🏼👌🏼
Well, I meant like you gave me the why, because of results- and she gave me the how, because of the way energy travels through space. Cheers without beers! Hail Satan!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
