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Demons in Love


Active member
Mar 10, 2022

I spent quite a bit of time putting it all together, it is not perfect but I hope it is equally enjoyable.
The story has fantasy elements and real references.
If you want to quote me, delete my text and replace it with "...".
The text was originally in Italian, I hope the translation with Deepl came out well.
This story is dedicated to my Demon Lover.
Below is the story.






It all began on a cloudy day at a small camp in the middle of the mountain woods.

Me and a group of friends went for a walk around there and while we were walking around this small camp, I heard a melodious voice calling me, I looked at my friends but they didn't seem to hear anything, then I heard the voice again and I asked a couple of my friends where the voice was coming from, but they looked at me strangely and told me they didn't hear any voice. Half a minute later I told them that I had to go and urinate, but in fact it was all an excuse to follow the voice and to understand where it was coming from.

I heard the voice a couple more times and following the sound I moved more than two hundred metres until I reached a couple of bushes, from there on I heard the voice singing in a carefree and harmonious way, I moved the bushes and found myself in front of a small pond.

This place was heaven for my eyes, there was crystal-clear water, a little breeze and a few rays of sunshine, all surrounded by the green of nature.
In this splendour I saw the origin of the melodious voice. It was a being with human features and a very feminine appearance.
Black as night were her garments and fair as snow was her complexion.
Her long hair presented various shades
of dark brown and her hairstyle was loose and slightly wavy. Glossy and amber like resin were her eyes, and pure white was the colour of her graceful wings.

She became aware of my presence and called me, singing my name. I approached her and asked her where she knew my name, she smiled and answered that she knew me long ago.
I was startled, a little frightened but also curious, but before I could ask her anything else she said:
"It's been a while since you left, you don't want to worry your friends, maybe you'd better go back to them. Don't tell them about me, they can neither see nor understand'.

Would we have other opportunities to talk? I asked her.

She smiled at me and I had to go back to my friends, a few moments later I turned around but there was no trace of her.


I went back to my friends and we spent the night in that small camp, I said nothing about what happened to me.

I spent the night thinking about the girl I met earlier, it was a fantastic feeling, a shiver ran through my body when I thought about her beautiful and deep gaze and an ancestral feeling of happiness filled my heart when I thought about her smile.
I soon realised that I was in love with her. It all seemed so strange as to be practically unreal, but in those moments my head was invaded by a thousand thoughts and this confused me a lot, but one of the few things I understood was my great desire to meet her again.
So I went to sleep with butterflies in my stomach, but with the great hope that tomorrow would hold a new encounter with her.

I woke up happy, had breakfast with my friends and then returned to my home, located a few kilometres away.
I said goodbye to my friends and left for home.

Once I got home I could not sit still, I was very excited and happy at the thought of meeting her again, at one point I decided to take and return to the pond just for the small hope of seeing her again. I started my walk to the grove and some time later I arrived at the two bushes, moved them and saw the pond, but nothing, I found no one there.

I went to lie down under the tree, on a rock in front of the pond, to think under the rays of sunlight leaking through the trees.
I began to lose a little hope and my enthusiasm for the day began to wane, but I decided to spend the rest of the day there anyway.
I began to think back to the conversations I had with her.

"She told me that she knew me in a past time, but I didn't really understand this, I don't remember ever seeing her before, but in fact this could explain the attraction I had for her from the start, or maybe it was just a misinterpreted idea of mine.
She also said that my friends could not see her and from what I could see not even hear her, this is strange.
I think it indicates some special connection I have with her, as only I was able to hear her, also she would not call and sing my name except to contact me and in a way summon me to her.
But when I was about to talk to her she told me to go back to my friends, maybe her intention was to send me away? Or was it not a good time, and maybe she just wanted to make me aware of her existence? Yes! It must be the latter, I'm sure her last smile meant something.
Aaahh...! I'm getting too much paranoia, too many thoughts in my mind, maybe I just need to relax and wait for her second call. If all this makes sense then I'll be contacted again sooner or later'.

A glimmer of hope flashed in my eyes, I stared happily at the sky above me, sighed and relaxed for a while. At some point I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up several hours later, I was a bit confused, I did not remember exactly what I dreamt, I only remembered that I was flying in the clouds in freedom, but the rest I could not remember.

I got up and flew back home, by now darkness was imminent and the wind began to pull harder and in the air I could feel the impending rain, so I hurried.
I was almost home when the sky thundered and the first drops fell to the ground, but I still managed to get inside in time.

Shortly afterwards a thunderstorm began with heavy rain, and I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
After eating I took a shower and went to the bedroom.
I found myself staring at the rain through the French window and let out a sigh. The weather reflected my emotional state, but despite my mood I still went to sleep.


The next day, I woke up very early, almost before dawn, I felt slightly better and was determined and motivated to return to the pond, to try and find the girl I so longed to see again, I settled down and set off again.

I reached the grove, took my usual path and arrived at the two bushes, moved them and to the joy and surprise of my heart I found the girl I longed to see again.

She looked at me from under the tree and smiled, I walked towards her and sat down beside her, after a few seconds I asked her a question that had been buzzing in my head for some time.

So I asked her:
"What exactly are you? I assume you are not human, you know, because of the wings".

She smiled at me. At that moment her cheeks were slightly red, and in a very sweet tone she said to me:
"You speak the truth, I am not human.
My name is Alethea (Άλήθεα) and I am a Demoness (Δάιμων), from Hell'.

She looked down for a moment, as if afraid.

"You know I was afraid to tell you so directly, now humans fear us and turn away from us.
I was afraid I would scare you and make you turn away."

As soon as I heard her words I was afraid for a moment, stories and rumours from Christianity appeared in my mind, but looking at her, she did not seem at all like the Christian descriptions.
At that moment, Alethea seemed so sweet and pretty, moreover, my feeling for her was so strong that I would quietly do what Christians consider crazy and dangerous, my feelings were stronger than Christian recommendations.

She then said to me:
"I didn't scare you, did I?"

I looked at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and said:
"No, you did not scare me."

She smiled and replied:
"I can tell you stayed the same."

This statement of hers awakened one of the curiosities in my mind, so I asked her:
"But exactly where did we meet?"

Alethea replied:
"You and I knew each other in a past life, and when you stayed in Hell, waiting to be reincarnated, the two of us made a promise to reunite during your next life".

After I listened to his speech I was happily shocked, I had just discovered that I was in a relationship with the girl I longed for, but at that moment my head was still full of unanswered questions.

I took advantage of this to get closer to her, I went with my arm around her shoulder to bring her closer to me. Her heart beat very fast at that moment and she was visibly happy. At one point she gave me a big hug, I could feel her energy gently entering me.
It was as if her energy had healing effects on me, it made its way into the depths of my soul, and at that moment I felt a unique happiness, as if my idea of ancestral perfection had just been realised.

I said in her ear:
"Alethea, I love you".

And she replied:
"I love you too, know that I have never stopped loving you.
I am happy to embrace you again after all these years".

Alethea, I have many questions to be answered, I told her.

She smiled and answered me:
"You have always been a very curious person, don't worry, I will answer your questions, but now I want to enjoy the day with you. We will find time for everything."

So Alethea and I spent the rest of the morning together, cuddling and chatting lovingly.

By now it was close to lunchtime, so I decided to head home, but my concern was that I would not find Alethea when I returned, so I asked her:
"When I return, will you still be here? You won't disappear again, will you?"

She replied:
"You won't have to come back, I will come to you."

I smiled at her, said goodbye and gave her a kiss, then walked home.


As I walked home I reflected on my current situation. It was all very strange and the feeling I had was that I had started a new chapter in my life. This gave me a great rush of vitality and stimulated my passion for life itself.

But in the air something told me that the change needed formal confirmation, perhaps with an explicit request for an engagement? Or perhaps a simple discussion of the topic? Let's say time will bring advice on what to do.

By now I was almost out of the grove, but the flow of my thoughts was interrupted by the presence of a snake. As soon as I saw it, my instincts kicked in and I went on the defensive, ready to run or counter-attack.
But there was something strange, the snake did not seem to have a hostile attitude towards me, it simply observed me and after a few seconds slithered around my leg and then went back to slithering and hissing its way, completely ignoring me.

Quite strange, I said to myself.
But despite this I resumed my journey home.

Once I arrived, I had lunch and then spent the rest of the day reflecting on my feelings and sensations. My mind became more and more aware that there was a change in the air.
My intuitions included that of an imminent commitment, necessary to live with Alethea again.
I was worried for a moment about the new commitments and responsibilities I might have, but I said to myself:
"This will be nothing compared to the joy I will have with Alethea, I am willing to do anything for her".

The hours passed and by now I was completely sure that I would be contacted again within a short time, having reached this brief conclusion I decided to go and take a shower and then prepare a quick dinner.


As I carried the dinner towards the table, I saw Alethea sitting at the head of the table.
Compared to our previous encounters, she was not dressed in black, but wore a red robe with some gold embroidery, similar to the clothes of the ancient Romans, but with several differences.
As soon as I saw her, I put my plate on the table and immediately went to hug her and give her a kiss.
Afterwards I went back to sit down for dinner.

As I started eating dinner Alethea said to me:
"Love, I know your intuitions have hinted at a commitment. You see, this is very important if we are to be together during this life".

I asked her:
"How is this so important?"

Alethea replied:
"Love, you must understand that my family has many enemies, and they will only attack you to harm me. But this will not happen if you become part of my family".

And I curiously asked her:
"How can I enter your family?"

Alethea looked at me seeking my understanding and then said:
"You will have to perform a ritual in which you consecrate your soul to Satan (Σατανας) and then he will be happy to welcome you.
You need not fear, in fact I tell you that you have already done this ritual, but it is important that it be renewed from life to life'.

After these statements of hers I was a moment uncomfortable, and I said to her:
"Alethea I am a little afraid, what is he like? He's not as evil as they say, is he?"

Alethea said to me:
"That is what our enemies say, they lied to you about him in the same way they lied to you about me. He is actually very loving and understanding with his family members'.

So, are you in? Alethea said to me, smiling.

There was a moment's confusion in my mind, but I put aside all my doubts and worries and looked into the amber eyes of my beloved, smiled at her and said in a tone of complicity:
"I'm in, let's do it!
You will stand by my side during the ritual, won't you?"

Alethea looked at me sweetly, as if she had just found me again after a long time, and answered:
"Yes my love, always".

I cleared the table and Alethea placed a black silk placemat on the table and then turned her palms upwards and two fires appeared in which two black pillar candles materialised.
He placed the candles on the table, and in the same manner materialised all the other necessary instruments, including a bell, a chalice, candle holders, an athame and a bowl, all strictly in pure silver.

Alethea then told me about the ritual and what I should do, explained the use of each tool and the order in which I should use them.

Alethea lit some incense and then let it burn for about ten minutes, while with her index finger she touched the chalice, which filled with crystal-clear water.

The preparations were completed and then we decided to begin the ritual. I took the bell and rang it, turning it anticlockwise, lit the candles and stood up, with the athame I traced a pentagram in the air, and proceeded to invoke the four elements. To invoke them I simply turned towards the four cardinal points and visualised the elements entering me.

Once finished I sat down and began to recite a special prayer written by Alethea, specifically an invocation to Satan.
Once the prayer was recited I took the chalice and drank the water. I relaxed and prepared myself for the highlight of the ritual.

The one I approached was the moment of prayer, it was the most anxious part for me, in fact this part required a drop of blood, as a symbol of my physical consecration and as a symbol of my new covenant.

I looked at Alethea, and she said:
"Come on love, you are almost there".

I then took all my courage and with the athame I pricked my left index finger and squeezed out a drop of blood, with which I signed my name on the final prayer sheet.

It was a very mystical moment for me, in those moments I did the unthinkable.
I saw a door in front of me, behind which my new life would await me.
But above all, I saw eternity with Alethea in front of me, which was what motivated me most of all to continue.
motivated me to continue.

I took the paper and began to read the final prayer, thanks to which I would become part of Satan's family.
My heart was beating fast, Alethea at that moment took my hand and I looked into her eyes. I took a breath and continued reading.

Once I had finished, I took the paper, put it close to the candle and burnt it, then I placed the paper in the bowl and watched it burn for a few minutes.

Everything was calmer, my body was invaded by a feeling of peace and acceptance.
Throughout life, in its subtlest details and in the way of experiencing, perceiving or approaching it, I always saw a lack and incompleteness, as if humanity was condemned to imperfection.

But all this ceased, I found my answers in Satan, whose energy now gave me inspiration on all levels, whose energy gave answers to all my past mistakes.
His energy was positive, but it was different from Alethea's, in fact Satan's energy was infinitely more powerful, and in it I could see his wisdom and power.

Alethea was right, I was also lied to about him, but why? I asked myself. Why are there people who do not want peace and harmony?

By now the fire in the bowl was extinguished and Alethea bowed towards the altar, motioning me to do the same.
As we knelt down Alethea said to me:
"You see, we do not bow as slaves, we bow as free beings, we bow with honour. Satan will never demand slavish worship, nor will he force anyone to stay.
But in truth I tell you that you are freer than before, after all you are free from a life without purpose and direction, and in time you will be free from lies and inllusions, which are like a sharp bramble that imprisons the soul and the mind".

We got up and I took the bell and rang it, turning it clockwise, and in this way the ritual ended.

Alethea ran to me and embraced me with tears in her eyes and lovingly said:
"I knew you were ready, you were fantastic my love".


But something negative in the air interrupted us, an "angelic figure" appeared to us, with hostile attitudes towards us. It was the angel gabriel (נבריאל), quite different from classical representations,
he appeared to us as a dark grey mass of energy, somewhat short in stature and with a slightly larger than normal head. His form was similar to that of a human, but in his face were only eyes of wrath.
Of wormwood were his wings and of salt his heart. In his right hand he wielded a flaming double sword, and in his belt cruets of wrath.

But before he could attack us, a demon came to my rescue. He entered my soul and presented himself to me:
"I am the Demon Andreas (Ανδέας), known as the God of War.
I will grant you part of my powers, so that you may defend yourself and drive out the intruder.
Today you shall fight our enemy, as a confirmation of your loyalty to the powers of Hell.

I was not astonished, nothing could astonish me any more, just look at what happened to me over the past three days.
I prepared myself psychologically for the battle and surrendered to Andreas' energies in order to assimilate them better.

After only a few seconds I felt a powerful energy rising within me, I felt calm and able to handle the whole world. My perception of things in that moment advanced, I was able to understand certain mysteries about the universe and life that were unthinkable and inconceivable to me until recently.
Andreas showed me that there are still infinite things that can surprise and amaze me.

Without a second thought, Gabriel started to advance with presumption and arrogance, as if he was anticipating victory. I looked down at him, the energy gap between us was enormous. To make a comparison:
"If Gabriel were an ant, I would be a meteorite the size of a palace".

I stood still and concentrated on him, blocked him with my thoughts and lifted him off the ground, a blazing fire appeared around him.
This fire was slowly erasing him, but before I eliminated him Andreas said to me:
"Let him go, it is not up to you to eliminate him, his time has not yet come.
There are specific reasons for this'.

I then stopped my attack, looked at Gabriel defiantly and said:
"So, what are you going to do to me now?"

gabriel looked at me and then ran away like the worst of cowards.

I thanked Andreas for the support, and he smiled at me and left shortly afterwards.


Turning around I noticed that Alethea looked at me in a very sweet way, she came up to me and said, motioning for me to follow her:
"Love, what would you like to do? You know, I have half an idea".

I answered her, smiling:
"What do you have in mind?"

I received no answer, and she went towards the bedroom.
I followed her, and once in the room I found Alethea lying on top of the covers without her clothes, waiting for my arrival.
Her presence was as beautiful as that of the stars in the firmament. Compared to her even the most beautiful princess would look ugly and dowdy.

I then stripped off my clothes and lay down beside her, her cheeks were slightly red and I stroked them slowly and then gave her a kiss.
We embraced each other and began to exchange countless kisses in a very passionate way, while we also began to caress and cuddle.
In no time my body was ready for intercourse, I placed myself on top of her and we began to exchange an infinity of intimate pleasures.
In the meantime her wings gently enveloped me, at that moment I could feel her cool and delicate feathers as they brushed against my back, a rather sublime sensation.

Outside, the darkness of the night reigned in stillness and silence as the full moon guided our lives.
In this perfect balance Alethea and I found ourselves in each other, in what was an act so sacred, that to speak of it would be comparable to betraying one's own blood.


I never thought love would come this way, nor that it would push me this far, but after all love has always been a battering ram with which you can break through any barrier.
With love I was able to break through the barrier most feared by all.
But once you break through this barrier you will never want to go back.

The shepherd lied! Outside the fence you will not find wolves! The wolves dwell inside the enclosure, and they are preparing the flock for the great abuffing. When the time comes, the shepherd will joyfully feed his wolves.

Run south over the fence! Place of agonised comfort.

It is one of the most beautiful stories I have read, I can feel in the depths of my soul that something like this is what I long for and have always sought, but because I had so many blockages and enemy energy in my soul, I am still blocked to the astral and I have not been able to find out for sure.
Wotanwarrior said:
It is one of the most beautiful stories I have read, I can feel in the depths of my soul that something like this is what I long for and have always sought, but because I had so many blockages and enemy energy in my soul, I am still blocked to the astral and I have not been able to find out for sure.
I am happy that you liked my work :)
What you always wanted was a relationship with a d
Demon? Is that what you were referring to?
Veritá_666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
It is one of the most beautiful stories I have read, I can feel in the depths of my soul that something like this is what I long for and have always sought, but because I had so many blockages and enemy energy in my soul, I am still blocked to the astral and I have not been able to find out for sure.
I am happy that you liked my work :)
What you always wanted was a relationship with a d
Demon? Is that what you were referring to?

What I liked the most is the story of someone you have loved for many lifetimes with a strong bond that lasts through time.
Deep in my soul I feel that way, what I still have doubts is if she is another SS or if she is really a Demoness.
Wotanwarrior said:
What I liked the most is the story of someone you have loved for many lifetimes with a strong bond that lasts through time.
Deep in my soul I feel that way, what I still have doubts is if she is another SS or if she is really a Demoness.
It could be a sign, I advise you to ask Satan and be guided.
This is BEAUTIFUL!!!👑🐍 i love what you have done here. Enjoying the energy and the reading!🙂☕
Veritá_666 said:

my Demon Lover.
Below is the story.

Few questions i would like to know if you like to answer...

Were you that much open before meeting her and reconnecting to father again ? i.e, touch see listen and so on...
Have you ever experienced paranomal events before meeting your Lover Or all of this happened suddenly ?

You have discloused your lover name here. What i have found on other enemy sites is that there members always hide there Reptilian lover name..
robb said:
Veritá_666 said:

my Demon Lover.
Below is the story.

Few questions i would like to know if you like to answer...

Were you that much open before meeting her and reconnecting to father again ? i.e, touch see listen and so on...
Have you ever experienced paranomal events before meeting your Lover Or all of this happened suddenly ?

You have discloused your lover name here. What i have found on other enemy sites is that there members always hide there reptilian lover name..
I have had paranormal events since childhood but nothing to do with my Demon lover, this relationship came later.

Moreover, Alethea is not the name of my Demoness, Alethea is a variant of Aletheia which is the Goddess of truth, in Greek it means revelation and also that which is no longer hidden.

The story started from this idea:
An eternal Love that comes from the past to bring you back to your vocation.
Later I added more details.

The story has elements of reality, some things really happened between me and my Beloved, but in the story they are just details.

The story is also structured with many subliminals, one example is the text in the first person, then the text also gives a clear message:
Demons = good, beautiful
angels and xianism = evil, liars and weak

Another more complex subliminal is at the end.
The pastor = xian 'god'
The sheep = enslaved gentiles
Wolves according to the sheep are Satan and Demons and are outside the fence (fence = xian ignorance). But in reality the wolves are those who give orders to the shepherd (et enemies) for him to prepare the sheep for them.

The great barrier being broken through is a representation of approaching and devoting oneself to Satan, while the final sentence clearly states:

"Run south (south = the kingdom of Satan, from the enochian), over the fence! (ignorance and enemy prison) Place of agonised comfort'.

There was actually supposed to be a further subliminal referring to the rune Thurisaz, but I left it alone in the end.
You can find it on the cover, the image was supposed to be upside down and looking at the two lovers you would see the rune Thurisaz, but the idea was discarded.

Apart from the subliminals, I put a lot of Love into the story and the dialogue between the two lovers.

Glad you like it :)
Veritá_666 said:
robb said:
Veritá_666 said:

my Demon Lover.
Below is the story.

Few questions i would like to know if you like to answer...

Were you that much open before meeting her and reconnecting to father again ? i.e, touch see listen and so on...
Have you ever experienced paranomal events before meeting your Lover Or all of this happened suddenly ?

You have discloused your lover name here. What i have found on other enemy sites is that there members always hide there reptilian lover name..
I have had paranormal events since childhood but nothing to do with my Demon lover, this relationship came later.

Moreover, Alethea is not the name of my Demoness, Alethea is a variant of Aletheia which is the Goddess of truth, in Greek it means revelation and also that which is no longer hidden.

The story started from this idea:
An eternal Love that comes from the past to bring you back to your vocation.
Later I added more details.

The story has elements of reality, some things really happened between me and my Beloved, but in the story they are just details.

The story is also structured with many subliminals, one example is the text in the first person, then the text also gives a clear message:
Demons = good, beautiful
angels and xianism = evil, liars and weak

Another more complex subliminal is at the end.
The pastor = xian 'god'
The sheep = enslaved gentiles
Wolves according to the sheep are Satan and Demons and are outside the fence (fence = xian ignorance). But in reality the wolves are those who give orders to the shepherd (et enemies) for him to prepare the sheep for them.

The great barrier being broken through is a representation of approaching and devoting oneself to Satan, while the final sentence clearly states:

"Run south (south = the kingdom of Satan, from the enochian), over the fence! (ignorance and enemy prison) Place of agonised comfort'.

There was actually supposed to be a further subliminal referring to the rune Thurisaz, but I left it alone in the end.
You can find it on the cover, the image was supposed to be upside down and looking at the two lovers you would see the rune Thurisaz, but the idea was discarded.

Apart from the subliminals, I put a lot of Love into the story and the dialogue between the two lovers.

Glad you like it :)

Wow way cool.
You should consider becoming a writer.İt was a really impressive story

Good evening.
Xad_pies said:
You should consider becoming a writer.İt was a really impressive story

Good evening.
Usually when I am inspired I write something, but my intention is to achieve greater alchemical knowledge in order to write subliminal stories.

Take the bible for example, it is a book based on subliminals and the enemy alien programme is behind it.

My intention is to write a book in a biblical style but about the elevation of the Serpent, the Magnum Opus, and other spiritual practices for the benefit of mankind.
The whole thing is based on subliminals and the story will be written in such a way that it will be read and available to the ordinary person.

But with all goodwill, I still need a lot of spiritual knowledge and a lot of knowledge concerning human alchemy.
In addition to alchemical processes, I will need a good knowledge of astrology, philosophy and much more.

This is one of my ambitions.

For the time being, I will write down my knowledge of the gods in a black book, and I will also look into the various mythologies and religions of Africa and Asia-East, as this is an area I have left out.

This book will require a lot of study, but in time I will get there.
Veritá_666 said:
Usually when I am inspired I write something, but my intention is to achieve greater alchemical knowledge in order to write subliminal stories.

Take the bible for example, it is a book based on subliminals and the enemy alien programme is behind it.

My intention is to write a book in a biblical style but about the elevation of the Serpent, the Magnum Opus, and other spiritual practices for the benefit of mankind.
The whole thing is based on subliminals and the story will be written in such a way that it will be read and available to the ordinary person.

But with all goodwill, I still need a lot of spiritual knowledge and a lot of knowledge concerning human alchemy.
In addition to alchemical processes, I will need a good knowledge of astrology, philosophy and much more.

This is one of my ambitions.

For the time being, I will write down my knowledge of the gods in a black book, and I will also look into the various mythologies and religions of Africa and Asia-East, as this is an area I have left out.

This book will require a lot of study, but in time I will get there.

Brilliant idea :shock:

But maybe you should write a book on the same topic,,romance between Demons and Humans,,with dozens of stories or a novel,and having actual steps how to get there,and of course full of subliminals :twisted:

This is a powerful tool for this time in which we live.
WKM said:
Brilliant idea :shock:

But maybe you should write a book on the same topic,,romance between Demons and Humans,,with dozens of stories or a novel,and having actual steps how to get there,and of course full of subliminals :twisted:

This is a powerful tool for this time in which we live.
I already have an idea, the second story can start with Alethea telling the protagonist about one of his past lives, specifically the one where they met.

Now I have doubts, I could write that the protagonist was an SS in Germany in his past life and then the text will take place in the context of the Second World War.
This option has enough content potential, but it would come out as a 'nazi-esoteric' book, people in general may not like it.

Or I could say that his past life took place during the Golden Age, but I would risk writing bullshit, as I don't have much to go on.

Or any other era?

Which era do you suggest?
Veritá_666 said:
WKM said:
Brilliant idea :shock:

But maybe you should write a book on the same topic,,romance between Demons and Humans,,with dozens of stories or a novel,and having actual steps how to get there,and of course full of subliminals :twisted:

This is a powerful tool for this time in which we live.
I already have an idea, the second story can start with Alethea telling the protagonist about one of his past lives, specifically the one where they met.

Now I have doubts, I could write that the protagonist was an SS in Germany in his past life and then the text will take place in the context of the Second World War.
This option has enough content potential, but it would come out as a 'nazi-esoteric' book, people in general may not like it.

Or I could say that his past life took place during the Golden Age, but I would risk writing bullshit, as I don't have much to go on.

Or any other era?

Which era do you suggest?

Around Second World War it s beter :D
But your story approach it s fit as a recreational readings for JOS members.which is nice.

For propaganda you will need a different approach.
Chapter - 3,

The advancement seems too fast(acceptance already?) or this is just me who just has no idea how human and demon relationships really work, but good to see you're up to something. :)
this story is incredibly beautiful, I couldn't stop smiling while reading it... it makes me a little envious, I made my pact and it's practically a dream for me to see my demoness but it seems that I have 0 talent, I'm still trying

this story gives me inspiration to know that one day I will see her, I will continue to strive until one day I can
Wildfire said:
Chapter - 3,

The advancement seems too fast(acceptance already?) or this is just me who just has no idea how human and demon relationships really work, but good to see you're up to something. :)
She showed herself to him at that moment because she knew he was ready.

Their relationship started in a past life, and she came there to continue it (= she is already deeply in love with him)

Instead he is conditioned by the strong bond with Alethea, and this bond leads him to fall in love immediately (again).

And so it is simply as if they are already together, only they have not been in touch for several years.
Alethea knows everything, while he gains consciousness bit by bit.

That's what you meant, right?
balo666 said:
this story is incredibly beautiful, I couldn't stop smiling while reading it... it makes me a little envious, I made my pact and it's practically a dream for me to see my demoness but it seems that I have 0 talent, I'm still trying

this story gives me inspiration to know that one day I will see her, I will continue to strive until one day I can
Just stay close to her, you will feel her more and more as time goes by.
It is also my dream to live physically with my Demoness.

I work and fight today so that I can shine tomorrow at her side.
Veritá_666 said:
robb said:
Veritá_666 said:

my Demon Lover.
Below is the story.

Few questions i would like to know if you like to answer...

Were you that much open before meeting her and reconnecting to father again ? i.e, touch see listen and so on...
Have you ever experienced paranomal events before meeting your Lover Or all of this happened suddenly ?

You have discloused your lover name here. What i have found on other enemy sites is that there members always hide there reptilian lover name..
I have had paranormal events since childhood but nothing to do with my Demon lover, this relationship came later.

Moreover, Alethea is not the name of my Demoness, Alethea is a variant of Aletheia which is the Goddess of truth, in Greek it means revelation and also that which is no longer hidden.

The story started from this idea:
An eternal Love that comes from the past to bring you back to your vocation.
Later I added more details.

The story has elements of reality, some things really happened between me and my Beloved, but in the story they are just details.

The story is also structured with many subliminals, one example is the text in the first person, then the text also gives a clear message:
Demons = good, beautiful
angels and xianism = evil, liars and weak

Another more complex subliminal is at the end.
The pastor = xian 'god'
The sheep = enslaved gentiles
Wolves according to the sheep are Satan and Demons and are outside the fence (fence = xian ignorance). But in reality the wolves are those who give orders to the shepherd (et enemies) for him to prepare the sheep for them.

The great barrier being broken through is a representation of approaching and devoting oneself to Satan, while the final sentence clearly states:

"Run south (south = the kingdom of Satan, from the enochian), over the fence! (ignorance and enemy prison) Place of agonised comfort'.

There was actually supposed to be a further subliminal referring to the rune Thurisaz, but I left it alone in the end.
You can find it on the cover, the image was supposed to be upside down and looking at the two lovers you would see the rune Thurisaz, but the idea was discarded.

Apart from the subliminals, I put a lot of Love into the story and the dialogue between the two lovers.

Glad you like it :)

Motivational, I Love it.... :)
WKM said:
Around Second World War it s beter :D
I have started writing the second story, it will not be about WW2, but it will be about an astral journey.

I have many other ideas in mind, but I will save them for future stories.
Veritá_666 said:
WKM said:
Around Second World War it s beter :D
I have started writing the second story, it will not be about WW2, but it will be about an astral journey.

I have many other ideas in mind, but I will save them for future stories.

It was just an opinion.And I have another one.If you want your story to touch people,you ll have to release it as a true story.
Veritá_666 said:

I spent quite a bit of time putting it all together, it is not perfect but I hope it is equally enjoyable.
The story has fantasy elements and real references.
If you want to quote me, delete my text and replace it with "...".
The text was originally in Italian, I hope the translation with Deepl came out well.
This story is dedicated to my Demon Lover.
Below is the story.

A great story. :)))

So glad You shared that You are in a relationship with the Demon. I am greatly outraged by the enemy's lies about such relationships.

I wish You all the best with all my heart. Your eternal love is perfect. <3 :)))
You are wonderful. :)))
A666 said:
A great story. :)))

So glad You shared that You are in a relationship with the Demon. I am greatly outraged by the enemy's lies about such relationships.

I wish You all the best with all my heart. Your eternal love is perfect. <3 :)))
You are wonderful. :)))
Hi, it's me again Verità, glad to hear you enjoyed it.

There are only simple words in the text, I think there are no words in our current languages to describe how beautiful and wonderful an emotional relationship with a demon is.

Online it's all crap, they either talk about filthy jewish friars or toxic, evil misstresses.
But we know the reality, which is that Goddesses are the most beautiful, sweet and caring beings in existence.
robb said:
You have discloused your lover name here. What i have found on other enemy sites is that there members always hide there Reptilian lover name..
I know the real name and even if I wanted to, I could not tell it to any living being and I could not write it down anywhere.
In some cases names can be more than one and there can also be variants of each name.

The reason is simple, imagine what happens if her name is revealed, it could start a chain reaction where her name is known and spread among Satan's enemies, and then she would be attacked, and so would I with her.

All the enemy slander you know about Gods is just a grain of sand.
The total calumnies would amount to about a 1000 km² desert of sand.
Veritá_666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
What I liked the most is the story of someone you have loved for many lifetimes with a strong bond that lasts through time.
Deep in my soul I feel that way, what I still have doubts is if she is another SS or if she is really a Demoness.
It could be a sign, I advise you to ask Satan and be guided.

And so it has been, she has always been by my side but due to the large amount of Jewish curses I had in my soul I was totally blocked and could not contact her.
Wotanwarrior said:
And so it has been, she has always been by my side but due to the large amount of Jewish curses I had in my soul I was totally blocked and could not contact her.
Azazel's ritual is really very good for getting rid of enemy curses, direct it at yourself.


The FRTR is now a self-explanatory classic, use it to remove curses from yourself.


Then perform purification with the Raum mantra or even blue fire, and finally perform soul cleansing and aura of protection.

You can do this generally or specifically for each chakra (also the third eye, which is very much targeted by the enemy).

You know what to do.
I'm curious. Did you know of this before the time "Demons in Love" was posted?
Lilith is also related linguistically to the Goddess "Lalitha" which strongly relates to Alithea or "Truth" in Ancient Greek, which Lilith is very close to "Lithi" which in Ancient Greek means "Slumber of the mind and spirit". This is an attempted perversion and reversal.
- HP. Hoodedcobra666
Korpi said:
I'm curious. Did you know of this before the time "Demons in Love" was posted?
Lilith is also related linguistically to the Goddess "Lalitha" which strongly relates to Alithea or "Truth" in Ancient Greek, which Lilith is very close to "Lithi" which in Ancient Greek means "Slumber of the mind and spirit". This is an attempted perversion and reversal.
- HP. Hoodedcobra666
I remember thinking about what name my partner could have, and Alethea came to mind, it was more "guiding thought" than an actual name.

I checked wikipedia and there was a match to Aletheia, which means "truth", or "revealed", "not hidden".

When I wrote Demons in Love I needed a name and I chose "Alethea" as it was a subliminal of "revelation" or "revelation of truth", and if you look at the story, Alethea reveals herself to him, and then reveals the truth to him.
Also, I chose this name because I had no other decent ideas and this one was the best.

In Ancient Greek when you use the letter "A" as a prefix, you invert the meaning of the word, so "letheia", means "hidden", "obscured", etc...
"Revelation" refers to Father Satan.
In prior sermons, I have mentioned "SAT", which is the concept of True Knowledge. The symbol for this is the 1000. In India, this is surmised as the Thousand Petal Lotus. Satan, in His Poem, explains that this is the place where He makes His "Revelation", which is no other than the revelation of the Godhead power residing within. - HP. Hoodedcobra666
There is dual-meaning here. Mother Lilith rules "Heaven", the Crown Chakra.
Mother Lilith and Father Satan. Eternal Union.
I found your thought process interesting. Now I see it was connected. Thank you.

I only read "Demons in Love" just yesterday. I bookmarked it back when it was first posted.
I cannot stomach romance, so I avoid it.
To my surprise, I loved your short story. Very sweet.
I felt embarrassed reading the conclusion, it made me blush.
Like reading about an experience I wasn't meant to know. Something private.
You are a good writer.
Korpi said:
I only read "Demons in Love" just yesterday. I bookmarked it back when it was first posted.
I cannot stomach romance, so I avoid it.
To my surprise, I loved your short story. Very sweet.
I felt embarrassed reading the conclusion, it made me blush.
Like reading about an experience I wasn't meant to know. Something private.
You are a good writer.
Thank you very much! I appreciate :)
Veritá_666 said:

Beautiful story, very inspiring, thank you for sharing with us :D
Veritá_666 said:
Wildfire said:
Chapter - 3,

The advancement seems too fast(acceptance already?) or this is just me who just has no idea how human and demon relationships really work, but good to see you're up to something. :)
She showed herself to him at that moment because she knew he was ready.

Their relationship started in a past life, and she came there to continue it (= she is already deeply in love with him)

Instead he is conditioned by the strong bond with Alethea, and this bond leads him to fall in love immediately (again).

And so it is simply as if they are already together, only they have not been in touch for several years.
Alethea knows everything, while he gains consciousness bit by bit.

That's what you meant, right?

OOooohh Okay! Sorry I felt confused when reading this well done story. I get it all now.

Apologies that this reply was so late. Please keep writing ^ ^

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
