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- Dec 4, 2023
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Its fantastic that your approaching this with an open mind, furthermore it suggests that the Gods have called you specifically as opposed to wandering in by chance, this is the most rewarding path in the world and you have joined at a very important time, JoS is actually moving further from all paradigms of judeo perspectives fully embracing that we are the restored true form of Paganism, just remember to not reveal that you are a Satanist under any circumstance, our safety comes first Satan will never ask you to put yourself in danger and as I said doing so will displease him, he wants to see his children safe.Thank you for this well thought out response. I really appreciate it and it helps affirm what I have thought and felt. I’ve done a lot of reading into religion. Since I was young I have thought that something is wrong…
My papi (grandfather on my dads side) was a pastor. Honestly I firmly believe he had the power to be an extremely spiritual man, however anytime he came into contact with this energy he wrote it off as “devil worship”.
(Not that this is important but so you get an idea of how intense it is- they refuse to own goats) My mom left my dad because they kept trying to make her baptize me. She refused to even acknowledge the religion to me as “I needed to form my own opinion”
Every summer I would go back south to spend time with my father and his side of the family. And all I would do is argue. They would teach me this like it’s true. And being someone who feels in tune with things… I’ve always argued. This also pushed me far left for quite sometime
I remember one day. I was like 12, they forced me to read the Bible. It was basically a punishment for questioning everything they shoveled my way. And they wanted me to have an informed opinion
I’ll never forget my Papis shocked face when I asked him:
“Why is it that Christian’s aren’t gods chosen people? You believe in Christianity yet he is saying that Jews are the chosen people, constantly. Jews who don’t believe in Christianity, so do they go to heaven too or what is that?”
My latest discovery before finding JOS and having a complete spiritual awakening-
Elite Jewish individuals seem to run fucking everything in this country $$ wise. Censorship started getting really fucking wild a bit ago. I had to completely change the type of content I make. It isn’t even INAPPROPRIATE. You now can’t talk about sickness, politics, money, sex, violence. On almost all platforms. Why?!?! I found out it’s due to the people who run banks. They decide what these apps are allowed to put out there. Specifically VISA. Who runs all of that? Oh look old rich Jewish families and a few far right Christians. Cool.
At the time I just thought it contributed to my values of “fuck these organizations that use religion as a mask to control us so they can have $$”
Now I realize it’s so much deeper than that. They’ve had all of the money for so long. Why would they need to beat us into social submission when they already have ALL of the money?! JOS has helped answer that.
I feel like I did when I found out in school that Christopher Columbus didn’t actually discover America.
I have been very frustrated at knowing what I was taught about WW2. I understand more as an adult how much influence the winning side has. And I’m mind blown at what we were not taught regarding how the Jewish elite in the USSR were causing utter chaos. I like to fact check- I read that fact in an adjacent site to JOS. Did some research… ITS IN THEIR OWN HISTORY ON WIKIPEDIA.
Of course it’s nothing but talk about how they were being persecuted in Russia etc. and sure I believe the Jewish people who were poor went through that… by the Jewish elite who literally controlled the USSR. Meaning they intentionally created scapegoats. I didn’t know that the Jewish people who controlled the USSR even after their membership declined they still held a majority during the manmade famine.
I hate war. I despise most government. And even I get why Hitler would be like “yo. This is a huge problem, they work their way into government and then turn on certain people that government is intended to protect”
I probably sound like a child to you. You have so much knowledge. So sorry if I am getting things wrong. I’ve had 4 days of this research and it’s.. upsetting. Like really really upsetting.
I formed my political values on what I was taught historically and based on how I felt about what was going on in American politics.
For instance being allowed to be legally married as a lesbian. Wonderful. And the right has been adopted by people touting Christianity. And the left has become.. whatever the fuck that shit is. They both leave our boarder wide open and Isreal is like the top person donating to our representatives right and left?? I was taught democracy was of the people. Yet since I was born democracy has been the elite.
Now my identity as a lesbian is threatened by those same fucking people. I’m told to trust men who believe they are women. And god forbid I say even gentle things to other lesbians of “hey you still need to be careful drinking around these people they aren’t women”
My entire identity has been perverted into somehow still forcing women like me into liking dick. And stating that lesbians can like dick. I have never felt more alone politically than now.
You seem like you have some years of experience so I’m sure you have seen exactly how fucking perverse this value is. You take someone who is gay- finally accept them and affirm them. Just to turn around and warp that into you being a bigot because you literally would rather burn your flesh off than sleep with men?
And who is that push from? The medical industry and the college community. Who owns those?! Oh look mostly rich Jewish families that come from old money or they are Christian.
Which brings me to Palestine. The people I was taught, experienced one of the worst genocides in history- are erasing an entire country.
Sorry that was so much text. I fully agree with every little thing you said. You haven’t said anything violent. You aren’t disparaging people like my brothers wife. Like her family is Jewish. They don’t practice the religion at all. Genuinely she is a kind person who seemingly also hates zionists and Jews that are committing these atrocities.
It makes me think that she would be one of the ones that the Jewish elite would use as a scapegoat. Like the ones who were hurt seemingly under Jewish order in the USSR.
Thank you. I will do the initiation ritual in a few days and work on what you’ve told me to do here. I’d really like to establish a connection to our guardians. Ever since finding JOS I’ve just felt so.. like this is beyond correct.
It’s been very spiritually overwhelming.
I would suggest starting by following this meditation program: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf its perfectly safe to begin this before dedication this will help show you just how valid our knowledge is compared to other groups that slander us, I will warn you I strongly suggest dedicating to Satan before performing any of our rituals or progressing too much, the enemy of Satan are also real and Satan extends his protection first and foremost to his own and the enemy does has and will continue to attack those who advance too far spiritually without his protection, you have probably noticed many "spiritualists" and new agers as they develop spiritually for a lack of a better term become more mentally ill, prone to drug use and often engage in sexually predatory behavior (think how many cut leaders sexually abuse their followers), this is the influence of the enemy as you grow they will seek to cut you down and fester your worst traits and they pretty much always succeed for those who are not under Satan's protection, you will notice unlike in other groups our most advanced and experienced members are extremely stable, knowledgeable and will be the first to discourage drug use and self harm of any description.
When you dedicate Satan grants you a Guardian Demon, establishing a relationship with your Guardian Demon is vital to your growth, they do answer your prayers and as you advance the answers get more and more direct, they also do extend direct support and protection and open you up spiritually when you are new to make things easier from the moment you dedicate.
Its also important to remember nobody including the Gods is expecting you to accept the full truth of the world and our path all at once, its a journey for a reason if you feel drawn to Satan but other things dont quite make sense to you thats absolutely fine we do not demand you comply to some kind of othordoxy be patient and if there is anything you are unsure about ask on the forums if our answers dont satisfy you, ask Satan for guidance on the topic and eventually you will learn the truth, there is no rush and doubts are entirely normal and accepted here we expect you to take nothing on blind faith, and when it comes to this path there are no mediators between you and Satan, none whatsoever, but keep in mind he choose his clergy specifically and they only want to help but people are people Gods are infallible.
It is very common for the enemy to perform rug pulls on peoples identity for instance remember how for decades we were told not to see colour and then all of a sudden your racist if you dont see colour and in fact we should all highlight our colour, its just an endless game of division for them, lesbians went from women who love other women to women who are supposed to spread their legs for anyone in a dress this is specifically done to divide your community and further isolate you from each other, here in the JoS we would never tell you to have sex with someone if it makes you uncomfortable.
Take it slow and understand that as you advance your perspective will advance and evolve, you see things different now to when you were a child and just like a child cannot be expected to understand certain concepts there is no expectation for anyone new to understand everything, when I first joined I was extremely skeptical, I second guessed everything, every word written and assumed every spiritual experience I had was placebo but the Gods kept providing me with more proof until one day skepticism was simply irrational.