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"We want to destroy the family”

Dec 31, 2018

The event called “Democracia em colapso?” or “Democracy in collapse?” was funded by (((Rosa Luxemburg))) Foundation and (((Maurício Grabois))) Foundation.

Vitor Zaparoli Borgheresi or “Amanda Palha” is a member of Brazilian Communist Party.
National-Satanist said:

The event called “Democracia em colapso?” or “Democracy in collapse?” was funded by (((Rosa Luxemburg))) Foundation and (((Maurício Grabois))) Foundation.

Vitor Zaparoli Borgheresi or “Amanda Palha” is a member of Brazilian Communist Party.

News flash the family has already been destroyed for a long time by xtianity and Islam. That is if the children don’t become a complete clone of their parents of family in following these religious programs. Who here on the Satanic path or actually any other path (other than xtianity and Islam) even atheism or Neo paganism enjoys or actually likes dealing with any family members who take xtianity or Islam seriously. Who on any other path than xtianity or Islam actually gets along with family members who are serious in that path and is able to have family relations in a way that the family originally was intended for.

The family values people have already destroyed the family long ago.

I don’t think there is much left for these commies to do.

Now in the case of families not effected by Islam or xtianity in a serious way they might do damage but not a lot cause they can’t break something that is already destroyed for many centuries.

Almost no one I ever talked to has had a positive experience growing up to be honest.

This is probably true in most of society. This stuff is more of a reaction out of anger than anything that is caused by the enemy. They can’t destroy something that is already destroyed.

It’s time to bring back National Socialism and actual family values.

We will only have family values when we get rid of xtianity and Islam
The jew buybull says that you should hate your family.
slyscorpion said:
I don’t think there is much left for these commies to do.
They want to legalize pedophilia and create anti-white laws. “Amanda Palha” said that the family is a racialized institution, this is why they want to destroy family.

“That is why any reforms we might painfully exact from our rulers would only be fragile and vulnerable; that is why we, along with the women's movement, must fight for something more than reform. We must aim at the abolition of the family, so that the sexist, male supremacist system can no longer be nurtured there.”–Gay Liberation Front:Manifesto

Nambla, a organization who wants to legalize pedophilia, was associated to International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.
National-Satanist said:
slyscorpion said:
I don’t think there is much left for these commies to do.
They want to legalize pedophilia and create anti-white laws. “Amanda Palha” said that the family is a racialized institution, this is why they want to destroy family.

“That is why any reforms we might painfully exact from our rulers would only be fragile and vulnerable; that is why we, along with the women's movement, must fight for something more than reform. We must aim at the abolition of the family, so that the sexist, male supremacist system can no longer be nurtured there.”–Gay Liberation Front:Manifesto

Nambla, a organization who wants to legalize pedophilia, was associated to International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.

I know at some point in these movements and even recently they have been trying to do stuff exactly like what you said. Trust me I know I have seen it myself I am bisexual but do not really want to take part in any of their groups for the reason that I find it abhorrent the way they act. You are totally correct I even saw someone openly promoting pedo stuff and drugs and communist bullshit against trump with the flag right out in the open that can be researched and shown to mean pro pedo stuff.

I know what you mean and I do not support these people at all. I just thought you were linking to one of those things that was like “traditional biblical morality” or “gays break up families” etc

We also have to remember that we in modern society for the most part do not even know how a proper family system would work. I am sure monogamy and straight hetero marriage as well as a child being treated like they are a slave is not the way it is supposed to go.

I know for a fact that this promiscuous race mixing often (even with kikes) do drugs and push and promote as much nonsense (trans) as possible is not helpful and is very harmful. The other side hurts people too though be aware.

I have never once taken part in any of those movements or even so much as did anything other than go to a gay pride parade once just to see what was going on that is where I saw what I mentioned above and will never go back to such an event again.

I don’t support this stuff
National-Satanist said:
slyscorpion said:
I don’t think there is much left for these commies to do.
They want to legalize pedophilia and create anti-white laws. “Amanda Palha” said that the family is a racialized institution, this is why they want to destroy family.

“That is why any reforms we might painfully exact from our rulers would only be fragile and vulnerable; that is why we, along with the women's movement, must fight for something more than reform. We must aim at the abolition of the family, so that the sexist, male supremacist system can no longer be nurtured there.”–Gay Liberation Front:Manifesto

Nambla, a organization who wants to legalize pedophilia, was associated to International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.
Good point. These jews keep spewing the same bullshit.

In his book The Authoritarian Personality, which was funded by the American Jewish Committee, Franfurt School Jew Theodore Adorno describes a need to break down familial and national bonds for the purpose of preventing another Holocaust of the Jews. This is considered the seminal work which established the necessity of destroying masculinity in order to further social progress, which, as you are aware, is a key concept of the modern feminist movement as well as the anti-racist movement (which are really the same movement).
Hence why I've lost almost all respect for the gay community.
Aku said:
(((Allen Ginsberg))) is the head of nambla

and I had just forgotten that exists, now the question of "how are people this fucking horrible" will haunt my dreams again tonight, just the thought that there might be one non jew in that makes me sick honestly.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Hence why I've lost almost all respect for the gay community.

To clarify, I've lost the respect for those that make their personality revolve around their sexuality. They're the type to go out in public, host a pride parade, and walk around Downtown (not naming city) wearing leather straps and thongs in front of children. I've literally seen this happen and it damn near made me puke. Those are the types that are making an active attempt at destroying society, by being as degenerate and as hedonistic as they can be. Straight people are also guilty of hedonism but you'll find it's more common in the LGBT community where it's actively encouraged.

Now, for those of you who are gay/bi/lesbian/trans/whatever and don't make it everybody's business, great, I'll respect that. Just don't tell me there are 69 genders because then I'm likely to slap some sense into you.
It's bad for gays themselves too. They learn to have the self-destructive victim mentality and blame straight white men for everything instead of being strong and confident. Blaming others and having self pity destroys your willpower and self-esteem and makes you a total failure. Much like what feminism does to women.

ShadowTheRaven said:
To clarify, I've lost the respect for those that make their personality revolve around their sexuality. They're the type to go out in public, host a pride parade, and walk around Downtown (not naming city) wearing leather straps and thongs in front of children. I've literally seen this happen and it damn near made me puke. Those are the types that are making an active attempt at destroying society, by being as degenerate and as hedonistic as they can be. Straight people are also guilty of hedonism but you'll find it's more common in the LGBT community where it's actively encouraged.

Now, for those of you who are gay/bi/lesbian/trans/whatever and don't make it everybody's business, great, I'll respect that. Just don't tell me there are 69 genders because then I'm likely to slap some sense into you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
