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I want to die....

Siatris Ioholo said:
I want to kill myself... There's no point. It's all in vain. I'm sorry and I hope the gods forgive me

That's not true. Why do you feel like this? I looked through your recent posts, but couldn't immediately find a reason.

Sometimes larger energetic interactions, such as karma, enemy influence, or elemental imbalances can override our logic by making us strongly feel a certain way (even when incorrect).

I would suggest balancing yourself with ether, or using Sowilo, Wunjo, or perhaps the breath of fire as a means of combatting depressing feelings. From here, you can have proper judgement and take proper actions against whatever may be frustrating you.

Good luck, Siatris.
Im sorry Gods fogive me couldn't whatever you frustrating energetic posts incorrect proper judgment

Strongly whatever you depressing combating Gods

Logic reason looked you whatever point Gods vain sorry

There's you from balancing incorrect reason

Posts reply no pojnt vain myself
Siatris Ioholo said:
I want to kill myself... There's no point. It's all in vain. I'm sorry and I hope the gods forgive me

We don't want you to die bro, keep going, the negativity will pass.
We as Spiritual Satanists enjoy life more than anyone else, there are no limitations for us.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=324905 time=1644869335 user_id=21286]
Siatris Ioholo said:
I want to kill myself... There's no point. It's all in vain. I'm sorry and I hope the gods forgive me

That's not true. Why do you feel like this? I looked through your recent posts, but couldn't immediately find a reason.

Sometimes larger energetic interactions, such as karma, enemy influence, or elemental imbalances can override our logic by making us strongly feel a certain way (even when incorrect).

I would suggest balancing yourself with ether, or using Sowilo, Wunjo, or perhaps the breath of fire as a means of combatting depressing feelings. From here, you can have proper judgement and take proper actions against whatever may be frustrating you.

Good luck, Siatris.

Besides this it can be very beneficial to work on the physical, Find something you enjoy doing, go and find a sport, these things can really help you to relief yourself from stress.

There is no reason to sit there being sorry for yourself, go out there and do something. This can drastically improve your mood for one, in the short and long term.

Finding a balance between your physical, mental and spiritual health is extremely important, just focusing on one part, can really hamper your advancement and general mood.
I think the other post is a second account from you but I will copy paste this response

Oh come on don't give up. Ignore others around you and their expectations and just do what you want. Become a fighter and try to stand for what makes you happy. Suicide is a problem not a solution you will just come back and deal with the same shit possibly with some of the same people or worse people. For real its never a solution.


This is the message I want to get across. Take back your life.

To add to this: hope you start to feel better soon.
Try Sananda into yourself vibration a few times as well that is sanskrit for joy and happiness.

Do the 3 part rtr channel all those feeling back at the enemy. If your going to die anyways you might as well spend that time fighting they are the ones that hurt you. Every suicide that ever happened or is planned is caused by the enemy either in the spiritual or the physical results of the enemies control.

Remember that the enemy wants this don't give them what they want give them an rtr instead spit in their face.
Don't waste such an opportunity to advance. You will only come back later but with more baggage.

Why do you feel this way? We are your family and will support you, you just need to express your affliction.
Siatris Ioholo said:
I want to kill myself... There's no point. It's all in vain. I'm sorry and I hope the gods forgive me

No you don't. People who actually want to kill themselves don't go advertising it on the internet. They often do it without warning to others besides subtle things like indicating that they want to give things away or leave something to someone.

If you are reaching out to people its because you want help not because you really want to die, even though you might feel like something is so painful that you would rather not be conscious to feel it.

So what is it that you need help with and what is the problem?
Siatris Ioholo said:
I want to kill myself... There's no point. It's all in vain. I'm sorry and I hope the gods forgive me
Can you meditate? Can you do the RTRs? Can you spread the truth of the JoS online?

If you're doing any of those things, then rest assured your life is worth living and is not in vain. These tasks create lasting rewards that eventually you will enjoy. :)

If your situation is bad right now, try doing magick like a Jupiter Square to improve your situation, and trust Satan that things will get better eventually.
Siatris Ioholo said:
I want to kill myself... There's no point. It's all in vain. I'm sorry and I hope the gods forgive me

Listen, suicide is not the answer in the scheme of things. As sly said, it's possible that in your next life it will be worse. Listen, read some of my posts, which I link here. It might help. But even if it doesn't help, it might make you feel better. Remember, you are a full-fledged family member, you can always count on us for help.


Siatris Ioholo said:
I want to kill myself... There's no point. It's all in vain. I'm sorry and I hope the gods forgive me

We need you here. Other members who care for you have given advice, I just wanted to say that you are cared about by us. You have all the methods you need to resolve whatever the issue is, and to improve your life or mindset or whatever the problem is :)
Don't do it! I had suicidal thoughts too, and I overcame them. You can do it too.

Me beating the depression of my beloved siblings so that they can finally be fully happy:
My problems really feel impossible to overcome... I was fired from my job, my dad is now in hospital, I lost my girlfriend ( she left me once I lost my job ), bad Saturn transits, anxiety, sleep I won't even talk about. All my so called friends have drifted away from me. I was left alone. When I meditate all sorts of negative things come to mind. I can hardly do the cleansing and protection of the aura, so tormented... :(

I've tried to solve the problems, but I haven't succeeded...
slyscorpion said:
I think the other post is a second account from you but I will copy paste this response

Oh come on don't give up. Ignore others around you and their expectations and just do what you want. Become a fighter and try to stand for what makes you happy. Suicide is a problem not a solution you will just come back and deal with the same shit possibly with some of the same people or worse people. For real its never a solution.


This is the message I want to get across. Take back your life.

To add to this: hope you start to feel better soon.
Try Sananda into yourself vibration a few times as well that is sanskrit for joy and happiness.

Do the 3 part rtr channel all those feeling back at the enemy. If your going to die anyways you might as well spend that time fighting they are the ones that hurt you. Every suicide that ever happened or is planned is caused by the enemy either in the spiritual or the physical results of the enemies control.

Remember that the enemy wants this don't give them what they want give them an rtr instead spit in their face.
Thank you.
Also, I am not that person (OpenMind ). I didn't even know that topic existed. I don't know who is that user.
Siatris Ioholo said:
My problems really feel impossible to overcome... I was fired from my job, my dad is now in hospital, I lost my girlfriend ( she left me once I lost my job ), bad Saturn transits, anxiety, sleep I won't even talk about. All my so called friends have drifted away from me. I was left alone. When I meditate all sorts of negative things come to mind. I can hardly do the cleansing and protection of the aura, so tormented... :(

I've tried to solve the problems, but I haven't succeeded...

Bad Saturn transits will definately do this to you. Don't give up it will not last forever. Don't answer this publicly for your privacy but is saturn transiting your chart ruler? if you answer yest to yourself then this is probably one of the worst times in your life. I would recommend starting jupiter squares to help offset its negative effects as well as an upgraded aura of protection. You know what, a lot of people have liked it, and i have it in one of my posts, but i will make a post for it specifically. I think you and a lot will benefit from it. Also try to void meditate. Maybe use the ISA rune to calm your mind down. At the most extreme of cases you may want to reach out to Satan or your Guardian for help. Mine helped me get through some of the worst.
Siatris Ioholo said:
My problems really feel impossible to overcome... I was fired from my job, my dad is now in hospital, I lost my girlfriend ( she left me once I lost my job ), bad Saturn transits, anxiety, sleep I won't even talk about. All my so called friends have drifted away from me. I was left alone. When I meditate all sorts of negative things come to mind. I can hardly do the cleansing and protection of the aura, so tormented... :(

I've tried to solve the problems, but I haven't succeeded...
You have to understand and accept that in one's life, people are coming and going. I cannot really emphatize on losing your friends and girlfriend because I don't consider these to be problems at all. In most cases `friends` are just a waste of time whom you spend wasted time with. You probably need this sort of wasted time for mental health if you are a person who needs socialization and related things. As for your girlfriend, you should be happy that she left you, not sad. If she was a good quality person who was really close to you, she woudn't have left you for merely losing a job, that's not a good reason. If she seeks security then let her go find it herself and never allow her in your life again, is not a person that worth your resources, energy, time, money etc. I think the opposite, a good partner should help you in such circumstances by looking for jobs for you, help with money etc, not leaving you. So be happy in this regard, you just got rid of a low quality person from your life, that was very close to you as well. In the future look for a partner who will stay with you if these things are ever going to happen again.

As for the job, what are people doing when they remain without jobs? They kill themselves? No, they fucking look for new jobs. If you can't get one easily then do a work to attract one, or ask for help for the Gods if your financial situation gets very bad. Do whatever job you can find even if is considered to be a `lower` job, until you improve your financial situation and can look for a better one. If you lost your job is not the end of the world.

As about your father, your parents are not going to live forever, aren't they? He is too young, you might think. But are you even surprised? Nowadays out of nowhere people have heart attacks and die instantly, out of a sudden. Well it's probably due to toxic habits that accumulated in their bodies but it is what it is. Does your father have a life-threatening consition? Do your best to save your father by using magic, but if you cannot, understand that his soul will be protected and taken care of and he will just reincarnate sooner or later. Is not a desperate situation as long as your life doesn't depend on him. Alternatively if you killed yourself and your father would have founded, you can be sure his chances to die would have increased exponentially only by hearing this information, but you don't care about this apparently. Of course nobody will have it easy to be in your skin but these are not issues than cannot be sorted. It indeed sounds like a very negative influence of Saturn, which will eventually go away and things will get better, so in this case this would be the best time to do obliterating Saturn by Lydia, to reduce as much as possible the influences of Saturn. Now what you have done precisely to fix all this problems?
Siatris Ioholo said:
I was fired from my job
Get another job, there's plenty of jobs out there.

Siatris Ioholo said:
my dad is now in hospital
Life happens, this is a rather normal occurence for people who are without.

Siatris Ioholo said:
I lost my girlfriend ( she left me once I lost my job
Then you're lucky you dodged a bullet, would you really be happy to be with someone who runs away as soon as you're starting to have problems?

Siatris Ioholo said:
bad Saturn transits, anxiety, sleep
Which you can fix with meditation, you have to meditate though...

All in all, I'd say this isn't worthy of suicide, perhaps if you were in a situation where you would have to suicide or else you would be tortured and imprisoned then yeah, but this? This is just life with its up's and downs.

Remember that suicide is like procastination, you will very much regret it after you've killed yourself because you will see how everything could be solved and overcame, and then you'd be bored out of your mind for years and years in the astral just because you couldn't deal with life throwing you some stones, only to reincarnate and have to face the same problems. Get your sleeves up Siatris Brother, and overcome your problems.
Siatris Ioholo said:
My problems really feel impossible to overcome... I was fired from my job, my dad is now in hospital, I lost my girlfriend ( she left me once I lost my job ), bad Saturn transits, anxiety, sleep I won't even talk about. All my so called friends have drifted away from me. I was left alone. When I meditate all sorts of negative things come to mind. I can hardly do the cleansing and protection of the aura, so tormented... :(

I've tried to solve the problems, but I haven't succeeded...

Keep on fighting. You don't want your life to end, you want your problems to end. And they will eventually.

Saturn transits don't last forever. I know how Saturn works very well from personal experience, it makes you feel like there's no way out, all black. This is not true though, it's an illusion, trust me. Look at when Saturn will leave your planets, look forward to that.

Stay strong in the meantime, increase cleaning and protection workings. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THESE. They make a huge difference.

Us and the Gods are always there with you, never forget that. You're not alone in your struggle.
Siatris Ioholo said:
My problems really feel impossible to overcome... I was fired from my job, my dad is now in hospital, I lost my girlfriend ( she left me once I lost my job ), bad Saturn transits, anxiety, sleep I won't even talk about. All my so called friends have drifted away from me. I was left alone. When I meditate all sorts of negative things come to mind. I can hardly do the cleansing and protection of the aura, so tormented... :(

I've tried to solve the problems, but I haven't succeeded...

I would wager all of this is caused or aggravated by the Saturn transits, much less a reflection of you. When does that end, if you know? You can use the Sun Square or similar workings to offset the Saturn transit itself.

If meditation is hard, then focus on yoga, particularly hatha yoga to help with your anxiety. Traditional exercise can also work. After that, try using the runes or other mantras for short-term benefits.

For example, Sananda or Wunjo "This energy has now improved my mood in a positive manner for me."

Or with Sowilo or Nauthiz "This energy has now incited me to work on ...."
Nauthiz will work well since you are dealing with many stressors.


Above all, these are the sorts of situations where you should cling to the Gods. Ask them for guidance on what you should do. They know your exact situation and can give you perfect advice.

You are going through hard times and deserve to be helped. Please talk to Satan about this.
Siatris Ioholo said:
I want to kill myself... There's no point. It's all in vain. I'm sorry and I hope the gods forgive me

Please don't do it. I know how you feel because I definitely been feeling suicidal when I first started and been feeling depressed since my dad passed away in 2018. When I dedicated to Satan last year, and saw all the enemy shit I had to deprogram from, I also carried a lot of guilt because I acted a fool under that influence. I was worried about my dad and where he was trying to reach out to him because I never grew up with a father figure. I only had a first few years with him. I grew up under an abusive home when my parents divorced and I wanted to die because I felt abandoned and alone. I was worried my mom might die. I felt like nobody cared about me. And this was when I went to church hoping that Jewsus would help but he didn't. Because he wasn't real.

Coming here was the best decision I've ever made in my life. Sure, I had to deprogram and do the work to achieve happiness and I still need to work on a lot of things, but life is worth living. Life happens. I was considered to be one of the brightest students at my time and was set up for success but I barely get by with work and life going on. Not that it defines me, but I know I am worth more than this.

Don't give up your life because shit hits the fan. We don't know why they happen, but we do know how to overcome them, and not let those things rule over us. Imagine if Satan gave up because he was outnumbered and felt like he couldn't win even with all of the odds stacked against him, just so him and the Gentiles he created could become something more, to be Gods like him. We wouldn't be here. But if he could do it and be triumphant and smile and be confident in his victory, so can you.
Siatris Ioholo said:
I want to kill myself... There's no point. It's all in vain. I'm sorry and I hope the gods forgive me
You will only re-incarnate worse off than before. We want you to overcome these dreadful feelings and rise above them.
Siatris Ioholo said:
My problems really feel impossible to overcome... I was fired from my job, my dad is now in hospital, I lost my girlfriend ( she left me once I lost my job ), bad Saturn transits, anxiety, sleep I won't even talk about. All my so called friends have drifted away from me. I was left alone. When I meditate all sorts of negative things come to mind. I can hardly do the cleansing and protection of the aura, so tormented... :(

I've tried to solve the problems, but I haven't succeeded...

I sent you an email :)
Siatris Ioholo said:
I want to kill myself... There's no point. It's all in vain. I'm sorry and I hope the gods forgive me

This is no need for this, you are stronger than this.
Get some help, find someone to talk to, I know there are many of our brother and sisters on here that will definitely lend a listing ear, my self included.

Please meditate and slow things down for yourself.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=325230 time=1644959572 user_id=21286]
Siatris Ioholo said:
My problems really feel impossible to overcome... I was fired from my job, my dad is now in hospital, I lost my girlfriend ( she left me once I lost my job ), bad Saturn transits, anxiety, sleep I won't even talk about. All my so called friends have drifted away from me. I was left alone. When I meditate all sorts of negative things come to mind. I can hardly do the cleansing and protection of the aura, so tormented... :(

I've tried to solve the problems, but I haven't succeeded...

I would wager all of this is caused or aggravated by the Saturn transits, much less a reflection of you. When does that end, if you know? You can use the Sun Square or similar workings to offset the Saturn transit itself.

If meditation is hard, then focus on yoga, particularly hatha yoga to help with your anxiety. Traditional exercise can also work. After that, try using the runes or other mantras for short-term benefits.

For example, Sananda or Wunjo "This energy has now improved my mood in a positive manner for me."

Or with Sowilo or Nauthiz "This energy has now incited me to work on ...."
Nauthiz will work well since you are dealing with many stressors.


Above all, these are the sorts of situations where you should cling to the Gods. Ask them for guidance on what you should do. They know your exact situation and can give you perfect advice.

You are going through hard times and deserve to be helped. Please talk to Satan about this.
Thanks Blitz. I will contact the gods soon and do as you told me.
About the situation with my father-he has kidney failure and heart problems. Here in Sweden he is well cared for in hospital but not given much chance. What can I do? I'm thinking of asking the gods for help. But what else should I do?
Please remember that you are worth it. Things may not be great now, I know. And there are things that will happen that are beyond our control. Life is a pure battle, for all of us. But you will always have the future to change things.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
