FancyMancy said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
Excuse me, but Lord Amdusias IS of the black race of True Gods.
Are we certain? I mentioned that Amdusias is Black or Brown (I forgot which) last year and a HP disapproved that post, just to be safe so as not to spread misinformation, saying that the HP thinks Amdusias is White but with a dark tan or dark skin complexion. They said something about His skin, not freckles but I think speckles or something like that, which appears darker. Take White persons living in the Sun, for example - they're White but have darker skin.
This disinfo has been going on around for a while and it appears someone is making it up. So this misinformation has to finally end.
I have probably been the one to reply to your disapproved comment as I tend to do this so that one is not randomly left with questions on the disapproval, when I can. I might, but I am not sure.
Amdusias and some other Demons have a sort of tan Italian/Mediterranean color of skin, which is perfectly white. White Egyptians also in many cases have had this beautiful skin color. This is not half black or half chocolate color.
An example of this kind of skin is here. It can be a few tones darker, too, without changing anything about one's definitely White bloodline. The features here in the face also play a role. There is a large population in Germany which is perfectly White and looks like that, and also in Italy, Greece, Spain and in the Mediterranean. The features however should always be undeniably Aryan.
The above is to clear that sometimes tan skin does not in anyway have to show "Non Whiteness" or "Blackness". The black, brown, or hindu, all of these are also different shades and colors, but not the color described above, which is something you can catch with the eye. When Mediterraneans stay out on the sun, they take a particular color which is unrelated to the color of the above people.