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  1. M

    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    I understand this sermon more than i care for. I have fried myself several times. Now a days even trying to do the simple stuff is, pardon the phrasing, absolute hell. on top of other stresses in my life and beating myself up for not meditating things falling down on top of me. I do try. tiny...
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    Mentorship & Knowing To Teach

    this is why i don't speak much on this site. I don't know much about a subject I keep my mouth shut. It's a lot easier that way. It's a shame that one must remind others to use so much common sense. Thank you HP Cobra. Hail Father Satan
  3. M

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 2]

    ok so in order to start donating- i'm still job hunting but i want to know for once i get said job. do i need to register on the platform or was there a different spot to start that at? Thank you. Hail Father Satan
  4. M

    Seeking necromancer knowledge

    I'm glad my words helped you. Thank you for saying so. Our gods are glad to help us. One day I might ask Lord Anubis myself about that realm but I have a lot to work on before going there. Best of luck. Hail Father Satan
  5. M

    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    lolduring the "covid" thing I didn't even get sick and i was around a ton of people. Plenty didn't have masks on either. But of course once a year I end up getting sick. This time an infection right at the start of the newest rituals. Which has sucked. But it has show me a few different areas...
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    Thank you for these rituals. Also in reguards to Lord Hephaistos in Norse mythology the God Loki is know as the God of blacksmiths. Could he be Hephaisos? Or would this be a case of two different beings doing the same role in different areas? i know a few different gods like to overlap in...
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    Seeking necromancer knowledge

    Look I'm not curious about that. As a person who can see and talk with the dead I have no interest in that. I was trying to figure out an answer to you yesterday and I kept seeing Lord Anubis shaking his head at me. He hates his realm being messed with. It's not safe bad things happen a lot and...
  8. M

    Are the gods happy?

    no i think that you might be putting a different view on a much bigger thing. Remember our gods are on a literal different level from us. They don't need to work like we do for food, a place to live and other things. perhaps for them it's more like the saying "find a job you love and you'll...
  9. M


    ok so i'm not meaning the getting rid of islam part. if thats confusing you. i'm talking about bringing out the true meaning behind the stories on the tomb walls in egypt and getting all of the papers out of private hands and back into public view. Some of these papers prove beyond any shadow of...
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    Seeking necromancer knowledge

    one of the gods of death as you put it is Anubus. Another goes by the name Osirus but he has other names as well. I suggest looking them up in the demons section of the JOS. They are the main "gods of death" that come to mind. Other than that could you clarify what you are seeking because what...
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    I know it's not important right now. but once islam is out of egypt would it be prudant to bring back the truth of Thoth's teachings? I know that I know only a small portion of it but when I watch a documentary about egypt it stirs in me many emotions. including wanting to slap some idioiotic...
  12. M

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    they messed up by doing this and now even more people are going to back trump and he'll win by a land slide. which i'm glad for. biden needs rest at this rate i'll be shocked if he doesn't die on stage from a heart attack. well soon it will be time to register to vote. november will be here...
  13. M

    The First to taste Godhood, prayer to Lord Satan

    Beautiful. A soulful prayer. Thank you. Hail Father Satan
  14. M

    The Recycle Bin Of Life & Excuses

    A very true post as always HP Cobra. on a slightly different topic if i may. I've been having this question in my mind since i did the ritual to our Goddess Ma'at. She had said to "follow her laws" and then you had made a post about ignorance and I realized that i had no clue about what laws...
  15. M

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Thank you HP Cobra for your amazing work. One day down the road we know there will be a ritual dedicated to you for your Heroic form. Thank you again. just so that everyone knows that when you follow Maat's Laws you find her love for they show you the way. Thank you again HP Cobar and everyone...
  16. M

    About Translations: End Of 2024

    This is good news to hear! The expansion of the jos in all forms is always good. Also I only put this here because of the ending of all war being mentioned. I learned recently that a member of the israel war cabinet jumped ship and it forced the president to dissolve his war cabinet. Anyone...
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    Babies, Lies Told to Women

    A good short sermon. It's something that definetly needs to be talked about more and not just with women of course since as you mentioned it takes two to tango. perhaps one day if I find the right man.... Till then I hope the couples here take your words to heart and of course those growing...
  18. M

    Levels Of The Magnum Opus: Clarified

    Thank you HP Cobra. Now I just have to keep reminding myself and motivating myself to meditate so I can figure out one day what dear Lord Thoth was hinting at. I understood right away why he had said it that way because of my sheer curiosity and deep desire to learn. i know it was him speaking...
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    Levels Of The Magnum Opus: Clarified

    i concer this. When I was doing the Thoth ritual a while back he told me "Meditate for a thousand days and you will know" that is all he said. and that simple sentence keeps a spark of curiosity in my mind an ongoing question of what is it that i would know? Of course for me the whole challenge...
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    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    i knew a long time ago that HP Maxine would reach this level and she will definetly go beyond it. It shines out from her soul from her voice. I saw it long ago. It's awesome to here thats she has gone to this level. you mark it for sure it won't be long, give it another decade or so and you'll...
  21. M

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan

    The day is coming soon when we shall dance on Israels grave! Thank you HP Cobra. Hail Father Satan
  22. M

    JoS TikTok Idea

    i don't use it either but since china is trying to fight the ban so they can keep getting our data and try to do more brainwashing I would hold off on trying to use it for any reason. I'm just glad that it's being delt with at all. We have too many other things that aren't being even talked...
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    JoS TikTok Idea

    if the parent company doesn't sell tiktok here soon to a non chinese company it will be banned from all american stores. So untill that issue is done with i wouldn't start anything. China ownes tiktok and has been using it for sometime to spy on thosoe who use it- gather data and try to...
  24. M

    Joy of Satan History Restored: Groups Archive Now LIVE!

    alright if i remember it one day i'll let you know. Thank you for your hard work. It's nice to see the old posts again.
  25. M

    Joy of Satan History Restored: Groups Archive Now LIVE!

    I had an account in the yahoo group though the email i had connected to it i can't access anymore.
  26. M

    I'm glad someone was able to save them. it will be interesting to see what new info can be...

    I'm glad someone was able to save them. it will be interesting to see what new info can be applied to the old topics.
  27. M

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    thank you . I didn't try to explain any of my understanding of the word nonbianry to then- i used the word androengy and cited an episode from star trek as my example. they were literal mad at me because I literal told them I was too logical to understand it and apologized for pissing anyone...
  28. M

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    Ok tiny emotinal venting here that is related to this topic. I'll explain my vent. I'm on a discord though i doubt i'll be on it much longer that has several people who say they are nonbinary or trans or what ever. twice i've managed to piss someone off in this disocrd because of this. the...
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    Feeling Overwhelmed in Life? / Accomplishing Goals

    I'm not saying this to make light of your post in any shape or form. I have been seeing this same damn near exact same advice over and over again all over the place! I've kind of been doing it with an app but I'm not quite consistant enough with it. Sigh i best take the advise thats screaming at...
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    Saturn: Satan, Golden Age & Lord of Time

    Thank you for this clarification.This answers my question nicly since your article is what i'm refering to. Please let us all know when this is done. Thank you again Hail Father Satan
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    Saturn: Satan, Golden Age & Lord of Time

    your on fire with your posts HP Cobra. This one is definetly one of those to study and think on. I do have a small question. In reguards to meditations such as Obliterating ones Saturn with reguards to this knowlegde does this change the meditation? I want to make sure i'm hopfully grasping...
  32. M

    Passion Is The Key: What Are You Waiting For?

    For some this may be the case but for other it may also be the case of not feeling worthy of all of this. In the sense that they grew up in an environment that didn't encourage them to do much of anything or were ignored by those that should have been helping them to find them selves and grow...
  33. M

    Passion Is The Key: What Are You Waiting For?

    No truer words spoken. Hail Father Satan
  34. M

    way to advanced of a thing to use for that concept. I would go with a holiday food. Something...

    way to advanced of a thing to use for that concept. I would go with a holiday food. Something most of your audiance would recognize and most would possibly be able to have good memories connected with since I know thats part of the concept your trying to get across. not a big food like turkey...
  35. M

    idk about the pistachios but the rest of it looks yummy.

    idk about the pistachios but the rest of it looks yummy.
  36. M

    How many of you still lather yourself with GoyBlocks in the shower?

    This is the soap site I was talking about. https://lovinsoap.com/ Besides this I'm glad to come across others that have been calling out all of these ingrediants that neather the fda nor any other goverment branch will properly investigate because they keep accepting bribes and what not from...
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    How many of you still lather yourself with GoyBlocks in the shower?

    yeah i came across a site called Loving Soap Studio. They talk about how to make different kinds of soap and i think she might know of different container you can use for soap molding. the diy community for things like soap making has been growing over the past several years which is an awesome...
  38. M

    Bloating Stomach Wife please advise

    Keto has it's place for a time. to help people introduce more health fats into their diet. One thing I highly suggest is that all that tofu be fermented because all of that soy if your a male will cause issues with your testicles- soy plants make phytoestrogen- phyto meaning fake or false- but...
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    Alternate Living Masterpost

    This is more than affording a lifestyle. When one examins history we see this "alternative lifestyle" was how people lived their daily life. It was how you lived or you didn't live at all. you lived in harmony with the earth and when civilizations got too big for their britches they fell. this...
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    Life Long Suffering. Looking for a solution.

    I would like to ask what your diet is like. do you eat a lot of standard grocery store prepackaged meals or do have a lot of fresh home made food? I ask because there are thousands upon thousands of bad chemicals in grocery store foods now a days with different dyes and things used to make said...
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    Alternate Living Masterpost

    ok as SS we all know that the Gods have their ways of speaking to us all.- i understand that i don't need to explain but i feel that i must- it's all a good thing-. during the last rituals particuraly the one with Furfur i had this brief moment that made me think of this thread- making some kind...
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    Share your books!

    Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon https://robertlustig.com/books/
  43. M

    How many of you still eat WHITE REFINED SUGAR?

    for some of the best information i have yet to find about white sugar i suggest this guy Dr. Robert Lustig. https://robertlustig.com/books/ he has several books- see the above link and on jewtube he has been interviewed on several different channels giving great advice and tell exactly what...
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    finding Material

    Hello. Latly i've seen the Philosiphers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle mentioned several times. my question is what books would be best to read to get the most acurate info on these men and what they tried to teach the world? Thank you Hail Father Satan
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    Your Relation With The Gods & Communicating Properly

    Simple, complex, to the point, makes one think, sarastic in a good way. Overall an excellent post another one to book mark for later reading for deeper learning. Thank you High Priest Cobra. Hail Father Satan
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    Alternate Living Masterpost

    If you have a specific topic you want help on let me know and if i have any info on it i'll give it to you. Plus if i'm thinking of doing an article i'll shoot you a dm and ask you about it to make sure we're not doing double posts but knowing information we would probably give a good bit of...
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    Alternate Living Masterpost

    i knwo very little on growing plants in water and have very little interest in it. but other parts of homesteading depending on the topic of course i'd be happy to co op on an article. message me one what you want to work on.
  48. M

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    i know this and i'm grateful for it which is why i wrote about it. I wanted a record of it so it wasn't forgotten and so that it was also shared with others. I'm glad i did the ritual.
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    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    Just finished Lord Anubis's ritual and went thru a rollercoaster of emotion from crying to laughting my butt off at the things i kept seeing flashing thru my mind. I ended up feeling so drained i had to finish the ritual in a whisper but oh moly what a ride. i feel good though. Still a bit teary...
  50. M

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    Thank you Hp Cobra. I'm so glad we as sons and daughters of Father Satan have managed to prve to her and recive this honor. Thank you. I wish I could say more but I can't. Hail Father Satan Hail Mother Lillith
  51. M

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    Thank you HP Cobra for these rituals. I'm glad i caught Mother Lillith's today. I haven't felt her energy in years and it was wonderful to be able to feel it and speak to her for a moment. Thank you. We all need a Mother in our lives even if we have our earthly mom still here. Mother Lillith...
  52. M

    Alternate Living Masterpost

    I have reached out to him and responded back to him that i am interested in helping. I just didn't know if--ok since he is the head of this new group and you are an HP and I'm a little peon I wasn't sure if I was able to speak to him in such a manner or if I needed to make a request thru someone...
  53. M

    Alternate Living Masterpost

    Quite true and in various ways as well. there several books on the subject of this and the best way to find them is to use the word urban when searching for alternate living or small farm lifestyle. Ok since some people said they are interested in me saying stuff on this topic I shall do so...
  54. M

    Alternate Living Masterpost

    I also recommend looking at channel of people who live this life style. I'll gather a list here soon to give people ideas on how things can be done cause there are hundreds of different ways to live contrary to the modern world that benifits it. It's somthing of a hobby of mine to read and...
  55. M

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Hello! Just sent you a DM sir I'm looking forward to this. Hail Father Satan
  56. M

    Happy New Satanic Year: 2024

    Chills absolute chills. Thank you for your uplifting message and boy howdy if you say this is going to be a rocking year then look out here we come! A lots al ready happened in the first few months of this weirdness and you say more is coming and that this year is going to make all the ones...
  57. M

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    I was just looking thru my jewtube feed and it has a vid on it about the possibility of antisemitism legislation being introduced. there are many more college campuses doing protests over this past month and dozens of arrests have been made. i wonder how the energies we have made will affect the...
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    dealing with overwhelm

    thank you but to me this would be similar to putting my head in the sand. It's prudent to keep up on whats going on in the world and i know my overwhelm doesn't stem from this- it had partly last year which is why i cut back when i noticed i was having more anxiety. now a days it's coming from...
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    dealing with overwhelm

    I know that there are books written on this subject and I know part of the answer to my question is going to be to meditate more. Besides meditation how else could one deal with feeling overwhelmed? I know some of my problem is anxiety but still there is a lot going on. i try to moderate some of...
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    Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

    Thank you. this is an interesting exercise. As i was reading it i saw different pics and heard different strains of music. As a writer i'll keep this in mind. Your posts are always quite interesting. Hail Father Satan
  61. M

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    lol that wokeness crap seems to be going around a lot. also Sir I tried to read your latest article- the one with the thinker pic on it and it kept redirecting me to the article about faith in the gods. just thought to let you know- i'll check back on it later. Hail Father Satan
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    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    For me using Firefox works pretty well and keeping the tab open also helps- pin it to your taskbar. let's keep going!!!!!! Hail Father Satan
  63. M

    Death & Funerary Rites In Spiritual Satanism

    As always good article. I do hope that HP Maxines words won't be lost or pushed aside. Yes I know the newer slightly clearer info is needed but I hope her words and the flavor in which she speaks is still kept. She explained things quiet well on many different topics. Now I am looking forward to...
  64. M

    The Grand Ritual [Schedule Concluded]

    thank you. in the original post it only goes till the 20th. Hail Father Satan
  65. M

    The Grand Ritual [Schedule Concluded]

    I started the ritual almost two days late- didn't know there was an update- my question is do we stop the grand ritual on the 20th or can we keep going? Thank you. Hail Father Satan
  66. M

    Let Us Save The Goddamn World!

    Alright. So besides meditating and doing rtrs what else do we do to help this spirit seed? You are motivating but I keep feeling that something is missing or is it just me? Hail Father Satan
  67. M

    Write Down Your Problems

    Alright. I have been thinking on this since I mentioned it in the Astaroth article. Mainly how to grow our/my roots. I understand how to reach for the sun but I feel as if I have shallow roots. I get started on routines and one little bump throws everything out the window like I'm a tumbleweed...
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    Astarte: Eternal Queen and Mother / Spring Equinox

    I came across this a few days ago though thru a different news outlet- anyone's thoughts on it. https://www.foxnews.com/media/religious-themed-designs-banned-white-house-easter-egg-art-contest ignore that this article is from fox please. i know this is probably due to the isreal conflict- they...
  69. M

    The Science Behind Kundalini Yoga

    thank you Power of Justice and Henu the great for your responce. I understand it a tad better and also why i haven't heard of this kind of movement before. That helps me grasp the original post much better- in every anatomy class or book they have made the suture fusion seem like steel plates...
  70. M

    The Science Behind Kundalini Yoga

    please remember i ask this out of a state of ignorance. I've always been told that the sutures in our skulls fuze together so by logic they shouldn't move. I understand that the gil you used is some kind of odd exageration. i just don't understand why or how they would move simply because your...
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    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    Thank you. I have been doing a tad better after getting ona discord channel with people who like reading nich type romance books and are supportive of nerodivergent type people. I had made that first post in a fit of emotion- not healthy emotion- it has taken a bit to realize that though Dabair...
  72. M

    Zarathustra's Wheel.

    Thank you HP Cobra. Hail Father Satan
  73. M

    Astarte: Eternal Queen and Mother / Spring Equinox

    I know you'll probably also point this out at some later date but Plants also grow down. In order to grow up they must have strong roots- praire grass have huge long deep tap roots and when they were ripped out the Great Dustbowl happened. We must reach for both the sun and the heart of the...
  74. M

    Habits: "Old Dogs, New Tricks" - Defeating Resistance

    Thank you- soon as I can get to the library I'm going to have this sermon printed out several times to post around my place. I have been reading and listening to dozens of people when it comes to makeing habits. Your a great motivator. Thank you for going down this path with us. Maxine chose a...
  75. M

    Making Use Of The Path In Two Simple Steps

    yeah you had said something like this years ago and it stuck with me and kept coming back to me when those kinds of thoughts wanted to take over... thank you for the short sermon. Hail Father Satan
  76. M

    Problems in anyway? Call Me At :(+1)666-COBRA'S-FAULT

    Ok first off you HP Cobra have some big brass balls to deal with these idiots you mention and not go mad. i'm elated to not have your job and that you are a much bigger man than these numb skulls. Second I know you and I have had a few issues. It takes some time for me to not write when...
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    ✡︎Rothschild✡︎ Has Died

    things are now coming to light. though the comment section holds more than the video itself. but it's a start. Hail Father Satan
  78. M

    Help me please

    You've come to a good place for the help you seek. As said before do please read the JOS. but i wish to say welcome and if you keep to this path you will over time realize that your not alone and you will find your place in this world. Father Satan is an amazing Father and he will help you by...
  79. M

    Staying Focused On The Gods

    True and it fills ones heart with light. Hail Father Satan
  80. M

    Tucker Putin Interview - United States, China and Russia

    Ok i know that though my info comes from jewtube i still have a question. Even with all the HP Cobra says about China aren't they in a pretty bad economic downturn right now? From what I've seen and heard many are finally revolting against the CCP. This would make the above issues hard to...
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    Thoth's Power Ritual: NOW LIVE!!! [Jan 28th to Feb 5th 2024]

    With the sensation having been on my tounge i have no clue which is why i was asking. I though it might be related to an old post by ex-hp Vome baghin but if his info has been deemed invalide then i'm at a lost. it was a freaky sensation to have happen.
  82. M

    Pluto Entering Aquarius: First Signs Of Satan's Era...

    Ok so I found this video. It's only a month old and it digs hard on truth in reguards to the bible- christian version not hebrew. the channel is called SatansGuide. The guy not only portrays Father Satan as a good looking character but cites and refernces everything for his videos. including...
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    Thoth's Power Ritual: NOW LIVE!!! [Jan 28th to Feb 5th 2024]

    For me doing the ritual was a more "soft" experence than some but i had something curious happen. During the ritual i started to feel/taste mint on my parts of my tounge. not my whole tounge but mostly a part in the back and the sides. I even wiggled my tounge around and stuck it out to see if...
  84. M

    Spiritual Misunderstandings: What are the Sources?

    I love how your post pops up as i'm re watching a documentary on Ancient Egypt. I love the civilization but it does piss me off because of all of the mainstream misinterpretations of the Gods and what was done during those times. I still watch them just to see the places and remember the basics...
  85. M

    Bonds Of True Friendship - Joy of Satan

    Yes in reguards to this particular reply and a few exchanges you and i have had in the past. i get emotional from many of your posts HP Cobra and sometimes respond "off the cuff" in kind to those posts. We differ on certian subjects and will continue to do so. I still respect your words and...
  86. M

    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    Don't use off site mediations! Maxine made that page on the JOS for a reason. Please don't go to other sites. You never know whom is truly behind those meditations. Especially if they use any mantras or sigils. Don't do it. Keep the trust in Hp Maxine. For the sake of your own mind please stick...
  87. M

    Another sign of things to come?

    I found an article about Bernie Sanders...
  88. M

    Help me

    Also try taking a journal and writing down the positive things in your life. This will help your brain find and focus on these thing. Look at this often and add to it. The other persona advise is great to do as well. But helping your mind focus on good concret things will hep with the shift in...
  89. M

    Fitness from a Satanic Point of View

    I would like to help with the nutrition post for a moment. High protein is good though it needs to be well soruced for the nutrients. Grass fed, free range, non gmos. animals in these catagories have better nutrition which the body craves. Bone broth will help your joints get what they need to...
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    Fitness from a Satanic Point of View

    In reguards to the joint damage that can be fixed or at least alleviated with diet. If your eating junk food then all the exercise in the world won't do you any good. Good diet is complicated but only because of piss poor econonix. If your in the country side and can do a barter system on top of...
  91. M

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    Hello. Thank you for your reply. I know HP Cobra means well but as an autistic person his advice and his reply to my post comes across to me as another slap in the face. And to clarify one thing-my heart chakras has been "broken or damaged" my entire life. my past relationships didn't help but...
  92. M

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    Ok HP Cobra. I entered the SS a long time ago the JOS was only a few years old at the time. I've not done the improvments I should have. I followed the ritual on the site and asked for an Incubus long ago. your post though it makes my chest hurt like crazy...he probably wasn't real to begin...
  93. M

    Satan Lucifer Poseidon – Lord of the Seas

    Hello. Great post HP Lydia! This reminded me of a great little fact. We also glow. Humans also give off visible light. It's too low for our eyes to see it but it is there. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna32090918 Now the above article is short but it gets the point across. What I wonder is if...
  94. M

    Bilateral Beats

    Hello. First off thank you HP Lydia for answering my earlier question. Now I have something totally different. I keep coming across videos of Bilateral beats and they make me a bit wary because they cane and many do use subliminal messages. It's also impossible to be total sure that there are...
  95. M

    A testimonial thread.

    Hello HP Lydia. I was wondering if a Testimonial only thread could be set up for when that page gets it's long needed upgrade on the site. HP Cobra had commented on my reply that he wants an arts page and "random poems" link too. So why don't we get that info set up? Hail Father Satan
  96. M

    THE NEW JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE LAYOUT IS NOW LIVE! [Update 2 - Changelog 15/Dec/2023]

    The new site is beautiful. I know various spots need updates and I was wondering if a thread should be started dedicated wholly and soley for Testimonials and giving thanks. That way when that section gets it's chance to be updated you have plenty of material to use. We all know tons of idiots...
  97. M

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule: Dec 7 to Dec 12

    Yeah things in the usa are getting interesting. Both the white house and a town in virgina have had to remove the menorah and the star of david from the yule celebrations. The white house cancelled the hanakah celebration all together. So things are definetly odd but in a good way as I see it...
  98. M

    Elon Musk: Short Message About Jews

    Ok my original reply to this got wiped by somehow. I'm not trying to judge Elon just pointing out the odd things he does. Since you don't normally post about specific people in general I just want to know if your doing ok HP Cobra. Seriously are doing Ok? I put it a little better in my first...
  99. M

    Elon Musk: Short Message About Jews

    to bad you can't send this right to his email and make sure he reads it. though i'm not sure if this guy isn't crazy to begin with. Remember he wants to put chips in peoples heads. So is he really part of the innocent party? One day all will understand the truth. though that day can't come soon...
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    Decorating the Yule Tree, Handmade Ornaments

    This sounds awesome. It's been a while since I've heard of salt dough. I would like to do this but I also have a curious cat :D :D :shock: . The holidays can be hetic but goods times even if you are by yourself- focus on the gods or volunteer some where like a library. I hope everyone stays...
  101. M

    wanting to help the jos

    Thank you HP Lydia. I look forward to reading the email. I hope I didn't come across as whining- wasn't my intention. In the forums we have talked about this before- you had said it was on the list and would let me know when you got too it. Again I don't want to sound whiny but I want to help...
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    wanting to help the jos

    hi. i've emailed both HP Lydia and HP Cobra about this topic but after looking at HP Lydia's signature I thought I would give this a shot. I have no financial means of helping the jos- I'm waiting to get disability- but I'm great with gathering information. I noticed a little while ago that your...
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    Improving As A Man

    Thank you for this sermon. Though i'm female your sermon hold excellent wisdom for both and thats part of what makes you a wonderful HP. Thank you. Hail Father Satan.
  104. M

    An anti-israel protest article

    https://radaronline.com/p/hundreds-anti-israel-protesters-storm-manhattan-elimination-jewish/ This happened on Nov 10. Things are definetly shifting as more people are realizing what israel is doing to it's own people and their neghbors. A little part of this might be due to all the articles on...
  105. M

    The True Face Of Israel - Holocaust Of The Palestenians

    How many out there are getting more ads in reguards to "Help Israel"? Of course i'm looking thru jewtube but is it happening on t.v too? One ad I saw was some guy from palistine- sorry about the bad spelling, I'm meaning the place being bombed right now. talking about how he was raised. i forget...
  106. M

    Released CIA Document shows Rabbis Conspiring To DESTROY the White Race through RACE MIXING

    Saved it. You never know when they will try a purge. Thank you for this. We need as much ammo against these monsters as possible to help others. Hail Father Satan
  107. M

    Halloween post: Andras in Chinese mythology (King Yan of the Underworld)

    Thank you. I look forward to what you can find. Maybe one of the gods can help you find the info? Hail Father Satan
  108. M

    Halloween post: Andras in Chinese mythology (King Yan of the Underworld)

    Thank you for this interesting tidbit. Europe has a few things in regaurds to this though most call All Souls Eve Nov 1st. Do the chinese celebrate it in April because of the seasons or something else that made them put it there? With different cultures it's hard to tell especially with the...
  109. M

    Happy Halloween/Samhain!

    First off HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE. Second I was reading the page about Halloween and though Maxine has a certian style about her pages I'm wondering if the ones about our holidays could use a revamping. We know much more about each of the holidays now a days and people deserve the deep dive of...
  110. M

    The JoS Has A New High Priestess

    Congradulations Lydia! It's been obvious thru your posts over the years the incredible light you give off. This is great news and I hope we still get plenty of posts from you. At least now HP Cobra ha another wonderful helper. May your light shine all the stronger High Priestess Lydia! :D :D...
  111. M

    Lucifer the Rebel and The Outlaw

    A beautiful post. You wrap it in simple terms that hint at much deeper things. Thank you. Hail Father Satan
  112. M

    On Taking Care Of Youth, Children and Young Adults

    Yes. As part of the lost generation 90's and after it's amazing to see these differences first hand. It's also scary to realize that I wasn't taught the kind of things you find in my grandmothers time. But also saddened to see that the dream my grandmother and my mother were taught is almost...
  113. M

    Humbling The Warmongering Israel - RTR Schedule - Oct 18 to Oct 30 [Schedule Extended]

    I'm glad to see that the schedual has been extended! :D I know a lot of people have been focusing on this coming war but for those of us in the USA I wanted to tell something. Last month it was announced that California is suing the top five oil companies! They are being sued over Climate...
  114. M

    So Israel Went Boom Again

    THEY ARE EVACUATING THE GAZA STRIP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g6hg801WI8 This is awesome. :D :lol: :twisted: :twisted: hail Father Satan
  115. M

    So Israel Went Boom Again

    https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/waking-to-an-attack-from-hamas?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-us I know this is a tad late for this post but it might have more info in it that might be o f use- i also didn't see any artcles posted in the thread so i thought it might help. At least they...
  116. M


    Thank you. your right when you mention the daily routine part. I have found it incredibly hard. I will look into the squares you mentioned. Again thank you for your heartfelt reply. Hail Father Satan
  117. M

    Humanity Will Understand: But We Know Now

    HAIL FATHER SATAN :D :twisted: Thank you HP Cobra for shining your light on us and helping us all brighten our own candles. Again HAIL FATHER SATAN
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    A big part of me knows that Father Satan accepts all of his children. Being autistic thats not the easiest thing to keep in mind. Especially since it's a complex issue. My question is for any of the HP's. How would you deal with multipul issues that come with being autistic? i would just like...
  119. M

    Small Acts? I don't think so.

    First of all thank you HP Cobra for your amazing words and the work you do for us all. Not long after reading your article I came across this video which fits well into this topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL8pl8PrIY0 Though she mainly talks to writers the way she put this video is easy...
  120. M

    Small Acts? I don't think so.

    Sir. The link you left has a bad typo in it. It comes across as joyofseatn.... Please fix the link. Thank you as always for your wonderful articles. Hail Father Satan
  121. M

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Thank you HP Cobra for taking the time to remind us of what and why you do what you do. My earlier question how been due to not reading the paragraph correctly- the community you were talking about how been those in the various teirs. Sorry. I will freely admit that I haven't done anything in a...
  122. M

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    quick question HP Cobra. Why post the links to the rune info when most of us don't have the password to unlock it? Just thought to ask. Hail Father Satan
  123. M

    Koran burnings

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s0IJKpX7rE Have any brothers or sisters in other parts of the world-i'm in the usa- any news on this? I'm not worried about it personally but I'm wondering if this would count as an rtr win or another tiny ripple in the greater scheme of things? Hail Father Satan
  124. M

    How to Integrate Science into Your Life [GUIDE]

    Sounds great. I'm more into biology personaly because it's something that is heavily trashed on both sides of it with everyone suffering from it. Figuring out biomechanics would take some time for me- I don't mean robotics and biology or anything but how the body itself works- something I find...
  125. M

    Free JoS Donors Article - Spiritual Satanism: You Shall Not Fear God

    Wonderful. If only such a simple post could get thru many of those around me. What a change we will see in this world once the Gentile stop fearing god. Then we will really see the new age begin. With the way things are being shown in the media we could use this revelation sooner rather than...
  126. M

    Joy of Satan Updates: Ethics & Virtues Section [BEELZEBUL'S VIRTUES: UPDATED]

    Bty when I clicked the link on the site it still said UNDER CONSTRUCTION but the link thru the forums works. Hail Father Satan
  127. M

    Joy of Satan Updates: Ethics & Virtues Section [BEELZEBUL'S VIRTUES: UPDATED]

    As many before me have said THANK YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL WORK. You know that this will be one of those key moments that will cause a wonderful massive tidal wave thru the future of humanity. Thank you again our wonderful HP Cobra. :D Hail Father Satan
  128. M

    Learning about the enemy

    Thank you for the concern. I'm trying to work with/around this snag in my brain as far as the focus is concerned. Would you have any suggestions on how to improve this area? BTW thank you for your reply to a post I did a while back about 2040. your positivity helped me a lot better than the one...
  129. M

    Learning about the enemy

    Hi. I've noticed an up tick in videos by or about jews so I clicked on one. It was a woman giving a tour of the inside of her local synog. While it was interesting in a few different ways it got me to thinking on a few things. mostly about our HPs. Now i've read many of HP Cobras posts about...
  130. M

    Human rights

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/09/us-religious-right-lgbtq-global-culture-fronts I don't know if this is old news for some but to me it makes me wonder what their next step is. I hope that this idiocy is stopped soon. Hail Father Satan P.s yes I have two different profiles it's...
  131. M

    What could this mean for us?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG8LwhjSPqA I just saw this so I don't know if others are going to post about it or not. For our brothers and sisters in the Neatherlands I hope you are all safe. What I would like to know is this an odd mark of things to come? I read HP Cobras articles so I...
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    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwHYjQpdzyo i know many of us know the truth about this rotten right handed riligon but not teveryone sees it and how they hide things much better than the catholics. For those that have people in your life that try to say good things about this so called faith...
  133. M

    more evidence of the rtrs affects

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnB8JULBYfQ Ok I don't know if this has been posted by others. I just came across the video and got the urge to post about it so I am. It's something small and yet pretty big for some places and another ripple in the growing wave conserning the world wide...
  134. M

    Hitler and history

    Thank you to all who have replied to this thread. My mom isn't that open minded about these kinds of subjects but I'm happy to get more knowledge on the subject. Especially I was certian I had heard some where that he had access to nukes but refused to use them. Thank you for correcting me on...
  135. M

    Hitler and history

    Hi. Tonight my mom, non ss still loves god, was watching a movie called Pearl Harbor. Her and I talk a bit about religion but not much. i mentioned that Hitler had access to bombs like what we used on Hiroshima and her question to me was "Why didn't he use them?" i had no answer. Which is why...
  136. M

    another RTR win

    yeah i had no clue about the other post thanks for pointing it out :roll:
  137. M

    another RTR win

    Hello. A few days ago I was scrolling thru headlines and came across this. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65794363 i checked it out and it's not click bait. So for those that need the boost here you go!!!! Hail Father Satan
  138. M

    odd video about israel

    Ok a couple of months ago I think there was a post about the political battle between the secular and ultra orthodox jews and how it seemed to be tearing the country apart-Yay!!!!- anywho I came across a recent video about this that goes into some interesting details. Once you get past the...
  139. M

    Malocclusion: The Pandemic no one is talking about

    If you want more info on this topic look up Dr. Weston A Price. He was a dentist in the 1930s and went all over the world studying peoples teeth and figuring out things about their diet that made them so strong. A woman named Sally Fallon Morell made a foundation in his honor which is all about...
  140. M

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    hello. Long time article reader. i know Hp Cobra said that 2040 far as anyone coming might not happen. What I'm wondering about is Is there a good possibility of them arriving in this lifetime- I'm 34-. My reason for asking is due to having a Demon Lover and I've had a horrible time trying to...
  141. M

    For All Women On The Site

    thank you. this kind of post is appreciated. Hail Father Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
