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Emotional "resilience" you say?


May 3, 2018
Enemy never teaches us properly about emotions and intuition, instead, they want us to turn into souless bots. They do not teach us about balance. All enemy wants us is to hate it all, instead of working on it.

Enemy also started hating Pisces and almost everything that goes with it. They used it well, now they want to turn us in machines and they want to level up communism.

They want people who will hate their emotional nature, and who will in general hate themselves. It is not suprising to find even SS not understanding anything about it, and going to extremes even while preaching balance. Balance is hardly understood because nor logic nor emotions are percieved well.
SerLorars13 said:
I have read some topic related to emotions and how some people don't seem to understand what the heck they are talking about.
While they talk about emotional resilience they also show the fact that they are too emotional. They focus so much on that subject. Like the heck. And they are talking about emotional resilience? Then what they do is what? I see nothing but emotions everywhere. This is hypocrisy already and we know it.
While they preach that emotions must be kept under control and such they are absolute emotional bombs. And they talk about control?
One guy so desperately tries to get attention on that lol. Boy who hurt you? XD
Relax cause its not the end of the world... unless? :))))

Tho I understand now why people attack emotions and distrust intuition. I mean look at these emotional bombs preaching control and stuff like that. They think they know everything, but do they know what intuition is?
Most likely is another feminine bs in their heads and they hate it and ignore it calling people crazy afterwards. That's why most people are so low, because some emotional bombs preach what they do not know with big hypocrisy in their "guts" XD

Talking more about "gut" feelings. That thing can save lives if you are healthy and know yourself enough to understand how it works. You can spot dangers easily before it happens without doing research like a mad man.

But others don't get it do they? Pity.

Oh here is another reason for why it is hated.. people with strong intuition don't have to work as much in some things like others do..
And this makes some people so jealous and envy. LOL

This makes others emotional bombs even more. Relatable? :shock: :eek: :D

So what is the purpose of this post? To insult people?

We have more important things too discuss then drama.
Azorm said:
Enemy never teaches us properly about emotions and intuition, instead, they want us to turn into souless bots. They do not teach us about balance. All enemy wants us is to hate it all, instead of working on it.

Enemy also started hating Pisces and almost everything that goes with it. They used it well, now they want to turn us in machines and they want to level up communism.

They want people who will hate their emotional nature, and who will in general hate themselves. It is not suprising to find even SS not understanding anything about it, and going to extremes even while preaching balance. Balance is hardly understood because nor logic nor emotions are percieved well.

She is correct the enemy has more turned to Aquarius type energy in attacks i notice they now seem to want to cut people off from emotions more and more. I dont know if this is because the earth itself is more transitioned into Aqaurius energy and they are adapting or because this was their original intention.

To he honest people should not cut themselves off from emotions or intuition but they should not become the opposite extreme (what the enemy used to push) and be so over emotional that they don't listen to reason. Honestly i wish the enemy had kept pushing the opposite extreme cause the lack of emotion and suppression of emotion in society is way harder for me personally to understand or deal with. It leaves me as a total outcast in this case. I think honestly this is why in past lives it was way easier for me to relate to the world and I remember that and was happier.

Of course also if people suppress all their emotions and intuition too much this leads to over emotion in some cases cause it comes out in unhealthy ways.
Aldrick said:
SerLorars13 said:
I have read some topic related to emotions and how some people don't seem to understand what the heck they are talking about.
While they talk about emotional resilience they also show the fact that they are too emotional. They focus so much on that subject. Like the heck. And they are talking about emotional resilience? Then what they do is what? I see nothing but emotions everywhere. This is hypocrisy already and we know it.
While they preach that emotions must be kept under control and such they are absolute emotional bombs. And they talk about control?
One guy so desperately tries to get attention on that lol. Boy who hurt you? XD
Relax cause its not the end of the world... unless? :))))

Tho I understand now why people attack emotions and distrust intuition. I mean look at these emotional bombs preaching control and stuff like that. They think they know everything, but do they know what intuition is?
Most likely is another feminine bs in their heads and they hate it and ignore it calling people crazy afterwards. That's why most people are so low, because some emotional bombs preach what they do not know with big hypocrisy in their "guts" XD

Talking more about "gut" feelings. That thing can save lives if you are healthy and know yourself enough to understand how it works. You can spot dangers easily before it happens without doing research like a mad man.

But others don't get it do they? Pity.

Oh here is another reason for why it is hated.. people with strong intuition don't have to work as much in some things like others do..
And this makes some people so jealous and envy. LOL

This makes others emotional bombs even more. Relatable? :shock: :eek: :D

So what is the purpose of this post? To insult people?

We have more important things too discuss then drama.

No one is insulting anyone just putting forth a point about emotional hang ups. I do notice what both people are saying here that posted so far. It seems to literally be everywhere at least where I live they are pushing this be tough have no emotion emotions are weak etc.. yeah its a negative trait of Aquarius energy (or more precisely air element in general they could pull the same thing with Libra and Gemini or just the air element in general easy) like I said that the enemy is using.

How about instead of feeling insulted if this somehow hits home and feels a little uncomfortable to you cause its maybe an issue you have work on it. We can make the world a better but change always starts with your own self.
slyscorpion said:
Aldrick said:
SerLorars13 said:
I have read some topic related to emotions and how some people don't seem to understand what the heck they are talking about.
While they talk about emotional resilience they also show the fact that they are too emotional. They focus so much on that subject. Like the heck. And they are talking about emotional resilience? Then what they do is what? I see nothing but emotions everywhere. This is hypocrisy already and we know it.
While they preach that emotions must be kept under control and such they are absolute emotional bombs. And they talk about control?
One guy so desperately tries to get attention on that lol. Boy who hurt you? XD
Relax cause its not the end of the world... unless? :))))

Tho I understand now why people attack emotions and distrust intuition. I mean look at these emotional bombs preaching control and stuff like that. They think they know everything, but do they know what intuition is?
Most likely is another feminine bs in their heads and they hate it and ignore it calling people crazy afterwards. That's why most people are so low, because some emotional bombs preach what they do not know with big hypocrisy in their "guts" XD

Talking more about "gut" feelings. That thing can save lives if you are healthy and know yourself enough to understand how it works. You can spot dangers easily before it happens without doing research like a mad man.

But others don't get it do they? Pity.

Oh here is another reason for why it is hated.. people with strong intuition don't have to work as much in some things like others do..
And this makes some people so jealous and envy. LOL

This makes others emotional bombs even more. Relatable? :shock: :eek: :D

So what is the purpose of this post? To insult people?

We have more important things too discuss then drama.

No one is insulting anyone just putting forth a point about emotional hang ups. I do notice what both people are saying here that posted so far. It seems to literally be everywhere at least where I live they are pushing this be tough have no emotion emotions are weak etc.. yeah its a negative trait of Aquarius energy (or more precisely air element in general they could pull the same thing with Libra and Gemini or just the air element in general easy) like I said that the enemy is using.

How about instead of feeling insulted if this somehow hits home and feels a little uncomfortable to you cause its maybe an issue you have work on it. We can make the world a better but change always starts with your own self.

They literally wrote condescending trash. I didn't feel insulted. I felt bored. Just like with this comment.
SerLorars13 said:
Aldrick said:
slyscorpion said:
No one is insulting anyone just putting forth a point about emotional hang ups. I do notice what both people are saying here that posted so far. It seems to literally be everywhere at least where I live they are pushing this be tough have no emotion emotions are weak etc.. yeah its a negative trait of Aquarius energy (or more precisely air element in general they could pull the same thing with Libra and Gemini or just the air element in general easy) like I said that the enemy is using.

How about instead of feeling insulted if this somehow hits home and feels a little uncomfortable to you cause its maybe an issue you have work on it. We can make the world a better but change always starts with your own self.

They literally wrote condescending trash. I didn't feel insulted. I felt bored. Just like with this comment.
Very very interesting. And you say my post is trash?
May I recall the fact that you used to and maybe still do drama posts.. trash posts?
Not only directed at few people but you also said that they must be punished for the fact that they dont like you?

Who is talking trash?!

Be it between me and you, who used to tell people that they must be punished by Satan just because they didn't liked me or you?
Or you forgot that already? Got redemption?
Or is that hypocrisy?

Mister Aldrick, are you spreading hate and anger because you hate yourself for the bad deeds you've committed?
'Cause it looks exactly like that.

Lol same old thing over and over. Deflection and fillabustering doesn't work on me sorry.

So back to your post. Ya know the thing we were talking about. Not your nonsense and drama about me.

What were you trying to achieve exactly?

This was your first post.


So, is this your way of stating you're not emotionally unstable now?
Aldrick said:
slyscorpion said:
Aldrick said:
So what is the purpose of this post? To insult people?

We have more important things too discuss then drama.

No one is insulting anyone just putting forth a point about emotional hang ups. I do notice what both people are saying here that posted so far. It seems to literally be everywhere at least where I live they are pushing this be tough have no emotion emotions are weak etc.. yeah its a negative trait of Aquarius energy (or more precisely air element in general they could pull the same thing with Libra and Gemini or just the air element in general easy) like I said that the enemy is using.

How about instead of feeling insulted if this somehow hits home and feels a little uncomfortable to you cause its maybe an issue you have work on it. We can make the world a better but change always starts with your own self.

They literally wrote condescending trash. I didn't feel insulted. I felt bored. Just like with this comment.

Um no you have to be literally blind not to notice this trend away from expressing emotions in society. Unless you mainly and only hang out with people who are like this and are yourself. Which is possible to many people have become soulless robots at least.

One of my favorite quotes of social commentary comes from this song

"How can we exist in a constant state of crisis
Society in conflict
All the ignorance betrays a weakness
Too much pride to admit there's a sickness
Vacant emotions
Like walking corpses"

This is a description of mainstream society perfectly. Notice the Vacent emotions part in this.

We are not the only ones noticing this stuff.
SerLorars13 said:
Aldrick said:
SerLorars13 said:
Very very interesting. And you say my post is trash?
May I recall the fact that you used to and maybe still do drama posts.. trash posts?
Not only directed at few people but you also said that they must be punished for the fact that they dont like you?

Who is talking trash?!

Be it between me and you, who used to tell people that they must be punished by Satan just because they didn't liked me or you?
Or you forgot that already? Got redemption?
Or is that hypocrisy?

Mister Aldrick, are you spreading hate and anger because you hate yourself for the bad deeds you've committed?
'Cause it looks exactly like that.

Lol same old thing over and over. Deflection and fillabustering doesn't work on me sorry.

So back to your post. Ya know the thing we were talking about. Not your nonsense and drama about me.

What were you trying to achieve exactly?

This was your first post.


So, is this your way of stating you're not emotionally unstable now?
- Deflection and "fillabustering" doesn't work on you? All I wanted is to point out why you wanted to even comment here. What you want is drama, attention, and you keep wanting people to praise you and it's very annoying at this point.

What I said about you it's not nonsense nor drama, you just came here for more drama by yourself and you keep hoping to get a dose of it while acting like you are against it while thinking that you will end up looking smart, wishing that people will tell you how wise you have become. Admit it, you are highly seeking approval from others, drop the act and behave like a grown man.

Your so called wiseness and maturity is at the ground's level.. , and no matter how much I try to explain things to you, you will not get it. Asking for more drama cause why not, huh? It's clear you are young, still just a boy.

You think that I hate you now, and you also think that the world revolves around you, but that's not the case here.

It's interesting that you came to scold someone who sounded like they asked for drama, while always wanting drama yourself.

The people who want to understand what the post is all about will understand. Now go away from here and stop making drama boy.

If you continue this attention seeking of yours, I will ignore you. No questions asked.


So are you ever gonna answer the question?
Aldrick said:
SerLorars13 said:
Aldrick said:
They literally wrote condescending trash. I didn't feel insulted. I felt bored. Just like with this comment.
Very very interesting. And you say my post is trash?
May I recall the fact that you used to and maybe still do drama posts.. trash posts?
Not only directed at few people but you also said that they must be punished for the fact that they dont like you?

Who is talking trash?!

Be it between me and you, who used to tell people that they must be punished by Satan just because they didn't liked me or you?
Or you forgot that already? Got redemption?
Or is that hypocrisy?

Mister Aldrick, are you spreading hate and anger because you hate yourself for the bad deeds you've committed?
'Cause it looks exactly like that.

Lol same old thing over and over. Deflection and fillabustering doesn't work on me sorry.

So back to your post. Ya know the thing we were talking about. Not your nonsense and drama about me.

What were you trying to achieve exactly?

This was your first post.


So, is this your way of stating you're not emotionally unstable now?

Lol fillabustering means "A filibuster is a political procedure where one or more members of parliament or congress debate over a proposed piece of legislation so as to delay or entirely prevent a decision being made on the proposal."

See you dont fully know the meaning of what your saying. Just want you to think about what was written by all people here that is all.
slyscorpion said:
Aldrick said:
SerLorars13 said:
Very very interesting. And you say my post is trash?
May I recall the fact that you used to and maybe still do drama posts.. trash posts?
Not only directed at few people but you also said that they must be punished for the fact that they dont like you?

Who is talking trash?!

Be it between me and you, who used to tell people that they must be punished by Satan just because they didn't liked me or you?
Or you forgot that already? Got redemption?
Or is that hypocrisy?

Mister Aldrick, are you spreading hate and anger because you hate yourself for the bad deeds you've committed?
'Cause it looks exactly like that.

Lol same old thing over and over. Deflection and fillabustering doesn't work on me sorry.

So back to your post. Ya know the thing we were talking about. Not your nonsense and drama about me.

What were you trying to achieve exactly?

This was your first post.


So, is this your way of stating you're not emotionally unstable now?

Lol fillabustering means "A filibuster is a political procedure where one or more members of parliament or congress debate over a proposed piece of legislation so as to delay or entirely prevent a decision being made on the proposal."

See you dont fully know the meaning of what your saying. Just want you to think about what was written by all people here that is all.

It also means to divert in an argument.

But what's your point? So, your going to insult and nag me like a teenage school girl?

Pick apart every word in a means to demean me? Pretty low and lame. Here I didn't believe the rumors of people claiming you were an idiot.

I am asking about the reason of this post. The main poster can do nothing but insult me, in a post written about emotion resiliency, and you, to then do the same, when it didn't have anything to do with you.

Which means you just look for any opening you find present, to demean, harass and insult someone. Now I wonder why that may be?
Thought crying was a sign of weakness.
So, stopped crying. It continued to be like this until eventually I stopped feeling emotions and became numb through and through. When I look back, life was filled with colors and beautiful emotions.

If anyone is suffering from pain, then they should feel glad that they are able to feel pain instead of not feeling anything.

The state of not feeling anything is one of the most worst thing that can happen to a human being. Sure there are painful and hurtful emotions but these things are what makes a person grow. Without it, you stop growing. The state of numbness makes you avoid pain sub consciously without you even knowing it.

I just can't stress enough of how important emotions are. Especially now that I thirst for them desperately. Emotions are what makes life worth living for.

Emotions aren't to be hated. They are supposed to flow through you without obstruction. That said, not being able to control emotions when situation calls for it is still far better than not being able to feel emotions in the first place. The former can be worked upon relatively easy however the latter.....Undying hope is needed.

All I can do to heal rn is to have hope that someday it will return. That one day, I will be able to cry freely, laugh freely, grieve freely and feel each and every emotions out there freely. If I could, I would rid myself of my body's self defense mechanism to make me numb under pain.

One should never casually obstruct flow of emotions lest they regret it like how I am regretting now.

All I have is hope.
So how do we develop Emotional Resilience. Any method other than Void Meditation ?

Void meditation is meant to create stronger focus and awareness of oneself and surrounding. Emotional resilience is built on consciousness and focus. If one is in a crisis situation the common man would immediately lose the ability to reason and would panic. An SS must be strong mentally where they can shift themselves from a panic state into a focused state immediately. From there one can assess the situation and make decisions consciously rather than unconsciously/ on instinct.

Emotionally resilience isnt about eliminating emotions. Its about being aware of the emotion and having conscious decision making. If one is angry and write a post on the forum under what state are they in when they do so? Are they ranting with consciousness and full awareness that they are angry and made the decision to write and post on the forum or are they writing without awareness and are completely controlled by their emotions without realizing it? Thats the difference between being emotionally resilient and being emotionally controlled. The first person is difficult to control while the 2nd person is easily manipulated.
The progression of forum post drama,( pictorial representation )


The first straw (ad hominem, non sequitur ,irrelevance, attention seeking, confusing behavior. )

The second straw (victim blaming, emotional projection, immature accusations. )

The third straw (stupid verbal battle escalates having absolutely no relevance to the original topic. )

The fourth straw (unnecessary confrontation, personal attacks,more immaturity and total lack of tact, escalation to the point of calling someone an enemy agent for being against your subjective views,the point of no return)

The final straw (total insanity, mass members join sides and the post becomes a total shitshow)

Conclusion (High Priest calms the situation and tells people to chill the fuck out. RIP thread. )
SerLorars13 said:
So how do we develop Emotional Resilience. Any method other than Void Meditation ?
Developing Emotional Resilience is a process, it means that it takes time and the person in cause will get through a lot of transformations.
First off Void Meditation is not enough.. many times you have to deal with your emotions to come in contact with them, to feel them, to understand them. It can be complicated at times but with enough commitment you will develop a "thick skin" towards negative emotions.
Work on all chakras creates balance if done correctly. Balance is something that nowadays some idiots that are full blown obsessed and full with male energies think they achieved it. But they never healed any of their traumas, hang-ups and so on. And they still think they are idk who that deserves respect and honor while slandering other people and attacking them just because they dont get that "respect".

You must clean your chakras and heal them. While you do that, from time to time emotions and bad states will come out from your chakras, same as blockages. They will get revealed to you and at the same time it will affect you. Its their way of telling you that you must deal with the bad stuff that is in you.
You only get small fractions of the dirt that is in you from time to time until you deal with it. And this transforms you in time.

And here comes the Void Meditation handy. Being aware of what is going on in and around you helps, being focused and sharp minded helps even more.

After a while and after countless transformations(its different for everyone) you will come to a point where you see through the bullshit that others make you feel, you will understand what are enemy attacks and how they really work and affect you. And you will begin to even spot Jews just by watching them or reading their shit. These are just a few perks that newbies and low spiritual people only wish they had them too.

Thank you for your post (first post too).

Im posting the following for funsies.
ATLA style.

What people who hate emotions think people who show emotions are like:
(Especially the speeches about hope lol)

And this is what it should be more like:
Guys... calm down please. It's ok to have a disagreement of opinion!

Debating,disagreements,and discussion is healthy and good when kept stable. Because we all have our own viewpoints! And it's ok to share these. But, we also all have different signs and planets that may conflict with each other from time to time, some people come off as harsh or abrasive some come off as too insensitive some overly arrogant or overly emotional, etc. That is because no matter how much we have advanced we still aren't fully free from enemy curses on us all. We are a family we are fighting a war, especially now! This spiritual warfare is TOP priority and we should focus all the ''Energy'' Into our Rtrs. Not fighting each other.

I will say this however, It's ok to not agree with everything, it's ok to dislike something and give criticism, and It's ok every once in a while to point out issues about each other in the hopes to make us better people. BUT it's not ok to just shred people to pieces and harshly flame each other. That is unnecessary and cruel. I keep seeing these kinds of posts where it turns into a mess of arguments, finger pointing and name calling and anger, straying further from the point.The enemy wants us at each others throats. Realize this and back off. Focus on what is important right now.

We are all in this together, would Hitler's army have made as much progress as it did if there was all of this infighting going on? What are you fighting about? A little disagreement over a post? A conflict of opinion? It happens. And it's not that important. Stay strong all of you. We are winning this war, they are throwing their spiritual attacks stronger at us, That is why we are easily getting angry at each other. They want our army to fall apart.
SerLorars13 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thank you for your post (first post too).

Im posting the following for funsies.
ATLA style.

What people who hate emotions think people who show emotions are like:
(Especially the speeches about hope lol)

And this is what it should be more like:
Many people that hate anything that is "emotional" put it under a deluded expectation. Then they come up with the idea that emotional people do dumb shit because of emotions n shit. They really got the wrong idea for sure, they know nothing...

That is EXACTLY why I posted it.
But I think they also confuse people whose spirit has been broken with the naturally more emotional people.
Part of it is lack of experience. But this is a kind of prejudice that shouldnt have a place here.

I dont know if youve read a lot of my posts but would you say that I would be very emotional then?
Personally, I highly doubt it.
Username said:
Thought crying was a sign of weakness.
So, stopped crying. It continued to be like this until eventually I stopped feeling emotions and became numb through and through. When I look back, life was filled with colors and beautiful emotions.

If anyone is suffering from pain, then they should feel glad that they are able to feel pain instead of not feeling anything.

The state of not feeling anything is one of the most worst thing that can happen to a human being. Sure there are painful and hurtful emotions but these things are what makes a person grow. Without it, you stop growing. The state of numbness makes you avoid pain sub consciously without you even knowing it.

I just can't stress enough of how important emotions are. Especially now that I thirst for them desperately. Emotions are what makes life worth living for.

Emotions aren't to be hated. They are supposed to flow through you without obstruction. That said, not being able to control emotions when situation calls for it is still far better than not being able to feel emotions in the first place. The former can be worked upon relatively easy however the latter.....Undying hope is needed.

All I can do to heal rn is to have hope that someday it will return. That one day, I will be able to cry freely, laugh freely, grieve freely and feel each and every emotions out there freely. If I could, I would rid myself of my body's self defense mechanism to make me numb under pain.

One should never casually obstruct flow of emotions lest they regret it like how I am regretting now.

All I have is hope.


Emotions bring things forward into motion. Think about the word itself -e as in evoking, and motion. People out of touch with their emotions or stifling them prevent the motion of events which will come to rectify problems within the group and create scenarios of people helping one another rather than pretending we are all duly diligent and surely on the route to perfection (a lie). The diligent are led astray in an environment where emotions are stifled as their sense of duty is being channeled into wrong things, or flat out they are just not aware of what they actually should be working on, OR not aware of the state of things within a group and thus damaging it's cohesion. Obliviousness to what is holding their cause back and thus their own interests.

In the light of "regulating emotion" some people think this should be stopping the waters from flowing and stifling emotion but this is wrong and a great cause for weakness, dishonesty and mistrust across the group because if we cannot share our depths and intrigues (that which some people find too weird or forbidden) then the group isn't successfully pondering and able to access these things which will benefit not only us but all people down the line. This leaves individuals developing dross in some cases because they are unable to move past the ego of the people presiding over the shit show, as no one would seem to care about their genuine plight or just attack them over it and joke around. Because we are strong doesn't mean the weak don't exist and it doesn't mean everyone in our race/s are automatically like us when we are riding high, that is a delusion and true emotional delusion when the dutiful and strong are pushing down the weak of their own kind instead of building them up within the natural hierarchy.

Life should be full of ups and downs not pretend super ubermensch within the span of 5 seconds land. That's not real and OUR people whom many have issues do need help out of bad situations and so on. Because emotional SS (with a lot of water emphasis) who are great at this seem to carry some of their own issues doesn't mean that they are shit or some crap lol,
fucking moron.

If you are indeed referring to Aldrick then you're a bit tarded, you haven't made open videos on astrology with your own voice like he has. What an over-emotional silly boy he must be yes, that he's the only one who's even fucking done that yet and it's 2020. Meanwhile you haven't done shit like that for anyone else here and haven't done works for the group yourself, not that I know of anyway.

Everyone has emotional foundations and generally the people who are moving higher in spite of them should garner more public influence unless they are outed as particularly demented or screwed in the head. It's like Caligula and Nero, they were both pretty insane but also did a bit more than other emperors to fight against the judeo-xian in their time even if it wasn't too substantial. People love to look at the darkness and debauchery of an emperor or a celebrity because it takes the attention away from their own dross, everyone has dross though. Unlike the majority, those emperors were working against the general insanity of others at that time, and also dealing with the shifting into the age of Pisces. The shifting into the age of Aquarius is funnily enough also gonna be "weird" so expect doubly to get shocked you silly Romanian cunt haha. I once had a Romanian mate who was a closeted homosexual and xian that wanted to sex me up lol. Poor bastard. He is my point of reference for Romania as well as that other guy who posts here Easternfirelion. You are in a large probability of being chock full of hangups yourself dude. That part of the world got hit hard by the Charlemagne, the inquisitions, Ottoman slavers and communism as well as gyppos. Very intensive emotional foundations + denial and hangups from the strong predominance of xianity against the innate cultural expression being pagan ("Roman" ia, Dacia, Vlad Tepes etc.)
SerLorars13 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
SerLorars13 said:
Many people that hate anything that is "emotional" put it under a deluded expectation. Then they come up with the idea that emotional people do dumb shit because of emotions n shit. They really got the wrong idea for sure, they know nothing...

That is EXACTLY why I posted it.
But I think they also confuse people whose spirit has been broken with the naturally more emotional people.
Part of it is lack of experience. But this is a kind of prejudice that shouldnt have a place here.

I dont know if youve read a lot of my posts but would you say that I would be very emotional then?
Personally, I highly doubt it.
This place is almost full of immature and spiritually low people. It's only natural that they don't understand many things, they always keep going to extremes, and making drama over most of the normal things. It's obvious they have some unresolved internal personal drama.
I am not referring to everyone, but most people do seem to be like they "fell from space".

I didn't saw too many of your posts, but I would say that you are okay. You look like someone who actually has a bit more mature and more normal approach with those things.

I make it a point that I do not read every single topic and comment. So I dont post a great amount either.

Ive been through some things myself and it has taken some time to refer back to being me. I would never give up myself for someone elses ideal.

Also I checked your most visited thread, and.. just so you know, Im also water dominant.
Doesnt mean that its always visible if one is..
Aldrick said:
SerLorars13 said:
Aldrick said:
They literally wrote condescending trash. I didn't feel insulted. I felt bored. Just like with this comment.
Very very interesting. And you say my post is trash?
May I recall the fact that you used to and maybe still do drama posts.. trash posts?
Not only directed at few people but you also said that they must be punished for the fact that they dont like you?

Who is talking trash?!

Be it between me and you, who used to tell people that they must be punished by Satan just because they didn't liked me or you?
Or you forgot that already? Got redemption?
Or is that hypocrisy?

Mister Aldrick, are you spreading hate and anger because you hate yourself for the bad deeds you've committed?
'Cause it looks exactly like that.

Lol same old thing over and over. Deflection and fillabustering doesn't work on me sorry.

So back to your post. Ya know the thing we were talking about. Not your nonsense and drama about me.

What were you trying to achieve exactly?

This was your first post.


So, is this your way of stating you're not emotionally unstable now?
Dude you posted drama for 10+ Years, sometimes when reading your stuff I was wondering how you really are an SS from such a long time, because the immaturity on certain old posts of yours is incredible. My point being, you're the last person who should criticize stuff for being "drama", knowing you have been the drama queen of the forums.
13th_Wolf said:
SerLorars13 said:
13th_Wolf said:
Here is an example of what i just talked about in the whole thread..


Thank you for your words, but this what trolls feed on. Just like the person below. They want to play games. I asked a simple question, that was too hard. Other accounts, obviously of the same person had to reply.

Then they come on, claiming with their mouth they are for Satan, while insulting and trying to bring others down.

If one is too stupid to talk about a TOPIC, without resorting to character assasination, to make themselves feel better, then perhaps they should back space till they're off the Forum.

This is such a fucking waste of everyones time. Ok his emotional resiliency is sooo great. Jumps up and down. Wooo!!! Applauds. Good job.

Now can we get the fuck on with important posts, and not acting like a group of 17 year old loser fucking children in high school?

Yes? Oh cool. Good work everyone.

If not, theyre either a jew or a fucking moron not worth my time. Either way I could care less.
I think the most important skill is emotional intelligence. It's simply the awareness of your own emotions, and understanding what they are. The opposite of this is having no awareness I.E your thoughts and behaviours are driven by your unconscious emotional state.

Most important is to be honest with yourself. And if somebody points out a flaw in the way you do handle emotions, ponder if maybe perhaps they are doing you a favour. (Sometimes the best criticism comes from those you think simply do not like you). Likewise, don't pretend an emotion doesn't exist just because you or somebody else prefers not to experience it.

Know thyself!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
