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For Women's Health: Menstruation and Hormones


Active member
Apr 20, 2012
Women are definitely correspondent to the Moon. It takes 28 days on average for the moon to go through the signs and on average for a women to go through a cycle in that time. Traditionally women usually began their cycle's within 3 days of the new moon and ovulated on the full moon. This makes sense. I also wrote another article on this. It is located in the files section of this group.
Estrogen and progesterone are the dominant hormones in a women's body. They are made of cholesterol and other healthy fats and so to replenish your hormones you must take in this raw material. Butter, coconut oil, cod liver oil, pure cream, tallow and palm oil are great sources.

After a women's moon cycle has ended, estrogen starts to build up within the body as the moon waxes and increase in light leading up to ovulation around the full moon. This is a time of increased sex drive, cervical fluid and energy. Physically and psychically. Also this is the best time if one wants to become pregnant.
After the full moon when light starts to decrease and the moon wanes, progesterone starts to rise and estrogen begins to decrease. As progesterone rises, a women's cervical fluid decreases, sex drive starts to decrease and there is more of a need for introspection. This happens leading up to the New moon when the menstrual cycle begins and thus starting the new cycle. This is cleansing.
If you are experiencing long and heavy menstrual cycles, irregular cycles, pain and cramps and other negative menstrual symptoms, this is a sign of imbalanced hormones and a possibly a lymph problem. The moon also rules the fluids in the body.

 I have worked with the energies of the moon and have breathed it in and even infused it into my herbal waters. After doing this, my menstrual cycle began on the day of the new moon. There are a couple of other satanists, including sister Lydia, who have worked with lunar energies.
Menstrual problems are usually a result of estrogen dominance. This comes from excess estrogen in the diet, stress and from environmental toxins. Estrogen dominance also contributes to cancer, excess weight gain, heavy bleeding and other reproductive problems. Progesterone balances estrogen.

As for birth control pills, they also act to put the hormones out of balance but this is a touchy subject hen it comes to contraception. If one is on birth control, you should look into using Vitex or Maca to balance your hormones when and if you get off of them. There are herbal contraceptives and emmenagogues (promotes menstrual cycle and brings on a natural miscarriage during early stages of conception) but I wont list them here. One should do their research on them first. They are effective, though.
My top pick of herbs that help to balance the female reproductive system and the menstrual cycle are Vitex(chaste tree) and Maca, they work as adaptogens and bring your body in balance. Vitex is my favorite. It is slower acting but has been taken by women for centuries over a long period of time with no adverse effects. It can be take in tincture or in capsule form.

Because Vitex and Maca work to increase progesterone in the body, one may notice breast growth since progesterone increases fat in the breasts and upper body. if one has bigger breasts due to a hormonal imbalance then reductions in breast size is a possibility. Either way, it will bring your body to a balance that is right for you.
Estrogen is responsible for fat production on the body from the stomach down. Having estrogen dominance can also cause weight gain and glandular problems, Now, fat on a women's body is not a bad thing. Women are suppose to have some body fat. This is a sign of fertility and reproductive health. It also is visually appealing.
The jewish media promote skinny as the standard of beauty. They also work to promote low fat diets and vegan and vegetarian diets. This  is not only dangerous, it makes a women infertile. The cells, hormones and brain is made of fat...imagine what happens when our bodies lack this substance.
Feel free to add in any personal experiences or questions, if any.

High Priestess Shannon
And 13 times a year we have menstrution. Just like moon have a 13 cikles in year and that mean that something with reagular astrology is wrong. Put on paper and tri to calculate nathal charth with 13 houses and 13 sings. Planet position and they aspects will be same, this is you personality, but that planets and houses will not have that planets and i am aquarius by 13 sing zodiak, and not pisces. And it make sence since i am rebel and like technology so much and so one. Also in regular natal chart i have aspect from which i need to watch out from to not drown in wather. But i newer felt fear about wather. But in full version with 13 house and sing, i have aspect which talk that i need to watch out of from electricity and watch out on hove to driwe a night or when is fog or rain. And this make sence because i always felt that i need to watch out from electricity and trafick.And that whay i will start my magick alway when that planet on which i work is deep in good sing and not in the beginning. Mars in aries enter in end of march. But with 13 sing it enter in mid of april. So i will still start magick square in good positon of planet and sing but chance is that my square realy will be working. I noticed that only few squares work and i do a lot of squarea in 4 years of dedication. Also this aplie on moon too. Void and fases of moon do not depend of sings but do not think that moon is in sing you see that is on program. Somethimes is in right sing on sky and program in same time because some thimes even three days is in one sing. 

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-------- Original message --------
From: "soutlaw92@... [SSHealth]" <[email protected]
Date: 24/05/2016 03:02 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [SSHealth] For Women's Health: Menstruation and Hormones

  Women are definitely correspondent to the Moon. It takes 28 days on average for the moon to go through the signs and on average for a women to go through a cycle in that time. Traditionally women usually began their cycle's within 3 days of the new moon and ovulated on the full moon. This makes sense. I also wrote another article on this. It is located in the files section of this group.
Estrogen and progesterone are the dominant hormones in a women's body. They are made of cholesterol and other healthy fats and so to replenish your hormones you must take in this raw material. Butter, coconut oil, cod liver oil, pure cream, tallow and palm oil are great sources.

After a women's moon cycle has ended, estrogen starts to build up within the body as the moon waxes and increase in light leading up to ovulation around the full moon. This is a time of increased sex drive, cervical fluid and energy. Physically and psychically. Also this is the best time if one wants to become pregnant.
After the full moon when light starts to decrease and the moon wanes, progesterone starts to rise and estrogen begins to decrease. As progesterone rises, a women's cervical fluid decreases, sex drive starts to decrease and there is more of a need for introspection. This happens leading up to the New moon when the menstrual cycle begins and thus starting the new cycle. This is cleansing.
If you are experiencing long and heavy menstrual cycles, irregular cycles, pain and cramps and other negative menstrual symptoms, this is a sign of imbalanced hormones and a possibly a lymph problem. The moon also rules the fluids in the body.

 I have worked with the energies of the moon and have breathed it in and even infused it into my herbal waters. After doing this, my menstrual cycle began on the day of the new moon. There are a couple of other satanists, including sister Lydia, who have worked with lunar energies.
Menstrual problems are usually a result of estrogen dominance. This comes from excess estrogen in the diet, stress and from environmental toxins. Estrogen dominance also contributes to cancer, excess weight gain, heavy bleeding and other reproductive problems. Progesterone balances estrogen.

As for birth control pills, they also act to put the hormones out of balance but this is a touchy subject hen it comes to contraception. If one is on birth control, you should look into using Vitex or Maca to balance your hormones when and if you get off of them. There are herbal contraceptives and emmenagogues (promotes menstrual cycle and brings on a natural miscarriage during early stages of conception) but I wont list them here. One should do their research on them first. They are effective, though.
My top pick of herbs that help to balance the female reproductive system and the menstrual cycle are Vitex(chaste tree) and Maca, they work as adaptogens and bring your body in balance. Vitex is my favorite. It is slower acting but has been taken by women for centuries over a long period of time with no adverse effects. It can be take in tincture or in capsule form.

Because Vitex and Maca work to increase progesterone in the body, one may notice breast growth since progesterone increases fat in the breasts and upper body. if one has bigger breasts due to a hormonal imbalance then reductions in breast size is a possibility. Either way, it will bring your body to a balance that is right for you.
Estrogen is responsible for fat production on the body from the stomach down. Having estrogen dominance can also cause weight gain and glandular problems, Now, fat on a women's body is not a bad thing. Women are suppose to have some body fat. This is a sign of fertility and reproductive health. It also is visually appealing.
The jewish media promote skinny as the standard of beauty. They also work to promote low fat diets and vegan and vegetarian diets. This  is not only dangerous, it makes a women infertile. The cells, hormones and brain is made of fat...imagine what happens when our bodies lack this substance.
Feel free to add in any personal experiences or questions, if any.

High Priestess Shannon
So a 5 week cycle is abnormal, even if its known to have happened in the family as 'natural' ?
I am not an expert but all I know is there are so many standards of what is normal these days. They say that menstruating for 7 days is normal and  is the standard but women who balance their hormones notice that it becomes shorter. They also say that PMS is normal but it vanishes when the health is in check.
I'm sure you know where I am getting with this. Although going into a 5 week cycle isn't too crazy but the moon does go in accordance with a 4 weeks cycle on average. 13-15 days of waxing phase leading up to the full moon and 13-15 days of waning leading up to the new moon. It isn't a set 28 days but it can varies from 27.5 -29 depending on the moon. But 28 is the average.
If your cycles are inconsistent, painful, too long or bleeding too heavily, this is a sign of imbalance. 
Everyone is different but a cycle going 3-4 days of heavy bleeding probably isn't the best sign. If it lasts more than 7 days then there can be an imbalance there. My heaviest days only last a day or two.
Try the exercise with the moon and see where it gets you with your cycle. It is a fun and rewarding exercise.

High Priestess Shannon
I've been at about 6 days, first 2 days heaviest but there used to be a dip but now it seems to even out a bit more.

Ehm.. just cramps and pain in my lower back although last time it's been less than that it was.
And about no pms except for the occasional headache and increase in body heat (which probably is normal and completely healthy, considering it is told that menstruation is a sort of detox from your body as well, but I do not know where that story comes from)

But yes it certainly is interesting and will try it if I remember to do it :) .

no 5 weeks isn't too crazy but it became irregular after those hpv shots (5-5.5 week) and then just skipping months (usually just one) when stress or some other reason I really do not understand.
Thank you!!! I ´m going to get vitex. I didn´t. want to try birth control pills because the side effects and I only have sex with a demon lover (no risk of pregnancy as I know).
I noticed something while doing some research:

Vitex is known to lower the woman's sex drive, Maca increases it (mostly in men but to an extent for women as well). Not sure as to how much of a difference though. But this is something to take into consideration when deciding which would be best for you.
Vitex is a Yin tonic - Yin energies are the opposite of libido so may reduce libido when Yang is hyperactive.

Maca is a kidney Yang tonic which raises libido but may burn away the Yin energies leading to hot flushes, night sweating and other menstrual disturbances - this is in part why choosing the right herb for the presenting disharmony cannot be ignored when treating disease naturally.
centralforce666 ehm.. do yin and yang have to do with the sides of the body? like left side right side?
Yin and Yang have to do with every physiological function and structure of the body - left and right side is one very small part of that but in this instance I am talking about the function of organs, namely the kidneys, liver an heart since these are the organs which participate in menstruation.

This is not strictly to do with this organs as we understand them from a western perspective but rather how the ancient Chinese people ascribed various functions of the body to organs since dysfunction often shows symptoms in those organs.

Strictly speaking the kidneys relate to reproductive health and the uterus and genitals along with pH and body fluid balance, the liver pertains to the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system and the heart comprises the mind and spirit as well as all things related to blood, a function shared with the lungs as the controllers of the vessels.

Each organ has yin substance and Yang functions. One is passive (yin) the other active (yang) and these two principles can be used to explain all of the body's phenomena and balance of the two brings about health.
Typically excess yang is not a problem per se especially in women - usually it is the appearance of excess yang due to insufficient yin.

Excess Yang would show symptoms like extreme thirst, a very red complexion, strong burning pain somewhere in the body, constipation and symptoms which are worse with eating or pressure and received by defecation. The urine would be turbid with an offensive smell.

Deficient Yin would show similar symptoms but much less severe, with only redness on the cheeks and whites of the eyes, heat on the palms, soles and chest, sweat when sleeping, low grade thirst, symptoms relieved by eating and pressure and made worse by defecation.

Low back pain, flank pain or pain under the ribs, heart palpitations and cramping may or may not exist together or in isolation which points to the organs involved.
I understand why the liver would be part of it, well, all the organs you named have to do with the bloodflow. liver and kidney clean the blood, the heart pumps it around, when menstruating you lose a bit of blood along with some tissue..

I was wondering about the side of the body since it felt like I was drained a lot on the right side. now that has changed since I cut the ties, but I want to know if it could have any serious effect on the balance in the body or the organs.
From my research Vitex has been known to lower libido in men. Monks were known to use it to lower their sex drives.
When taking Vitex, I notice an increase in my sex drive.
This is probably because you are taking it appropriately - the yin nourishing effects when taken by someone who needs them also acts to build the fuel which is required for the yang to burn more brightly.

If it was unneeded in your body it would simply crush the already weak yang and lower it. Technically.

This also depends on what part of the plant is being used and how it was processed. That has an impact on herbal preparation's actions as well.
Yes. I agree.
I always take tincture and the parts used are the berries. Which have a higher compound of the active ingredient that is Vitex.
Also, what are excess yang symptoms? on women specifically?
Please list them as they are definitely helpful to know.
Are the Yin and Yang related to the male and female aspects of the soul? Like the Ida and Pingala? 

Also as a male how would one know if his Yin and Yang is unbalanced? Or do symptoms of inbalances manifest in the same way as they do in woman? 

Generally men seem to have a more stable hormonal system though, without abrupt changes like the ones produced by menstruation, so maybe it isn't as much of a problem since it seems hormones are more easily regulated in the male body, but I may be wrong. 
Men do indeed get hormone imbalances but it manifests  a bit differently such as in having less drive and desire to pursue many things in life. 
Physically it would be unhealthy weight gain and lowered testosterone which is actually a problem in today's society. Men today do not have as much testosterone as they did before and sterility rates are growing, this is the same as most women being estrogen dominant. Hormone imbalances in men cause low energy,less drive and aggression, erectile dysfunction, low libido, lack of drive and valor and early male balding and other psychological and physical abnormalities. 
There are many environmental factors such as toxins and hormones in faulty diets, environmental pollutants and other things. These estrogen mimics(xeno estrogens) affect women by giving them too much estrogen and with men by decreasing their testosterone first and foremost which leads to many of the above listed problems. Soy is a big culprit in food since it is an additive in most foods, specifically processed. Soy has a lot of phyto estrogens. 
I would say that with yin and yang, it could be related to all opposites. Male/Female, Hot/Cold, Dry/WetTestosterone/Estrogen, Ida/Pingala...and so on. I guess they are essentially guiding forces of energy
Central Force can write more on that.
Thank you very much HP Shannon. 

One more question if I may, can meditation affect hormones? Ie can meditation balance out hormones even when life style changes are only minimal? 

Before I became a SS and dedicated to Satan I had a lot of symptoms which correlate with Testosterone deficiency or Estrogen excess, but after I have dedicated even though my life style isn't very different I have noticed an increase in testosterone and related benefits. 

I never was really overweight though, but my physique is generally healthier and more masculine despite not specifically putting extra work for that. Since I'm still young libido has never been a problem, but drive or valor has, although this is subsiding and I'm noticing myself become more driven and have more valor, pride (in a healthy way) and the like. 

Can this be the result of meditation? 
It is power meditation. Keep it up.
The chakras are pretty much connected to the endocrine system and vice versa. The glands in the endocrine system produce the body's hormones. When you empower the soul and stimulate the chakras, the hormones will be balanced and stimulated over time. Physical and spiritual balance.

So then, random question, is there anything that can safely lower the woman's sex drive?

---In [email protected], <soutlaw92@... wrote :

From my research Vitex has been known to lower libido in men. Monks were known to use it to lower their sex drives.
When taking Vitex, I notice an increase in my sex drive.
Most people want the opposite, to increase sex drive because most people's sex drive has decreased because of hormones and heath being out of whack.
From my research, the few herbs that lower the sex drive have some potential to cause other side effects and you would have to use them safely. People usually take some form of prescription drug for that.
 I do know that herbs that are adaptogens, such as Vitex, help lower the sex drive if it is in excess. Adaptogens balance the hormones whether they are too low or too high.
If you want to lower your sex drive without taking any herbs or drugs, the best and safest way would probably be through meditation and closing your sacral chakra temporarily or directing the sexual energy to another goal or something else. Power meditation definitely does increase the sex drive because of the increased life force. It can be too much sometimes.
And if it is too much for you then you can try giving it to the gods next time during masturbation, perhaps they can take enough of the energy from you so to give you a good amount of relief.

So basicly what you are saying centralforce is that herbs can work both ways (in example lavender as an activens and rosemary as a calming supplement -while its known otherwise-) depending on the different dominance of energies (yin yang) within the body?
taol van sherwood, I believe Central Force was speaking more along the lines of herbs and things that adapt the body and balance, such as Vitex.
When it comes to herbs like lavender that are calming and herbs like rosemary, which are stimulating, they have their own effects which will be just that. Lavender can be somewhat balancing but it is definitely a known and proven relaxant. 
What I am saying is that lavender will not energize or invigorate a person with excess yin or rosemary would not have the effect to calm someone with excess yang. The herbal compounds are simply just that. They have their own effects. You can try exposing someone with with a hyperactive mind with Lavender for it's calming and soothing effects and you can try giving someone Rosemary to mentally stimulate them, and for a lack of a better word, "wake" them up.
Lydia, I suggest you try to store any excess sexual energy into your sacral chakra. 

It's part of one of the preliminairy steps to the Magnum Opus, to store sexual orgasmic energy into the sacral chakra so it can later be transformed into the second part of the elixer of immortality. 

An increased sex drive means a lot more sexual energy is produced, sexual energy is so powerful, having this available to you in large quantities can help you increase your energy immensely. 

I'm far from ready to start working on the Magnum Opus, but whenever I can I try to store sexual energy in my sacral chakra. It works really well and when succesfully putting the energy in there it creates a feeling of bliss simmilar to the feeling you get from your pineal gland when meditating on it and activating it. 
Soutlaw, I believe you misunderstood my attempt to get a confirmation on a thought.

I applied different herbs because I am not talking about the total balance, but rather why exactly herbs sometimes do the opposite as to what they are usually prescribed for.

I'd rather listen to a reply from centralforce at this moment, since my question was directed at him).

I do not think your reply is an answer to my question either, but I know you took time in typing it out.
My apologies for not responding to this thread sooner...

Excess Yang symptoms would manifest as a continuously high body temperature, burning pain during menstruation anywhere in the body, excessive bleeding during menstruation, extremely high libido, strong thirst and desire for cold drinks, strong throbbing headaches, strong appetite, feelings of inappropriate irritability or anger, constipation and urine which is scanty and dark yellow with a turbid smell. There could also be any of the following:

- Strong burning acid reflux,
- Heart Palpitations,
- Dizziness,
- Burning Pain anywhere in the body even outside menstruation times,
- Red Complexion,
- Red ulceration or with bleeding, in the mouth or rashes that are red and painful anywhere on the skin,
- Strong turbid odor from the genitalia, armpits or breath,
- Bleeding Gums,
- Insomnia.

This is a rare pattern in women and women are most likely to suffer from Yin Deficiency which would manifest similarly but with markedly less severity, the continuous raised body temperature would be more pronounced in the afternoon, the bleeding of menstruation may be at a lesser flow but still last a number of days over what it normally would, the libido would still be high but not as high as Yang Excess (Fire), the thirst would be present but the desire would likely be to drink small amounts of water at a time rather than large amounts of cold water, the appetite may diminish altogether and there may be underlying feelings of exhaustion. Any ulceration etc. would be less red, less painful and generally less severe than in that of fire...

Long standing Yang Excess turns into Yin Deficiency as the Yin is consumed by the extreme heat and though the symptoms seem to lessen this is because the body is more empty than full and the Yang only appears excessive in contrast to the diminishing Yin.

Note that only a few symptoms may be present, it is rare to encounter all of them at once unless someone is very very ill, so you may find that there are only two or three present - this is still enough to consider that pattern as being present in the body - additional symptoms which do not match may suggest the preponderance of another pattern which would guide treatment differently again.
Just on the note on Yin and Yang, yes they relate to male and female aspects of the soul but also to every part of the body. Chinese Medicine rests on these two principles being able to explain every aspect of the body's function with no gaps - the complexity varies but it is essentially these two principles in some degree or another.

Male imbalance is just as prevalent as it is in females however men may tend to hide these things, under report their discomforts or suffer from more diseases of the Yang and Qi which are easily rebuilt over shorter periods of time than women whose illness tends to revolve around Yin and Blood which take longer to re build and restore, thus resulting in longer periods of apparent illness.
Herbs usually have a set action on a person, in terms of thermal nature (hot/cold), direction of movement of qi (up/down, outward or inward) and Yin Yang supplementing or clearing. BUT different parts of the plant can cause the herb to have a different effect and different processing techniques can affect its properties also.

The way herbs are classified by the western herbalists is different again and this is where some confusion can occur. Like HP Shannon said, Adaptogen herbs have the apparent ability to lower and raise blood pressure or effect certain systems like hormone release in either way.

Were you to compare the manner in which you are trying to affect the patient from a tcm perspective, it may be that both have the same presenting disharmony which is manifesting differently from a western perspective. Just as two patients suffering the same western disease (ie cancer of the lung) might be suffering from two different tcm disharmonies. Thus, depending on how the herbs are applied (which system), they may appear to be able to have contradictory effects or effects which could go both ways dependent on the person but much of this has to do with the manner in which they are applied.

One must also always be certain that the herb they are using matches exactly with the herb described in the system. For instance, certain ginseng species have a moderate effect in tcm terms, and these are the ginseng species that western herbalism is primarily concerned with, thus they are mild and adaptogenic - meaning they could serve to raise or lower the body function to suit. However the ginsengs are described in isolation in the tcm materia medica and this is because they are recognised to have different levels of strength and there is a much more cautious use of Panax Ginseng for instance as compared with Siberian or American Ginseng because Panax Ginseng is very warming but the other two (still warming) are less so.

Basically, herbal medicine is extremely complex, and there is no blanket rules that apply to herbs except that they work on two levels - one is the chemical make-up of the herb and the bio availability of alkaloid compounds, polyphenols and other anti-oxidants as well as active substances that might remain active in the blood for years. The second level is the energetic level, and this is where it all gets a bit fuzzy, since energy is changeable to suit the practitioner's intent, energy and the expectations of the patient as well as carrying the inherent energetic nature of the plant which is dependent on the circumstances under which it is grown and processed and the intents and energies of any person involved in those processes.

Certain herbs are more prone to this changeable nature than others - for instance it would be very difficult to say that oyster shell could ever be an invigorating herb when its nature is heavy - however for someone who has spent years in yin deficiency, the underlying exhaustion over time might be lessened and thus their energy return due to the nature of the herb allowing greater sleep and replenishing the Yin fuel for the dying Yang fire.

I feel as though this might be more confusing than enlightening though I would like to say that in summary yes sometimes herbs can have different effects based on the patient, sometimes they can have different effects due to other factors (as mentioned above) and sometimes they do the same thing they are expected to - but if the patient is improperly diagnosed first, that action may not be a beneficial one, again depending on the herb and the energetic strength of the practitioner and of the patient....
I understood that a plant has slightly different properties depending on the place it is grown and how it's been taken care of. Thus its effects vary slightly.

The need for the different sub variations in plants, depends on what it is used for yes, but in herbology we mainly try to take the plant that is known by its properties AND latin name, rather than just its description. In fact there are people that have send herbs to a Chemistry lab to check what is in them; and I have those books here as well.

The longer a disease carries on the heavier your application of herbs could be; that could even mean in some cases the application of poisonous herbs.

I know that you must look to a whole person first, but in this example the person had trouble sleeping and relaxing. But the person also noted that while other people wake up from coffee (caffeïn products) this one falls asleep.
So I was wondering why do some herbs or components do the exact opposite as to what they are usually prescribed for?
In conclusion, even if it is just a single one indication, you still would have to check the other organ systems, or ?

I thought oyster shell was litterally just that, not an actual plant, or is the oyster counted as a plant?

I do not quite understand the paragraph about the oyster shell though; the last sentence mostly.

Also could you explain what you mean by 'energetic strength of the practitioner' ?

---In [email protected], <ivyissexy69@... wrote :

Herbs usually have a set action on a person, in terms of thermal nature (hot/cold), direction of movement of qi (up/down, outward or inward) and Yin Yang supplementing or clearing. BUT different parts of the plant can cause the herb to have a different effect and different processing techniques can affect its properties also.

The way herbs are classified by the western herbalists is different again and this is where some confusion can occur. Like HP Shannon said, Adaptogen herbs have the apparent ability to lower and raise blood pressure or effect certain systems like hormone release in either way.

Were you to compare the manner in which you are trying to affect the patient from a tcm perspective, it may be that both have the same presenting disharmony which is manifesting differently from a western perspective. Just as two patients suffering the same western disease (ie cancer of the lung) might be suffering from two different tcm disharmonies. Thus, depending on how the herbs are applied (which system), they may appear to be able to have contradictory effects or effects which could go both ways dependent on the person but much of this has to do with the manner in which they are applied.

One must also always be certain that the herb they are using matches exactly with the herb described in the system. For instance, certain ginseng species have a moderate effect in tcm terms, and these are the ginseng species that western herbalism is primarily concerned with, thus they are mild and adaptogenic - meaning they could serve to raise or lower the body function to suit. However the ginsengs are described in isolation in the tcm materia medica and this is because they are recognised to have different levels of strength and there is a much more cautious use of Panax Ginseng for instance as compared with Siberian or American Ginseng because Panax Ginseng is very warming but the other two (still warming) are less so.

Basically, herbal medicine is extremely complex, and there is no blanket rules that apply to herbs except that they work on two levels - one is the chemical make-up of the herb and the bio availability of alkaloid compounds, polyphenols and other anti-oxidants as well as active substances that might remain active in the blood for years. The second level is the energetic level, and this is where it all gets a bit fuzzy, since energy is changeable to suit the practitioner's intent, energy and the expectations of the patient as well as carrying the inherent energetic nature of the plant which is dependent on the circumstances under which it is grown and processed and the intents and energies of any person involved in those processes.

Certain herbs are more prone to this changeable nature than others - for instance it would be very difficult to say that oyster shell could ever be an invigorating herb when its nature is heavy - however for someone who has spent years in yin deficiency, the underlying exhaustion over time might be lessened and thus their energy return due to the nature of the herb allowing greater sleep and replenishing the Yin fuel for the dying Yang fire.

I feel as though this might be more confusing than enlightening though I would like to say that in summary yes sometimes herbs can have different effects based on the patient, sometimes they can have different effects due to other factors (as mentioned above) and sometimes they do the same thing they are expected to - but if the patient is improperly diagnosed first, that action may not be a beneficial one, again depending on the herb and the energetic strength of the practitioner and of the patient....
Yes I see what you mean Taol.. The nature of the mechanism by which a herb is working mut be taken into account to answer your question. Coffee for instance is an herb which conducts qi downwards and has a purging effect, hence its diuretic and defecation promoting actions. This is useful for most western people who are stressed and who eat very well (generally speaking the amount they eat, not the quality per se, but they are not undernourished), the purging of qi helps to remove blockages and allow qi to flow more freely which gives a feeling of being energetic, as the energy is more readily available for use by the body without being stagnant or pooled in one area.

If you give coffee to someone whose qi is already depleted, you are actually worsening the situation by depleting (purging) the qi further which leaves the patient drained and tired.

The same can be said for many other herbs in this way, but not all of them. Some of them just do what they do.

Oyster Shell is mostly made of Calcium Carbonate, plus zinc and other minerals. In the Chinese tradition, herbs are not just plants but also animal parts including organs (bear Gall Bladder) and body fluids (swine bile). Gypsum Fibrosum (gyprock) is a Chinese Herb as are some species of beetles. These tend to have very specific effects and are more rarely used in comparison with the plant herbs with the exception of oyster shell which is commonly employed to address issues of anxiety (typically Heart Fire with Heart and Kidney Yin Deficiency, a very common pattern).

In regards to how the body works, it is a continuous interplay of Yin and Yang. Yang warms Yin like a fire heats a cauldron, the fire is Yang and the substance within the cauldron is Yin - The yang fire warms the Yin and steams it to become Qi and Yang and the steamed Yin cools the Yang fire to keep it from burning the Yin too quickly.

Another metaphor for this is an oil lamp. If you turn up the flame (Yang) it burns brightly but consumes the oil (yin) very quickly and does not last a long time. Conversely, if the flame is too small or too much oil is added, it extinguishes the flame. Oyster shell might help when the flame is burning too quickly and too brightly by being the 'oil' which is added, thus giving the flame longevity and allowing it to burn steadily as the oil competes for space and reduces the size of the flame also.

The strength of the practitioner comes down to magic - if the practitioner is very powerful energetically, he or she will overpower the natural energetic function of the herbs to match his or her intention and still heal the patient even if the prescription is slightly off.
Ah thanks :) Learning new things is interesting.
Hey, I know this is an old-ish thread, but how do you get your menstrual cycle back in sync with the moon cycle? I would be grateful if there was a PDF version (or at least a link to a site)
Hi. In the satanic health group, there should be a PDF in the files section on the moon and women.

You can begin this on or approaching the next full moon.
Just go outside or near a window that is in view of the moon. Tune into it, know that you are linking it's energies with your bioelectruc field, specifically your reproductive and sacral chakra area. As you are breathing in and directing the moon's energetic molecules, program it to sync it with your body.

Know that you are in balance.

You can do this for 3 days. Some female members noticed an effect after the third time, others like myself, have found that once did the trick. If you are doing it once, then make sure you spend all the time you need. It all depends on how experienced you are in directing, absorbing and programming energy.

When I did it, my moon time came very early but right on the day as the new moon, as it should be. And ovulation occurred during the full moon.

I hope this helps.

High Priestess Shannon

On Thu, 6/28/18, lisadragomir13@... [SSHealth] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [SSHealth] Re: For Women's Health: Menstruation and Hormones
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, June 28, 2018, 1:53 PM


Hey, I know this is an old-ish thread, but how do
you get your menstrual cycle back in sync with the moon
cycle? I would be grateful if there was a PDF version (or at
least a link to a site)

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Thank you very much Shannon - I actually come across this thread after reading the pdf on moon & women, but it was unclear how to actually do it. I'll try on the next full moon :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
