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Is this website ran by nazis??


New member
Jun 22, 2020
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️
We are Spiritual Satanists and this means we recognize natural laws. One of these, is the law of Race. This is nothing bad to do.

asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️

Since you stated you are African American go to this site by high priestess Shannon


The questions regarding the white race, Hitler, National Socialism, and black identity will be answered there.
asuraskeye said:
but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️
Sata is the god of ALL gentiles(non-jews). Media says that “Nazis were racist monsters”, but no. We, National-Socialists, don’t hate other races, but we know that race-mixing is not a natural thing!
ok i understand, I am mainly just wanting to get as close to the truth behind satan, enki and all these other beings and what the hell all this is because im so tired of "real life" i hate society and i get really depressed because i dont have alot of mentors or someone guiding me and i cant really sit and read things like everyone else because my brain is moving to fast and its hard to concentrate. so something that might take someone 2 months might take me a few years cause i couldnt focus on one thing for the longest... but now im just trying to stick to alchemy and spiritual/theistic satanism and master these first before really doing anything else....
asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️
We don't hate blacks, a HPs is black here, and there's a whole section for blacks. Jews are the problem, we respect every gentile Race, but we think that everyone should stick to their own Race, so we can preserve them, instead of destroy them as the Jew want.
Except for the fact that "Nazi" is technically a jewish created term used by the S.D.P(Socialist Democratic Party) or at least what should be known in 1920s Germany there was a Nazi party within the Weimar Republic. Unfortunately that is the word used all the time kinda like Sosse in Scandinavia.

We are a National-Socialist organization and Spiritual Satanist. Like Black High Priestess Shannon Outlaw said "We aren't a Whites only ideology". We are technically the largest National Socialist and Spiritual Satanic organization around much to the harping of the enemies (((kvethching))).

Rather we believe each race can coexist peacefully as long as racial separation and racial segregation exists. Albeit not in a negative fashion ascribed to stereotypical racism of older America.

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/SajDEf33UJd3/ Study the video We Nazis are humble.

And also the 12 minute or so extended version of George Lincoln Rockwell explaining National Socialism in an extended fashion.


Also if you don't believe in Black Nazism study this website Army of Mankind it's long but it shows a lot of African and Dravidians(Non-African negroids). Yes if your wondering Dravidian people aren't exactly the same as African's and pertain to a unique black race they might be dark or darker but aren't African maybe a unique sub-race or byproduct of racial admixture.

You can also study on youtube look up Felton Productions which shows rare WW2 even the French Moroccan troops joining the Axis and fighting with Germans.

Yes if your wonder we are "Racists" but in a Racialist-Realism manner i.e. Racist = a person who understands the differences between races and sub-race, cultures and sub-cultures. Plus O.R.I.O.N.= Our Race Is Our Nation.

asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️

Commit yourself to study for a bit it’s the one of the most important things. Helps get rid of the basic assumptions of Hitler, Nazi principals and Satanism. Though your heart seems to be in the right place.

Most importantly preform the dedication ritual when YOU feel ready https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html
Happy studying and Good luck :)
asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️

Hitler stood up against world Jewry and tried to free the world from their influence. Slander against Hitler is a bad jew meme. Read through all of the JoS websites and you will learn National Socialism is political satanism.



asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️

Most likely, everything you've heard about Hitler and the Nazis is just the jewish lies that everyone believes.
Go to the website linked below and use your browser's "find in page" function. Type in "Hitler" then read and watch every link about him.
"Is this website run by Satanists"?
>(implying some evil monsters sacrificing babies and drinking blood)

That's what this sounds like. You know Satanism isn't anything like that at all. Neither is National Socialism about what you've probably heard. Lies about both come from the same (((source))).
asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️
Hitler's actions yea, like when he is accused of killing 6 million jews while official documents reported maximum some tens of thousands dying from starvation and typhos because of another jews ruling over USSR, US UK, France, who ordered to make sure that nothing is going in and nothing is leaving the factories placed in those camps. Or when he is accused of extreme racism while he showed respect to that Black who won some Olimpic games. Or when he is accused of eugenics when he wanted for one to end race-mixing and for two, to create a system by which the next generations of whites are as gifted as possible both physically and spiritually. This is a bad thing for a brainwashed neomarxist sheep for whom multiculturalism and disolvation of races are just the normal facts of the 21st century, For us and for any animal beings living on this planet these are just natural laws, you won't see animals race-mixing because is unnatural for them, as it is for us. Why do we consider natural things to be evil and bad? Because those who control the information brainwashed the masses that natural things are evil and bad and what they promote is good. So I'm really wondering which of the Hitler's actions are you reffering to? You can find a lot of information about Hitler in the JoS library
asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️

When I was new I had the exact same view as you. Every looked like they were Nazis ans loved Hitler. Well that was fine with me, I saw myself only as a Spiritual Satanist.
But believe me your view will change, given the proper knowledge and information.

We all have to take responsibility to protect our children.. our RACE.
Because your race will not change EVER, you will be a black male next life and the life after that and so on. That’s why you should care about your race and MAINTAIN your race.
Because if somehow black people are going extinct, you will not have a body to reincarnate.. thus you will die.. FOREVER!

That’s why it is so important to take responsibility. Especially with the white race. The white gene is not really dominant. If a black person and a white person have a child, the child will be more black than white.
So if all white people started to racemix, we wouldn’t have any bodies to reincarnate in... so all of us will die and perish forever.
That is why it is VERY IMPORTANT to choose your partner wisely and your partner should belong to the same race you do.
If you are not 100% white/black/asian you have to find a partner that has a very similar race than yours. If you are white/black you should get a partner that is white/black. If you are 100% black, you should find a partner that is also 100% black.

It is very hard to maintain a pure bloodline over thousands of years... but it is very easy to destroy it.

That does not mean that we hate other races. We accept, like and treat all races as equal, as SATAN himself created all races. (Well except the jewish guys, enemy aliens created them to infiltrate earth, and to enslave humanity.. they basically own Hollywood, over 95% of the media, all banks, and they have also infiltrated all governments with a high percentage of politicians being jewish,, way over the 1% of the ratio of jewish ppl vs all ppl globally)

So we are racially aware, as we want to maintain all races of Satan and also we ALL want to be able to reincarnate again on this earth.
So are we nazis? I would say.. definitely!
hey i appreciate you guys sharing the resources and everything... i hate that you all feel this way about mix kids haha i love mixed girls so this is a heartbreaker lmao on god they kitty slap different slime but i will definitely look into it and i also respect free thought which is something i know from philosophy of satan and i respect you all and your views shifting on what hitler was and what he represented and i will definitely do the work to see you alls perspective more.

I also think that satan would want us to see this fact of natural law and see if we could bend it so maybe we create artificial bodies that can breed with any type of these new bodies and we find a way to send our soul into the bodies like in the avatar movie... it is being done now by scientists but i hears thoth been doing this sooooo idk
asuraskeye said:
ok i understand, I am mainly just wanting to get as close to the truth behind satan, enki and all these other beings and what the hell all this is because im so tired of "real life" i hate society and i get really depressed because i dont have alot of mentors or someone guiding me and i cant really sit and read things like everyone else because my brain is moving to fast and its hard to concentrate. so something that might take someone 2 months might take me a few years cause i couldnt focus on one thing for the longest... but now im just trying to stick to alchemy and spiritual/theistic satanism and master these first before really doing anything else....
Were here to help any questions you have, there are many people that experience similar things here. I'm glad you made it here, these websites have been a huge contributing factor in my spiritual path with Satan. Glad you made it here brother/sister (not sure).
asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️
Watch a documentary called Adolf Hitler: The greatest story never told.
It will answer everything you think about National socialists.
Good luck bro :)
mercury_wisdom said:
asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️
Watch a documentary called Adolf Hitler: The greatest story never told.
It will answer everything you think about National socialists.
Good luck bro :)
Ignoring the christian crap in it, of course. I think it was done by a christian. https://satanslibrary.org also has a lot of good information!
asuraskeye said:
hey i appreciate you guys sharing the resources and everything... i hate that you all feel this way about mix kids haha i love mixed girls so this is a heartbreaker lmao on god they kitty slap different slime but i will definitely look into it and i also respect free thought which is something i know from philosophy of satan and i respect you all and your views shifting on what hitler was and what he represented and i will definitely do the work to see you alls perspective more.

I also think that satan would want us to see this fact of natural law and see if we could bend it so maybe we create artificial bodies that can breed with any type of these new bodies and we find a way to send our soul into the bodies like in the avatar movie... it is being done now by scientists but i hears thoth been doing this sooooo idk

Race mixing, universalism, drugs all over your veins, escapism to the extends where you cannot even handle your own body, and so forth.

You are neo-liberal 2020 meme. Maybe you can change yourself to an actual human being if you meditate.

A question to ask yourself is will you really have a soul left after all that self abuse you do to it with doing drugs?

At least I hope your curiosity and need to develop overpowers your need to do self harm.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
asuraskeye said:
hey i appreciate you guys sharing the resources and everything... i hate that you all feel this way about mix kids haha i love mixed girls so this is a heartbreaker lmao on god they kitty slap different slime but i will definitely look into it and i also respect free thought which is something i know from philosophy of satan and i respect you all and your views shifting on what hitler was and what he represented and i will definitely do the work to see you alls perspective more.

I also think that satan would want us to see this fact of natural law and see if we could bend it so maybe we create artificial bodies that can breed with any type of these new bodies and we find a way to send our soul into the bodies like in the avatar movie... it is being done now by scientists but i hears thoth been doing this sooooo idk

Race mixing, universalism, drugs all over your veins, escapism to the extends where you cannot even handle your own body, and so forth.

You are neo-liberal 2020 meme. Maybe you can change yourself to an actual human being if you meditate.

A question to ask yourself is will you really have a soul left after all that self abuse you do to it with doing drugs?

At least I hope your curiosity and need to develop overpowers your need to do self harm.

Hey HP so just confused, do you think ancient egyptians were wrong for using and worshipping psychedelics as well as other ancient civilizations?
asuraskeye said:
thanks guys and im a male :) onlyfans coming soon lmao :D
I think you should better change your signature, promoting and using drugs is not only illegal but is damaging the soul as well. The subject has been covered here before, many SS have been using drugs and got rid of them by practicing satanic meditations.
You can find more infomation using the search function
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
asuraskeye said:
hey i appreciate you guys sharing the resources and everything... i hate that you all feel this way about mix kids haha i love mixed girls so this is a heartbreaker lmao on god they kitty slap different slime but i will definitely look into it and i also respect free thought which is something i know from philosophy of satan and i respect you all and your views shifting on what hitler was and what he represented and i will definitely do the work to see you alls perspective more.

I also think that satan would want us to see this fact of natural law and see if we could bend it so maybe we create artificial bodies that can breed with any type of these new bodies and we find a way to send our soul into the bodies like in the avatar movie... it is being done now by scientists but i hears thoth been doing this sooooo idk

Race mixing, universalism, drugs all over your veins, escapism to the extends where you cannot even handle your own body, and so forth.

You are neo-liberal 2020 meme. Maybe you can change yourself to an actual human being if you meditate.

A question to ask yourself is will you really have a soul left after all that self abuse you do to it with doing drugs?

At least I hope your curiosity and need to develop overpowers your need to do self harm.
Hey HP
So psychedelics are bad? Even shrooms?
Did the Jews or greys create it to keep the population distracted on a false “spiritual” plane?
Also is DMT bad as well?
Hex said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
asuraskeye said:
hey i appreciate you guys sharing the resources and everything... i hate that you all feel this way about mix kids haha i love mixed girls so this is a heartbreaker lmao on god they kitty slap different slime but i will definitely look into it and i also respect free thought which is something i know from philosophy of satan and i respect you all and your views shifting on what hitler was and what he represented and i will definitely do the work to see you alls perspective more.

I also think that satan would want us to see this fact of natural law and see if we could bend it so maybe we create artificial bodies that can breed with any type of these new bodies and we find a way to send our soul into the bodies like in the avatar movie... it is being done now by scientists but i hears thoth been doing this sooooo idk

Race mixing, universalism, drugs all over your veins, escapism to the extends where you cannot even handle your own body, and so forth.

You are neo-liberal 2020 meme. Maybe you can change yourself to an actual human being if you meditate.

A question to ask yourself is will you really have a soul left after all that self abuse you do to it with doing drugs?

At least I hope your curiosity and need to develop overpowers your need to do self harm.
Hey HP
So psychedelics are bad? Even shrooms?
Did the Jews or greys create it to keep the population distracted on a false “spiritual” plane?
Also is DMT bad as well?
Not bad, but terrible.
asuraskeye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
asuraskeye said:
hey i appreciate you guys sharing the resources and everything... i hate that you all feel this way about mix kids haha i love mixed girls so this is a heartbreaker lmao on god they kitty slap different slime but i will definitely look into it and i also respect free thought which is something i know from philosophy of satan and i respect you all and your views shifting on what hitler was and what he represented and i will definitely do the work to see you alls perspective more.

I also think that satan would want us to see this fact of natural law and see if we could bend it so maybe we create artificial bodies that can breed with any type of these new bodies and we find a way to send our soul into the bodies like in the avatar movie... it is being done now by scientists but i hears thoth been doing this sooooo idk

Race mixing, universalism, drugs all over your veins, escapism to the extends where you cannot even handle your own body, and so forth.

You are neo-liberal 2020 meme. Maybe you can change yourself to an actual human being if you meditate.

A question to ask yourself is will you really have a soul left after all that self abuse you do to it with doing drugs?

At least I hope your curiosity and need to develop overpowers your need to do self harm.

Hey HP so just confused, do you think ancient egyptians were wrong for using and worshipping psychedelics as well as other ancient civilizations?
They weren't wrong because they never did that shit.
asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️

NAZIIII! *yells in yahtzee voice*
I’m glad it intrigues you, I would start reading up on this stuff on joyofsatan. Nazi’s have been “demonized” and made out to be monsters by the media just like the jews did to Satan.
Hex said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
asuraskeye said:
hey i appreciate you guys sharing the resources and everything... i hate that you all feel this way about mix kids haha i love mixed girls so this is a heartbreaker lmao on god they kitty slap different slime but i will definitely look into it and i also respect free thought which is something i know from philosophy of satan and i respect you all and your views shifting on what hitler was and what he represented and i will definitely do the work to see you alls perspective more.

I also think that satan would want us to see this fact of natural law and see if we could bend it so maybe we create artificial bodies that can breed with any type of these new bodies and we find a way to send our soul into the bodies like in the avatar movie... it is being done now by scientists but i hears thoth been doing this sooooo idk

Race mixing, universalism, drugs all over your veins, escapism to the extends where you cannot even handle your own body, and so forth.

You are neo-liberal 2020 meme. Maybe you can change yourself to an actual human being if you meditate.

A question to ask yourself is will you really have a soul left after all that self abuse you do to it with doing drugs?

At least I hope your curiosity and need to develop overpowers your need to do self harm.
Hey HP
So psychedelics are bad? Even shrooms?
Did the Jews or greys create it to keep the population distracted on a false “spiritual” plane?
Also is DMT bad as well?

you shouldnt ask anybody in here that kinda stuff they two one trck minded do the research and inform yourself using your heart...
asuraskeye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
asuraskeye said:
hey i appreciate you guys sharing the resources and everything... i hate that you all feel this way about mix kids haha i love mixed girls so this is a heartbreaker lmao on god they kitty slap different slime but i will definitely look into it and i also respect free thought which is something i know from philosophy of satan and i respect you all and your views shifting on what hitler was and what he represented and i will definitely do the work to see you alls perspective more.

I also think that satan would want us to see this fact of natural law and see if we could bend it so maybe we create artificial bodies that can breed with any type of these new bodies and we find a way to send our soul into the bodies like in the avatar movie... it is being done now by scientists but i hears thoth been doing this sooooo idk

Race mixing, universalism, drugs all over your veins, escapism to the extends where you cannot even handle your own body, and so forth.

You are neo-liberal 2020 meme. Maybe you can change yourself to an actual human being if you meditate.

A question to ask yourself is will you really have a soul left after all that self abuse you do to it with doing drugs?

At least I hope your curiosity and need to develop overpowers your need to do self harm.

Hey HP so just confused, do you think ancient egyptians were wrong for using and worshipping psychedelics as well as other ancient civilizations?
They did not use or worship any psychedelics, so your whole question is based on complete fiction and misunderstanding. The egyptians were all about spiritual practices, working with energies to transform and improve the soul, just like us here are all about. There are no psychedelics involved at all in any way, the entire idea of that is a fiction invented by rat-faced new age criminals. These new age agents spread this idea as a purposeful weapon to fully destroy the minds and souls of their enemies, they tell you to do these drugs because they want to completely destroy you and this is the only thing it is about.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
asuraskeye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Race mixing, universalism, drugs all over your veins, escapism to the extends where you cannot even handle your own body, and so forth.

You are neo-liberal 2020 meme. Maybe you can change yourself to an actual human being if you meditate.

A question to ask yourself is will you really have a soul left after all that self abuse you do to it with doing drugs?

At least I hope your curiosity and need to develop overpowers your need to do self harm.

Hey HP so just confused, do you think ancient egyptians were wrong for using and worshipping psychedelics as well as other ancient civilizations?
They did not use or worship any psychedelics, so your whole question is based on complete fiction and misunderstanding. The egyptians were all about spiritual practices, working with energies to transform and improve the soul, just like us here are all about. There are no psychedelics involved at all in any way, the entire idea of that is a fiction invented by rat-faced new age criminals. These new age agents spread this idea as a purposeful weapon to fully destroy the minds and souls of their enemies, they tell you to do these drugs because they want to completely destroy you and this is the only thing it is about.

Oh well guess ill be burning in hell getting high asf until i turn into stardust i dont give two fucks kai purr for president!!! slat
asuraskeye said:
you shouldnt ask anybody in here that kinda stuff they two one trck minded do the research and inform yourself using your heart...

Oy vey goy, use your heart not your brain.

If you want to preach about drugs then do it somewhere else, you and your retarded ideologies aren't not welcome here.

And no, just because jews said ancient Egyptians did drugs doesn't make it true. Jews lie about our ancestors just like they lie about everything.

Anyone with an IQ bigger than their shoe size understand that drugs are harmful, there's no discussion here to have about it, it's not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.
asuraskeye said:
Hex said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Race mixing, universalism, drugs all over your veins, escapism to the extends where you cannot even handle your own body, and so forth.

You are neo-liberal 2020 meme. Maybe you can change yourself to an actual human being if you meditate.

A question to ask yourself is will you really have a soul left after all that self abuse you do to it with doing drugs?

At least I hope your curiosity and need to develop overpowers your need to do self harm.
Hey HP
So psychedelics are bad? Even shrooms?
Did the Jews or greys create it to keep the population distracted on a false “spiritual” plane?
Also is DMT bad as well?

you shouldnt ask anybody in here that kinda stuff they two one trck minded do the research and inform yourself using your heart...
How are we too one-track-minded? Drugs are poison. Is eating healthily and promoting eating healthily "one-track-minded"? Beneficial things are beneficial; drugs are poison.
asuraskeye said:
Hey, i keep hearing that this website is ran by nazis ive been known about you guys for years but i just now recentley have made the decision to fully master and commit to satan and you guys have the most info and im not scared of the fact you all might be insupport of hitlers actions or things like that. i am looking into satan after all as a real living being so nothing really scares me more so intrigues me and as long as the info is accurate i could care less about your personal beliefs but i will still respek them so long as i am... i can send a article someone sent me about me complaining about you guys... but also im a african american male and i love satan i cant wait to get super charged up!!!❤️

You tell me!


We have the best black community in the world!
asuraskeye said:
you shouldnt ask anybody in here that kinda stuff they two one trck minded do the research and inform yourself using your heart...

You have to take other's word for it. Satan said in the Al-Jiwah, Chapter 5, "Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things". This means listen to those wiser than you, as they know things you do not. The HP's and HPS's here are not self-elected, nor are they elected by us either, rather they were put in power by Satan himself. I am not saying they are 100% knowledgeable on every detail, but for all important topics they are, ensured by the gods.

You can continue to have your doubts, but you should take what everyone is saying to you and halt your drug use for now. Promise us you will ask your GD about these drugs when you open your clairaudience points, then you will have your answer.
Hex said:
So psychedelics are bad? Even shrooms?
Did the Jews or greys create it to keep the population distracted on a false “spiritual” plane?
Also is DMT bad as well?

All drugs, not just psychedelics, are bad, for reasons relative to the drug in question. Psychedelics, in particular, open you open for a devastating spiritual attack, especially if you are an SS. Your mind is under strong delusions and is extremely suggestible, leaving you an easy target. Even something "weak" like weed will poke holes in your aura and leave you susceptible to attack. AOP does nothing if there is a giant hole in it.

Everything that these drugs, such as shrooms, could accomplish that would positively impact an individual can be easily done without. So maybe someone did heal their PTSD with shrooms, but that doesn't mean they didn't have their mind raped by a grey into believing New Age stuff. Now imagine if an SS took shrooms! That has the potential to be a nightmare scenario! Imagine how badly you could fuck yourself up if you had a reasonable amount of power and used it incorrectly under delusions!

Even normies are susceptible. There is a semi-famous Youtuber who recently took Ayahuasca and thought he was Jesus reincarnated (his words) and now he believes "We are all one and have to lose our egos". He is currently undertaking a 40 day fast. Earlier he had a mental breakdown and threatened to kill himself, before later saying it was all acting.
asuraskeye said:
Oh well guess ill be burning in hell getting high asf until i turn into stardust i dont give two fucks kai purr for president!!! slat
This right here shows you have no idea what you are talking about. Burning in hell is nonsense. More like cease to exist. Also just doing a search on the forums will show plenty of information on kai purr and why you shouldn't be taking his advice.

Your tough act only reveals how weak you are instead. It would be better if you threw away what you think you know now and start over with a more analytical approach. If you start today you can truly be strong and wise in no time at all.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
