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Gothic Translation Thread


May 15, 2024
So I've been studying the Gothic language quite a bit, and even translating things for my own usage, and I have to say it resonates pretty well for myself. The alphabet is surprisingly just a mask for the runes, seems the Goths weren't willing to give up our kabalah so easily.

It's a lot like German, a lot like Greek, a bit like Sanskrit in some ways funnily enough, and way too similar to Old English to deny any relation; a sister language even, I'd put it as. I don't think it would be a bad idea to start adding Gothic translations, it might even help with producing fully Runic translations in Germanic or Norse or Anglic of the rituals considering Gothic's mainstream usage is actually in Proto Germanic reconstructions, and I think that would be profoundly powerful.

I'd be honored to start working on it, as I am also working on some materials concerning the Gothic peoples, their language, where they came from, where they went, their possible part in the actual conception of the runes, as well as the Gothic Alphabet's direct relation as an actual "continuation" of the Runes, and what Wulfila seemed to be trying to do. Otherwise, I've mostly been translating Father's Docirins like Jilwah (my signature has verse 1⛧2 in it).

Our most powerful runic vibrations are based on the Gothic, and I think there's something to that. I feel quite strongly about this language and it's importance. There's too many glaring factors to ignore here. I find these translations I've included here as examples to be quite effective. I cried tears of joy that where not my own when Baalzevul's was completed, I'm not qute sure how to interpret that. His was the first.

I would love to continue this work in greater volume, but I need the official green flag, and I wouldn't mind some help from anyone interested.

𐌷𐌰́𐌿𐌷𐌾𐌰𐌽 𐍃𐌰𐍄𐌰𐌽𐌰!


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This is really nice! I used to study Gothic literature as part of my college module, so its nostalgic reading these Gothic characters again. All the power to you.
UGGGHHH Okay, I just looked at the PDFs, for some reason I posted my first drafts with Aíƕa is in place of Eiws be fore I had revised them. For some reason I kept just reading the name and putting the rune and I misread Eihwaz as Ehwaz. I was pretty tired each time I added the runes to the transations. Those first ones are flawed, these are the ones I actually used...wrong folder moment. Sorry about the missfire there.


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I got that „�go look again, you sent the wrong one.“ feeling. Had to check and glad I did. That would have totally goofed everything up.
I would love to continue this work in greater volume, but I need the official green flag, and I wouldn't mind some help from anyone interested.
You need to contact The Alchemist7 about this.
I would love to continue this work in greater volume

Take in account that this language is extinct, so there is no real benefit from it. The Gods work in full effectiveness and everything they do has a point, we should seek this.
You need to contact The Alchemist7 about this.
Wait, how exactly do I even hit him up to do that, 'cause I've no idea how the new forums work man, I haven't been here in so long
Take in account that this language is extinct, so there is no real benefit from it. The Gods work in full effectiveness and everything they do has a point, we should seek this.
My thoughts exactly, but the translation project head has the final call.

Wait, how exactly do I even hit him up to do that, 'cause I've no idea how the new forums work man, I haven't been here in so long
Direct message or quote him on another topic in this subforum.
Take in account that this language is extinct, so there is no real benefit from it. The Gods work in full effectiveness and everything they do has a point, we should seek this.
Thanks so much for the support. Really appreciate it.
I know my language is worth a hell of a lot more than you're making it out to be. I will do all I can to revive it, if only for religious purposes than fine, but I've been using it for quite some time now. I appreciate your input, but this language is a part of me. I'm going to revive it as best I can, if only for religious purposes. If the kikes could revive their shitty retarded language, I can revive mine. I fully believe t has enough purpose and significance to do so. If you don't that's fine, absolve yourself from it if you wish. I'm not going to force it on anyone.

My thoughts exactly, but the translation project head has the final call.

Direct message or quote him on another topic in this subforum.
Thanks for the input and info. Sad to see you don't support this either, but I'm not going to cry about it.

Have a nice day, guys, I mean that.
Thanks so much for the support. Really appreciate it.
I know my language is worth a hell of a lot more than you're making it out to be. I will do all I can to revive it, if only for religious purposes than fine, but I've been using it for quite some time now. I appreciate your input, but this language is a part of me. I'm going to revive it as best I can, if only for religious purposes. If the kikes could revive their shitty retarded language, I can revive mine. I fully believe t has enough purpose and significance to do so. If you don't that's fine, absolve yourself from it if you wish. I'm not going to force it on anyone.

Thanks for the input and info. Sad to see you don't support this either, but I'm not going to cry about it.

Have a nice day, guys, I mean that.
No need to resort to sarcasm here and to be offended.

We might be wrong, and this is why I said that translation project lead makes the final call as they are responsible for this project. That's as much support that you can get at this point.
No need to resort to sarcasm here and to be offended.

We might be wrong, and this is why I said that translation project lead makes the final call as they are responsible for this project. That's as much support that you can get at this point.
I literally just tossed some sarcasm and stated my position on the matter, don't even start, I'm not offended, I'm holding my position.
I get what you're saying, but there was no need to make a „the Gods are better than your endeavors“ kind of statement just because someone wants to revive a language, either.
I think I was quite polite with how I composed my message, even genuinely wished you both a nice day. He can deal with a little light sarcasm if he wants to be inflammatory.

Hellenic put the same idea foreward without being even being inflammatory or dismissive about it, for example. Look man, I don't want to argue with anyone. I'm not offended, I'm not angery, I just prefer honest statement of „I don't know if this will get much use though“ instead of hiding behind „this is useless to the Gods“, and I am exhausted with not being taken seriously by anyone but my Gods...it gets...really disheartening after a while.

They try to tell you you're not alone in this, that we need to work together...but I swear any time I've tried, I just get pushed out and dismissed. In the end, I'm alone in all I do, save for the presence of the Gods. I'm exhausted.
They try to tell you you're not alone in this, that we need to work together...but I swear any time I've tried, I just get pushed out and dismissed. In the end, I'm alone in all I do, save for the presence of the Gods. I'm exhausted.
To be effective on this matter you can join forces with those who are working on something that has a wider base of workers and a wider base of audience.

Your contribution to Enochian was not this, and the same can be said with this one, although there is potential for something great here. I do not know for certain, and this is something someone else decides.
Aside from the above, I think you would benefit from thickening your skin when you start to doubt your choices based on a few posts here. Alternatively, you do not need to be posting here to be an effective member in other ways. For example, you can dedicate your time to making as much money as you can make while also making considerable donations to JoS. In exchange, you will get a donor tier according to your contribution. How's that for support? You can also take part in online warfare efforts with little to no forum presence and be an excellent worker there. Like with any other form of contribution, you will get something in exchange. So I do not really agree with this sentiment that you are left out alone as everyone has a place for them.
I know my language is worth a hell of a lot more than you're making it out to be.

The point of the translation project is to make our material more available to everyone. I didn't said the language itself doesn't worth anything, I say there is no demand to translate anything into it.

It's likely that ancient languages will be used again more widely, but not now.
The point of the translation project is to make our material more available to everyone. I didn't said the language itself doesn't worth anything, I say there is no demand to translate anything into it.

It's likely that ancient languages will be used again more widely, but not now.
I understand where you're coming from. I'm sorry any miscommunication happened. It's easy to get confused over text sometimes.
Listen, as cool as it would be to have a full Gothic version of the site, guys, that's not my main focus. My main focus is scripture, like Ethics and Virtues, the Rituals and Psalms, those things spacifically, like, I've already been working on Jilwah, PBUH and Quret. The things that matter most to be translated into a powerful language.

See, Gothic Revival is already a thing, and there's of course a number of these people whom wish to "restore" the filthy codex argentus, and produce a full Gothic edition of the bible.
I can't just sit back while that's happening and not produce Satanic works in and translate pre-existing works into Gothic, you feel me? Like I said...this language is a part of me...I can't let it go.

I'm sorry if I seem overworked about this, but...this is why. I'm fucking disgusted and pissed that the runes where ever used in this way, and that doesn't even begin to describe how I actually feel. There aren't words for some levels ov emotion.
My main focus is scripture, like Ethics and Virtues, the Rituals and Psalms, those things spacifically, like, I've already been working on Jilwah, PBUH and Quret. The things that matter most to be translated into a powerful language.

Very cool idea, I could translate them to Latin when I learn this language. I have been thinking about these, that it would be cool to have these text in Latin and ancient Greek especially.

As another note, I always very happy to see competent newcomers here and you are one of these.
Very cool idea, I could translate them to Latin when I learn this language. I have been thinking about these, that it would be cool to have these text in Latin and ancient Greek especially.

As another note, I always very happy to see competent newcomers here and you are one of these.
Hells yeah, that's a great idea! I'd totally be willing to help with that too, though I'd have to brush up on my Latin. Those two languages have very strong occult associations, and are just overall beautiful. And thank you, I very much appreciate that. I hope I can find some ways to really help out around here and give back for all The Ministry has provided me with.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
