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Greek Translation Thread

Changelog 12/5/24
  • Changed “Forums” το “Φόρουμ” in the Home Page

  • Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • 4Newbies
    • FOR
    • PowersofMind
    • ThreeSteps
    • Ritual
    • NoMediators
    • Aware
    • Satanic_Meditation
    • Expect
    • TheMind
    • Satanic_Magick
    • Rites666
    • Samhain
    • Enochian1
    • AllDemons
Changelog 14/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated:
  3. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • Hell
    • Ghosts
    • Origins-of-Satanism
    • Satanism_Eastern_Origins
    • Outsiders
    • Physics_of_the_Soul
    • Thoth
    • Qlippoth
    • The_Real_Truth_About_Satan_and_Living_Blood_Sacrifice
    • Daemon
    • DemonNames
    • ABOUT
    • Evocation
    • FAQ
    • energy
    • Lesser_Demons
    • Orders
    • Ouija
    • Dabbling
    • Pendulum
    • Incubus
    • HELP
    • Guardian
    • Hells_Army_666
Changelog 15/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Changed Satan’s quote in the Home Page
  3. Translated:
  4. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • Exposing_Corruption
    • Desecration
    • Baphomet
    • EgyptOne
    • EgyptTwo
    • EgyptThree
    • SacredSerpent
    • Goat
    • YHVH
    • 1_18_15
    • Message-From-Satan
    • Concerning_Spiritual_Warfare
    • Spiritual_Warfare_Training
    • First_Month
    • Second_Month
    • Third_Month
    • Fourth_Month
    • Tactics
    • Bulletin_Board666
    • Resources
    • FURCAS
    • About_Astrology
    • Odin
    • Soul_Energy
    • Magnum_Opus
    • Step_1
    • Step_2
    • Step_3
    • Chakra_Alignment
    • Closing_Chakras
    • Yogic_Breathing
    • Directing_Energy
    • Energy_Meditation
    • EZ_Chakra_Spin
    • Flame_Meditation
    • Full_Meditation
    • Clearing_Out
    • Foundation_Meditation
    • Aura_Cleaning
    • Trance
    • Satanic_Rosary
    • Past_Life_Meditation
    • Protection
    • Psychic_Centers
    • OpeningChakras
    • Clairvoyance_Points
    • Yoga2
    • Returning_Curses
    • XtianYouthAbuse
    • Prayer2
    • Poem
    • ChurchLawSuit
    • ThoughtsDH
    • Poems
    • HistoricalEulogies
    • LitaniesofSatan
    • Carcossa
    • Grondwitch
    • ForVepar
    • Dima_Z
    • PoemOne
    • SatanicAdvantage
    • SatanicWarriors
    • Call
    • Meditation_Index
    • Returning_Curses2
    • Satanic_Void_Meditation
    • Sound
    • Star_of_Astaroth
    • Human_Sacrifice_in_the_Bible
    • Kundalini
    • Tree
    • garden
    • Conversation
    • Name_of_Satan
Changelog 16/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • Updates
    • Ascending_Energy
    • AURA
    • Aura_Empowering_Meditation
    • Ball_of_Light_Meditation
    • Satans_Meditation
    • Blue_Light_Meditation
    • Chakra_Breathing
    • Circulating_Energy
    • Color_Meditation
    • Chakra_Sounds_Meditation
    • King_Queen
    • Meditation_on_Satan
    • Meditations_for_Astral_Projection
    • Merging_Astral_Consciousness
    • Necronomicon_Meditations
    • Opening_Watchtowers
    • Open_Blocked_Chakras
    • Pineal_Meditation
    • Preparing
    • Reading_Thoughts
    • RAUM_Meditation
    • Ectoplasm
    • Telepathy
    • Serpent_Meditation_One
    • Serpent_Meditation_II
    • Advanced_Chakra_Spinning
    • Freeing_the_Soul
    • Detaching
    • Words-of-Power
    • Drawing_in_Energy
    • Invoking_Elements
    • Invoking_Earth
    • Invoking_Fire
    • Invoking_Quintessence
    • Invoking_Air
    • Invoking_Water
    • Heat_meditation
    • Pyrokinesis
    • Healing
    • Spirit_Meditation
    • Tuning
    • Concentrating_Elements
    • Evoking_Elements
    • Rotating_Elements
    • Telekinesis
    • Circulating_Elements
    • 3rd666
    • Splitting_The_Soul
    • Chakras_Diagram
    • Wings
    • The_Chakras
    • Basic_Meditation_Program
    • Human_Soul
    • Protecting_Yourself
    • Repeating_Magick
    • Overcoming_Obstacles
    • Fighting_Back
    • AUM
    • Power2
    • Preparing_for_Meditation
    • Specific_Meditations
    • Advanced_Magick
    • More_Info_Elements
    • Third_Eye
    • Hours
    • Hypnosis
    • Brainwaves
    • Chant
Changelog 17/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated:
  3. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • Foundation_of_Magick
    • Temple
    • Binding_Spell
    • Love_Spell
    • Banishing
    • Poppit
    • Thoughtform
    • Evil
    • Sex_Magick
    • Using_Thoughtforms
    • Energy_Ripping
    • Star_Magick
    • Brain
    • Clairaudience
    • ErrantThoughtforms
    • Self_Hypnosis
    • Mind
    • Amnesia
    • Absorbing
    • Extra
    • MindTechnology
    • Transformation
    • kundalini-2
    • 4th
    • Undesirable
    • Seven
    • False_Teachings
    • False
    • Important
    • EnochianKeys
    • Pronunciation
    • Explanation
    • Enochian_Alphabet
    • Letters
    • Advanced_Thoughtforms
    • Creating_Elementals
    • Fire_Form
    • Astro_index
    • Black_Mirror
    • Runic_Kabalah
    • Runic_Kabalah (666BlackSun)
    • Runes
    • Runic_Pronunciation
    • ThreeFoldLie
    • mentalhealth
    • Blackarts
    • Witchcraft
    • Elements_Magick
    • Props
    • Concentration
    • Herbs
    • Incense
    • Color
    • Candle
    • Cardinal_Points
    • Planetary_Hours
    • VOID
    • retrogrades
    • Timing
    • Mercury_Retrograde
    • Satanic_Symbols
Changelog 18/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Updated:
  3. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • About_Hypnosis
    • Determining_Trance
    • Hypnotizing_Others
    • Satanic_Hypnosis
    • Advanced_Satanic_Ritual
    • Multilingual/Greek666
    • Encyclopedia
    • 666BlackSun/Third_Reich
    • 666BlackSun/Adolf_Hitler
    • 666BlackSun/Hitler_Quotes_Against_Christianity
    • 666BlackSun/Himmler
    • 666BlackSun/Goebbels
    • 666BlackSun/Reinhard_Heydrich
    • 666BlackSun/Nazis_Anti-Christian
Changelog 19/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Temporarily removed the Favicon from the Home Page
  3. Translated the logo and header message in “The Black Sun 666” Ο Μαύρος Ήλιος 666 (satanismos.gr)
  4. Updated “Links” Σύνδεσμοι (satanismos.gr)
  5. Updated “Hell’s Army 666” Στρατός της Κολάσεως 666 (satanismos.gr)
  6. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • Fifth_Month
    • Completion
    • ExposingChristianity/The_Nazarene_the_Worst_Sinner_of_Them_All
    • Tips
    • Hells_Army_Manual
    • Elements
    • Cut_Off
    • 4_16
    • ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN
    • 666BlackSun/BlackSunMain
    • ExposingChristianity/Destroying_Our_Past
    • Donate
    • Opening_8_9_Chakras
    • Wings_Meditation
    • Opening_10th_and_11th_Chakras
    • Opening_12th_and_13th_Chakras
    • Base_Chakra
    • Sacral_Chakra
    • Solar_666_Chakra
    • Heart_Chakra
    • Throat_Chakra
    • 6thChakra
    • The_Crown_Chakra
    • Opening_The_Third_Eye
    • 6th_Chakra
    • Crown_Chakra
    • Opening_Throat_Chakra
    • Opening_Heart_Chakra
    • Opening_Solar_Chakra
    • Opening_Sacral_Chakra
    • Opening_Base_Chakra
    • Opening_Hand_Chakras
    • Opening_Feet_Chakras
    • Opening_Minor_Chakras
Changelog 20/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural changes
  2. Updated “Exposing Christianity” Εκθέτοντας τον Χριστιανισμό (satanismos.gr)
  3. Updated “Third Reich and Christianity” Τρίτο Ράιχ και Σατανισμός (satanismos.gr)
  4. Updated “The Black Sun 666” Ο Μαύρος Ήλιος 666 (satanismos.gr)
  5. Updated “The Real Holocaust” Το Πραγματικό Ολοκαύτωμα (satanismos.gr)
  6. Updated “Links” Σύνδεσμοι (satanismos.gr)
  7. Updated “Satan’s Library” Satan's Library in English (satanismos.gr)
  8. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • ExposingChristianity/Old_Testament
    • ExposingChristianity/New_Testament
    • ExposingChristianity/Messiah
    • 666BlackSun/Real_Holocaust
    • 666BlackSun/ChristianMass_JewishRitualMurder
    • ExposingChristianity/Conspiracy
    • ExposingChristianity/Breaking_Free_of_Christianity
    • 666BlackSun/Embedded_Christian_Filth
    • 666BlackSun/Third_Reich_Destroy_Christianity
    • 666BlackSun/Fighting_Christian_Pedophilia
    • 666BlackSun/Talmud_and_Christianity
Changelog 21/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Updated “Ministry” to include @Karnonnos [JG] Διακονία της Χαράς του Σατανά (satanismos.gr)
  3. Updated:
    • Exposing Christianity
    • Third Reich and Satanism
    • The Black Sun 666
    • The Real Holocaust
    • Satan's Library
  4. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • 666BlackSun/Ku_Klux_Klan
    • 666BlackSun/rabbis
    • 666BlackSun/Bible_Jewish_Witchcraft
    • 666BlackSun/Communism_is_Christianity
    • ExposingChristianity/Proof_Bible_Jewish_Witchcraft
    • 666BlackSun/Jews_Push_Christianity
    • ExposingChristianity/NEW_WORLD_ORDER
    • ExposingChristianity/STOLEN_YEAR
    • 666BlackSun/Symbols666
    • 666BlackSun/Safe_Satanism
    • ExposingChristianity/Xianity_and_Communism
    • ExposingChristianity/Jews_Assume_Position_Of_God
    • 666BlackSun/Jewish_Xianity
    • 666BlackSun/Genocide
    • 666BlackSun/Identity
    • ExposingChristianity/Copy_of_a_Catholic_Confession_Primer
    • ExposingChristianity/The_Ten_Commandments
    • ExposingChristianity/The_Truth_About_Angels
    • ExposingChristianity/Watchtower
    • ExposingChristianity/Exposing_Xianity_Audio
    • ExposingChristianity/The_Jesuits
    • ExposingChristianity/Ubiquitous_Nazarene
    • 666BlackSun/Deception
    • 666BlackSun/Christianity_Communism_Bible
    • ExposingChristianity/Bible_Conspiracy
    • 666BlackSun/Jews
Changelog 22/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated “Mail” Mail (satanismos.gr)
  3. Updates in the Home Page:
    • Forums message (both the text and the hyperlink)
    • Donate message (both the text and the image)
    • Secondary chart (under the red text)
    • Copyright notice
  4. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • ExposingChristianity/Possession
    • 666BlackSun/Illuminati
    • 666BlackSun/New_Atlantis
    • Beelzebub
    • Buddhism
    • DEATH
    • Demon_Sigils
    • E-Mail
Changelog 23/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated:
  3. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • Subliminal
    • Halloween
    • Healing_Info
    • Healing_Others
    • Satanic_Healing_2
    • KeepingHealthy
    • Heart666Chakra
    • Crown666Chakra
    • 6th_Chakra_Meditation
    • Throat666Chakra
    • Solar666Chakra_Meditation
    • Sacral666Chakra
    • Base666Chakra
    • ExposingChristianity/The_Inquisition
    • Helloween
    • Familiars
    • Money_Meditation
    • Herbal_Info
    • Astaroth
    • Humming_Breath
    • Imbolc
    • Important_3_05_13
    • ImportantPoints
    • Islam
    • PlanetJupiter
    • Planetary_Rulerships
    • PlanetSun
    • PlanetMoon
    • PlanetMercury
    • PlanetVenus
    • PlanetMars
    • PlanetSaturn
    • PlanetUranus
    • PlanetNeptune
    • Neptune_Prominent
    • Neptunedrugs
    • Planets666
    • Astrology
    • Noted_Planetary_Placements
    • Zodiac_Glyphs
    • Prediction
Changelog 24/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Updated the “Φόρουμ” hyperlink in all of the “Σύνδεσμοι” pages/sections (across our 6 sites)
  3. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • PlanetPluto
    • Signs
    • SUN
    • MOON
    • VENUS
    • MARS
    • SATURN
    • URANUS
    • PLUTO
Changelog 25/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Updated
  3. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • Planetary_Squares
    • Jupiter_Square
    • Sun_Square
    • Moon_Square
    • Mercury_Square
    • Venus_Square
    • Mars_Square
    • Saturn_Square
    • Shortcuts
    • Kumbhaka_Lunar_Breath
    • Yule
    • Xian_Influence
    • xtianprayer
    • XtianPsychicAttack
    • Weight_Loss
Changelog 26/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • LettingGo
    • Life
    • Lilith
    • Maxine_Dietrich
    • Meaning
    • mindcontrol
    • ExposingChristianity/BreakingFree
    • MUSIC
    • Necronomicon
    • FirstKey
    • SecondKey
    • ThirdKey
    • FourthKey
    • FifthKey
    • SixthKey
    • SeventhKey
    • EighthKey
    • NinthKey
    • TenthKey
    • EleventhKey
    • TwelfthKey
    • ThirteenthKey
    • FourteenthKey
    • FifteenthKey
    • SixteenthKey
    • SeventeenthKey
    • EighteenthKey
    • NineteenthKey
    • Baptism
    • Satanic_Wedding
    • Beltane
    • Summer_Solstice
    • occult
    • OldAge
    • Orion
    • WithFather
Changelog 27/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated:
  3. Updated:
  4. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • Advanced_Satanic_Ritual
    • Thanksgiving
    • Consecration
    • Advanced_Consecration
    • Prayer
    • Destruction
    • Cursed_Nazarene
    • shemhamephorash
    • ExposingChristianity/Tetragrammaton
    • ExposingChristianity/stolen_kaballah
    • ExposingChristianity/The_Christian_Program_and_Purpose
    • ExposingChristianity/Why_Christianity_Attacks_Sexuality
    • ExposingChristianity/The_Subliminal_Message_of_the_JudeoChristian_Bible
    • Past_Life_Amnesia
    • Patience
    • 666BlackSun/TRX_Links
    • 666BlackSun/RH_Links
    • Pendulum_Practice
    • PEOPLE
    • POPE
    • Power
    • ExposingChristianity/The_Truth_About_Jesus_Christ
    • Privacy
    • Coping-with-christians
    • Ubiquitous_Nazarene
    • Ujjayi
    • Underage
    • Union_With_Gawd
    • 666BlackSun/Temple_of_Solomon
    • Bandhas
    • satanslibrary.org/index
    • satanslibrary.org/Pdf_Library
    • satanslibrary.org/Mp3_Library
    • Respect
    • revelation
    • 666BlackSun/About_MKB
    • Serpent_Yoga_Info
    • ExposingChristianity/YHVH_Murderer
    • ExposingChristianity/Jehova_A_Murderer_and_a_Liar_from_the_Beginning
    • TRUTH
    • Trpluto
    • RULER
    • Degrees
    • HOUSES
    • TruthaboutSatan
Changelog 28/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated:
  3. Updated:
  4. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • 2001_2005_Sermons
    • evil-2
    • curses
    • Damned_Christians
    • EARTH
    • For-the-Love-of-Satan
    • Complain
    • SatanicLove
Changelog 29/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated (Translations by @Enastri ):
  3. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • 666
    • 666_Breath
    • AlienOne
    • Aliens
    • All
    • Alternate_Nostril
    • Ancient
    • AstarteHC
    • Aware2
    • Azazel
    • AzazelHC
    • Baal-Berith
    • backwards
    • Tips4Teens
    • Thoth
    • THOSE
    • Thinking-for-Yourself
    • TEST
    • Teens4
    • Summoning
    • Spirit-Abuse
    • SORRY
    • Sitkari
    • Sithali
    • Satanis_Movies
    • Satanic_Witchcraft_Index
    • SaintWalburga
    • SacredSerpent
    • Holes_in_Aura
    • Goat
Changelog 30/5/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated:
  3. Updated:
  4. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • Exorcism_of_Emily_Rose
    • Excuses
    • EnochianT_Z
    • EnochianQ_S
    • EnochianD_P
    • Baphomet
    • BeelzebulHC
    • BLAME
    • Breath_of_Fire
    • Breathing666
    • Complete_Breath
    • Brotherhood
    • Chakra_Alignment2
    • Christian-Greed
    • ExposingChristianity/XianCharity
    • 666BlackSun/Cone_Shaped_Hats
    • Control
    • EgyptOne
    • EgyptTwo
    • EgyptThree
    • 666BlackSun/Atomic_Bomb_Jewish_Invention
    • 666BlackSun/World_Jewish_Congress
    • 666BlackSun/Real_Death_Camps
    • 666BlackSun/Israel_Threat
    • 666BlackSun/Holocaust_Hoax
    • 666BlackSun/Genocide_is_Jewish
    • 666BlackSun/Why-is-there-suffering
    • Inquition_Not_Over
Changelog 3/6/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Translated:
  3. Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • ExposingChristianity/Jewish_Nazarene
    • 666BlackSun/Stalin_the_Jew
    • 666BlackSun/Slave_Trade
    • 666BlackSun/playing_both_sides
    • 666BlackSun/Year_Zero
    • 666BlackSun/USGovt
    • 666BlackSun/Jew_Problem
    • 666BlackSun/Founding_Fathers
    • 666BlackSun/Bombing_of_Dresden
    • 666BlackSun/Himmler - 1
    • 666BlackSun/Hiroshima_Nagasaki
    • 666BlackSun/Hitler_Man_of_Peace
    • 666BlackSun/Israel
    • ExposingChristianity/Nazarene_Thoughtform
    • ExposingChristianity/Murderers_Thieves_and_Liars_Christianity_has_Nothing_of_Its_Own
    • ExposingChristianity/New_World_Order_Christianity
    • Freeing_the_Soul_2
    • ExposingChristianity/Truth_About_Bible
    • 666BlackSun/Mind_Control_Programming
    • ExposingChristianity/Torah_and_Living_Blood_Sacrifice
    • 666BlackSun/Jewish_Ritual_Murder
    • 666BlackSun/Jewish_Ritual_Murder2
    • 666BlackSun/Origins
    • 666BlackSun/Nazism_Not_Racist
    • 666BlackSun/Bible_Used_for_Paris_Attackes
    • 666BlackSun/Bible_Jewish_Witchcraft2
    • 666BlackSun/Jewish_Banksters_War
    • 666BlackSun/Media
    • 666BlackSun/Kosher_Food_Tax
Changelog 18/6/24
  1. Fixed various typos and structural errors
  2. Created:
  3. Updated:
  4. Translated:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
