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Christiansanity: 3 Levels of Retardation

Jun 2, 2022
A Personal Guide to Survival Around Christians.

Green Zone: No retardation (hence why you see only 3 levels, not 4), so we're talking Gnostic, Liberal and Secular Christians: those who simply "claim" they're Christian or partake in social Church activities but aren't militant about it (many SS are even in this group due to the nature of secrecy, as Satan is an understanding and loving God and knows that SS are not in a safe position to be revealing their faith in Him), a lot "charismatic", New Age and "positivity groups".

Often-not, it reflects in their personality. These are also those willing to accept meditation and yoga as part of their lives, they also tend to accept the Pagan influences and appreciate it as part of being their culture - even many "patriotic conservatives" belong in this group, even on a broader scale - many leaders of the various Xian/Islamic empires, as well as secret society groups (the real Satanic ones) also belonged to this group.

Abrasax was often the Demon who helped many past Satanic leaders safely closet themselves spiritually, and pose as "Green Zone Christians" to avoid being lynched and mobbed by the people.

Yellow Zone:
Not threatening, but extremely annoying, can't keep their mouths shut about Rabbi Jebo for even one second, but you can still deal with 'em without having your prana absolutely and totally drained or having to cut ties with them, so we're still generally "progressive/gnostic" here. So groups like "Christian rock bands" come into mind, yeah sure they're silly and stupid, and these folks will get offended if you say bad things about Rabbi Jebo, but they won't kill you for it. Another example is whenever good things come to someone, they'll post non-stop about it on FB thanking rabbi jebo non-stop.

Orange Zone: Starting to effect family-life relations, there is when the energies get parasitic, "You shall not live your family more than God" Matthew 10:37/Luke 14:26-type bullshit. This is where we get the Christians who SWEAR that Christmas/Yuletide, Easter/Ishtar and Whitesun/"Pentecost" are all "Judeo-Xian in origin" and will give you SERIOUS problems if you dare question 'em. You also get a lot of Gentile traitor zionist-supporting cucks and the "Christian right" are certainly in this group. These hypocrites who also claim to be "Patriotic Christians", White Christian Nationalist groups belong here - the entire "God, Family and Country" on one end, and then "God please destroy this country and murder my family members of sinning" on the other side of the coin-type people. Or in the case White nationalists, "We hate Jews....but we worship a failed rabbi"-type bullshit.

These are the types of people that will indeed, put you in danger if-ever you revealed to them that you practice "not even" Satanism, but even just yoga or meditation.


Red Zone: Monasticism, Puritan/Primitive Xian bullshit, literal troublemakers, they are the literal worst to be around, and in SERIOUS need of mental/spiritual treatment, person lives on and by suicidal/parasitic and even socio-pathic thoughts, "You shall not love this world/your life" 1 John 2:15/John 12:25 and Matthew 10:22 BS, "I want people to hate me and bully me....for wanting Yahweh to murder all non-Xians/non-Jews and send everyone around me to Hell for not being Xian". The people who belong to this group also hate other Xians, for being "too Gentile", and wants all the other three groups to go to Hell.

The only argument and basis for all of the insanity this person puts themselves through is "Rabbi yehoshua told me so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY DESTINY IS WITH THE KIKES AND PISSRAEL!"

These people (as well as the extreme ends of the Orange Zone) also have a true tendency to get in trouble with the Law and get into legal trouble - and not the type fighting for true Freedom, but for a shit-worthless cause. The "Branch Davidians" cuck militant group comes into mind (look up "Waco siege"). The jewhovahs witnesses got banned in Russia some time ago, as much as I hate underground neo-Soviet gov't, that's a decision I fully agree with. If you'll notice....on one end, they'll bitch and whine that their constitutional rights are being trampled on, and then the next minute, when their terroristic/suicidal religions gets them into legal trouble, they'll back-track, claim that they "don't need the Constitution/Laws" and the jewhovah needs to destroy the gov't and enforce torah law.


These are also literally the types who isolate and shun themselves from families and friends, not because if any real true reasons, but "just because" Matthew 10:22 and 10:35-37 says to be a nuisance and a terrorist to everyone around you (even to the point of legal trouble) and to hate your family for not being torah slaves. The Westboro Baptist Church comes into mind, is literally like a "lite" version of the Branch Davidians. Again, the Jew-ovah's Witness is a perfect example, since they forebid people from seeing their families if-ever they are a non-JW or leave that shithole of a "religion". The Amish too do this shit, which is such a disgrace since they still speak High German and maintain somewhat of a racial identity. Imagine how effective they'd be if they used those High German hymns to Father Odin/Satan?


Many also don't celebrate any Gentile holidays because of pagan origins, again, the JWs are a good example, and so are the Puritans or the Putri-dans, and all Primitive xian groups. You can read more on that here.

Heartbreaking part is, from experience, I found out that many of these people were once Yellow Zone Christians who had a radiating personality, and this is a perfect testimony of what militant Xianity does to someone. You can see the destruction in their personality you can just feel the parasitic energies.

Like an extremely vicious narcotic drug, person has completely lost it,the Yahweh parasite has fully hooked itself into the person's subconscious, person is consciously aware of the severe depression, self-abuse and extreme damage to the Soul, that this is however is too scared to go even at least as far as the Yellow Zone because "Jehovah/Yahweh will send me to Hell", and often-not, Greys/enemy angels will harass and torment these people non-stop for leaving, and give 'em visions of "burning Hell" or give 'em "heartwarming visions of Heaven" as a temporary kool-aid to goad them to come back.
You've 'perfectly resumed the retardation that can be caused by the enemy program of Rabbi Jeboo. I thiunk that it works similar to Islam, but it may have more levels of retardation, as there are even less Mudslims that can be tolerated than there are in Xianity.

I also think that "lukewarm" xians that stay that way should not be understimated, as enemy program may still affects their lives even without sticking to Biblical morals. I had a friend that I've recently abandoned and he was a very lukewarm xian, despite being a Conservative, to the point that he called the Apocalyse a Medieval bullshit. Despite that, he was a very arrogant and toxic person and had some degenerate behaviors that eventually led me to stop meeting him.

patrioticgentile_666 said:
These are also literally the types who isolate and shun themselves from families and friends, not because if any real true reasons, but "just because" Matthew 10:22 and 10:35-37 says to be a nuisance and a terrorist to everyone around you (even to the point of legal trouble) and to hate your family for not being torah slaves. The Westboro Baptist Church comes into mind, is literally like a "lite" version of the Branch Davidians. Again, the Jew-ovah's Witness is a perfect example, since they forebid people from seeing their families if-ever they are a non-JW or leave that shithole of a "religion". The Amish too do this shit, which is such a disgrace since they still speak High German and maintain somewhat of a racial identity. Imagine how effective they'd be if they used those High German hymns to Father Odin/Satan?

Personally I have an hard time hating the WBC, as I find them too comical, especially when they made parodies of famous songs. I cannot deny, however, that the way they treat their own children is bad. If only their founder, Fred Phelps, "repented" earlier from what he did...

The JWs should not be underestimated. Their annoying door-to-door is just the tip of the iceberg of bad they are. And how can anyone still believe a cult that promises one the "144.000 seats in Heaven" when by now they should be all filled? Many of them were former Catholics, and it should not be a surprise as they are both led by a corporate-like structure that is very rich and considered "infallible" by their cultists.

The Amishes aren't really that good either. Sure, part of their lifestyle is healthy, but they abuse animals (especially puppies), commit incest between cousins and uncle/aunts and are too superstitious when it comes to any form of technology (even the ones that are not harmful).

patrioticgentile_666 said:
Heartbreaking part is, from experience, I found out that many of these people were once Yellow Zone Christians who had a radiating personality, and this is a perfect testimony of what militant Xianity does to someone. You can see the destruction in their personality you can just feel the parasitic energies.

Like an extremely vicious narcotic drug, person has completely lost it,the Yahweh parasite has fully hooked itself into the person's subconscious, person is consciously aware of the severe depression, self-abuse and extreme damage to the Soul, that this is however is too scared to go even at least as far as the Yellow Zone because "Jehovah/Yahweh will send me to Hell", and often-not, Greys/enemy angels will harass and torment these people non-stop for leaving, and give 'em visions of "burning Hell" or give 'em "heartwarming visions of Heaven" as a temporary kool-aid to goad them to come back.

True, that's why Xians should never be allowed in any Nationalist group. I despise any Neopagan that simps for Christianity like, what? Are you telling me that "Christianity is right about Pagans?" like "Islam is right on women?" Christianity is rooted in the Bible, and the Bible incites the murder of all the pagans and "heretics", that makes it incompatible with real Paganism (Satanism). Its "morals" are also incompatible with National Socialism, as they are Anti-Gentile and Anti-Nature. Christianity therefore has no redeeming quality and needs to be erased like Islam and any enemy cult.

I was lucky enough to never met any of them offline, although I still felt anger when I met them online, wherever Catholic Sedevacantists and Evangelical Fundamentalists, as they all felt like beings who only exists to spread hate and poison against everyone, including themselves. They will also do everything to defend their own master from which they are slaves. The most radical xians are the "real" one of the bunch, and it is why I whish that every person around me would turn to Satan sooner.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Heartbreaking part is, from experience, I found out that many of these people were once Yellow Zone Christians who had a radiating personality, and this is a perfect testimony of what militant Xianity does to someone. You can see the destruction in their personality you can just feel the parasitic energies.

Like an extremely vicious narcotic drug, person has completely lost it,the Yahweh parasite has fully hooked itself into the person's subconscious, person is consciously aware of the severe depression, self-abuse and extreme damage to the Soul, that this is however is too scared to go even at least as far as the Yellow Zone because "Jehovah/Yahweh will send me to Hell", and often-not, Greys/enemy angels will harass and torment these people non-stop for leaving, and give 'em visions of "burning Hell" or give 'em "heartwarming visions of Heaven" as a temporary kool-aid to goad them to come back.

I'll shed some light on how this happens.
In 99% of dreams, other people represent parts of yourself. If you start killing people in your dreams, you'll be killing parts of yourself.
When xianity implants into someone a hatred towards others, they end up beating and even killing people in their dreams, which just ends up damaging and destroying the soul of the xian.
Good summary. The jehovahs are terrible. HPS Maxine said the local loony bin was called 'The Watchtower' due to how many JWs ended up in it.
Just a quick unrelated question if you don't mind, are you SWG by any chance? I read he's up in his spiritual practices outside of here which is good but it has been a while since his last post and your pfp along with the account name seems similar to his and that's why I'm asking.
patrioticgentile_666 said:

patrioticgentile_666 said:

Fortunately most of my family are basically green to yellow zoners. Some are fairly open to and even interested in things like yoga. None of them seem to really go very far with it, though. As far as I know, I'm the only living member of my bloodline who actively practices the things we practice here. My cousin dabbled, ran into some greys and got freaked out and went running back to the church. I think I can talk to her and maybe even help her. She was dabbling with jewish lbrp and associated rituals, hebrew tarot decks and all that then got attacked by these little aholes. Anyway, I'm glad I don't have to deal with any red or mouthy yellow zoners. My response to red zoners is I avoid them entirely and it seems to work well, I rarely if ever engage them unless they leave me no other choice.
hailourtruegod said:
Just a quick unrelated question if you don't mind, are you SWG by any chance? I read he's up in his spiritual practices outside of here which is good but it has been a while since his last post and your pfp along with the account name seems similar to his and that's why I'm asking.

I am sure he is
congratulations brother, perfect topic
patrioticgentile_666 said:
A Personal Guide to Survival Around Christians.

Green Zone: No retardation (hence why you see only 3 levels, not 4), so we're talking Gnostic, Liberal and Secular Christians: those who simply "claim" they're Christian or partake in social Church activities but aren't militant about it (many SS are even in this group due to the nature of secrecy, as Satan is an understanding and loving God and knows that SS are not in a safe position to be revealing their faith in Him), a lot "charismatic", New Age and "positivity groups".

Often-not, it reflects in their personality. These are also those willing to accept meditation and yoga as part of their lives, they also tend to accept the Pagan influences and appreciate it as part of being their culture - even many "patriotic conservatives" belong in this group, even on a broader scale - many leaders of the various Xian/Islamic empires, as well as secret society groups (the real Satanic ones) also belonged to this group.

Abrasax was often the Demon who helped many past Satanic leaders safely closet themselves spiritually, and pose as "Green Zone Christians" to avoid being lynched and mobbed by the people.

Yellow Zone:
Not threatening, but extremely annoying, can't keep their mouths shut about Rabbi Jebo for even one second, but you can still deal with 'em without having your prana absolutely and totally drained or having to cut ties with them, so we're still generally "progressive/gnostic" here. So groups like "Christian rock bands" come into mind, yeah sure they're silly and stupid, and these folks will get offended if you say bad things about Rabbi Jebo, but they won't kill you for it. Another example is whenever good things come to someone, they'll post non-stop about it on FB thanking rabbi jebo non-stop.

Orange Zone: Starting to effect family-life relations, there is when the energies get parasitic, "You shall not live your family more than God" Matthew 10:37/Luke 14:26-type bullshit. This is where we get the Christians who SWEAR that Christmas/Yuletide, Easter/Ishtar and Whitesun/"Pentecost" are all "Judeo-Xian in origin" and will give you SERIOUS problems if you dare question 'em. You also get a lot of Gentile traitor zionist-supporting cucks and the "Christian right" are certainly in this group. These hypocrites who also claim to be "Patriotic Christians", White Christian Nationalist groups belong here - the entire "God, Family and Country" on one end, and then "God please destroy this country and murder my family members of sinning" on the other side of the coin-type people. Or in the case White nationalists, "We hate Jews....but we worship a failed rabbi"-type bullshit.

These are the types of people that will indeed, put you in danger if-ever you revealed to them that you practice "not even" Satanism, but even just yoga or meditation.


Red Zone: Monasticism, Puritan/Primitive Xian bullshit, literal troublemakers, they are the literal worst to be around, and in SERIOUS need of mental/spiritual treatment, person lives on and by suicidal/parasitic and even socio-pathic thoughts, "You shall not love this world/your life" 1 John 2:15/John 12:25 and Matthew 10:22 BS, "I want people to hate me and bully me....for wanting Yahweh to murder all non-Xians/non-Jews and send everyone around me to Hell for not being Xian". The people who belong to this group also hate other Xians, for being "too Gentile", and wants all the other three groups to go to Hell.

The only argument and basis for all of the insanity this person puts themselves through is "Rabbi yehoshua told me so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY DESTINY IS WITH THE KIKES AND PISSRAEL!"

These people (as well as the extreme ends of the Orange Zone) also have a true tendency to get in trouble with the Law and get into legal trouble - and not the type fighting for true Freedom, but for a shit-worthless cause. The "Branch Davidians" cuck militant group comes into mind (look up "Waco siege"). The jewhovahs witnesses got banned in Russia some time ago, as much as I hate underground neo-Soviet gov't, that's a decision I fully agree with. If you'll notice....on one end, they'll bitch and whine that their constitutional rights are being trampled on, and then the next minute, when their terroristic/suicidal religions gets them into legal trouble, they'll back-track, claim that they "don't need the Constitution/Laws" and the jewhovah needs to destroy the gov't and enforce torah law.


These are also literally the types who isolate and shun themselves from families and friends, not because if any real true reasons, but "just because" Matthew 10:22 and 10:35-37 says to be a nuisance and a terrorist to everyone around you (even to the point of legal trouble) and to hate your family for not being torah slaves. The Westboro Baptist Church comes into mind, is literally like a "lite" version of the Branch Davidians. Again, the Jew-ovah's Witness is a perfect example, since they forebid people from seeing their families if-ever they are a non-JW or leave that shithole of a "religion". The Amish too do this shit, which is such a disgrace since they still speak High German and maintain somewhat of a racial identity. Imagine how effective they'd be if they used those High German hymns to Father Odin/Satan?


Many also don't celebrate any Gentile holidays because of pagan origins, again, the JWs are a good example, and so are the Puritans or the Putri-dans, and all Primitive xian groups. You can read more on that here.

Heartbreaking part is, from experience, I found out that many of these people were once Yellow Zone Christians who had a radiating personality, and this is a perfect testimony of what militant Xianity does to someone. You can see the destruction in their personality you can just feel the parasitic energies.

Like an extremely vicious narcotic drug, person has completely lost it,the Yahweh parasite has fully hooked itself into the person's subconscious, person is consciously aware of the severe depression, self-abuse and extreme damage to the Soul, that this is however is too scared to go even at least as far as the Yellow Zone because "Jehovah/Yahweh will send me to Hell", and often-not, Greys/enemy angels will harass and torment these people non-stop for leaving, and give 'em visions of "burning Hell" or give 'em "heartwarming visions of Heaven" as a temporary kool-aid to goad them to come back.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
