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About Diet & Spiritual Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In Spiritual Satanism there are no dietary restrictions. As it has been stated, one is able to eat anything they think is best for them, what they like, but also, since our only sin is stupidity, we should be tentative to a healthy lifestyle.

There are no real "specific diets" that one has to follow. The optimal diet to follow is what satisfies one, and what one is most importantly healthy from. This ranges between people, changes with medical conditions, and also what one wants to attain.

When it comes to specific spiritual practices, specific choices of food may be the best thing to follow. In short, if you want to do serious meditations, you might want to avoid foos that cause gasses on the stomach, and foods that make you extremely heavy or uncomfortable.

Overeating, or under eating, can indirectly affect the quality of your meditation. This can be overcome when you are very experienced, but it is better to avoid this. You cannot sit to calmly meditate while experiencing extensive hunger or extensive filling.

The purpose of eating food, it's extremely important to eat nourishing food. Let us not comment on what garbage "Food" circulates this world or how it's constantly being devalued in it's essence and properties, with much of it being empty junk that hardly provides nutrition.

In Ancient Greek, the word for "Food" is etymologically related to the notion of "Light". [Fai-Fos]. The good food is not only nourishing to the material body, but also energizing the body that can later increase the soul.

Inside food, there is contained, to a lesser or higher extent, a certain portion of light, or rather, it's created after ingestion inside the body. Depending on the food, the release can be slower or faster [sugar is the fastest but wears off quickly and is of measly essence, cards are slower, proteins the lowest, the list goes].

Meat absorbs slower, and releases more of this living energy. Greens and other similar foods, do provide another level of this energy or in plain, bioelectricity.

All of the above is to be related to your inner balances. There is no specific diet you must follow in Spiritual Satanism. The diet of other people might not for you, be deadly, and or might simply not fit your necessities.

Anyone who tries to enforce a specific "diet", is only shilling and one must never listen to them. Because that is irrational nonsense. As one also is different as an individual or a human being [race also], certain diets that work with one can be incompatible with another.

There are people who can drink milk in the gallons, and people who if they drink one glass, unease and other problems ensue quickly.

These also relate to your elements in your body, personal health situation, or what you seek to attain. You can also check into Aurvedic or Chinese Medicine and get more information about your specific case here, but also, when you are past a point, this will arise for you out of meditation and because of how well connected you are to your own body.

Shadowkat said:
It essentially comes down to energy indeed which is why we must eat. Plants conduct photosynthesis to use direct sunlight for food. Plant eaters take up that energy when they graze and likewise then with carnivores who eat meat. It's a literal chain.

I wonder if our yogic breathing and foundation meditations can have these effects directly in the long term. Aside from decreased appetite possibly being a kundalini manifestation, I wonder if this also can come from the body absorbing energy directly these ways which is basically the closest an animal would get to photosynthesis so to speak. Energy from the sun is literally fuel in several ways.

The physical body requires physical sustenance, which is from physical foods. However, the sunlight does also "Feeds" the very soul. And less of this type of hunger [sometimes conflated with physical hunger which can lead to obesity], can bring a balance to the material hunger.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It essentially comes down to energy indeed which is why we must eat. Plants conduct photosynthesis to use direct sunlight for food. Plant eaters take up that energy when they graze and likewise then with carnivores who eat meat. It's a literal chain.

I wonder if our yogic breathing and foundation meditations can have these effects directly in the long term. Aside from decreased appetite possibly being a kundalini manifestation, I wonder if this also can come from the body absorbing energy directly these ways which is basically the closest an animal would get to photosynthesis so to speak. Energy from the sun is literally fuel in several ways.
Shadowcat said:
It essentially comes down to energy indeed which is why we must eat. Plants conduct photosynthesis to use direct sunlight for food. Plant eaters take up that energy when they graze and likewise then with carnivores who eat meat. It's a literal chain.

I wonder if our yogic breathing and foundation meditations can have these effects directly in the long term. Aside from decreased appetite possibly being a kundalini manifestation, I wonder if this also can come from the body absorbing energy directly these ways which is basically the closest an animal would get to photosynthesis so to speak. Energy from the sun is literally fuel in several ways.

The physical body requires physical sustenance, which is from physical foods. However, the sunlight does also "Feeds" the very soul. And less of this type of hunger [sometimes conflated with physical hunger which can lead to obesity], can bring a balance to the material hunger.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
It essentially comes down to energy indeed which is why we must eat. Plants conduct photosynthesis to use direct sunlight for food. Plant eaters take up that energy when they graze and likewise then with carnivores who eat meat. It's a literal chain.

I wonder if our yogic breathing and foundation meditations can have these effects directly in the long term. Aside from decreased appetite possibly being a kundalini manifestation, I wonder if this also can come from the body absorbing energy directly these ways which is basically the closest an animal would get to photosynthesis so to speak. Energy from the sun is literally fuel in several ways.

The physical body requires physical sustenance, which is from physical foods. However, the sunlight does also "Feeds" the very soul. And less of this type of hunger [sometimes conflated with physical hunger which can lead to obesity], can bring a balance to the material hunger.

Yes I thought as much :) this explains why I don't stuff myself anymore as I used to. I actually eat very small portions now
I Have bought a tub of "Greens" I add it to my protein shake it tastes fine and gets me all my greens and goodness,
obviously not the same as eating a nice sunday roast but it does the job.

I also like reading about what the ancients eat.

My pal who gets me supplements is greek i asked can you speak Ancient greek said he couldnt, but his daughters are taking lessons.

Great to learn that also :cool:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
It essentially comes down to energy indeed which is why we must eat. Plants conduct photosynthesis to use direct sunlight for food. Plant eaters take up that energy when they graze and likewise then with carnivores who eat meat. It's a literal chain.

I wonder if our yogic breathing and foundation meditations can have these effects directly in the long term. Aside from decreased appetite possibly being a kundalini manifestation, I wonder if this also can come from the body absorbing energy directly these ways which is basically the closest an animal would get to photosynthesis so to speak. Energy from the sun is literally fuel in several ways.

The physical body requires physical sustenance, which is from physical foods. However, the sunlight does also "Feeds" the very soul. And less of this type of hunger [sometimes conflated with physical hunger which can lead to obesity], can bring a balance to the material hunger.

This gave me an idea. I'm going to make sure I do all my meditations before getting in my first meal of the day. I sometimes eat way too much since it takes a while for me to feel satisfied which i think mostly has to do with trauma of almost being forced to overeat because how I was raised. "If i dont eat today will I be able to tomorrow?" type of thinking along with being hit and/or yelled at if I don't finish my food even if I wasn't hungry or full.

Even though i work out everyday it wouldn't be such a problem if I didn't gain and lose weight very quickly. I'm close to finding my balance since addressing my issues but I'm wondering if not "feeding" my soul has to do with it too. So perhaps when I do my meditations first I won't have the urge to eat more because my soul and mind won't feel that empty hole that I was trying to fill with food. Granted I need to make sure of not feeling like I'm about to "die" from hunger if I'm going to do all my spiritual routine beforehand but personally for me I can go all day without eating and not feel so bad.
EnkiUK55 said:
I Have bought a tub of "Greens" I add it to my protein shake it tastes fine and gets me all my greens and goodness,
obviously not the same as eating a nice sunday roast but it does the job.

I also like reading about what the ancients eat.

My pal who gets me supplements is greek i asked can you speak Ancient greek said he couldnt, but his daughters are taking lessons.

Great to learn that also :cool:

The Greeks I've met for the most part are always into being healthy. They all seem to know about the Blue Zone of their country that has people easily living to a very old age thanks to eating the food grown in their area.
HP Cobra, what do you believe about the diets for certain blood types ? For example, blood type O must eat only meat, dinkel spaghetti, certain fruits like figs etc
I wish more than anything I could eat steak and fish all day, maybe one day. I'll try to go hunting in a month or two see if I have any luck. I am trying to get into a certain fitness, and what I am finding the most difficult is getting 200g of protein in my diet a day while still staying calorie deficient, as I do need to lose a little weight.

I cut out all processed foods except the protein powder I am using, hopefully I can do that as well soon.
hailourtruegod said:
EnkiUK55 said:
I Have bought a tub of "Greens" I add it to my protein shake it tastes fine and gets me all my greens and goodness,
obviously not the same as eating a nice sunday roast but it does the job.

I also like reading about what the ancients eat.

My pal who gets me supplements is greek i asked can you speak Ancient greek said he couldnt, but his daughters are taking lessons.

Great to learn that also :cool:

The Greeks I've met for the most part are always into being healthy. They all seem to know about the Blue Zone of their country that has people easily living to a very old age thanks to eating the food grown in their area.

Oh of course the Med diet also. I went to cyprus I know its not Greece (well some parts think)

They eat beter than us UK for sure :lol: :lol:
Meteor said:
I think it's fascinating just how differently diets can affect people.

I always ate the same things as my family members back when I lived with them, and yet I was underweight while they were all at a healthy weight. There wasn't anything wrong with the food they prepared; it was always very balanced, the portions would've been big enough for most people and left my stomach feeling full, and nothing important seemed to be missing. But when I moved out, I started eating a lot more meat and other foods that are rich in protein than I used to (simply because I felt a craving for it), and I finally started to gain some weight after all these years. And now a few years later, thanks to this meat-heavy diet (if you can call it a "diet"; I'm basically just eating whatever I want to, which happens to be a far above average amount of meat), I've finally been able to maintain a stable, healthy weight for a whole year. I feel so much more energetic than I used to as well. Maybe it's just that my metabolism is rather fast, so proteins, which normally release energy very slowly, work perfectly for me, whereas other foods leave me malnourished. But if others ate as much as I did, they would probably get sick or tired (due to the slow digestion) or become overweight.

Also, when I eat sugar, for some reason I get a headache and it makes me feel very tired, so I try to avoid it.

In my experience, it's probably best to just pay attention to your body and see what works best for you personally, and avoid foods that make you feel ill. My older brother was able to overcome a gut disease which his doctors called "incurable" just by experimenting with his diet for a while. Dietary freedom is important, as people should eat what suits their own body's specific needs best.

Meteor who can know us better than ourselves? Then if we dedicate a little more time to ourselves we understand things we didn't know before, but this time spent on yourself is much more important than other things you could do alternatively in my opinion :ugeek:
SATchives said:
I wish more than anything I could eat steak and fish all day, maybe one day. I'll try to go hunting in a month or two see if I have any luck. I am trying to get into a certain fitness, and what I am finding the most difficult is getting 200g of protein in my diet a day while still staying calorie deficient, as I do need to lose a little weight.

I cut out all processed foods except the protein powder I am using, hopefully I can do that as well soon.

Of course it's difficult, and thankfully so since it would ruin your kidneys, and any organ involved in digestion of proteins and in excretion.

If you have the time, also avoid calorie-deficient diets. It's better to stay at maintenance and increase physical activity instead. Gymnasts, for example, do not have bulking and shredding cycles, yet they are the fittest and most well-rounded athletes around. Their strength gains easily transfer to nearly every discipline.
Stormblood said:
SATchives said:
I wish more than anything I could eat steak and fish all day, maybe one day. I'll try to go hunting in a month or two see if I have any luck. I am trying to get into a certain fitness, and what I am finding the most difficult is getting 200g of protein in my diet a day while still staying calorie deficient, as I do need to lose a little weight.

I cut out all processed foods except the protein powder I am using, hopefully I can do that as well soon.

Of course it's difficult, and thankfully so since it would ruin your kidneys, and any organ involved in digestion of proteins and in excretion.

If you have the time, also avoid calorie-deficient diets. It's better to stay at maintenance and increase physical activity instead. Gymnasts, for example, do not have bulking and shredding cycles, yet they are the fittest and most well-rounded athletes around. Their strength gains easily transfer to nearly every discipline.
can you further elaborate? I probably burn 2000 ish when I am not doing boxing and 2500 + when I do boxing, so I should eat that amount is what you are saying? To be honest I've tried eating different things all my life and still haven't found what really works for me. I do love seafood thats probably one of the easier ways I get protein, and don't eat too much red meat because its expensive, I do like it though. I also really love raw veggies, mainly when I grow them. I started growing moringa last year and next year I should have enough of it growing that I should be able to add it to my diet in sufficient ammounts so I will be trying that next year. In the long run I want to be healthy with a body like the pictures that Depict our Gods, such as Zeus/Beelzebub

and I wasn't planning on staying at the calorie deficient diet for long, like 3 - 4 months. I just want to get rid of this belly fat I have had, I got in a wreck two years ago and I gained a lot around their that I am getting rid of now, but I didn't see improvments until I started going to 1700-2k diet and doing boxing. Working out was just building muscle under fat, which is what I was doing previously. So I am changing it up and doing body weight/boxing for a bit until I lose this weight and then I'll progress muscle size either through calisthenic or weight training with a eating regime that balances out.

I know this can be off topic, but what or how should be our stance towards hunting?
Elas Qilar said:
I know this can be off topic, but what or how should be our stance towards hunting?
Completely fine.
Is any type of sugar in any amount bad for spiritual health like how alcohol is ? I read somewhere before I even knew about JoS that sugar calcifies the pineal gland. Is that true ? The fact that sugar is almost in 90% of the food that an average person eats makes me feel suspicious. Feel that its done by the disgusting scums a.k.a jews.

I have avoided all forms of sugars since then, even from the fruits. Almost all fruits contain sugar although they are different sugar. Therefore, I have stopped eating fruits in entirety. Am I harming myself by doing this ?

White rice is something that I can't avoid and have heard that its akin to eating table sugar directly. I do not know if that's true.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Spiritual Satanism there are no dietary restrictions. As it has been stated, one is able to eat anything they think is best for them, what they like, but also, since our only sin is stupidity, we should be tentative to a healthy lifestyle.

There are no real "specific diets" that one has to follow. The optimal diet to follow is what satisfies one, and what one is most importantly healthy from. This ranges between people, changes with medical conditions, and also what one wants to attain.

When it comes to specific spiritual practices, specific choices of food may be the best thing to follow. In short, if you want to do serious meditations, you might want to avoid foos that cause gasses on the stomach, and foods that make you extremely heavy or uncomfortable.

Overeating, or under eating, can indirectly affect the quality of your meditation. This can be overcome when you are very experienced, but it is better to avoid this. You cannot sit to calmly meditate while experiencing extensive hunger or extensive filling.

The purpose of eating food, it's extremely important to eat nourishing food. Let us not comment on what garbage "Food" circulates this world or how it's constantly being devalued in it's essence and properties, with much of it being empty junk that hardly provides nutrition.

In Ancient Greek, the word for "Food" is etymologically related to the notion of "Light". [Fai-Fos]. The good food is not only nourishing to the material body, but also energizing the body that can later increase the soul.

Inside food, there is contained, to a lesser or higher extent, a certain portion of light, or rather, it's created after ingestion inside the body. Depending on the food, the release can be slower or faster [sugar is the fastest but wears off quickly and is of measly essence, cards are slower, proteins the lowest, the list goes].

Meat absorbs slower, and releases more of this living energy. Greens and other similar foods, do provide another level of this energy or in plain, bioelectricity.

All of the above is to be related to your inner balances. There is no specific diet you must follow in Spiritual Satanism. The diet of other people might not for you, be deadly, and or might simply not fit your necessities.

Anyone who tries to enforce a specific "diet", is only shilling and one must never listen to them. Because that is irrational nonsense. As one also is different as an individual or a human being [race also], certain diets that work with one can be incompatible with another.

There are people who can drink milk in the gallons, and people who if they drink one glass, unease and other problems ensue quickly.

These also relate to your elements in your body, personal health situation, or what you seek to attain. You can also check into Aurvedic or Chinese Medicine and get more information about your specific case here, but also, when you are past a point, this will arise for you out of meditation and because of how well connected you are to your own body.

Shadowkat said:
It essentially comes down to energy indeed which is why we must eat. Plants conduct photosynthesis to use direct sunlight for food. Plant eaters take up that energy when they graze and likewise then with carnivores who eat meat. It's a literal chain.

I wonder if our yogic breathing and foundation meditations can have these effects directly in the long term. Aside from decreased appetite possibly being a kundalini manifestation, I wonder if this also can come from the body absorbing energy directly these ways which is basically the closest an animal would get to photosynthesis so to speak. Energy from the sun is literally fuel in several ways.

The physical body requires physical sustenance, which is from physical foods. However, the sunlight does also "Feeds" the very soul. And less of this type of hunger [sometimes conflated with physical hunger which can lead to obesity], can bring a balance to the material hunger.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

My diet is out at the moment HP

Im doing a bulk aiminig for 17st eating everything in sight...(adding vitamins green supplements etc)

Im taking medication that is causing constipation so im kind of freaking out is it the additional food medication....oh bro am fed up of it having to take laxatives.

I moght just stick to gym stop going for "bulk" and focus on proper diet.
I told my aunt that I might have digestive problems, but she would rather psychologically torture me at the table than take me to a hospital so I hope all my relatives die and go to the bitch🥳🤩
I think this sermon by Hps Maxine is super important and full of wisdom.

Addictions, etc.
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Date: 2/5/2012
There is a thread in the main JoS e-group concerning cigarettes, tobacco use, now caffiene and energy drinks, marijuana use and so forth. Ok, everyone knows cigarettes are extremely bad. My point of this post is through meditation, when you get to a certain level, you will no longer have cravings for things that are harmful for you.

I eat and drink as I please, though in moderation. I know this is a touchy topic, but trying to fight an addiction isn't always the best way to go. If there is a serious problem, then try working on the addiction by affirming you are completely free from the desire for whatever it is you are addicted to. Do the 40 day Satanic rosary working beginning during a waning moon.

As for eating and drinking habits, hatha yoga will offset a lot of things regarding health, no different from working out and weightlifting; as these make your body system stronger and heighten your immune system.

If someone wants to cut out certain foods or drinks from one's diet, this is a personal choice and is fine. Drinking energy drinks [I love these, like black mamba Venom is my favorite], drinking coffee and such...I can assure you, these won't affect your powers. I am sitting here right now with a high caffiene mountain lightning soda and chocolate bar. I have also found caffiene can amplify the energy buzz and the aura at times. I like caffiene and will drink it for the rest of my life. Like I said, I eat and drink as I please and always will.

Satanism is not about abstinance. If someone chooses to abstain, this is free thought and free choice, but definitely not manditory or required for spiritual advancement. Abstinance is of the enemy programs. What good is power meditation if you have to give up pleasure, or getting what you want? With the plethora of enemy writings and crap out there that is corrupted trash and tons of not only wrong, but outright deadly advice regarding opening the soul and spirtiuality, this bleeds over into people believing they have to completely abstain in order to make any spiritual progress. Then the endless bullshit of can't do this; can't do that in the way of using your powers, in order to keep true power in the hands of the enemy at the top.
Not with Satan's way.

There is an old saying 'the tightest grip is with an open hand.' Freedom is the key to spiritual advncement.

Abuse and consistent overindulgence of recreational drugs, alcohol, and such will obviously cause one problems, not to mention addiction, which DOES put holes in the aura. Use common sense. Again...if there is a serious problem or any problem where one wishes and desires to be free from anything...use the 40 day working. This may even have to be repeated. Trying to use force and fighting an addiction is not the best way to go. Same as there is a lot to be said about the soft martial arts. Force is not always necessary. It feels so much better when the desire for something harmful is completely gone forever, instead of using so much energy fighting the addiction every day. Ridding the desire is what power meditation is all about, as much as getting what you want and your desires fulfilled. Never forget this, as this is reaching the godhead...masterting your own life and destiny. This is the essence of True Satanism.
Elas Qilar said:
I know this can be off topic, but what or how should be our stance towards hunting?

personally hunt all you want as long as you hunt for either over population or for meats/pelts, even hunt for money as long as you are responsible and respect nature, and do not over hunt, or hunt irresponsibly. its a much better system to go out and give an animal a clean death, in the wild, like nature would have it instead of buy your meat from a store where it goes through kosher processing, the animal is raised in a factory, and killed in brutal ways, sometimes they hang the cows upside down and bleed them out while still alive in a conveyor belt of other cows. If you want beef raise a few of your own cows lovingly, or find a place that kills them instantly and give you the whole cow, store bought is almost always bad. it would be nice if there where repopulation centers inside 100k-1 million acre plots dedicated for people to hunt for free, and the centers would regulate, the populations making for easy breeding and releasing, so that populations wouldn't go extinct or suffer, and things could be regulated on the fly, but so much is cut down for timber and far a few places exist compared to what used to exist unfortunately so over hunting depending on where you are could be a thing. I also think you should hunt what needs to be hunted for examples wild hogs are an issue where I live. that is what I'll be most likely hunting this winter, maybe some deer. I don't know yet.
SATchives said:
Stormblood said:
SATchives said:
I wish more than anything I could eat steak and fish all day, maybe one day. I'll try to go hunting in a month or two see if I have any luck. I am trying to get into a certain fitness, and what I am finding the most difficult is getting 200g of protein in my diet a day while still staying calorie deficient, as I do need to lose a little weight.

I cut out all processed foods except the protein powder I am using, hopefully I can do that as well soon.

Of course it's difficult, and thankfully so since it would ruin your kidneys, and any organ involved in digestion of proteins and in excretion.

If you have the time, also avoid calorie-deficient diets. It's better to stay at maintenance and increase physical activity instead. Gymnasts, for example, do not have bulking and shredding cycles, yet they are the fittest and most well-rounded athletes around. Their strength gains easily transfer to nearly every discipline.
can you further elaborate? I probably burn 2000 ish when I am not doing boxing and 2500 + when I do boxing, so I should eat that amount is what you are saying? To be honest I've tried eating different things all my life and still haven't found what really works for me. I do love seafood thats probably one of the easier ways I get protein, and don't eat too much red meat because its expensive, I do like it though. I also really love raw veggies, mainly when I grow them. I started growing moringa last year and next year I should have enough of it growing that I should be able to add it to my diet in sufficient ammounts so I will be trying that next year. In the long run I want to be healthy with a body like the pictures that Depict our Gods, such as Zeus/Beelzebub

and I wasn't planning on staying at the calorie deficient diet for long, like 3 - 4 months. I just want to get rid of this belly fat I have had, I got in a wreck two years ago and I gained a lot around their that I am getting rid of now, but I didn't see improvments until I started going to 1700-2k diet and doing boxing. Working out was just building muscle under fat, which is what I was doing previously. So I am changing it up and doing body weight/boxing for a bit until I lose this weight and then I'll progress muscle size either through calisthenic or weight training with a eating regime that balances out.

I think I sent an incomplete message earlier. Apologies for this. What I meant is not to avoid a calorie deficit altogether. What I meant is to achieve your calorie deficient state through physical activity rather than reducing food consumption. This will help you more long-term. Boxing is amazing for getting and staying in shape, and also for anger management and aggression management purposes. Not to mention, it develops muscles that you wouldn't use otherwise, as you will surely have noticed. Punching and striking drills are not exactly part of other things such as gymnastics, calisthenics, weight-lifting and so on.

Also, the looks the statues have can be achieved with any training method if looks is your goal. If you want to be the strongest while still having an harmonious muscle size like the statues of the Gods in Ancient Greece, the only way is through gymnastics. This is because that was the discipline there and it has the greatest strength per size ratio. Other training disciplines develop less density, as scientific studies prove. It's more of question of what you are looking for. If you are looking just for appearance, then any means is great for that. Other pursuits (i.e. health, survival, tactical, strength...) will lower the pool of options. But this is unrelated to diet, so let's not discuss it here. Sorry for bringing it up. Force of habit.

Back to diet, one thing I can suggest, if you don't do it already, is to eat mindfully. In other words, focus only on the eating experience and what you wish to gain out of it, instead of eating mindlessly like other people who focus on tv, work or whatever while reading. Another thing I can suggest is to program your body to lose excess body fat. You can be specific with that and select how much you want of it, as well as what areas need to go first. Really focus on your body, even if you do it in a self-hypnosis experience instead of a working. It needs to become imprinted in your body and soul, so that it is manifested exactly as you want. Forever. Visualise it, feel it, etc.

Another good habit to pick up is, whenever you're visualising yourself doing something as a part of a working, self-hypnosis, or simply awareness meditation, is to visualise your body exactly how you want it to be, instead of visualising it like you are know. It's a minor detail in the visualisation as your goal is another in those cases, but it pays off without detracting from what you are doing. It needs to become part of your identity. You are not fat, chubby or whatever. You are fit and athletic like a Greek God. And this identity is connected to your values in x way.

Now, I'll stop with the unsolicited advice and you can tell me to fuck off, if you want lol :lol:
Username said:
Is any type of sugar in any amount bad for spiritual health like how alcohol is ? I read somewhere before I even knew about JoS that sugar calcifies the pineal gland. Is that true ? The fact that sugar is almost in 90% of the food that an average person eats makes me feel suspicious. Feel that its done by the disgusting scums a.k.a jews.

I have avoided all forms of sugars since then, even from the fruits. Almost all fruits contain sugar although they are different sugar. Therefore, I have stopped eating fruits in entirety. Am I harming myself by doing this ?

White rice is something that I can't avoid and have heard that its akin to eating table sugar directly. I do not know if that's true.
If you want to avoid sugar, you should avoid the refined one, it's completely devoid of anything good for your body. But fruits are totally good, eat as much as you want, the have minerals, vitamins, ecc and they don't make your blood sugar spike high as fruits have fiber so the sugar is not being pumped in your blood instantly.
EnkiUK55 said:
My diet is out at the moment HP

Im doing a bulk aiminig for 17st eating everything in sight...(adding vitamins green supplements etc)

Im taking medication that is causing constipation so im kind of freaking out is it the additional food medication....oh bro am fed up of it having to take laxatives.

I moght just stick to gym stop going for "bulk" and focus on proper diet.

How's your yoga routine? Have you been doing it constantly? Personally it has helped me greatly with my digestion but I have to keep doing it everyday for it to be so. Idk if you have the exact same problem but just giving my two cents just in case it helps.
SATchives said:
can you further elaborate? I probably burn 2000 ish when I am not doing boxing and 2500 + when I do boxing, so I should eat that amount is what you are saying? To be honest I've tried eating different things all my life and still haven't found what really works for me. I do love seafood thats probably one of the easier ways I get protein, and don't eat too much red meat because its expensive, I do like it though. I also really love raw veggies, mainly when I grow them. I started growing moringa last year and next year I should have enough of it growing that I should be able to add it to my diet in sufficient ammounts so I will be trying that next year. In the long run I want to be healthy with a body like the pictures that Depict our Gods, such as Zeus/Beelzebub

and I wasn't planning on staying at the calorie deficient diet for long, like 3 - 4 months. I just want to get rid of this belly fat I have had, I got in a wreck two years ago and I gained a lot around their that I am getting rid of now, but I didn't see improvments until I started going to 1700-2k diet and doing boxing. Working out was just building muscle under fat, which is what I was doing previously. So I am changing it up and doing body weight/boxing for a bit until I lose this weight and then I'll progress muscle size either through calisthenic or weight training with a eating regime that balances out.

If I gain excess weight it's first noticeable around my gut and mostly stays there more than anywhere else of I gain more weight so I had to find ways to maintain my torso's physique even with doing martial arts and body weight workouts and what I have found is that doing core workouts like planks, side planks and side sit ups that focus on the obliques have gone a long way for me. And now I have a very strong core and looks strong as well. Perhaps you can implement similar workouts if you're having that stubborn fat around the same area.
hailourtruegod said:
EnkiUK55 said:
My diet is out at the moment HP

Im doing a bulk aiminig for 17st eating everything in sight...(adding vitamins green supplements etc)

Im taking medication that is causing constipation so im kind of freaking out is it the additional food medication....oh bro am fed up of it having to take laxatives.

I moght just stick to gym stop going for "bulk" and focus on proper diet.

How's your yoga routine? Have you been doing it constantly? Personally it has helped me greatly with my digestion but I have to keep doing it everyday for it to be so. Idk if you have the exact same problem but just giving my two cents just in case it helps.

Because im training for bulk mate I have neglected kundalini just a tad. Probably should maybe cap it at 17 or even a steady 16st. I would be happy with that (as long as i can do a number 2 :lol: )

You might just have cracked it for me thanks as I have a kundalini yoga DVD which has such poses to eliminate that.

Really struggling with said thing bro cheers.
Aquarius said:
Username said:
Is any type of sugar in any amount bad for spiritual health like how alcohol is ? I read somewhere before I even knew about JoS that sugar calcifies the pineal gland. Is that true ? The fact that sugar is almost in 90% of the food that an average person eats makes me feel suspicious. Feel that its done by the disgusting scums a.k.a jews.

I have avoided all forms of sugars since then, even from the fruits. Almost all fruits contain sugar although they are different sugar. Therefore, I have stopped eating fruits in entirety. Am I harming myself by doing this ?

White rice is something that I can't avoid and have heard that its akin to eating table sugar directly. I do not know if that's true.
If you want to avoid sugar, you should avoid the refined one, it's completely devoid of anything good for your body. But fruits are totally good, eat as much as you want, the have minerals, vitamins, ecc and they don't make your blood sugar spike high as fruits have fiber so the sugar is not being pumped in your blood instantly.

Lactose from real milk (and other dairy products is also healthy. Organic raw whole milk is the best, then we have organic whole milk and raw milk in second place. The rest is all rubbish. The most rubbish milk is skimmed milk. Absolute dog shit.
EnkiUK55 said:
hailourtruegod said:
EnkiUK55 said:
My diet is out at the moment HP

Im doing a bulk aiminig for 17st eating everything in sight...(adding vitamins green supplements etc)

Im taking medication that is causing constipation so im kind of freaking out is it the additional food medication....oh bro am fed up of it having to take laxatives.

I moght just stick to gym stop going for "bulk" and focus on proper diet.

How's your yoga routine? Have you been doing it constantly? Personally it has helped me greatly with my digestion but I have to keep doing it everyday for it to be so. Idk if you have the exact same problem but just giving my two cents just in case it helps.

Because im training for bulk mate I have neglected kundalini just a tad. Probably should maybe cap it at 17 or even a steady 16st. I would be happy with that (as long as i can do a number 2 :lol: )

You might just have cracked it for me thanks as I have a kundalini yoga DVD which has such poses to eliminate that.

Really struggling with said thing bro cheers.

I'm against bulks but I can still advise that Sitkari and Sithali help with digestion and elimination. You can find in the page with all the breathing exercises.
hailourtruegod said:
SATchives said:

If I gain excess weight it's first noticeable around my gut and mostly stays there more than anywhere else of I gain more weight so I had to find ways to maintain my torso's physique even with doing martial arts and body weight workouts and what I have found is that doing core workouts like planks, side planks and side sit ups that focus on the obliques have gone a long way for me. And now I have a very strong core and looks strong as well. Perhaps you can implement similar workouts if you're having that stubborn fat around the same area.

I'll start doing more core exercises, thanks for the tip
Stormblood said:
SATchives said:

I think I sent an incomplete message earlier. Apologies for this. What I meant is not to avoid a calorie deficit altogether. What I meant is to achieve your calorie deficient state through physical activity rather than reducing food consumption. This will help you more long-term. Boxing is amazing for getting and staying in shape, and also for anger management and aggression management purposes. Not to mention, it develops muscles that you wouldn't use otherwise, as you will surely have noticed. Punching and striking drills are not exactly part of other things such as gymnastics, calisthenics, weight-lifting and so on.

Also, the looks the statues have can be achieved with any training method if looks is your goal. If you want to be the strongest while still having an harmonious muscle size like the statues of the Gods in Ancient Greece, the only way is through gymnastics. This is because that was the discipline there and it has the greatest strength per size ratio. Other training disciplines develop less density, as scientific studies prove. It's more of question of what you are looking for. If you are looking just for appearance, then any means is great for that. Other pursuits (i.e. health, survival, tactical, strength...) will lower the pool of options. But this is unrelated to diet, so let's not discuss it here. Sorry for bringing it up. Force of habit.

Back to diet, one thing I can suggest, if you don't do it already, is to eat mindfully. In other words, focus only on the eating experience and what you wish to gain out of it, instead of eating mindlessly like other people who focus on tv, work or whatever while reading. Another thing I can suggest is to program your body to lose excess body fat. You can be specific with that and select how much you want of it, as well as what areas need to go first. Really focus on your body, even if you do it in a self-hypnosis experience instead of a working. It needs to become imprinted in your body and soul, so that it is manifested exactly as you want. Forever. Visualise it, feel it, etc.

Another good habit to pick up is, whenever you're visualising yourself doing something as a part of a working, self-hypnosis, or simply awareness meditation, is to visualise your body exactly how you want it to be, instead of visualising it like you are know. It's a minor detail in the visualisation as your goal is another in those cases, but it pays off without detracting from what you are doing. It needs to become part of your identity. You are not fat, chubby or whatever. You are fit and athletic like a Greek God. And this identity is connected to your values in x way.

Now, I'll stop with the unsolicited advice and you can tell me to fuck off, if you want lol :lol:

It's really good advice, thanks, by gymnastics you are referring to calisthenics and body weight, I assume. I'll start being more mindful of when I am eating too, haha I refuse to watch t.v but I do sometimes do others things while eating. I'll visualize the best to my abilities, it's an area I really lack in but I'll keep my mind on that goal.

I want to be strong and look like the Statues of the Gods. I feel like just looking the part isn't good enough, and not real enough. What's the point in having muscle if it's not there to make you stronger and feel stronger.

If you have any sources for calisthenics could you share them, I know I need rings, I've been planning to get rings for awhile because of how versatile they are.
Stormblood said:
EnkiUK55 said:
hailourtruegod said:
How's your yoga routine? Have you been doing it constantly? Personally it has helped me greatly with my digestion but I have to keep doing it everyday for it to be so. Idk if you have the exact same problem but just giving my two cents just in case it helps.

Because im training for bulk mate I have neglected kundalini just a tad. Probably should maybe cap it at 17 or even a steady 16st. I would be happy with that (as long as i can do a number 2 :lol: )

You might just have cracked it for me thanks as I have a kundalini yoga DVD which has such poses to eliminate that.

Really struggling with said thing bro cheers.

I'm against bulks but I can still advise that Sitkari and Sithali help with digestion and elimination. You can find in the page with all the breathing exercises.

Thank you Bro
Stormblood said:
EnkiUK55 said:
hailourtruegod said:
How's your yoga routine? Have you been doing it constantly? Personally it has helped me greatly with my digestion but I have to keep doing it everyday for it to be so. Idk if you have the exact same problem but just giving my two cents just in case it helps.

Because im training for bulk mate I have neglected kundalini just a tad. Probably should maybe cap it at 17 or even a steady 16st. I would be happy with that (as long as i can do a number 2 :lol: )

You might just have cracked it for me thanks as I have a kundalini yoga DVD which has such poses to eliminate that.

Really struggling with said thing bro cheers.

I'm against bulks but I can still advise that Sitkari and Sithali help with digestion and elimination. You can find in the page with all the breathing exercises.

Forgot to add Stormblood only doing a bulk due to only training with small weights and doing caveman workouts during this nonsense. It made me not so much loose weight just not put any decent muscle on and i put a good bit of fat on.

I know you are a very clued up man on all this and respect the reply i thought i should ad that in to my last post as i was in a rush.

The constipatiopn is bad due to current medication but im detrmined to get back to the "size" i was i know exactly what you mean mat.

Aquarius said:
Username said:
Is any type of sugar in any amount bad for spiritual health like how alcohol is ? I read somewhere before I even knew about JoS that sugar calcifies the pineal gland. Is that true ? The fact that sugar is almost in 90% of the food that an average person eats makes me feel suspicious. Feel that its done by the disgusting scums a.k.a jews.

I have avoided all forms of sugars since then, even from the fruits. Almost all fruits contain sugar although they are different sugar. Therefore, I have stopped eating fruits in entirety. Am I harming myself by doing this ?

White rice is something that I can't avoid and have heard that its akin to eating table sugar directly. I do not know if that's true.
If you want to avoid sugar, you should avoid the refined one, it's completely devoid of anything good for your body. But fruits are totally good, eat as much as you want, the have minerals, vitamins, ecc and they don't make your blood sugar spike high as fruits have fiber so the sugar is not being pumped in your blood instantly.

Thank you for your advice.
SATchives said:
It's really good advice, thanks, by gymnastics you are referring to calisthenics and body weight, I assume. I'll start being more mindful of when I am eating too, haha I refuse to watch t.v but I do sometimes do others things while eating. I'll visualize the best to my abilities, it's an area I really lack in but I'll keep my mind on that goal.

I want to be strong and look like the Statues of the Gods. I feel like just looking the part isn't good enough, and not real enough. What's the point in having muscle if it's not there to make you stronger and feel stronger.

If you have any sources for calisthenics could you share them, I know I need rings, I've been planning to get rings for awhile because of how versatile they are.

No, I don't mean calisthenics. Calisthenics is a a rushed version of gymnastics, and focuses only on preparatory elements that in gymnastics are used to develop the strength needed to, for example, move on the apparatus for MAG. Proper gymnastics coaches (there are bad ones in this field too, like in any area), will have you develop the proper strength, flexibility, and balance before allowing you to move on the various apparata and do certain routines (for those who don't train in MAG but in other gymnastic disciplines).

The key difference is that progression is focused on the development of both the necessary strength AND flexibility. If you only develop one of them, you wouldn't be allowed to move to the next element in the progression. The other key difference is that flexibility is integrated in training and constitutes 50% of your training time, not just 5-10 minutes during warm up and 5-10 minutes during cool down and maybe a "flexibility day" like in calisthenics. The final key difference I can think of, is that you develop much greater body awareness and body control.

As such, progression is slower, steadier and safer during this foundational stage. When you move to the apparata, things become trickier as the risk of injury is higher. Examples of foundational skills that are developed are free handstands (2 minutes), front lever, side lever, manna, hollow body press, rope climb (with proper techniques and form), planche, single leg squat. Most calisthenics people I've seen, even supposed coaches online (and in person) don't have proper body alignment during planks and press-ups, which are beginner foundational exercises. This leads to injury due to recruiting muscles that are not supposed to be used.

Movement drills such as cartwheel, handsprings, rolls and so are apart from this foundation, and developed concurrently. Obviously, these are done safely on mats, rather than a solid floor. This is done to minimise the risk of injury as much as possible.

This is for adults. I have no idea how children are trained, honestly.

MAG apparatus uses of all your body muscles, especially upper body and core.

As far as resources go, you're better off looking for resources that gymnastics coaches use during their studies. I'm sure you'll find them in your country's governing body website. Alternatively, you can have a look on the same website from English-speaking countries, especially TB and USA. If you speak Romanian or Italian, they have particular good resources too.

Rings are initially used to lead to proper pull-ups. For example, you start with 3 variations of ring rows. This builds the proper strength for them. But even pull-ups is considered a moderate/intermediate exercise at best. Rings used for exercises that Olympic and other competitive gymnasts use, come later and they are not at all safe to do anywhere but in a gymnastics centre (the real gymnasium). There you can always let go of the rings safely and fall into the pit where you will not get hurt. If you do that in other places and fall to the floor, you'd obviously get hurt. Very seriously, most likely.

A reminder: people starting during the adult age are highly unlikely to become as skilled as Olympic athletes, but you can still pack a great deal of bodily skills, superior to most human beings (and more versatile).
EnkiUK55 said:
Stormblood said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Because im training for bulk mate I have neglected kundalini just a tad. Probably should maybe cap it at 17 or even a steady 16st. I would be happy with that (as long as i can do a number 2 :lol: )

You might just have cracked it for me thanks as I have a kundalini yoga DVD which has such poses to eliminate that.

Really struggling with said thing bro cheers.

I'm against bulks but I can still advise that Sitkari and Sithali help with digestion and elimination. You can find in the page with all the breathing exercises.

Forgot to add Stormblood only doing a bulk due to only training with small weights and doing caveman workouts during this nonsense. It made me not so much loose weight just not put any decent muscle on and i put a good bit of fat on.

I know you are a very clued up man on all this and respect the reply i thought i should ad that in to my last post as i was in a rush.

The constipatiopn is bad due to current medication but im detrmined to get back to the "size" i was i know exactly what you mean mat.


You don't have to justify to me why you're doing a bulk or whatever. The body is yours to decide what you do with it.

Have you opened a post on the Health forum? I'm sure Blitzkreig, Centralforce or someone else who is experienced in the medical arts can provide in-depth help to counter this side effect of the medication.
Stormblood said:
SATchives said:
It's really good advice, thanks, by gymnastics you are referring to calisthenics and body weight, I assume. I'll start being more mindful of when I am eating too, haha I refuse to watch t.v but I do sometimes do others things while eating. I'll visualize the best to my abilities, it's an area I really lack in but I'll keep my mind on that goal.

I want to be strong and look like the Statues of the Gods. I feel like just looking the part isn't good enough, and not real enough. What's the point in having muscle if it's not there to make you stronger and feel stronger.

If you have any sources for calisthenics could you share them, I know I need rings, I've been planning to get rings for awhile because of how versatile they are.

No, I don't mean calisthenics. Calisthenics is a a rushed version of gymnastics, and focuses only on preparatory elements that in gymnastics are used to develop the strength needed to, for example, move on the apparatus for MAG. Proper gymnastics coaches (there are bad ones in this field too, like in any area), will have you develop the proper strength, flexibility, and balance before allowing you to move on the various apparata and do certain routines (for those who don't train in MAG but in other gymnastic disciplines).

The key difference is that progression is focused on the development of both the necessary strength AND flexibility. If you only develop one of them, you wouldn't be allowed to move to the next element in the progression. The other key difference is that flexibility is integrated in training and constitutes 50% of your training time, not just 5-10 minutes during warm up and 5-10 minutes during cool down and maybe a "flexibility day" like in calisthenics. The final key difference I can think of, is that you develop much greater body awareness and body control.

As such, progression is slower, steadier and safer during this foundational stage. When you move to the apparata, things become trickier as the risk of injury is higher. Examples of foundational skills that are developed are free handstands (2 minutes), front lever, side lever, manna, hollow body press, rope climb (with proper techniques and form), planche, single leg squat. Most calisthenics people I've seen, even supposed coaches online (and in person) don't have proper body alignment during planks and press-ups, which are beginner foundational exercises. This leads to injury due to recruiting muscles that are not supposed to be used.

Movement drills such as cartwheel, handsprings, rolls and so are apart from this foundation, and developed concurrently. Obviously, these are done safely on mats, rather than a solid floor. This is done to minimise the risk of injury as much as possible.

This is for adults. I have no idea how children are trained, honestly.

MAG apparatus uses of all your body muscles, especially upper body and core.

As far as resources go, you're better off looking for resources that gymnastics coaches use during their studies. I'm sure you'll find them in your country's governing body website. Alternatively, you can have a look on the same website from English-speaking countries, especially TB and USA. If you speak Romanian or Italian, they have particular good resources too.

Rings are initially used to lead to proper pull-ups. For example, you start with 3 variations of ring rows. This builds the proper strength for them. But even pull-ups is considered a moderate/intermediate exercise at best. Rings used for exercises that Olympic and other competitive gymnasts use, come later and they are not at all safe to do anywhere but in a gymnastics centre (the real gymnasium). There you can always let go of the rings safely and fall into the pit where you will not get hurt. If you do that in other places and fall to the floor, you'd obviously get hurt. Very seriously, most likely.

A reminder: people starting during the adult age are highly unlikely to become as skilled as Olympic athletes, but you can still pack a great deal of bodily skills, superior to most human beings (and more versatile).

If I go look for a gymnast coach, what are a few things I should ask them, to make sure they are legit / train the right way?
Stormblood said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Stormblood said:
I'm against bulks but I can still advise that Sitkari and Sithali help with digestion and elimination. You can find in the page with all the breathing exercises.

Forgot to add Stormblood only doing a bulk due to only training with small weights and doing caveman workouts during this nonsense. It made me not so much loose weight just not put any decent muscle on and i put a good bit of fat on.

I know you are a very clued up man on all this and respect the reply i thought i should ad that in to my last post as i was in a rush.

The constipatiopn is bad due to current medication but im detrmined to get back to the "size" i was i know exactly what you mean mat.


You don't have to justify to me why you're doing a bulk or whatever. The body is yours to decide what you do with it.

Have you opened a post on the Health forum? I'm sure Blitzkreig, Centralforce or someone else who is experienced in the medical arts can provide in-depth help to counter this side effect of the medication.

Thanks Stormblood for reply , no I havent but i should yeah cheers pal.
SATchives said:
If I go look for a gymnast coach, what are a few things I should ask them, to make sure they are legit / train the right way?

I'm not sure about that, because I don't usually ask questions. Even in school/university, I am used to doing an amount of research that most others consider scary and huge, so I never have questions for teachers/instructors/etc. This is because I used to be shy, and I am still shy in some ways. Since nobody ever helped me on the social side, I had to build a great alternative habit to that. Sorry if that's not helpful.

When your base strength and flexibility are not properly developed, you'll notice your progress will be quite slow and you may even feel pain during training, which will lead to injury if you persist. Gymnastics for adult beginners, at least from my observation, is usually not taken very seriously by coaches. You'll have much less availability of classes, usually in the late evening. No open gym, and so on. You'll be lucky to even have the possibility to do it more than once a week, or to find someone that can give you one-on-one sessions.

It's difficult because most people is culturally brainwashed into modern fake gyms, and gymnastics coaches prefer to work with children they can bring to Olympic levels rather than with adults that have a history a skipping classes in general and suing them if they get hurt. Not to mention adults in general don't listen to the coaches and don't trust, going by whatever they think is right, which is usually actually wrong. They have built-in fears and biases. Considering all those factors, coaches are generally discouraged from working with adults, and prefer children because they can give them a lot more satisfaction in teaching because of their results and natural trust.

Maybe you could make your intention clear. Tell them you have no rush and want to learn things properly. Disclose your goals and so on. Ensure them you're not going to skip classes (and mean it). You most likely have an inquisitive mind, so questions will come to you. The biggest thing in learning gymnastics as an adult is let go of fear. If a coach tells you to do something that seems scary, they tell you because you can do it. They wouldn't tell you otherwise. So, if you are scared, challenge your fears. Ask them all the "what if" questions that play in your mind, and they will answer them for you. I was scared on the rings that I would tear my shoulders apart. They clarified for me what to do if the strain is excessive, and the action you can take is always 100% safe. I only told them because they asked me why was I not pushing myself to do what they asked. Otherwise, I would have been stuck that day and would have to go at home and read/watch a lot of stuff.

Wait, one thing that comes to mind is that you could ask them if you can watch some sessions, so you can see for yourself.

Is this helpful to you at all?
Yeah it does help, but after looking there isn't much around me, I'll just focus on doing more with my yoga, to gain more flexibility and try to do my research from there, I need to read those books Lydia shared the other week. and experiment on what exercises work for maximum strength and muscle mass.
Anybody notice the sun glyph inside of citrus fruits?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Spiritual Satanism there are no dietary restrictions. As it has been stated, one is able to eat anything they think is best for them, what they like, but also, since our only sin is stupidity, we should be tentative to a healthy lifestyle.

There are no real "specific diets" that one has to follow. The optimal diet to follow is what satisfies one, and what one is most importantly healthy from. This ranges between people, changes with medical conditions, and also what one wants to attain.

When it comes to specific spiritual practices, specific choices of food may be the best thing to follow. In short, if you want to do serious meditations, you might want to avoid foos that cause gasses on the stomach, and foods that make you extremely heavy or uncomfortable.

Overeating, or under eating, can indirectly affect the quality of your meditation. This can be overcome when you are very experienced, but it is better to avoid this. You cannot sit to calmly meditate while experiencing extensive hunger or extensive filling.

The purpose of eating food, it's extremely important to eat nourishing food. Let us not comment on what garbage "Food" circulates this world or how it's constantly being devalued in it's essence and properties, with much of it being empty junk that hardly provides nutrition.

In Ancient Greek, the word for "Food" is etymologically related to the notion of "Light". [Fai-Fos]. The good food is not only nourishing to the material body, but also energizing the body that can later increase the soul.

Inside food, there is contained, to a lesser or higher extent, a certain portion of light, or rather, it's created after ingestion inside the body. Depending on the food, the release can be slower or faster [sugar is the fastest but wears off quickly and is of measly essence, cards are slower, proteins the lowest, the list goes].

Meat absorbs slower, and releases more of this living energy. Greens and other similar foods, do provide another level of this energy or in plain, bioelectricity.

All of the above is to be related to your inner balances. There is no specific diet you must follow in Spiritual Satanism. The diet of other people might not for you, be deadly, and or might simply not fit your necessities.

Anyone who tries to enforce a specific "diet", is only shilling and one must never listen to them. Because that is irrational nonsense. As one also is different as an individual or a human being [race also], certain diets that work with one can be incompatible with another.

There are people who can drink milk in the gallons, and people who if they drink one glass, unease and other problems ensue quickly.

These also relate to your elements in your body, personal health situation, or what you seek to attain. You can also check into Aurvedic or Chinese Medicine and get more information about your specific case here, but also, when you are past a point, this will arise for you out of meditation and because of how well connected you are to your own body.

Shadowkat said:
It essentially comes down to energy indeed which is why we must eat. Plants conduct photosynthesis to use direct sunlight for food. Plant eaters take up that energy when they graze and likewise then with carnivores who eat meat. It's a literal chain.

I wonder if our yogic breathing and foundation meditations can have these effects directly in the long term. Aside from decreased appetite possibly being a kundalini manifestation, I wonder if this also can come from the body absorbing energy directly these ways which is basically the closest an animal would get to photosynthesis so to speak. Energy from the sun is literally fuel in several ways.

The physical body requires physical sustenance, which is from physical foods. However, the sunlight does also "Feeds" the very soul. And less of this type of hunger [sometimes conflated with physical hunger which can lead to obesity], can bring a balance to the material hunger.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
SATchives said:
I wish more than anything I could eat steak and fish all day, maybe one day. I'll try to go hunting in a month or two see if I have any luck. I am trying to get into a certain fitness, and what I am finding the most difficult is getting 200g of protein in my diet a day while still staying calorie deficient, as I do need to lose a little weight.

I cut out all processed foods except the protein powder I am using, hopefully I can do that as well soon.
Are you 100kg elite athlete, or over 125kg normal athlete? Because that's how much you should weigh with 200g protein intake.

I recently came across this one: Does Protein Powder Work? (Spoiler: YES, but there's a catch) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MNFSIsx_f0

The video includes meta-analysis review of protein intake for athletes so I would recommend seeing this.

Personally I can do well with way under 2g/kg protein intake daily. 1.1-1.5g/kg is just fine.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
