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High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
A few things...

I know my other post was cut off. When a planet is in conjunction with an angle- the ascendant/decendant axis, or the midheaven/IC axis, this gives it more power in the chart. The affairs of the house/s it rules over are more emphasized in the life. For example...say uranus is conjunct the midheaven from the tenth house side, and aquarius is on the cusp of the third [uranus rules aquarius], the affairs of the third house will be more of a factor in the life, such as communications, and given this is on the midheaven, 10th house, one who has this will more than likely have above average communications skills, and often work at a job where his/her communications skills are put to use, such as speaking, writing, even working on a PC and to a lesser extent, working in customer service on the telephone. Uranus adds more here in the way of one using computers and other electronics and also future oriented devices, often with a more than average interest in
them. In addition, the person will be freedom loving and have a need for freedom on the job, or to work independently. All of the above will be factors affecting one individually. On a lesser level, siblings, relatives and such can also factor in. You have to look at the entire chart to see which of the affairs of the house in question are most prominent in the life of the owner of the chart.

As for 'karma.' This concept has been abused to no end from spiritual exploiters- new age idiots [these ignorant fools work for the enemy- same way the judicial system does...let crime get so out of hand, that in the end, everyone's rights will be totally taken away, they are for and promote grave injustices], xians and other malignant filth. What this 'karma' really is and yes, one can see this in the astro charts, THIS HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ANY AGENDA OR CONFORMING IN ANY WAY, AS THE SPIRITUAL EXPLOITERS WOULD LIKE FOR US TO BELIEVE! What this is, is cause and effect. Like say you put your hand on a hot burner, you are going to get burned, nothing more.

The relationships we have with others, the experiences we have in our lives, what we dwell upon and how all of these affect us, this is taken onto the soul, as it is stored in the chakras and certain things manifest in future lives. We meet up with others from our past lives for better or for worse. Things one feels guilt about, if this is deep enough, they carry this into a future life and it can react with an even where one is punished. People who have low self-esteem often attract abusers into their lives as they tolerate abuse. Issues that someone in a past life has had, where the other person will not let go- vengeance, love, whatever...this also hangs on as those we have substantial interaction with, family, friends, lovers, through an event with another person, and they feel strongly enough about, we can meet up with them in a future life. What do you dwell on? What do you tolerate? How do you really feel about certain things? This all factors in,
with whom we attract. Because of spiritual ignorance, thosewho are without are damned into repeating and repeating the same old mistakes and meeting up with the same abuses throughout lifetimes. This is what the enemy wants. Only through Satan can we get out of this and this is through consistent yoga, power meditation and working to advance our souls. when we reach a certain point in meditation, our intuition and mind begin to work FOR us and help us, instead of wreaking havoc and being totally out of control.

Now, as for the nodes. The south node is not always bad and the north node is not always fortunate. The nodes are of fate...for better or for worse. I have seen horrible things with the south node, but also the opposite as well. Like I said...it is not always an unfortunate influence. Olympic gymnast Shannon Miller has venus conjunt the south node. Venus rules money and also gymnastics [along with mercury], and she was a millionaire at 16. Jupiter ties in with her nodes as well.

Now, on the other hand...Hellen Keller, blind and deaf since early childhood, has many fated planets and aspects that reveal this. Scorpio ascendant with co-ruler mars at 15 degrees of leo. Others who have this degree...one of the most unfortunate of degrees, with a very high incidence [but not always] of blindness and deafness, are Beethoven [deaf], Stevie Wonder [blind], Michael Jackson, though now blind or deaf, had incessant plastic surgeries to where his nose was falling off of his face, and a chart I did years ago; a hermaphrodite- the degree oposite- 15 degrees into aquarius.

Getting back to Helen Keller. Her sun [rules eyesight], was exactly conjunct the south node at 6 degrees; a degree of disability, BUT, you have to look at everything. Many, many people who are fine and healthy have a planet on the 6th degree, but when the chart is already badly afflicted and there are supporting aspects, and planetary placements, degrees and such, then you can be confident in making a prediction. Helen Keller had no planets in air signs. Air signs are communication signs and rule the sight and hearing; though fire signs rule sight to a lesser extent. Uranus, tightly conjunct her midheaven, with aquarius intercepted in the third house of communcations made her a writer, speaker and communicator.

Now, for a planets' strength. When you hear 'exalted' 'in its home sign' and such, the planet is much stronger. Saturn now transiting in libra is much stronger and more malefic in this sign, as it is in capricorn. What this means is if it is hitting on your personal planets, the effects are much worse in the way of crisises, and other nasties manifesting in your life. When it is in aries [its fall] and cancer[detriment], its malice is somewhat watered down. I have seen repeatedly, in books written by idiots, who claim that saturn in libra is good for marriages and that sort of thing. Not so. Very few people with saturn in libra have happy marriages, love lives, or any at all, especially those who are without. This has to be cleaned off of the soul and meditated upon to correct this. Saturn in libra produces more singles than any other placement. Of course, high profile astrology authors often claim the opposite, but do your own research on this one.
Exaltation only strengthens a planet for better or worse...it does not make the effects of that planet more pleasant, as many idiots out there try to get you to believe. Same goes with the home sign.

In closing...I have written about this before. Most astrology texts rave about the beauty and great fortune of a jupiter/venus conjunction or trine. This is not so. I knew a man who had sagittarius on his ascendant, ruled by jupiter, with a tight venus/jupiter conjuncton in his seventh house. Time and again, I have seen in charts- the ruler of the sixth house of health, REGARDLESS of the planet, in aspect to the chart ruler or and one of the co-ruler/s, there is more than average health problems, often relating to the areas of the body and diseases of the planet making the aspect to the ruler. This man, with this so-called 'beautiful' jupiter/venus conjunction swallowed a strong cleaning solution at the age of two. Venus rules the throat. His throat was deeply scarred from this and he suffered throughout his life with this. On the upside, he lived well, he was of extremely high intelligence [college professor], and enjoyed some good fortunes form this
conjunction, but the bad effects of this were pronounced as well.

Another example...actress Elizabeth Taylor. Libra on the ascendant, venus trining jupiter. Jupiter co-ruler of pisces on her sixth house cusp. She had numerous health problems throughout her life. Her Jupiter was at 15 degrees of leo, as well. Neptune, ruling pisces is at 6 of virgo.

Also, saturn retrograde does not affect black magick. I know this for a fact.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Sorry about the typo:
'Michael Jackson, though now blind or deaf,'
should be 'Michael Jackson, though NOT blind or deaf, '

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

A few things...

I know my other post was cut off. When a planet is in conjunction with an angle- the ascendant/decendant axis, or the midheaven/IC axis, this gives it more power in the chart. The affairs of the house/s it rules over are more emphasized in the life. For example...say uranus is conjunct the midheaven from the tenth house side, and aquarius is on the cusp of the third [uranus rules aquarius], the affairs of the third house will be more of a factor in the life, such as communications, and given this is on the midheaven, 10th house, one who has this will more than likely have above average communications skills, and often work at a job where his/her communications skills are put to use, such as speaking, writing, even working on a PC and to a lesser extent, working in customer service on the telephone. Uranus adds more here in the way of one using computers and other electronics and also future oriented devices, often with a more than average interest in
them. In addition, the person will be freedom loving and have a need for freedom on the job, or to work independently. All of the above will be factors affecting one individually. On a lesser level, siblings, relatives and such can also factor in. You have to look at the entire chart to see which of the affairs of the house in question are most prominent in the life of the owner of the chart.

As for 'karma.' This concept has been abused to no end from spiritual exploiters- new age idiots [these ignorant fools work for the enemy- same way the judicial system does...let crime get so out of hand, that in the end, everyone's rights will be totally taken away, they are for and promote grave injustices], xians and other malignant filth. What this 'karma' really is and yes, one can see this in the astro charts, THIS HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ANY AGENDA OR CONFORMING IN ANY WAY, AS THE SPIRITUAL EXPLOITERS WOULD LIKE FOR US TO BELIEVE! What this is, is cause and effect. Like say you put your hand on a hot burner, you are going to get burned, nothing more.

The relationships we have with others, the experiences we have in our lives, what we dwell upon and how all of these affect us, this is taken onto the soul, as it is stored in the chakras and certain things manifest in future lives. We meet up with others from our past lives for better or for worse. Things one feels guilt about, if this is deep enough, they carry this into a future life and it can react with an even where one is punished. People who have low self-esteem often attract abusers into their lives as they tolerate abuse. Issues that someone in a past life has had, where the other person will not let go- vengeance, love, whatever...this also hangs on as those we have substantial interaction with, family, friends, lovers, through an event with another person, and they feel strongly enough about, we can meet up with them in a future life. What do you dwell on? What do you tolerate? How do you really feel about certain things? This all factors
with whom we attract. Because of spiritual ignorance, thosewho are without are damned into repeating and repeating the same old mistakes and meeting up with the same abuses throughout lifetimes. This is what the enemy wants. Only through Satan can we get out of this and this is through consistent yoga, power meditation and working to advance our souls. when we reach a certain point in meditation, our intuition and mind begin to work FOR us and help us, instead of wreaking havoc and being totally out of control.

Now, as for the nodes. The south node is not always bad and the north node is not always fortunate. The nodes are of fate...for better or for worse. I have seen horrible things with the south node, but also the opposite as well. Like I said...it is not always an unfortunate influence. Olympic gymnast Shannon Miller has venus conjunt the south node. Venus rules money and also gymnastics [along with mercury], and she was a millionaire at 16. Jupiter ties in with her nodes as well.

Now, on the other hand...Hellen Keller, blind and deaf since early childhood, has many fated planets and aspects that reveal this. Scorpio ascendant with co-ruler mars at 15 degrees of leo. Others who have this degree...one of the most unfortunate of degrees, with a very high incidence [but not always] of blindness and deafness, are Beethoven [deaf], Stevie Wonder [blind], Michael Jackson, though now blind or deaf, had incessant plastic surgeries to where his nose was falling off of his face, and a chart I did years ago; a hermaphrodite- the degree oposite- 15 degrees into aquarius.

Getting back to Helen Keller. Her sun [rules eyesight], was exactly conjunct the south node at 6 degrees; a degree of disability, BUT, you have to look at everything. Many, many people who are fine and healthy have a planet on the 6th degree, but when the chart is already badly afflicted and there are supporting aspects, and planetary placements, degrees and such, then you can be confident in making a prediction. Helen Keller had no planets in air signs. Air signs are communication signs and rule the sight and hearing; though fire signs rule sight to a lesser extent. Uranus, tightly conjunct her midheaven, with aquarius intercepted in the third house of communcations made her a writer, speaker and communicator.

Now, for a planets' strength. When you hear 'exalted' 'in its home sign' and such, the planet is much stronger. Saturn now transiting in libra is much stronger and more malefic in this sign, as it is in capricorn. What this means is if it is hitting on your personal planets, the effects are much worse in the way of crisises, and other nasties manifesting in your life. When it is in aries [its fall] and cancer[detriment], its malice is somewhat watered down. I have seen repeatedly, in books written by idiots, who claim that saturn in libra is good for marriages and that sort of thing. Not so. Very few people with saturn in libra have happy marriages, love lives, or any at all, especially those who are without. This has to be cleaned off of the soul and meditated upon to correct this. Saturn in libra produces more singles than any other placement. Of course, high profile astrology authors often claim the opposite, but do your own research on this one.
Exaltation only strengthens a planet for better or worse...it does not make the effects of that planet more pleasant, as many idiots out there try to get you to believe. Same goes with the home sign.

In closing...I have written about this before. Most astrology texts rave about the beauty and great fortune of a jupiter/venus conjunction or trine. This is not so. I knew a man who had sagittarius on his ascendant, ruled by jupiter, with a tight venus/jupiter conjuncton in his seventh house. Time and again, I have seen in charts- the ruler of the sixth house of health, REGARDLESS of the planet, in aspect to the chart ruler or and one of the co-ruler/s, there is more than average health problems, often relating to the areas of the body and diseases of the planet making the aspect to the ruler. This man, with this so-called 'beautiful' jupiter/venus conjunction swallowed a strong cleaning solution at the age of two. Venus rules the throat. His throat was deeply scarred from this and he suffered throughout his life with this. On the upside, he lived well, he was of extremely high intelligence [college professor], and enjoyed some good fortunes form this
conjunction, but the bad effects of this were pronounced as well.

Another example...actress Elizabeth Taylor. Libra on the ascendant, venus trining jupiter. Jupiter co-ruler of pisces on her sixth house cusp. She had numerous health problems throughout her life. Her Jupiter was at 15 degrees of leo, as well. Neptune, ruling pisces is at 6 of virgo.

Also, saturn retrograde does not affect black magick. I know this for a fact.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Oh dang, thank you thank you HP Maxine.
You really clear things up:)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

Sorry about the typo:
'Michael Jackson, though now blind or deaf,'
should be 'Michael Jackson, though NOT blind or deaf, '

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

A few things...

I know my other post was cut off. When a planet is in conjunction with an angle- the ascendant/decendant axis, or the midheaven/IC axis, this gives it more power in the chart. The affairs of the house/s it rules over are more emphasized in the life. For example...say uranus is conjunct the midheaven from the tenth house side, and aquarius is on the cusp of the third [uranus rules aquarius], the affairs of the third house will be more of a factor in the life, such as communications, and given this is on the midheaven, 10th house, one who has this will more than likely have above average communications skills, and often work at a job where his/her communications skills are put to use, such as speaking, writing, even working on a PC and to a lesser extent, working in customer service on the telephone. Uranus adds more here in the way of one using computers and other electronics and also future oriented devices, often with a more than average interest in
them. In addition, the person will be freedom loving and have a need for freedom on the job, or to work independently. All of the above will be factors affecting one individually. On a lesser level, siblings, relatives and such can also factor in. You have to look at the entire chart to see which of the affairs of the house in question are most prominent in the life of the owner of the chart.

As for 'karma.' This concept has been abused to no end from spiritual exploiters- new age idiots [these ignorant fools work for the enemy- same way the judicial system does...let crime get so out of hand, that in the end, everyone's rights will be totally taken away, they are for and promote grave injustices], xians and other malignant filth. What this 'karma' really is and yes, one can see this in the astro charts, THIS HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ANY AGENDA OR CONFORMING IN ANY WAY, AS THE SPIRITUAL EXPLOITERS WOULD LIKE FOR US TO BELIEVE! What this is, is cause and effect. Like say you put your hand on a hot burner, you are going to get burned, nothing more.

The relationships we have with others, the experiences we have in our lives, what we dwell upon and how all of these affect us, this is taken onto the soul, as it is stored in the chakras and certain things manifest in future lives. We meet up with others from our past lives for better or for worse. Things one feels guilt about, if this is deep enough, they carry this into a future life and it can react with an even where one is punished. People who have low self-esteem often attract abusers into their lives as they tolerate abuse. Issues that someone in a past life has had, where the other person will not let go- vengeance, love, whatever...this also hangs on as those we have substantial interaction with, family, friends, lovers, through an event with another person, and they feel strongly enough about, we can meet up with them in a future life. What do you dwell on? What do you tolerate? How do you really feel about certain things? This all factors
with whom we attract. Because of spiritual ignorance, thosewho are without are damned into repeating and repeating the same old mistakes and meeting up with the same abuses throughout lifetimes. This is what the enemy wants. Only through Satan can we get out of this and this is through consistent yoga, power meditation and working to advance our souls. when we reach a certain point in meditation, our intuition and mind begin to work FOR us and help us, instead of wreaking havoc and being totally out of control.

Now, as for the nodes. The south node is not always bad and the north node is not always fortunate. The nodes are of fate...for better or for worse. I have seen horrible things with the south node, but also the opposite as well. Like I said...it is not always an unfortunate influence. Olympic gymnast Shannon Miller has venus conjunt the south node. Venus rules money and also gymnastics [along with mercury], and she was a millionaire at 16. Jupiter ties in with her nodes as well.

Now, on the other hand...Hellen Keller, blind and deaf since early childhood, has many fated planets and aspects that reveal this. Scorpio ascendant with co-ruler mars at 15 degrees of leo. Others who have this degree...one of the most unfortunate of degrees, with a very high incidence [but not always] of blindness and deafness, are Beethoven [deaf], Stevie Wonder [blind], Michael Jackson, though now blind or deaf, had incessant plastic surgeries to where his nose was falling off of his face, and a chart I did years ago; a hermaphrodite- the degree oposite- 15 degrees into aquarius.

Getting back to Helen Keller. Her sun [rules eyesight], was exactly conjunct the south node at 6 degrees; a degree of disability, BUT, you have to look at everything. Many, many people who are fine and healthy have a planet on the 6th degree, but when the chart is already badly afflicted and there are supporting aspects, and planetary placements, degrees and such, then you can be confident in making a prediction. Helen Keller had no planets in air signs. Air signs are communication signs and rule the sight and hearing; though fire signs rule sight to a lesser extent. Uranus, tightly conjunct her midheaven, with aquarius intercepted in the third house of communcations made her a writer, speaker and communicator.

Now, for a planets' strength. When you hear 'exalted' 'in its home sign' and such, the planet is much stronger. Saturn now transiting in libra is much stronger and more malefic in this sign, as it is in capricorn. What this means is if it is hitting on your personal planets, the effects are much worse in the way of crisises, and other nasties manifesting in your life. When it is in aries [its fall] and cancer[detriment], its malice is somewhat watered down. I have seen repeatedly, in books written by idiots, who claim that saturn in libra is good for marriages and that sort of thing. Not so. Very few people with saturn in libra have happy marriages, love lives, or any at all, especially those who are without. This has to be cleaned off of the soul and meditated upon to correct this. Saturn in libra produces more singles than any other placement. Of course, high profile astrology authors often claim the opposite, but do your own research on this one.
Exaltation only strengthens a planet for better or worse...it does not make the effects of that planet more pleasant, as many idiots out there try to get you to believe. Same goes with the home sign.

In closing...I have written about this before. Most astrology texts rave about the beauty and great fortune of a jupiter/venus conjunction or trine. This is not so. I knew a man who had sagittarius on his ascendant, ruled by jupiter, with a tight venus/jupiter conjuncton in his seventh house. Time and again, I have seen in charts- the ruler of the sixth house of health, REGARDLESS of the planet, in aspect to the chart ruler or and one of the co-ruler/s, there is more than average health problems, often relating to the areas of the body and diseases of the planet making the aspect to the ruler. This man, with this so-called 'beautiful' jupiter/venus conjunction swallowed a strong cleaning solution at the age of two. Venus rules the throat. His throat was deeply scarred from this and he suffered throughout his life with this. On the upside, he lived well, he was of extremely high intelligence [college professor], and enjoyed some good fortunes form this
conjunction, but the bad effects of this were pronounced as well.

Another example...actress Elizabeth Taylor. Libra on the ascendant, venus trining jupiter. Jupiter co-ruler of pisces on her sixth house cusp. She had numerous health problems throughout her life. Her Jupiter was at 15 degrees of leo, as well. Neptune, ruling pisces is at 6 of virgo.

Also, saturn retrograde does not affect black magick. I know this for a fact.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
You know, if you wrote books about astrology, I think people would be willing to pay a fair bit for them.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

A few things...

I know my other post was cut off. When a planet is in conjunction with an angle- the ascendant/decendant axis, or the midheaven/IC axis, this gives it more power in the chart. The affairs of the house/s it rules over are more emphasized in the life. For example...say uranus is conjunct the midheaven from the tenth house side, and aquarius is on the cusp of the third [uranus rules aquarius], the affairs of the third house will be more of a factor in the life, such as communications, and given this is on the midheaven, 10th house, one who has this will more than likely have above average communications skills, and often work at a job where his/her communications skills are put to use, such as speaking, writing, even working on a PC and to a lesser extent, working in customer service on the telephone. Uranus adds more here in the way of one using computers and other electronics and also future oriented devices, often with a more than average interest in
them. In addition, the person will be freedom loving and have a need for freedom on the job, or to work independently. All of the above will be factors affecting one individually. On a lesser level, siblings, relatives and such can also factor in. You have to look at the entire chart to see which of the affairs of the house in question are most prominent in the life of the owner of the chart.

As for 'karma.' This concept has been abused to no end from spiritual exploiters- new age idiots [these ignorant fools work for the enemy- same way the judicial system does...let crime get so out of hand, that in the end, everyone's rights will be totally taken away, they are for and promote grave injustices], xians and other malignant filth. What this 'karma' really is and yes, one can see this in the astro charts, THIS HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ANY AGENDA OR CONFORMING IN ANY WAY, AS THE SPIRITUAL EXPLOITERS WOULD LIKE FOR US TO BELIEVE! What this is, is cause and effect. Like say you put your hand on a hot burner, you are going to get burned, nothing more.

The relationships we have with others, the experiences we have in our lives, what we dwell upon and how all of these affect us, this is taken onto the soul, as it is stored in the chakras and certain things manifest in future lives. We meet up with others from our past lives for better or for worse. Things one feels guilt about, if this is deep enough, they carry this into a future life and it can react with an even where one is punished. People who have low self-esteem often attract abusers into their lives as they tolerate abuse. Issues that someone in a past life has had, where the other person will not let go- vengeance, love, whatever...this also hangs on as those we have substantial interaction with, family, friends, lovers, through an event with another person, and they feel strongly enough about, we can meet up with them in a future life. What do you dwell on? What do you tolerate? How do you really feel about certain things? This all factors in,
with whom we attract. Because of spiritual ignorance, thosewho are without are damned into repeating and repeating the same old mistakes and meeting up with the same abuses throughout lifetimes. This is what the enemy wants. Only through Satan can we get out of this and this is through consistent yoga, power meditation and working to advance our souls. when we reach a certain point in meditation, our intuition and mind begin to work FOR us and help us, instead of wreaking havoc and being totally out of control.

Now, as for the nodes. The south node is not always bad and the north node is not always fortunate. The nodes are of fate...for better or for worse. I have seen horrible things with the south node, but also the opposite as well. Like I said...it is not always an unfortunate influence. Olympic gymnast Shannon Miller has venus conjunt the south node. Venus rules money and also gymnastics [along with mercury], and she was a millionaire at 16. Jupiter ties in with her nodes as well.

Now, on the other hand...Hellen Keller, blind and deaf since early childhood, has many fated planets and aspects that reveal this. Scorpio ascendant with co-ruler mars at 15 degrees of leo. Others who have this degree...one of the most unfortunate of degrees, with a very high incidence [but not always] of blindness and deafness, are Beethoven [deaf], Stevie Wonder [blind], Michael Jackson, though now blind or deaf, had incessant plastic surgeries to where his nose was falling off of his face, and a chart I did years ago; a hermaphrodite- the degree oposite- 15 degrees into aquarius.

Getting back to Helen Keller. Her sun [rules eyesight], was exactly conjunct the south node at 6 degrees; a degree of disability, BUT, you have to look at everything. Many, many people who are fine and healthy have a planet on the 6th degree, but when the chart is already badly afflicted and there are supporting aspects, and planetary placements, degrees and such, then you can be confident in making a prediction. Helen Keller had no planets in air signs. Air signs are communication signs and rule the sight and hearing; though fire signs rule sight to a lesser extent. Uranus, tightly conjunct her midheaven, with aquarius intercepted in the third house of communcations made her a writer, speaker and communicator.

Now, for a planets' strength. When you hear 'exalted' 'in its home sign' and such, the planet is much stronger. Saturn now transiting in libra is much stronger and more malefic in this sign, as it is in capricorn. What this means is if it is hitting on your personal planets, the effects are much worse in the way of crisises, and other nasties manifesting in your life. When it is in aries [its fall] and cancer[detriment], its malice is somewhat watered down. I have seen repeatedly, in books written by idiots, who claim that saturn in libra is good for marriages and that sort of thing. Not so. Very few people with saturn in libra have happy marriages, love lives, or any at all, especially those who are without. This has to be cleaned off of the soul and meditated upon to correct this. Saturn in libra produces more singles than any other placement. Of course, high profile astrology authors often claim the opposite, but do your own research on this one.
Exaltation only strengthens a planet for better or worse...it does not make the effects of that planet more pleasant, as many idiots out there try to get you to believe. Same goes with the home sign.

In closing...I have written about this before. Most astrology texts rave about the beauty and great fortune of a jupiter/venus conjunction or trine. This is not so. I knew a man who had sagittarius on his ascendant, ruled by jupiter, with a tight venus/jupiter conjuncton in his seventh house. Time and again, I have seen in charts- the ruler of the sixth house of health, REGARDLESS of the planet, in aspect to the chart ruler or and one of the co-ruler/s, there is more than average health problems, often relating to the areas of the body and diseases of the planet making the aspect to the ruler. This man, with this so-called 'beautiful' jupiter/venus conjunction swallowed a strong cleaning solution at the age of two. Venus rules the throat. His throat was deeply scarred from this and he suffered throughout his life with this. On the upside, he lived well, he was of extremely high intelligence [college professor], and enjoyed some good fortunes form this
conjunction, but the bad effects of this were pronounced as well.

Another example...actress Elizabeth Taylor. Libra on the ascendant, venus trining jupiter. Jupiter co-ruler of pisces on her sixth house cusp. She had numerous health problems throughout her life. Her Jupiter was at 15 degrees of leo, as well. Neptune, ruling pisces is at 6 of virgo.

Also, saturn retrograde does not affect black magick. I know this for a fact.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Max, do you have a seperate website just for astology readings? I'd like my RHP friends and family to get readings, but I don't want to lead them to JoS (and thus reveal my secret). If only there was a way to make sure things didn't pop up for JoS in the seach engine for trying to find said astrology site!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jonathon_billing" <jonathon.billing@... wrote:

You know, if you wrote books about astrology, I think people would be willing to pay a fair bit for them.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

A few things...

I know my other post was cut off. When a planet is in conjunction with an angle- the ascendant/decendant axis, or the midheaven/IC axis, this gives it more power in the chart. The affairs of the house/s it rules over are more emphasized in the life. For example...say uranus is conjunct the midheaven from the tenth house side, and aquarius is on the cusp of the third [uranus rules aquarius], the affairs of the third house will be more of a factor in the life, such as communications, and given this is on the midheaven, 10th house, one who has this will more than likely have above average communications skills, and often work at a job where his/her communications skills are put to use, such as speaking, writing, even working on a PC and to a lesser extent, working in customer service on the telephone. Uranus adds more here in the way of one using computers and other electronics and also future oriented devices, often with a more than average interest in
them. In addition, the person will be freedom loving and have a need for freedom on the job, or to work independently. All of the above will be factors affecting one individually. On a lesser level, siblings, relatives and such can also factor in. You have to look at the entire chart to see which of the affairs of the house in question are most prominent in the life of the owner of the chart.

As for 'karma.' This concept has been abused to no end from spiritual exploiters- new age idiots [these ignorant fools work for the enemy- same way the judicial system does...let crime get so out of hand, that in the end, everyone's rights will be totally taken away, they are for and promote grave injustices], xians and other malignant filth. What this 'karma' really is and yes, one can see this in the astro charts, THIS HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ANY AGENDA OR CONFORMING IN ANY WAY, AS THE SPIRITUAL EXPLOITERS WOULD LIKE FOR US TO BELIEVE! What this is, is cause and effect. Like say you put your hand on a hot burner, you are going to get burned, nothing more.

The relationships we have with others, the experiences we have in our lives, what we dwell upon and how all of these affect us, this is taken onto the soul, as it is stored in the chakras and certain things manifest in future lives. We meet up with others from our past lives for better or for worse. Things one feels guilt about, if this is deep enough, they carry this into a future life and it can react with an even where one is punished. People who have low self-esteem often attract abusers into their lives as they tolerate abuse. Issues that someone in a past life has had, where the other person will not let go- vengeance, love, whatever...this also hangs on as those we have substantial interaction with, family, friends, lovers, through an event with another person, and they feel strongly enough about, we can meet up with them in a future life. What do you dwell on? What do you tolerate? How do you really feel about certain things? This all factors in,
with whom we attract. Because of spiritual ignorance, thosewho are without are damned into repeating and repeating the same old mistakes and meeting up with the same abuses throughout lifetimes. This is what the enemy wants. Only through Satan can we get out of this and this is through consistent yoga, power meditation and working to advance our souls. when we reach a certain point in meditation, our intuition and mind begin to work FOR us and help us, instead of wreaking havoc and being totally out of control.

Now, as for the nodes. The south node is not always bad and the north node is not always fortunate. The nodes are of fate...for better or for worse. I have seen horrible things with the south node, but also the opposite as well. Like I said...it is not always an unfortunate influence. Olympic gymnast Shannon Miller has venus conjunt the south node. Venus rules money and also gymnastics [along with mercury], and she was a millionaire at 16. Jupiter ties in with her nodes as well.

Now, on the other hand...Hellen Keller, blind and deaf since early childhood, has many fated planets and aspects that reveal this. Scorpio ascendant with co-ruler mars at 15 degrees of leo. Others who have this degree...one of the most unfortunate of degrees, with a very high incidence [but not always] of blindness and deafness, are Beethoven [deaf], Stevie Wonder [blind], Michael Jackson, though now blind or deaf, had incessant plastic surgeries to where his nose was falling off of his face, and a chart I did years ago; a hermaphrodite- the degree oposite- 15 degrees into aquarius.

Getting back to Helen Keller. Her sun [rules eyesight], was exactly conjunct the south node at 6 degrees; a degree of disability, BUT, you have to look at everything. Many, many people who are fine and healthy have a planet on the 6th degree, but when the chart is already badly afflicted and there are supporting aspects, and planetary placements, degrees and such, then you can be confident in making a prediction. Helen Keller had no planets in air signs. Air signs are communication signs and rule the sight and hearing; though fire signs rule sight to a lesser extent. Uranus, tightly conjunct her midheaven, with aquarius intercepted in the third house of communcations made her a writer, speaker and communicator.

Now, for a planets' strength. When you hear 'exalted' 'in its home sign' and such, the planet is much stronger. Saturn now transiting in libra is much stronger and more malefic in this sign, as it is in capricorn. What this means is if it is hitting on your personal planets, the effects are much worse in the way of crisises, and other nasties manifesting in your life. When it is in aries [its fall] and cancer[detriment], its malice is somewhat watered down. I have seen repeatedly, in books written by idiots, who claim that saturn in libra is good for marriages and that sort of thing. Not so. Very few people with saturn in libra have happy marriages, love lives, or any at all, especially those who are without. This has to be cleaned off of the soul and meditated upon to correct this. Saturn in libra produces more singles than any other placement. Of course, high profile astrology authors often claim the opposite, but do your own research on this one.
Exaltation only strengthens a planet for better or worse...it does not make the effects of that planet more pleasant, as many idiots out there try to get you to believe. Same goes with the home sign.

In closing...I have written about this before. Most astrology texts rave about the beauty and great fortune of a jupiter/venus conjunction or trine. This is not so. I knew a man who had sagittarius on his ascendant, ruled by jupiter, with a tight venus/jupiter conjuncton in his seventh house. Time and again, I have seen in charts- the ruler of the sixth house of health, REGARDLESS of the planet, in aspect to the chart ruler or and one of the co-ruler/s, there is more than average health problems, often relating to the areas of the body and diseases of the planet making the aspect to the ruler. This man, with this so-called 'beautiful' jupiter/venus conjunction swallowed a strong cleaning solution at the age of two. Venus rules the throat. His throat was deeply scarred from this and he suffered throughout his life with this. On the upside, he lived well, he was of extremely high intelligence [college professor], and enjoyed some good fortunes form this
conjunction, but the bad effects of this were pronounced as well.

Another example...actress Elizabeth Taylor. Libra on the ascendant, venus trining jupiter. Jupiter co-ruler of pisces on her sixth house cusp. She had numerous health problems throughout her life. Her Jupiter was at 15 degrees of leo, as well. Neptune, ruling pisces is at 6 of virgo.

Also, saturn retrograde does not affect black magick. I know this for a fact.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
