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Elon Musk: Short Message About Jews

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Elon Musk you are doing a major mistake when it comes to the treatment of the Jewish people. The more one caves in to their demands, which mask themselves behind a "humanism" that represents only them, the worse for you in that case.

Recently, having went to Israel to sympathize with their situation or try to show some sympathy, they came back to you by threatening you to pull out money of Twitter or something in public blackmail.

That came out to attack you out of confidence that now they own you and that now you are their little bitch, as any celebrity and politician who is not with the Joy of Satan or the Ancient Gods is "destined" (in the jewish mind) to become.

Jews have a culture that considers anyone who has not bent the knee to them and their dictates, and who approves of them as "God", to be subhuman and an animal. The same goes for whomever is not adherent to their system and anything that has to do with their will.

Henry Ford and many others of your predecessors have failed to try to bridge this gap with the jews through peaceful means and even in the case of peaceful means, they have not yet managed to completely ignore them or keep them out of their plans.

The jews invade in the prominent lifepaths and paths or plans of these people, without being invited. They make themselves a big deal; bigger than rockets that must save the human genome, or bigger than the exploration on Mars. They are the ones to attack to enforce this false example. They will not rest until you have capitulated to their demands.

You can go to Israel, you can cry on their shoulder for the wars they cause because of their Tribal religion and genocide, you can give them gold; they will never care. You never did enough. Certain psychological and cultural processes are too far gone for this people.

The Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, aeons and aeons of leaders and other peoples have tried to treat them fairly, allowed them to live in the highest levels of civilizations that jews did not even remotely create, and they were always confronted with not only ungratefulness but terrorism and large scale conspiracies against all that these civilizations held dear.

Looting was the second thing they did. Thirdly was the celebration of the downfall of these people through natural causes which jews brag also accelerated whenever they could.

The above is not an empty accusation, it's what the Hebrew Bible states. Ungratefulness and evil is pervasive on these people, because they have grown it on themselves culturally. You won't change them and you won't make an exception in this rule.

Most do not want to accept or deal with this, so many have tried to ignore it. It's true that the problem is at such a scale for humanity, that their overwhelming control,

As you fly rockets to space, they still consider you nothing but a slave whore of theirs who will cave in to all of their demands. They will still defame your platforms, still want to destroy your legacy, and still hate you no matter what you do.

So long you do not do things for them directly, you do nothing for nobody, they don't care. The wider body of humanity which consists of non jews, is called "Goyim" by the jews, the "Animals in human form" in hebrew. They know they have a culture of hate, so they hide it.

Censorship is necessary for them to hide this and keep up with a very obvious anti-human agenda. Therefore, they ask you to censor.

It's certainly problematic when you understand that such a powerful group exists that tries to restrain any attempts towards a fairer society or where they demand exclusive treatment from politicians and everyone else, or has these types of demands.

But they exist. And in this case, everyone who tries to promote a healthy or open dialogue, or anything that will even try to promote any form of remote criticism...Is their enemy.

You will be their enemy no matter what you do if you serve some certain fundamental values. Jews have also exterminated many of their own "jewish folk" in order to attain their ends or because they had disagreements in regards to these values. Covering up the jewish conspiracy is something all jews must do, and whomever does not do that, is an enemy of the jews, even if part of their own group.

Their approval and bowing your knees to them won't do a thing for humanity, the future or survival of humanity, or anything of the sort. Going to Israel won't amend for your sins, neither marrying jews, or giving all your wealth or your very soul or allegiance to jews.

Unless you are fundamentally their slave, in which level they will still hate you; you must comprehend the reality of the jewish culture and how unlike it is with any other, how paleolithic, hate based, culturally dictatorial, and how reptilian mind based.

Become a student of the Gods, an Aryan or a Hellene or join the Joy of Satan instead or something. That would be a sounder choice.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
to bad you can't send this right to his email and make sure he reads it. though i'm not sure if this guy isn't crazy to begin with. Remember he wants to put chips in peoples heads. So is he really part of the innocent party?

One day all will understand the truth. though that day can't come soon enough i'm afraid this guy might be a lost cause.

Hail Father Satan
How can a Jew join in Satan's joy?
Become a student of the Gods, an Aryan or a Hellene or join the Joy of Satan instead or something. That would be a sounder choice.
He should heed this advice and follow it.

Commander, are there any other celebrities following JoS?
How well do people know us?
On a slightly unrelated, what do you recommend for young SS?

Akay said:
How can a Jew join in Satan's joy?

I keep hearing the same things about Trump same as Elon that they are jews. I seen both of them and both have marriages where the offspring is certainly not jewish. Trumps daugher was given to the jews as a totem but that is that.

I have not seen conclusive proof of this jewishness. The jews themselves claim they are nasty worthless goyim, for all intents, and disobedient ones who don't do the Goyim Ritual for having to pay eternal favors to jews and who are never satisfied on the goy's favors.

Given most people think on surface level such as a nose [he doesn't even have a jewish nose], I would like to see proof.

Not everyone who is rich, powerful, famous, or in anyway does good is a jew. The situation of declaring everyone a jew is starting to look like a stupid mental jewish psyop after a point such as "Goyim, everyone who ever did anything, is a jew.".

They are after these people because the jews know they aren't jews. To classify as a jew, you need more than a nose or these things that are taken as the signs of being a jew. And since these too are absent, one must take in factors such as psychology, mentality, and a lot of other reason before saying they are jews.

Elon is also given no mercy by the critics, and he bought twitter, and really set it free compared to the previous kike administration which didn't even allow remote criticism on it. A sworn jew would not do this to the worlds biggest platform.

If someone bought facebook and opened the floodgates for people to talk, I would say this says that much about them not being a jew. Jews thrive on keeping the conspiracy and the lies going.

Therefore one has to be judged by what they do also. Common sense is also needed to see what people do and not what they say. Because many Gentiles will be lost in this situation and many good people will not join the good side just because of false judgement.

Jews cannot join the Joy of Satan, however, people making up things that everyone rich or powerful or whomever they don't like is a jew, is not sound reasoning.

In the unproven hypothetical that Elon is a jew, which I highly doubt with his behavior and his general personality, he is literally failing to be a jew. It's still unproven and he does not show the signs of being a jew, just a person who is highly influenced by them.

In Elon's sector and in Elon's level jews surround them. The decisive people in AI and in all of this tend to almost wholly be jews, but Elon looks like one of the few exceptions to that rule. Therefore he should better join the other side who will treat him better ethically.

The above does not mean that they will join the Joy of Satan, but rather that one must forfeit cultural Judaism and amend for this in whatever social ways that they can.

In the past jews have done this as the price of being a jew is the highest price, including higher and more fatal to those who deviate from the death cult than even adopting the ideas of their enemies.

Meow2023 said:
to bad you can't send this right to his email and make sure he reads it. though i'm not sure if this guy isn't crazy to begin with. Remember he wants to put chips in peoples heads. So is he really part of the innocent party?

One day all will understand the truth. though that day can't come soon enough i'm afraid this guy might be a lost cause.

Hail Father Satan

He is not innocent but he is not enlightened, so to judge people constantly by the "they are not perfect" standard is not consistent with reality.

If anyone explained on the caliber and intelligence of Elon about why there could be other ways to utilize AI without a brainchip, maybe he could listen. There could be other ways.

DARPA and many others have since 30 years now done what "Elon" is trying to commericalize. That means these things already existed prior. Elon is just trying to bring the tech to the public, highly influenced by cyberpunk fiction and without being aware of the fatality point that these could bring.

Yet, even if Elon never existed, the chips, rest reassured, existed as early as 2005 and earlier by DARPA which is the US National Intelligence agencies. They also implanted them on agents and so on. However past this they had no actual use except to create murder rage in their detectives or to erase memories.

One must bear in mind that these people have absolutely no other input except of hundreds of jews around them who import ideas into their head. By declaring them as wrong one is not helping anywhere in the future of humanity or in making the decisions of these people better.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I remember reading something like that here, so I swore he was a right-wing liberal Jew
Wanting to destroy the world in his own way, I even said something like that in a past post.
Thanks for the clarification
Very informative and enlightening post once again HPHC, you’re a superstar!! Hail Satan and keep up the Great Works! Hail all we Hell’s Army in service of he Satan praised be!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Akay said:
How can a Jew join in Satan's joy?

I keep hearing the same things about Trump same as Elon that they are jews. I seen both of them and both have marriages where the offspring is certainly not jewish. Trumps daugher was given to the jews as a totem but that is that.

I have not seen conclusive proof of this jewishness. The jews themselves claim they are nasty worthless goyim, for all intents, and disobedient ones who don't do the Goyim Ritual for having to pay eternal favors to jews and who are never satisfied on the goy's favors.

Given most people think on surface level such as a nose [he doesn't even have a jewish nose], I would like to see proof.

Not everyone who is rich, powerful, famous, or in anyway does good is a jew. The situation of declaring everyone a jew is starting to look like a stupid mental jewish psyop after a point such as "Goyim, everyone who ever did anything, is a jew.".

They are after these people because the jews know they aren't jews. To classify as a jew, you need more than a nose or these things that are taken as the signs of being a jew. And since these too are absent, one must take in factors such as psychology, mentality, and a lot of other reason before saying they are jews.

Elon is also given no mercy by the critics, and he bought twitter, and really set it free compared to the previous kike administration which didn't even allow remote criticism on it. A sworn jew would not do this to the worlds biggest platform.

If someone bought facebook and opened the floodgates for people to talk, I would say this says that much about them not being a jew. Jews thrive on keeping the conspiracy and the lies going.

Therefore one has to be judged by what they do also. Common sense is also needed to see what people do and not what they say. Because many Gentiles will be lost in this situation and many good people will not join the good side just because of false judgement.

Jews cannot join the Joy of Satan, however, people making up things that everyone rich or powerful or whomever they don't like is a jew, is not sound reasoning.

In the unproven hypothetical that Elon is a jew, which I highly doubt with his behavior and his general personality, he is literally failing to be a jew. It's still unproven and he does not show the signs of being a jew, just a person who is highly influenced by them.

In Elon's sector and in Elon's level jews surround them. The decisive people in AI and in all of this tend to almost wholly be jews, but Elon looks like one of the few exceptions to that rule. Therefore he should better join the other side who will treat him better ethically.

The above does not mean that they will join the Joy of Satan, but rather that one must forfeit cultural Judaism and amend for this in whatever social ways that they can.

In the past jews have done this as the price of being a jew is the highest price, including higher and more fatal to those who deviate from the death cult than even adopting the ideas of their enemies.

Meow2023 said:
to bad you can't send this right to his email and make sure he reads it. though i'm not sure if this guy isn't crazy to begin with. Remember he wants to put chips in peoples heads. So is he really part of the innocent party?

One day all will understand the truth. though that day can't come soon enough i'm afraid this guy might be a lost cause.

Hail Father Satan

He is not innocent but he is not enlightened, so to judge people constantly by the "they are not perfect" standard is not consistent with reality.

If anyone explained on the caliber and intelligence of Elon about why there could be other ways to utilize AI without a brainchip, maybe he could listen. There could be other ways.

DARPA and many others have since 30 years now done what "Elon" is trying to commericalize. That means these things already existed prior. Elon is just trying to bring the tech to the public, highly influenced by cyberpunk fiction and without being aware of the fatality point that these could bring.

Yet, even if Elon never existed, the chips, rest reassured, existed as early as 2005 and earlier by DARPA which is the US National Intelligence agencies. They also implanted them on agents and so on. However past this they had no actual use except to create murder rage in their detectives or to erase memories.

One must bear in mind that these people have absolutely no other input except of hundreds of jews around them who import ideas into their head. By declaring them as wrong one is not helping anywhere in the future of humanity or in making the decisions of these people better.

If elon ain't a jew,how is he the richest person in this world ???How will the jews allow a gentile to be the richest person in this world??? his face looks nowadays lot lifeless
I don't why you are giving these worthless celebrity figures, like Andrew Tate, special posts on the JOS.
This is not the purpose of the JOS.
What does this post prove?
How does this post advance us and the purpose of spiritual Satanism?

"I actually went to Hebrew preschool … I don't know if I'm genetically Jewish, maybe somewhere, but I'd say I'm aspirationally Jewish," he said. "My father took me to Israel when I was 13. I went to the [Western] Wall, went to Masada – I've been to Masada twice, I don't know if there's many people who can say that."
- Elon Musk
Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-says-hes-aspirationally-jewish-defends-x-antisemitism-reports-2023-9


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'm thinking of how he would make JoS public to the world if he joined that would be awesome
And I'm pretty aware of the fact that ELON IS on here to spy on us and start shit.... JEWS are pretty bold people and don't take no... for an answer.! And push and shove thire way in to EVERYTHING!! And they do it because they can.. That is Jewish attitude and that is who they are and without a word or a warning...
I'm sorry, but what is the purpose of this post? Its not like Elon Musk is going to open this post from his browser or anything.

So what's the point in referring to him in first person?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Akay said:
How can a Jew join in Satan's joy?

I keep hearing the same things about Trump same as Elon that they are jews. I seen both of them and both have marriages where the offspring is certainly not jewish. Trumps daugher was given to the jews as a totem but that is that.

I have not seen conclusive proof of this jewishness. The jews themselves claim they are nasty worthless goyim, for all intents, and disobedient ones who don't do the Goyim Ritual for having to pay eternal favors to jews and who are never satisfied on the goy's favors.

Given most people think on surface level such as a nose [he doesn't even have a jewish nose], I would like to see proof.

Not everyone who is rich, powerful, famous, or in anyway does good is a jew. The situation of declaring everyone a jew is starting to look like a stupid mental jewish psyop after a point such as "Goyim, everyone who ever did anything, is a jew.".

They are after these people because the jews know they aren't jews. To classify as a jew, you need more than a nose or these things that are taken as the signs of being a jew. And since these too are absent, one must take in factors such as psychology, mentality, and a lot of other reason before saying they are jews.

Elon is also given no mercy by the critics, and he bought twitter, and really set it free compared to the previous kike administration which didn't even allow remote criticism on it. A sworn jew would not do this to the worlds biggest platform.

If someone bought facebook and opened the floodgates for people to talk, I would say this says that much about them not being a jew. Jews thrive on keeping the conspiracy and the lies going.

Therefore one has to be judged by what they do also. Common sense is also needed to see what people do and not what they say. Because many Gentiles will be lost in this situation and many good people will not join the good side just because of false judgement.

Jews cannot join the Joy of Satan, however, people making up things that everyone rich or powerful or whomever they don't like is a jew, is not sound reasoning.

In the unproven hypothetical that Elon is a jew, which I highly doubt with his behavior and his general personality, he is literally failing to be a jew. It's still unproven and he does not show the signs of being a jew, just a person who is highly influenced by them.

In Elon's sector and in Elon's level jews surround them. The decisive people in AI and in all of this tend to almost wholly be jews, but Elon looks like one of the few exceptions to that rule. Therefore he should better join the other side who will treat him better ethically.

The above does not mean that they will join the Joy of Satan, but rather that one must forfeit cultural Judaism and amend for this in whatever social ways that they can.

In the past jews have done this as the price of being a jew is the highest price, including higher and more fatal to those who deviate from the death cult than even adopting the ideas of their enemies.

Meow2023 said:
to bad you can't send this right to his email and make sure he reads it. though i'm not sure if this guy isn't crazy to begin with. Remember he wants to put chips in peoples heads. So is he really part of the innocent party?

One day all will understand the truth. though that day can't come soon enough i'm afraid this guy might be a lost cause.

Hail Father Satan

He is not innocent but he is not enlightened, so to judge people constantly by the "they are not perfect" standard is not consistent with reality.

If anyone explained on the caliber and intelligence of Elon about why there could be other ways to utilize AI without a brainchip, maybe he could listen. There could be other ways.

DARPA and many others have since 30 years now done what "Elon" is trying to commericalize. That means these things already existed prior. Elon is just trying to bring the tech to the public, highly influenced by cyberpunk fiction and without being aware of the fatality point that these could bring.

Yet, even if Elon never existed, the chips, rest reassured, existed as early as 2005 and earlier by DARPA which is the US National Intelligence agencies. They also implanted them on agents and so on. However past this they had no actual use except to create murder rage in their detectives or to erase memories.

One must bear in mind that these people have absolutely no other input except of hundreds of jews around them who import ideas into their head. By declaring them as wrong one is not helping anywhere in the future of humanity or in making the decisions of these people better.

I also doubt that he's a jew at least on a mental and soul level, especially considering his last words about Soros and the Jews. But at the same time I remember how in one of your posts a few years ago you claimed that he was a jew...I used to think like that too. Maybe you changed your opinion about him or something .
Came as a bit of a surprise to read what you wrote here. Having a jewish name, going to a jewish preschool, and other known facts that indicate a possible jewishness are not definitive proof but I assumed he was because it seemed so.


This is an interesting statement although it is probably just sucking up to those that allowed him to be what he is.

It would be nice if he could be made aware, if he already isn't, of this thread or just our existence and see what he thinks. I doubt that even if he had a favorable opinion it can be publicly stated without that leading to an all out disaster for him personally and all his businesses.

Thank you HPHC,
Hail Father Satan!
I personally don't trust Elon Musk and I never will. This is not his first time bending the knee to the jews. In the past he actually said "I'm actually very pro semitic", and some time ago he had meetings with some Rabbis on how to contain and stop the spreading of anti semitism. I also remember someone here saying that he went in a private jewish school as a kid, not sure if this is true though.

This also wouldn't be the first time that enemy agents pretended to be on our side on some level, just to reveal themselves to be fake opposition. To gain trust on some serious level you also have act and do stuff that makes you look loyal, so him doing things "pro humanity" doesn't really say much to me. Especially when he plans to microchip everyone, then I really see why he would need such trust.

If someone of the caliber of Elon was actually not an enemy agent, and he actually cared about humanity and he had a good heart with good intentions, it would be awesome. But I'm very skeptical.
I can't say that I am surprised. Musk constantly do work that somehow benefits the Jewish agenda, as he himself believes in a "one fits all system" (universal basic income, trans-humanism, one world government) i.e. a globalist system, communism. One can just look into the Jewish owned Technocracy movement (bankrolled by the Rockefeller Foundation) his grandfather Joshua Haldeman was the leader of. But, I guess after learning about Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Morgan Stanley, the WEF, among other corporations, that it is not too strange how the Jews always somehow seem to interfere economically, politically and industrially. The Jews always use their claws wherever they can to control the narrative in everything.
Ok my original reply to this got wiped by somehow.

I'm not trying to judge Elon just pointing out the odd things he does.

Since you don't normally post about specific people in general I just want to know if your doing ok HP Cobra.
Seriously are doing Ok?

I put it a little better in my first reply but like i said it got wiped as i was trying to post it.

Hail Father Satan.
Satan's Crow said:
Become a student of the Gods, an Aryan or a Hellene or join the Joy of Satan instead or something. That would be a sounder choice.
He should heed this advice and follow it.

Commander, are there any other celebrities following JoS?
How well do people know us?
On a slightly unrelated, what do you recommend for young SS?


Hello, how can i contact with you? Are there any protonmail you have?
Musk’s adventures with jews for the past year or so:

1. See something that exposes jewish power in the world posted on Twitter, agree with it

2. Jews start kvetching, they don’t like it at all

3. Tell jews you are sorry, and that you are not antisemitic and that you are against antisemitism

4. Go to 1.
sshivafr said:
Dear High Priest,
Does your profile picture suggest an upcoming ritual to beloved Amon Ra? 😊😊
yeah, i definitely haven't hidden my appreciation for such kind of kemetik PFP,immediately, when i noticed the change ^

in regards to a ritual, that would be very interesting, considering that i'm trying to help an individual in the forums called "the rising sun"...probably not a coincidence, my sixth sense told me to do that immediately at first, and then afterwards i thinked about it, and one of the reasons why,is likely related to the name itself,which is linked to Ra-horakhty ^

aside from that, i also do sometimes the spells that are contained in "the book of overthrowing apep" , in which Ra/Ra-horakthy is heavily mentioned and invoked, indeed ^
Elon Musk is not going to roll over for long. If he hasn't already realized that the Jews are in control, then he will and he will react accordingly.

Right now it's just a shock factor, he'll get pissed off for being embarrassed soon.
HPHC trying to do diplomatic moves and that is important. We should post this on X (twitter) and @ Musk.
With all security steps possible ofc.

Only if Musk would contribute to JoS, we would have a lot of power in money, but OFC, this won't be that easy.
sshivafr said:

Dear High Priest,
Does your profile picture suggest an upcoming ritual to beloved Amon Ra? 😊😊

I would also really like to see a ritual for Amon Ra come out.
However HP Cobra has 100% of my complete trust and any ritual he will give us I will be very happy!
Larissa666 said:
Musk’s adventures with jews for the past year or so:

1. See something that exposes jewish power in the world posted on Twitter, agree with it

2. Jews start kvetching, they don’t like it at all

3. Tell jews you are sorry, and that you are not antisemitic and that you are against antisemitism

4. Go to 1.

Yes, the public circus with Elon is just proof even to the most stupid people that the jews are literally a deluded bunch who essentially want to forever be on the pedestal and beyond any criticism.

He is to where now he is doing the "Good goyim" public shaming things in order so that the jews do not attack him unjustifiably just because he said that the jews attack White people, which is a total fact.

So now he has to pay the price for just stating the obvious.

GoldenxChild1 said:
Elon Musk is not going to roll over for long. If he hasn't already realized that the Jews are in control, then he will and he will react accordingly.

Right now it's just a shock factor, he'll get pissed off for being embarrassed soon.

He has. He also posted numerous things that indicate to this matter. As thus, the post. There's no point for him to be razed alive. I don't see what bad he did since he acquired X. Twitter is better today than it was before, which it was another full censorship cesspool.

SyraS_666 said:
HP Cobra i think now is also a good time to try and reach out to Conor McGregor,
because of what is happening in Ireland right now.

Conor albeit a good athlete, does not seem to be all that much interested in anything besides what his managers tell him to say. I know there is an ongoing insanity in Ireland based on the latest news.

Syt said:
I don't why you are giving these worthless celebrity figures, like Andrew Tate, special posts on the JOS.
This is not the purpose of the JOS.
What does this post prove?
How does this post advance us and the purpose of spiritual Satanism?

"I actually went to Hebrew preschool … I don't know if I'm genetically Jewish, maybe somewhere, but I'd say I'm aspirationally Jewish," he said. "My father took me to Israel when I was 13. I went to the [Western] Wall, went to Masada – I've been to Masada twice, I don't know if there's many people who can say that."
- Elon Musk
Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-says-hes-aspirationally-jewish-defends-x-antisemitism-reports-2023-9


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Syt thanks for this post and let me include some more information here to understand the reasoning about this. We can't live under a rock.

I have went to radical Christian preschool as well. On preschool one doesn't have a choice. This is where I started to thoroughly see the hypocrisy and hate of these programs, even on the earlier years, and the obnoxious insane followers these have.

What you post here also proves that Elon is not really a jew, because if he was, he would know beyond any doubt and would have continued the Hebraic growing up in the leagues that most jews go, which did not happen.

Many financially comfortable people take their kids to these schools even if they are Gentiles, as these are unlike other schools who teach nothing and have more prestigious degrees.

Most places of study that are private or serious in this world tend to be highly influenced by the jews, same as banks and everything else. Anyone can travel to Israel and Musk was not poor, so he might have likely traveled 50 countries by now, including Israel.

He is also that threatened by them to where he has to defend himself over their insane accusations. I address this in the original topic, not only for "Elon Musk" but also for others who observe what is going on.

Nobody is useless and not worth a message who:

1. Engages jews or unmasks them, deliberately or on purpose
2. Promotes values that are opposed to the enemy
3. Does anything constructive, even remotely for our side
4. Has severe magnitude in doing so

If they are "worthless" I wonder why it's them appearing everywhere and having all this major impact on the planet. They aren't worthless, that's just anger and sensationalism talking here.

These people also have a following, who in many cases, can be more well educated on these subjects than them. Anyone observing Elon's particular situation can understand what is going on with jews. It's exposed on the world's most major platform.

Posts like these have to reach out certain individuals and yes, since there is no direct contact, this can happen through other means.

I have verified many times that these posts do reach these people and it's better to read a few lines and know something decent than know nothing at all.

If one is literally not observing anything in the news or what is going on in the world, living a sheltered or deluded life, that is none of my business. There are practical issues in this world that once in a while, need addressing.

The situation is that the JoS has to engage sometimes in public dialogue and I do this occasionally with general instruction in mind.

nema said:
...Elon Musk is a fucking monster like all the people in a position of real power on this planet. I made some idiotic posts in the past and i'm not proud of that, i'm not even a great example for Satanists (addiction problems and stuff like that) - you are a way better man than me, i'm pretty sure .But really, i'm doubting about your awareness man. The Andrew tate one was even worse, honestly. If you know something i don't feel free to tell me (everybody) but really, i'm kinda shocked from posts like this..

I am not shocked by replies like these as they highlight the high level of delusion that denies the present reality of this world.

You keep attacking "people in power" all the time, and all those who do anything meaningful for this world. You attack them out of subterrenean jealousy about their power and status and not because of a thorough evaluation of what these people actually do. That's Christianity and it's injustice.

Thanks to this type of people, there is always this worthless vacuum where people in power are always treated like shit, even if they are right or they try to do the right thing, which, being in power, is even more difficult to do than all of the "Moralists" who won't do shit from their mother's couch.

Many "people in power" are trying to do what is right, they are a minority right now, but they are. That's why me and you we are not in a gulag right now, because some "people in power" still try to upkeep some regulations.

Even Andrew Tate who is constantly criticized and was even mistaken enough to become a "Muslim" [it's clearly all pretense], is actually teaching some people to get their asses to the gym and stop being effeminate pieces of shit, a fundamental problem in Western moral downfall.

Yes, it matters Elon Musk has the opinion and belief that all opinions should be heard. Yes, it matters if his heart would be twisted to evil in a time where things can go down the slide so easily. Yes, I will do whatever minimal part that I can in order for this to not happen, for humanity's sake.

Yes, I will put my personal opinion on the side as I don't believe he should be "best" according to solely my own criteria.

These people they cannot be "perfect" according to your standards, or mine, or anyone else's. The situation with people "In power" nowadays is, that if they aren't communist loonies, they are better and they should be recognized.

They are not perfect, and neither could they be. They weren't raised in the chapel by the high priesthood of the Gods or something.

They are doing something, something in the good direction, maybe once in a while. And I believe one word to commend that matter or support them is meaningful, especially in a world where the kikes have unanimous control and want to gulag you, who would like them to not even do that much good.
I fully agree and support this type of education towards the world and important people of our world. I believe this should be even made as a more powerful and very direct function to have towards the world by the internet channels and ways. Sustaining the wise words of High Priest comes to resonate from the times of the ancient: in need of correct orientation for the people in charge, of sailing the world and building the civilization. If we are here dumbfounded it won't expand another way outside of us.

The Joy Of Satan is to be regarded as the safest heaven of truth so all authorities in the world can entrust in anonymity or not to get to know and derive great counsel. The Level of Joy of Satan is there and this must be known.

Elon Musk, I see, should challenge the jews the way he does it already, indirectly and by the motive of "child curiosity", revealing indirectly and by accident the nature in sight for all to see. Basic logic and common sense then should be promoted most. It doesn't hurt to have the position even of an unjustified victim here, as it is, because this can contrast and can reveal what it always revealed, the nature of the jew.

The world will have be influenced as it always been, in consciousness and individual acts, and this will be indirect and direct from above, most of the times. Some ways of the transformation in the positive can be acknowledged in a basic form in an against the jewish spirit and of ignorance. We have to act in unity of thoughts and emotion towards the collective world as well.
Meow2023 said:
to bad you can't send this right to his email and make sure he reads it. though i'm not sure if this guy isn't crazy to begin with. Remember he wants to put chips in peoples heads. So is he really part of the innocent party?

One day all will understand the truth. though that day can't come soon enough i'm afraid this guy might be a lost cause.

Hail Father Satan

If we have Twitter (X) accounts we can try replying to his posts with this article. I say do it. even if he sees it and does not react positive it will still create a positive chain reaction by mentioning it, as others will learn and he will see pretty soon how obvious the HP's post was.
Adding on to what HPC just said, even if Elon Musk may promote things that aren't in humanity's best interests, like microchips, it's not that he is "inherently bad", but that he is simply "Ignorant of what is Good" as Plato would say.
I'm with HPHC on this. He is another brainwashed gentile retard that the jews tolerate because he kisses their ass and proves no threat.
I'm happy to be proven wrong also if I am wrong, and yes, he is being used as a tool for evil. He has also impregnated a bunch of jewesses. These are all concequences of being a retard too.
Akay said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I remember reading something like that here, so I swore he was a right-wing liberal Jew
Wanting to destroy the world in his own way, I even said something like that in a past post.
Thanks for the clarification

Yes, there's constant rumors and drama about celebrities being jewish at times here and you should expect better but that's where we are and
I, And it seems others, only seem to chime in on these rumors when necessary like now.

It's just a reality that many prominent Gentiles will resemble jews without having a drop of jewish blood for obvious reasons we have spoken endlessly here. From curse to media influences. So it's understandable where these rumors and concerns come from.
Thank you for posting this HP!

It is really important to know since I always felt that Elon has been sharing a very valuable NS view of things.

Good job Elon! :)
Syt said:
I don't why you are giving these worthless celebrity figures, like Andrew Tate, special posts on the JOS.
This is not the purpose of the JOS.
What does this post prove?
How does this post advance us and the purpose of spiritual Satanism?

Criticism is ok, but I think these are overly harsh statements to be made, especially assertions on the "purpose of JoS" towards a High Priest.

I don't see this post, or that to Andrew Tate, as any real attempt by HPHC at communication with these people (otherwise he would've just sent an email), but more as reflections on their personal positions in the world, relative to the Satanic path.

In regards to the value of this post toward the average member of JoS, it serves as a small case study on the operation of the enemy, both against these individual people, but also the values which are being upheld by these people.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Adding on to what HPC just said, even if Elon Musk may promote things that aren't in humanity's best interests, like microchips, it's not that he is "inherently bad", but that he is simply "Ignorant of what is Good" as Plato would say.

This idea about brainchips is how most people were raised with from movies and other Science Fiction from the earlier decades or around the advent of the internet. Members before have shown to me and have explained to me about numerous movies and also we all know Deus Ex here and other games.

There are numerous movies and novels speaking about this. Naturally these give people a form of inspiration likely in the wrong direction.

Contrary to popular belief also, Elon Musk is not the first to develop this unfortunately. As mentioned above, DARPA already has this implemented for humans and it's worse than this. As early as 2002 they already knew of human subjects where this was used. Maybe earlier.

Is it a bad idea? It certainly is a terrible idea. Has it been around? Yes it has been around. Should it happen? Like many things with AI that can get out of control, it will likely be one of the major mistakes of humanity to go down this road. Would eventually someone try to do this? Yes they would, given the above context.

That's the world as it's currently going. As for our opinion it's known that we are not pro this practice because of how terrible it can go for humanity. I have wrote before that non invasive technology like this could help us a lot, but the implantation inside the skull can have terrible ramifications in the wrong hands or in general, way worse than we can understand.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
