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Is Everything The Fault Of Jews?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Uchenik said:
Personally, from a person outside this movement. I don't see why the Jews are responsable for everything that has happened to the world and I would like to read and explanation and perhaps, convince myself.
Is me being gay or sad or wanting to kill myself fault of the Jews? Is it because I'm weak and I must be stronger? What's the deal?
I know that JoS is full of these arguments but I don't quite understand why so much hate. Is it because Hitler said so? Mussolini didn't care at all to my knowledge.
And, would this movement make me a better man?


No, they are not.

The JoS never said that they are "fully" responsible for everything. The whole "jews" situation is a small and relatively partial subject on the whole of the JoS teaching. It's just a small piece of learning from the whole of the knowledge.

Jews made up a lie that "Satan is the source of all evil" to blame our Gods and societies for all evil, out of their own stupidity and arrogance, but we haven't done the same for them.

Slander about the Pagan Gods, begins with the Abrahamic faiths, ie, those rooted in Jewish Lore. In that regard, as we like the Ancient Gods, we cannot accept what they have to "claim". These claims are false and foreign to us.

As jews, who have admitted hatred of the Ancient cultures and a collective mission to "wipe out idolatry" [The Ancient belief systems of the Gentiles], we ought stand first and foremost in defense against that.

Jews have observed these faiths with glee and decided to undermine them, for their own gain. This led them to have made up purposeful hoaxes of a religious scale to enslave humans for their personal benefit, and that is high sacrilege. These hoaxes are the Abrahamist religions.

The above, imposed themselves on slaugher and and were forced on people.

They took a big opportunity of already negative and entropic factors in the universe for their own benefit, and through removal of Ancient knowledge, they have played a major part in harming humanity spiritually. They have acted in a very negative manner in that regard which they have been unrepentant to ever admit, fix let alone correct.

Not "everything" out there is their fault as the universe has it's pitfalls by itself. Yet they have increased a lot of negative forces without any concern into where this would lead.

For reasons that have to do with the well-being of people and the people the jews call 'Gentiles', ie, the non-jews, which they readily preach are to be exploited to used, or ruined just for their benefit, people have to be told on this to not fall victims of them.

Therefore over here we tell people about this as there is no other conspiracy that is that elaborate, ancient and has still followers to that day. Most Gentiles have given up this war-like mindset, but jews have not and they don't show any signs of changing but rather the opposite.

This makes this mentality dangerous. Anyone who wants to advance has to be aware of them and able to defend themselves from it.

Everyone here is therefore advised to be careful of them, free from their curses and gimmick, outside of the victim status they made for them with Christianity or Islam [which opens Gentiles into exploitation] and people are advised to become better people than the jews and not do the same things, as they lead in wrongful actions and in the wrath of the Gods, which must not be evoked.

That also helps so that people are careful to not fall into the general negativity of things in the universe, which leads in the hands of exploiters like the jews and which jews also cultivate in our midst such as in our civilizations for their own profit.

Jews have for centuries told their own all of this, such as to avoid the Romans and the Egyptians, but when the Goyim do the same, we are called evil, yet the reality is that there is nothing inherently bad in this.

Jews have a very dangerous culture and mentality that makes them look at all other being as prey and as potential victims for exploitation, and that's something one has to avoid if one is to survive, especially in a civilization where jews bring this culture into the higher posts and positions of society, which they tend to use to attack the "Goyim" or the general population, as part of their ancient mentality which they haven't shed yet.

They have developed a so called "religion" of theft, that also has many races listed in the bible for extermination, and they readily also carry all sorts of practices that are very evil to this day.

Quite a few jews have tried to distance themselves from this, but their culture gives them anger, hate and fuel to keep it going for a long time, earning more and more hate from others who have any clue what their culture is about.

There is nothing evil in this and no that's not really "hatred". Nobody would have any such need to defend themselves if the jews didn't do these things or didn't have these beliefs. As they chose these now that's a natural outcome that people naturally mistrust them or dislike them.

Jews pretend it's just emotions and just hate on the side of their enemies, while under their desk they have manuscripts that call everyone else an animal goy that is only borne to serve them and JHVH.

Their misfortune has been that other people found out and that they defend themselves from this quite crazy conception of existence. Yet they pretend it never happened to try to misguide others to avoid additional wariness in regards to their behaviour.

This movement will make you a better man by understanding:

1. That the jews have taken a bad and unethical turn, they are to be avoided
2. To avoid idle hate and insanity like the jews
3. To protect yourself from victimization systems they have set up to likely exploit you, and to become aware of these
4. Eventually, this resentment is going to end somehow, and it's up to the Gods how this will resolve.
5. As Spiritual Satanists we accelerate the clearing process by taking out their curses from our midst and other gimmick they have done on us

If you were a Palestinian, you wouldn't be asking this question. Instead you would be asking, why am I being genocided in my own homeland without any evidence? And why is nobody aware of this and nobody does nothing of this?

People of Palestine are Gentiles that are getting currently genocided because of these extremist beliefs of the Jewish people, which, based on pseudo-history, try to justify the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian Gentiles for the "promised land" of the Bible.

Listed for extermination in the Bible are many other "cultural" and "racial" enemies of the jews, and since most people have never read the Old Testament or anything, they believe jews are just an innocent people that just randomly got hated for no reason.

Yet the reality is that a very big majority of the jewish people have fringe beliefs based on a very Ancient war-like and exploitation based mentality, which over the centuries they have tried to adapt and make a reality, which has earned them considerable hate.

Now, are the Jews the cause of all "negativity"? Albeit one of the brutal people of the earth, they are not the source of all of it or anything like this.

Jews themselves admit the big wave of the hate was somewhere circa 200-300 BC, yet it started way further back in the Pagan times. In the Roman times, where the Jewish "people" went under the Roman Rule, this went into an even worse turn.

They have since created a culture for themselves based on hating others and taking advantage of them, and they have maintained this for a long time.

Their resentment, hatred and negativity grew in them, and they engaged in a brutal war with the Roman Empire, which they of course pretend they were little angels in there and did nothing at all.

The Bible gives a different story where they runsack numerous civilizations which later are "wiped out" by "JHVH", the tribal God of the jewish people. We are to where these dogmas they made are our "religions" and people literally worship these things and read them in our "churches", celebrating for example the genocides that happened on the benefit of the Jewish people such as the old testament.

These "religions" preach not only war, subjugation, killing "different" people and endless other negative things, but open people to exploitation.

Since the above is bad for everyone involved, we call it out.

Unfortunately this mentality is continued to this day and therefore we have to be aware of this, as they have considerable power in society and this creates potentially bad circumstances for other people who might be unsuspecting to this in full.

I don't see why anyone would hate them in anyway if they didn't do the above, yet we haven't seen a long time in history where the striking majority of them did not do this for long enough for people to stop suspecting them or hating them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Birşey sormak istiyorum demonlar nasıl çağrılır demonlarin isimlerine göre tütsü ve yapılması gereken ritüel nasıl yapılmalıdır
Uchenik said:
Personally, from a person outside this movement. I don't see why the Jews are responsable for everything that has happened to the world and I would like to read and explanation and perhaps, convince myself.
Is me being gay or sad or wanting to kill myself fault of the Jews? Is it because I'm weak and I must be stronger? What's the deal?
I know that JoS is full of these arguments but I don't quite understand why so much hate. Is it because Hitler said so? Mussolini didn't care at all to my knowledge.
And, would this movement make me a better man?


The most basic of the exercises listed on JoS would get someone killed for witchcraft, had the enemy had their way against us. Yet, these same exercises produce tangible and beneficial results, and therefore can provide firsthand evidence to anywhere where they should align their loyalties.

The fact that you now cannot as easily fix your personal problems is not just a lack of discipline, but also a lack of knowledge. The very tools and teachers (the Gods) which would help you have been directly attacked over thousands of years. In this way, your personal agency has been eroded on a global scale.

Whenever we try to grow ourselves, the Jew becomes alarmed. Instead, they promote destructive tendencies within society, and you can see that manifested in the modern age. Why would more technology = less social progress? We are living in a backwards time.

For more direct evidence, please view here:


more here: https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Real_Holocaust.html
Furkan34 said:
Birşey sormak istiyorum demonlar nasıl çağrılır demonlarin isimlerine göre tütsü ve yapılması gereken ritüel nasıl yapılmalıdır
Furkan merhaba, Türkçe konuşan kişiler için Türkçe foruma sahibiz. Buraya gel ve sana yardımcı olacağız.
It is good that someone of those who are without asks questions like that, and quite openly to possibilities. Looks like our RTRs starting to touch people on a deeper level.

If you think about it DEEPLY or not even deeply.

It's obvious that humanity as a whole is suffering because of thier lies.

I would be flying in a spacecraft to mars or the moon by now to visit my aryan girl.We would be living in a perfect world. Imagine this think of what you see wrong with the world and tell me what you see.99% of what is wrong with the world i guarantee you the jews are the cause in 6 million different ways.
Ehh in my opinion they are at fault either directly or In directly for most of the world ls problems they removed spiritual knowledge from gentiles using Christianity which caused a series of problems, turned humanity on its own gods they are no doubt the scum of the earth when they are no longer a problem I believe humanity will start to advance and once they are nothing but a problem of the past may we never allow humanity to fall so low again, fuck all kikes, the scum of the earth
Me personally, do I believe Jews are the sole and root cause? No. Have they taken advantage of Gentile ignorance and weakness and weaponized it to snowball into the mass murder, gentrification and perversion of Satanic and Gentile culture and have people out of ignorance fall into their trap because they don't have the tools currently like they did in the past? Yes.

Even if the Jews didn't exist, Gentile races still have to be on guard against natural forces and their own weakness and ignorance, so that other unfriendly species weaponize that and subjugate them the way the Jews did the Gentiles.

However, that's not to say Jews absolutely caused and amplified major issues that the world as a whole suffers from, but there are other things that have existed long before the Jews that will have to be addressed sooner or later, and even these problems are things Jews can't take advantage of because it's bigger than them, and even they fall victim to.
Kavya Shukra said:
Me personally, do I believe Jews are the sole and root cause? No. Have they taken advantage of Gentile ignorance and weakness and weaponized it to snowball into the mass murder, gentrification and perversion of Satanic and Gentile culture and have people out of ignorance fall into their trap because they don't have the tools currently like they did in the past? Yes.

Even if the Jews didn't exist, Gentile races still have to be on guard against natural forces and their own weakness and ignorance, so that other unfriendly species weaponize that and subjugate them the way the Jews did the Gentiles.

However, that's not to say Jews absolutely caused and amplified major issues that the world as a whole suffers from, but there are other things that have existed long before the Jews that will have to be addressed sooner or later, and even these problems are things Jews can't take advantage of because it's bigger than them, and even they fall victim to.

JRR Tolkien wrote an unfinished book known as The New Shadow, succeeding the Lord of the Rings.

However, if he had completed The New Shadow, this book would have undoubtedly described what your describing - and it's a perfect example of what the Gentile must do once Jewish power has been completely eradicated. Never stop building up your defenses. Do not abuse your freedom and victory.

The "main villain" may have been defeated, people of Middle Earth freed, but the people of Gondor pretty-much failed to fight the "inner villains", what we refer to as dross, things like laziness, alcohol abuse, toxic relationships and etc., and therefore, the once proud and mighty kingdom of Gondor once-more, degenerated into drug addicts and corruption. Tolkien referred to it as the "evil within the hearts of men" and described it was being even harder to fight than the "main villain", since inner dross is what gives way to the "main villain" in the first place to exploit.

It's quite said, and it's why Tolkien didn't even continue.

Being a Satanist is a two-front war, one against hostile species and their human/humanoid hosts, and the other is a fight against inner dross.
Kavya Shukra said:
Me personally, do I believe Jews are the sole and root cause? No. Have they taken advantage of Gentile ignorance and weakness and weaponized it to snowball into the mass murder, gentrification and perversion of Satanic and Gentile culture and have people out of ignorance fall into their trap because they don't have the tools currently like they did in the past? Yes.

Even if the Jews didn't exist, Gentile races still have to be on guard against natural forces and their own weakness and ignorance, so that other unfriendly species weaponize that and subjugate them the way the Jews did the Gentiles.

However, that's not to say Jews absolutely caused and amplified major issues that the world as a whole suffers from, but there are other things that have existed long before the Jews that will have to be addressed sooner or later, and even these problems are things Jews can't take advantage of because it's bigger than them, and even they fall victim to.

That's just some real talk I am doing here and I know some won't like it.

The situation is that most people focus on the "externality" of the jews in all of the "jew aware world" where many are just non evolving people, non evolving characters, not working on themselves at all, and in many cases behave like the enemy or worse. The whole "hate jews" thing therefore becomes a meme after a point where it means nothing.

I never wanted to do anything with any ordinary and real life so called "Nazis" and "Anti-semites" and other idiots for this reason. Their particular issue with the jews has always been a football tier problem, where they hate without thinking.

Above all, they don't seek to compete or outdo their so called "competitors" the jews, but instead whine all day and they have this worthless Christian and Muslim cattle victim mentality, which also of course, takes them as "perfect" and just "victimized by the jew", and they never look at themselves to improve in anyway - which is foolish and not the product of having the mindset of an adult.

I want to avoid this nonsense as it directly breeds the same problems whether one focuses on the jews or not, and everything returns back to square one.

Civilizations and people's have been wiped out without the help of jews, and many other things have happened, simply because of lack of inner work.

The Joy of Satan exists 100% for inner work and 1% for dealing with the temporary pest of the enemy, who currently is focused upon and is to be defeated to avoid the worst for the future of the world. But without the focus on the inner work every "enemy" defeated will be for nothing.

That's why even the existence of the jews or anything like this should be seen as incentive of development, overcoming, improvement.

This makes the situation also more serious and improves those being aware of this, instead of them just making a false approach to this which means nothing in the end of the day.

Jews are where they are simply because too many Gentiles have decided to suck for a long time. This has to change or no amount of crying about jews makes anything matter here.

If if hear one more time some retarded shit that one is not making their bed because aliens and jews, I will seriously tell these people to fuck off.

We are NOT in the Middle Ages. You are NOT walking around with a chain. If you are NOT doing certain things, one must have the decency to look within.

Your enemy taking advantage of laziness, foolishness or compliance, is normal for them.

I feel like I had enough of this lunacy over these years. No more victim mentality here please. That's not only immature and retarded, that's a huge waste of time in the eyes of any truly developing being, race or individual, for real.

That's some kindergarten shit that really doesn't help anyone anywhere in the end of the day.
The Jews just amplify all the bad in the world and take advantage of humanity and cause chaos whenever they can.

But because we are beings with free will we can be just as much at fault for the conditions of this world.Yes they are to blame for Many things and for enslaving people spiritually not allowing them to evolve naturally. But humanity is also partly to blame for remaining inactive and not doing anything to stop this for so long.

Not including us here of course. We've taken our free will and used it for a good purpose to actually do something and choose to help this world and our people.

When we go back to our roots as a society harmful choices and bad behaviors learned from the jews will fade and things will be better, but it still will ultimately be up to us to maintain this and do better.

At least we have the good example of the Gods and their ways to guide us. The closer we grow to them and adopt their ways and live by their teachings the sooner our people can heal and move forward.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Me personally, do I believe Jews are the sole and root cause? No. Have they taken advantage of Gentile ignorance and weakness and weaponized it to snowball into the mass murder, gentrification and perversion of Satanic and Gentile culture and have people out of ignorance fall into their trap because they don't have the tools currently like they did in the past? Yes.

Even if the Jews didn't exist, Gentile races still have to be on guard against natural forces and their own weakness and ignorance, so that other unfriendly species weaponize that and subjugate them the way the Jews did the Gentiles.

However, that's not to say Jews absolutely caused and amplified major issues that the world as a whole suffers from, but there are other things that have existed long before the Jews that will have to be addressed sooner or later, and even these problems are things Jews can't take advantage of because it's bigger than them, and even they fall victim to.

JRR Tolkien wrote an unfinished book known as The New Shadow, succeeding the Lord of the Rings.

However, if he had completed The New Shadow, this book would have undoubtedly described what your describing - and it's a perfect example of what the Gentile must do once Jewish power has been completely eradicated. Never stop building up your defenses. Do not abuse your freedom and victory.

The "main villain" may have been defeated, people of Middle Earth freed, but the people of Gondor pretty-much failed to fight the "inner villains", what we refer to as dross, things like laziness, alcohol abuse, toxic relationships and etc., and therefore, the once proud and mighty kingdom of Gondor once-more, degenerated into drug addicts and corruption. Tolkien referred to it as the "evil within the hearts of men" and described it was being even harder to fight than the "main villain", since inner dross is what gives way to the "main villain" in the first place to exploit.

It's quite said, and it's why Tolkien didn't even continue.

Being a Satanist is a two-front war, one against hostile species and their human/humanoid hosts, and the other is a fight against inner dross.

The thing is, the main weakness of Gentiles, is that while celebrating their advancement and growth thanks to the Gods with fellow Gentiles and passerbys, they became extremely vulnerable to beings that had ulterior motives, and double crossed them for being extremely naïve. The once proud Gentile cultures now became blasphemed and perverted and many of their original teachings and knowledge taken out of context, and many, because they're so enamored with Gentile symbolism, like taking Satanic teachings and turn them into movies and milk them for all money they're worth, but the original spiritual teachings got "lost in the sauce".

Just because something is Anti-Jew and Anti-Xtian/Muslim doesn't always deserve backing up, because I can talk about the story of Osiris and Set all day, but it's not just a Disney fairy tale, it explains many things happening in nature, and within the human body. Whether it be the changing of Spring to Fall, The functions of the Circulatory system, the Astrological significance of Orion and Scorpio, i can go on and on. But the problem began when people's curiosities allowed them to end up finding conclusions and hypotheses that aren't truth based and started sharing them as the Truth. And this was before the Jews existed. And that's why many civilizations fell.
Kavya Shukra said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Me personally, do I believe Jews are the sole and root cause? No. Have they taken advantage of Gentile ignorance and weakness and weaponized it to snowball into the mass murder, gentrification and perversion of Satanic and Gentile culture and have people out of ignorance fall into their trap because they don't have the tools currently like they did in the past? Yes.

Even if the Jews didn't exist, Gentile races still have to be on guard against natural forces and their own weakness and ignorance, so that other unfriendly species weaponize that and subjugate them the way the Jews did the Gentiles.

However, that's not to say Jews absolutely caused and amplified major issues that the world as a whole suffers from, but there are other things that have existed long before the Jews that will have to be addressed sooner or later, and even these problems are things Jews can't take advantage of because it's bigger than them, and even they fall victim to.

JRR Tolkien wrote an unfinished book known as The New Shadow, succeeding the Lord of the Rings.

However, if he had completed The New Shadow, this book would have undoubtedly described what your describing - and it's a perfect example of what the Gentile must do once Jewish power has been completely eradicated. Never stop building up your defenses. Do not abuse your freedom and victory.

The "main villain" may have been defeated, people of Middle Earth freed, but the people of Gondor pretty-much failed to fight the "inner villains", what we refer to as dross, things like laziness, alcohol abuse, toxic relationships and etc., and therefore, the once proud and mighty kingdom of Gondor once-more, degenerated into drug addicts and corruption. Tolkien referred to it as the "evil within the hearts of men" and described it was being even harder to fight than the "main villain", since inner dross is what gives way to the "main villain" in the first place to exploit.

It's quite said, and it's why Tolkien didn't even continue.

Being a Satanist is a two-front war, one against hostile species and their human/humanoid hosts, and the other is a fight against inner dross.

Just because something is Anti-Jew and Anti-Xtian/Muslim doesn't always deserve backing up, because I can talk about the story of Osiris and Set all day, but it's not just a Disney fairy tale, it explains many things happening in nature, and within the human body. Whether it be the changing of Spring to Fall, The functions of the Circulatory system, the Astrological significance of Orion and Scorpio, i can go on and on. But the problem began when people's curiosities allowed them to end up finding conclusions and hypotheses that aren't truth based and started sharing them as the Truth. And this was before the Jews existed. And that's why many civilizations fell.

Now that you mentioned the distorting of Satanic truths into "mere movies", you have no idea how hard it was to keep my shut whenever I'd watch ET, alien or "ancient spiritual war" movies with cousins and etc. They're more like documentaries with "bits of entertainment" added in to maske the Truth.

I've also grown very spiteful of the trendy ones, I get sick of people babbling on about the Avengers or some Marvel shit whenever I mention Thor, as in the REAL GOD Thor, Lord Beelzebub, no offense to anyone who is a Marvel geek, or shitty movies attempting to portray Egyptian and Greek mythology.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kavya Shukra said:

Everything you state in this sermon and this reply here is just straight truth. Gentiles sunk gradually, then the jews took this opportunity to rise and push our people down further.

In order to rectify this, it is as you state. The inner work must be put in.

As humanity continues and rectifies itself. There will be no ground left for the enemy to even hold onto past a point.

Thus is what they are afraid of, hence why they push so hard to stifle the development of gentiles.
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kavya Shukra said:

Everything you state in this sermon and this reply here is just straight truth. Gentiles sunk gradually, then the jews took this opportunity to rise and push our people down further.

In order to rectify this, it is as you state. The inner work must be put in.

As humanity continues and rectifies itself. There will be no ground left for the enemy to even hold onto past a point.

Thus is what they are afraid of, hence why they push so hard to stifle the development of gentiles.

"I didn't make pancakes the other day because I was lazy.

Damned jews & rothschild...

Or maybe I was just lazy, and while jews suck, pancakes would have been made if I wasn't lazy."

But don't tell this to your local Neo-Nazi or whatever thing around, or they might declare me insane now. I must blame the jews even for pancakes and for not going to the gym, or about anything overall.

That's basically overall why I don't want nothing to do with any "Anti-Semites" overall in life. They are just on that dumb level, even if many "Christians" or other "Anti-Semites" might be well educated on many other fronts in regards to the enemy.

The underlying mentality of all of them is still this irresponsible and slavery based mentality, which leads them nowhere.

In order to avoid this dumb hate which leads nowhere and certainly not to any improvement in regards to removing jewish influence over anyone, I have to write sometimes such harsh posts.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"I didn't make pancakes the other day because I was lazy.

Damned jews & rothschild...

Or maybe I was just lazy, and while jews suck, pancakes would have been made if I wasn't lazy."

But don't tell this to your local Neo-Nazi or whatever thing around, or they might declare me insane now. I must blame the jews even for pancakes and for not going to the gym, or about anything overall.

That's basically overall why I don't want nothing to do with any "Anti-Semites" overall in life. They are just on that dumb level, even if many "Christians" or other "Anti-Semites" might be well educated on many other fronts in regards to the enemy.

The underlying mentality of all of them is still this irresponsible and slavery based mentality, which leads them nowhere.

In order to avoid this dumb hate which leads nowhere and certainly not to any improvement in regards to removing jewish influence over anyone, I have to write sometimes such harsh posts.


When it gets to that point it's no different than the xians blaming us and Satan for everything bad that they do. They commit a crime, the devil made me do it and etc. It's that same mentality. We aren't reverse Xians here so that mentality needs to go.

Accountability is very important. We know that the jews cause many problems and amplify the problems in the world, we don't want to point our fingers at everything and say it's all their fault, we are also just as capable of making bad decisions and messing things up on our own.

It's definitely important to make sermons like this. If we were to have that slave mentality, when the jews are gone yes our world will be so much better off but we would just latch on to the next thing to blame for all of our misfortune and problems when they arise instead of trying to pick up and actually change things in this world.

We also have to take accountability for our selves and keep our ways close to the Gods after their examples. Otherwise we will still be in a shitty situation playing the blame game instead of advancing as a civilization.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The underlying mentality of all of them is still this irresponsible and slavery based mentality, which leads them nowhere.

In order to avoid this dumb hate which leads nowhere and certainly not to any improvement in regards to removing jewish influence over anyone, I have to write sometimes such harsh posts.

One thing I have noticed speaking with believers and promoters of christianity, they like to change your mindset in negative way, but more important is to stop people doing improvements, and it's look like these improvements do us more valuable of others.
everything isn't the fault of jews also because, as hphc said in a previous post, the jews in original were humans.

Humans that made a pact with ET enemies because of their hate and resentment for the greater and superior people of the ancient aristocratic society.

So the decay of humanity started from the nihilism of humans that lost the contact with the divine laws of universe based on empowerment and growth.
I personally believe it is the fault of Jews for a lot of things, like, these days you can't search up a company on any domain and not find out that a Jew owns them unfortunately.

But, in any ways whatsoever I also agree with the idea that there is the fault of some corrupted Gentiles who are Jewish promoters like in politics, health and communications industries and much more.
SapphireDragon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"I didn't make pancakes the other day because I was lazy.

Damned jews & rothschild...

Or maybe I was just lazy, and while jews suck, pancakes would have been made if I wasn't lazy."

But don't tell this to your local Neo-Nazi or whatever thing around, or they might declare me insane now. I must blame the jews even for pancakes and for not going to the gym, or about anything overall.

That's basically overall why I don't want nothing to do with any "Anti-Semites" overall in life. They are just on that dumb level, even if many "Christians" or other "Anti-Semites" might be well educated on many other fronts in regards to the enemy.

The underlying mentality of all of them is still this irresponsible and slavery based mentality, which leads them nowhere.

In order to avoid this dumb hate which leads nowhere and certainly not to any improvement in regards to removing jewish influence over anyone, I have to write sometimes such harsh posts.


When it gets to that point it's no different than the xians blaming us and Satan for everything bad that they do. They commit a crime, the devil made me do it and etc. It's that same mentality. We aren't reverse Xians here so that mentality needs to go.

Accountability is very important. We know that the jews cause many problems and amplify the problems in the world, we don't want to point our fingers at everything and say it's all their fault, we are also just as capable of making bad decisions and messing things up on our own.

It's definitely important to make sermons like this. If we were to have that slave mentality, when the jews are gone yes our world will be so much better off but we would just latch on to the next thing to blame for all of our misfortune and problems when they arise instead of trying to pick up and actually change things in this world.

We also have to take accountability for our selves and keep our ways close to the Gods after their examples. Otherwise we will still be in a shitty situation playing the blame game instead of advancing as a civilization.

Yeah. The Jews is an enemy here today and gone tommorow, but once they're gone, and if the Gentiles don't take accountability for the role they played into their own degeneration that occured before the Jews even arrived to enslave them, the next enemy race, who may be worse than the Jews, may end up doing way worse things than what Jews did, and who knows if the Gentiles will survive that one.

So yeah, it's something extremely serious. It's a mistake that CANNOT be allowed again.
Humanity was misguided by the enemy from the very start, but the Dark Ages are gone and done at large.

It was at some point humanity took the reigns and now there's a majority of societal complications that people face because of the actions of Humans.

The enemy is still pulling strings, those strings just aren't as many as they once were.
In the book ''how christianity destroyed the classical world'' there is a paragraph that tells one of the reason christianity advanced from what I remember was because the Gods didn't answered to prayers anymore which prob maked many old civilizations feeling alone thus giving more ground to the kikes, and then christianity follow and gave huge spiritual power to the jews which would explain how in history they always survived huge genocides like the full revenge of Emperor Hadrian.

But yes if we are talking about today when the kikes are severely weakened... we could easily take our world back if the common man wasn't such a... pussy.
Age of Retribution said:
Humanity was misguided by the enemy from the very start, but the Dark Ages are gone and done at large.

It was at some point humanity took the reigns and now there's a majority of societal complications that people face because of the actions of Humans.

The enemy is still pulling strings, those strings just aren't as many as they once were.

It is true that the Enemy isn't as powerful as he was in the past or in the Dark Ages but, especially now, during the start of the Age of Aquarius by 2023 and until 2030, we must see all the changes and possibilities that can be leveraged by us and also prevent the Enemy to take control.

Such thing is with the AIs for example, we need to make ChatGPT the most National Socialistic and Spiritual Satanist AI program that will recognize the truth about the Jews.

This of course takes time and we will need to act planned and not with haste.

On this page about Enochian Keys and Anton LaVey and how Anton's bible promotes jehovah. Very interesting writing.

So I thought I would look a little at Anton Lavey and did some searches on his name origins etc.
Found he was at least partly of Jewish origin most likely. Here are some interesting links.
Lavey - Meaning Of Lavey, What Does Lavey Mean? - ourBabyNamer
What does Lavey mean? The name Lavey is of Hebrew origin.
Seems like the magazines and new media promoted him.
sailhatan88 said:
Ehh in my opinion they are at fault either directly or In directly for most of the world ls problems they removed spiritual knowledge from gentiles using Christianity which caused a series of problems, turned humanity on its own gods they are no doubt the scum of the earth when they are no longer a problem I believe humanity will start to advance and once they are nothing but a problem of the past may we never allow humanity to fall so low again, fuck all kikes, the scum of the earth

I am actually a hindu ...very new to spiritual satanism as it is obvious all ancient religions are the same ..but i do not know many and many things ..what are the problems that christianity has actually caused ???how christianity removed all spiritual knowledge??
phi3.14infinity said:
I am actually a hindu ...very new to spiritual satanism as it is obvious all ancient religions are the same ..but i do not know many and many things ..what are the problems that christianity has actually caused ???how christianity removed all spiritual knowledge??

Exposing Christianity: https://satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html
Christianity has been nothing but a tool to keep humanity away from our creator god satan and keep humanity away from spirituality, since your very new I get a feeling you have not fully read everything on the joy of satan but alot of these questions you have can be answered by reading *everything* on the ExposingChristianity.com section on the joyofsatan go to the joyofsatan and click on where it says ExposingChristianity and I believe you'll find all the answers to your questions there good luck, If you still have questions after you read everything come back and I'll be more than happy to answer them to the best of my ability

The Raven said:

On this page about Enochian Keys and Anton LaVey and how Anton's bible promotes jehovah. Very interesting writing.

So I thought I would look a little at Anton Lavey and did some searches on his name origins etc.
Found he was at least partly of Jewish origin most likely. Here are some interesting links.
Lavey - Meaning Of Lavey, What Does Lavey Mean? - ourBabyNamer
What does Lavey mean? The name Lavey is of Hebrew origin.
Seems like the magazines and new media promoted him.

HPS Maxine revealed us that Lavey was a Gentile Soul inside a jewish body. That is naturally impossible, and will most likely never happen again (since there is no need anymore).
The reason why it was needed is to reignite the flame of Satanism into the world.

To do that, in a period where the enemy was extremely stronger than now, a person who could act more freely and with less suspects by the jews was desperately needed.
So, as far as I know, Father Himself, or someone in his stead, incarnated a Gentile Soul inside a jewish body, as Satan and our Gods already dictate reincarnation and are able to manipulate it as they see fit.
Although Lavey was never supposed to lead us all, since his jewish body (which I wouldn't be surprised if it took a toll on his Soul, I hope not), his mission was a success, as his work inspired HPS Maxine herself, who would then go on to create the Joy of Satan.

I have chills just by talking about it. This is pretty interesting lore, if you ask me. :D
Young Faith said:
The Raven said:

On this page about Enochian Keys and Anton LaVey and how Anton's bible promotes jehovah. Very interesting writing.

HPS Maxine revealed us that Lavey was a Gentile Soul inside a jewish body. That is naturally impossible, and will most likely never happen again (since there is no need anymore).
The reason why it was needed is to reignite the flame of Satanism into the world.

To do that, in a period where the enemy was extremely stronger than now, a person who could act more freely and with less suspects by the jews was desperately needed.
So, as far as I know, Father Himself, or someone in his stead, incarnated a Gentile Soul inside a jewish body, as Satan and our Gods already dictate reincarnation and are able to manipulate it as they see fit.
Although Lavey was never supposed to lead us all, since his jewish body (which I wouldn't be surprised if it took a toll on his Soul, I hope not), his mission was a success, as his work inspired HPS Maxine herself, who would then go on to create the Joy of Satan.

I have chills just by talking about it. This is pretty interesting lore, if you ask me. :D
WOW thats great. I encountered his book a couple of times early in my life. Thank you very much for sharing that info. I get it :) Wonderful.....
The Raven said:
Young Faith said:
The Raven said:

On this page about Enochian Keys and Anton LaVey and how Anton's bible promotes jehovah. Very interesting writing.

HPS Maxine revealed us that Lavey was a Gentile Soul inside a jewish body. That is naturally impossible, and will most likely never happen again (since there is no need anymore).
The reason why it was needed is to reignite the flame of Satanism into the world.

To do that, in a period where the enemy was extremely stronger than now, a person who could act more freely and with less suspects by the jews was desperately needed.
So, as far as I know, Father Himself, or someone in his stead, incarnated a Gentile Soul inside a jewish body, as Satan and our Gods already dictate reincarnation and are able to manipulate it as they see fit.
Although Lavey was never supposed to lead us all, since his jewish body (which I wouldn't be surprised if it took a toll on his Soul, I hope not), his mission was a success, as his work inspired HPS Maxine herself, who would then go on to create the Joy of Satan.

I have chills just by talking about it. This is pretty interesting lore, if you ask me. :D
WOW thats great. I encountered his book a couple of times early in my life. Thank you very much for sharing that info. I get it :) Wonderful.....

It is great indeed to find out about the more "modern" origins of the JoS, because of course, we originate from the Ancient Pagans, but it's cool to see how the actual organization came to be in the practical, and how Maxine was inspired.

But to be honest, I believe Maxine would have probably done what she did even without Lavey, she is just that powerful. May the Gods bless Her eternally. This is a little out of topic, but it's something that was roaming in my mind just yesterday, while listening to her pronunciations of the Runes, and that is that I found her voice so calming, and almost motherly, like Southern US loving mom accent. I wish I would've joined sooner so I could've had more chances to speak to her.

Oh well, in due time. There is just about eternity to do that.
I have copied the final RTR's 1 ,2 and 3. And have them written down in my. Journal. for back up. And for the time being.
Reading this gave me the chills. Brother HP. And you hit the nail on the head with this article. 💯❤️‍🔥 You are Awesome!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
