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Could Castrate a cat affect his/her soul?


Active member
Aug 1, 2020
Satan's Empire
I know the soul of animals are not the same as the human's soul, but could castrate a cat afflict some area of the soul?
Yes, sacral chakra would be affected. Creative power in general too, and all spirituality in general, as sexuality is of extreme importance. Animals are at a much higher level spiritually compared to most non-SS humans. They have psychic abilities the average person wouldn't dream of. Especially cats.

Not to mention, castrating is a barbaric practice.
Stormblood said:
Yes, sacral chakra would be affected. Creative power in general too, and all spirituality in general, as sexuality is of extreme importance. Animals are at a much higher level spiritually compared to most non-SS humans. They have psychic abilities the average person wouldn't dream of. Especially cats.

Not to mention, castrating is a barbaric practice.
From HPS Maxine:
Aquarius said:
Stormblood said:
Yes, sacral chakra would be affected. Creative power in general too, and all spirituality in general, as sexuality is of extreme importance. Animals are at a much higher level spiritually compared to most non-SS humans. They have psychic abilities the average person wouldn't dream of. Especially cats.

Not to mention, castrating is a barbaric practice.
From HPS Maxine:
I remember that topic. Most likely very outdated information. You can meditate on it and you'll find the answer. Also, health is not something dogmatic and faith-based, like they are trying to make us believe with the fake vaccines. There are different approaches to it, not a single one that you have to follow without fail for every single things. Just like there are different approaches to solving spiritual issues, and to designing a spell. There are surely better things to preserve cat health.

Another thing is that animals are not personal properties but partners. Who exactly are you or anyone to decide on such life-altering procedure, especially without consulting the cat who is more spiritually aware and self-aware than most of the population. I doubt even talking to Bastet the 'okay' would be given to perform this.

Pets change personality completely after undergoing such procedures. Why do you think that is? Spiritual damage.

No, this is done out of personal convenience for those who fancy themselves owners of animals and the animals to be personal properties like objects. It's a fashion (much like amputating dog tails) and a torture that has become legitimised and ingrained in modern culture, confusing it with health. Much like broscience, fad diets, low-fat products (including skimmed and semi-skimmed milk),high-carb diets, tattoos, alcohol, and other unhealthy nonsense, but on a completely different scale.
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Stormblood said:
Yes, sacral chakra would be affected. Creative power in general too, and all spirituality in general, as sexuality is of extreme importance. Animals are at a much higher level spiritually compared to most non-SS humans. They have psychic abilities the average person wouldn't dream of. Especially cats.

Not to mention, castrating is a barbaric practice.
From HPS Maxine:
I remember that topic. Most likely very outdated information. You can meditate on it and you'll find the answer. Also, health is not something dogmatic and faith-based, like they are trying to make us believe with the fake vaccines. There are different approaches to it, not a single one that you have to follow without fail for every single things. Just like there are different approaches to solving spiritual issues, and to designing a spell. There are surely better things to preserve cat health.

Another thing is that animals are not personal properties but partners. Who exactly are you or anyone to decide on such life-altering procedure, especially without consulting the cat who is more spiritually aware and self-aware than most of the population. I doubt even talking to Bastet the 'okay' would be given to perform this.

Pets change personality completely after undergoing such procedures. Why do you think that is? Spiritual damage.

No, this is done out of personal convenience for those who fancy themselves owners of animals and the animals to be personal properties like objects. It's a fashion (much like amputating dog tails) and a torture that has become legitimised and ingrained in modern culture, confusing it with health. Much like broscience, fad diets, low-fat products (including skimmed and semi-skimmed milk),high-carb diets, tattoos, alcohol, and other unhealthy nonsense, but on a completely different scale.

There's also medical facts established by medical professionals which don't require faith, but instead are based on science and experience.
They work with large numbers of animals over the course of their careers which gives them experience to know better than the average individual like you or me, and I don't think veterinarians would advise people on the health of their pets based on fads.

I trust Maxine's wisdom on this. She wouldn't take a hard stance on something like this if she wasn't absolutely sure because animals are extremely important to her. That much I can tell about her without having met her. She's not a fool, and she's not dogmatic.

If you're so certain of your position then perhaps you should ask Bastet yourself instead of using her name for leverage to support your rhetoric. Have more respect for our Gods please.
jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
From HPS Maxine:
I remember that topic. Most likely very outdated information. You can meditate on it and you'll find the answer. Also, health is not something dogmatic and faith-based, like they are trying to make us believe with the fake vaccines. There are different approaches to it, not a single one that you have to follow without fail for every single things. Just like there are different approaches to solving spiritual issues, and to designing a spell. There are surely better things to preserve cat health.

Another thing is that animals are not personal properties but partners. Who exactly are you or anyone to decide on such life-altering procedure, especially without consulting the cat who is more spiritually aware and self-aware than most of the population. I doubt even talking to Bastet the 'okay' would be given to perform this.

Pets change personality completely after undergoing such procedures. Why do you think that is? Spiritual damage.

No, this is done out of personal convenience for those who fancy themselves owners of animals and the animals to be personal properties like objects. It's a fashion (much like amputating dog tails) and a torture that has become legitimised and ingrained in modern culture, confusing it with health. Much like broscience, fad diets, low-fat products (including skimmed and semi-skimmed milk),high-carb diets, tattoos, alcohol, and other unhealthy nonsense, but on a completely different scale.

There's also medical facts established by medical professionals which don't require faith, but instead are based on science and experience.
They work with large numbers of animals over the course of their careers which gives them experience to know better than the average individual like you or me, and I don't think veterinarians would advise people on the health of their pets based on fads.

I trust Maxine's wisdom on this. She wouldn't take a hard stance on something like this if she wasn't absolutely sure because animals are extremely important to her. That much I can tell about her without having met her. She's not a fool, and she's not dogmatic.

If you're so certain of your position then perhaps you should ask Bastet yourself instead of using her name for leverage to support your rhetoric. Have more respect for our Gods please.

Except most doctors of any kind give negative advice all the time. Many medicine and treatments for example are only prescribed in agreement to enrich Big Pharma, rather than to benefit people. The veterinary industry is no different. To neuter a cat, you need to pay money. It can even cost a lot of money, sometimes even upward of 500 USD depending on many factors, others as little as 35 USD. This is a business. Why would they remove something that makes them money? They wouldn't, for the same reason they don't remove chemotherapy for cancer and actually replace it with a healthy treatment like NS Germany had.

Many medical facts can also be defeated over time when better discoveries come around. This is what will also happen when quantum mechanics and ether theory will be incorporated in medicine again like they were in Ancient Egypt. Another example is about low-fat products being somewhat healthier when they're not. It has been debunked for at least 5 years, yet all grocery stores still sell that shit, skimmed milk, semi-skimmed milk. Many nutritionists and doctors still swear by it in their ignorance.

And I actually did ask Lady Bastet, because I care about animals like I care about people, unlike those who just go with the flow and established norms. Unlike some people here, I don't "throw names around" just cause.

As far as outdated statements go, these are corrected over time. In the early days of the JoS, we thought the solar plexus chakra was pointed upward. This got corrected over time. Originally, Yaum was used in the middle chakra and Aum in the sixth chakra. This got corrected over time. Originally, the Merkaba meditation had a different number of steps. This was corrected overtime. It also had the energy ball in a different place, which got corrected later on. There was also an auxiliary merkaba meditation which got removed. There were also a scalar wave meditation and other meditations that got removed as well. Many things over time are corrected as new findings arise.

The advice is always the same. Talk to the Gods. Also, have a look at cats before and after this inhumane treatment. Observe not only their behaviour but their soul. Those who have active psychic abilities AND make a 360 degree observation will find the answer.

Let me guess. Next you are going to insinuate I am saying that Lady Maxine was not psychic. I don't need to answer that and have an argument about it, as the answer to that wrong assumption is already in this reply. Furthermore, the user asked something specific and want an answer to that. I gave mine, you gave yours. End of it. This is not going to go like the other time, no matter what kind of attacks you put in your next reply. Sayonara!
Stormblood said:
Who exactly are you or anyone to decide on such life-altering procedure, especially without consulting the cat who is more spiritually aware and self-aware than most of the population
If I was to consult my cat he would constantly ask me for meat balls. Also, I'm not sure about your stance on dogs but my dog likes eating other dog's shit from time to time, should I consult him before telling him not to do it? :p
Also, there are many stray cats, spiritual or not spiritual, if a top cat with a cilinder hat decides that he wants to fuck he will fuck my cat and then I'll have a litter of kittens as my responsability. Your opinion is very idealistic, not suited for the kind of world full of stray cats we're living in, also, Maxine's opinion>your opinion.
Aquarius said:
Stormblood said:
Who exactly are you or anyone to decide on such life-altering procedure, especially without consulting the cat who is more spiritually aware and self-aware than most of the population
If I was to consult my cat he would constantly ask me for meat balls. Also, I'm not sure about your stance on dogs but my dog likes eating other dog's shit from time to time, should I consult him before telling him not to do it? :p
Also, there are many stray cats, spiritual or not spiritual, if a top cat with a cilinder hat decides that he wants to fuck he will fuck my cat and then I'll have a litter of kittens as my responsability. Your opinion is very idealistic, not suited for the kind of world full of stray cats we're living in, also, Maxine's opinion>your opinion.

Yeah, then if tomorrow I am at the government or parliament, and decide that everyone with a lower morality or a lower IQ than myself and my cabinet should be sterilised, and I mobilise troops to do it, it's just fine, right? Because I don't want to deal with a bunch of babies with low-morality or low-intelligence karma, despite it actually being my responsibility as one of their rulers. Okay, I'll keep that in mind :lol:

Your dog eating shit is no much different than the majority of humanity drinking alcohol on a daily basis or going to McDonald's, really. That's my stance. It also shows you did not educate her properly, which was your responsibility as her senior when she was growing up (or your parents' responsibility, depending on the age of your nazi dog).

See HPS Shannon's stance on neutering, which is more recent than HPS Maxine AND also includes knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=122617#p122617

Also, when I said you destroy the cat's sexuality I meant. People who do that are effectively damning the cat species, as they'll never be available to reach any sustainable level of advancement where they evolve to become sentient, simply to satisfy people's convenience, like you highlighted (i.e. not wanting the responsibility). Destroying sexuality cuts them off from their version of kundalini. In other words, the evolutionary force present in all living beings. Doing this en masse also creates a very bad karma for the entire species that sooner or later will manifest in their extinction, if nothing is done.

It's clear I can see this matter from a wider perspective than personal convenience, yet I still did my homework and went to Lady Bastet to ask.
Stormblood said:
Your dog eating shit is no much different than the majority of humanity drinking alcohol on a daily basis or going to McDonald's, really. That's my stance. It also shows you did not educate her properly, which was your responsibility as her senior when she was growing up (or your parents' responsibility, depending on the age of your nazi dog).
I couldn't have done that because it's something so rare that repetition wouldn't even work, either way saying the command "No" makes her stop.

Stormblood said:
then if tomorrow I am at the government or parliament, and decide that everyone with a lower morality or a lower IQ than myself and my cabinet should be sterilised,
This assuming that animals are our equals, which is not true, so I shouldn't have to be burdened with 4 to 12 kittens just because the cat with the cilinder hat wants to fuck.

I won't continue this discussion because the way we see animals is inherently different, so I won't continue replying.
Stormblood said:
Yeah, then if tomorrow I am at the government or parliament, and decide that everyone with a lower morality or a lower IQ than myself and my cabinet should be sterilised, and I mobilise troops to do it, it's just fine, right? Because I don't want to deal with a bunch of babies with low-morality or low-intelligence karma, despite it actually being my responsibility as one of their rulers. Okay, I'll keep that in mind :lol:

If you can successfully pull this off then yes, and everyone will have to submit to your will and your rules. Us complaining about it will be pointless unless we raise a force capable of fighting you.

First you will need to seize ultimate power though. Good luck.
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Stormblood said:
Who exactly are you or anyone to decide on such life-altering procedure, especially without consulting the cat who is more spiritually aware and self-aware than most of the population
If I was to consult my cat he would constantly ask me for meat balls. Also, I'm not sure about your stance on dogs but my dog likes eating other dog's shit from time to time, should I consult him before telling him not to do it? :p
Also, there are many stray cats, spiritual or not spiritual, if a top cat with a cilinder hat decides that he wants to fuck he will fuck my cat and then I'll have a litter of kittens as my responsability. Your opinion is very idealistic, not suited for the kind of world full of stray cats we're living in, also, Maxine's opinion>your opinion.

Yeah, then if tomorrow I am at the government or parliament, and decide that everyone with a lower morality or a lower IQ than myself and my cabinet should be sterilised, and I mobilise troops to do it, it's just fine, right? Because I don't want to deal with a bunch of babies with low-morality or low-intelligence karma, despite it actually being my responsibility as one of their rulers. Okay, I'll keep that in mind :lol:

Your dog eating shit is no much different than the majority of humanity drinking alcohol on a daily basis or going to McDonald's, really. That's my stance. It also shows you did not educate her properly, which was your responsibility as her senior when she was growing up (or your parents' responsibility, depending on the age of your nazi dog).

See HPS Shannon's stance on neutering, which is more recent than HPS Maxine AND also includes knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=122617#p122617

Also, when I said you destroy the cat's sexuality I meant. People who do that are effectively damning the cat species, as they'll never be available to reach any sustainable level of advancement where they evolve to become sentient, simply to satisfy people's convenience, like you highlighted (i.e. not wanting the responsibility). Destroying sexuality cuts them off from their version of kundalini. In other words, the evolutionary force present in all living beings. Doing this en masse also creates a very bad karma for the entire species that sooner or later will manifest in their extinction, if nothing is done.

It's clear I can see this matter from a wider perspective than personal convenience, yet I still did my homework and went to Lady Bastet to ask.

If you're wanting to compare situations of humans to animals you may want to have an analogy that's closer together. Like say an overpopulation of people in extremely poor conditions where there is no contraception, health care, wealth, or resources, but they continue to engage in sex carelessly and increasing the numbers faster than the situation can be dealt with. Humans can at least be taught how to manage their situation after some intensive work. While an animal in the same situation will follow its instincts. Some animals will cannibalize each other in order to eat, and then simply continue to breed and the situation repeats.

Unless you are specifically keeping an animal for the purpose of breeding, you are responsible for ensuring your pet doesn't get knocked up or knock someone else's pet up. Many animals are abandoned because of people being irresponsible, and they can't afford to take care of an extra 5-10 litter of babies. The money, time, and effort into caring for that many young animals from birth to selling age is a lot. These animals get into the natural habitats and can really disrupt an ecosystem, like released domestic cats hunting native birds.

Wild animals run their course but when we domesticate an animal we take that animal out of the wild and into our care. If you can afford any potential accidents and mishaps from not neutering your pet then that's for you to make adequate preparations for in advance. There are an over abundance of house cats roaming around and dogs that people just don't care about or have the ability to care for, to say that someone is damning their species for neutering their pet is counter to the reality of abandoned pets.

It would be wonderful if we didn't have to remove something natural of an animal, but with the level of stupidity, lacking responsibility, discipline, and knowledge with humanity right now, I suggest not shaming those who neuter their pets (including our HPS). Why are you pitting the words of HPS Maxine and HPS Shannon against each other anyway?
Stormblood said:
Let me guess. Next you are going to insinuate I am saying that Lady Maxine was not psychic. I don't need to answer that and have an argument about it, as the answer to that wrong assumption is already in this reply. Furthermore, the user asked something specific and want an answer to that. I gave mine, you gave yours. End of it. This is not going to go like the other time, no matter what kind of attacks you put in your next reply. Sayonara!

Why so defensive? And what other time? When did I attack you, either here or in whatever other thread you are talking about? I don't recall making personal attacks against you. You shouldn't assume what others are going to say. I'm not playing some strategy game against you or whatever. Get over yourself, and if you don't want to talk to me then fine. No one is forcing you to.

If I was going to make an "attack" on you as you call it, I would tell you not to use your alleged conversations with a Goddess for leverage in an argument because I think it's disrespectful. I also think it's disrespectful to shame people for neutering their pets when they are doing the best they can for their pets' health with limited knowledge in an ignorant imperfect society.
You're also too much of an idealist, and you don't understand the implications of forcing these ideals of yours onto others and how it would translate into the current society and manifest.
There's your "attacks" even though I like to call it "advice." Happy?
Stormblood said:

You know how during certain moon signs there are specific surgeries you should not do? What if it's the same for animals? And if the procedure was done under a safe moon with the help of a Demon watching over your pet as it is neutered, would they suffer any kind of damage to their soul?

I think that would be a wise thing to ask.
Stormblood said:
Except most doctors of any kind give negative advice all the time. Many medicine and treatments for example are only prescribed in agreement to enrich Big Pharma, rather than to benefit people. The veterinary industry is no different. To neuter a cat, you need to pay money. It can even cost a lot of money, sometimes even upward of 500 USD depending on many factors, others as little as 35 USD. This is a business. Why would they remove something that makes them money? They wouldn't, for the same reason they don't remove chemotherapy for cancer and actually replace it with a healthy treatment like NS Germany had.
We can't expect people to work for free though. I don't think vets are pushing pills for everything like with big pharma. The two really can't be compared. There are also resources available for people who can't afford the procedure.
tabby said:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
If I was to consult my cat he would constantly ask me for meat balls. Also, I'm not sure about your stance on dogs but my dog likes eating other dog's shit from time to time, should I consult him before telling him not to do it? :p
Also, there are many stray cats, spiritual or not spiritual, if a top cat with a cilinder hat decides that he wants to fuck he will fuck my cat and then I'll have a litter of kittens as my responsability. Your opinion is very idealistic, not suited for the kind of world full of stray cats we're living in, also, Maxine's opinion>your opinion.

Yeah, then if tomorrow I am at the government or parliament, and decide that everyone with a lower morality or a lower IQ than myself and my cabinet should be sterilised, and I mobilise troops to do it, it's just fine, right? Because I don't want to deal with a bunch of babies with low-morality or low-intelligence karma, despite it actually being my responsibility as one of their rulers. Okay, I'll keep that in mind :lol:

Your dog eating shit is no much different than the majority of humanity drinking alcohol on a daily basis or going to McDonald's, really. That's my stance. It also shows you did not educate her properly, which was your responsibility as her senior when she was growing up (or your parents' responsibility, depending on the age of your nazi dog).

See HPS Shannon's stance on neutering, which is more recent than HPS Maxine AND also includes knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=122617#p122617

Also, when I said you destroy the cat's sexuality I meant. People who do that are effectively damning the cat species, as they'll never be available to reach any sustainable level of advancement where they evolve to become sentient, simply to satisfy people's convenience, like you highlighted (i.e. not wanting the responsibility). Destroying sexuality cuts them off from their version of kundalini. In other words, the evolutionary force present in all living beings. Doing this en masse also creates a very bad karma for the entire species that sooner or later will manifest in their extinction, if nothing is done.

It's clear I can see this matter from a wider perspective than personal convenience, yet I still did my homework and went to Lady Bastet to ask.

If you're wanting to compare situations of humans to animals you may want to have an analogy that's closer together. Like say an overpopulation of people in extremely poor conditions where there is no contraception, health care, wealth, or resources, but they continue to engage in sex carelessly and increasing the numbers faster than the situation can be dealt with. Humans can at least be taught how to manage their situation after some intensive work. While an animal in the same situation will follow its instincts. Some animals will cannibalize each other in order to eat, and then simply continue to breed and the situation repeats.

Unless you are specifically keeping an animal for the purpose of breeding, you are responsible for ensuring your pet doesn't get knocked up or knock someone else's pet up. Many animals are abandoned because of people being irresponsible, and they can't afford to take care of an extra 5-10 litter of babies. The money, time, and effort into caring for that many young animals from birth to selling age is a lot. These animals get into the natural habitats and can really disrupt an ecosystem, like released domestic cats hunting native birds.

Wild animals run their course but when we domesticate an animal we take that animal out of the wild and into our care. If you can afford any potential accidents and mishaps from not neutering your pet then that's for you to make adequate preparations for in advance. There are an over abundance of house cats roaming around and dogs that people just don't care about or have the ability to care for, to say that someone is damning their species for neutering their pet is counter to the reality of abandoned pets.

I believe those are two different issues. If someone cannot afford to treat animals with dignity and full responsibility, then they shouldn't adopt them into their household. The problem I see with stray animals is exactly that: people who are not responsible enough to adopt them and treat the respectfully, because they cannot see the full picture of what it means to have an animal partner.

Just like Hitler wanted a fitness to marry certificate and a fitness to bear children certificate, there should be a fitness to adopt pets certificate, so only people that can handle the full spectrum of responsibilities can assume that role.

jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
Except most doctors of any kind give negative advice all the time. Many medicine and treatments for example are only prescribed in agreement to enrich Big Pharma, rather than to benefit people. The veterinary industry is no different. To neuter a cat, you need to pay money. It can even cost a lot of money, sometimes even upward of 500 USD depending on many factors, others as little as 35 USD. This is a business. Why would they remove something that makes them money? They wouldn't, for the same reason they don't remove chemotherapy for cancer and actually replace it with a healthy treatment like NS Germany had.
We can't expect people to work for free though. I don't think vets are pushing pills for everything like with big pharma. The two really can't be compared. There are also resources available for people who can't afford the procedure.

It's big pharma that pushes the pills. Medical doctors, whether animal or human, just enter a contract with these pharmaceutical industries, a type of contract that violates the Oath of Hippocrates in many cases.

Sure, I agree that healthcare personnel needs to make a living. I never stated otherwise, but that doesn't mean they need to put people in debt, cause severe financial setbacks (even the working class enjoys the company of pets) and so on. This has been discussed before and sermons have been made: healthcare and education are the foundation of every community and need to be affordable. This applies to every basic human need. It's luxuries that can escape affordability. In other words, non-essential things and endeavours.
Stormblood said:
tabby said:
Stormblood said:
Yeah, then if tomorrow I am at the government or parliament, and decide that everyone with a lower morality or a lower IQ than myself and my cabinet should be sterilised, and I mobilise troops to do it, it's just fine, right? Because I don't want to deal with a bunch of babies with low-morality or low-intelligence karma, despite it actually being my responsibility as one of their rulers. Okay, I'll keep that in mind :lol:

Your dog eating shit is no much different than the majority of humanity drinking alcohol on a daily basis or going to McDonald's, really. That's my stance. It also shows you did not educate her properly, which was your responsibility as her senior when she was growing up (or your parents' responsibility, depending on the age of your nazi dog).

See HPS Shannon's stance on neutering, which is more recent than HPS Maxine AND also includes knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=122617#p122617

Also, when I said you destroy the cat's sexuality I meant. People who do that are effectively damning the cat species, as they'll never be available to reach any sustainable level of advancement where they evolve to become sentient, simply to satisfy people's convenience, like you highlighted (i.e. not wanting the responsibility). Destroying sexuality cuts them off from their version of kundalini. In other words, the evolutionary force present in all living beings. Doing this en masse also creates a very bad karma for the entire species that sooner or later will manifest in their extinction, if nothing is done.

It's clear I can see this matter from a wider perspective than personal convenience, yet I still did my homework and went to Lady Bastet to ask.

If you're wanting to compare situations of humans to animals you may want to have an analogy that's closer together. Like say an overpopulation of people in extremely poor conditions where there is no contraception, health care, wealth, or resources, but they continue to engage in sex carelessly and increasing the numbers faster than the situation can be dealt with. Humans can at least be taught how to manage their situation after some intensive work. While an animal in the same situation will follow its instincts. Some animals will cannibalize each other in order to eat, and then simply continue to breed and the situation repeats.

Unless you are specifically keeping an animal for the purpose of breeding, you are responsible for ensuring your pet doesn't get knocked up or knock someone else's pet up. Many animals are abandoned because of people being irresponsible, and they can't afford to take care of an extra 5-10 litter of babies. The money, time, and effort into caring for that many young animals from birth to selling age is a lot. These animals get into the natural habitats and can really disrupt an ecosystem, like released domestic cats hunting native birds.

Wild animals run their course but when we domesticate an animal we take that animal out of the wild and into our care. If you can afford any potential accidents and mishaps from not neutering your pet then that's for you to make adequate preparations for in advance. There are an over abundance of house cats roaming around and dogs that people just don't care about or have the ability to care for, to say that someone is damning their species for neutering their pet is counter to the reality of abandoned pets.

I believe those are two different issues. If someone cannot afford to treat animals with dignity and full responsibility, then they shouldn't adopt them into their household. The problem I see with stray animals is exactly that: people who are not responsible enough to adopt them and treat the respectfully, because they cannot see the full picture of what it means to have an animal partner.

Just like Hitler wanted a fitness to marry certificate and a fitness to bear children certificate, there should be a fitness to adopt pets certificate, so only people that can handle the full spectrum of responsibilities can assume that role.

jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
Except most doctors of any kind give negative advice all the time. Many medicine and treatments for example are only prescribed in agreement to enrich Big Pharma, rather than to benefit people. The veterinary industry is no different. To neuter a cat, you need to pay money. It can even cost a lot of money, sometimes even upward of 500 USD depending on many factors, others as little as 35 USD. This is a business. Why would they remove something that makes them money? They wouldn't, for the same reason they don't remove chemotherapy for cancer and actually replace it with a healthy treatment like NS Germany had.
We can't expect people to work for free though. I don't think vets are pushing pills for everything like with big pharma. The two really can't be compared. There are also resources available for people who can't afford the procedure.

It's big pharma that pushes the pills. Medical doctors, whether animal or human, just enter a contract with these pharmaceutical industries, a type of contract that violates the Oath of Hippocrates in many cases.

Sure, I agree that healthcare personnel needs to make a living. I never stated otherwise, but that doesn't mean they need to put people in debt, cause severe financial setbacks (even the working class enjoys the company of pets) and so on. This has been discussed before and sermons have been made: healthcare and education are the foundation of every community and need to be affordable. This applies to every basic human need. It's luxuries that can escape affordability. In other words, non-essential things and endeavours.

How many vets have you seen like this? I wasn't aware that big pharma focused much on animals. The medicine available for animals is effective, and not really the same as a quack throwing prozac at a patient, or whatever they're giving the kids these days.

I don't really know how to respond to the second part because it contradicts the part of your reply towards Tabby. You said that working class people have animals so they shouldn't be fleeced of their savings, but it was their choice to adopt animals and make the sacrifice. If one would be required to have a fitness certificate to adopt animals then I would think financial fitness would be part of that. If so few were adopting animals until wealth conditions improve then you would also have to consider what to do about all the strays and everything... that takes a hard heart.

I don't think there's any easy solution to the problem of animal suffering especially at this current time. People just have to do the best they can for their animal friends, and act as a force of change as much as they can for the ones they can't adopt.
Quel_tizio said:
I know the soul of animals are not the same as the human's soul, but could castrate a cat afflict some area of the soul?

If the question is still relevant. My neutered cat, adopted from the streets, is doing well. :) I give you a link:


(You can translate it well into English with Deepl Translator.) This is the blog and introduction of a fantastic Hungarian man. His work speaks for itself, the cats open up to him in extreme cases. He attention to cats/dogs, and because he attention, he understands their signals. He, along with many other knowledgeable people of conscience, clearly recommends neutering.

Neutering is highly recommended for health reasons if you are a careful and responsible pet host. There is no need to waste time on contrary lay opinions. In 2022, you will find plenty of reliable literature on the subject, but you can also ask a veterinarian who is sympathetic, conscientious and knowledgeable. (I only have resources in Hungarian, if you're interested.)

Anyone who is familiar with this issue and cares about cats knows what happens on the streets. Everything else is some kind of purple hazy dream world, without real knowledge. A picture that sums up the situation well:


The picture shows the number of years, litters and offspring. This is why neutering is a lifesaver. And also, of course, for many health reasons.
Dark Lawyer said:
Quel_tizio said:
I know the soul of animals are not the same as the human's soul, but could castrate a cat afflict some area of the soul?

If the question is still relevant. My neutered cat, adopted from the streets, is doing well. :) I give you a link:


(You can translate it well into English with Deepl Translator.) This is the blog and introduction of a fantastic Hungarian man. His work speaks for itself, the cats open up to him in extreme cases. He attention to cats/dogs, and because he attention, he understands their signals. He, along with many other knowledgeable people of conscience, clearly recommends neutering.

Neutering is highly recommended for health reasons if you are a careful and responsible pet host. There is no need to waste time on contrary lay opinions. In 2022, you will find plenty of reliable literature on the subject, but you can also ask a veterinarian who is sympathetic, conscientious and knowledgeable. (I only have resources in Hungarian, if you're interested.)

Anyone who is familiar with this issue and cares about cats knows what happens on the streets. Everything else is some kind of purple hazy dream world, without real knowledge. A picture that sums up the situation well:


The picture shows the number of years, litters and offspring. This is why neutering is a lifesaver. And also, of course, for many health reasons.

Again, spoken like someone without spiritual awareness and abilities.
jrvan said:
How many vets have you seen like this? I wasn't aware that big pharma focused much on animals. The medicine available for animals is effective, and not really the same as a quack throwing prozac at a patient, or whatever they're giving the kids these days.

I don't really know how to respond to the second part because it contradicts the part of your reply towards Tabby. You said that working class people have animals so they shouldn't be fleeced of their savings, but it was their choice to adopt animals and make the sacrifice. If one would be required to have a fitness certificate to adopt animals then I would think financial fitness would be part of that. If so few were adopting animals until wealth conditions improve then you would also have to consider what to do about all the strays and everything... that takes a hard heart.

I don't think there's any easy solution to the problem of animal suffering especially at this current time. People just have to do the best they can for their animal friends, and act as a force of change as much as they can for the ones they can't adopt.

In regards to animals as pets, yes, there is no easy solution. Humans need to first take care of themselves before they can take care of an animal. In other words, it will take some time before the problem with pets can ever be truly fixed.

As far as vets and big pharma, there are a few good links on the subject, for a vet herself:

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=344651 time=1649930614 user_id=21286]
jrvan said:
How many vets have you seen like this? I wasn't aware that big pharma focused much on animals. The medicine available for animals is effective, and not really the same as a quack throwing prozac at a patient, or whatever they're giving the kids these days.

I don't really know how to respond to the second part because it contradicts the part of your reply towards Tabby. You said that working class people have animals so they shouldn't be fleeced of their savings, but it was their choice to adopt animals and make the sacrifice. If one would be required to have a fitness certificate to adopt animals then I would think financial fitness would be part of that. If so few were adopting animals until wealth conditions improve then you would also have to consider what to do about all the strays and everything... that takes a hard heart.

I don't think there's any easy solution to the problem of animal suffering especially at this current time. People just have to do the best they can for their animal friends, and act as a force of change as much as they can for the ones they can't adopt.

In regards to animals as pets, yes, there is no easy solution. Humans need to first take care of themselves before they can take care of an animal. In other words, it will take some time before the problem with pets can ever be truly fixed.

As far as vets and big pharma, there are a few good links on the subject, for a vet herself:


I've done some minor research since speaking on this subject, and it seems there is a lot of growing consensus among veterinarians and pet owners that neutering and spaying are inferior solutions compared to new alternatives. I'll link two useful pages here.


Thank you for the literature relevant to pets and big pharma. I am trying to work my way through reading it when I have time, and I will try to make time for commenting back again about it after I am finished reading. I just have a lot of priorities right now. I'll get back to this when I can.
Stormblood said:
Again, spoken like someone without spiritual awareness and abilities.

I started by writing about my own experience (if you read it at all). I know, your mind blocks when reality is different than your theory. That's not my problem, I was just describing my own experience.

If you take some advice: if you can't make a substantive contribution to the topic, you don't need to post just to be make comments with a personal tone. This is not worthy of a spiritual master like you. :)

Although when I think about it, I did the SS initiation ceremony and the 47-day meditation program, and I meditate every day. Would a person without spiritual awareness do that?

You already posted assumptions about me in the other thread that were nowhere near reality. I refuted these with specific quotes, to which you of course did not respond. So I'm beginning to doubt that you are as elevated as you conspicuously try to make yourself out to be in all your posts. Again, of course this is not my problem. But I would ask you to stop your baseless, personal attempts to discredit me. Thank you.

(If you know me so fucking well, you've read about my situation. You've also read that I've fucked up my life by making bad decisions. You've also read how hard I'm working to save what I can. Yeah, it's fucking hard for me to be spiritual right now. But I think you'd be surprised to know how many SS writings I've read in the past, and how many hundreds of pages I've written as a result of my own spiritual quest.)
Dark Lawyer said:
Stormblood said:
Again, spoken like someone without spiritual awareness and abilities.

I started by writing about my own experience (if you read it at all). I know, your mind blocks when reality is different than your theory. That's not my problem, I was just describing my own experience.

If you take some advice: if you can't make a substantive contribution to the topic, you don't need to post just to be make comments with a personal tone. This is not worthy of a spiritual master like you. :)

Although when I think about it, I did the SS initiation ceremony and the 47-day meditation program, and I meditate every day. Would a person without spiritual awareness do that?

You already posted assumptions about me in the other thread that were nowhere near reality. I refuted these with specific quotes, to which you of course did not respond. So I'm beginning to doubt that you are as elevated as you conspicuously try to make yourself out to be in all your posts. Again, of course this is not my problem. But I would ask you to stop your baseless, personal attempts to discredit me. Thank you.

(If you know me so fucking well, you've read about my situation. You've also read that I've fucked up my life by making bad decisions. You've also read how hard I'm working to save what I can. Yeah, it's fucking hard for me to be spiritual right now. But I think you'd be surprised to know how many SS writings I've read in the past, and how many hundreds of pages I've written as a result of my own spiritual quest.)

Spiritual awareness has levels. In the case of a cat, physically you can observe changes in their behaviour. Spiritually, you will observe changes in their chakras, energy flow, and other functions of their soul. Just because you completed the 40-days programme (it's 40 days), it doesn't mean you automatically an enlightened master with perfect astral sight. You have nothing to contribute to this topic. You need to study more and gain more spiritual experience and ability, before making superficial comments about animals being fine when neutered.
Dark Lawyer said:
Stormblood said:
Again, spoken like someone without spiritual awareness and abilities.

I started by writing about my own experience (if you read it at all). I know, your mind blocks when reality is different than your theory. That's not my problem, I was just describing my own experience.

If you take some advice: if you can't make a substantive contribution to the topic, you don't need to post just to be make comments with a personal tone. This is not worthy of a spiritual master like you. :)

Although when I think about it, I did the SS initiation ceremony and the 47-day meditation program, and I meditate every day. Would a person without spiritual awareness do that?

You already posted assumptions about me in the other thread that were nowhere near reality. I refuted these with specific quotes, to which you of course did not respond. So I'm beginning to doubt that you are as elevated as you conspicuously try to make yourself out to be in all your posts. Again, of course this is not my problem. But I would ask you to stop your baseless, personal attempts to discredit me. Thank you.

(If you know me so fucking well, you've read about my situation. You've also read that I've fucked up my life by making bad decisions. You've also read how hard I'm working to save what I can. Yeah, it's fucking hard for me to be spiritual right now. But I think you'd be surprised to know how many SS writings I've read in the past, and how many hundreds of pages I've written as a result of my own spiritual quest.)

I know exactly how you feel. It's not fair to be written off like that via personal attacks when you've done nothing wrong. People here have done the same crap to me. I think the bullying atmosphere is starting to change and improve, but people need to be willing to change if we want a healthier community because the community is made up of all of us. We also need to remember that even experienced brothers like Stormblood aren't perfect, and though a lot more is expected of them as community leaders and role models, they are also learning and growing just like we are. I believe Stormblood is doing his best to grow, and I've seen how he is receptive to criticism which is why I'm going to try to be friendlier in my approach to him going forward. He makes mistakes just like all of us. A few years ago he held the belief that healthcare should be free even though "free" is impossible because someone has to pay for it, and it requires resources to sustain life. He now recognizes that individuals aren't owed a living, and that we all have to put in our work to keep ourselves physically alive just like with meditation, and that it wouldn't be nearly as hard and damn near impossible like it is if not for the jews (it would actually be pretty easy without the jews). His beliefs are refining and maturing all the time. I do hope he will be more patient with people who deserve it, and be more varied in his approach with people going case by case. Not everyone deserves harsh treatment.

I think the topic of pets is just very close to Stormblood's heart, and he hates the idea of pets being harmed, and that's totally understandable. I suspect he's a bit impatient because animals are extremely important to him, and this possibly causes him to reject imperfect solutions because they fall short of the perfect solutions. Sometimes we have to compromise and do what we can with what we have right now because we haven't yet paved the road to the future where perfect solutions to problems are possible. The imperfect solutions for right now are the best we can do, and it's better than doing nothing.

I did my research and discovered that many people are switching to pet vasectomies and other procedures instead of things like full castration. The male and female pets retain their hormones with these alternative sterilization methods. This allows for a better life experience for the pet, and a lot less health problems. Apparently it also defies the previously standard thinking on pet behavior with results that demonstrate less aggression rather than more aggression in pets that retain their hormones. So healthier, happier pets that are more well behaved.
jrvan said:
We also need to remember that even experienced brothers like Stormblood aren't perfect, and though a lot more is expected of them as community leaders and role models, they are also learning and growing just like we are.

This is new information... Is Stormblood a community leader and role model? :shock: Judging by his posts he must be 20 years old and living in some hippy dream world. But at least he has plenty of time to cool down.

It says that I have no spiritual awareness. I reply that it must be more than nothing if I have done the initiation, the 47-day program, and meditate every day. He writes back: "Just because you completed the 40-days programme (it's 40 days), it doesn't mean you automatically an enlightened master with perfect astral sight." ... He played the same game in the other topic: he regularly attributes thoughts to me that I have not written and are not present in my life.

Now the latest is that I'm some sort of serf that Sir Stormblood is condemning to exile from this topic: "You have nothing to contribute to this topic." :lol: As usual, he is not put off by the fact that I live with a cat, and I regularly consult a vet who knows what he is doing and genuinely loves animals. As usual, he cannot respond to the picture I have inserted. Stormblood says everyone who is not him is a liar. What he is up to here is yet another adolescent antics.

Everyone should seek out and consult a responsible, truly animal-friendly vet on this subject. This is not a simple forum topic to be settled with a hippy vision. It is more complex than that.
Yeah, then if tomorrow I am at the government or parliament, and decide that everyone with a lower morality or a lower IQ than myself and my cabinet should be sterilised, and I mobilise troops to do it, it's just fine, right? Because I don't want to deal with a bunch of babies with low-morality or low-intelligence karma, despite it actually being my responsibility as one of their rulers. Okay, I'll keep that in mind :lol:

Your dog eating shit is no much different than the majority of humanity drinking alcohol on a daily basis or going to McDonald's, really. That's my stance. It also shows you did not educate her properly, which was your responsibility as her senior when she was growing up (or your parents' responsibility, depending on the age of your nazi dog).

See HPS Shannon's stance on neutering, which is more recent than HPS Maxine AND also includes knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=122617#p122617

Also, when I said you destroy the cat's sexuality I meant. People who do that are effectively damning the cat species, as they'll never be available to reach any sustainable level of advancement where they evolve to become sentient, simply to satisfy people's convenience, like you highlighted (i.e. not wanting the responsibility). Destroying sexuality cuts them off from their version of kundalini. In other words, the evolutionary force present in all living beings. Doing this en masse also creates a very bad karma for the entire species that sooner or later will manifest in their extinction, if nothing is done.

It's clear I can see this matter from a wider perspective than personal convenience, yet I still did my homework and went to Lady Bastet to ask.
it creates bad karma for the doctor performing neutering and the owner as well. stunting a living beings spiritual growth and capability is the biggest kind of sin there is. even higher than killing it. To anyone reading this, dont neuter your pets. without understanding the spiritual significance of things dont do anything. every activity that i do in a day, im being guided directly or indirectly. its all a cosmic game after a point.
it creates bad karma for the doctor performing neutering and the owner as well. stunting a living beings spiritual growth and capability is the biggest kind of sin there is. even higher than killing it. To anyone reading this, dont neuter your pets. without understanding the spiritual significance of things dont do anything. every activity that i do in a day, im being guided directly or indirectly. its all a cosmic game after a point.
It doesn't create any bad karma.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
