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Goetic Enns? Fake and Disrespectful or Legit?

Is it really so difficult to believe that many people are simply writing information about them that isn't like even real, and that all of these people, are just approaching the Gods dishonestly, expecting favors, and trying to damage them in some way regardless?

Many of these authors are jewish so there is nothing new anyway.

Of course the Gods will be uninterested in regards to them, and of course these individuals will deceive their own mind, at the best situation. They do jewish rituals, meditations, that is if they do anything at all.

Then they make a name of themselves by furthering defamation about the Gods, which they also get food in their mouth from.

These should be enough for any legitimate Satanist to understand what is going on with them all.

When the Gods will spitefully destroy them for all of that, they will not really think all of it was worthwhile. A lot if not most of these so called 'authors' are also jewish, and just further the lies of their ancestral tradition to hate the Gods and lie about them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Is it really so difficult to believe that many people are simply writing information about them that isn't like even real, and that all of these people, are just approaching the Gods dishonestly, expecting favors, and trying to damage them in some way regardless?

Many of these authors are jewish so there is nothing new anyway.

Of course the Gods will be uninterested in regards to them, and of course these individuals will deceive their own mind, at the best situation. They do jewish rituals, meditations, that is if they do anything at all.

Then they make a name of themselves by furthering defamation about the Gods, which they also get food in their mouth from.

These should be enough for any legitimate Satanist to understand what is going on with them all.

When the Gods will spitefully destroy them for all of that, they will not really think all of it was worthwhile. A lot if not most of these so called 'authors' are also jewish, and just further the lies of their ancestral tradition to hate the Gods and lie about them.
Plus even if they see some entity is probabily not one of our God's. I've seen rituals were you have to inkoke up to 12 or even more jewish angels to call one of the demons and then they expect to see them lol
The Enns are real. Whenever I wish to speak with my teacher (Asmodeus), I chant his Enn. I have Enns for all 72 of the Goetia for those interested.
Mavet said:
The Enns are real. Whenever I wish to speak with my teacher (Asmodeus), I chant his Enn. I have Enns for all 72 of the Goetia for those interested.

Satanism and Goetia http://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10657 

The Qlippothic Kabbalah   http://Www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=3089&p=17839

Qlippoth  http://Www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1695 
Mavet is a jewish name from kabballah its the name of a heboo angel. No wonder your whining about my proHitler posts jewboiiii.
Mavet said:
The Enns are real. Whenever I wish to speak with my teacher (Asmodeus), I chant his Enn. I have Enns for all 72 of the Goetia for those interested.

We have told you how it is. If you still insist, go to a Synagogue and let us be.
Yeah the name Mavet means "death", so I can only imagine..... (yes it is Hebrew and means death hahaha)

If the Goetic Enns are real, which I am not gonna lie I used them in the past, and have had successful contact with the demons. They are suppose to be calls of invitation, admiration or protection.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Is it really so difficult to believe that many people are simply writing information about them that isn't like even real, and that all of these people, are just approaching the Gods dishonestly, expecting favors, and trying to damage them in some way regardless?

Many of these authors are jewish so there is nothing new anyway.

Of course the Gods will be uninterested in regards to them, and of course these individuals will deceive their own mind, at the best situation. They do jewish rituals, meditations, that is if they do anything at all.

Then they make a name of themselves by furthering defamation about the Gods, which they also get food in their mouth from.

These should be enough for any legitimate Satanist to understand what is going on with them all.

When the Gods will spitefully destroy them for all of that, they will not really think all of it was worthwhile. A lot if not most of these so called 'authors' are also jewish, and just further the lies of their ancestral tradition to hate the Gods and lie about them.
Plus even if they see some entity is probabily not one of our God's. I've seen rituals were you have to inkoke up to 12 or even more jewish angels to call one of the demons and then they expect to see them lol

I know from first hand experience that some of the enemy entities (the regulation ones like the Reptillians their slaves) like to try to impersonate the Gods fully sometimes. Some of these people probably experienced this. The enemy would love for people to have wrong or xtian ideals about our God's. So they would do this.
Enns are effective at raising energy and connecting with a "lighter" version of the demonic. From personal experience of 17+ years in various forms of Satanism, I recommend using your language and a heartfelt petition. It will work better every time. Also, it's definitely not like it is in the books or websites. When one is in the presence of a demon, it is a powerful experience. It's not like some say "oh I called upon this demon every day for a year and we talked like good friends over tea." That's most of the time wishful thinking and self-talk. Not all the Goetic Demons are friendly either. If you TRULY contact one such as Andras, you will know what I mean. And all this hate for one race or another is simply underhanded programming. You can find dirt on literally every race to make you hate them and it has nothing to do in the end with Satanism.
Lord_Nocturnus said:
Not all the Goetic Demons are friendly either. If you TRULY contact one such as Andras, you will know what I mean.

All Goetic Demons are friendly to Dedicated Satanists. Andras only attacks jews who try to abuse him or control him. All Demons hate them but Andras really, really hates kikes more than the others since he's a warrior. You're deliberately misconstruing the fact that they are hostile towards jews and others who try to abuse them and try to make it as if they may attack dedicated Satanists for no reason. They don't. This is usually enemy propaganda. This is actually what the enemy greys/reptilians/angels do and blame it on Demons. Demons are actually the Good Guys and the Original Gods of Humanity, they are our Protectors and Family.

Lord_Nocturnus said:
And all this hate for one race or another is simply underhanded programming. You can find dirt on literally every race to make you hate them and it has nothing to do in the end with Satanism.

You claim to be a SS for 17 years yet you try to excuse jews and make false comparisons with other races. Jews are the enemies of Satan and of humanity in general. You are not and have never been a SS if you try to excuse their behavior and you don't know that Satan and the Gods really hate them. There's objective evidence of all their crimes against humanity as well as slander against Satan and the Gods, unlike other races. They are also behind the christian hoax, which is 100% jewish (jebus was a fictitious jew, the apostles and every important character in the buybull was a jew, xians are the biggest supporters of Pissrael, and you probably already know all that, I don't need to repeat it here).

You are a person who has described yourself as a vampire in the past (again if you have really been a SS for all these years you would know vampirism is enemy crap and jews are the real vampires, both with their blood rituals and psychically, as their souls are vampiric) and obviously has no idea what Spiritual Satanism is, you call yourself one but your idea of Satanism is based on fake pseudo-Satanic organizations. I read your past posts for example where you mentioned a book you wrote, and in that description you said it includes devotions. If you have been a SS you would know this isn't as important. More important is power meditations, this is the most important thing in SS, and you didn't mention anything like that in the description. Of course I may be mistaken, since I have never read your book and dont' plan to buy it, but from your whole worldview you seem more like a Traditional Satanist than a Spiritual Satanist. Spiritual Satanism was a term coined by HP Maxine because she was disgusted with Traditional Satanism believing the enemy lies about Satan and also used this name to emphasize the fact that this type of Satanism focuses on our spiritual transformation via meditations, yoga and other things. Traditional Satanism is more ritualistic/devotional.

Lord_Nocturnus said:
From personal experience of 17+ years in various forms of Satanism

I don't know if you know that, but our type of Satanism has nothing to do with others who call themselves Satanists, we have nothing to do with Traditional/Theistic Satanism. We don't support them or condone them, in fact most of them are just parroting blasphemous propaganda from Satan's enemies and crap about spooks, horror stories, negativity and crap like that. Many of them are also politically correct drones. I would say we're a separate religion from them. When I was new (I'm a Spiritual Satanist for as many years as you claim to be, almost since the beginning of JoS) I had a hard time accepting the name Satan and Satanism until I read the JoS site and finally found that Satanism is nothing like the enemies claim it to be, but it's a positive thing. Well I also ran into groups that conformed to the enemy lies about Satan and contained nothing useful. The vast majority of the other "Satanic" groups were like that. I said "no thanks, I'll stick with the JoS, the others are just xian/jewish Satanists". I can speak for others too since many people come here because they were disgusted with other enemy forms of "Satanism".
Lord_Nocturnus said:
Enns are effective at raising energy and connecting with a "lighter" version of the demonic. From personal experience of 17+ years in various forms of Satanism, I recommend using your language and a heartfelt petition. It will work better every time. Also, it's definitely not like it is in the books or websites. When one is in the presence of a demon, it is a powerful experience. It's not like some say "oh I called upon this demon every day for a year and we talked like good friends over tea." That's most of the time wishful thinking and self-talk. Not all the Goetic Demons are friendly either. If you TRULY contact one such as Andras, you will know what I mean. And all this hate for one race or another is simply underhanded programming. You can find dirt on literally every race to make you hate them and it has nothing to do in the end with Satanism.

Lord_Nocturnus said:
Enns are effective at raising energy and connecting with a "lighter" version of the demonic. From personal experience of 17+ years in various forms of Satanism, I recommend using your language and a heartfelt petition. It will work better every time. Also, it's definitely not like it is in the books or websites. When one is in the presence of a demon, it is a powerful experience. It's not like some say "oh I called upon this demon every day for a year and we talked like good friends over tea." That's most of the time wishful thinking and self-talk. Not all the Goetic Demons are friendly either. If you TRULY contact one such as Andras, you will know what I mean. And all this hate for one race or another is simply underhanded programming. You can find dirt on literally every race to make you hate them and it has nothing to do in the end with Satanism.

Andras has never been hateful or aggressive to any Dedicated to Satan, Spiritual Satanist, who treated him with respect and went to him in a positive manner.

Jews are the creators of the same slander you purport and you should be aware, that the Goetic Demons, do love people who defend their integrity, and that Spiritual Satanists are seen as, in the very least, good allies and friends, ESPECIALLY SO because we want to defend them from jewish corruption and character murder attacks such as the enemy [Jews and Abrahamic Religions] did to them.

If you are a jew yourself and/or friendly with jews, or practice jewish methods, they will definitely attack you, and most certaintly even destroy you [this never comes immediately], because you offend them and they have zero tolerance for any attacks. That is, only *IF* you happen to get their attention in anyway, which oftentimes, never happens for outsiders.

Andras has destroyed a lot of jews without any mercy. Jews are an exclusive category of humanoids [alien souls in essence] who have attacked them viciously, and have harmed the civilizations the Gods built, alongside many other offenses. They are hated and detested by the Gods, and this will never change under any circumstance.

On the other hand, Demons [The Gods of the Gentiles] do not have hatred or particular ill feelings about Pagan people, who for all purposes, used to be their worshipers from the Ancient Civilizations.

Heed the reply above by Rational Satanist and you'll understand the reasons why.
Lord_Nocturnus said:
Enns are effective at raising energy and connecting with a "lighter" version of the demonic. From personal experience of 17+ years in various forms of Satanism, I recommend using your language and a heartfelt petition. It will work better every time. Also, it's definitely not like it is in the books or websites. When one is in the presence of a demon, it is a powerful experience. It's not like some say "oh I called upon this demon every day for a year and we talked like good friends over tea." That's most of the time wishful thinking and self-talk. Not all the Goetic Demons are friendly either. If you TRULY contact one such as Andras, you will know what I mean. And all this hate for one race or another is simply underhanded programming. You can find dirt on literally every race to make you hate them and it has nothing to do in the end with Satanism.

I think in 17+ years being a Satanist you've just exposed yourself to kosher garbage and LARP'd that "No I can sorta kinda clean the hebrew garbage off and sorta, kinda make it work in a Gentile way". So circa 2003-2004 time period 17 or plus 17 years. So basically JoS was known around but not quite as current times and yet somehow you pretended to play around with the enemy and now you made an account and want us to kinda, sorta, but not really use your system.

Look so-called "Lord_Nocturnus". We are not hymies or kikes, we are not LARPers, we are not multi-role players, we are not a gaming guild if your into play video games, we are not xtians, we are not xtian mystics or muslim mystics or some mysic of the enemy.

Simply we are humble National Socialists and Spiritual Satanist. As the memey term goes we are NS/SS. We espouse Nazism and Hitlerism. And we do so under the religion of mankind called Spiritual Satanism.

We are never gonna do what you state, we are doubtful that you had anything occur rather it might be very possible either your extremely deluded and or lucky or both or the beings that came pretended to be these things and somehow you never suffered harm. Or another possibility the enemy pretended to give you good advice or do something and somehow tried to use you as a useful idiot. The enemy isn't some stupid or retarded thing despite doing stupid and retarded things. The Reptilians and Greys(less so) are very spiritually advanced entities that combine technology with spirituality they aren't pushovers and unlike Hindu people who state the enemy is weak and pathetic no quite the opposite as HP.Cobra mentioned the enemy is quite the opposite people state they are. They are a spiritual, mental, and physical threat.

We don't care about your stuff, we shouldn't care about your stuff. The only reason we pay attention to said stuff is because we are trying to destroy it by debunking it so people would stop trying to LARP as a rabbinical xtianesque retard. It's akin to people who have bad occult experiences and return back to xtianity a changed person do a little hail rabba krast and boom your back to being a communist individual.

Satanism isn't about scary or negative or anything even though we warn people said things can happen and prepare. People have issues with meditation okay then talk about it for example cleanliness is next to Godliness, we tell people clean and AoP up to reduce and or eliminate negativity.

At the end of the day your barking up the wrong tree with our organization.

You have 17+ years of various kosher, communist crap that serves no purpose. If Satan = anti-semitic before anti-semitism was cool then for all intents and purposes why are you perform haskalah(blending or synthesis of religions in hebrew). Why are you coming to a Nat-Soc/SS organization that is the complete and utter diametric opposition of everything. Why are you come here and telling us garbage, if we've been doing the same exact stuff other groups do just better since 2002 and really since the Black Rose group the pre-JoS group. Even the LuciferianLiberationFront(LLF) is another group that has interesting information and really doesn't stray from what JoS has and is stating and will state. For all intents and purposes we may even have people ask if LLF is some JoS group or proto-/pre- JoS group. No idea but I would not be surprised if LLF members found us and were or are still part of JoS since finding us.

Anyways we can continue discussing but it seems like you just went to various Satanic groups because you grew bored or wanted more information and somehow you keep going around the kosher trainstations and somehow finding holiness in garbage dumps. Sure you find something but it's already been kiked up.

Notice how most people look at Satanism EXACTLY how the hymies view Satanism and want people to see the masses understand Satanism.

We are 100% diametrically opposed to that view. Rather we see National Socialistically and Spiritually Satanistically in our way. I know full well one day everyone is gonna collapse unto us. Especially as the enemy is shutting down things on the internet. EVENTUALLY everyone is gonna realize the same thing. If we are LARPers pretending to play with Satanism and they shut us down why aren't those JoS'er ebil, debil Satanist are gone? Why are they still around?

Yeah apparently I would not be surprised if some of the people on other Satanic groups call us Ebil, Debil and whatnot. Apparently other Satanic groups have problems with REAL Satanic information and National Socialism. Like I like to state the NatSoc elephant in the room is the most difficult to overcome for some pathetic people that need to realize if Satan = Anti-jewish, then NatSoc = Our Political view. Even Apartheid is considered by us as cool and doing Satan's work. If you study stuff on bitchute and bits and pieces on the internet. Apartheid is quite NSy.

So Lord Nocturnus why do you come to our forums to preach about non-sense other groups have? It's okay to discuss some of their methods but at the end of the day. If you talk to other groups about us they just shun and sweep everything under the rug. Why do they do that?

Don't you think occult groups and occult organizations want unification rather than division. Seems strange don't you think?
Gear88 said:
Lord_Nocturnus said:
Enns are effective at raising energy and connecting with a "lighter" version of the demonic. From personal experience of 17+ years in various forms of Satanism, I recommend using your language and a heartfelt petition. It will work better every time. Also, it's definitely not like it is in the books or websites. When one is in the presence of a demon, it is a powerful experience. It's not like some say "oh I called upon this demon every day for a year and we talked like good friends over tea." That's most of the time wishful thinking and self-talk. Not all the Goetic Demons are friendly either. If you TRULY contact one such as Andras, you will know what I mean. And all this hate for one race or another is simply underhanded programming. You can find dirt on literally every race to make you hate them and it has nothing to do in the end with Satanism.

I think in 17+ years being a Satanist you've just exposed yourself to kosher garbage and LARP'd that "No I can sorta kinda clean the hebrew garbage off and sorta, kinda make it work in a Gentile way". So circa 2003-2004 time period 17 or plus 17 years. So basically JoS was known around but not quite as current times and yet somehow you pretended to play around with the enemy and now you made an account and want us to kinda, sorta, but not really use your system.

Look so-called "Lord_Nocturnus". We are not hymies or kikes, we are not LARPers, we are not multi-role players, we are not a gaming guild if your into play video games, we are not xtians, we are not xtian mystics or muslim mystics or some mysic of the enemy.

Simply we are humble National Socialists and Spiritual Satanist. As the memey term goes we are NS/SS. We espouse Nazism and Hitlerism. And we do so under the religion of mankind called Spiritual Satanism.

We are never gonna do what you state, we are doubtful that you had anything occur rather it might be very possible either your extremely deluded and or lucky or both or the beings that came pretended to be these things and somehow you never suffered harm. Or another possibility the enemy pretended to give you good advice or do something and somehow tried to use you as a useful idiot. The enemy isn't some stupid or retarded thing despite doing stupid and retarded things. The Reptilians and Greys(less so) are very spiritually advanced entities that combine technology with spirituality they aren't pushovers and unlike Hindu people who state the enemy is weak and pathetic no quite the opposite as HP.Cobra mentioned the enemy is quite the opposite people state they are. They are a spiritual, mental, and physical threat.

We don't care about your stuff, we shouldn't care about your stuff. The only reason we pay attention to said stuff is because we are trying to destroy it by debunking it so people would stop trying to LARP as a rabbinical xtianesque retard. It's akin to people who have bad occult experiences and return back to xtianity a changed person do a little hail rabba krast and boom your back to being a communist individual.

Satanism isn't about scary or negative or anything even though we warn people said things can happen and prepare. People have issues with meditation okay then talk about it for example cleanliness is next to Godliness, we tell people clean and AoP up to reduce and or eliminate negativity.

At the end of the day your barking up the wrong tree with our organization.

You have 17+ years of various kosher, communist crap that serves no purpose. If Satan = anti-semitic before anti-semitism was cool then for all intents and purposes why are you perform haskalah(blending or synthesis of religions in hebrew). Why are you coming to a Nat-Soc/SS organization that is the complete and utter diametric opposition of everything. Why are you come here and telling us garbage, if we've been doing the same exact stuff other groups do just better since 2002 and really since the Black Rose group the pre-JoS group. Even the LuciferianLiberationFront(LLF) is another group that has interesting information and really doesn't stray from what JoS has and is stating and will state. For all intents and purposes we may even have people ask if LLF is some JoS group or proto-/pre- JoS group. No idea but I would not be surprised if LLF members found us and were or are still part of JoS since finding us.

Anyways we can continue discussing but it seems like you just went to various Satanic groups because you grew bored or wanted more information and somehow you keep going around the kosher trainstations and somehow finding holiness in garbage dumps. Sure you find something but it's already been kiked up.

Notice how most people look at Satanism EXACTLY how the hymies view Satanism and want people to see the masses understand Satanism.

We are 100% diametrically opposed to that view. Rather we see National Socialistically and Spiritually Satanistically in our way. I know full well one day everyone is gonna collapse unto us. Especially as the enemy is shutting down things on the internet. EVENTUALLY everyone is gonna realize the same thing. If we are LARPers pretending to play with Satanism and they shut us down why aren't those JoS'er ebil, debil Satanist are gone? Why are they still around?

Yeah apparently I would not be surprised if some of the people on other Satanic groups call us Ebil, Debil and whatnot. Apparently other Satanic groups have problems with REAL Satanic information and National Socialism. Like I like to state the NatSoc elephant in the room is the most difficult to overcome for some pathetic people that need to realize if Satan = Anti-jewish, then NatSoc = Our Political view. Even Apartheid is considered by us as cool and doing Satan's work. If you study stuff on bitchute and bits and pieces on the internet. Apartheid is quite NSy.

So Lord Nocturnus why do you come to our forums to preach about non-sense other groups have? It's okay to discuss some of their methods but at the end of the day. If you talk to other groups about us they just shun and sweep everything under the rug. Why do they do that?

Don't you think occult groups and occult organizations want unification rather than division. Seems strange don't you think?

Go to his profile and check out his past posts. I think this person is either a troll or infiltrator or Jew. I don't think it deserves this much effort.
slyscorpion said:
Go to his profile and check out his past posts. I think this person is either a troll or infiltrator or Jew. I don't think it deserves this much effort.

I don't think he's either. It's just a "darkness and evil", reverse xian type of Satanist who, probably because all other fake Satanic forums and groups are either dead or gone or have single-digit amount of members, feels entitled to come here and promote his views as we're the largest and most active Satanic forum. I have seen a lot of his type come both in the Yahoo groups and here. They think because we call ourselves Satanists that they deserve to post their misguided views here too, or else we promote "Satanic disunity" somehow.
Rational Satanist said:
slyscorpion said:
Go to his profile and check out his past posts. I think this person is either a troll or infiltrator or Jew. I don't think it deserves this much effort.

I don't think he's either. It's just a "darkness and evil", reverse xian type of Satanist who, probably because all other fake Satanic forums and groups are either dead or gone or have single-digit amount of members, feels entitled to come here and promote his views as we're the largest and most active Satanic forum. I have seen a lot of his type come both in the Yahoo groups and here. They think because we call ourselves Satanists that they deserve to post their misguided views here too, or else we promote "Satanic disunity" somehow.

Ok I am aware of those types too. It could be they always like adding the word dark or darkness into everything or words that mean that (dumb in my mind). I should have realized that. If he or she is this type hopefully they realize what Satanism actually is about now.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
