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Echoes of World War 3? [Spoiler: No - Update 2]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Update 2

The current United States administration has done very badly, objectively speaking. This is opening our world to great instability.

Apparently intense focus on "Wokedness", being a sissy, and spending all your living time in your military waving GBLT flags, leaving all internal and domestic issues unaddressed, allowing Soros to organize racial riots and many other things, isn't really working very well for the most advanced civilization of our time.

Imagine my big shock. It's actually an energy waste to do that. Wow. Couldn't imagine. It's not good to print trillions over the flu, insane, couldn't imagine that.

Elections have to happen and they have to be quickly removed from office, and replaced. The US dollar is going to fail as the world's currency and global instability due to his fiscal policies and Co-Vid management has done the world incessant damage until now. It's completely unstable.

Losses in external policy such as the Taliban, infinite printing of fake money due to the low intensity flu they tried to "save" everyone from, nothing creatively substantial to show for, bad external relations and severing trust with other Nations who are moving out of the USD because covid printed shit paper is losing respect for the people of the world, the War in Ukraine because everyone smelled Joe was senile, and many other mistakes, don't add up. Taxes so high up the sky to pay for Zelensky's money they have been transferring under the rug, the list goes.

That's all really bad performance wise.

One might hate Trump but one will have a difficult time to find mistakes such severe in his terms.

The sole reason Trump is in the courts right now is because they want to maintain this train of losses one after another out of their bad ego and nothing else.

Trump is the last chance for the United States and with or maybe DeSantis or whomever else but the senile one behind it. I don't even believe in politics. The country needs a restoration of it's image and a real man on that chair, that doesn't get lost in the rooms thinking they are in the bathroom, in order to survive in the future and maintain it's position before it is too late.


Original Post:

Thanks to having people who are incompetent, do consider jews an optimal source of "consultation", but also have other non fitting qualities for the top posts of world government, we constantly have to deal with problems that could really not exist.

Many of these problems we already know. For one, the over-reaction by the flu that was recently released, caused State emergencies and State printing of money. Then, this led to Fed measures, and then this led to inflation.

This global situation of uncertainty, now has led to Russia and Ukraine in a war, a war facilitated by the enemy and again more bad behaviour and bad blood. Jews who facilitate a lot of this, and who swindled the world with the flu hoax, are almost "forgotten" now, although all the damage they caused does remain.

And further, the devaluing of the US Dollar is now currently taking it's place in breaking global trust, cohesion and stability. Presidents who care more about being senile and pretending a balloon is our most important spying problem by China, and who lose their words and can't see which room they are in, are also now trying to initiate wars with other Nuclear powers.

On the other side, we have the typical closed mouth, Commie emotionally hurt, "I will rule the world for no reason, because I should, LOL" types, who are like dying in their 70's and still want to leave this world a mess before they go, like Xi or Putin. There are many dialectics on why all of this is "supposed to happen" yet the reality is that there are none. Most countries are already facing internal collapse issues based on their population, or ethical collapse issues. Yet lo and behold, everyone is ready for the great nuking of each other, "just incase".

I look to the left of the map, and I see these values: forced effemination, surgeries on kids to take their genders out, women that hate children at all and therefore population collapse, the tiring figure of the jews preciding it all and eating the brains of all the peoples, forced worship of the jews, excessive egopathy to where society can't replicate itself, AI waifu 4 lyfe, and many other things.

I look at the right of the map, and I see: Christian darkness in knowledge and advances, stupidity, potential gulags, poverty, the median average IQ of a peanut instilled by the Communist mindset that knows only beer and shit life, and the Communist hammer and sickle coming for us just in case.

Europe is just sitting there being cucked, not having energy, with celebrating deadly birthrates, and importing migrants, while it's citizens blindly believe they are living in promised land, and denying that all of this is occurring in anyway. Women believe instagram is more important in this continent than giving life, because the jews programmed them on this. Men are playing video games while they are 40 years old, and Voltaire somewhere gets a seizure from seeing all of this but thankfully he isn't alive.

Further I go into Arabia, there I see: A random sultan with a big ego, that is uneducated as a brick, controlling resources, and people like animals going around a big rock for no reason whatsoever, and how they want to spread on your Nation for no reason other than that the prophet said so, to create more of this stupidity.

Then I think to myself if nukes are actually a good opportunity for all of this to be wiped out at once, yet I know that is not the case and that this is sort of like me looking at the negatives here. Certainly, I know I am a citizen of the better "side" of the world, and I do sincerely want nobody to suffer.

Both of these "sides" do also consider themselves valuable to survive, but I know of valuable civilizations that have existed, and I know that likely neither deserve to live.

In plain terms this means that any influence of the US is now being questioned severely.

Mental breakdown is a real case where all of this is observed same as internal breakdown of values. The same situation is also observed in the countries who are currently against the West, who are also on the tier of cutthroat and power thirsty. Firmness of leadership is gone, and everyone now gravitates towards "going for the taking", a situation that is producing chaos.

As I have stated before, April is going to be a heated month. Already, Finland has joined NATO which is a direct act of getting in Russia's face for better or for worse. Coupled with the fact that countries are moving out of the US Petrodollar Standard, this is showing a shifting in global politics and balances, that hasn't existed in decades. With the planets, I anticipate negative events in April as I explained, especially towards the end of April.

If the Gods put their hands on this and human stupidity doesn't again escalate as far as one could expect, and this period passes, things should be "fine".

However, we are no longer in the peaceful state of existence since the kikes made up their latest flu hoax, and everyone should understand that this is what destabilized the world greatly, by affecting things financially and setting us back a whole 2 years, which gave Nations the opportunity and incentives due to being stalled in wanting to start pointless competitions and wars.

We will proceed with taking care of our own and if anything else we have been doing, but I advise everyone to not shed many tears or be that much disappointed if things go down the drain for humanity. The Gods have stood there and seeing them all fight all the time for no reason, and jews looting things for hundreds of years now.

I'll be the bad dude for one more lifetime because I said these things, and the people who could save their existence by listening will hate me for it. Thankfully, I am past really being affected by this, but it's really funny if you look at it.

Eventually, be this from the negative side or the positive side, that will change radically. Let us be those who stay on the positive side for our own sake, and let those who are in the negative, be consumed by it.

Everyday I wake up in clown world, I thank the Gods that they exist.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
There's definitely a lot going on in the world right now..

But, regardless of the outcome I will keep complete trust in the Gods and I will never stop fighting. I try not to let the overly negative or positive outlooks cloud my judgement too much I just try to stay in the middle knowing whichever way it goes, at least I stand on the right side by being a part of Father Satan's army in Jos. We've Just got to hang in there keep doing our spiritual warfare, and wait this thing out and do our best and all that we can in the meantime. No matter what happens.

Thank you for sharing this post on the matter Hp!
I too am forever grateful that Father Satan and the Gods exist and are with us. We wouldn't be here if they weren't.

Hail Satan!!
I totally agree with what you are saying.

We are in a clown world, due to the actual idiots who choose to blaspheme their race and turn the cheek and consultation not to their kind, the Gentiles, but to the Jews and their kikianity and Jewish control.

People have been lied to so much, that if one makes a distinguish between the logical fallacies that the Jews have been putting into this world, it is already tiresome and clownish to see people not waking up from the blindness.

Finland's strategy of joining NATO may be a good approach but can also be exploited negatively un the context of World War 3. It depends and future will tell.

Still I totally believe Satan and the Gods will help us, and we already have dedicated people like you and long term members like xlnt or Henu and many many others who have contributed and still contribute to the JoS.

Hail Satan to them and you
sooo what're you saying HC?

stack up on canned food? burrow underground? turn piss into water via osmosis?
A virus will often rebel when an antidote is thrown upon it which can make symptoms worse for a time as it fights but it is futile. For the past week and a half, I have actually just had this happy feeling, this energy about the air that just shows that their filth is dying and burning to ash. It also gave me this overwhelming feeling that our side has done something recently to deliver a very significant blow. It doesn't mean the process may not produce losses for us but we will be protected nonetheless.
At the end of the day, jew conditioning or not, I tend to attribute malice to a lot of this rather than stupidity or brainwashing. The amount of people I went to school with who had any interest in 'higher' knowledge or anything was close to zero, now their 'idea' of history is basically Vladimir Lenin's Imperialism. This is only a hundred years after White people were widely used as glorified industrial equipment. If history doesn't provide gibsmedats or some silencing tool it might as well not exist for them.

All it would've taken is typing ONE WORD into Google but they don't care. There is no excuse.

Even convid was not really enough to wake many people up. All the establishment scumbags and hysterics demanding lockdowns, complete cessations of all mass gatherings (except environment-whackjobs and BLM riots ofc) and mask wearing forever, preaching about how 'this is the way life is from now on for eternity' and other bullshit 2 years ago... Somehow, now these people don't even wear ANY masks anymore in PLAIN SIGHT, corporations ceased hygienic measures like hand sanitiser (which isn't used by anyone), many declining their vaccinations quietly, so much of a volte-face yet this entire debacle STILL doesn't wake many up about how incompetent, lying and untrustworthy the general establishment is. It might as well be 2019 again.

I really am not bothered if these people go under, as past a point, it is inevitable. Election fraud or no, voting a senile pedophile corpse (with a crackhead corrupt son, the most 'privileged' and teflon White man in the universe, even given a collective rape pass and N-word pass by all liberals somehow) into the White House or Swedish women voting for the pussyhat-migrant Social Democrat party in droves is a proof positive to me that xianity and related filth has deeply touched the minds of many idiots throughout lifetimes and made them suicidal and hateful of others, even when or if they take out the 'Christ'.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyday I wake up in clown world, I thank the Gods that they exist.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

“If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort”.

I am grateful absolutely every day.
Stop it! You're cracking me up!

What the Gods say about things is most important, and we as there progeny, have a dillogence and duty to be this expression O FB 5yrv

And thank the Gods we all exist. Is there something you really want to ask us?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyday I wake up in clown world, I thank the Gods that they exist.
So, with the Full Moon almost here cohenciding with their skanky hcasep, I will carry on with the warfare rituals. Business as usual.
You know, it occured to me while shuffling my Tarot deck quietly, that we are creators of a different reality. Therefore, we can not allow ourselves to start vibrating on the fear frequencies of your average newschannel.
I guess, now in April, it all depends on the cumulative strength of our creation and rituals?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We will proceed with taking care of our own and if anything else we have been doing, but I advise everyone to not shed many tears or be that much disappointed if things go down the drain for humanity. The Gods have stood there and seeing them all fight all the time for no reason, and jews looting things for hundreds of years now.

I'll be the bad dude for one more lifetime because I said these things, and the people who could save their existence by listening will hate me for it. Thankfully, I am past really being affected by this, but it's really funny if you look at it.

Eventually, be this from the negative side or the positive side, that will change radically. Let us be those who stay on the positive side for our own sake, and let those who are in the negative, be consumed by it.

Everyday I wake up in clown world, I thank the Gods that they exist.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I hope the Gods give us strength and resilience to weather these storms. I miss having hope for the world and humanity. It's hard to have hope these days. I will just try and do the work.
It seems like history is just repeating itself for the hundredth time... infiltration, internal collapse, war, mass suffering for generations. Rinse and repeat. It's depressing seeing all this break itself again and again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Would we have a period when we do specific rituals, to do damage control and bring down the enemy?
I mean in the April period?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...question on this subject...

Inasmuch we know we are in the Super Shemitah in fact this Yom Kippur for 2023 is the first year of the zero-start to one calendar of the enemy and the first of seven, full year of the Super Shemitah. In essence the enemy has already completed it's fight age of righteous and is entering for the Tziddkim in other words the beginnings of Greyification and communion with their Jewish Aliens like the U.S. military video talking about ayylmaos.

My question is: A while back, several years ago, you mentioned the World is going to go on a chaotic binge because our rituals are causing chaos and there will be a chaos phase.

Now the enemy is doing their part moving the wheel and goalpost around. Is it fair to state the enemy is just taking advantage of poor situation that while our rituals do cause some issues due to rearrangement of reality.

Is it fair to state this should be expect? I notice in the last few years everything hitting the fan. In fact there isn't a single place judeo-bolshevism hasn't touched.

Should this process be expected? Like cleaning the soul or meditation or some ritual which creates A LOT of negativity to help clean the situation. For example doing a freeing the soul and money ritual only to have a situation worse as the karma is being unimprinted from the soul and being removed thus it produces quite a headache for a bit to pop out the other end cleaner.

I ask because it seems like everyone is moving around like a xtian expecting doom and gloom. Which is very strange and shows just how far xtianity has been shoved up peoples asses.

Note: I do posses quite a bit of misanthropy and nihilism at times. I'm not free from the black pill in fact MANY years ago I took the black pill but it's worn off. In fact as I've gone through since 2019 my negativity has greatly diminished. But does come back. So I can't be one to judge fully negative even the xtianized mentality. It seems like a meme as many of the alt journalist and commentators state: Welcome to Clown World.

I notice more and more peoples fee-fees being hurt and everyone acting like a fool.

I also noticed Blitz recently mentioned which I'm not aware of never recalling this. About 6 months ago you, HP.Cobra, mentioned the FATSJD ritual has done enough that we need to start increasing the Satanic influence with Gods rituals.

Is it fair this should be expect? Like the meme one of our members stated, "No one said it be easy to destroy a 6,000 year old death cult".

But honestly judging from the Gods and higher ranking people around who communicate to said entities. Is it fair to state everything is going the Gods way? If the enemy has built a reality like this, isn't your post a bit moot because we should expect chaos?

I mean I don't want to get nuked but funny enough like Styx said, the war isn't popular on either side and it'll probably fade away through war weariness.

Thoughts, HP.Cobra? Within a possibility can we slough off this manifestation and meme it our of reality. It's tough with the crazy enemy running around like a chicken pecking at everything. But seems like there's enough people to mess with the enemy.
From what I understand, we are going to do the best we can to manage the damage between this age to the next, but the enemy along with large scale humanity stupidity may plunge the world into alot of issues for quite some time, until humanity on a larger scale evolves out of this..

Is that pretty much an accurate way to view this whole situation?

I'd say there's been far too much sleep.

Regardless of what positive and negative things occur with the passing of this age, I'd say our safety and focusing on our divine objectives and spiritual advancement under the watchful eyes of Satan and the Gods should be our highest priority above all else.
Shadowcat said:
A virus will often rebel when an antidote is thrown upon it which can make symptoms worse for a time as it fights but it is futile. For the past week and a half, I have actually just had this happy feeling, this energy about the air that just shows that their filth is dying and burning to ash. It also gave me this overwhelming feeling that our side has done something recently to deliver a very significant blow. It doesn't mean the process may not produce losses for us but we will be protected nonetheless.

I think a lot of this positive energy (which I have also felt) is the Rituals of the Gods beginning to materialize, as well as the Tetra+Shattering really fucking up the enemy. A lot of the fog seems to be lifting.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyday I wake up in clown world, I thank the Gods that they exist.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is my thought every time I wake up in the morning. You have spoken facts. Great post as always HP!
I just translated your post into Turkish and shared it with the Turkish community. It is really sad that humanity is so synchronized with the enemy.

Also, this whole state thing is really one of the most damaging things to humanity. I find the greed of governments and their obsession pointless, but if the Jews are involved, I am not surprised anymore as they are really rooted in what they are aiming for.

I look forward to seeing what this month will bring, both positive and negative.
Thank you for sharing this article. 🔥 At least I know what to expect.
And knowing is half the battle. And I am lucky to have the Gods by my side.
And at least there is something else to focus on besides the never-ending problems of this world and the enemy constantly douching out more shit every day! Along with there christ-tards and there Islatard lizard family and friends.. and all of those who work for the government and the Royal Family's throughout Europe you can have them to blame for this shit! And never ceases to amaze me the fact that these people work day and night like busy bees building bombs and coming up with more evil ideas and more bright brilliant ass ideas of destruction! At least we are aware what is going on and what to expect! And we all have our calling in the world.
And at least we have our choices!? And to a lot of us who are spiritual Satanist! :D We have Our website, Father Satan and the Gods. To help us.
We have our things that are cut out for us to pay attention to and take care of the best we can! And we must remain strong! Keep busy! And do what we can to survive! Doing whatever you can each and every day to get by! Doing money rituals! Preparing your food storage. Doing whatever you can to stay fit enjoying life! As much as you can. WE HAVE LOST''S TO DO!! And we all have our responsibility still live up to! To a lot of us that are having struggles losing weight saving money? Or whatever! Take care of it now! Especially now while we still have the time to! Prepare yourself with the food that you need talk to your families about it! And get them into it and warn them about what is coming up next and what we are about to face.
Be thankful and blessed that you have a job! For those of you that are working! Saving up money! Adding to your food storage if you have one? All it takes is a few little adjustments! Around your home and on your job site! And to do your part as an individual spiritual satanist! 🙏 Meditation 🧘‍♀️ Prayers, RTRs and reading. AND we have earthing you need. For help. Information! Advice. And doing what you can on your end. Too. We not only work together as a team and as a family! We also use this time and effort to take care of her family and loved ones at home as well! Including yourself!
sola said:
sooo what're you saying HC?

stack up on canned food? burrow underground? turn piss into water via osmosis?

Now this sounds laughable not gonna lie :lol:.

Anyways, HPHC would never say those things to you like he is not a Jew to think about stuff like this.

He didn't say anything of what you are saying here in this post right now.
We must not lose Hope.

We keep saying "We have the Gods" . Don't you guys think them, themselves have their own bad period and stuff to do? Of course they do and I think they never say "If things were to fail..." they have nobody beside themselves and ourselves sure but we move things here slowly . My point bein they have nobody like we do have them.

Remember with power comes great responsibility and Satan won't let anybody who discover that spiritual power to use it in a bad way to destroy humans ,nature and to do bad stuff , by that I mean very bad stuff.

Bad periods might come , they always did they will always be but we got to stay strong and do not lose Hope.
No matter what we will be reunited to them and us will be together knowing no matter what happened in our life time at least we knew who God truly was and Myself If I were to die. I can die peacefully.

The enemy is trying to make us losing hope and confuse us , they are playing the dirty cards .

Remember everything you think , imagine and putting effort into visualize it , WORSE putting feelings into it and thinking it much about it, it will eventually make it happened, sooner or latter . Depending of how many are thinking that , how strong they are so on.

I'm saying not to put more gas on this situation that is already happening with our minds.

Remember: The enemy has been here for long and we had the capacity of self-destruction for many years but everything was fine . Same in this case. I don't think that all of the efforts the God's put into to save us were in vein and it will never be in vein. The enemy will not Win this and we as a race will never vanish. The strongest think there might be Will never evaporate our souls If we were to go we will just go somewhere else. Keep strong faith in our precious God's as they will pave the way for each and one of us.

I am sorry for my bad English , this is not my native language . I hope at least I was a bit understood by others.

Hail Satan !!! The True God and indomitable Winner of this War.
The enemy will regret their own existence.
The blood of the Gods ruin trough our veins and our souls are activated. The time has come . The Victory will be Forever and peace will be restored. Father Satan and our Gods will Triumph!
Karnonnos said:
Shadowcat said:
A virus will often rebel when an antidote is thrown upon it which can make symptoms worse for a time as it fights but it is futile. For the past week and a half, I have actually just had this happy feeling, this energy about the air that just shows that their filth is dying and burning to ash. It also gave me this overwhelming feeling that our side has done something recently to deliver a very significant blow. It doesn't mean the process may not produce losses for us but we will be protected nonetheless.

I think a lot of this positive energy (which I have also felt) is the Rituals of the Gods beginning to materialize, as well as the Tetra+Shattering really fucking up the enemy. A lot of the fog seems to be lifting.

Beautiful isn't it?
Hail Satan!
Since 3-4 months (maybe more), I have been so busy with my advancement and all the thing going in my own life, that l have been disconnect from what is happening in the world.

I saw the news about Finland and that is all.

I will keep live my life, making progress and do my FRTR everyday without any fear of what is happening. I will do everything to make sure my family keep calm and stay away from the fear that (((they))) want to instill in all of us.

Make sure we dont forget those words from HPS Maxine: we have already won!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
April is going to be a heated month.
Does this affect everyone or just on geopolitical level?
Cuz I think I myself can feel the heat of this month on me, I am trying to do a very important task of my life and I am getting distracted every other hour by someone or some other work. It's like time is trying to squeeze me.
Karnonnos said:
I really am not bothered if these people go under, as past a point, it is inevitable.

I want these people to go under. They're futile and perverse in nature and it is a displeasure, to me at least, for them to exist next to me, when they don't deserve existence. It's painful to watch their uncomfortable lives. Some things can be so ugly that they cause damage to those who watch.
Well all of this was not unexpected it was going to be a lot worse however the more crazy shit they try to pull the more people are driven away from it no one wants war not even the people in communist countries they no longer have a strangle hold on the information flow anymore they can't just edit a few speech scenes and say see hitler loves war no now both sides of the story are seen when both sides don't make sense people start digging for an answer now before getting upset and offended by the copious amounts of lies.

every time they push their clown world foolishness they drive thousands of people away from their garbage and make people who once supported a movement into no longer wanting to be a part of it, it is painful but its unfortunately necessary as a great deal of people arent as smart of atleast aware as the people in this forum who can simply be told or shown the truth and accept it for what it is and then do something about changing it.
This clown world almost makes me want to vomit already, go to shop or to city and every fucking time see same song going round and round again, faces looks different but everyone in the same rat wheel, all emotions toughts and energy devotionly dedicated to keep it going at all cost all the time. Curses upon curses, prisoners with all their heart seeks to become prison, only death and artificiality, if not, then being open to it with open arms and love, singing for their death and inviting it to themselves. At least when “they” are manipulated by something Satanic looking little more alive. If not the Gods I don’t know what I would do now if anything at all, thanks eternally to Them and of course to Joy of Satan eternally.
Enough of these compulsive and obsessive conquests in this world. Stay on your territory and protect that at all costs, and don't allow others to enter your territory to defeat, replace and conquer you.

Damn, all those Russian and Ukrainian men lost their lives as if they were pigs or worse, robots.
Asterion666 said:
sola said:
sooo what're you saying HC?

stack up on canned food? burrow underground? turn piss into water via osmosis?

Now this sounds laughable not gonna lie :lol:.

Anyways, HPHC would never say those things to you like he is not a Jew to think about stuff like this.

He didn't say anything of what you are saying here in this post right now.

Roger that. I submitted the post when the title was only 'Echoes of World War 3?'. At that time, '[Spoiler: No]' wasn't in the title.

And the post says "I advise everyone to not shed many tears or be that much disappointed if things go down the drain for humanity". I interpreted this as saying 'don't be surprised if another war breaks out (things go down the drain for humanity). In other words, I thought it sounded like another world war could happen - in which case I'd naturally stock up on food and stuff.

My post itself was somewhat satirical. I was thinking 'a war surely isn't going to happen'. 'Not gonna have to recycle piss'. Had to ask just to confirm though. I'm sure if HP senses a war to be imminent, he would state it explicitly and warn us and advise us to take appropriate action. So in hindsight, my post was unnecessary. At least someone found it humorous.
Just saying, with all the implications of a "WW3", do you really perceive things the way they appear here, or perhaps something bigger? Essentially, we're already in a Cold War II, but anyone who has read the book "Day after Roswell" learned that the supposed "Cold War" was just a front or rouse for ongoing escalations with E.T's at the time. Which may not have entirely been from the side of the enemy E.Ts, and the fact that Hitlers body was never found, Antartica, the Space race etc... It was also implied the possibility that they considered they have not concluded their conflicts from the War.

Since many years, it's been implied of something going on with the moon. Why have they not returned and established a base? What's the true motivation of creating the Space force?

From having read one of Ingo Swann's books, "Penetration" you could probably understand the exact implications. Basically, Ingo remote viewed a certain crater on the moon, he discovered something that emitted a faint greenish light, upon closer inspection he sees a dome with tall humanoids who were very busy and moving about, but one by one starts noticing him until they start pointing their fingers at him in which he is immedietly told to end the session. Ingo then realizes the tall humanoids are psychic.

This video sums up a majority of the details

Anyway, you also have to ponder on Russia's military tactics, and why they haven't started going full force until now. Especially with the clown who runs the opposing country. What are they keeping it for?

There certainly is the possibility that things could take a turn for the worse, in which could be a point of no return, but it's best to stay on the optimistic side of things.

A short description of an experience I had regarding the above:
Of course, out of intense curiosity, I attempted to test my remote viewing and astral projecting abilities but to no avail. I did make a few improvements which I'm sure I will get the hang of in due time, however, upon pleading for a demons assistance, I was shown an apparition of an area with green-pinkish light but I felt a heavy impression that I should not, or would not be allowed, to see what goes on inside it. It was good enough for me to see that they can exist but I understand that you don't want things being thrown around like beans. And somethings you have to learn to take with you to the grave.

And then you have psychos who really did consider launching nukes at the moon, and even Antarctica...

There's also many other books detailed strange anomalies but I'll save it for another thread/topic.
Every day I affirm that no matter what, I will be alright. I am truly thankful to the gods for the opportunities that I have. I wish I could do more for some of my friends but nature has to take its course.
sola said:
Asterion666 said:
sola said:
sooo what're you saying HC?

stack up on canned food? burrow underground? turn piss into water via osmosis?

Now this sounds laughable not gonna lie :lol:.

Anyways, HPHC would never say those things to you like he is not a Jew to think about stuff like this.

He didn't say anything of what you are saying here in this post right now.

Roger that. I submitted the post when the title was only 'Echoes of World War 3?'. At that time, '[Spoiler: No]' wasn't in the title.

And the post says "I advise everyone to not shed many tears or be that much disappointed if things go down the drain for humanity". I interpreted this as saying 'don't be surprised if another war breaks out (things go down the drain for humanity). In other words, I thought it sounded like another world war could happen - in which case I'd naturally stock up on food and stuff.

My post itself was somewhat satirical. I was thinking 'a war surely isn't going to happen'. 'Not gonna have to recycle piss'. Had to ask just to confirm though. I'm sure if HP senses a war to be imminent, he would state it explicitly and warn us and advise us to take appropriate action. So in hindsight, my post was unnecessary. At least someone found it humorous.

Your post was humorous Brother, that s for sure.

In any case whatsoever, things need to be prepared in case our HP tells us that there are some problems. But I don't think there will be any problems as we have Aatan and the Gods with us, and we do the RTRs and spiritual work in their honor everyday.

Oh, and as a side note, to avoid posting something not at the right time (ie when the title of the topic you post in changes, etc) you can always click on topic review or post review buttons so you will see if the title of the topic you are in changes or, if in any case whatsoever there may be editing / typing mistakes in your posts.
The current United States administration has done very badly, objectively speaking. This is opening our world to great instability.

Apparently intense focus on "Wokedness", being a sissy, and spending all your living time in your military waving GBLT flags, leaving all internal and domestic issues unaddressed, allowing Soros to organize racial riots and many other things, isn't really working very well for the most advanced civilization of our time.

Imagine my big shock. It's actually an energy waste to do that. Wow. Couldn't imagine.

Elections have to happen and they have to be quickly removed from office, and replaced. The US dollar is going to fail as the world's currency and global instability due to his fiscal policies and Co-Vid management has done the world incessant damage until now. It's completely unstable.

Losses in external policy such as the Taliban, infinite printing of fake money due to the low intensity flu they tried to "save" everyone from, nothing creatively substantial to show for, bad external relations and severing trust with other Nations who are moving out of the USD because covid printed shit paper is losing respect for the people of the world, the War in Ukraine because everyone smelled Joe was senile, and many other mistakes, don't add up. Taxes so high up the sky to pay for Zelensky's money they have been transferring under the rug, the list goes.

That's all really bad performance wise.

One might hate Trump but one will have a difficult time to find mistakes such severe in his terms.

The sole reason Trump is in the courts right now is because they want to maintain this train of losses one after another out of their bad ego and nothing else.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The current United States administration has done very badly, objectively speaking. This is opening our world to great instability.

Elections have to happen and they have to be quickly removed from office, and replaced. The US dollar is going to fail as the world's currency and global instability due to his fiscal policies and Co-Vid management has done the world incessant damage until now. It's completely unstable.

Losses in external policy such as the Taliban, infinite printing of fake money due to the low intensity flu they tried to "save" everyone from, nothing creatively substantial to show for, bad external relations and severing trust with other Nations who are moving out of the USD because covid printed shit paper is losing respect for the people of the world, the War in Ukraine because everyone smelled Joe was senile, and many other mistakes, don't add up. Taxes so high up the sky to pay for Zelensky's money they have been transferring under the rug, the list goes.

That's all really bad performance wise.

One might hate Trump but one will have a difficult time to find mistakes such severe in his terms.

The sole reason Trump is in the courts right now is because they want to maintain this train of losses one after another out of their bad ego and nothing else.
Cobra what would you recommand on this situation, all currencies of the world are falling hard so maybe we should invest in crypto, gold or in properties but that only works when you already have a big sum on you?
Of course I could also try grey marketing where I could buy staff at a good price then sell it again at a higher prices or looking for opportunities but I don't really know...
hi. i did the cleaning area by light meditation greatly for 3 or 4 days and now i feel something around me. its like glass andits feels i have a aura with glass material or something like that and when i imagine light from top of my head to go down, the light slides over my glass aura and it did not come to my body except when i imagine light inside all of my body (now its get better than first days). is it normal?
and thank you to translate the site in to persian.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
