Ok, I just wanted to say something here.
Welcome to the JoyofSatan. Since you are new, I can explain some things for you.
Satanism is about achieving power, personal success and pretty much shaping your life and fate for the better. This even includes increasing your mental powers and opening up your mind to understanding things such as math...
There are no real limits here. The only issue is knowing and understanding that power and development takes time.
When we are new in Satanism, the gods will aid us and help us with certain situations that we otherwise would not have enough power to do on our own. You will come to see this in time and you should actively work to develop your powers through meditation and through this you will realize your potential. Satanism is not about getting everything that we want just by asking Satan. You have the power deep inside you to make these changes. it is so very rewarding knowing you can do things on your own. This is what he wants for all of us.
Do not feel sad or want to end your life because you feel discouraged. If accounting is really your passion, not just because of just the money, you should pursue this and use your will. Now naturally, we have our own strengths and interests and things that we are good at. I have a strong gemini in my chart as well as other factors that point towards communications, writings and things of that nature and it would suit me best to pursue that as a career especially. The same could be said for you. You probably have other things in your chart that is better suited for you.
I am not the best at Mathematics and it has never been my strong point and I never will ever want to get into it as a career but I love science and I am good at it and so I wouldn't mind getting deeper into that. My point is, most people only get deep into something if they truly want it, so be honest with yourself and understand your true passions.
This things are seen in the astrology chart and also in the hand-palmistry.
Since we are speaking of spiritual satanism and power, if you really desire something put in the work and energy to get it done. I know this is becoming a long response but you need to understand this. Satan and the gods can help you help yourself and they have given us knowledge to get this done.
I recommend you start meditating and empowering your soul. This will increase your understanding of things more than you know. This will empower you.
As for runes- There is the Mannaz rune. This is for intelligence and memory. You can use this to remember and take in all the information that you need when learning math. You can also take it further and make it more specific and use yellow energy and program your aura to increase your intellect for mathematics.
It can be done and you shouldn't give up. Perhaps it would be easier for you to find your passion if it truly is not accounting/mathematics.
Kyrique has provided you the links to the runes. Just take the time to read it and study it. I admit, he could have been little more specific and broke it down more since you are new but I am sure you are a smart person and can read and understand it. I am assuming english is not your first language? Here is the link to vibrating the Mannaz rune. It will show you how to pronounce it in two ways. Just choose one.
If I were you, I would study the Joyofsatan satanic magick section and learn about magic and the best times to do it. This takes little time but it can be done. Trust me.
Start the Mannaz working on a Wednesday, hour of Mercury. Make sure the moon isn't void though. You will have to do the working everyday for 40 days. Actually read the link and you will see the information that will help you with your magick.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... agick.html
You have to be strong and do not be sad. Satan and the gods will guide you to the right information and help to open you up but you must do your part as well. You will begin to see things and understand things as you progress. We all had to start from square one at some point.
Please update us about your situation in the future.
High Priestess Shannon