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[Advanced] Warrior's meditation


Nov 14, 2020
Looks like my other account is compromised, gmail is blocking password reset email...

Anyway, here is extremely powerful meditation, best used before RTR or in case of emergency. I've been told to share it with you.

Assuming your chakras are clean:
1. Inhale energy into base and crown chakra at the same time
2. Using heart chakra mix energies
3. Feel the new energy, meditate on it a little

Repeat steps 1-3 for other pairs:
2 and 6 chakras
Solar and throat

Repeat this as much as you can, depending on how much time you got.

4. Now, on one single inhale mix all pairs and store energy in the heart chakra, hold as long as you can
5. On exhale transfer this energy into solar chakra

Then just meditate on this energy or jump directly into the battle :)
For those who fully understand the process of meditation, there is nothing new here really.

Here is additional explanation and some clarification on the technique.

There are 3 pairs of chakras:
1. Base and crown
2. Sacral and 6th
3. Solar and throat

What we are doing is mixing energies. Soul alchemy.
To simplify, imagine that you are breathing energy from 2 chakras into the heart chakra on the inhale.
And on the exhale you return new energy back in equal amounts.

P. S. On every inhale you are taking in additional energy through 2 chakras. Charging so to speak.

Then we collect that extra energy from each pair during one big inhale, and store that elexir in our solar chakra which is our energy storage.

This meditation is extremely powerful, it's really important to have all chakras aligned and cleaned. Keeping back straight is also very important.

You may experience epileptic like seizure. Everything may become black if you keep your eyes open, or bright flash of light may appear. Body may start shaking, and it may feel like you gonna fall. It's important not to fear and keep working till the end. Your body will "autobalance". Also one may sweat. :)

This meditation is a result of collaboration with Satan, Azazel, and Thoth.
I thought the solar and 6th chakras were a pair. The solar chakra is pointed down to catch the ambrosia from the pineal gland.
ModernMage said:
I thought the solar and 6th chakras were a pair. The solar chakra is pointed down to catch the ambrosia from the pineal gland.

What you described is a natural flown of energy in the energetically healthy organism.There are too many processes happening inside of us.
By saying those are pairs in my previous message, I relate to this meditation.

Check out "Magnum opus" in the meditation section.
There are energies from pineal gland are mixed with sexual energy from sacral chakra. I assume that all lower chakras are male parts, while upper are female. Since those 2 are pair in that meditation , it's logical that other pairs just offsets by one.

Plus as you can see information on the website is being updated time to time, when it's received from Demons.
For example information regarding solar chakra being most powerful in "Star of Astaroth/Mer Ka Ba Meditation" came as an update.

I shared "my personalized meditation", that was given to me, as I "work" on the enemy's territory and it's escalating with each day. If I relax it may be deadly for me at this point. That's why it's essential to have a meditation for a "battle mode".
ModernMage said:
I thought the solar and 6th chakras were a pair. The solar chakra is pointed down to catch the ambrosia from the pineal gland.
As far as I'm aware, there is no confirmed info on the exact chakra pairs (yet). From my understanding it's 1 and 7, 2 and 5, 3 and 6. That is simply on the obvious pairs of Saturn-Jupiter, Mars-Venus, Sun-Moon.
SigTyr said:
ModernMage said:
I thought the solar and 6th chakras were a pair. The solar chakra is pointed down to catch the ambrosia from the pineal gland.

What you described is a natural flown of energy in the energetically healthy organism.There are too many processes happening inside of us.
By saying those are pairs in my previous message, I relate to this meditation.

Check out "Magnum opus" in the meditation section.
There are energies from pineal gland are mixed with sexual energy from sacral chakra. I assume that all lower chakras are male parts, while upper are female. Since those 2 are pair in that meditation , it's logical that other pairs just offsets by one.

Plus as you can see information on the website is being updated time to time, when it's received from Demons.
For example information regarding solar chakra being most powerful in "Star of Astaroth/Mer Ka Ba Meditation" came as an update.

I shared "my personalized meditation", that was given to me, as I "work" on the enemy's territory and it's escalating with each day. If I relax it may be deadly for me at this point. That's why it's essential to have a meditation for a "battle mode".

Ok I see what you mean I used to expirement with something similar to this. I would expand the ball of light out into my aura from the heart. Kind of like the method from the beautiful meditation from Satan.
Shael said:
ModernMage said:
I thought the solar and 6th chakras were a pair. The solar chakra is pointed down to catch the ambrosia from the pineal gland.
As far as I'm aware, there is no confirmed info on the exact chakra pairs (yet). From my understanding it's 1 and 7, 2 and 5, 3 and 6. That is simply on the obvious pairs of Saturn-Jupiter, Mars-Venus, Sun-Moon.

Bob's head with cat.
Step 5 can be replaced with sending this energy to base chakra for kundalini rasing purposes.
Or anywhere where it's needed,adapt this to your needs.
Looks like my other account is compromised, gmail is blocking password reset email...

Don't use jewmail for the account, use protonmail instead.
Schwarze Sonne said:
Looks like my other account is compromised, gmail is blocking password reset email...

Don't use jewmail for the account, use protonmail instead.
That's what I used for this one, thanks anyway :)
You should use Alternate Nostril in the end of this if you plan on trying this, because of the nature of this.

Also, be aware, this would be overstimulating - overstimulating does not necessitate a rise in power. This meditation, such as a meditation called the Scalar Wave, tend to be "overstimulating". This can create all the symptoms you describe here.

If you experience seizure like events, you are overdoing it, not necessarily empowering yourself.
SigTyr said:
For those who fully understand the process of meditation, there is nothing new here really.

Here is additional explanation and some clarification on the technique.

There are 3 pairs of chakras:
1. Base and crown
2. Sacral and 6th
3. Solar and throat

What we are doing is mixing energies. Soul alchemy.
To simplify, imagine that you are breathing energy from 2 chakras into the heart chakra on the inhale.
And on the exhale you return new energy back in equal amounts.

P. S. On every inhale you are taking in additional energy through 2 chakras. Charging so to speak.

Then we collect that extra energy from each pair during one big inhale, and store that elexir in our solar chakra which is our energy storage.

This meditation is extremely powerful, it's really important to have all chakras aligned and cleaned. Keeping back straight is also very important.

You may experience epileptic like seizure. Everything may become black if you keep your eyes open, or bright flash of light may appear. Body may start shaking, and it may feel like you gonna fall. It's important not to fear and keep working till the end. Your body will "autobalance". Also one may sweat. :)

This meditation is a result of collaboration with Satan, Azazel, and Thoth.

Thanks for the Meditation SigTyr. I would add to it, doing it while in thunderbolt yoga position


and also doing at the same time the Pran Mudra with both hands:


3. The Pran Mudra

A very strong mudra for increasing one's bioelectricity. One can do this on both hands for maximum effectiveness. Doing this in only one hand increases the bioelectricity of the corresponding Nadi of the hand (Ida - Female - Left Hand) and (Pigala - Male - Right hand). Very useful and potent for healing too as this is assosciated with the Solar Chakra and the general bioelectric flow. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=30115&hilit=mudra+rtr

Off topic but important:

Her name ist Astarte , Astaroth (signature) is a male enemy blashemy word.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You should use Alternate Nostril in the end of this if you plan on trying this, because of the nature of this.

Also, be aware, this would be overstimulating - overstimulating does not necessitate a rise in power. This meditation, such as a meditation called the Scalar Wave, tend to be "overstimulating". This can create all the symptoms you describe here.

If you experience seizure like events, you are overdoing it, not necessarily empowering yourself.

I emailed you a meditation brother, did you check it out?
"Alternate Nostril [Sun/Moon] Breathing [Anuloma Viloma]

1. Place your thumb over your right nostril, closing your right nostril, and inhale through your left nostril for a count of four and hold your breath for a count of six

2. Switch your thumb to your left nostril, closing your left nostril with your thumb, and now exhale for a count of four through your right nostril, slowly and evenly.

3. Keeping your left nostril closed with your thumb, inhale through your right nostril for a count of four and hold for a count of six.

4. Close your right nostril with your thumb and exhale through your left nostril, for a count of four.

5. Keeping your thumb on your right nostril, inhale through your left nostril for a count of four, hold for a count of six, switch your thumb to your left nostril, and exhale through your right nostril for a count of four.

Inhale through left
Hold at the end of the inhale
Exhale through right
Inhale through right
Hold at the end of the inhale
Exhale through left

The above constitutes one round.

For those of you who are new to breathing exercises, you should do five rounds, but no more. It can take several months before you move on to higher numbers of rounds. Experienced meditators can do ten rounds or more. Remember, with all breathing exercises, less is always better, in other words, never push any breathing exercises or do more than is comfortable. You should NEVER feel that you are getting tired, as this is a warning to stop. Never hold your breath any longer than is comfortable. Pushing breathing exercises can be dangerous.

It is important to relax and take your time with this exercise.

For advanced meditators, the times can vary from being equal, for example, a ratio of 2 on the inhale, 8 on the hold, and 4 on the exhale, but this must be consistent throughout the meditation.

The above exercise is excellent to perform after performing healing work, or any working requiring an output of energy, as it acts to balance the energies of the soul.

The above exercise directs the prana/witchpower to the head and upper chakras, balances the ida and pingala channels [sun and moon nadis], and works on purifying them for the safe ascension of the kundalini serpent.

Focus and light pressure when holding can be directed to the pineal gland or to any of the other chakras. "

Thank you for your input, HP Hooded Cobra!
Fuchs, thanks for your additions, will try it out.

For me it's a bit hard to perform "Alternate Nostril" breathing because my nose is broken, one of my Nostrilsn almost not getting any air :D

This one works for me best:

Reversed Sitkari Serpent Hissing Breath [From Azazel]

1. Slowly breathe in through your nose, you can hold for a count of six or whatever is comfortable for you, on each breath, but this is optional.

2. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth lightly, same as with the above hissing breath, and keep a very small space open to exhale. This should not be tight. The exhale should be relaxed and not forced in any way.

3. Exhale, making a hissing sound. This should occur naturally with your tongue placed lightly on the roof of your mouth. The exhale should be smooth and relaxed.

The above constitutes one round. Perform 5 - 10 rounds.

About signature, if Astaroth is a blashemy word, why it's written on JoyOfSatan, directly under her sigil and as a header for the page(High Ranking Demons)? We communicated, and I've never heard about this...
Don't know how but for all sudden my broken nose was able to breathe normaly just enough to perform meditation with Alternate Nostril technique :D
SigTyr said:
About signature, if Astaroth is a blashemy word, why it's written on JoyOfSatan, directly under her sigil and as a header for the page(High Ranking Demons)? We communicated, and I've never heard about this...

The reason is the name is known by most people, imagine someone would give you a bad name and people would forget your real name and only will communicate with you throught the bad name, but you care about them, so you answer.

It´s the same with Mammon also not the real name:

Rank: Treasurer of Hell
”Mammon" is not his real name. "Mammon" is a Hebrew word for money and nothing more. How this name was applied to a Demon/God was through misinterpretation and ignorance. We found in our workings with the Demons, the Greek God Zeus answers to "Mammon."
Zeus has short platinum blonde hair with waves and very light bluish-grey eyes. He wears a laurel crown, a white toga and is built stocky."
– High Priestess Maxine


Also the jos has sometimes outdated info. The HP/HPS are busy, so they can´t update everything.
Fuchs said:
SigTyr said:
About signature, if Astaroth is a blashemy word, why it's written on JoyOfSatan, directly under her sigil and as a header for the page(High Ranking Demons)? We communicated, and I've never heard about this...

The reason is the name is known by most people, imagine someone would give you a bad name and people would forget your real name and only will communicate with you throught the bad name, but you care about them, so you answer.

It´s the same with Mammon also not the real name:

Rank: Treasurer of Hell
”Mammon" is not his real name. "Mammon" is a Hebrew word for money and nothing more. How this name was applied to a Demon/God was through misinterpretation and ignorance. We found in our workings with the Demons, the Greek God Zeus answers to "Mammon."
Zeus has short platinum blonde hair with waves and very light bluish-grey eyes. He wears a laurel crown, a white toga and is built stocky."
– High Priestess Maxine


Also the jos has sometimes outdated info. The HP/HPS are busy, so they can´t update everything.

Makes sense, brother.
Thank you.
Updated my signature :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You should use Alternate Nostril in the end of this if you plan on trying this, because of the nature of this.

Also, be aware, this would be overstimulating - overstimulating does not necessitate a rise in power. This meditation, such as a meditation called the Scalar Wave, tend to be "overstimulating". This can create all the symptoms you describe here.

If you experience seizure like events, you are overdoing it, not necessarily empowering yourself.

HP HoodedCobra666, I'd like to ask you, how is this thing SigTyr wrote better than say, the MerKaBa? Or anything similar to it?
(I took the MerKaBa as an example of comparison since the suggested method for this meditation has some similarities)

It seems to me, this wouldn't help one much at all. Also, I'd much rather do something like a microcosmic orbit to improve the flow and connectivity of the chakra's, as well as the power of the soul and ones ability to direct energy through the soul.

This sort of meditation seems very fluffy, like perhaps it feels powerful and might seem spectacular, but really it's more like fireworks rather than something permanent and powerful. Or like fanciful flashy lights rather than something stable and lasting.

In comparison, the MerKaBa feels a lot more permanent and actually powerful, like a lasting pillar of light that doesn't wane and pierces through all obstacles and clouds, while this thing feels like a flashy and messy light show.

Also how would mixing energy in the heart chakra be beneficial? Isn't the heart just a connector/transformer, rather than a "cauldron"? Wouldn't the solar work much better as a seat of power to mix opposing energies?

Then as well, aren't the parings suggested by SigTyr wrong, like the Solar and Throat for something like this? Solar and 6th, and then Throat and Sacral seems more fitting, since the Solar and the 6th are opposites of the male and female, and the Sacral and Throat both deal with more subtle energies like emotions and feelings (The male and female aligned respectively).

Also I wonder how this would help one as a primer for spiritual warfare. Seems like this would more likely just distract your mind and make you loose focus. It feels very Neptunian if that makes sense.

I'm asking you because I feel like SigTyr has been posting a lot of nonsense and trying to pass it off as useful advice, while he doesn't really seem to understand the things he speaks about at all.

Even if a meditation like this might be legit, I take it there is a reason something like this isn't on the JoS, not because nobody knew about it before when the meditation section was being updated, but because there are far too many risks associated with it and very minimal benefits.

I hope if you have time you could clarify a little.
SigTyr said:
Looks like my other account is compromised, gmail is blocking password reset email...

Anyway, here is extremely powerful meditation, best used before RTR or in case of emergency. I've been told to share it with you.

Assuming your chakras are clean:
1. Inhale energy into base and crown chakra at the same time
2. Using heart chakra mix energies
3. Feel the new energy, meditate on it a little

Repeat steps 1-3 for other pairs:
2 and 6 chakras
Solar and throat

Repeat this as much as you can, depending on how much time you got.

4. Now, on one single inhale mix all pairs and store energy in the heart chakra, hold as long as you can
5. On exhale transfer this energy into solar chakra

Then just meditate on this energy or jump directly into the battle :)

Update on pairs:
1. Base and crown
2. Sacral and throat
3. Solar and 6th

What it does:
Empowers connections between male and female chakras as well as heart chakra

Best done after cleaning chakras and/or full chakra meditation

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
