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About Our SS Who Are In Retirement Age

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Now, one of the best things in Spiritual Satanism, is that indeed, it is never too late to advance. One can be 80 years old, and still benefit tremendously from this path. In fact, one has many perks when one is older of age in this path or around your retirement age.

A lot of posts I make here, are for younger individuals or mid-aged individuals who seek to get their lives together. But in the case of those who are in retirement age, or above 65+ years old, I have to tell you something you probably do not expect. But these are likely the best years to be a Spiritual Satanist in life. It's always great to be an SS no matter the age you are in, but at 65+ years old, there are a lot of benefits.

We have SS by the way who are up to 75 years old that I know of; some even dedicated recently also. Some are 70+. Going strong and enjoying the Eternal path as they should be.

For one, many earthly issues might have resolved themselves, and one has completed a few circles of life, that others will still have to struggle through. Children, settlement, pension, all of these. As one has done these, a large portion of desires and other things have finally settled down. One also has an overview of their life previously, and they know themselves better (there is still much more to learn) than someone who is starting out and tries to piece both life together and Spiritual Satanism.

In context, if one has children or grandchildren, becoming a Spiritual Satanist, one can confer serious blessings to their family in the next generation, or provide their care and expertise for the community, handling let's say more hot headed individuals and others who are growing, without caring as much as to be in a competitive age. This is calmness for the mind.

8 out of 10 problems of elderly age, are also very much addressed by this path. If one practices spirituality and meditation, real deep old age will settle in far better for you (the mind will be kept sharp, studying will keep you afloat, and time you have can be used wisely). The fear of death is far calmer, because as you meditate it doesn't take a very long time to develop and start feeling meditations (Age does not impede you in meditation practice).

While this might sound a bit contradictory here, the Spiritual Satanist who follows the path will look at the "late age" of their life with a very happy disposition. If things were settled earlier, the path can be practiced easily and one can embark in deeper existential topics on retirement age, without having the yoke of many responsibilities holding them back. Calmness and true peace of mind can be achieved.

In the case where one does not have a calm age, it's still far better to be a Spiritual Satanist in old age, than it is to not be one, as one will have a bond that will persist with the Gods and this provides a lot of emotional and moral support as we grow older.

Even if bad things happen to you or others around you (not unlikely, life has twists) the amount of damage you will with-hold will be less. The more one is acclimated with the Path, the less the pain of these blows of life. One can keep sane far easier.

As one person I knew who was 60+ years old, and unfortunately lived only for 3 years more as a Spiritual Satanist, they told me frequently how "These were the calmest they have been in all their life". Life was pretty miserable and painful before, but at least, they found some solace and started cleansing themselves and as a result, within these years they attained a high level of peace internally. Albeit they left early the world, they didn't leave this life without meeting the Gods, and this brought them great consolation.

While many people who were only engrossed in the material aspects of life and solely these in that age group (balance is required between spiritual and material), will be unable to address this reality, one will actually address this easier than these people as one will be more familiar with spirituality. It's a good state when you are older to advance spiritually also, absolved from many worries that follow the processes when you are younger.

In this age also a lot of dilemmas that tormented you before are in your past, so your mind is clearer about many things. You don't worry about a lot of things that no longer have a point to worry about.

One might not be able to change the "past", but one can also return to certain things from their life before, and solve them within. Spiritual practice and Meditation, also will clear our your soul of pains, karmic problems and other things, which are great for the next lifetime one will assume.

Overall also as many younger people might be "worried" about older age, just know that nothing terrible awaits someone at this age. The more advanced you are, the better, but either way, no matter your starting point, you are way better than others. Being able to pursue spiritual or intellect related principles on this age, is the most important thing as one is no longer bound as much by extremely pressing material concerns.

Enjoyment of life and spirituality in a more clear headed manner becomes possible as you grow older and older; appreciation of existence and wisdom growth never stops and actually can reach supreme levels when you go toward the so called "Third Age". You will be able to look at the sunset without the constant pressure that is usual in young age.

I want to mention that in the works of Plato, the life of pious spiritual individuals in their old age is explained,in the Republic in particular. This book is largely misunderstood but this is another topic. While all other individuals on their age are mostly sufferers (they reminiscence constantly about "things they could have done"), the old people who are Initiates can actually see meaning, connections and process in their life (awareness exists). So they are not at odds with themselves and do not engage in many of the nonsense the unenlightened counterparts will at this age. Studying and other things of that nature, but also, why not sports and anything else one wants, can still be parts of one's life when one is "old".

Insistence on meditation and things that I constantly push, like exercise or the process of Yoga that is recommended by the Gods, can also help you tremendously at this age. While others will be melting apart, you will be just fine, upwards to like your 80's or more. Many people can remain very active up until 90 years old, which is insane if one thinks about it.

There are also many 20 year olds today, that cannot do anything compared to these 80 year old people who are filled with life. If one lives in rural areas, you might have seen that these people have abundant energy; especially those who worked all their lives in country related professions.

So as a closing note, there is nothing one has to worry about no matter what age they joined Spiritual Satanism or where they might be today; the path is beautiful from all sides and perspectives and the flow of life is blessed by the Path.

Some also tell me they "wish they found it earlier". We all did; I think everyone would wish to be born into a proper Spiritual Satanic Family and start at 5 years old; but that doesn't matter, because the grace of the Gods can arrive at any time. There is no "late" and no "early" in this, one finds this on the best time for them, I have found in every situation. When the soul is ready, the touch of the Gods does arrive in the life.

The only unhappy event that I could never imagine, is that while one has existed in life to have never found the Gods, and I am sure those of you who have sufficiently walked the path, from whatever time it was your start, can understand what I mean when I say this.

Sometimes one just looks back at others and say, "How are they even living their lives?".

Even a man on his last day that gets a touch from the Gods, is a thousand times more blessed than a person who walked in life without any knowledge of this path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Beautiful words.

I want to mention that in the works of Plato, the life of pious spiritual individuals in their old age is explained,in the Republic in particular. This book is largely misunderstood but this is another topic.

I am sure that the Republic of Plato will be an interesting and important topic, especially the 7th book of the Republic that contains the famous "Myth of the Cave". I will be happy to read your words about this topic High Priest.
This is what I've been wondering lately: even though I'm still far from retirement age, I should stop worry and blame myself about all the things I didn't do when I was younger in my late 20s and my 30s and focus entirely on my spiritual advancement, the Gods' agenda, and taking care of my body and health.

Someone's goals after a certain age are no longer the same as when you were younger and you have to work according to your personal circumstances.
Now, one of the best things in Spiritual Satanism, is that indeed, it is never too late to advance. One can be 80 years old, and still benefit tremendously from this path. In fact, one has many perks when one is older of age in this path or around your retirement age.

A lot of posts I make here, are for younger individuals or mid-aged individuals who seek to get their lives together. But in the case of those who are in retirement age, or above 65+ years old, I have to tell you something you probably do not expect. But these are likely the best years to be a Spiritual Satanist in life. It's always great to be an SS no matter the age you are in, but at 65+ years old, there are a lot of benefits.

We have SS by the way who are up to 75 years old that I know of; some even dedicated recently also. Some are 70+. Going strong and enjoying the Eternal path as they should be.

For one, many earthly issues might have resolved themselves, and one has completed a few circles of life, that others will still have to struggle through. Children, settlement, pension, all of these. As one has done these, a large portion of desires and other things have finally settled down. One also has an overview of their life previously, and they know themselves better (there is still much more to learn) than someone who is starting out and tries to piece both life together and Spiritual Satanism.

In context, if one has children or grandchildren, becoming a Spiritual Satanist, one can confer serious blessings to their family in the next generation, or provide their care and expertise for the community, handling let's say more hot headed individuals and others who are growing, without caring as much as to be in a competitive age. This is calmness for the mind.

8 out of 10 problems of elderly age, are also very much addressed by this path. If one practices spirituality and meditation, real deep old age will settle in far better for you (the mind will be kept sharp, studying will keep you afloat, and time you have can be used wisely). The fear of death is far calmer, because as you meditate it doesn't take a very long time to develop and start feeling meditations (Age does not impede you in meditation practice).

While this might sound a bit contradictory here, the Spiritual Satanist who follows the path will look at the "late age" of their life with a very happy disposition. If things were settled earlier, the path can be practiced easily and one can embark in deeper existential topics on retirement age, without having the yoke of many responsibilities holding them back. Calmness and true peace of mind can be achieved.

In the case where one does not have a calm age, it's still far better to be a Spiritual Satanist in old age, than it is to not be one, as one will have a bond that will persist with the Gods and this provides a lot of emotional and moral support as we grow older.

Even if bad things happen to you or others around you (not unlikely, life has twists) the amount of damage you will with-hold will be less. The more one is acclimated with the Path, the less the pain of these blows of life. One can keep sane far easier.

As one person I knew who was 60+ years old, and unfortunately lived only for 3 years more as a Spiritual Satanist, they told me frequently how "These were the calmest they have been in all their life". Life was pretty miserable and painful before, but at least, they found some solace and started cleansing themselves and as a result, within these years they attained a high level of peace internally. Albeit they left early the world, they didn't leave this life without meeting the Gods, and this brought them great consolation.

While many people who were only engrossed in the material aspects of life and solely these in that age group (balance is required between spiritual and material), will be unable to address this reality, one will actually address this easier than these people as one will be more familiar with spirituality. It's a good state when you are older to advance spiritually also, absolved from many worries that follow the processes when you are younger.

In this age also a lot of dilemmas that tormented you before are in your past, so your mind is clearer about many things. You don't worry about a lot of things that no longer have a point to worry about.

One might not be able to change the "past", but one can also return to certain things from their life before, and solve them within. Spiritual practice and Meditation, also will clear our your soul of pains, karmic problems and other things, which are great for the next lifetime one will assume.

Overall also as many younger people might be "worried" about older age, just know that nothing terrible awaits someone at this age. The more advanced you are, the better, but either way, no matter your starting point, you are way better than others. Being able to pursue spiritual or intellect related principles on this age, is the most important thing as one is no longer bound as much by extremely pressing material concerns.

Enjoyment of life and spirituality in a more clear headed manner becomes possible as you grow older and older; appreciation of existence and wisdom growth never stops and actually can reach supreme levels when you go toward the so called "Third Age". You will be able to look at the sunset without the constant pressure that is usual in young age.

I want to mention that in the works of Plato, the life of pious spiritual individuals in their old age is explained,in the Republic in particular. This book is largely misunderstood but this is another topic. While all other individuals on their age are mostly sufferers (they reminiscence constantly about "things they could have done"), the old people who are Initiates can actually see meaning, connections and process in their life (awareness exists). So they are not at odds with themselves and do not engage in many of the nonsense the unenlightened counterparts will at this age. Studying and other things of that nature, but also, why not sports and anything else one wants, can still be parts of one's life when one is "old".

Insistence on meditation and things that I constantly push, like exercise or the process of Yoga that is recommended by the Gods, can also help you tremendously at this age. While others will be melting apart, you will be just fine, upwards to like your 80's or more. Many people can remain very active up until 90 years old, which is insane if one thinks about it.

There are also many 20 year olds today, that cannot do anything compared to these 80 year old people who are filled with life. If one lives in rural areas, you might have seen that these people have abundant energy; especially those who worked all their lives in country related professions.

So as a closing note, there is nothing one has to worry about no matter what age they joined Spiritual Satanism or where they might be today; the path is beautiful from all sides and perspectives and the flow of life is blessed by the Path.

Some also tell me they "wish they found it earlier". We all did; I think everyone would wish to be born into a proper Spiritual Satanic Family and start at 5 years old; but that doesn't matter, because the grace of the Gods can arrive at any time. There is no "late" and no "early" in this, one finds this on the best time for them, I have found in every situation. When the soul is ready, the touch of the Gods does arrive in the life.

The only unhappy event that I could never imagine, is that while one has existed in life to have never found the Gods, and I am sure those of you who have sufficiently walked the path, from whatever time it was your start, can understand what I mean when I say this.

Sometimes one just looks back at others and say, "How are they even living their lives?".

Even a man on his last day that gets a touch from the Gods, is a thousand times more blessed than a person who walked in life without any knowledge of this path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I love this, thank you so much for that, very well said and very much appreciated, being one of those 71+ myself. You most always manage to bring tears of joy with your posts.
Thank you.

I think that one of the best investments for old age is to do hatha yoga at the highest possible level.
When I started I thought I didn't want to be a stooped old man with a walker.

I've seen videos of old Indian men who just put both feet behind their heads.
I said at the time that I would go that way.
Very hopeful message you convey HP. I sometimes blame myself for finding the Gods after half a century of my life and so many years lost. But I know it is a blessing that I have found the truth and have this opportunity to grow. I see my peers living in a lie and I feel sorry for them. I still have many issues to work out with myself and the road is long for me, but I know the next few years of my life will be better and more rewarding and constructive. Thank you!
Now, one of the best things in Spiritual Satanism, is that indeed, it is never too late to advance. One can be 80 years old, and still benefit tremendously from this path. In fact, one has many perks when one is older of age in this path or around your retirement age.

A lot of posts I make here, are for younger individuals or mid-aged individuals who seek to get their lives together. But in the case of those who are in retirement age, or above 65+ years old, I have to tell you something you probably do not expect. But these are likely the best years to be a Spiritual Satanist in life. It's always great to be an SS no matter the age you are in, but at 65+ years old, there are a lot of benefits.

We have SS by the way who are up to 75 years old that I know of; some even dedicated recently also. Some are 70+. Going strong and enjoying the Eternal path as they should be.

For one, many earthly issues might have resolved themselves, and one has completed a few circles of life, that others will still have to struggle through. Children, settlement, pension, all of these. As one has done these, a large portion of desires and other things have finally settled down. One also has an overview of their life previously, and they know themselves better (there is still much more to learn) than someone who is starting out and tries to piece both life together and Spiritual Satanism.

In context, if one has children or grandchildren, becoming a Spiritual Satanist, one can confer serious blessings to their family in the next generation, or provide their care and expertise for the community, handling let's say more hot headed individuals and others who are growing, without caring as much as to be in a competitive age. This is calmness for the mind.

8 out of 10 problems of elderly age, are also very much addressed by this path. If one practices spirituality and meditation, real deep old age will settle in far better for you (the mind will be kept sharp, studying will keep you afloat, and time you have can be used wisely). The fear of death is far calmer, because as you meditate it doesn't take a very long time to develop and start feeling meditations (Age does not impede you in meditation practice).

While this might sound a bit contradictory here, the Spiritual Satanist who follows the path will look at the "late age" of their life with a very happy disposition. If things were settled earlier, the path can be practiced easily and one can embark in deeper existential topics on retirement age, without having the yoke of many responsibilities holding them back. Calmness and true peace of mind can be achieved.

In the case where one does not have a calm age, it's still far better to be a Spiritual Satanist in old age, than it is to not be one, as one will have a bond that will persist with the Gods and this provides a lot of emotional and moral support as we grow older.

Even if bad things happen to you or others around you (not unlikely, life has twists) the amount of damage you will with-hold will be less. The more one is acclimated with the Path, the less the pain of these blows of life. One can keep sane far easier.

As one person I knew who was 60+ years old, and unfortunately lived only for 3 years more as a Spiritual Satanist, they told me frequently how "These were the calmest they have been in all their life". Life was pretty miserable and painful before, but at least, they found some solace and started cleansing themselves and as a result, within these years they attained a high level of peace internally. Albeit they left early the world, they didn't leave this life without meeting the Gods, and this brought them great consolation.

While many people who were only engrossed in the material aspects of life and solely these in that age group (balance is required between spiritual and material), will be unable to address this reality, one will actually address this easier than these people as one will be more familiar with spirituality. It's a good state when you are older to advance spiritually also, absolved from many worries that follow the processes when you are younger.

In this age also a lot of dilemmas that tormented you before are in your past, so your mind is clearer about many things. You don't worry about a lot of things that no longer have a point to worry about.

One might not be able to change the "past", but one can also return to certain things from their life before, and solve them within. Spiritual practice and Meditation, also will clear our your soul of pains, karmic problems and other things, which are great for the next lifetime one will assume.

Overall also as many younger people might be "worried" about older age, just know that nothing terrible awaits someone at this age. The more advanced you are, the better, but either way, no matter your starting point, you are way better than others. Being able to pursue spiritual or intellect related principles on this age, is the most important thing as one is no longer bound as much by extremely pressing material concerns.

Enjoyment of life and spirituality in a more clear headed manner becomes possible as you grow older and older; appreciation of existence and wisdom growth never stops and actually can reach supreme levels when you go toward the so called "Third Age". You will be able to look at the sunset without the constant pressure that is usual in young age.

I want to mention that in the works of Plato, the life of pious spiritual individuals in their old age is explained,in the Republic in particular. This book is largely misunderstood but this is another topic. While all other individuals on their age are mostly sufferers (they reminiscence constantly about "things they could have done"), the old people who are Initiates can actually see meaning, connections and process in their life (awareness exists). So they are not at odds with themselves and do not engage in many of the nonsense the unenlightened counterparts will at this age. Studying and other things of that nature, but also, why not sports and anything else one wants, can still be parts of one's life when one is "old".

Insistence on meditation and things that I constantly push, like exercise or the process of Yoga that is recommended by the Gods, can also help you tremendously at this age. While others will be melting apart, you will be just fine, upwards to like your 80's or more. Many people can remain very active up until 90 years old, which is insane if one thinks about it.

There are also many 20 year olds today, that cannot do anything compared to these 80 year old people who are filled with life. If one lives in rural areas, you might have seen that these people have abundant energy; especially those who worked all their lives in country related professions.

So as a closing note, there is nothing one has to worry about no matter what age they joined Spiritual Satanism or where they might be today; the path is beautiful from all sides and perspectives and the flow of life is blessed by the Path.

Some also tell me they "wish they found it earlier". We all did; I think everyone would wish to be born into a proper Spiritual Satanic Family and start at 5 years old; but that doesn't matter, because the grace of the Gods can arrive at any time. There is no "late" and no "early" in this, one finds this on the best time for them, I have found in every situation. When the soul is ready, the touch of the Gods does arrive in the life.

The only unhappy event that I could never imagine, is that while one has existed in life to have never found the Gods, and I am sure those of you who have sufficiently walked the path, from whatever time it was your start, can understand what I mean when I say this.

Sometimes one just looks back at others and say, "How are they even living their lives?".

Even a man on his last day that gets a touch from the Gods, is a thousand times more blessed than a person who walked in life without any knowledge of this path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I am still far from retirement age but the fear and thought has often crossed my mind of "what will happen to me when I'm old? will i be able to look after me?". this was most reassuring.
It is never late for people who seeks Satan(The Truth), The Truth(Satan)!
Greetings Brothers and Sisters H.P. Hooded Croba That is good thank to Know because of my age though not 65 but rather 58 and yes My life is way better than before.So Thanks to Father Satan God of the world and all Glorious God's of The Joy of Satan ministry.
Reason power meditations although still in the Higher part of a beginning level.
Still no heart meditations and filling Good.
How do I know the Healing affects when in meditations I focus the white Gold energy of the Sun and I fell it in my heart organ
Confirmation will be at cartiolgest 27 September.
Hail Satan Hail Belzubul Hail Asteroth Hail Agares Hail Lord Azazel
I am still far from retirement age but the fear and thought has often crossed my mind of "what will happen to me when I'm old? will i be able to look after me?". this was most reassuring.
Yes when you get old there are changes, my observation of many, is that do everything you can to retain the ability to walk strongly, that is highly important. Without that it is very difficult to be independent.
And once again I am more than deeply touched by your words, HP Hooded Cobra 666. You are truly blessed as the mouthpiece of the gods and Father Satanas and always find the right words, full of empathy and great compassion, even on such a subject. The last sentences then completely overwhelmed me and made me cry. You are absolutely right. Anyone can consider themselves more than lucky to have been called by the gods - regardless of their age. Life only takes on its true meaning when you understand that it is a gift from the gods. Experiencing the gods and Lord Satanas, waking up with them and going back to sleep with them, makes everything else seem secondary.

For in our many longings and desires, we fail to recognize that we are actually not so much striving for earthly happiness as we are seeking the closeness of our creator Satanas and his compassionate gods. In all the suffering we go through, we only later realize that the real suffering is the separation from our true creator Satanas. To meet him again and to know that we are protected by him and the hosts of his benevolent gods is an indescribable feeling of happiness that brings peace, harmony and inner calm.

As a child, I always longed not only for security, but for the certainty that there is a benevolent deity who gives life its fullness, without which life is bleak and empty. When Lord Satanas entered my life, this fullness, this certainty, entered my life instantly. The radiance of his glory covers my life and immerses me in a new reality of life. I bow my head to him sincerely and with total devotion. May Lord Satanas and all hellish demons bless you for your profound words.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferos!
Hail Wotanas!
Now, one of the best things in Spiritual Satanism, is that indeed, it is never too late to advance. One can be 80 years old, and still benefit tremendously from this path. In fact, one has many perks when one is older of age in this path or around your retirement age.

A lot of posts I make here, are for younger individuals or mid-aged individuals who seek to get their lives together. But in the case of those who are in retirement age, or above 65+ years old, I have to tell you something you probably do not expect. But these are likely the best years to be a Spiritual Satanist in life. It's always great to be an SS no matter the age you are in, but at 65+ years old, there are a lot of benefits.

We have SS by the way who are up to 75 years old that I know of; some even dedicated recently also. Some are 70+. Going strong and enjoying the Eternal path as they should be.

For one, many earthly issues might have resolved themselves, and one has completed a few circles of life, that others will still have to struggle through. Children, settlement, pension, all of these. As one has done these, a large portion of desires and other things have finally settled down. One also has an overview of their life previously, and they know themselves better (there is still much more to learn) than someone who is starting out and tries to piece both life together and Spiritual Satanism.

In context, if one has children or grandchildren, becoming a Spiritual Satanist, one can confer serious blessings to their family in the next generation, or provide their care and expertise for the community, handling let's say more hot headed individuals and others who are growing, without caring as much as to be in a competitive age. This is calmness for the mind.

8 out of 10 problems of elderly age, are also very much addressed by this path. If one practices spirituality and meditation, real deep old age will settle in far better for you (the mind will be kept sharp, studying will keep you afloat, and time you have can be used wisely). The fear of death is far calmer, because as you meditate it doesn't take a very long time to develop and start feeling meditations (Age does not impede you in meditation practice).

While this might sound a bit contradictory here, the Spiritual Satanist who follows the path will look at the "late age" of their life with a very happy disposition. If things were settled earlier, the path can be practiced easily and one can embark in deeper existential topics on retirement age, without having the yoke of many responsibilities holding them back. Calmness and true peace of mind can be achieved.

In the case where one does not have a calm age, it's still far better to be a Spiritual Satanist in old age, than it is to not be one, as one will have a bond that will persist with the Gods and this provides a lot of emotional and moral support as we grow older.

Even if bad things happen to you or others around you (not unlikely, life has twists) the amount of damage you will with-hold will be less. The more one is acclimated with the Path, the less the pain of these blows of life. One can keep sane far easier.

As one person I knew who was 60+ years old, and unfortunately lived only for 3 years more as a Spiritual Satanist, they told me frequently how "These were the calmest they have been in all their life". Life was pretty miserable and painful before, but at least, they found some solace and started cleansing themselves and as a result, within these years they attained a high level of peace internally. Albeit they left early the world, they didn't leave this life without meeting the Gods, and this brought them great consolation.

While many people who were only engrossed in the material aspects of life and solely these in that age group (balance is required between spiritual and material), will be unable to address this reality, one will actually address this easier than these people as one will be more familiar with spirituality. It's a good state when you are older to advance spiritually also, absolved from many worries that follow the processes when you are younger.

In this age also a lot of dilemmas that tormented you before are in your past, so your mind is clearer about many things. You don't worry about a lot of things that no longer have a point to worry about.

One might not be able to change the "past", but one can also return to certain things from their life before, and solve them within. Spiritual practice and Meditation, also will clear our your soul of pains, karmic problems and other things, which are great for the next lifetime one will assume.

Overall also as many younger people might be "worried" about older age, just know that nothing terrible awaits someone at this age. The more advanced you are, the better, but either way, no matter your starting point, you are way better than others. Being able to pursue spiritual or intellect related principles on this age, is the most important thing as one is no longer bound as much by extremely pressing material concerns.

Enjoyment of life and spirituality in a more clear headed manner becomes possible as you grow older and older; appreciation of existence and wisdom growth never stops and actually can reach supreme levels when you go toward the so called "Third Age". You will be able to look at the sunset without the constant pressure that is usual in young age.

I want to mention that in the works of Plato, the life of pious spiritual individuals in their old age is explained,in the Republic in particular. This book is largely misunderstood but this is another topic. While all other individuals on their age are mostly sufferers (they reminiscence constantly about "things they could have done"), the old people who are Initiates can actually see meaning, connections and process in their life (awareness exists). So they are not at odds with themselves and do not engage in many of the nonsense the unenlightened counterparts will at this age. Studying and other things of that nature, but also, why not sports and anything else one wants, can still be parts of one's life when one is "old".

Insistence on meditation and things that I constantly push, like exercise or the process of Yoga that is recommended by the Gods, can also help you tremendously at this age. While others will be melting apart, you will be just fine, upwards to like your 80's or more. Many people can remain very active up until 90 years old, which is insane if one thinks about it.

There are also many 20 year olds today, that cannot do anything compared to these 80 year old people who are filled with life. If one lives in rural areas, you might have seen that these people have abundant energy; especially those who worked all their lives in country related professions.

So as a closing note, there is nothing one has to worry about no matter what age they joined Spiritual Satanism or where they might be today; the path is beautiful from all sides and perspectives and the flow of life is blessed by the Path.

Some also tell me they "wish they found it earlier". We all did; I think everyone would wish to be born into a proper Spiritual Satanic Family and start at 5 years old; but that doesn't matter, because the grace of the Gods can arrive at any time. There is no "late" and no "early" in this, one finds this on the best time for them, I have found in every situation. When the soul is ready, the touch of the Gods does arrive in the life.

The only unhappy event that I could never imagine, is that while one has existed in life to have never found the Gods, and I am sure those of you who have sufficiently walked the path, from whatever time it was your start, can understand what I mean when I say this.

Sometimes one just looks back at others and say, "How are they even living their lives?".

Even a man on his last day that gets a touch from the Gods, is a thousand times more blessed than a person who walked in life without any knowledge of this path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a wonderful post (y)
The main thing is to break bad karma and not repeat old mistakes in a new life.
Now, one of the best things in Spiritual Satanism, is that indeed, it is never too late to advance. One can be 80 years old, and still benefit tremendously from this path. In fact, one has many perks when one is older of age in this path or around your retirement age.

A lot of posts I make here, are for younger individuals or mid-aged individuals who seek to get their lives together. But in the case of those who are in retirement age, or above 65+ years old, I have to tell you something you probably do not expect. But these are likely the best years to be a Spiritual Satanist in life. It's always great to be an SS no matter the age you are in, but at 65+ years old, there are a lot of benefits.

We have SS by the way who are up to 75 years old that I know of; some even dedicated recently also. Some are 70+. Going strong and enjoying the Eternal path as they should be.

For one, many earthly issues might have resolved themselves, and one has completed a few circles of life, that others will still have to struggle through. Children, settlement, pension, all of these. As one has done these, a large portion of desires and other things have finally settled down. One also has an overview of their life previously, and they know themselves better (there is still much more to learn) than someone who is starting out and tries to piece both life together and Spiritual Satanism.

In context, if one has children or grandchildren, becoming a Spiritual Satanist, one can confer serious blessings to their family in the next generation, or provide their care and expertise for the community, handling let's say more hot headed individuals and others who are growing, without caring as much as to be in a competitive age. This is calmness for the mind.

8 out of 10 problems of elderly age, are also very much addressed by this path. If one practices spirituality and meditation, real deep old age will settle in far better for you (the mind will be kept sharp, studying will keep you afloat, and time you have can be used wisely). The fear of death is far calmer, because as you meditate it doesn't take a very long time to develop and start feeling meditations (Age does not impede you in meditation practice).

While this might sound a bit contradictory here, the Spiritual Satanist who follows the path will look at the "late age" of their life with a very happy disposition. If things were settled earlier, the path can be practiced easily and one can embark in deeper existential topics on retirement age, without having the yoke of many responsibilities holding them back. Calmness and true peace of mind can be achieved.

In the case where one does not have a calm age, it's still far better to be a Spiritual Satanist in old age, than it is to not be one, as one will have a bond that will persist with the Gods and this provides a lot of emotional and moral support as we grow older.

Even if bad things happen to you or others around you (not unlikely, life has twists) the amount of damage you will with-hold will be less. The more one is acclimated with the Path, the less the pain of these blows of life. One can keep sane far easier.

As one person I knew who was 60+ years old, and unfortunately lived only for 3 years more as a Spiritual Satanist, they told me frequently how "These were the calmest they have been in all their life". Life was pretty miserable and painful before, but at least, they found some solace and started cleansing themselves and as a result, within these years they attained a high level of peace internally. Albeit they left early the world, they didn't leave this life without meeting the Gods, and this brought them great consolation.

While many people who were only engrossed in the material aspects of life and solely these in that age group (balance is required between spiritual and material), will be unable to address this reality, one will actually address this easier than these people as one will be more familiar with spirituality. It's a good state when you are older to advance spiritually also, absolved from many worries that follow the processes when you are younger.

In this age also a lot of dilemmas that tormented you before are in your past, so your mind is clearer about many things. You don't worry about a lot of things that no longer have a point to worry about.

One might not be able to change the "past", but one can also return to certain things from their life before, and solve them within. Spiritual practice and Meditation, also will clear our your soul of pains, karmic problems and other things, which are great for the next lifetime one will assume.

Overall also as many younger people might be "worried" about older age, just know that nothing terrible awaits someone at this age. The more advanced you are, the better, but either way, no matter your starting point, you are way better than others. Being able to pursue spiritual or intellect related principles on this age, is the most important thing as one is no longer bound as much by extremely pressing material concerns.

Enjoyment of life and spirituality in a more clear headed manner becomes possible as you grow older and older; appreciation of existence and wisdom growth never stops and actually can reach supreme levels when you go toward the so called "Third Age". You will be able to look at the sunset without the constant pressure that is usual in young age.

I want to mention that in the works of Plato, the life of pious spiritual individuals in their old age is explained,in the Republic in particular. This book is largely misunderstood but this is another topic. While all other individuals on their age are mostly sufferers (they reminiscence constantly about "things they could have done"), the old people who are Initiates can actually see meaning, connections and process in their life (awareness exists). So they are not at odds with themselves and do not engage in many of the nonsense the unenlightened counterparts will at this age. Studying and other things of that nature, but also, why not sports and anything else one wants, can still be parts of one's life when one is "old".

Insistence on meditation and things that I constantly push, like exercise or the process of Yoga that is recommended by the Gods, can also help you tremendously at this age. While others will be melting apart, you will be just fine, upwards to like your 80's or more. Many people can remain very active up until 90 years old, which is insane if one thinks about it.

There are also many 20 year olds today, that cannot do anything compared to these 80 year old people who are filled with life. If one lives in rural areas, you might have seen that these people have abundant energy; especially those who worked all their lives in country related professions.

So as a closing note, there is nothing one has to worry about no matter what age they joined Spiritual Satanism or where they might be today; the path is beautiful from all sides and perspectives and the flow of life is blessed by the Path.

Some also tell me they "wish they found it earlier". We all did; I think everyone would wish to be born into a proper Spiritual Satanic Family and start at 5 years old; but that doesn't matter, because the grace of the Gods can arrive at any time. There is no "late" and no "early" in this, one finds this on the best time for them, I have found in every situation. When the soul is ready, the touch of the Gods does arrive in the life.

The only unhappy event that I could never imagine, is that while one has existed in life to have never found the Gods, and I am sure those of you who have sufficiently walked the path, from whatever time it was your start, can understand what I mean when I say this.

Sometimes one just looks back at others and say, "How are they even living their lives?".

Even a man on his last day that gets a touch from the Gods, is a thousand times more blessed than a person who walked in life without any knowledge of this path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am glad to see that people who are on the retirement age are well respected here.

I can say that it truly is the best occasion for one to have a lot of SS background from practice in their retirement years, and also provide it to their nephews and their children, or, genetically called, grandchildren.

May Satanas bless them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
