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France Today

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Macron was a high up member in the Rothchild's banking world and his major backer in politics' is a Polish Jew who is a big mover in the EU and connected into the political and banking world of the Jewish Elites. Macron was put into power from the leaked documents directly by the Rothchild's as their agent to enforce their Jewish agenda on the French and the EU.

Macron whole image of a outsider was a scam from the start he is total establishment. His job has been to force the French people to the austerities of the Jewish Banking dynasties that run the EU. And to continue the dissolution of White Europe. The EU was created and is run by the Rothschild's and Warburg, Jewish Dynasties and the goal is to destroy White Europe with non-White migration while reducing Europe to a planation state of the Jews in a global planation state of the Jews. In Germany the Jewess Merkel who's Jewish family was part of the Jewish elites that ran Communist East Germany. Was put out of nowhere totally into power in Germany to bring this Jewish plan about. Merkel's government has been all but dissolved and she has announced she is leaving after the next election.

The other crypto autocrat Macron is now on the way out. Today their is going to be a no confidence vote on him in the government.

This revolt is not against Macron its against the entire Jewish establishment that Macron is just the goon of. The French are tried of voting for parities from the left or right that have just continued on the same Jewish EU agenda and now they are pushing them out. Something to note with France and how this connects to historic currents of energy. France was the first major nation to totally revolt against the previous Jewish regime of the Catholic Church and their feudal Aristocracy in the Enlightenment. The slogans in this current revolt have tied into this past and this is on the minds of the French all the time. Just read the national anthem. Traditionally France has lead the way for major changes in Europe. The wheel is turning and the EU Jewish autocrat's are openly terrified this revolt is going to spread across Europe.
As Macron sat in his palace waiting anxiously for the call from his aid on the vote on him in the government. He nervously sipped from a bottle of his favoured whine "Le Happy Merchant" as he loosened his tie and wiped the sweat from his brow. Reaching into the drawer of his desk he pulled out his favourite thing in the world next to a Menorah of course. His very own autographed version of the season 2 "My Little Pony" dubbed in French. Macron had always a deep love for the number 2 and was always full of number 2 in everything he did. "Oh wee bon Mee Little Poainy". He stated with a half drunk smile on his face.

No sooner had he finished his bottle of whine the telephone rang. Macron quickly picked up the phone expecting his aid to give him the news on the vote. "Bonjur" he stated nervously into the phone. Shocked to hear what sounded like a British accent on the other end the voice spoke...."Bonjew mate this is President Billy Idol letting you know your out on yer ass mate and get fucked."

Macron hung up the phone as his eyes spun around in his skull in shock he turned on the TV news to which the news caster with a shocked look on her mug stated that the French had decided to Idolize the nation and declare Billy Idol supreme leader of France and the first goal of Supreme Leader Idol was to Swastika Awesome France. As Macron turned off the TV. He just stared off in space, drool running down the corner of his mouth. Somewhere in his mind a silent scream of "Le Oy Vey" was wailing.
HP Mageson666 said:
As Macron sat in his palace waiting anxiously for the call from his aid on the vote on him in the government. He nervously sipped from a bottle of his favoured whine "Le Happy Merchant" as he loosened his tie and wiped the sweat from his brow. Reaching into the drawer of his desk he pulled out his favourite thing in the world next to a Menorah of course. His very own autographed version of the season 2 "My Little Pony" dubbed in French. Macron had always a deep love for the number 2 and was always full of number 2 in everything he did. "Oh wee bon Mee Little Poainy". He stated with a half drunk smile on his face.

No sooner had he finished his bottle of whine the telephone rang. Macron quickly picked up the phone expecting his aid to give him the news on the vote. "Bonjur" he stated nervously into the phone. Shocked to hear what sounded like a British accent on the other end the voice spoke...."Bonjew mate this is President Billy Idol letting you know your out on yer ass mate and get fucked."

Macron hung up the phone as his eyes spun around in his skull in shock he turned on the TV news to which the news caster with a shocked look on her mug stated that the French had decided to Idolize the nation and declare Billy Idol supreme leader of France and the first goal of Supreme Leader Idol was to Swastika Awesome France. As Macron turned off the TV. He just stared off in space, drool running down the corner of his mouth. Somewhere in his mind a silent scream of "Le Oy Vey" was wailing.
Shut it down! The Goyim know!
The fact he won is even better now the revolt will continue against the entire EU regime. If they were smart they would have kicked Macron out the door.
I'm more concerned with Communist-Jews posing as Nazis taking control of the government then old Christians and liberal politicians.
StraitShot47 said:
It's ironic those that opposed the reich lead the charge now.
It was impossible historically that France would be an ally of the Reich in the 30s. Not after WW1, the Versailles treaty and it also had a leftist social democracy owned by the jewtrix. Communists and their socialist friends were simply too strong politically in the 30s.
Hitler didn't want war with the West and tried everything humanly possible to prevent it. And France ended up being an economical asset after the brilliant campaign to conquer it.
Artanis said:
StraitShot47 said:
It's ironic those that opposed the reich lead the charge now.

What do you mean :|

What do you think I mean? It's pretty self explanatory.

Britain and France opposed the Reich, now they're the first two European countries with organized revolts.

That is Irony.
StraitShot47 said:
Artanis said:
StraitShot47 said:
It's ironic those that opposed the reich lead the charge now.

What do you mean :|

What do you think I mean? It's pretty self explanatory.

Britain and France opposed the Reich, now they're the first two European countries with organized revolts.

That is Irony.

Yeah... Pretty much thought about that :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
