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The Air Element (quick information)


Active member
Feb 1, 2020
I'm writing this as an informational post.

I've been studying and absorbing the Elements for years and only recently I discovered more about Air.
Truth be told, I WAS going to pop up and ask you guys for more information, but it wasn't necessary as it was Zeus (more than likely) who answered me, so I'm sharing this knowledge (that you might already have) with you Brothers and Sister, hoping it'll give you some more insight.

My main question after trying to learn abilities from the Elements was: HOW one would use Air as an offending ability? We know very well how Fire can lead to Pyrokinesis, Water can teach one how to withstand so much more cold and teach Cryokinesis, and Earth Element is the one described as used for death rituals, so no shit. That's super clear. But Air?

The Invoking Air page on the JoS talks about the Element of communication, most social of the Elements, electronics (which would lead to Electrokinesis, or manipulation of electric devices, etc), and it mentions that it leads to insanity if the subject is unable to stand it, inciting chaos.

But I was looking for a way to use it more directly, quickly.
After doubling my RTRs yesterday (something I'll definitely keep up, and I suggest to those who only do one per day to follow my suggestion) I felt Zeus' guidance twice. Immediately after, and the next morning again.
To put it in simple words, I feel He updated information in my brain, much like you'd do to a computer (fitting example I think, as electronics is a peculiarity of Air) and He taught me how Air ALSO leads not only to the ability to raise storms and using the weather, but learning about the 'power of electricity' itself. I'm not talking about casting lightning with your hands, but using Air as an vector that can immediately overcharge your enemy's nervours system with an amount of electricity you can stand, but that they will be unable to resist. The result would very probably end up with an electric shock and unconsciousness.

I feel this ability may not kill the enemy on the spot (unless the damage to one's brain was vast enough) but it would be great to incapacitate an imminent threat, giving the user time to flee or take further action.

Apologies to those who knew all this already, I am super thrilled to have discovered this fact just now and felt Zeus would be pleased with me sharing what I learned. My aura feels still so electrified and powerful from the last meditation, this is something unprecedented in me.

Now, also, everything makes more sense to me: my love and attraction for Zeus, for the storms, for electronics since I was a child...

Knowing this, I strongly suggest you to embrace your dominant Element (you should STILL absorb ALL of them to balance your Soul equally!) in order to reach those skills you're more likely to learn faster than those related to the Elements you may lack.

Hope this was of use to You. It was very much use for me!

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Knowing this, I strongly suggest you to embrace your dominant Element (you should STILL absorb ALL of them to balance your Soul equally!)

That is another way which would be to just absorb Akahsa or absorb Akasha and vibrate AAA-KKK-SH-AAA since it's a sanskrit word and your augmenting both energy and vibration.

An affirmation might be like The akashic energy is totally, completely, and permanently(eternally/forever) balancing all my elements in a safe, healthy, happy, and positive way for me.

Akasha can be used in obscene amounts in comparison to the elements plus it's safe like it has been mentioned by a few people.

Not that your wrong in your statement it's your way of doing it and a perfectly valid way but some people want to do it in a safer style. Although I agree after a while working on the elements is a good idea to get a direct, specific feel.

Either way keep up the good work seems like your doing well with elements. :cool:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

I just want to say I really love your passion about everything. I know how exciting it is to discover connections that lead to more connections that lead to revelations upon revelations.

You definitely are strong with the air element that's for sure, I can tell. You thoroughly love to communicate and share things, write, record your findings, study and really love the power of mental aspects. You're very imaginative and have a lot of creative inspiration. These are all aspects solely of the air element.

The air element is utilized in telekinesis. You see the air element is a force. Electricity is created when the balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside force (air) in which an atom may gain or lose an electron. When electrons are "lost" from an atom, the free movement of these electrons constitutes an electric current.

The whole reason lightning forms in thunderstorms is because of oppositional traits to the lower and higher levels of the air, be it temperature, moisture or perhaps even pressure. Air has very direct involvement with electricity and is the prime force behind it at the very atomic level. So yes, your knowledge is absolutely correct.

Some rather ambitious forms of attack with the air element would of course be lightning strikes, or influencing a target to be struck by lightning during a storm. In more powerful and advanced forms you can definitely electrocute a person to death right on the spot, this is of course superbly advanced and I'm only saying this to let it be known that it is entirely possible in our given reality. It is certainly possible to conjure electricity in the form of sparks, static and yes, lightning. You can overload an individual's nervous system and entirely mess up the very electrical wiring of an individual's brain. This can cause strokes, seizures and death.

So when anybody asks you what element electricity is if we only have the official five, it's air.

Electrokinesis is of the air element.

Personally, I'll stick with my fire.
Gear88 said:

The only reason I'm postponing akasha/quintessence is that I don't yet feel a good grip on it. I know that it's the color of blacklights (which I always liked very much) but, since I already have a terrible time feeling energy, something that isn't even obvious to me I fear I'll just fail to recognize. The 4 classical Elements are super easy.. Fire=hot, Water=cold, Earth=dense/heavy, Air=light and 'airy'. I wouldn't be able to tell you what Akasha feels like, and I always have tended to try visualizing too much instead of feeling. This ended up distracting me and making me feel like I was wasting time.

Air (finally) started to make me feel, even good amounts of energy I must say, so I'm going on with this for now. Plus, I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but the two Demonesses I feel the closest are both Air. One of them (at least) is definitely my Guardian, I just didn't realize this until the past year. Someone said one's Demon/Demoness has our same dominant Element, not sure how true that is but it makes sense to me. One of the two goddesses also (Leraje) has even more ability over wind and the sky, so that **infinitely** rings a bell with me. The other one I had a close encounter with, spoke super briefly with, but I kind of feel "like I wanted Her to be my Guardian" and that She's not. Can't know for sure yet. I trust Her of course, but I'm not as good as to say much about the gods yet. Still training for that. Thanks for the hint though, I'll definitely try quintessence/akasha in the future, maybe linked to another Element to feel stronger effects.
Are there any specific days/times/dates to begin Element work? I have not done any before. I don't think you need to mention not beginning an Element working during a Void Course of the Moon.

Gear88 said:
Unless I am mistaken, I believe you meant to say AAA-KKK-AAA-SHH-AAA.
This was really cool to know!! I’ve only recently started working with the elements and I don’t feel the full extent of them yet but I do know as a matter of fact I don’t have nearly enough earth and balance is definitely something I need.
Electrokinesis can also be developed independently from the air element and from electronics, for that matter, as proficiency in electrokinesis doesn't necessarily translate into technopathy/technokinesis (which is the proper term for manipulation of electronics). I'm very attuned to electricity and thunderbolts but not so much to electronics. In fact, quite the opposite as there is a mutual hatred that translates in malfunctionings usually. Sudden, impredictable and difficult to pinpoint.

The air element on its own is not so difficult to place offensively. Ever thought about drawing all air away from a person's lungs? All the oxygen away from the brain? Or even the opposite of overloading them with it. Overloading with oxygen can also cause an energy overload because oxygen carries energy inside the body. Oxygen deficiency can lead to total systemic failure, which is death because the organs shut down one by one.

Air can become a sharp weapon to cut people down, as you can imagine when you experience certain wind currents in some parts of the planets.

Air can also be pressurired and act as a blunt weapon or even a thrusting weapon.

Any of these can be done both from the outside and the inside of your target. The only limits with elements are those of your creativity.

The electric power in Sanskrit is held by the Krim mantra, which is the bija mantra of Mars and in fact you find it in the Mars square. Opposite to the magnetic power which is held by the Klim mantra, which is particularly associated with a specific planet but with all feminine planets.

Zeus' name itself, when vibrated, resembles the sound of the cracking and popping of a lightning bolt, seemingly to Thor. Zeus and Thaurs are very similar in vibration. In contrast, Indra's weapon (the vajra) seems more watery and firey in nature, but isn't from the merging of fire and water that electromagnetic forces (and air too) are born? Sun (the father in alchemy), Moon (the alchemical mother) and Mercury (the alchemical son).

This is my reflection on the topic.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

In more powerful and advanced forms you can definitely electrocute a person to death right on the spot, this is of course superbly advanced and I'm only saying this to let it be known that it is entirely possible in our given reality. It is certainly possible to conjure electricity in the form of sparks, static and yes, lightning. You can overload an individual's nervous system and entirely mess up the very electrical wiring of an individual's brain. This can cause strokes, seizures and death.

So when anybody asks you what element electricity is if we only have the official five, it's air.

Electrokinesis is of the air element.

Personally, I'll stick with my fire.

I speak from experience so this is my opinion, I don't know why you guys think air has to do with electricity in this sense. Air is the manipulator and holder not the initiator , so air travels the spark of the fire. Inside in the body as how it works is like this, producing it outside the body maybe air is the key but I doubt fire or earth won't be needed.

The lower chakras along with sexual energy (build up and made to rise) is the focus to produce and "electrocute a person to death right on the spot" :lol: :lol:
It is more complex but fire element is the one that produces said phenomenon, air may be used to project it outside the body by the aura to others at great distances but thats it. It is a cooperation but the focus is the chakras not elements. It is a transformation and a meet up of the energies. Base, Sacral and the Solar. Everything is meet at just above the sacral and it goes in the solar and from there everywhere. It is very hard to control it and extremely dangerous if it happens unintended when outside and with kids around.

Also the electric shock can differ it can be discharged as it is, creating a shock or it can be a radiant electricity that grips and it's felt like pain in the bones at great levels, nonshock and this type of electricity is your own body's electricity

The intensity of the shock is by the retention of the energy in the body, in the solar. It hurts both ways so to kill someone...you'd have to withstand yourself the product. If you keep it in the sacral you experience a sea of electric pleasure on the belly

The hardest thing is to control the sexual energy to rise up, but if the systems are cleaned by meditation it rises up natural without any control from your part
nakedhill said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

I speak from experience so this is my opinion, I don't know why you guys think air has to do with electricity in this sense. Air is the manipulator and holder not the initiator , so air travels the spark of the fire. Inside in the body as how it works is like this, producing it outside the body maybe air is the key but I doubt fire or earth won't be needed.

The lower chakras along with sexual energy (build up and made to rise) is the focus to produce and "electrocute a person to death right on the spot" :lol: :lol:
It is more complex but fire element is the one that produces said phenomenon, air may be used to project it outside the body by the aura to others at great distances but thats it. It is a cooperation but the focus is the chakras not elements. It is a transformation and a meet up of the energies. Base, Sacral and the Solar. Everything is meet at just above the sacral and it goes in the solar and from there everywhere. It is very hard to control it and extremely dangerous if it happens unintended when outside and with kids around.

Also the electric shock can differ it can be discharged as it is, creating a shock or it can be a radiant electricity that grips and it's felt like pain in the bones at great levels, nonshock and this type of electricity is your own body's electricity

The intensity of the shock is by the retention of the energy in the body, in the solar. It hurts both ways so to kill someone...you'd have to withstand yourself the product. If you keep it in the sacral you experience a sea of electric pleasure on the belly

The hardest thing is to control the sexual energy to rise up, but if the systems are cleaned by meditation it rises up natural without any control from your part

Air is the force that creates the 'spark' in the first place. The spark and energy of electricity is not fire, it is a form of magnetism at the extremes that produces immense focused heat of which can start fires. The closest thing it's in relation to is bio-electricity, and this is why one might be spiritually empowered or experience a rise in their bio-electricity during a lightning storm because of all the energy produced in the air. I certainly have felt this many times when out in a storm, but 'I speak from experience so this is my opinion'.

Bio-electricity is a form of magnetism, which is exactly what air can create as a force used for electrokinesis. I could try all I wanted but no amount of pyrokinesis is going to create a bolt of electricity, because fire cannot oppose the electrons of an atom because it is an effect and not a cause. Air is the primary force behind electron charges at the atomic level, it is a force and this is why it is utilized in telekinesis.

The lower chakras have nothing to do with electricity or the air element at all, they are primarily of earth and fire of which can't so much as produce a spark. I'm not sure where you're getting your information but wherever it is you are vastly misinformed. If air is the manipulator and holder, I repeat, manipulator and holder, then as a holder of what it can manipulate, it is an initiator. When you are breathing in energy to empower and raise your bio-electricity, where are you breathing it in from? The air.

It is quoted by Thoth that "Life is in the breath." The spark of life, is air.

If you're going to 'laugh' at the knowledge of older and experienced members, you should ensure you have all the facts straight yourself...
Ghost in the Machine said:
The lower chakras have nothing to do with electricity or the air element at all, they are primarily of earth and fire of which can't so much as produce a spark. I'm not sure where you're getting your information but wherever it is you are vastly misinformed. If air is the manipulator and holder, I repeat, manipulator and holder, then as a holder of what it can manipulate, it is an initiator. When you are breathing in energy to empower and raise your bio-electricity, where are you breathing it in from? The air.

It is quoted by Thoth that "Life is in the breath." The spark of life, is air.

If you're going to 'laugh' at the knowledge of older and experienced members, you should ensure you have all the facts straight yourself...

I do not speak by reading books and I'll respond again to this subject as I am full of hearing this generic responses to complex and powerful things
I don't know from were you think I get my "facts" from as you can't find any information on this on what I've said. This generic thing you speak is alright. In general everything is alright, even if it is more complex than you think. I don't know why you think I " 'laugh' at the "knowledge of older and experienced members" but for sure at this grumpy response I may laugh.

So tell me if not the lower chakras are the focus, is it the heart? you produce electricity from the heart? ..head?? Think about it because this generic "Air" element to" electrocute a person to the death" from "older and experienced members" doesn't suffice to someone with little experience.

Yes the head has electricity, the brain zapps from time to time in between points of energy but it has no correlation to the brute electric force that which resides in your belly and when put outside in the aura creates extreme sparks shocks and lighting, that can be felt , visually seen.

When you are generally breathing energy it goes down just above the sacral. There and at the Solar is the most energy of a human I could say, there you can stock up energy and use it. If you need telekinesis you get this energy to the heart by a circuit which at the front extension is were it goes and it transforms into a magnetic like force, even if it is air.
Air mirrors the electric or magnetic. At the back extension it is more fiery. Heart doesn't feel electric, it is magnetic, pressure and pure paralyzing force but when in meditation it is like an engine of electricity that can be used to move yourself even if it is not needed to astral project.

Again I did not said that the aura isn't needed, as it is very important.
I don't care how you produce it outside the body, with the air and fire element or whatever, but in the body things are as they are.
FancyMancy said:
Are there any specific days/times/dates to begin Element work? I have not done any before. I don't think you need to mention not beginning an Element working during a Void Course of the Moon.

Personally, I think any time during the Crescent Moon is fine. I'm not that great to ask about timing and astrology, but over the last year I started paying attention to the Moon and noticed a slight improvement, so I'd go with Crescent for anything concerning your personal growth, including of course Elemental growth. Only word of advice, start slow. Not just because it's recommendable to go easy with the Elements (being them such powerful forces) but because you'll be more alert and notice small changes in yourself while undergoing this training. Also (needless to say) I strongly suggest you keep a diary and document everything, even what you may think is unimportant now. Just a few details after each meditation and the hours/days later will probably be good enough. If you're going to keep this up and develop more resistance and power with the Elements, you'll certainly want to remember the previous step to make sure you understand what works best for you. Good luck (and, must say, have fun)!
Lifeforod1n said:
This was really cool to know!! I’ve only recently started working with the elements and I don’t feel the full extent of them yet but I do know as a matter of fact I don’t have nearly enough earth and balance is definitely something I need.

Glad you found it a good read! :) If you just started out with the Elements I only suggest you try all of them over a period of.. whatever you're comfortable with. Two or three weeks to say a lot and taking it easy, I'd say. If you don't feel them yet (same thing has happened to me) there are some preparatory exercises in the Meditations section of the JoS, they mostly include visualizing situations in which you're very close to the Element and the environment it dominates so you'll have an easier time not getting distracted. Practice means a lot here though, as does consistency. Just don't overdo it too much. A little overdo is ok, you do need to learn what your limits are and it's wise to know oneself. Overdoing it with Elements can lead to health problems so build your tolerance up gradually.

And if you haven't already, have a look at your natal chart to find out what Element dominates you mostly and which one you lack. I only recently found out mine (had a hint but never knew for sure) and it's been super useful information.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

I just want to say I really love your passion about everything. I know how exciting it is to discover connections that lead to more connections that lead to revelations upon revelations.

You definitely are strong with the air element that's for sure, I can tell. You thoroughly love to communicate and share things, write, record your findings, study and really love the power of mental aspects. You're very imaginative and have a lot of creative inspiration. These are all aspects solely of the air element.

The air element is utilized in telekinesis. You see the air element is a force. Electricity is created when the balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside force (air) in which an atom may gain or lose an electron. When electrons are "lost" from an atom, the free movement of these electrons constitutes an electric current.

The whole reason lightning forms in thunderstorms is because of oppositional traits to the lower and higher levels of the air, be it temperature, moisture or perhaps even pressure. Air has very direct involvement with electricity and is the prime force behind it at the very atomic level. So yes, your knowledge is absolutely correct.

Some rather ambitious forms of attack with the air element would of course be lightning strikes, or influencing a target to be struck by lightning during a storm. In more powerful and advanced forms you can definitely electrocute a person to death right on the spot, this is of course superbly advanced and I'm only saying this to let it be known that it is entirely possible in our given reality. It is certainly possible to conjure electricity in the form of sparks, static and yes, lightning. You can overload an individual's nervous system and entirely mess up the very electrical wiring of an individual's brain. This can cause strokes, seizures and death.

So when anybody asks you what element electricity is if we only have the official five, it's air.

Electrokinesis is of the air element.

Personally, I'll stick with my fire.

Dude, your message is infinitely welcome. Not only you confirmed the little doubts I still may have had (being this topic about something I'm still very much a newbie with) but you also answered the questions I felt rising in these days.

I definitely feel Air is my strongest Element. I guess I was always too unsure because no matter the amount of evidence I already had gathered to support this idea, I was waiting for something 'from high above'.. like an astrological opinion, and that was just what I needed. Never had these many answers at once in my life.

And thanks for the insane amount of information! I wouldn't have dreamed Air could be so damn powerful! :shock:
Your explanation of telekinesis being an ability that 'derives' I might say from Air is pretty convincing to me. The whole science behind it, lost electrons and different pressures, really fits in my head and I think thanks to this way you kindly put it I might be able to understand it as the phenomenon that takes place in telekinesis and levitation. I'm thinking it's all about ions.. and magnetism. Which is funny because I always thought only Earth was the Element that had the most to do with telekinesis, and only now I understand how wrong I was in thinking that.

Not to mention the endless possibilities in which one can use Air to create and use electricity... to be completely honest, I don't really understand electricity yet. I know how it works, I passed all the exams in schools and all that, but if you asked me what electricity ~is~ I wouldn't have a clear idea. I'm thinking it's probably easier to think of what it's not, something defined and tangible. It's probably more something that touches you (or passes through you) instead of you touching it. Sure it's fascinating, that much I can say.

As for lightning.... I know I'm nowhere near that powerful yet, but I'd know exactly where to direct those bolts. Wait, did you say jewish heads? Yes! Me too! :p But to say the truth right now I'm pretty concerned with 5G towers. I just found a video where I learned that some heroic people are destroying at many as they can. Some face penal charges and jail, some don't get caught.
And to remain in the subject of electrokinesis (or technopathy/technokinesis), I work pretty close to a military base and (while my job has nothing to do with the military) lately I am sensing something, like a vibrational difference in the air if that makes sense. Not only that, but I felt it makes me kinda dizzy for a moment, almost 'like I'm going to faint'.. I don't faint, but I get this ominous feeling from a machine that's being used for evil. And I know you 'talk' to machines too, they're generally the best and friendly. Guess these devices have been implanted with jew energy cause it feels really negative to me (and I generally don't feel anything as probably even the stones of this forum know by now, so it's got to be pretty strong).

Thanks a lot for your feedback though, I appreciated it very much. (Dare I say this is the best summed up information I've gotten in a long while? Quite possibly.) I need to work on myself, a lot.

Stormblood said:
Electrokinesis can also be developed independently from the air element and from electronics, for that matter, as proficiency in electrokinesis doesn't necessarily translate into technopathy/technokinesis (which is the proper term for manipulation of electronics). I'm very attuned to electricity and thunderbolts but not so much to electronics. In fact, quite the opposite as there is a mutual hatred that translates in malfunctionings usually. Sudden, impredictable and difficult to pinpoint.

The air element on its own is not so difficult to place offensively. Ever thought about drawing all air away from a person's lungs? All the oxygen away from the brain? Or even the opposite of overloading them with it. Overloading with oxygen can also cause an energy overload because oxygen carries energy inside the body. Oxygen deficiency can lead to total systemic failure, which is death because the organs shut down one by one.

Air can become a sharp weapon to cut people down, as you can imagine when you experience certain wind currents in some parts of the planets.

Air can also be pressurired and act as a blunt weapon or even a thrusting weapon.

Any of these can be done both from the outside and the inside of your target. The only limits with elements are those of your creativity.

The electric power in Sanskrit is held by the Krim mantra, which is the bija mantra of Mars and in fact you find it in the Mars square. Opposite to the magnetic power which is held by the Klim mantra, which is particularly associated with a specific planet but with all feminine planets.

Zeus' name itself, when vibrated, resembles the sound of the cracking and popping of a lightning bolt, seemingly to Thor. Zeus and Thaurs are very similar in vibration. In contrast, Indra's weapon (the vajra) seems more watery and firey in nature, but isn't from the merging of fire and water that electromagnetic forces (and air too) are born? Sun (the father in alchemy), Moon (the alchemical mother) and Mercury (the alchemical son).

This is my reflection on the topic.

Thanks for the feedback, between you and Ghost in the Machine I'm piling up lots of good advice. ;)

While I agree on everything, I guess it's safe to say the skills you listed are all pretty damn advanced!
Not that I dislike your thinking of anything, this IS an Elemental power we're talking about and it IS possible to use the Element in all these ways. I just don't know in how many life cycles I might get to the first! :lol: The "draining all air from a person's lungs" for instance is something I've only seen once in an anime (as a matter of fact, "Avatar" lol) and I thought... well, that's certainly deadly. I remember when I was a child and kept my head outside the car window while someone else was driving, I'd "test" myself on how much I could resist not being able to breathe because of the force of the air pressure on my face and making it impossible for me to even inhale. Always wondered how strong the wind can actually be. Needless to say I always found the subject so fascinating I feel kinda stupid now for failing to realize my dominant Element has been Air the entire time. Guess for some it takes more trial and error than others.

Concerning the 'malfunctioning' of devices and technology and whatnot.... I know it's probably a newbie's advice (you'll certainly know better), but this happened to me a lot the month after I tried to summon a specific Demon who might be my Guardian (I'm thinking I have two Guardians, not sure yet). Point is, the MOMENT I started the ritual my lamp bulb died after years of service. Thought immediately that it was strange, maybe a sign from the Demon, maybe not. Over the next month I observed a LOT of malfunctioning technology, devices, phones, machinery at work, all stopping without explanation. Thought that this "really meant I was wrong about that Demon", but it just kept happening. It only stopped when I decided it was simply the Demon's way of telling me She had come to me. Because I can't communicate with Demons in a proficent way, this was the vector for me to interprete. Just thought I'd state it out in case it was a common occurrence for more people. I need to get to know Her better still, but from the description in the JoS things definitely make sense to me.

Good think you pointed out vibrating the name Zeus. I recently started doing that and I have to say, I like the effect it delivers. The Z sounds like electricity, the E and U hit specific pitches that stimulate my head chakras and the final S is more silent and 'weaker' so that it defuses the build up and makes me actually aware of how much energy I was getting into play. Definitely keeping that up now. I remember reading that chanting the Demon's name is a good way to establish a contact as well, so that's very probably one way I managed to attract Zeus and get this information in the forum. :) So glad I did. I'm learning at a faster rate than I ever did, from the Gods and from the most respectable and powerful human beings on Earth.

Stormblood said:
The electric power in Sanskrit is held by the Krim mantra, which is the bija mantra of Mars and in fact you find it in the Mars square.

Yes, who wants electricity do the Krim mantra, it activates the sacral and does the job .
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Dude, your message is infinitely welcome. Not only you confirmed the little doubts I still may have had (being this topic about something I'm still very much a newbie with) but you also answered the questions I felt rising in these days.

I definitely feel Air is my strongest Element. I guess I was always too unsure because no matter the amount of evidence I already had gathered to support this idea, I was waiting for something 'from high above'.. like an astrological opinion, and that was just what I needed. Never had these many answers at once in my life.

And thanks for the insane amount of information! I wouldn't have dreamed Air could be so damn powerful! :shock:
Your explanation of telekinesis being an ability that 'derives' I might say from Air is pretty convincing to me. The whole science behind it, lost electrons and different pressures, really fits in my head and I think thanks to this way you kindly put it I might be able to understand it as the phenomenon that takes place in telekinesis and levitation. I'm thinking it's all about ions.. and magnetism. Which is funny because I always thought only Earth was the Element that had the most to do with telekinesis, and only now I understand how wrong I was in thinking that.

Not to mention the endless possibilities in which one can use Air to create and use electricity... to be completely honest, I don't really understand electricity yet. I know how it works, I passed all the exams in schools and all that, but if you asked me what electricity ~is~ I wouldn't have a clear idea. I'm thinking it's probably easier to think of what it's not, something defined and tangible. It's probably more something that touches you (or passes through you) instead of you touching it. Sure it's fascinating, that much I can say.

As for lightning.... I know I'm nowhere near that powerful yet, but I'd know exactly where to direct those bolts. Wait, did you say jewish heads? Yes! Me too! :p But to say the truth right now I'm pretty concerned with 5G towers. I just found a video where I learned that some heroic people are destroying at many as they can. Some face penal charges and jail, some don't get caught.
And to remain in the subject of electrokinesis (or technopathy/technokinesis), I work pretty close to a military base and (while my job has nothing to do with the military) lately I am sensing something, like a vibrational difference in the air if that makes sense. Not only that, but I felt it makes me kinda dizzy for a moment, almost 'like I'm going to faint'.. I don't faint, but I get this ominous feeling from a machine that's being used for evil. And I know you 'talk' to machines too, they're generally the best and friendly. Guess these devices have been implanted with jew energy cause it feels really negative to me (and I generally don't feel anything as probably even the stones of this forum know by now, so it's got to be pretty strong).

Thanks a lot for your feedback though, I appreciated it very much. (Dare I say this is the best summed up information I've gotten in a long while? Quite possibly.) I need to work on myself, a lot.


You're welcome for the assistance. Air is of things like magnetism and gravity, this is why it can be utilized with works like levitation and such, it is largely the elemental force behind quantum bindings of atoms and electrical currents as well as massless energy like photons and radio waves. This is why the air element also rules electronics, tvs, computers, radios and electricity, of which one with high air element will find deep interest in these things because you are drawn to them.

You have kinship with machinery and electronics because you are prominently of the air element which is connected with these. I too have high air element, in fact all of my fire, earth and air element are very high and near perfectly balanced with fire only being the slightest bit more prominent, the only element I have little to none of is water which I manage manually on my own. I share this 'connection' with machinery and electronics that you have because of this high air element.

As for the subject of 5G, I've been researching and studying it in the past couple months because I have my own concerns about it. I've made a lot of connections regarding radio waves and our own countering bio-electricity which has the potential to be a form of emp, there's a lot of relations I've found. Below is a very small portion I've written in my research documents.

"Our souls, our light-body, is of course powered by light. Photons, electromagnetic radiation part of the quantum that also includes radio waves. It is an elementary particle, one our souls are made of. The sun gives off photons of course, we are made of this same energy. The sun has the potential with bursts of energy to create a global emp that knocks out power. It interrupts radios, tvs, internet, "radio waves". Of course this is a MASSIVE comparison, but the idea is we can essentially do the same through the same cause."

The idea is there is a spiritual means at least we can utilize to defend ourselves, but don't get your hopes up too much, there's a lot that still needs to be figured out. Members with very high spiritual power and natural levels of bio-electricity can interfere with the functions of electronics, I have experienced this for myself on the occasion, we have the inherit abilities to manipulate and counter radio waves or at least reduce their effect on us... it's just a matter of truly figuring out the astral science behind it so that it can be explained and performed. Bottom line though, everyone should be working diligently to have all their chakras open and empowered and to be raising and empowering the natural levels of bio-electricity one runs off of.

I can't say for certain exactly how anything is or works which is why this is going to be an on-going study for a very long time on my end. It's kind of been on pause for the moment as largely my research efforts as of late have been going towards nuclear matters, but I've been opening up to guidance from some demons to find information for these studies. I'm going to be holding off for quite a long while before I ever make any threads to share what I've come across and deduced, there's a lot of speculations that need to be confirmed or corrected before I ever write anything off as facts.

If there's one thing I despise it's misinformation whether intentional or unintentional. I suppose you can find comfort that there are some people truly looking for means that can be utilized for our safety and wellness regarding future problems on the spiritual spectrum. I highly doubt I'm the only one.

Now entirely unrelated here, I did have a rather odd 'encounter' roughly the same night I gave you that explanation. I didn't realize any coinciding connection until I read your "HAIL ZEUS". Perhaps you'd be interested with your own take on it.
nakedhill said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

I do not speak by reading books and I'll respond again to this subject as I am full of hearing this generic responses to complex and powerful things
I don't know from were you think I get my "facts" from as you can't find any information on this on what I've said. This generic thing you speak is alright. In general everything is alright, even if it is more complex than you think. I don't know why you think I " 'laugh' at the "knowledge of older and experienced members" but for sure at this grumpy response I may laugh.

So tell me if not the lower chakras are the focus, is it the heart? you produce electricity from the heart? ..head?? Think about it because this generic "Air" element to" electrocute a person to the death" from "older and experienced members" doesn't suffice to someone with little experience.

Yes the head has electricity, the brain zapps from time to time in between points of energy but it has no correlation to the brute electric force that which resides in your belly and when put outside in the aura creates extreme sparks shocks and lighting, that can be felt , visually seen.

When you are generally breathing energy it goes down just above the sacral. There and at the Solar is the most energy of a human I could say, there you can stock up energy and use it. If you need telekinesis you get this energy to the heart by a circuit which at the front extension is were it goes and it transforms into a magnetic like force, even if it is air.
Air mirrors the electric or magnetic. At the back extension it is more fiery. Heart doesn't feel electric, it is magnetic, pressure and pure paralyzing force but when in meditation it is like an engine of electricity that can be used to move yourself even if it is not needed to astral project.

Again I did not said that the aura isn't needed, as it is very important.
I don't care how you produce it outside the body, with the air and fire element or whatever, but in the body things are as they are.

I guess I understand. I don't typically get my information from reading or researching either, it's primarily of intuition and experience as well as guidance.

Electricity and magnetism comes mostly from the aura, this is why the planet Uranus which rules over electronics, computers, electricity and lightning also rules over the aura. The circulating energy of the aura goes through the chakras to empower them with the bio-electric current, and this is circulated by the heart chakra.

It is in fact the heart chakra which is the connector of not just the other chakras but of the astral soul and aura with the physical body. It has rulership over magnetism and the air element and seems to be the only chakra with rulership over such. The heart chakra however is the weakest of all our chakras and is not very powerful as it's purpose is mostly as just a connector, thus it is primarily the aura of which one will derive the bio-electric energy from, but the heart chakra does coincide and is still important. This is why when one's soul and aura is strongly empowered one will feel 'electrified' or 'charged' like a battery. It is electrical energy.

Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, both rule the air element. Uranus rules over Aquarius and Aquarius is the sign that rules the air element. Mercury which also rules computers, radios and electronics just like Uranus is exalted and empowered in Aquarius. I don't think it's any coincidence that Aquarius' ruling colour is also very specified as electric blue.

Electricity is of the air element. The heart chakra and aura are of air and magnetism. Magnetism is electromagnetic force comprised from electric charges, thus electricity. Air is the element of force of which causes electricity and electron charges. Gravity is of the air element. Electricity itself as I've said is just energy at the extreme which produces heat. Air is the force behind energy and magnetism, this includes our bio-electricity. This is why breathing exercises raise our energy, because it is of the air element which amplifies the electric power.

It's not fire, it's just energy and energy is caused by force, which is of air. Hopefully this makes more sense.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

After finally being out of the xian household I was raised in I’ve got lots of lost time to make up for from the years of being suppressed and not having the freedom to really embrace who I was. I’ve really started trying to work on visualizations which has never been easy for me. I do know which one I have the most of and which one is the least but I haven’t made much progress with balance quite yet.
Wind can also be used to dissipate electric charge.

In any case, bio-electricity is not just magnetic: it's electromagnetic, just like sexual energy and the kundalini itself (well, that is sexual in nature too). Fire mastery can very much help in working with the electric force as well, despite what has been stated. Fire is the original electric principle like water is the original magnetic principle. It stands to reason that it's possible. I haven't tried nor do I intend to, as if I'm to develop electrokinesis I'll work with electricity exclusively, not with other elemental mediums.

If one thinks about the lightning in the pentagram, one of our symbols, it is distinguished from the elements. In fact, we have the pentagram representing the elements hit by a lightning bolt. There's no need to get argumentative at who's right, as with many things there multiple routes to reach a goal. Spirituality is anything but linear.

If we think about the Sol rune, that represents both the Sun and the lightning. Lightning can also be seen as plasma, the state of matter ruled by fire.

Fire - plasma
Air - gas
Water - liquid
Earth - solid

The funny thing is that, while all the other three states of matter can change between one another without limitations, plasma must first transition to gas and only gas can transition to plasma, which shows a relationship between the highest elements, fire and air. Highest in freedom and refinement. I'm not saying they are the best, which isn't the case as all elements are important and have their own role. But there's a reason earth is first refined into water, water into air and air into fire, before arriving to akasa. Water and earth are the lowest, being more dense and manifested compared to the other two.

The Mercury gate (middle/fourth chakra) is electromagnetic, not just magnetic. Otherwise it wouldn't be able to act as a messenger between the higher Gods/chakra and the lower Gods/chakra, allowing upward and downward flows of energy. Upward flows of energies are to build something from the foundation, downward flows of energies are for manifesting something from the higher realms.
I would like to talk more about telekinesis and empowering the souls and the hand chakras and foundation meditation I do the 40 days empowerment meditation and I also add the hand chakras practice everytime
Ghost in the Machine said:
It is in fact the heart chakra which is the connector of not just the other chakras but of the astral soul and aura with the physical body. It has rulership over magnetism and the air element and seems to be the only chakra with rulership over such. (...) This is why when one's soul and aura is strongly empowered one will feel 'electrified' or 'charged' like a battery. It is electrical energy.

Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, both rule the air element. Uranus rules over Aquarius and Aquarius is the sign that rules the air element. Mercury which also rules computers, radios and electronics just like Uranus, (it) is exalted and empowered in Aquarius. I don't think it's any coincidence that Aquarius' ruling colour is also very specified as electric blue.

Electricity is of the air element. The heart chakra and aura are of air and magnetism. Magnetism is electromagnetic force comprised from electric charges, thus electricity. Air is the element of force of which causes electricity and electron charges. Gravity is of the air element. Electricity itself as I've said is just energy at the extreme which produces heat. Air is the force behind energy and magnetism, this includes our bio-electricity. This is why breathing exercises raise our energy, because it is of the air element which amplifies the electric power.

It's not fire, it's just energy and energy is caused by force, which is of air. Hopefully this makes more sense.

I partially answered some of these in my latest post where I quoted no one. I'll answer the rest.

Magnetism is generally ruled by the ida nadi, not by any chakras specifically. If it were to be any chakra specifically, it would be the Moon chakra or all feminine chakra. Similarly, electricity is generally ruled by the pingala nadi. If it had to be ruled by a chakra (which is not), it would be the solar plexus chakra, the Sun gate of the soul, or all masculine chakra. As I stated, Mercury is both electric and magnetic. That's why it is of aither, not air, as it was recently explained. It keeps the chakras in place with the magnetic fluid and allows circulation of energy in upward and downward motions through the electric fluid.

Like Mercury rules the internal connector, Uranus rules the external connector (the aura) which connects the soul to its surroundings. Again, this is neither just magnetic nor just electric. It is both. Magnetism is the power of contraction and attraction, and it's what enables the aura to attract things. It relies on the power of the earth element in your soul to draw material things to you and on the power of the water element in your soul to draw spiritual things to you. Electricity is the power of expansion and projection, and it's what enable your aura to energise anything/anyone in your surroundings and to project your power outwards. It relies on the power of the air and the fire elements in your soul, depending on the goal to accomplish. This is very simplicistic but it doesn't detract from being the foundation upon which we can expand into the details. Good thinking about electric blue.

The thing with the middle chakra symbol is it represents all four elements and by extension the fifth, if you look really well. Air and aither are connected in any case, even if aither is closer to fire. In Ayurveda air and aither make the Vata dosha, air as the main element and aither as the carrier element. Its refined version is prana. Being refined, it's aither only.

I don't believe for a second Uranus is an air planet. All trascendental/outer planets, being higher octaves of another planet, feel to me like more refined version of the latter. Planets are primordial archetypes of the causal realm, entirely spiritual. The four elements are of the astral realms and act as mediums for the planets to manifest in the material. What happens when a planet manifests through the filtre of an element? You get a Zodiac sign.

The five pillars of the soul are the gate of the elements in the soul, from what I can see. Fire in the southern pillar (back), air in the eastern pillar (right side of the body), water in the western pillar (left side of the body), earth in the northern pillar (front) and aither in the central pillar. Aither is always central, as can be seen. Both for the planetary gates (the chakra) and the elemental gates (the pillars). That's because it has the job of both holding the other elements together and to distribute the various parts of the soul in a central way, which are respectively magnetic and electric powers. These among other functions.

Before anyone argues that left side is water and right side is fire, let me stop you right there. We're looking at a four-arm wheel, like the wheel of the year, a svastika, a sun wheel. Not at the tao (yin/yang polarities). Let's not confuse elemental pillars with nadih.

The last thing is that gravity has nothing to do with air and it's basic knowledge that it has to do with the earth element, like you can find on JoS. Air rules levitation and thus, also being the polar opposite of earth, rules weightlessness and absence of gravity. Gravity is what allows you to sink into the depth, air allows to soar into the skies. Air lacks depth, as highlighted in the air element page, but not only. One the flaws ruled by Gemini (Mercury + air) is superficiality, shallowness. This is lack of depth with a different name. (One very nasty flaw, among the most undesirable). Both Gemini and Mercury rule the colour yellow, which rules the same flaw and can be used to induce it in other people through "black" magick.

Breathing exercises are not about the air element. From the physical side, it's specifically the bringing in of oxygen into the lungs, which is then collected by the blood and distributed throughout the body. Oxygen is what brings the energy, blood is notoriously ruled by fire and by the Sun, and the plasma in it is ruled by water. This very simplicistically as I'm no biologist. From the spiritual side it can be prana or any other type of energy that you're consciously drawing in into your nadih.

I won't go much in the assertion that heat is related to air as we both should know that heat is a property of fire. In Ayurveda air is described as cool, light, mobile, rough and so on. Air rules kinetic energy. In other words movement. Not heat. While it may be true that heat depends on how fast the atoms move in a compound, that has little to do with the properties of air. It would be like heating ice past the the melting point turning it into water and saying that fire rules both heat and water, just because the heat generated water. More theorethically it would be like saying that cause and effect are the same thing.

My invite is to try not to generalise too much, as it leads to several inaccuracies as in this case.

To both, what I'm saying is that you're both partially right in this and there's no need for the original heated tones you had toward each other.


About the pillars and the elements: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/The_Chakras.html
Akasha is related to fire: https://web.archive.org/web/2015091...ailtosatansvictory666/More_Info_Elements.html
Earth and gravity: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Invoking_Earth.html
Middle chakra and aither: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=23341 (and many other sermons)
Personal experience (nearly 9 years)
Stormblood said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

I partially answered some of these in my latest post where I quoted no one. I'll answer the rest.

Magnetism is generally ruled by the ida nadi, not by any chakras specifically. If it were to be any chakra specifically, it would be the Moon chakra or all feminine chakra. Similarly, electricity is generally ruled by the pingala nadi. If it had to be ruled by a chakra (which is not), it would be the solar plexus chakra, the Sun gate of the soul, or all masculine chakra. As I stated, Mercury is both electric and magnetic. That's why it is of aither, not air, as it was recently explained. It keeps the chakras in place with the magnetic fluid and allows circulation of energy in upward and downward motions through the electric fluid.

Like Mercury rules the internal connector, Uranus rules the external connector (the aura) which connects the soul to its surroundings. Again, this is neither just magnetic nor just electric. It is both. Magnetism is the power of contraction and attraction, and it's what enables the aura to attract things. It relies on the power of the earth element in your soul to draw material things to you and on the power of the water element in your soul to draw spiritual things to you. Electricity is the power of expansion and projection, and it's what enable your aura to energise anything/anyone in your surroundings and to project your power outwards. It relies on the power of the air and the fire elements in your soul, depending on the goal to accomplish. This is very simplicistic but it doesn't detract from being the foundation upon which we can expand into the details. Good thinking about electric blue.

The thing with the middle chakra symbol is it represents all four elements and by extension the fifth, if you look really well. Air and aither are connected in any case, even if aither is closer to fire. In Ayurveda air and aither make the Vata dosha, air as the main element and aither as the carrier element. Its refined version is prana. Being refined, it's aither only.

I don't believe for a second Uranus is an air planet. All trascendental/outer planets, being higher octaves of another planet, feel to me like more refined version of the latter. Planets are primordial archetypes of the causal realm, entirely spiritual. The four elements are of the astral realms and act as mediums for the planets to manifest in the material. What happens when a planet manifests through the filtre of an element? You get a Zodiac sign.

The five pillars of the soul are the gate of the elements in the soul, from what I can see. Fire in the southern pillar (back), air in the eastern pillar (right side of the body), water in the western pillar (left side of the body), earth in the northern pillar (front) and aither in the central pillar. Aither is always central, as can be seen. Both for the planetary gates (the chakra) and the elemental gates (the pillars). That's because it has the job of both holding the other elements together and to distribute the various parts of the soul in a central way, which are respectively magnetic and electric powers. These among other functions.

Before anyone argues that left side is water and right side is fire, let me stop you right there. We're looking at a four-arm wheel, like the wheel of the year, a svastika, a sun wheel. Not at the tao (yin/yang polarities). Let's not confuse elemental pillars with nadih.

The last thing is that gravity has nothing to do with air and it's basic knowledge that it has to do with the earth element, like you can find on JoS. Air rules levitation and thus, also being the polar opposite of earth, rules weightlessness and absence of gravity. Gravity is what allows you to sink into the depth, air allows to soar into the skies. Air lacks depth, as highlighted in the air element page, but not only. One the flaws ruled by Gemini (Mercury + air) is superficiality, shallowness. This is lack of depth with a different name. (One very nasty flaw, among the most undesirable). Both Gemini and Mercury rule the colour yellow, which rules the same flaw and can be used to induce it in other people through "black" magick.

Breathing exercises are not about the air element. From the physical side, it's specifically the bringing in of oxygen into the lungs, which is then collected by the blood and distributed throughout the body. Oxygen is what brings the energy, blood is notoriously ruled by fire and by the Sun, and the plasma in it is ruled by water. This very simplicistically as I'm no biologist. From the spiritual side it can be prana or any other type of energy that you're consciously drawing in into your nadih.

I won't go much in the assertion that heat is related to air as we both should know that heat is a property of fire. In Ayurveda air is described as cool, light, mobile, rough and so on. Air rules kinetic energy. In other words movement. Not heat. While it may be true that heat depends on how fast the atoms move in a compound, that has little to do with the properties of air. It would be like heating ice past the the melting point turning it into water and saying that fire rules both heat and water, just because the heat generated water. More theorethically it would be like saying that cause and effect are the same thing.

My invite is to try not to generalise too much, as it leads to several inaccuracies as in this case.

To both, what I'm saying is that you're both partially right in this and there's no need for the original heated tones you had toward each other.


About the pillars and the elements: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/The_Chakras.html
Akasha is related to fire: https://web.archive.org/web/2015091...ailtosatansvictory666/More_Info_Elements.html
Earth and gravity: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Invoking_Earth.html
Middle chakra and aither: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=23341 (and many other sermons)
Personal experience (nearly 9 years)

I have confliction with a lot of this from personal experiences and other reasons but I'm not going to say you're wrong. Sometimes it takes a bit for me to take something in... and sometimes writing and discussing it leads me to better understandings, so with that...

I don't believe your incorrect in that Earth rules gravity, it is of course very obvious, but my perception is that Air also rules gravity as like you said it is the absence of gravity or a force against it of which in a sense it's still ruling gravity, is it not? Take in a sense that Air is the lighter weightlessness of the force behind gravity and Earth is the heavier density of it. They are both opposite extremes of the central force of what gravity is which is a form of magnetism and if as you said really is true, is of Aether, so gravity is essentially of neither Earth nor Air, but the two alter the balance of the force's extremes both in lacking and in profuse.

My focus on Air being used for electrokinesis and electricity was more so on a force aspect like telekinesis. Like you said air rules kinetic energy and it is in fact physical forces upon electrons (electrons themselves could be said to be of Aether based upon your information) that creates the atomic environment that produces electricity like lightning. As far as I'm aware this is the prime means to working with electricity on the atomological level. Energy itself or the basis behind electrons of an atom could be Aether but I require further information. My assumption was air is some form of basis for energy in some way, it's production, it's circulation, etc, but I've been corrected on things before.

My reasons for claiming Uranus and Mercury as planets of the Air element is due to their rulerships. A lot of paired rulerships such as colours and elements and gems share properties of one another in that they seem to enforce each other in some way due to their similarities. My feeling was that the planets coincide with elements and colours that in some way relate to each other in properties and rulerships.

Jupiter shares properties with it's ruling colours of blue and purple for example, and most planets energies as far as I've come to tell are empowered when they are in signs of the very elements that share their rulerships and they are weakened in signs of elements they do not rule which upsets the balance of it's rulerships thus it's energies.

Uranus and Mercury share massive relations with the properties of the air element what with communications, speech, technology, etc. This isn't to say they do not rule a second or third element like some planets do like Jupiter. I feel Jupiter is of water, fire and quintessence, of which could explain why it's such a beneficial planet as that is quite a good balance to counter negative properties when it comes to elements.

So with all of this you generally see why I've come to believe what I've stated.
A quick update.

In my original post here I mention that I suggest others to embrace their dominant Element as a way to reach skills that they have more aptitude for, a quicker path if you will (without ignoring balancing the Soul with the other Elements of course).

The latest discovery I made by doing this is that I am quickly learning what my bioelectric limit is. By embracing my dominant Element I actually feel the stronger aptitude for abilities related to it, and lately (through a lot of self analysis and hints by other SS here) for the first time in my life I'm beginning to become aware of my current limit, knowing and understanding what needs to be worked on, realizing what I can't yet do in terms of skill, not potential.

I can only assume how other people with different Elements would become capable to measuring themselves through the amount of heat they can stand, amount of cold, of pressure or other things, but I am becoming firmly convinced that this way will work quicker than others, revealing oneself especially to those who, like me, have had a harder time then most feeling energy and making an observable progress.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
A quick update.

In my original post here I mention that I suggest others to embrace their dominant Element as a way to reach skills that they have more aptitude for, a quicker path if you will (without ignoring balancing the Soul with the other Elements of course).

The latest discovery I made by doing this is that I am quickly learning what my bioelectric limit is. By embracing my dominant Element I actually feel the stronger aptitude for abilities related to it, and lately (through a lot of self analysis and hints by other SS here) for the first time in my life I'm beginning to become aware of my current limit, knowing and understanding what needs to be worked on, realizing what I can't yet do in terms of skill, not potential.

I can only assume how other people with different Elements would become capable to measuring themselves through the amount of heat they can stand, amount of cold, of pressure or other things, but I am becoming firmly convinced that this way will work quicker than others, revealing oneself especially to those who, like me, have had a harder time then most feeling energy and making an observable progress.

I actually work more with my weakest element than my dominant one. I've been working with water a lot for the past couple months, mostly for healing purposes and dealing with inflammation from an injury, and I've gotten rather decent in regards to temperature control with it. I haven't tried anything further than that but I'm able to obtain a cold body and direct this to even specific areas.

Due to the nature of the injury I'm recovering from it causes great pain down my leg from my hips, so I've been using water to cool down the lower half of my body to lessen the pain, since no cold pack is going to cover that much surface area. I can actually feel the differentiating temperature. My upper body will be almost sweating but my legs and feet will be freezing. Actually I kind of over did it the other night, I woke up with really cold feet, I'm talking standing-in-snow-barefoot cold even though it was very warm in my room, super uncomfortable.

I've noticed that in working with the element I'm starting to get a better understanding with how it moves and works. It's a strange understanding because I don't even know what specifically I'm understanding about it, can't put it into words. It's gotten easier to manipulate the element though and I've noticed I've gotten a tad more in tune with emotions. Not in regards to others but I'm a tad more understanding in empathy than I was before, obviously from raising the element in my soul of which it was severely lacking.

I should probably start working with the other elements though but I think I'll specify this on days that rule over an element's opposite just as a bit of a safety net. For example working with fire on Monday which is the day of the moon, the moon rules water and I've found on Mondays my water element rises on it's own from the planetary influence, I don't even have to do anything with the water element on these days.
Stormblood said:

Ghost in the Machine said:

(Quoting you guys as you seem to grasp better than most the concept and science behind it, but anyone is welcome to weigh in.)

Here comes a question:

In your opinion, how would you attract a lightning on a specific location?

Assuming one uses a decent amount of Air Element and can withstand it in themselves without going nuts with insanity, fear or other effects, how would you put it in 'JoS terms' (like an explanation similar for the Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis on the website are presented)?

I'll be honest, I'm really bothered by the presence of 5 G towers and I know I can't expose myself with destructive tools, fuel and fire, or whatever else people used so far to get rid of them and increasing the safety of the territory. This matter has been increasing in various places, UK, US, Australia etc, and I have slightly mislead you when I said I had some experience with manipulating the weather. (Sorry for that but I was advised not to say too much on here, so I'm being vague even now, not wanting to give off too specific information.) I did more in the past, always had this 'thing' with the sky (perhaps this has to do with my Guardian being an expert in wind manipulation, my relationship with Zeus, and my love for thunder and wind), so I'm thinking... why not try a next level thing?

The thing with the weather, however, is that it can get pretty scattered, storms going off course.. basically "the aiming system" sucks.

With lightning, I'm thinking it COULD work by using high concentrationg of ions on the target and basically let this 'ionic mass' attract the lightning of a storm, pretty much the same way one uses black aura on a victim in order to make them more subjected and exposed to the programmed aura of a black magick spell.

As another update and a good news: I've been working a lot with Air lately and, while after a few days I DID develop some kind of 'unnerving' side effects (mostly temporary dizziness and unwanted/counterproductive thoughts), I have also managed to get the energy to subside and be spread more evenly with Aura Cleaning, breathing exercises, RTRs (that increased my energy by lowering the enemy's grip on me) and Aura of Protection (which I'm going to increase now as I sense it'll be a wise thing to do).

So, all in all, Air is the best Element I've ever worked with and I am learning a lot thanks to it. I'll also follow another Brother/Sister's advice and balance my Soul with Akasha (instead of the three remaining Elements) in order not to imbalance Air too much but let it unfold for the power it is.

And while I'm at it (I will eventually make another topic on this as I couldn't find much with the 'search' option here) a specific question on Demons' Element.

Our Gods are perfect and in balance of course, so what exactly is the "Element" in their description referring to? Did they choose to specialize in one over others?

And something I found that MAY (or may not be a hint to those who don't know Who their Guardian Demon is):
in my experience the Guardian Demon has opposite sex (according to some the sex of the Demon is the one we are attracted to, so for a gay male it'll be a male Demon and female Demoness for a gay female) and the Element of the Demon/Demoness is the SAME as our dominant Element.

This of course is my OWN interpretation and opinion, so don't take it for granted, I may be wrong in assuming so. Hope you find this to be useful in some way.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

I have no information in regards to directing anything like lightning strikes.... And I'm not one to make blind assumptions as I don't approve of misinformation whether intentional or unintentional on my part so I'm going to abstain from wild theories of which I have little confidence in for now. You're better off asking your guardian or Satan.

As for the "Element" of demons on our website, this is their representing element. It is the basis of the kind of individual they are, one they use symbolically, philosophically and literally. It may be their favourite element and the one they are most connected with. This is not dissimilar to their animals of which they've chosen to represent them as well or also have a connection with.

Certain things in the universe seem to have 'like-aspects' of which certain things 'link' to one another as some kind of underlying harmonizer. Whatever you feel connected with, you share the aspects and properties of, either literally, figuratively, or symbolically, and thus are 'empowered' by one another. Planets, colours and gems do this as well, to which they are enforced by the paired properties of the 'linked' objects thus work well with each other to empower their like-aspects.

This is why with certain workings, say one for grounding as an example, you could use a stone like the onyx which spiritually shares those grounding properties to further empower the working.

Your guardian demon is of the gender you are most attracted to. I am a homosexual male and my guardian is a male. Even for bisexual people they usually do prefer one gender just a little more than the other even if they don't realize it, to which their guardian will be of the gender they are more attracted to.

As for sharing the element of your guardian, my dominant, favourite and most connected to element - fire - is in fact my guardian demon's element. Whether this is coincidental or just likely to happen given I obviously share much in catering to his office and specialties (otherwise he wouldn't be my guardian) I don't entirely know 100%. One of his planets is also my chart ruler.

We are very much like our guardians and cater to their offices. Knowing who you are on as many aspects as you possibly can will help you find out who you're guardian demon is if you're someone who is struggling to do so.
Ghost in the Machine said:

You should already know aither is the source of all elements, so I don't understand your confusion. It's normal for aither to have every property the four elements have. Gravity is also one of the fundamental forces, different from electromagnetism and from the atomic forces (strong and weak). Just because X and Y have something in common, it doesn't mean that X = Y. Two triangles may have three angles, but the angles may differ in degree, even if they're sum remains the same. The sides will also have different lengths, thus the two triangles will be different.

Take into account that electrons have negative polarity and protons positive polarities. So they're more like feminine and masculine parts of the soul respectively. Neutrons are like the middle/4th chakra. At the atomic level, you're no longer working with elements but with deeper forces underlining the elements. I'm not saying you're assumption for air is incorrect. I'm just saying it's only partially correct. Let's not see this in black and white.

The way you explained your reasons for Uranus and Mercury answers itself. "They share", "they have similarities", but they're not the same. You may see them as mathematical sets that intersect. But we're oversimplying here, as the picture is much more complex than that. The more we advance, the better we see the picture and it's details. I'm amazed and astonished whenever I think about how the Gods and the Supreme God (Father Satan) must understand the deeper mechanics of the universe. It's always interesting when we SS discuss about it and learn from each other's insights. I'm aware I'm not all-knowing and that omniscience doesn't exist, and I'm still learning like everyone else here. My path doesn't come without my share of mistakes and incorrect assumptions.

I see rulerships and exaltments as synergy, while detriments and falls like contrasting energies. If you notice, except the Sun, every planet either co-rules, has double rulership and/or is exalted in signs that have different elements. For example, Mars spans three signs of three different elements (fire, water and earth) and Venus does too (earth, air, water). What do you see them like?

P.S. It's nice for once to have a conversation where no-one immediately feels attacked and goes on the defensive.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Before replying to your post, I would like to address a former statement of yours where you assert that certain offensive manifestations of the air element require being very proficient and advanced with this element, and also add a few things to those manifestations.

While I do agree that doing those things physically do certainly require an enormous amount of proficiency, I believe working from the spiritual side is different. You can just visualise your opponent, preferably when they are sleeping, and breathe the element inside them by using the air invocation meditation but forcing it into them, instead of invoking it into yourself. After filling their aura and their chakra, or even specifically a physical part of the body or the body or the soul in general, you may program this energy to accomplish your goal and stay a couple of minutes while visualising it acting upon your programming.

For the second addition, there are also non-physical effects of air that can be utilised, such bringing the negative trait of the element to excessive levels inside of your target. There are many ways to approach offensive uses of the elements and I remark that one should do so with an open mind.

I won't be giving you a straight answer about causing physical lightning bolt. Instead, I invite you to study these manifestation first from a physical point of view (physics, especially quantum physics, and meteorology). That should give you enough hints to trigger your feminine side of the brain and meditate upon it.

That's all I have to say on the matter. Regarding the element described on the Demon's list, have you tried asking your Guardian? I'm sure they'd be able to give you a better answer that I ever could until (and if ever) I catch up to them, which I think would take tens of thousands of years anyway lol
Ghost in the Machine said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

I just want to say I really love your passion about everything. I know how exciting it is to discover connections that lead to more connections that lead to revelations upon revelations.

You definitely are strong with the air element that's for sure, I can tell. You thoroughly love to communicate and share things, write, record your findings, study and really love the power of mental aspects. You're very imaginative and have a lot of creative inspiration. These are all aspects solely of the air element.

The air element is utilized in telekinesis. You see the air element is a force. Electricity is created when the balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside force (air) in which an atom may gain or lose an electron. When electrons are "lost" from an atom, the free movement of these electrons constitutes an electric current.

The whole reason lightning forms in thunderstorms is because of oppositional traits to the lower and higher levels of the air, be it temperature, moisture or perhaps even pressure. Air has very direct involvement with electricity and is the prime force behind it at the very atomic level. So yes, your knowledge is absolutely correct.

Some rather ambitious forms of attack with the air element would of course be lightning strikes, or influencing a target to be struck by lightning during a storm. In more powerful and advanced forms you can definitely electrocute a person to death right on the spot, this is of course superbly advanced and I'm only saying this to let it be known that it is entirely possible in our given reality. It is certainly possible to conjure electricity in the form of sparks, static and yes, lightning. You can overload an individual's nervous system and entirely mess up the very electrical wiring of an individual's brain. This can cause strokes, seizures and death.

So when anybody asks you what element electricity is if we only have the official five, it's air.

Electrokinesis is of the air element.

Personally, I'll stick with my fire.

I know you told me stick to the basic but can you text me the basic to develop telekinesis I feel I don’t have enough time bro and what must be done I know foundation and hand chakras meditation what else please tell me I need help
Stormblood said:

Thanks for the reply, it's pretty much what I thought myself before asking actually. You're right. Guess I'll eventually get to the solution myself by reaching into it and discovering how storms work more in detail from a physics point of view (already have but I'm no meteorologist of course), there are still many things I don't know of course.

And yeah, the astral effects of Elements are pretty clear (HP Maxine mentions some too in the JoS), that's why I asked about the physical ones here, needing a brainstorming from different sources, and I have to say I'm very satisfied with all the answers I got. It makes a lot more sense now for me to embrace Air and follow my instincts, telling me my Element holds more answers than I thought.
The reason I asked about the physical effects was merely because the object of my destruction is not a person (not necessarily and not yet at least), but something that could easily be disposed of by "frying" it with the one thing it depends on in order to function, electricity, hence, lightning.
Must say, I find Air to be exceptionally more interesting since I started perceiving it's also where electricity itself comes from. Astral meets physical, that's what I needed. I always think we should all visit and explore both aspects with these energies.

And as for my Guardian, I don't have the exceptional ability to understand Her yet, but I'll get there once I deal with enough bullshit through the RTR, which is something miraculous for me. I never felt this easily, and (stupid me) I never before realized my lack of sensitivity wasn't because of a lack from myself but because I was constantly being cursed into ignorance and banishing from the vermins that hate us. The RTR itself is a massive weapon to get myself rid of their obstacles, so I'm very positive and determined to fix this. I started with one measly RTR, than a full one and a shorter one, now twice a day (morning and evening) and I'm working on increasing them as I discover more and more about what I've been missing.

I met (briefly) Father Satan, but it was an excellent experience, positive and rinvigorating. Then Zeus answered my questions. My Guardian isn't so far ahead. I just have to be persistent and increase my effort, as we all have to.
Cosmic6999 said:
I know you told me stick to the basic but can you text me the basic to develop telekinesis I feel I don’t have enough time bro and what must be done I know foundation and hand chakras meditation what else please tell me I need help

Time and training are extremely important, especially in developing skills like Telekinesis. TK is definitely no joke, I always felt it would be one of the most defining abilities to have and work on. The foundation meditation is probably the best one to get started with as it creates that "relationship" between your Soul and everything around you, getting you a feel for the environment. (I remember someone here saying Telekinesis requires one to become one "with the room" they're in, even if it's only in order to move a dice on a table. If you're the room, the dice is just a teeny tiny something, easy and nearly weighless.)
The other obvious important thing are hand chakras, as you direct your energy through them and decide how much, the direction, how long and all things about what you intend to move. And IF you can't feel your hand chakras (strongly suggest a good dose of RTRs before you exercise here), start focusing on your shoulder chakras as they will help the energy flow to your hands and feeling them will become much easier. I used to train only the hand chakras and never could feel them, I felt SOMEthing, experienced some sort of tactile perception (astral touch, if you will), but not as much as when I started working on my shoulders some. The shoulders are, in theory (couldn't do it yet so I can't know for a fact yet), where the Soul's wings generate. When they do, your energy based abilities will multiply in power enormously in my opinion, and learning beautiful abilities like TK will be much easier. Try working on your shoulders chakras then, and I suggest as well all those chakras that are considered often "minor", but still have important tasks.
If you have a good enough ability to feel energy, I suggest chakra breathing (the one by Azazel, I think) in order to empower them in an easy enough way and get a feel for them. You can even link more meditations together if you like, but try not to complicate things unnecessarily.

Hope that helps, best of luck. Spam the RTRs before you do these meditations and exercises, it'll clear you of a tonne of shit in your Soul and make things many times easier. That much I know for a fact.
Stormblood said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

You should already know aither is the source of all elements, so I don't understand your confusion. It's normal for aither to have every property the four elements have. Gravity is also one of the fundamental forces, different from electromagnetism and from the atomic forces (strong and weak). Just because X and Y have something in common, it doesn't mean that X = Y. Two triangles may have three angles, but the angles may differ in degree, even if they're sum remains the same. The sides will also have different lengths, thus the two triangles will be different.

Take into account that electrons have negative polarity and protons positive polarities. So they're more like feminine and masculine parts of the soul respectively. Neutrons are like the middle/4th chakra. At the atomic level, you're no longer working with elements but with deeper forces underlining the elements. I'm not saying you're assumption for air is incorrect. I'm just saying it's only partially correct. Let's not see this in black and white.

The way you explained your reasons for Uranus and Mercury answers itself. "They share", "they have similarities", but they're not the same. You may see them as mathematical sets that intersect. But we're oversimplying here, as the picture is much more complex than that. The more we advance, the better we see the picture and it's details. I'm amazed and astonished whenever I think about how the Gods and the Supreme God (Father Satan) must understand the deeper mechanics of the universe. It's always interesting when we SS discuss about it and learn from each other's insights. I'm aware I'm not all-knowing and that omniscience doesn't exist, and I'm still learning like everyone else here. My path doesn't come without my share of mistakes and incorrect assumptions.

I see rulerships and exaltments as synergy, while detriments and falls like contrasting energies. If you notice, except the Sun, every planet either co-rules, has double rulership and/or is exalted in signs that have different elements. For example, Mars spans three signs of three different elements (fire, water and earth) and Venus does too (earth, air, water). What do you see them like?

P.S. It's nice for once to have a conversation where no-one immediately feels attacked and goes on the defensive.

You're right I seem to have completely forgotten about the aspects to Aether, if I'm honest I don't focus on it as a primary like I do the other elements so I think I've been subconsciously treating it more as an outcast of sorts when really it's the foundation of everything. I've even said this many times but I think it was in a relaying fashion and not a means that I thoroughly took in through all it's depths. I'll have to keep note of paying more attention to it and it's factors overall.

The electron polarity you've stated too makes sense in comparison of the feminine and masculine and that too in the spiritual aspect does have a lot of underlying obscure complexities that tie into a multitude of other things. In my perception I think I may have narrowed the tunnel too much, the information I attain is very generalized because I often look at the whole picture and very seldom am I able to get the minute details or usually I don't dwell on them because this is where there is far too much room for misinterpretations and mistakes in information. For these matters I much prefer actual written research and study which can broaden my understanding further.

Also I really like your analogy to the triangles, their angles and overall sum, this is very true and I'm actually impressed to read something so esoteric from a fellow SS. And again with the planets, yes I based this upon feel and a general bias of likenesses, because it just seems in some ways the universe has a lot of connections to other related entities. You're right though in that there is multiple other factors and complexities of deeper influences that can have a hand in specified matters. My general focus kind of blinds me to the existence of these deeper existential things and I'll have to pay more attention to this.

Also your regards to the planets with synergies and contrasting energies is exactly what I was talking about. In fact my original written post to you before I deleted it and decided to rewrite it (I do this a lot to fix and avoid potential misinformation, inaccuracies, uncertainties or anything related in what I write) was going to dive much further in this, but I stated it too much as fact when it's more theory. So in the safe boundaries of theory I'm comfortable in sharing that I feel the exact way you do regarding the planets exaltations and falls, etc with synergies and contrasts.

Now I'm going to clarify first I am never saying that the planets only rule/charge or are of only one element, it might have seemed that way but that's not what I meant, they very clearly can be more than one. In regards to what you've stated this was also why I felt Mercury and Uranus were of the air element in some manner. My belief is that the factors of a sign, whether this is element, properties, rulerships, influences, etc again with the supposed 'likeness law' of the universe, coincide with planets of the same or similar aspects/properties. And when they are in a sign where the properties, element, aspects contrast the planet's own in some way than this is the contrast of energies which weakens the planet's influence, thus it's power, etc.

For example, Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, an air sign and an earth sign respectively and Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, another air sign. These signs are of the properties, aspects, elements, etc that Mercury's energies rule over, thus this is the synergy application where the double of energy influences empowers the whole, thus the planet's influences are stronger. Mercury is weakened in Sagittarius, leo and pisces, two fire signs and a water sign. These signs greatly oppose Mercury's controlled and logical aspects as these signs are of emotion, wild energies, properties and aspects that counter the planet's energies and they are of the elements that Mercury seems to have very little to nothing to do with, so they are upsetting forces that ruin the balance.

Jupiter as well of which seems to have heavy aspects and properties with Fire, Water and Aether (This is also why I think it's a very beneficial planet as these 3 are very balanced elements together that counter one another's negative influences). This is why it is empowered with the synergies of Sagittarius, Pisces and Cancer, a fire sign and two water signs and why it is weakened in Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn, an air sign and two earth signs, their elements and properties contrast and oppose what makes up the energies and influences of the planet.

And again with Uranus, it's properties and rulerships cater to the air and water element, it is empowered in Aquarius and Scorpio an air and water sign and is weakened in Taurus and Leo, an earth and fire sign. They are empowered and strengthened by what they are of, the double enforced and weakened by what they are not. These are the connections that enforces my feelings upon what is what and how something works, etc, etc. Connections link to other connections in my gathering of knowledge from the akasha and this enforces a definitive feel of 'knowing' that is constructed from the whole of the picture. This is not perfect but the more I come across, the more pieces that seem to fit together to form some kind of conclusive assessment.

I definitely don't claim to know all and certainly don't hold to my beliefs if I'm proven wrong or incorrect as I can definitely make mistakes, but for the most part if I strongly feel like the information I know is accurate then more often than not, especially as of late as I've grown more advanced, it's proven such, not just by members of which information I've shared over the years has vastly helped them but also by some clergy. I've said it many times but when I say I do zero research on what I share I mean I do zero research. If on any account I come across small facts and pieces of information that are then able to provide the attainment of knowledge on a whole other spectrum.

Intuition is a very strange ability but it's a double-edged sword. I used to throw every little thing out there like it was solid fact but nowadays I'm 666% more careful with what I say. It has to make sense, it has to have a foundation, some sort of strong basis, and it has to work before I share it. In any event I do thoroughly enjoy research and reading and the more I come to know through this and through other more informed members the better I'm able to make connections and suddenly 'know' other things.

I made a thread explaining void meditation, the ins and outs to how it works, what it does and why... all I did one day to get all of that information was read a small article on outer space. How accurate it actually is? I don't have a solid value... but because it feels strongly accurate, makes sense, has a foundation and works... it likely holds to something.

Ultimately I'm a stubborn individual as per just who I am, but I remain open to change, I am always willing to change at the end of the day and force myself to look at things objectively when I need to. So overall I do love being corrected because I want to know truth and I want to share truth. In truth there is power and strength in every form, and these are things I thoroughly value.

I also appreciate the absence of hostility in discussion like this. We're not here to hurt each others feelings, as a community unit our goal is to help everyone as a whole and I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't have anyone to correct me when I was wrong or to direct me when I was misguided. When I feel conflicted with something or in disagreement I usually give myself time to digest it to make a proper and full-formed judgement call, sometimes it can take a lot of time even. Based upon how accurate the information given is, I could remain holding to what I feel or change over in agreement.

And with that, as an example, I will say honestly with no hard feelings or hostility that I still feel strongly that Uranus and Mercury are of the air element in some form or other. We can of course continue to discuss further.
Cosmic6999 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

I just want to say I really love your passion about everything. I know how exciting it is to discover connections that lead to more connections that lead to revelations upon revelations.

You definitely are strong with the air element that's for sure, I can tell. You thoroughly love to communicate and share things, write, record your findings, study and really love the power of mental aspects. You're very imaginative and have a lot of creative inspiration. These are all aspects solely of the air element.

The air element is utilized in telekinesis. You see the air element is a force. Electricity is created when the balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside force (air) in which an atom may gain or lose an electron. When electrons are "lost" from an atom, the free movement of these electrons constitutes an electric current.

The whole reason lightning forms in thunderstorms is because of oppositional traits to the lower and higher levels of the air, be it temperature, moisture or perhaps even pressure. Air has very direct involvement with electricity and is the prime force behind it at the very atomic level. So yes, your knowledge is absolutely correct.

Some rather ambitious forms of attack with the air element would of course be lightning strikes, or influencing a target to be struck by lightning during a storm. In more powerful and advanced forms you can definitely electrocute a person to death right on the spot, this is of course superbly advanced and I'm only saying this to let it be known that it is entirely possible in our given reality. It is certainly possible to conjure electricity in the form of sparks, static and yes, lightning. You can overload an individual's nervous system and entirely mess up the very electrical wiring of an individual's brain. This can cause strokes, seizures and death.

So when anybody asks you what element electricity is if we only have the official five, it's air.

Electrokinesis is of the air element.

Personally, I'll stick with my fire.

I know you told me stick to the basic but can you text me the basic to develop telekinesis I feel I don’t have enough time bro and what must be done I know foundation and hand chakras meditation what else please tell me I need help
Don't fool yourself, you will not develop telekinesis if you can't even feel energy. You don't build a pyramid from the top.
Ghost in the Machine said:
And with that, as an example, I will say honestly with no hard feelings or hostility that I still feel strongly that Uranus and Mercury are of the air element in some form or other. We can of course continue to discuss further.

Alright. That's enough for me. Thank you for the discussion. I don't like oversharing publicly and I have already done enough on this public. We can leave it here or you can find my email address in a link in my signature. Thank you for the conversation up until now. It was a nice discussion.
Stormblood said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
And with that, as an example, I will say honestly with no hard feelings or hostility that I still feel strongly that Uranus and Mercury are of the air element in some form or other. We can of course continue to discuss further.

Alright. That's enough for me. Thank you for the discussion. I don't like oversharing publicly and I have already done enough on this public. We can leave it here or you can find my email address in a link in my signature. Thank you for the conversation up until now. It was a nice discussion.

I can agree on ending things here for now. I am greatly appreciative of the discussion and you've brought a lot of interesting things to my attention that I never seemed to notice before, so thank you very much. I still have lots to learn as we all do on this path and as I learn more, opinions and things can be subject to change, etc.

Until next time comrade.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I know you told me stick to the basic but can you text me the basic to develop telekinesis I feel I don’t have enough time bro and what must be done I know foundation and hand chakras meditation what else please tell me I need help

Time and training are extremely important, especially in developing skills like Telekinesis. TK is definitely no joke, I always felt it would be one of the most defining abilities to have and work on. The foundation meditation is probably the best one to get started with as it creates that "relationship" between your Soul and everything around you, getting you a feel for the environment. (I remember someone here saying Telekinesis requires one to become one "with the room" they're in, even if it's only in order to move a dice on a table. If you're the room, the dice is just a teeny tiny something, easy and nearly weighless.)
The other obvious important thing are hand chakras, as you direct your energy through them and decide how much, the direction, how long and all things about what you intend to move. And IF you can't feel your hand chakras (strongly suggest a good dose of RTRs before you exercise here), start focusing on your shoulder chakras as they will help the energy flow to your hands and feeling them will become much easier. I used to train only the hand chakras and never could feel them, I felt SOMEthing, experienced some sort of tactile perception (astral touch, if you will), but not as much as when I started working on my shoulders some. The shoulders are, in theory (couldn't do it yet so I can't know for a fact yet), where the Soul's wings generate. When they do, your energy based abilities will multiply in power enormously in my opinion, and learning beautiful abilities like TK will be much easier. Try working on your shoulders chakras then, and I suggest as well all those chakras that are considered often "minor", but still have important tasks.
If you have a good enough ability to feel energy, I suggest chakra breathing (the one by Azazel, I think) in order to empower them in an easy enough way and get a feel for them. You can even link more meditations together if you like, but try not to complicate things unnecessarily.

Hope that helps, best of luck. Spam the RTRs before you do these meditations and exercises, it'll clear you of a tonne of shit in your Soul and make things many times easier. That much I know for a fact.

Thank you so much bro for real man thanks and what is RTRS I don’t understand that tho on the cool and thanks so foundation meditation the hand chakras and the shoulder chakras and my major chakras right
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I know you told me stick to the basic but can you text me the basic to develop telekinesis I feel I don’t have enough time bro and what must be done I know foundation and hand chakras meditation what else please tell me I need help

Time and training are extremely important, especially in developing skills like Telekinesis. TK is definitely no joke, I always felt it would be one of the most defining abilities to have and work on. The foundation meditation is probably the best one to get started with as it creates that "relationship" between your Soul and everything around you, getting you a feel for the environment. (I remember someone here saying Telekinesis requires one to become one "with the room" they're in, even if it's only in order to move a dice on a table. If you're the room, the dice is just a teeny tiny something, easy and nearly weighless.)
The other obvious important thing are hand chakras, as you direct your energy through them and decide how much, the direction, how long and all things about what you intend to move. And IF you can't feel your hand chakras (strongly suggest a good dose of RTRs before you exercise here), start focusing on your shoulder chakras as they will help the energy flow to your hands and feeling them will become much easier. I used to train only the hand chakras and never could feel them, I felt SOMEthing, experienced some sort of tactile perception (astral touch, if you will), but not as much as when I started working on my shoulders some. The shoulders are, in theory (couldn't do it yet so I can't know for a fact yet), where the Soul's wings generate. When they do, your energy based abilities will multiply in power enormously in my opinion, and learning beautiful abilities like TK will be much easier. Try working on your shoulders chakras then, and I suggest as well all those chakras that are considered often "minor", but still have important tasks.
If you have a good enough ability to feel energy, I suggest chakra breathing (the one by Azazel, I think) in order to empower them in an easy enough way and get a feel for them. You can even link more meditations together if you like, but try not to complicate things unnecessarily.

Hope that helps, best of luck. Spam the RTRs before you do these meditations and exercises, it'll clear you of a tonne of shit in your Soul and make things many times easier. That much I know for a fact.

Thank you so much bro for real man thanks and what is RTRS I don’t understand that tho on the cool and thanks so foundation meditation the hand chakras and the shoulder chakras and my major chakras right
Cosmic6999 said:

The Final RTR is the best anti-curse thing you can do in my opinion. Since jews curse us, it can be very hard to advance and evolve. The RTR removes this curse if you do it every day. There is no limit to how many times a day you can do it. You can do it only one every day (as a minimum) or two or more. The more you do the better it is as not only it will rid you of the jewish curse every day but Father Satan and our Gods will see you as a warrior and reward you with more help than they'd give to someone who just sits back and does little or nothing.
The more you do for the Gods, the more the Gods help you reach them, learn and evolve.


This is the paintable version, super easy to use. I use this every day and it worked better than any meditation I've done in my life.


This is the RTR list and all you need to know, I think. Just for your information, but you can (and should) leave the other RTRs aside, as the Final one I gave you the link for is perfect and the most powerful. You should focus on that one and do it anytime you have some free time. I do one in the morning and one before bedtime (when I usually have more time to meditate). In a month time I saw and felt Father Satan (only have in very few occasions) and noticed other Gods gave me their attention.


This is the Final RTR Frequently Asked Question post, there should be all the answers you may need.

If anything isn't clear feel free to ask. In my opinion this is the BEST thing you can do to yourself in order to advance and open up. When you learn how to feel energy and remove jewish shit from your Soul, I think Telekinesis is just behind the corner. Good luck, Brother.
Cosmic6999 said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

Time and training are extremely important, especially in developing skills like Telekinesis. TK is definitely no joke, I always felt it would be one of the most defining abilities to have and work on. The foundation meditation is probably the best one to get started with as it creates that "relationship" between your Soul and everything around you, getting you a feel for the environment. (I remember someone here saying Telekinesis requires one to become one "with the room" they're in, even if it's only in order to move a dice on a table. If you're the room, the dice is just a teeny tiny something, easy and nearly weighless.)
The other obvious important thing are hand chakras, as you direct your energy through them and decide how much, the direction, how long and all things about what you intend to move. And IF you can't feel your hand chakras (strongly suggest a good dose of RTRs before you exercise here), start focusing on your shoulder chakras as they will help the energy flow to your hands and feeling them will become much easier. I used to train only the hand chakras and never could feel them, I felt SOMEthing, experienced some sort of tactile perception (astral touch, if you will), but not as much as when I started working on my shoulders some. The shoulders are, in theory (couldn't do it yet so I can't know for a fact yet), where the Soul's wings generate. When they do, your energy based abilities will multiply in power enormously in my opinion, and learning beautiful abilities like TK will be much easier. Try working on your shoulders chakras then, and I suggest as well all those chakras that are considered often "minor", but still have important tasks.
If you have a good enough ability to feel energy, I suggest chakra breathing (the one by Azazel, I think) in order to empower them in an easy enough way and get a feel for them. You can even link more meditations together if you like, but try not to complicate things unnecessarily.

Hope that helps, best of luck. Spam the RTRs before you do these meditations and exercises, it'll clear you of a tonne of shit in your Soul and make things many times easier. That much I know for a fact.

Thank you so much bro for real man thanks and what is RTRS I don’t understand that tho on the cool and thanks so foundation meditation the hand chakras and the shoulder chakras and my major chakras right

What about the foundation meditation and energy meditation and the minor chakras what you mean you saying I need to work with all my chakras I been slacking lately I just got back in here again

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
