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Protection Needed ! Enemy have Personal Details

furious flame

New member
Jan 25, 2021
Before joining JoS, i was unaware that they are our enemies & they curse us in the name of help.

There were few times i took their psy help. They are the only
people i knew, who knew this arts in my living location.

Here's my bad luck.

Last time enemy asked my personal details i.e., name , parents name, living address etc. I gave all the details.

Enemy f*ckedup my somewhat advanced senses, chakras etc. that i was unaware of those days...
Enemy f*ckedup everything using pisslam.
Some days later my health started deteriorated slowly but gradually & i was unable to figureout the reason.
I realised this after joining JoS,
What he has done to me! He is still doing his shitty works, trying to steal my energy to fill his holes. He thinks that i'm unaware of it.

Different options to protect myself? I'm using AoP , RoC but need something more due to the damages.
What can i do so that whatever personal details he have of mine becomes useless for him?
How to destroy his cursed amulet?
How to get back my stolen energy?
How to take Revenge?
furious flame said:

If you know the people or persons then you can bind them to stop them. Also, you should be doing the returning curses to protect yourself.

All the other specifics should be done through curses. You can look at the rune page and find runes that may suit specific purposes. It is up to you if you want to do more specified actions, because just general and heavy cursing can significantly damage them as well.

Is the amulet just a prop? Do you need to focus on it? Also: what do you mean your stolen energy? I think that might be simply gone. Just boost your own energy and replace it.

You could use a specified binding to prevent him from using or sharing the info. This might be easier than trying to curse him such that the info gets destroyed.

If this is just one or two people, you might be able to just start striking back, but if this is a like 3+ people all attacking you, then you might be in over your head and should ask the Gods. You could certainly also ask them for guidance on what actions to take, especially now during Beltane.
Blitzkreig said:
furious flame said:

If you know the people or persons then you can bind them to stop them. Also, you should be doing the returning curses to protect yourself.

All the other specifics should be done through curses. You can look at the rune page and find runes that may suit specific purposes. It is up to you if you want to do more specified actions, because just general and heavy cursing can significantly damage them as well.

Is the amulet just a prop? Do you need to focus on it? Also: what do you mean your stolen energy? I think that might be simply gone. Just boost your own energy and replace it.

You could use a specified binding to prevent him from using or sharing the info. This might be easier than trying to curse him such that the info gets destroyed.

If this is just one or two people, you might be able to just start striking back, but if this is a like 3+ people all attacking you, then you might be in over your head and should ask the Gods. You could certainly also ask them for guidance on what actions to take, especially now during Beltane.

Highly Appreciate for the Suggestions...

Amulet= repeated cursed sentences written thrice on a paper.
And enemy told me wear it on neck like a pendent. I have stopped wearing it when i realized what they have done to me.

Also gave me that same cursed paper and told me to dip these paper in a bucket so that these cursed sentences dissolves in water then take a bath For next 3 days.
Should i burn them? tear in small pieces or something else ? To destroy.

I'm doing the RoC on daily basis and i'm feeling better but, not like i was before. I think i have to increase the rune reps. Any suggestions ?

But something enemy has done to my chakra they are still underpowered or somewhat blocked. Any suggestions ?

Stolen energy = they had made a psy connection to my chakras or energy field And they were stealing my energys and doing their energy top-up and left me drained.

5g testing is occuring here. Facing some drastic health effects.

Looking for binding instructions.
For healing and balancing yourself, and also empower yourself greatly, vibrate SATANAMA daily, start using this as a routine to raise your energy. Have the absolute intent when doing protection and related that you are isolated and "hidden" from any malicious persons and malicious energy. After every session completely forget about it. Mistakes have been made but there's nothing that cannot be repaired or detach from. Be strong and very content in your protection and cleaning and nothing will touch you.
Greetings and salutations! I am new here just like you were. Sorry I am just a neophyte with little advice.
I am actually in need of assistance from anyone kindly enough to help me along the path.
I have been a solitary practiononer most of my life and I am really starting to get my ass kicked here.
Before I roll up my sleeves and get serious, I would like to swap ideas to avoid irrevocable mistakes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
