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VortexOfLife said:
Apologies for not replying earlier but thank you guys for the advice, I plan to start a 40 day strength working using Laguz, I'm also thinking of starting a working for money on the 28th since the moon goes into Taurus for that entire day only downside that I can see so far is that the moon is still in its waning phase. But I am still sort of reluctant to start it since I may be over-reaching with meditations and such, so far this is just a thought.
Timings either make or break workings. It would not be advised to work against the tide, so to speak. You could also look for waxing Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius and Libra for a money meditation. For short term gain, Aries can work as well.
Übermensch666 said:
Do I have no choice but to use black, red or blue candles in the Dedication ritual? I only have yellow and white ones. Although I have a few blue and red candles but only the small candles used for birthday cakes, I am not sure if that would work or if it would be too disrespectful.

It's okay. At this point, yellow is better. White is for people who are very advanced in using all colours.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=358261 time=1653522730 user_id=21286]
Anna_thepersian said:
Hi Im a new satanist girl and I have been reading and searching about Satan for a long time.I dedicated my soul to Satan a few days ago and today my witchfriend who claims that she has worked with Satan before,told me I made a mistake and that I should have not trusted him so easily and now Im nothing more than a slave to Satan.It really made me sad to hear it from her because she is a real witch and knows a lot :(((( and I have noticed most of satanists dont think the same and dont have the same Image from Satan.Some believe in blood sacrifice and some dont.Some consider Satan evil and some dont.I myself dont think he is evil but people around me keep saying these things and since Im an ex muslim I still have some doubt in my head and I dont know how to destroy the doubt :(((((I need help

Your friend, as well as these other people, don't understand Satan or Satanism in its reality. That is why they think you have become a slave, or they think you have to be evil. This is all nonsense.

Satan and the demons give us the tools to be powerful. Does that you more or less independent? Yet Christians and Muslims are supposed to obey their god or burn in hell forever. Which sounds like slavery to you?

It is ok to have doubts, and it is ok to feel distressed. Yet, you have to know in your heart that you are on the right path, regardless of what anyone tells you. The longer you stay on this path of Spiritual Satanism, the more you will feel like you have made the right choice. That is why many here dedicate their lives to this cause: not out of fear and slavery, but love and devotion.
Thank you so much:))))
VoiceofEnki said:
Anna_thepersian said:
Hi Im a new satanist girl and I have been reading and searching about Satan for a long time.I dedicated my soul to Satan a few days ago and today my witchfriend who claims that she has worked with Satan before,told me I made a mistake and that I should have not trusted him so easily and now Im nothing more than a slave to Satan.It really made me sad to hear it from her because she is a real witch and knows a lot :(((( and I have noticed most of satanists dont think the same and dont have the same Image from Satan.Some believe in blood sacrifice and some dont.Some consider Satan evil and some dont.I myself dont think he is evil but people around me keep saying these things and since Im an ex muslim I still have some doubt in my head and I dont know how to destroy the doubt :(((((I need help

Hello and welcome here!

It is good that you have dedicated as you said, it is a first step in changing your perception and escaping any past programming or beliefs thought to you by islam or other "abrahamic" programs invented by the jews.

Have you read the Joy of Satan website? I assume you have, if you have dedicated your soul, however if not, you should read our website, the Joy of Satan, as your questions are answered on the website:

Thank you :)

Even the front page has an FAQ which addresses the questions and confusions you have about Satanism.

There is a lot of material to read, the website is large and we have a lot of sister websites dedicated to exposing the negative religious programs invented by the jews for what they really are, to allow people to understand the true nature of this and to escape this negative influence and mental programming.

As for the things you witchfriend told you. This person does not understand Satan, or anything about real meaningful Satanism, which is our Spiritual Satanism.

Satan does not steal people's soul or make people his slaves, not only he has no need for this, he also doesn't want anyone to slavishly worship him like what is demanded by the abrahamic "religions".

Satan teaches you how to set yourself free, and how to have power over your own self, the exact opposite of slavery or abuse.

If the way you dedicated to Satan is through a different method than what is written on the Joy of Satan, then I recommend you to read and familiarize yourself well with the Joy of Satan first, and get an idea of why Satan really is through our written material, and then to dedicate to him with the official dedication ritual when you feel ready for it.

Satan is a real and living God, you can express doubts you have about him or confusion you have about Spiritual Satanism to Him, and ask him for guidance to help you understand and help you see the value in dedicating to him and following a Spiritual Satanic path to develop your soul and eventually aim for the Godhead.

I hope that reading our website can help clear things up for you, and answer your questions.

If you have questions about the things on our website, or other things you are unclear about, feel welcome to ask anything here.

Other members are always open to help and guide you.

Hail Satan!
Why such beings like succubus or incubus would want to be lovers with us? Compared to us they are Gods, why such relationships are possible for us? We are so low, they are so high
satanism said:
Hello, I am new here. I would like to know how to open the third eye in a quick way. Is there a way, even if the matter might be dangerous, but I would like to open it?

You should always advance in a stable manner. That is not just for safety, but because you need other parts of your soul to support the third eye and vice versa. Nonetheless, if you open your third eye, practice looking through it often, and continue to empower it with thaum or Sowilo (with affirmation) it will improve quickly.

It is also directly linked to the 6th chakra, so you will want to clean and empower that as well. Both those chakras are part of your natal moon energy, so doing Moon Squares or other workings to empower either your moon energy or those chakras will also help a lot.

If you already have a stronger moon or prior development in your soul, this process will go faster. Nonetheless, begin with the beginner program that was linked to you. If you want to go faster then you can add more to the exercises. However, if you do too much to one chakra, you could overstimulate it and therefore reduce your progress.
TerKorian666 said:
Why such beings like succubus or incubus would want to be lovers with us? Compared to us they are Gods, why such relationships are possible for us? We are so low, they are so high
They look long-term, they are going to be with us when we get more advenced too
Greetings fellow Gods/Goddesses

Starting this journey has been great for me. I began in late 2019 but ended up in a lot of places I didn’t want to be at mentally and spiritually. I found my foundation at JoS and SS recently and it makes all sense to me. Thank you fellow contributors.

I have began the 40 meditation nearly 30 days ago coming to my last ten days. I have not yet began the dedication ritual.
During this course of 40 days I have experienced a definite increase in my vibration and bioelectricty. However I have also experienced an increase in attacks. While I stand strong in Satan’s realm I continue to embark this path however i do say some days are overwhelming. This can include lethargy, weird vivid dreams often dystopian and dark in nature (and I don’t mean spiritually dark) and often intrusive thoughts which tend to tell me it’s someone giving evil eye. My intuitive response is that the enemy may be finger pointing at powerless people in saying they are directing bad energy. I noticed as I sleep possibly in the astral form the enemy drains my energy so when I wake up to do morning meditation it’s more of a struggle.

Not that I give into to enemy responses I’d just like to ask, is it likely to be enemy attacks as I haven’t yet done my dedication yet? How do I prevent these lethargic and demotivating small periods ?

Also I’d like to add on, satan has helped me out of addiction, I was at a very dark place and something held my soul warm, I prayed to father even before I had the resources of JoS and he helped me every step along the way liberate myself and break these shackles. This could be my aura is in a lengthy cleaning process?
I am white and I like this girl who is only half white is it ok to want to be with this person? I do not want to race mix.
sublimestatanist said:

Those bots are used by search engines to search and find all website pages to link them to the search engine. So if you search on bing, duckduckgo, or google for a term that is used in one of our pages here, this page would be shown to you in the search.

Why one of them ended up being named Majestic12 is just a joke by somebody. It is not connected in any way to the Majestic 12 program.
TerKorian666 said:
Why such beings like succubus or incubus would want to be lovers with us? Compared to us they are Gods, why such relationships are possible for us? We are so low, they are so high
They could be at a point of their development where they want and/or need to specifically help to elevate those on lower levels. Further, they can see our potential and what we can be one day.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
sublimestatanist said:

Those bots are used by search engines to search and find all website pages to link them to the search engine. So if you search on bing, duckduckgo, or google for a term that is used in one of our pages here, this page would be shown to you in the search.

Why one of them ended up being named Majestic12 is just a joke by somebody. It is not connected in any way to the Majestic 12 program.

That's a releif LOL. Thank you Ol argedco luciftias! :)
tehutii6x6 said:
Greetings fellow Gods/Goddesses

Starting this journey has been great for me. I began in late 2019 but ended up in a lot of places I didn’t want to be at mentally and spiritually. I found my foundation at JoS and SS recently and it makes all sense to me. Thank you fellow contributors.

I have began the 40 meditation nearly 30 days ago coming to my last ten days. I have not yet began the dedication ritual.
During this course of 40 days I have experienced a definite increase in my vibration and bioelectricty. However I have also experienced an increase in attacks. While I stand strong in Satan’s realm I continue to embark this path however i do say some days are overwhelming. This can include lethargy, weird vivid dreams often dystopian and dark in nature (and I don’t mean spiritually dark) and often intrusive thoughts which tend to tell me it’s someone giving evil eye. My intuitive response is that the enemy may be finger pointing at powerless people in saying they are directing bad energy. I noticed as I sleep possibly in the astral form the enemy drains my energy so when I wake up to do morning meditation it’s more of a struggle.

Not that I give into to enemy responses I’d just like to ask, is it likely to be enemy attacks as I haven’t yet done my dedication yet? How do I prevent these lethargic and demotivating small periods ?

Also I’d like to add on, satan has helped me out of addiction, I was at a very dark place and something held my soul warm, I prayed to father even before I had the resources of JoS and he helped me every step along the way liberate myself and break these shackles. This could be my aura is in a lengthy cleaning process?
Why don't you dedicate?
Hesffcs115 said:
I am white and I like this girl who is only half white is it ok to want to be with this person? I do not want to race mix.
This would be race mixing
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. I ask you not to be disrespectful to the Gods as they are the most benevolent and the wisest beings that are currently trying to help us. There's a reason why we call Satan ''Father'' - they are literally our parents and they love us, otherwise they would have abandoned us.
Now, they are not here simply because they have a higher threat to take care of - the same enemy but of greater proportions, since its cohorts that rest on our planet or nearby are not the sole army this enemy has. We are not the only ones going through a war here on Earth. The enemy has plagued many planets, and the Gods don't invest their efforts in only us.
Most probably, they knew of the jews and reptilians far before we were created. But why would that stop them for creating a species, if it would be self-sufficient? They gave us wisdom back then, taught us how to act, taught us occult sciences, meditation, taught us how to elevate itself to the point human beings became Gods. They tried to make to turn us into the best we could be - but it happened that the enemy came before we were prepared enough to defend ourselves, and The Gods had to leave to defend the rest of the borders.
They're not sadistic maniacs that like to see us suffer. They had to go and we weren't good enough, not self-sufficient enough, and thus we fell prey to the enemy.
Even now, they care for us, otherwise the JoS and all its efforts in the world wouldn't exist .
Moreover, they created us to be independent and powerful. They have their own part in the war to solve there in space, and they have their own lives and business, and thus, can't live for us, in the literal sense. They have a lot of responsibility and we must learn to save ourselves and to fulfill ours. Moreover, the enemy on the planet wouldn't just allow them to land their spacecraft without a fight that could blow out the whole planet happening. That is why we must advance without their physical presence at the moment.

whats the point of creating a new species anyway.

furthermore, whats the point of the gods, or jews, or anything else thats alive. whats the point of living.

seems that life has many obstacles no matter what you are; fish, frog, human, god, reptilian.

the gods could at least let each us decide if we wanna be created or nah. imagine, they was like 'lmao lets make humans. theyre gonna luv existing', when in fact; some of us wouldve loved to not be created at all.

obviously everyone knows life isnt easy. and some people are okay with that. they do what they have to do in order to advance. in other words, they actively play & enjoy the 'game of life'.

i have the feeling though (i could be wrong) that some people, gentile or not, dont wanna play the freakin game of life. they dont wanna exist physically, or astrally. or on any other plane of existence. people should have the choice of wanting to exist or not. and im saying that i feel like the gods never gave me that option. they just created souls assuming all of them would be okay with it.
TerKorian666 said:
Why such beings like succubus or incubus would want to be lovers with us? Compared to us they are Gods, why such relationships are possible for us? We are so low, they are so high

Maybe they want underdeveloped partners so that she/he could develop them. Bonds are stronger when a couple helps each other.
Serbon said:
tehutii6x6 said:
Greetings fellow Gods/Goddesses

Why don't you dedicate?

Does it have to be on a specific day? The day I finish the meditation is 2022/6/6 (6/6/6) which seemed significant to start it then. I could just be over complicating it
Would you suggest to start as soon as?

Secondly does it matter if I don’t have a black candle?
Hi:) thank you for all of the information.
I have accepted Satanism with all my heart and now Im learning fast.Even though I like the way I look a lot but since you said there are only 3 main races that were created by Gods and Goddesses,I want to know if there is a way to change my race because as you said it is not created by Gods and Goddesses.Is there any way that people can go back to normal?
Question for the more advance brothers and sisters:

How do we dedicate children of young age? Does dedication would be a good thing for them if they wont be discipline enough (kids likes too play more than do rituals or other stuff, im not teaching anything to anyone here about this)?

I will ask Father Satan and others gods on how to do this because it would be a great thing for my kids to advance from a young age in spirituality, that would be my greatest gift to them.
Masterj810610 said:
Question for the more advance brothers and sisters:

How do we dedicate children of young age? Does dedication would be a good thing for them if they wont be discipline enough (kids likes too play more than do rituals or other stuff, im not teaching anything to anyone here about this)?

I will ask Father Satan and others gods on how to do this because it would be a great thing for my kids to advance from a young age in spirituality, that would be my greatest gift to them.

Hello. We are not like the christians who force dedication onto our children. You can guide your children spiritually, and they will dedicate when they are ready, when they choose.

Until then, there is the Satanic Baptism: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Baptism.html (You act the part of the High Priest, as we don't have HP's traveling around doing baptisms and weddings.)

Another great thing you can do for your children, is advance yourself spiritually, open your psychic senses, and then you will be in a better position to guide them. Study the JoS thoroughly so you understand it all, and can answer their questions.
Greetings! The exact meaning of Aryan is 1) person of any of the 3 Gentile Races 2) White person or 3) White and specifically blue-eyed and blonde-haired person?
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=359200 time=1653736153 user_id=57]
Masterj810610 said:
Question for the more advance brothers and sisters:

How do we dedicate children of young age? Does dedication would be a good thing for them if they wont be discipline enough (kids likes too play more than do rituals or other stuff, im not teaching anything to anyone here about this)?

I will ask Father Satan and others gods on how to do this because it would be a great thing for my kids to advance from a young age in spirituality, that would be my greatest gift to them.

Hello. We are not like the christians who force dedication onto our children. You can guide your children spiritually, and they will dedicate when they are ready, when they choose.

Until then, there is the Satanic Baptism: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Baptism.html (You act the part of the High Priest, as we don't have HP's traveling around doing baptisms and weddings.)

Another great thing you can do for your children, is advance yourself spiritually, open your psychic senses, and then you will be in a better position to guide them. Study the JoS thoroughly so you understand it all, and can answer their questions.

Thank you, I was thinking to introduce them to simple breathing exercices and meditation at first so they can control their emotion and use their energy for school and sports
tehutii6x6 said:
Serbon said:
tehutii6x6 said:
Greetings fellow Gods/Goddesses

Why don't you dedicate?

Does it have to be on a specific day? The day I finish the meditation is 2022/6/6 (6/6/6) which seemed significant to start it then. I could just be over complicating it
Would you suggest to start as soon as?

Secondly does it matter if I don’t have a black candle?
The date doesn't matter, color of the candle neither
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! On the page with Incense corresponding to each Planet, there is Tobacco for Mars and Opium for the Moon (among others) and I am confused - do we actually use drugs or not? Why would we use them in rituals when we are against recreational drugs? Why are these 2 listed but cannabis is not, for example?
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! On the page with Incense corresponding to each Planet, there is Tobacco for Mars and Opium for the Moon (among others) and I am confused - do we actually use drugs or not? Why would we use them in rituals when we are against recreational drugs? Why are these 2 listed but cannabis is not, for example?
Incense is not to be inhaled...
Aleksandre said:
Hello people ;)
I am practicing 40 day meditation programme. Currently days 9-11 (actually i take more time for each stage and its about more than 30 day of my practice).
Question: i missed two night meditation days because i got asleep very early. Is my working ruined and should i start over ?? :?:
You can continue where you left off. Try to adjust to doing the evening/night meditations earlier so that you will get them done.
When I want to direct concentrated fire element into hearth chakra or sixth chakra, how to move it there without affecting brains or hearth? For example if I want to direct element into chakra but not into organ, so organ would not be affected.
Henu the Great said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! On the page with Incense corresponding to each Planet, there is Tobacco for Mars and Opium for the Moon (among others) and I am confused - do we actually use drugs or not? Why would we use them in rituals when we are against recreational drugs? Why are these 2 listed but cannabis is not, for example?
Incense is not to be inhaled...

So that means that if I use opium , and I inhale it, it's called doing recreational drugs, but if I just burn opium cones it's called incense for ritual? I don't mean to be ironic I'm just confused. And this applies to others as well - like tobacco and cannabis?
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! On the page with Incense corresponding to each Planet, there is Tobacco for Mars and Opium for the Moon (among others) and I am confused - do we actually use drugs or not? Why would we use them in rituals when we are against recreational drugs? Why are these 2 listed but cannabis is not, for example?

It means that these plants are ruled by that planet. That is all. It does not mean it is positive, and you should never do any drugs unless you want to kill your spiritual progress.

Pluto rules extreme violence. That does not mean you need to associate with that. Neptune rules poisons and insanity. That does not mean you have to have those things in any way.

For every energy or concept, there is a good manifestation and a bad manifestation. As Satanists, we aim to make everything good or better.
Henu the Great said:
Aleksandre said:
Hello people ;)
I am practicing 40 day meditation programme. Currently days 9-11 (actually i take more time for each stage and its about more than 30 day of my practice).
Question: i missed two night meditation days because i got asleep very early. Is my working ruined and should i start over ?? :?:
You can continue where you left off. Try to adjust to doing the evening/night meditations earlier so that you will get them done.
Hi Guys,
I am thinking of starting a Mars/Sun square for increasing strength and virility of my physical body.Which one of the two should I perform?Whether I should start spiritual or the material square
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
So that means that if I use opium , and I inhale it, it's called doing recreational drugs, but if I just burn opium cones it's called incense for ritual? I don't mean to be ironic I'm just confused. And this applies to others as well - like tobacco and cannabis?
Essentially, yes.
BabySatan said:
Hi Guys,
I am thinking of starting a Mars/Sun square for increasing strength and virility of my physical body.Which one of the two should I perform?Whether I should start spiritual or the material square
Spiritual Square for health and spiritual related goals. Material would be for outer manifestation of energy, like an object of some sort, or employment, for example.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Henu the Great said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! On the page with Incense corresponding to each Planet, there is Tobacco for Mars and Opium for the Moon (among others) and I am confused - do we actually use drugs or not? Why would we use them in rituals when we are against recreational drugs? Why are these 2 listed but cannabis is not, for example?
Incense is not to be inhaled...

So that means that if I use opium , and I inhale it, it's called doing recreational drugs, but if I just burn opium cones it's called incense for ritual? I don't mean to be ironic I'm just confused. And this applies to others as well - like tobacco and cannabis?

Opium is the same thing as heroin. This is not an air freshener scent, this is one of the most dangerous drugs. This is not something that you should go anywhere near, do not touch it, and especially do not burn it or create any smoke or fumes.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Henu the Great said:
Incense is not to be inhaled...

So that means that if I use opium , and I inhale it, it's called doing recreational drugs, but if I just burn opium cones it's called incense for ritual? I don't mean to be ironic I'm just confused. And this applies to others as well - like tobacco and cannabis?

Opium is the same thing as heroin. This is not an air freshener scent, this is one of the most dangerous drugs. This is not something that you should go anywhere near, do not touch it, and especially do not burn it or create any smoke or fumes.
Well, not excactly. Opium to heroin is comparable to coca leaves to cocaine. I can see that your protective drive kicked in, but let's stay matter of fact.
Henu the Great said:
Well, not excactly. Opium to heroin is comparable to coca leaves to cocaine. I can see that your protective drive kicked in, but let's stay matter of fact.

Opium is black tar heroin. The latex from the middle of the opium poppy is boiled and collected as a black residue. This latex is what contains the heroin drug, and it is the same thing regardless of if you call it opium or heroin. So I don't know why you are saying that it is two different things, it is not.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
