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How To Always Stay Positive As a Spiritual Satanist

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Spiritual Satanism is an instruction of positivity, life and vibrant existence.

Despite of what is going on with the world, the person who has attained the extent of this path, can face any situation. One builds to this level, it doesn't come on it's own, but it is there as a prospect for everyone. This is the path of mental strength and spiritual strength.

Of course, the above requires control of the mind. Most people, are not really "suffering" per se, they are "suffering" because their own mind is not in order. The less the order in a mind, the more the suffering.

As the basic knowledge of the JoS says, when the mind [especially when empowered] does dwell on some things, one can bring them about. Increasingly, this power will increase with meditation.

Now the question arises, so, are we to put our head inside a hole, and ignore any and all negativity completely? The answer here is obviously no. But one must not dwell on it.

With more experience in meditation, how one can do this, will become more self evident. This goes through stages. With meditation & growth, there comes a lot of beneficial things in our life.

As the mind control becomes superior, then one will be able to literally look at all these things and examine them, but not necessarily allow them to get affected. The higher the degree of empathy here, the more training one will need.

Many people who are empaths and easily affected, can use this to their advantage, by dwelling on positive things. As the mind clears and control is established, one can manage their exposure.

As we can see, the modern world is constantly bombarding people with excessive extremes. "Wars, we will be nuked, blah blah" - no hope given. Of course, these problems might be real, but on the end of the media, this is not informative, this is to cause mass fear and hysteria.

How most people cope with this is by not paying any attention, and that is wrong, since people become unaware. Lack of awareness make someone suspect to deception and failure.

Therefore, the strategy one must follow is to be self aware here, and always be on the positive side willingly, and by choice and wisdom, not because they are ignorant. The mage who is aware of the power of the mind will have a different adoption of this method than the average joe who purposefully ignores everything.

One way people try to escape inner issues is by ignoring them. That is exactly the opposite of what a Spiritual Satanist must do. Here, we confront the issues, and we fix them.

The proper mindset is so fundamental, as is the software on a computer. Many people just constantly try to find excuses to cause suffering to themselves. That is a symptom of a mind that is not well attuned.

Almost every person I know has yet another complaint every single day, speaking of regular people who are not Satanists. It's also a common characteristic in the case of most people that they don't want to solve any of these issues. But they present them for no purpose. Maybe to babble.

Life however is not specifically designed so that everything goes in accordance to one's "desires". That should be something we know early - but we are not told even basic things anymore.

One must therefore accustom themselves to understand what lies inside of one's control, and what lies outside of this. The book of "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius is going to help a lot of people here. Alongside other subjects, the relation of the mind with what is beyond "control" is also discussed here.

I consider this book one of the "Satanic Essentials". Just make sure to read it with the Satanic eye.

Now, to sit and complain about life will change nothing. Nothing can also change what cannot be changed at a present level of power. Severing sources of depression from life can also be very helpful.

For example, don't spend your day in front of the TV all day, or in front of Social Media, where everyone pretends they are living the "Dream Life", because they are not. That will cause you depression. It is, in reality, specifically designed to make you feel negative and depressed all the time, by abusing basic functions of the mind.

Instagram and other social media [which I mention because of how many people spend too much time on these] are designed to abuse your basic needs: Sex, food, and the need of shelter, luxury and wellbeing.

They abuse these by bombarding you with never ending stimuli, which eventually wears out the human mind, causing depression and senses of inferiority. The happiness of one in these platforms works by psychological standards in contrast to the caused depression on another, and it's designed to be this way.

Therefore, what does a wise Satanic mind do here? If you have to use these means, use them wisely, and if you don't have to, discard them. In all cases, do not be used by them, and never consider them reality. They are not.

In fact, the more you see this in Social Media, know that people are internally suffering the most. The quicker one discards these lies from their mind, the quicker one will mentally heal.

Spirituality and cleaning, aura of protection, and staying close to the Gods, or staying close to the Truth for that liking, is a sureproof way to be happy. Note: Not without struggles and not without the bad, but happy in a more internal fashion which I am sure most understand who are for sometime in this path.

On this level, we have to do with the energetic functions of the soul. These are never bothered by the average person, and therefore, many people cannot really reach these higher levels of happiness which the Ancient Greeks called "Eudemonia". This word has to do with proper condition of the very soul, not only a mental or physical attainment.

Another level of happiness, is not related to mind and soul, but the body. Taking care of the body, within reasonable extents, is necessary to articulate a sense of inner stability, although the two aspects above have overwhelming power to your well-being.

As one has a plan to grow the soul, the none must also have a plan to bring the body in the correct order.

Most people are also getting depressed over what hasn't happened or what isn't yet a reality. This can arise out of a working not yet manifesting etc. This is why the JoS says over and over again: Mind control is essential. Do not cast doubt on what you do beyond the sensible extents - let the thing work itself.

Suffering about imaginary events of the future has a function in life, but if it consumes your mind, then it will cause you great grief. That suffering is emerging in this case out of fears, worries, and other anxieties that have to do with events that haven't even occurred.

To make matters worse, a disorganized mind, can attract negative energy even by dwelling on some things by default. For example, if you think all day that you might be ugly, then people might indeed find you ugly. That is a basic example.

If you are very "afraid" of something, this might, for some minds, even attract it. Therefore, one wants to moderate their thoughts and gently bring the mind back in order into positive or at least neutral thinking.

For those who are seriously invested in meditation, if you go too far without having basic mind control, your must reconsider and take some steps back, especially if the situation goes out of control, or change your perspective, working on the mind too.

One might reasonably argue that the "situation" of this world isn't great and all this, but that still, is not a cause of pessimism and depression. But this adoption is not going to change much, if anything.

It is only if someone decides that is the reality for themselves. The hardest years might be the more rewarding ones. To understand this, we must prioritize in our minds what is essential and what is not. Growing is essential, and therefore, what procures growth, can be a blessing despite of initial appearances.

Despite of anything, for example, I remain overwhelmingly an optimist and level headed. I cannot be pessimistic when I know the existence of the Gods to be valid. One builds to this level and we experience this is for ourselves.

"We save ourselves". Those who want to see in this path, will receive the beautiful glimpse of the Gods.

To fly, we need wings, and these wings, we are given through our soul. Everything else speaks of the spirit of gravity, of peril and failure. For this reason, we have a soul. It reminds us of our origins and our higher existence.

When you know things like that you have a soul, that the Gods will help us, and so on, then one's relationship with the negatives changes forever. After some time, we are free from a lot of misplaced suffering.

Everything starts looking more where it should be. This is one of the gifts of waking up instead of sleeping. There is a lightness in this understanding.

Reality cannot be absent of disappointments or negative events, but we can minimize the misplaced and pointless suffering we cause ourselves and others.

The gift of meditation is understood not only in pursuit of external victories in life, but also in the manifestation of higher levels of mind and consciousness.

One of the main points, is to achieve a better inner world, and discover the "Kingdom within". When this kingdom is understood, then too many things that you felt once were able to drag you down, will hold lesser and lesser power over you.

Brothers and Sisters, do not allow yourself to be consumed by the spirits of gravity - become spirits of lightness instead.

Hail Satan, our true God and Creator. Yahweh is darkness, enslaver, genocidal, megalomanical, philicidal, infanticidal, pestilential, homophobic, mysoginistic compriciously malevolent bully.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thank you Hp!
I really needed this.
You always show up at the right time! :)
i felt peace reading

you should give us more of this

the calmer and brighter side of cobra

im definitely happier as a satanist

hail satan
Great sermon High Prieste Hooded Cobra. Perfectly explained to give assistance to the Newly awakened SS and Advanced SS.

Keep up the great work.

Thanks for this HP.

Another text I highly recommend is the The Enchiridion by Epictetus, as well as the Discourses. Although I haven't finished the Discourses they are of immense help so far. I also am looking forward to reading The Meditations.

I'll post a couple of my favorite teachings of The Enchiridion below,

1. Some things are in our control and others not. Things in
our control are opinion, pursuit, desire, aversion, and, in a
word, whatever are our own actions. Things not in our control
are body, property, reputation, command, and, in one word,
whatever are not our own actions.

The things in our control are by nature free, unrestrained,
unhindered; but those not in our control are weak, slavish,
restrained, belonging to others. Remember, then, that if you
suppose that things which are slavish by nature are also free,
and that what belongs to others is your own, then you will be
hindered. You will lament, you will be disturbed, and you will
find fault both with gods and men. But if you suppose that
only to be your own which is your own, and what belongs to
others such as it really is, then no one will ever compel you
or restrain you. Further, you will find fault with no one or
accuse no one. You will do nothing against your will. No one
will hurt you, you will have no enemies, and you not be

Aiming therefore at such great things, remember that you must
not allow yourself to be carried, even with a slight tendency,
towards the attainment of lesser things. Instead, you must
entirely quit some things and for the present postpone the
rest. But if you would both have these great things, along
with power and riches, then you will not gain even the latter,
because you aim at the former too: but you will absolutely
fail of the former, by which alone happiness and freedom are

Work, therefore to be able to say to every harsh appearance,
"You are but an appearance, and not absolutely the thing you
appear to be." And then examine it by those rules which you
have, and first, and chiefly, by this: whether it concerns the
things which are in our own control, or those which are not;
and, if it concerns anything not in our control, be prepared
to say that it is nothing to you.

8. Don't demand that things happen as you wish, but wish that
they happen as they do happen, and you will go on well.

28. If a person gave your body to any stranger he met on his
way, you would certainly be angry. And do you feel no shame in
handing over your own mind to be confused and mystified by
anyone who happens to verbally attack you?

37. If you have assumed any character above your strength, you
have both made an ill figure in that and quitted one which you
might have supported.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

You are so amazing, the ritual you made dedicated to our queen was really draining at first, and then I woke up later feeling full and clean and healed beyond my capability

A couple of my newer friends didn't do the ritual at all because it was too hard, even for me aswell it was tough.. Maintaining the sigil inside of the shen ring, and focusing my whole self and vibrating the runes and sending the power, and reading the passages, and putting the password in my phone when it went into sleep mode over and over all without losing trance.

I never could have done any of that in a million years if it wasn't for all this rtr training. You were so right about all of it. Along time ago when I doubted how and I was begging to know how these rtrs worked I knew they made some aura for me. But I never would have believed such meditation experiences would happen.

But now these rituals that you have for us are incredible. A person could really and truly contact the Gods and recieve blessings from this. It means a hell of alot and I'm so thankful to have someone like you as a teacher

Thank you cobra

As stated many times, many of these things do train you. Like going to the gym, which many people initially refuse to do or whatever, you stay on this and then you are on another level. Staying the course has many, many benefits.

There are things learned from the schedules, Rituals, etc. The mind expands and this is exactly as intended. That is helpful for an individual, and then also the world at large. This is from the Gods and it is intended. This procures growth for us too.

Glad to hear things have been going well. As for your friends, maybe they are new and things will come in time. Push them a little bit too.
So to summarize this, the procedure to positivity is all about using correct means of reality like doing meditation solves spiritual problems within ourselves, like how we use whatever skills we have physically and mentally to solve and maintain what we can around us and 'inside' of us?
Needed this sermon, was a great read. The amount of wrath that builds up within me is hard to deal with. It is great when directed of course but controlling it is difficult. Hard to stay positive or instead see the positive in situations and people. Instead, hate and scorn can be the initial response to things. The mixture of crap with kikes and repitiles, dealing with the common andrapod, working with my own imperfections, these build up throughout the day.

This all makes us stronger, with greater temperament. And it is as you said pointless whining or ignorant unfocused rage should be avoided, especially by an empowered mage.

Once, I turned to the great Dagon as I was curious, and just after focusing on his sigil for some time I felt much lighter and began to find the humor in alot of the issues I was having.

Cheers to our continued growth!
Cheers to our current strength!
Cheers to the obliteration of the enemy and their weakness!

Your posts always hit home, at the exact time they need to. Had someone I cared about deeply, someone I put 133 days into a healing working for their Borderline Personality Disorder, just continue to mistreat me recently because of their disorder and not many things were helping them with treating it, to where they still dont understand its not okay to treat people like this.

Life definitely gets better, sometimes we just have to learn to let go from certain things, and walk away where we are not wanted. Part of this is working on our mind and to handle these types of obstacles. Along with just washing our hands of certain negative influences in our lives.

Thank you for all the work you do Cobra. We brothers and sisters shall ALWAYS prevail in the face of adversity.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I seriously love you so much. I wanna hug you right now. This was like a good shake it woke me up. Thank you for everything. Sending lots of love your way❤❤🖤🖤💙💙 Hail Enki
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spiritual Satanism is an instruction of positivity, life and vibrant existence.

Despite of what is going on with the world, the person who has attained the extent of this path, can face any situation. One builds to this level, it doesn't come on it's own, but it is there as a prospect for everyone. This is the path of mental strength and spiritual strength.

Of course, the above requires control of the mind. Most people, are not really "suffering" per se, they are "suffering" because their own mind is not in order. The less the order in a mind, the more the suffering.

As the basic knowledge of the JoS says, when the mind [especially when empowered] does dwell on some things, one can bring them about. Increasingly, this power will increase with meditation.

Now the question arises, so, are we to put our head inside a hole, and ignore any and all negativity completely? The answer here is obviously no. But one must not dwell on it.

Just like a post on Marcus Aurelius about two or three weeks ago as of the time of this posting.


Again you make an emphasis on the mind and control i.e. an out of control mind with empowerment to a degree of risen level is dangerous just as the opposite can be a problem a out of control mind with enough dwelling can be an issue powered or normal.

But again this fails to answer my question. Perhaps an extreme take on your sermon but your basically stating we need to be blank headed beings without thoughts. For example in the Western World we have the "Thinker Statue" in the Asiatic World we have the "Meditating Statues". Both clash in fact certain Asians scuff at the Thinker statue-style of Westerners.

It seems there is an extreme disproportionate factor within the World. Be so extremely meditational your a wreck or be so thoughtful your a wreck. There is no middle ground, there is no emphasis on for example Thin Nacth Hangh died recently the 90 something year old buddhist but he was a middle ground person or learned to middle ground. He had books, philosophy, and was educated enough of the World to try and help it. But he used his mind again as an Asiatic style meditator and an Asian person isn't that a violation of the Asiatic meditation mantra. While for example if Thin Nacth Hangh was a Aryan he would pull towards logical debate again ignoring meditation.

I do recall wanting to read some of Light Watson's books he is a mindfulness meditator i.e. he is a mental conditioning meditator not a power meditator in other words he does breath awareness or breath engulfment meditation. I don't know how else to describe mindfulness simply being aware of breath and sensations of the body coming up. And he is a Westerner black guy who is smart and studies the phenomena of mediation and logic put together. I can't comment on his books but after reading a few articles in a few interviews he seems to be more towards the middle ground. Although of course he could be one of these famous meditators for the sake of being famous. He does meditate and like one person who became rich attributes it to his success but again he is simply doing mindfulness not exactly anything more.

So is meditation i.e. mental conditioning meditations and power meditations the ability to raise levels. A sort of robotic blank minded action? In other words as we grow in power are we supposed to be progressively thoughtless and keep our thoughts to a minimum?

For example the Gods do they think? do they dwell on things? do they contemplate? for example say a God doesn't know something does by reading an article or a book or studying some logical device to understand do they end up creating reality/ies generating said thing?

It seems to me like thinking is the absolute most important thing. The mere thought or consciousness generates a reality. It is true if you wish to actually function the reality your supposed to perform action. Sorta like Hitler "You can't just pray for things to manifest. You have to construct it with your hands". It seems for Xtians but on some level I agree with them they just pray to build a better reality. Of course you have to go out there and do it. But it seems like they learned about civilization magick and create realities without engaging in them. Sorta like if a xtian creates a reality whereby a nuclear strike occurs and all of a sudden a nuclear war breaks out the enemy uses that generated reality as an impestus to manipulate events.

If at all the entire point of manipulating reality is to generate scenarios either a new, already, or soon to be made reality.

But again this falls back is thinking impossible as you advance? I'm a thinker I've pretty much quit all meditation as my new years resolution was not to waste my time doing it. I don't view meditation as important or anything it never worked for me for all intents and purposes the JoS could be wrong or just a fake organization or something. Sheer fact is I stay cause of the National Socialist principle. I might be like SWG I believe someone mentioned he went off the rails and quit. The point is not everyone is a meditator. I think JoS emphasizes meditation WAY too much almost like a form of escaping reality. But again that is the point. If meditation is the most important thing.

Then funny enough what about thinking? what about contemplating? what about spending hours upon hours walking around and thinking, processing, and coming up with new ideas?

I know thinking isn't smart. If I was smart from thinking I'd probably be financially well off and not doing the things I do. Maybe even exercising and living my life properly or whatever. But I unfortunately grew up with the disability of thinking. The act of thinking, deep thinking, extreme thinking, overthinking has brought me to where I am now. Even if that means life is a worthless piece of shit with no purpose behind it. With that said I'm thankful for this thinking but wish that whether through limited air element/s or some sort of hyper emotional deep well thinking or both or whatever is the reason. That I feel satisfied with some thinking and that is it.

Obviously I'm not smart like I said if I was I'd probably not waste my time with all the things that have occurred over the years.

Is thinking pointless? As extreme as this sounds is thinking wrong? For example we Humans spend the first few years of our lives thinking, processing, and actively adding stuff to our sphere and learning about the World a micro effect in the macro. But again is it pointless to think? Is that how a Human should have been raised? Does the teachings of Humans teach that thinking is the absolute in everything?

It's like how do the Gods train their children. They don't raise them they train them they want them to be a monolithic enterprise in Universal construct. So forget raising it's more than that it's literally teaching them how to manipulate reality for their own enjoyment. So again when they teach logic and thinking is it so different that even to us it's insanity.

For example having to explain hieratic or kabalistic information to someone is a pain in the ass because they don't understand the differences. You merely tell them do this and that and what they don't understand is for all intents and purposes say meditating on a being of higher power. The hieratic and kabalistic property for example say XYZ God is good for learning a subject their hieratic or kabalistic effect as in meditation i.e. the God in his power form is that byproduct. I've tried explaining this to people and they just don't want to understand it. For example I had a family member of mines I was explaining stuff and to his learning of xtianity and judiasm he basically said I was just a jewish person explaining things in a fancy way to sound different. I replied back this information has been on this planet since nearly 60,000 years ago and who knows how many hundreds of thousands if not over a million years in the empire of Orion.

They pretty much just looked at me blankly and said "well whatever your just being rebellious for the sake of hating the true path". So I went and threw a cup at them to shut them up.

Again it seems like people are so illogical they are stupid or so logical they are illogical or so stupid they are logical. It's almost like it begs the question how can reality allow these people to exist.

And funny enough can we even manipulate reality. For example if this is how this person is then why have they not died to make way for people who actually do know what they are doing. It seems every retard and dumbass is allowed to exist a work and pray person.

I don't know but that mentality has brought about a huge doom on Humanity.

Again are we supposed to be blank slates at some point? What exactly is thinking at a higher level? It's been mentioned even raising to a higher level involves more study and more education. Without the Gods isn't it pointless to study things even astrally being helped it's still pointless as the physical barrier hasn't been crossed. Over the years various sermons and posts by people improving their astral senses or something but the same story all the time. It seems like UNLESS the Gods are physically here or physically interacting with extra-terrestrials of the civilization of the Gods. It seems kinda like spiritual evolution is pointless.

As it's been said even the most advanced Humans are nothing compared to a God. I understand spiritual warfare it's why I realized long a go that combat and warfare are the most important things. Even more important to be weaponized a long time ago. But again it seems every time someone talks about mindfulness or thought control or mental conditioning. Time and time again it seems as someone who never had success with this and is a thinker that it's pointless. If Humanity is thought to think then it's pointless it seems all Humans believe in the almighty logical masculine side only.

I don't know seems pointless to mention mental conditioning. If someone at a spiritual level has to understand this again seems like they missed out on studying the basics. It's like for example it's been stated eventually as someone who fails to focus and maintain control they don't advance further. Except inasmuch certain mantra and certain power meditation it seems pointless to emphasize mental conditioning. I hate to be a xtian and state controlling the mind is impossible. But it seems like these people xtianistically made themselves into spiritual advancement in a xtianized way.

So are we allowed to think as we advance or are advanced? or is it an impossibility and thinking becomes dangerous to you and others? At what point should we consider thinking pointless and dangerous?

For example say I get in a dispute with a person. I just think them to death and they collapse or it produces baneful effects? For example I shout back in emotional anger and thought fuck you to them and then they get smacked by a vehicle is that how it is?
There are no problems with watching TV or staying too much on social media. I haven't anything like that. But lately, because of uncontrollable thoughts, I've started watching movies (which is not a habit but I feel it is becoming because is the only way I can completely stop my thoughts) more and more because it's the only way I can stop my thoughts or that voice I keep hearing. But my biggest and most serious problem is my own mind. My mind don't listen me. I can't control my thoughts everything I do and I wouldn't understand this if it weren't the sermons and advice I received here. Maybe the book recommended here will help me to at least calm it down a bit. I appreciate the sermons and the advice gave me, they helped me not to go crazy at all (although I took it a little) ... but at least they helped me to keep calm.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

You are so amazing, the ritual you made dedicated to our queen was really draining at first, and then I woke up later feeling full and clean and healed beyond my capability

A couple of my newer friends didn't do the ritual at all because it was too hard, even for me aswell it was tough.. Maintaining the sigil inside of the shen ring, and focusing my whole self and vibrating the runes and sending the power, and reading the passages, and putting the password in my phone when it went into sleep mode over and over all without losing trance.

I never could have done any of that in a million years if it wasn't for all this rtr training. You were so right about all of it. Along time ago when I doubted how and I was begging to know how these rtrs worked I knew they made some aura for me. But I never would have believed such meditation experiences would happen.

But now these rituals that you have for us are incredible. A person could really and truly contact the Gods and recieve blessings from this. It means a hell of alot and I'm so thankful to have someone like you as a teacher

Thank you cobra

In my opinion you may have made Goddess Astartes Power Ritual a little harder than it really is.

I wrote the whole ritual out and it covered three pages.

But it's actually a very quick and easy ritual to do which was surprising looking at its written length.

Firstly you don't have to be in a trance to do it.

I just read it off and look at the Shenu Ring.

It doesn't really take any energy. But if I spam them over and over again then I can feel burned. But if I have time and want to spam the rituals then spreading them out is no problem.

Maybe like reading I just have more stamina because I control my internet intake. I think watching vids and the like of social media takes mental stamina away.

And if you're using your phone like I do for the three RTR's. I just periodically touch the phone screen to keep it on.
I started a working recently for repressed emotions so if I'm particularly negative in the next few weeks then please forgive me. There's a lot of resistance happening towards this working, and I'm feeling so edgy lately that it would probably make Jack blush.

I want to get better though. It's not that I ever wanted to reject life and positivity... it's just that I thought I couldn't have it. Decades of hating your life because of being trapped in external circumstances will do that to you. It's just conditioning... probably. Tragedy and despair were always the main themes of my life.

I'm trying. I really am. I always figured that even if I can't enjoy life in this world then maybe I could at least create a future where everyone else could be happy and enjoy it. Everyone keeps telling me to have hope and enjoy it for myself too, but... it's hard. It's very hard to imagine a future for myself in this world. If I can at least get revenge on the jews and others who hurt me then I can be content when I leave this world. I won't ever want to come back though. It's just too painful with everything I've been through.

This battle keeps going on inside me. I want to be happy, but I feel too crushed by my terrible experiences. This life has just been too cruel. I can't find the strength to let go of it and move on. It's like my heart can't breathe whenever I reflect on it so I usually just try to ignore it all. I think the working is bringing it up, but I still don't know how to properly deal with it and let go. I don't know how to be okay.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

You are so amazing, the ritual you made dedicated to our queen was really draining at first, and then I woke up later feeling full and clean and healed beyond my capability

A couple of my newer friends didn't do the ritual at all because it was too hard, even for me aswell it was tough.. Maintaining the sigil inside of the shen ring, and focusing my whole self and vibrating the runes and sending the power, and reading the passages, and putting the password in my phone when it went into sleep mode over and over all without losing trance.

I never could have done any of that in a million years if it wasn't for all this rtr training. You were so right about all of it. Along time ago when I doubted how and I was begging to know how these rtrs worked I knew they made some aura for me. But I never would have believed such meditation experiences would happen.

But now these rituals that you have for us are incredible. A person could really and truly contact the Gods and recieve blessings from this. It means a hell of alot and I'm so thankful to have someone like you as a teacher

Thank you cobra

As stated many times, many of these things do train you. Like going to the gym, which many people initially refuse to do or whatever, you stay on this and then you are on another level. Staying the course has many, many benefits.

There are things learned from the schedules, Rituals, etc. The mind expands and this is exactly as intended. That is helpful for an individual, and then also the world at large. This is from the Gods and it is intended. This procures growth for us too.

Glad to hear things have been going well. As for your friends, maybe they are new and things will come in time. Push them a little bit too.

Ah I made I reply and now scrolling further see it's already been replied to.

More on the positivity post.

I found with meditation you become detached and do not really pick up on the drama going on around you.

And with aura cleaning you can feel clean, light and happy from inside.

And I've had them miserable ones spotting that I'm really happy and getting on my back about it because they want you to be negative not happy.

It can be a pain when you're really happy from the soul and others challange you on your happiness.

Like I need to give some reason some happening or material thing. People cannot grasp that you can just be happy as your state at that moment. Regardless of negativity around you.

It's a personal thing and we can feel how we want because it's our life. But I have had envious people attack my happiness and ask for my reason of happiness. And if you tell them it's meditation. That it's a natural high they just look at you suspiciously.

I have Spiritual purpose and that makes me happy. Happenings and the material although important don't bring happiness. It's got to spring from inside.
our beautiful children, those who will come in future generations will know that the protectors of this planet (in addition to our gods), we, grew up in the deepest and most devastated situations, in order to rise beyond what any human could imagine now, they will be proud, excited, grateful and inspired. I know they will

Satan has put us all here at this time because we are the ones he choose, but also the ones who choose itself, with the help of the gods, we will change the tide of things, I know that many of us have been waiting and preparing for many years, some in hell waiting to reincarnate again, others constantly reincarnating to acquire a knowing soul, we have been reincarnated now, because we are what satan needs now at this time and in this place, Satan counts on us as we count on him, it is a pride to fight with you, my brothers and sisters in Satan

What is that marcus aurelius book? if you say it is essential i want to read it
This is wonderful I feel at least a few people needed this.

I never considered dwelling on positives should be a nice change :roll:

thank you HPHC looking forward to the next schedule.

Hail Satan!!
This is very motivating thank you so much!
jrvan said:
I started a working recently for repressed emotions so if I'm particularly negative in the next few weeks then please forgive me. There's a lot of resistance happening towards this working, and I'm feeling so edgy lately that it would probably make Jack blush.

I want to get better though. It's not that I ever wanted to reject life and positivity... it's just that I thought I couldn't have it. Decades of hating your life because of being trapped in external circumstances will do that to you. It's just conditioning... probably. Tragedy and despair were always the main themes of my life.

It's great to be open about that stuff and this in itself is a healer. Whatever disagreements might arise between people never changes the underlying reality that everyone here is to empower themselves, heal, and grow in an environment of like minded people. That is above anything else. With you great success in your endeavor.
Florina 22 said:
There are no problems with watching TV or staying too much on social media. I haven't anything like that. But lately, because of uncontrollable thoughts, I've started watching movies (which is not a habit but I feel it is becoming because is the only way I can completely stop my thoughts) more and more because it's the only way I can stop my thoughts or that voice I keep hearing. But my biggest and most serious problem is my own mind. My mind don't listen me. I can't control my thoughts everything I do and I wouldn't understand this if it weren't the sermons and advice I received here. Maybe the book recommended here will help me to at least calm it down a bit. I appreciate the sermons and the advice gave me, they helped me not to go crazy at all (although I took it a little) ... but at least they helped me to keep calm.

That problem is not uncommon it is very common. Do void meditation.
Thank you. I needed to hear this and feel great relief.

Hail Satan
Hail Eligos
Often I feel as if my soul incarnated here for the reason of helping the native beings here, it feels like I am spiritually lightyears ahead of nearly everyone I meet, sometimes I struggle with my logical mind and it tells me that that is just my ego and I am no better than anyone else, just been blessed by the gods to have evolved past what the majority of population has been artifically restircted to in their pathetic existence.
I also battle between the want to help others and the want for natural selection to run its course and exterminate all the idiots.
My question is what is the balance here? Should I sacrifice my own wellbeing and comfort to try and enlighten others or should I accept that sheeple are doomed for slaughter, the duality of my mind is causing me to question what is right and wrong. Where is my energy best put in the matrix of entrapment?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you HP!

I was about to say I needed to read this right now, but looking through the replies I wouldn't definitely be the first one. Makes me think just how many of us will benefit from getting reminded of these facts today. :D

I've mentioned it before but I do have trouble controlling my thoughts at time, and they can go into a negative place easily. As I get further with meditations this is a big no and something I seriously need to work on.

I especially find it very beautiful and true how you mentioned how the approach to negativity and pessimism just can change by knowing and being close to the Gods. It is very true for me, as sometimes when I struggle with some "hopeless" feelings I just think about Them, and find the strenght and motivation to challenge this "hopeless" situation no matter how bad it looks in my eyes.

Not exactly the same as how you said you can be "overwhelmingly optimist" but one step at time, right? :D
As I progressed through the meditations, although not yet at the level I wanted, I realized that my life had visibly changed and my thoughts began to gain strength as time passed. Of course, this comes in parallel with as much wisdom and understanding as it should be in every subject. On the one hand, this scares me because I still have a hard time controlling my mind. The worst part about it is that it feels like it will never end. For a moment I thought I could never do it. I'm still a little worried.

As we progress and gain strength, it is vital to control our minds at the same time. Some people neglect the power of the mind while trying to gain "power". Our experienced members, who are close to the Gods, know and understand very well what I am trying to convey.

Actually, I would like to talk more, but I have no right to waste anyone's time. I don't know how to say it, but it really is a timely sermon. Thank you HP Cobra.
Thank you HP for putting things in perspective and affirming that happiness is paramount.

It astounds me how simple things can affect our long-term happiness. I had many missed opportunities in my younger years and in recent years I lost a couple of teeth. I've been only eating healthy food during the past few years though and I feel clearer and more full of energy.

I'm 30 and I've been dwelling on my past losses and current situation (low income/frugal living) and I honestly think I might be single my whole life. I've been compensating through escapism (watching bitchute, reading and procrastination).

Every time I see my roommates dog she inspires me. She's getting old but she is as happy as can be. This is how we should all live; looking forward and not dwelling on what has happened or what 'might' happen.

When we maintain exercise, stretching, healthy eating and good sleep, success in meditation and happiness comes so much easier.

I will keep fighting for self improvement everyday and reap its rewards. Thanks for your empowering words!
"To make matters worse, a disorganized mind, can attract negative energy even by dwelling on some things by default. For example, if you think all day that you might be ugly, then people might indeed find you ugly. That is a basic example."

I dwell on things that I don't understand or don't know whats actually going on. For example what you think about me when i post stuff about amplifying energy with devices to help us with rituals.

The prarasite is real maybe it is something else that i cannot explain but its still there and i am reminded of it now and again. I try to prioritise meditation and for this reason im constantly reminded of it knowing its a serious problem.

Im not negative at all im actually happy with myself for finding stuff i do and for being accepted here while completely being myself. I do appreciate Henu and Aquarius and all the people who help me by correcting me about things i do wrong because then it helps for me to not dwell on things.

I have always been a person that needs others in a social sense for self reflection. I think its a natural mechanism to help me evolve in life because i use it to adjust at the benefit of both parties.Its in my nature in my dna code i cannot help it.

Thats also a reason i share things that might not be necessary or some stuff that should be personal.
I depend on others to tell me directly about it where most others seem to not have a problem at all with it.
jrvan said:
I started a working recently for repressed emotions so if I'm particularly negative in the next few weeks then please forgive me.


I've suffered from repressing my negative emotions and maybe this experience can have some use to you.

Since very little, I used to send back every thought that makes me feel bad the moment I start to feel them. It was necessary to do that back then in my defense. The human mind has a mechanism to suppress traumatic events until the person survives and is in a safe, supportive environment to process what happened, accept it, heal, and move on.

When you send back negative emotions and thoughts away, they don't disappear. They go somewhere deeper and wait for a better time to come to the surface. If you keep sending them back, they tend to appear spontaneously. I could be sipping water casually, then suddenly, like a lightning in my mind, I remember something I hate and the glass is shattered on the floor. I know I did it myself, not consciously but as a reflex. Or I could be writing some random thing on the paper and less than in a second, I was feeling horrible and stabbed my hand with the pen. Biting lips or nails or plucking hair, eyebrows, eyelashes or scratching your skin for no reason until it bruises or self starving are other kinds of self-harm I witnessed others -mostly what other people I talked about this said they too are- doing.

Obviously, it wasn't healthy. One day, instead of sending thoughts back, I tried to welcome them. I imagined the things that give me pain in full detail. It is not easy. I tried to remember everything I have been repressing. It's surprising to realize how many details your mind keeps just under the surface. I'd imagine person, people, actions, voices, what I felt, everything I could remember. Then I made the snow started in my mind. The snow made everything freeze. The snow kept falling and making everything freeze until there is no more life. The only thing left to do was to shatter the lifeless snow sculpture of the person I hate. He turned into snowflakes. Everything that pains me turned into quite harmless snowflakes. It was all white and pure in my mind. The only thing still has life was me, as a snowdrop survived and actually used snow to survive, pure and strong.

This is what I used to imagine to get rid of the painful thoughts long before I learned aura protection and cleaning of Jos. What can I say is purifying those emotions and thoughts is healthier than surpassing regardless of the method.
Brilliant HPHC

Loved that as per bro.

Have that book on audio very clever guy, think he only did one(book) then a few have used his name to sell the same package.

Thank you Our HP
I mean all i need is a yes or no awnser for you. I want to help JoS showing it can be build by anybody and its not rocket science.HPS Maxine said a mage looks for any means as to amplify energy for magick. Crystals and amulets can do this and we use it so why not use something which may be 100× more powerful. Weathy SS can build and design it into their cone shaped towers like a apartment dedicated to working magick. The Ancient Egyptians did and our enemies are doing it .If you say no then thats fine you are the Commander and have the best interest for the people,Satan and the gods.

In the link at the bottom of my signature you can read this and see

"These conclusions stem from discoveries by Columbia University that proved that there's a force field surrounding each atom of matter in the universe, and that these elements radiate a frequency that is unique to that atom! By tuning to these frequencies with a very sensitive electronic device they can, not only be received, but also modified (or modulated) and re-transmitted, very much like an ordinary radio station. It means imposing human thought, which also has it's own frequency, into the very atomic true-structure of matter! ... exposing all the secrets locked within each molecule!"

So as you can see all we need is just a clever SS who can design it to transmit thats all. I already proved the rest and in my signature it also proves it.I can draw a wiring diagram and show exactly how to make it but i need SS who are advanced bin magick to test if it truely works.

i know its not the best video and i forgot how i wired it.
Im not a rich person with lots of wealth and tools im just a average person with a lot of intuition and seeking understanding and want to help JoS. If nobody could awnser my questions before and i found out its exactly what others have done and perfected after that it proves im right.

With the new waves i made in the arc tube i experimented with it and my thoughts. Because of the electrodermal effect you can go read about it our emotional stimulus changes the electrical signals in our cells. It works the electrical waves i was making clearly had an effect on my thought and the surrounding air. I first thought my air was going through the glass but its not the waves i making is extremely sensitive even to thoughts. They look like something i have neve seen before almost like they are living and the reason is is because they take on the forms of electrical signals generated by the skin effect (aura) therefore look like a living thing.
Sadhguru’s Inner Engineering is also a great book for rising awareness and control. He gives many many exercises to achieve these states.
jrvan said:
I started a working recently for repressed emotions so if I'm particularly negative in the next few weeks then please forgive me. There's a lot of resistance happening towards this working, and I'm feeling so edgy lately that it would probably make Jack blush.

I want to get better though. It's not that I ever wanted to reject life and positivity... it's just that I thought I couldn't have it. Decades of hating your life because of being trapped in external circumstances will do that to you. It's just conditioning... probably. Tragedy and despair were always the main themes of my life.

I'm trying. I really am. I always figured that even if I can't enjoy life in this world then maybe I could at least create a future where everyone else could be happy and enjoy it. Everyone keeps telling me to have hope and enjoy it for myself too, but... it's hard. It's very hard to imagine a future for myself in this world. If I can at least get revenge on the jews and others who hurt me then I can be content when I leave this world. I won't ever want to come back though. It's just too painful with everything I've been through.

This battle keeps going on inside me. I want to be happy, but I feel too crushed by my terrible experiences. This life has just been too cruel. I can't find the strength to let go of it and move on. It's like my heart can't breathe whenever I reflect on it so I usually just try to ignore it all. I think the working is bringing it up, but I still don't know how to properly deal with it and let go. I don't know how to be okay.

You could do the deep cleaning from Lydia alongside this working. It doesn't take a lot of time and even the number of days is really comfortable. First time I did 5 days in a row and now I want to repeat given the actual situation.

And in the future you could consider a working with Sowilo, Wunjo and/or Jera for attracting positive things in your life
Florina 22 said:
There are no problems with watching TV or staying too much on social media. I haven't anything like that. But lately, because of uncontrollable thoughts, I've started watching movies (which is not a habit but I feel it is becoming because is the only way I can completely stop my thoughts) more and more because it's the only way I can stop my thoughts or that voice I keep hearing. But my biggest and most serious problem is my own mind. My mind don't listen me. I can't control my thoughts everything I do and I wouldn't understand this if it weren't the sermons and advice I received here. Maybe the book recommended here will help me to at least calm it down a bit. I appreciate the sermons and the advice gave me, they helped me not to go crazy at all (although I took it a little) ... but at least they helped me to keep calm.

Except for void meditation, I remember at some point someone had said that if you work too much on your upper chakras and neglect the lower ones, then the emphasis on the upper chakras can make you more prone to daydreaming and not living in the present. I would personally suggest to try to balance your meditations (if you focus more on the upper chakras), but also try doing physical things and focusing on the present (void meditation, but not necessarily sitting down and focusing on your breathing for 5 minutes. Void meditation can be done in any way, and you can literally go for a walk and try to completely empty your mind).
I swear I don't know if I'm being naive, but it's now been at least a few months since I've been extremely optimistic about myself and our Brothers and Sisters.

The CoVid situation had pissed me off tremendously because of the restrictions, but even then, I was never afraid about mine or my Brothers and Sisters' health.

And even now, with what's going on, the jews trying to start a third world war... I do not feel afraid. Even if at some point I may feel a very sudden urge to "panic" (which is extremely rare), I will immediately calm myself down, knowing that I, and my Brothers and Sisters know of the Gods and Goddesses. Knowing that we have their protection (but of course we also do our best to fight this war and protect ourselves too).

I feel at peace, and I feel optimistic. Knowing that even if everything, absolutely everything went down, WE wouldn't go down with everyone else. I feel a safety that can not necessarily be explained in "logical" terms.

I am very happy to have found Satan in my life, and I will do everything I can to fight for our cause and awake humanity. And at the same time, I feel optimistic and safe about our future (our= the SSs future).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
