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Advancing Properly: Bring Yourself To A State For Meditation

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As it has been understood, these articles will be going to the Joy of Satan website to enrich it. Regardless, these are shared as they are to help in the forums before officially going into the Joy of Satan.


Practitioners of meditation do many mistakes when it comes to meditation, arising in particular from systems that preach systematic denial of the body as something "evil" or "negative".

In contrast to these false religions that were made by fools and blasphemers to the beautiful cosmos, in Spiritual Satanism the essence of the material is understood and taken into serious consideration for one's overall advancement.

Preaching falsely a denial of the human body, calling it "impure" or even going as far as to declare that the body requires no attention, is actually a major part of the falsehood that is presenting itself in many systems which are anything but spiritual.

As the human being is comprised out of many elements, we must first start our examination on the most basic element; the human material body, symbolized by the earth element. In order to succeed in or have a better quality meditation session, the fundamental level of the body must be taken care of.

When the above is achieved, and the level of basic desires is put into a state of equilibrium or at least a stable condition, one will be able to actually focus a lot more on meditation and have a proper meditation session.

The above does not describe a voracious or deprived approach towards appetites, but a pleasant balance. A normal way to look at this is that one must not have eaten until one falls asleep on the chair, but also refrain from starving to the extent this will force their awareness out of the meditation.

Denial or overconsumption will both become hurdles when it comes to meditation, and personal limitations must be taken in consideration here. Upon this basis, one also must learn the utilization of their body; before going to the gym, the body requires other form of input, but before you meditate, the approach towards needs must adjust itself accordingly.

The very advanced meditator will be able to immerse themselves in meditation even in seemingly chaotic circumstances, and will be able to postpone any need. However, this is a skillset and not a given rule.

For a more functional example, let's say one has had a very demanding day at work. If you instantly get back home running filled with stress and you just jump into doing a mantra or Yoga, without eating while you are starving, or spending half an hour to lower your intensity from the speed of the workplace, then this can make meditation harder.

If you however relax too much while going for this, you might fall asleep, which is clearly not the desired goal here. In this case, the drive from work must be lessened only to a small extent, and not to a great extent that will cause the undesired outcome which is sleep, but to promote a meditative state.

Therefore, where one tries to gain time by reducing quality, one might actually end up losing time from valuable meditation due to having to mind all sorts of things that physically or emotionally act as agitations.

To achieve a state of equilibrium in order to engage in meditation, it is recommended and ideal to:

1. Have covered all necessary dietary or elimination needs.
2. To have brought the mind to a state of openness for meditation, such as through music.
3. Especially in the case of energetic people, to actually have worked out or let out excess energy through material means such as a work, play or other creative activity, to let go of excess energy that can otherwise make you feel unable to focus on meditation.

The context of self care here involves: Relaxation, having properly done errands through the day so that pleasant tiredness and satisfaction from work has set in, satisfaction of other needs such as those involving the human needs of letting go of wasteful material, or more long-term improvements such as the healing of diseases, or calming of the mind.

Perfection on the above methods may not always be the outcome, not all meditation sessions will be equal in perfection, but becoming aware one must focus first on the EARTH element, taking it into serious consideration.

This is actually going to create a different awareness and approach to the matter that will incur further success than those who engage meditation starting from "above" and disregarding "below".

With the above three areas handled, one will notice that your meditational progress will start skyrocketing and you will also have far more attraction towards meditation and the practices in general.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It is important that people understand that they are not yet Superman/woman and to think that their own abilities can compensate for major obstacles as described here.

The regulation of the mind, as trained through void practice, is still going to be hampered by large stressors. The goal with void is not to be perfect, but just to have a continually improving ability to deal with all of this. Yet, it is very possible for one to practice void meditation daily, but come under circumstances which result in their mind becoming unfocused.

Beyond the state of our mind or emotions, our physical state can definitely impact our thoughts. In the case of high amounts of inflammation like hypertension or agitation, one's thoughts will be much more erratic and harder to control. The opposite happens in cases of fatigue, although this is more commonly recognized.

Rather than stressing about a perceived lack of focus, it is best to be realistic about current limitations and how one can overcome these. Beyond daily void practice, one has to include yoga for its physical benefits.

In cases of poor health or a very rapid mind, then workings can be directed at both the body and mind to develop these appropriately.


Most people recognize the Earth element as we see it in its Capricorn form, which is that of discipline or management. Taken in the context of the entire body, this is more related to Taurus, which deals with sensuality, pleasures, and so on. Having a full belly leads to both calmness and maintenance of the structure of the body. Our body grounds both the mind and soul, sustaining all other endeavors.

Although Nauthiz, related to Saturn, does give endurance and grounding, the best rune for propagating and protecting the structure of the body is Uruz. Although Uruz has an aspect of fire, this fire can be thought of as that which sustains a pattern of life, such as the body. This also represents the full force of an animal which has to not just win a fight (pure Mars), but also recover and rebuild afterward, or deal with harsh elements, and so on.

Yes, having a strong Sun and Mars will translate to a strong body, but this is because these fire energies are diverted not just into obvious yang activities (like digestion, work, or sex), but also into yin activities, like building blood, cooling the body, removing toxins, and so on. Uruz reflects this overall system of health, not just the individual forces involved. This indirectly sustains mental health, as well.

Tying this back into what HPHC has mentioned: Uruz can help the body be both calm or active to better support our goals. Someone who is all yang energy cannot maintain the necessary calm or openness for ideal meditation. Someone who is all yin will not be able to actively work on and transform energy.

Yet, a full application of the earth element involves making use of the material world around us. Uruz is an earth energy, but this is still astral-derived. We cannot "eat" Uruz like we can eat a meal, nor does Uruz directly replace the calming benefits of yoga and pranayama.

In this way, we cannot avoid our realities and obstacles, such as the need to eat, sleep, and feel happy. Although it is understandable to want to advance past this, the best way to do this is by working alongside these obstacles, not against them. This is one lesson of the earth element, which is to properly sense and work with reality; staying "grounded".
I think meditating before bed raises energy and activates the mind causing sleeplessness. So in my opinion meditating right before sleeping is not the best time.

Also as the mind is a conditioning mechanism one shouldn't meditate in their bed because meditation is relaxing the body but keeping the mind activated. So you want to meditate away from your bed so that your minds conditioning for the bed is to sleep and not go into a meditative state.
Regarding the mind and the mental energy rappresented by the element Air, reading and writing does it help directing and balancing the Air on the material plan? Or it belongs still to the element earth and so with our whole body?
This is a very important topic I think, as many people turn to drugs for relaxation instead of being naturally relaxed.
Probably due to lack of knowledge of how relaxation can be achieved, for example by such a simple thing as slowing down the breathing or breathing slowly through the left nostril for at least 10 minutes. No wait.. that's evil yoga.

The world around us is chaotic and sort of designed for making it as hard as possible for people to meditate properly, while drugs are being pushed as a "great" or even "cool" solution for relaxation. Weed especially, which gets you relaxed at the expence of becoming a zombie retard. He who once was my best friend has now officially become one unfortunately, and are now also into heavier shit. Influenced by bad people. That's one sad way of losing a friend.
I recall a member on Yahoo forums circa 2015 or so. But I read it in 2016, when I realized we had the ProPHP forums. Although that is more due to finding JoS again.

Anyways they were very adamant about void meditation; I guess you can call it they theorized and experimented with void a lot. Their main issue was too often they would void to calm down and enter a meditational area. But the problem is even with voiding every day and being a star at it. Their mind was too chaotic at times to be considered void and sometimes would require additional minutes to calm down. They realized they could void after meditation when they've done all their power meditation and then they realized after doing this for a solid period of time. Their following void becomes MUCH easier to do for them, no idea if it would work with others people are different.

But this person said that each time they voided before, as they did their meditations through voided mind or single-pointed concentration, AND afterwards their void improved or reduced in noise signatures. So they realized voiding after power meditation at the height of energetic increase ramped up the strength of void. They mentioned every time further after a solid good few days of doing this next times they entered void to perform their meditation they had an easier time bringing down the collective noise. Since many meditate once a day and simply clean/protect twice daily. I assume void following your main daily meditation and entering into the second main void, you can void at any time or any place, but I assume when you settle down and void for cleaning/protection before main sleep. It'll make the void much stronger and performance of cleaning/protecting improve.

Since I've never voided/mindful/thought suspension beyond thought suspension of normalcy. For example yes I can stop my mind voice; I can stop noises, sounds, and transient processes; and I can halt mental music.

The thing is from anywhere enough to register in the microsecond region of time to a solid second or two which feels odd to count.

All I know is thoughts beget thoughts. So sometimes I've had situations whereby my mind is blank but I layer a process and realize I broke the void. Simply because I know I'm silent mentally for a solid second or two but the mere act of wondering about it in some deep layer reawakens the processor.

I've liken it to the current CPU/GPU technology. Over time energy efficiency of usage in idle and usage and various usage scenarios are done. Sleep states or power states or efficiency states are used. I can clock down to a lower power state or sleep state but the mere act of thinking about it or wondering about or having a transient fire off reawakens the system.

I guess my biggest issue is what constitutes as void/mindful/suspended thought. I can suspend the thought and can imagine being blank minded but any moment a sensation, feeling, mental process, thought, image, or noise filters in.

I'm aware the mind is alive. I'm aware I'm alive. I'm aware we can't metaphorically kill myself and somehow be blank. Your a living analog computer whether it's the logical male robotic/machine/strong-general AI or the female illogical side that is the utter opposite.

I don't know if it's a lack of middle ground, balance, imbalance, or just generally the way my mind works. I've said it before I'm a thinker, thinking is my main method of processing life most like other people. Probably why meditation hasn't done a damn thing to me. Maybe I might even be ameditationl or anti-meditational maybe the entire premise of my being is just process the new data coming into the Renaissance of the return of the Old Order. And recreate mankind, I am Pluto in Scorpio person years so I'm a destroyer/nuker I'm basically year zero to fix the mistakes of society.

Anyways my biggest issue is this sorta like "Am I doing it?" or "What is void?".

For example I'm voided but a white-hazy thought flashes in which is a combination of electrical sparks in my visual processing area and a mental thought. I guess since we are analog computers we have to learn to dial down the power spikes and learn to handle a variable level. It's like my mind I'm a very cognitive and mentally intense person sorta like an Asian person or at least we derive or believe many but not all Asians are very mentally intense.

But for all the mental intensity I have. It's like running my mind with a HDD instead of an SSD. So my mind works in a hallucinogenic way it's very subject to noise and artifacts and on top of that not always but quite often it bogs down the cache and the HDD slow tendencies go awry. I don't have an SSD nor even a hybrid SSD|HDD device. At first earlier in the day the HDD is running smoothly especially if I had a good dream or a solid dream. I sleep poorly and I've trained myself not to sleep on my back which is bad. But when I do find myself waking up early in the morning after trying to sleep for a few hours then sleep a good hour or two and have a strong dream this sleepy strong death grip that I have that keeps me bed ridden like I've taken a strong calming relaxing drug. After waking up from that my HDD is more cleared up and runs more smoothly.

But I've never been able to upgrade the HDD neither to a Hybrid nor full SSD. Speed and bandwidth is variable with my moods.

Funny for one member who stated Cancer 4th best sign of the Zodiac; Sign of Cognition. They nailed it but also find it funny for all the cognitive blasting it's always on a minimal level. Or at least in my case not booksmarts but personal feeling, Uranian flash of retrograde i.e. personal person. I've never really been smart judging from this post I'm typing up and re-reading and fixing up. You can obviously tell I'm not smart. But at least I try and use the cognition to log/cog my work and try and explain my issues.

Obviously explaining can't do anything as I don't try and don't want to as I hate void/mindfulness. My mind and logical thoughts are who I am or more specifically who've I've become or made myself to believe. Obviously I live on cloud 9 and when I sink my feet into the ground it's just to grip myself from flying away. In other words I logify my spirituality.

Maybe that is why it hasn't worked. I try and brute force it and try and explain situations. Probably why I had a mental disorder trying to live life in a falsified manner.

Thing is I kinda get the feeling spiritual people are completely unhappy. They are happy because they do the meditation and become more real. But unhappy as the more they delve deeper the more the grim reaper and Saturn, Capricorn reality falls on them and realizes "OMG WTF did I become". It's kinda like my friend I email, he would state these people need to spend a solid period of time listening to black metal and Saturnize themselves and destroy themselves. They don't know how to destroy and reconstruct themselves.

I guess it's like the first episode of the season of Squid Billies of their final season. The guy is doing Yoga and meditation and Early Cuyler who is not being voiced by Unknown Hinson rather the Black Comedian guy. And he is saying stuff to him and it's wrecking his reality and he gets all despondent and stops meditating.

I guess meditation = Black Metal. Destroy yourself and reconstruct yourself. Either way I've been doing that since ever really the amount of hours I spent thinking, processing, talking, fantasizing, and creating a better reality in my head during my school days made me just Plutonically nuke everything up and down my entire internal.

Anyways I don't know about void and mindfulness. But M & V wise it's never worked. I think with me it's an impossibility. Maybe a voidtronic device or some amplification device some aliens have would work or something.

Sheer fact is I'd like to hear more on people's advice just to add to my data banks. And process better the World with new information and technology.

Like for example what constitutes at breaking void. How can the mind remain blank for several minutes without the user being alerted by the sub-systems and going, "How the hell is my mind blank, I'm dead, think? process? go-go-go?

It reminds me of checking out this mindfulness website a good site keeps the buddhist spiel down. But the guy does state visual artifacts like colors or rainbows or effects of either the brain or spiritual phenomenas is nice and a good showing of working. But aren't special and many view it as a unique thing and it's not. It's called Nimitahs(spelling?) = visual artifacts that occur from mindfulness closed eye effects.

One person goes I did mindfulness exactly like this website stated cause I liked what I read and wanted to improve myself. And my mind stopped thinking. This user said I did one session just a few minutes and now I don't think. I have to make noise to think.

Very interesting effect if real again it's the internet I doubt people are trolling or memeing but you never know. But very interesting. A person who decided to do the most simple meditation known to man. And he stopped thinking, noises, effects, music, background stuff. His mind became a total blank.

That's cool but also places me going so you live by instinct and Yin- technology. It's like the mind without delving into negativity produces a false image or a false process of existence.
Anyways TLDR for people.

Has anyone ever considered doing multiple void/mindfulness during their day and acclimating more to it. Surely you need a break of course so don't over do it. But it seems like this person in Yahoo forums mentioned an interesting testing experiment to practice for people who can do this phenomena. Anyone considered this post-meditation voiding to charge up the void to a higher level of energetic discharge from the power meditation flow?

BTW is energy gathered by meditation instant boost? or does it require some time to flow through the proper places in the soul and charge up?

If a person does XYZ power meditation is it whoosh powered up or do they need some time for the acclimation process to occur so the energy is dispersed in the soul and brought online appropriately or is there a double effect an insta-matic process but also a passive process whereby the energy will climb over time for a period of time before the maximum daily allotment is reached?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
2. To have brought the mind to a state of openness for meditation, such as through music.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

For this point especifically, I rec ommend a Youtube channel called "Meditation and Healing". The musics there are extremelly long and repetitive, but they are perfect not only for meditation, but also to heal someone either mentally, physically or spiritually depending on the theme of the video. Last I checked, it does not contain ads, which making it suitable even for meditations themselves.
You can also sing to release some energy excess.

Sometimes I have hardships to meditate. When I try to relax the body, my mind runs. When I try to relax the mind my body gets tense. And I have a posture problem that interfere on my breathing. Just try to do my best.

I like to do the spiritual routine the sooner I can but when I am feeling too energetic and erratic I try to release some energy before until I am feeling mentally stable. I have a deadline. For example, after the lunch I have to start the routine doesnt matter if I am agitated because I cant just wait to be on the perfect state of mind or I will just not do. I always seek to do the best perfomance though.
Dear young and stupid me: please read this!

The young and stupid me: the guy who drank 5 cans of Coke, two bags of Flamin' Hots, and then expected to levitate and become Gandalf or Brat Pitt and get a Kiera Knightley-look alike GF, just by closing my eyes and chanting a couple mantras that I had no idea about, spend $[absurd amount] on some bullshit law of attraction program that told me to imagine rainbows and all will be good....and then wondered why I was getting extreme anxiety and cud never ascend into the astral. Throw in some jehovah in the mix!

Yours Truly,

The Guy Who Woke Up and Discovered that Occultism Isn't a Damn Cheat Through Life!
I always had the impression that I was doing the wrong thing, but it turns out that what I do is just perfect for the third point of recommendations.
I even had a story a few years ago, when I spent several days in a place where I could not put this very excess energy anywhere. Despite the fact that there was a lot of it, I felt terribly tired and tense. What I lacked was the creative activity of the mind, when you come up with all sorts of pictures and events in your head (in other words, something like dreams). Thanks to this, I was able to develop good visualization, because my head is literally constantly occupied with pictures, but this does not prevent me from practicing void meditation. After that, I feel content (like after a relaxing bath) and can do other things, such as meditation. Thank you for clarifying these very important things.
I feel that I can get the most efficiency at sunset and it is very pleasant.
Meditating in the morning after a good yoga session. Not only relaxes me, I feel calm throughout the day and I'm able to get more things done on the job site. Each and every morning I try to either squeezing a yoga session or spend an hour meditating if I can. And after work when I come home.
It is pleasure and Bliss to me to be able to sit down and have an hour or two to myself listening to my music and going into a meditation. Before I get started on my next task. And I find that it's a comfortable way of taking care of the stress, and I function better. And it makes work a little easier to handle especially in this time of year with all of the holidays. And to be able to focus on my family! Father Satan and Yule.🎄🎁
I found myself getting to a point in the recent weeks where meditation and yoga were becoming my way of dealing with stresses and bringing a sense of control in my life when things just felt otherwise chaotic and overwhelming. Because during either practice, there'd be this peaceful feeling and everything would go still, I didn't have to actively focus on void meditating, it kinda just would happen. My thoughts and emotions would be quiet, my body would feel suspended and nearly weightless, and it would be like I was somewhere else for a bit.

It's rather addicting. I haven't found that type of feeling from anything else, and it's taken since my dedication to get to this point. But now I crave it constantly to have that feeling, for even just once in the day. No matter what the news is or what's coming out with karma clearing, just having that peace moment makes everything feel okay. It made having freeing the soul workings, spells, yoga or anything spiritual feel so enjoyable, it became what I looked forward to most in the day, because I knew I'd get to have that feeling. But I needed to make sure anything physical was taken care of; chores, food, even showering or brushing my teeth sometimes, or changing clothes-- because if I was at all uncomfortable in any way it made reaching that feeling particularly difficult. And without it, I kinda feel hollow or lacking something now.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
