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Do Gods Punish Us For The Things We Didn't Want?


Mar 20, 2023
Planetary said:

Yes it's the question. "Do Gods Punish Us For The Things We Didn't Want?".

No. You shouldn't think of the Gods in punitive terms, in fact they don't care much about or monitor what you do in your personal life, not even if you commit crimes intentionally (although we avoid committing crimes for obvious reasons that have to do with you getting jailed and restricting your freedom).

They will only punish people if they attack or try to control the Demons or Satan or in any way lie about them or slander them or when they attack or spread lies about someone that they protect. They also punish people who do bad things in their name, such as fake satanists doing animal sacrifices in the name of Satan. And they will punish these people only if they do these things intentionally, not just by accident because they didn't know better. For example, if a fake Satanist realizes that the horrible things he did in the name of Satan doesn't have to do with Satan but come from Satan's enemies and becomes a Spiritual Satanist, Satan will accept him normally and not punish him any more because he is no longer deluded.

So, to get punished you have to either intentionally attack the Demons, spread lies about them, try to control them, do horrible things in their name or harm/slander/attack the Satanist they protects and guard, intentionally.
Planetary said:

Yes it's the question. "Do Gods Punish Us For The Things We Didn't Want?".

I mean, if we kill an animal or a human while driving a car/motorcycle, do gods punish us? I wanted to ask it because I am really worried about did I kill an animal while riding motorcycle or not? I didn't kill someone probably but I don't know I have a low concentration while riding. I can't be concentrated to road. And I am thinking things like that: "I didn't kill someone like a cat, because it will shake to motorcycle, but if it is a chick, it will not shake the motorcycle, maybe I killed a chick, oh my god, GODS ARE GOING TO PUNISH ME!". Some muslims/christians don't commit a crime due to Quran/Bible doesn't want it. I am not in a personality like that, just if I did it without wanting, will gods punish me? I want to learn it.
Karma=action + intent god's dont punish you nature does
You didn't hit any animals. It was only a bump in the road. You are fine.
Planetary said:
... I have a low concentration while riding. I can't be concentrated to road.

If you can't focus, then either don't drive or learn to focus. Reckless people like you kill innocent people, and then how would you feel? You probably didn't kill anyone/anything this time, but learn to increase your focus.

Strong minds are a requirement for advancement anyway.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=442692 time=1684146749 user_id=57]
Planetary said:
... I have a low concentration while riding. I can't be concentrated to road.

If you can't focus, then either don't drive or learn to focus. Reckless people like you kill innocent people, and then how would you feel? You probably didn't kill anyone/anything this time, but learn to increase your focus.

Strong minds are a requirement for advancement anyway.

I really want to second this. This person needs to just learn to focus better as this whole situation sounds dangerous. They should even possibly consider getting a driving instructor is they can afford it if it's that bad.

Also what I'd like to add is unfortunately especially in many areas the united states, most people either have to drive or they have really no other transportation options.

This is a pretty big problem. The united states does not have any real reliable options for people who can't drive.

The options that are available are very few and far between unless one is in a city.

For the longest time I had issues learning to drive, but I had no choice as I was essentially screwed if I did not.

Hopefully in the future things will be different for people like the OP who seem to be struggling.
I also want to mention my comment while specifically mentioning the situation in the states. Can be applied to MANY countries. Hence why I found it important enough to mention. This is a big issue in alot of places in the world.

A lack of reliable transportation services, especially in very rural areas, also creates these dangerous situations where there's people that absolutely NEED to get to places but either have to rely on others which isn't always an option, or just drive themselves.
Shadowmage said:
Planetary said:

Yes it's the question. "Do Gods Punish Us For The Things We Didn't Want?".

No. You shouldn't think of the Gods in punitive terms, in fact they don't care much about or monitor what you do in your personal life, not even if you commit crimes intentionally (although we avoid committing crimes for obvious reasons that have to do with you getting jailed and restricting your freedom).

They will only punish people if they attack or try to control the Demons or Satan or in any way lie about them or slander them or when they attack or spread lies about someone that they protect. They also punish people who do bad things in their name, such as fake satanists doing animal sacrifices in the name of Satan. And they will punish these people only if they do these things intentionally, not just by accident because they didn't know better. For example, if a fake Satanist realizes that the horrible things he did in the name of Satan doesn't have to do with Satan but come from Satan's enemies and becomes a Spiritual Satanist, Satan will accept him normally and not punish him any more because he is no longer deluded.

So, to get punished you have to either intentionally attack the Demons, spread lies about them, try to control them, do horrible things in their name or harm/slander/attack the Satanist they protects and guard, intentionally.

I know it's unrelated to the main topic at hand. But what about offering an animal you would have killed anyways without a sacrifice? Say you are hunting and you shoot an animal, you leave an offering to the Gods after you field dress it.
bsod said:
I know it's unrelated to the main topic at hand. But what about offering an animal you would have killed anyways without a sacrifice? Say you are hunting and you shoot an animal, you leave an offering to the Gods after you field dress it.

Ethical hunting is a good thing because you are feeding yourself and your family. It is not perfect but it is necessary.

What you describe is bad because you are wasting the meat. Nobody is eating and nobody is being helped. So the animal was killed for no reason and wasted, when it could have continued living. Which is the same as the jew sacrifice.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What you describe is bad because you are wasting the meat. Nobody is eating and nobody is being helped. So the animal was killed for no reason and wasted, when it could have continued living. Which is the same as the jew sacrifice.

I don't mean killing an animal and leaving the whole corpse as an offering, but rather just leaving parts of it, or certain organs as offerings. Obviously every part of an animal can be (and should be) consumed, but sadly most hunters waste organs which are extremely nutritionally potent.

It's not "wasting" though, in the sense that the offering goes nowhere. The point of a sacrifice isn't to give something to a God so that they can physically use it, such as food or weapons. The verb "to sacrifice" literally means to give up something for yourself, why couldn't that include meat from an animal?

What about all of the other food items that were offered to deities in the past? Mead, nuts, baked foods, dairy, etc. It's not like the Gods eat these foods (not directly imo). Although the offerings would "rot" on the altar, nature will consume the foods, through scavengers, bacteria, plant life, etc. In that sense the Gods metaphorically accept the offering.

Even if you killed an animal and left it's entire corpse in the woods, it's body will release hundreds of thousands of calories worth of energy to the surrounding lifeforms, feeding possibly thousands, in it's place will likely grow extremely healthy vegetation due to the decomposition in the soil. It's not really possible to waste any energy in nature because it simply returns to the cycle. Obviously one should never ever waste meat or animal, but my point is that it cannot possibly be harmful or offensive to the Gods to say offer a piece of liver on an altar. If it is, then so should "wasting" any other food item like milk, fruit, or nuts.

You would also have to diminish all other physical offerings as being wasteful too. Vikings threw weapons and armour into the bottom of lakes, there are also many archeological finds of bent and ruined swords, indicating they were also sacrificed in a similar sense. I would argue this is even more wasteful because it does not feed any animals. Weapons were extremely costly in the past and required enormous amounts of human energy to be poured into just a single piece. I'm sure the Gods accept such offerings nonetheless.
bsod said:

Instead of this, you can "sacrifice" your time and money donating it to JoS or in warfare efforts. That is the actual sacrifice which should be made, not leaving an item to rot due to exposure with the elements.

If I am following you correctly, you are asking if "metaphorical" sacrifices are meaningful, but if they do not further any goal here, then why would they be? Instead of letting this animal liver rot, you could sell it for $5, then donate that. Otherwise, what you had was simply wasted.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=442815 time=1684179042 user_id=21286]
bsod said:

Instead of this, you can "sacrifice" your time and money donating it to JoS or in warfare efforts. That is the actual sacrifice which should be made, not leaving an item to rot due to exposure with the elements.

If I am following you correctly, you are asking if "metaphorical" sacrifices are meaningful, but if they do not further any goal here, then why would they be? Instead of letting this animal liver rot, you could sell it for $5, then donate that. Otherwise, what you had was simply wasted.

Fair enough. In your opinion why do you think people performed this in ancient times? (With any food item)
bsod said:
Fair enough. In your opinion why do you think people performed this in ancient times? (With any food item)

I can only speculate, but perhaps they thought it did do something. Perhaps it did and I am simply unaware, however we can also see how the Gods have asked JoS for spiritual warfare and other more tangible donations. If they only wanted fruit, I would have had a closet full of rotten apples by now.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=442891 time=1684194687 user_id=21286]
bsod said:
Fair enough. In your opinion why do you think people performed this in ancient times? (With any food item)

I can only speculate, but perhaps they thought it did do something. Perhaps it did and I am simply unaware, however we can also see how the Gods have asked JoS for spiritual warfare and other more tangible donations. If they only wanted fruit, I would have had a closet full of rotten apples by now.

The only thing I could add here is in the case of those who passed on like very strong ancient souls, foods would be prepared and other offerings to the deceased, to which the spirit would absorb the prana from the dishes that were offered to them.

That's all I can add as to the possibility of a reasoning for this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
