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A year ago, I said that this would be my first Yule with Satan. That same day, HP Cobra answered me, and that gave me a feeling of relief and that I was being embraced. Today, I'm on my second Yule. It's been a difficult year, I've failed many times, but I've also learned a lot and it's changed me. I am where I belong, where Satan brought me and I will never stop being grateful for the opportunity to fight alongside him.

I am deeply grateful to all the Gods, to JoS and I thank you, HP Cobra, for answering me that day. A simple message meant a lot to me.

A happy Yule to all, brothers and sisters! Great blessings to us!

Hail Satan!
Hail Set!
Hail Lord Set!

Happy Yuletide everyone :)
Víbora said:
A year ago, I said that this would be my first Yule with Satan. That same day, HP Cobra answered me, and that gave me a feeling of relief and that I was being embraced. Today, I'm on my second Yule. It's been a difficult year, I've failed many times, but I've also learned a lot and it's changed me. I am where I belong, where Satan brought me and I will never stop being grateful for the opportunity to fight alongside him.

I like your mindset brother, you understand that sometimes we fail but we should keep going on and on.
May the Gods continue to bless you

I am deeply grateful to all the Gods, to JoS and I thank you, HP Cobra, for answering me that day. A simple message meant a lot to me.

A happy Yule to all, brothers and sisters! Great blessings to us!

Hail Satan!
Hail Set!
Gear88 said:
Anyways Happy Yule but honestly holidays always feel sad and I hate celebrating holidays. Happy holidays and yet everyone is miserable it bothers me deeply that people feel these times as contemplation for negativity.

Anyways I leave this video from an AI made video there is no way this is by hand. The guitar can be played but I doubt it. it's Black Metal/Doom metal hybrid without vocals so no death screams.


I know it's not Set it's Lilith but I'm sure the Gods would be pleased by this depiction the AIs really nail the Gods right.

I hope Set gets made into a AI video with the literal and allegorical properties.

I'd also like to know what the future holds in terms of warfare but we'll have to wait and see.

I get where you're coming from about the holidays but it really shouldn't be like that. What are your particular reasons for feeling that way? Our holidays are a joyous occasion, especially now that we're reclaiming our world.

As for the video, this metal is, in the words of the great Gylve Nagell: spastic, lame and weak. I'd add sad but that's a matter of taste so there's no point in discussing it really.

What provoked a reaction is the "artwork" which is anything but. I type a few lines of text and I become an artist? Please. The problem with the "artwork" is that it's blasphemous. Our Great Mother can take on any shape, form and appearance but her true form is a beauty that would be unfathomable to most humans. The depictions in the video are just plain ugly.

True horror and monstrosity has a human face. Our capacity for evil and good are beyond the average imagination. When you see what people can do (and some things cannot be unseen or even blocked out from memory) in real life as opposed to dramatisations on YouTube, then it becomes clearer. Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not attacking you or anything, just voicing my revolt against blasphemous depictions of our Gods and disappointment in modern metal.

Happy Yule everyone.

Awesome! Let's go!!!
Happy Yuletide my family !
Thank you for this new schedule Brother Cobra,
WoadWarrior said:
What is the nature of the "darkness" that Set rules over? I have of course heard that darkness is light turned inside out but what exactly is the nature of this and its "role" while I of course don't doubt the necessity of it or the greatness and nobility of Set and I will do the power ritual regardless but I must admit I am ignorant of the "dark" if light is power and represents a higher vibrational frequency then what is dark and how does it tie into the nature of ourselves I would like to know more of this "noble element" as to be honest I have scanned the JoS and when it comes to darkness I seem to get a bit more confused and it seems an appropriate time to learn, is the darkness more akin to the more "physical" nature of our reality or is it something else entirely?
Hail Set!
Hail Satan!

I'm sorry I cannot answer what the nature of the darkness is...

But if I may just say the principle of Ying and Yang.

That the dark is necessary for the light to shine through.

I know that plants grow in the dark so without the balance of light and dark nothing would grow and we would cease to exist.

There always has to be polar opposites. So one cannot feel happiness if there was no sadness to make a comparison with.

I know I never answered your query. I think there is a technical answer that a book I have here has. But I don't have the time to research it. It's all about dark matter and black holes.
I wish everyone their happiest Yule! To HP Hooded Cobra, thank you so much for this ritual! I've long been waiting for it and it completes a set of 3 that I was desperate to have. Thank you very much!

It's wonderful. One of the best God rituals I've done so far. Hope everyone enjoyed it. Lord Sutekh's energy gave me focus and grounding like no ritual ever before, and I'm immensely grateful for his presence in my life.
I wish to everyone a wonderful Yuletide!

Dear Master Cobra,

This is a beautiful ritual, thank you!

It would be nice if someone clarified which are the 144 laws mentioned in Seth's ritual.

Thanks again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Satanist family,

This year all of us have been blessed with a stronger, more formidable, more advanced, more ready Joy of Satan. It is very moving to observe all these developments we have been achieving as a community, together.

In this time of the year it's also very important to contemplate the notion of family. Sometimes, family is the people that are close to us, material family. That family can be good, very good, or even non present. Our duty as Satanists is to keep in mind the underlying value of all this life around us.

But also, the important family that we have is our spiritual family. That one is of value that transcends time itself. People that understand us, people that we develop with, people with whom we have a common vision. We must also not forget, that all of us are parts of the family of the Gods and Satan's family.

We grow in this family; family means protection, love, order, a knowledge in the secure element of our existence as we grow spiritually. Family here means blessings. You will see this reflected in the schedule. Family is also to where you can finally relax for a moment. Yes, the world constantly pushes us. But in the protection Satan's wings, there is place for us all.

So to everyone in the Spiritual Satanic family, all those who are new, all those who are doing their work to grow Spiritual Satanism, all those who contributed, even those who are not here now, I wish to you all the most beautiful holidays. Except of Yule cookies and other warm moments, it's important to do your best to approve in your hearts the warmth, love and protection of the Gods.

Below, I am posting a New Ritual, and a small schedule. This Ritual is about Lord Set, the King of Darkness. Set is known as one of the Sons of Father Satan. The reason on why this release happens after Amon Ra, is that Amon Ra is symbolic of the power of the light; Set is symbolic of the power of the darkness. Both are beautiful and essential for existence to continue, each power to it's own role. We in Spiritual Satanism, approve the nature of both, and we see the noble element in both of these powers.

May Set bring all of you close to Him in these holy days for Spiritual Satanism, where the "Largest Night" is approaching.

Of course, after this, Father Satan will be celebrated as every year, where we praise our beloved God for All that He is. Every next year, words fail me more and more to describe Satan's greatness and how this path helped me this year. The growth is too impressive to explain; maybe in the future I will explain more and more.

Yet, I feel like what matters to Father Satan, is that we bring in front of Him an alive, growing, powerful community - stronger every year. Spread to more Nations per year. With more wise people per year. With more beings who found out they have a soul, each next year.

I can only thank Satan, but how can I truly thank Him for all He has done? All the world could be given to Him and still it wouldn't be enough. While Father Satan requires nothing, He shows us the path of appreciation, giving, receiving, justice. All our works and efforts are therefore given in one word: Appreciation. We appreciate Father Satan and the Gods, and we must show this to them.

So to everyone here, I wish all of us a Happy Solstice, for this year, and for a thousand years. Be blessed family of the Gods.

Below is the Schedule.

20. SET'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
21. SET'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
22. SET'S POWER RITUAL - SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
23. SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
24. SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist

Below are the links to the Rituals.

Set's Ritual - classic page style - https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Set_Power_Ritual.html
Set's Ritual - new page style - https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/set-power-ritual

Satan's Ritual - classic page style - https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Satan_Absolution_Ritual.html
Satan's Ritual - new page style - https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/satan-absolution-ritual

Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist - https://josrituals.org/ritual/blessing/community-blessing-for-every-spiritual-satanist

happy yuletide to all!! ..In India yuletide is celebrated as Vaikuntha Ekadashi ,a very important function for lord Vishnu ..It is a symbolic representation of kundalini ascension over the last chakra ...Hail satan!!!
Happy Yule brothers and sisters! Thank you HP HoodedCobra for this wonderful schedule!
I'm sorry I cannot answer what the nature of the darkness is...

But if I may just say the principle of Ying and Yang.

That the dark is necessary for the light to shine through.

I know that plants grow in the dark so without the balance of light and dark nothing would grow and we would cease to exist.

There always has to be polar opposites. So one cannot feel happiness if there was no sadness to make a comparison with.

I know I never answered your query. I think there is a technical answer that a book I have here has. But I don't have the time to research it. It's all about dark matter and black holes.

Thanks for the information.
Hail Satan!
Satan's Crow said:
Your miracles are always with me.

This is a poem I wrote for Lord Sitri. He has always helped me a lot. I am grateful to him with all my heart.


People would turn and stare at its splendor,
There was a throne in the middle of the sky, in his name,
The sword of darkness on one side and the scales of light on the other,
He used to relieve the most unbearable pain,
The brightest sun would rise in his name.

A yellow dawn was spreading across Sparta,
They were waiting for the dawn with the golden throne,
It was the manifestation of the brightest Sun.

I couldn't sleep before you,
I was thinking many things in my heart,
I was looking back at those tears,
Nobody was talking about why.

If the gates of the sky open,
If he enters on a white horse;
all the pain will go away,
All the horrors are blown away,
Quiet and calm as the rain,
Wise as the mountains.

All the while,
Hurry up, Homeros,
Hurry up, Herakles.

Because I saw eternity in your eyes,
Every day from sunrise to sunset.
The enemy is not really happy with all this rituals ongoing . This rituals are ending his reign on earth. Please brothers and sisters, inflame your self with the black flame always. This is a real battle. But by the grace of Satan we shall overcome.

Hail the old Gods!

Hail Satan!
SET, the ancient Egyptian God. I love this God. The Gods of Hell are soo good to me, 🤗 what about you?
In regards to 23 December Satan's Day, I am more than happy to perform Satan's Ritual, we really owe to Satan our survival on this planet.

This morning I could not stop thinking how big is Father Satan's responsibility, how big and noble is His effort to keep many worlds and many beings alive, healthy, enlighted and protected under His command and His Reign.
Hail to Father Satan, may His effort be an example to all of us, my deepest thanks to Father !
I have done it already i felt very powerfull i dont know how to describe it take almost 1 hour and half to do but worth every second. Hail Satan, hail sitri!
Glory to Father Satan on His day!

Happy Yule SS family!
i definitely appreciated Seeing this ritual Getting publicly available, Since i'm quite closely connected to the divine SET ... it appears i might have even been a priest of him, in one of my past lives, considering the visions i had and the things i have heard ... in the last week many things has been revealed to me,in a way that has never happend before, a very interesting period indeed, i'll just never be the same ^

but i digress...back to the point, in regards to SET, i wanted to Show those lil' facts mentioned in a post i made:

articles about ANTEWY/HERU-SET:

Glory be to Satan It's Saturday 23rd December, HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN!! HAIL SATAN!!! Let us HAIL SATAN today and bless his Holy name. Let us hail him for the freedom he has given to us. " I am he whom men come with their rightful worship, not the false Gods of their books wrongly written." Glory, power and might be given to Satan forever and ever. Glory power and majesty be unto you O' lord of Thaumiel.
The God Set, is a most excellent and mystical Demon. I could feel his power an hour prior to doing his ritual. His ritual made me more open to the astral plane, and I almost astral projected after I was finished. I will do more of his ritual when I have the time. Thank you HP Hooded Cobra for your excellent work on making these rituals a reality!

Hail Set!
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Satanist family,

This year all of us have been blessed with a stronger, more formidable, more advanced, more ready Joy of Satan. It is very moving to observe all these developments we have been achieving as a community, together.

In this time of the year it's also very important to contemplate the notion of family. Sometimes, family is the people that are close to us, material family. That family can be good, very good, or even non present. Our duty as Satanists is to keep in mind the underlying value of all this life around us.

But also, the important family that we have is our spiritual family. That one is of value that transcends time itself. People that understand us, people that we develop with, people with whom we have a common vision. We must also not forget, that all of us are parts of the family of the Gods and Satan's family.

We grow in this family; family means protection, love, order, a knowledge in the secure element of our existence as we grow spiritually. Family here means blessings. You will see this reflected in the schedule. Family is also to where you can finally relax for a moment. Yes, the world constantly pushes us. But in the protection Satan's wings, there is place for us all.

So to everyone in the Spiritual Satanic family, all those who are new, all those who are doing their work to grow Spiritual Satanism, all those who contributed, even those who are not here now, I wish to you all the most beautiful holidays. Except of Yule cookies and other warm moments, it's important to do your best to approve in your hearts the warmth, love and protection of the Gods.

Below, I am posting a New Ritual, and a small schedule. This Ritual is about Lord Set, the King of Darkness. Set is known as one of the Sons of Father Satan. The reason on why this release happens after Amon Ra, is that Amon Ra is symbolic of the power of the light; Set is symbolic of the power of the darkness. Both are beautiful and essential for existence to continue, each power to it's own role. We in Spiritual Satanism, approve the nature of both, and we see the noble element in both of these powers.

May Set bring all of you close to Him in these holy days for Spiritual Satanism, where the "Largest Night" is approaching.

Of course, after this, Father Satan will be celebrated as every year, where we praise our beloved God for All that He is. Every next year, words fail me more and more to describe Satan's greatness and how this path helped me this year. The growth is too impressive to explain; maybe in the future I will explain more and more.

Yet, I feel like what matters to Father Satan, is that we bring in front of Him an alive, growing, powerful community - stronger every year. Spread to more Nations per year. With more wise people per year. With more beings who found out they have a soul, each next year.

I can only thank Satan, but how can I truly thank Him for all He has done? All the world could be given to Him and still it wouldn't be enough. While Father Satan requires nothing, He shows us the path of appreciation, giving, receiving, justice. All our works and efforts are therefore given in one word: Appreciation. We appreciate Father Satan and the Gods, and we must show this to them.

So to everyone here, I wish all of us a Happy Solstice, for this year, and for a thousand years. Be blessed family of the Gods.

Below is the Schedule.

20. SET'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
21. SET'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
22. SET'S POWER RITUAL - SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
23. SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
24. SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist

Below are the links to the Rituals.

Set's Ritual - classic page style - https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Set_Power_Ritual.html
Set's Ritual - new page style - https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/set-power-ritual

Satan's Ritual - classic page style - https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Satan_Absolution_Ritual.html
Satan's Ritual - new page style - https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/satan-absolution-ritual

Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist - https://josrituals.org/ritual/blessing/community-blessing-for-every-spiritual-satanist
Hello, in josrituals.org was a wrong ritual, yesterday showed also Set's Ritual but in this topic is not wrote for a day 23 and I made it, I did wrong?
A short story of how the gods kept me from starting over:

About 2 years ago in May of 2021 the gods placed an impenetrable force field around me to save my life. I will never forget this and while I hesitate to write this from my words being misunderstood I also realize there is much to gain for members who are worried.


You can be obsessive with your Aura of protection and even still there will arrive a day when the intervention of the gods will be necessary so long as we don't have fully Satanic communities with armed protection, and I do wait aggressively and impatiently for this day to come. I will never be able to repay them for this except in infinity.

I can't go into detail as I don't have all of the devil just yet. I had been losing sleep in the days coming up to this and I had felt like something was very wrong the whole day. Your AOP can alert you to threats.

I was going all out in my training and maxing out on abs and then going into backwards bends between sets in the sun which is my routine for firing up my solar plexus. I was also stating affirmations for protection while holding the backward bend. I always felt like Japans flag was symbolic of the tremendous expansion of the will. To bleed like a dying sun is most honorable, especially when one thinks their time is about to run out. When I was finished I decided to go take my dog to the dog park and when I came back I felt panicked. Something was seriously wrong and I had no clue what.

I felt as though someone was near the door so I went around to my kitchen to peak through the window to see if anyone was by the front door.



What would be you first thought if you all of a sudden had a force field limit your movement? Mine was: "holy shit the enemy perfected force field technology and I am fucked".

I pushed against what felt like a gravity field with all of my might. Then I held one hand back and pushed with just my left arm as I was starting to lose balance fighting against the field.

A voice: "Calm down you are witnessing a miracle".

Me: "It would have been nice to now that first so I didn't panic.Why didn't you say so?"


I knew the answer and they knew that I knew the answer so nothing was said. If I had been told I would 100% went around out back to see what it is that was waiting for me out front. I can be too curious for my own good sometimes and it would have gotten me killed. The gods have given me more info since then and its something that I have to stay quiet about for now, but I'm also aware that it majorly backfired on the enemy.

Since then I do not worry anymore about my safety, but It almost feels though there is a certain edge that I am lacking by not feeling as though I am in danger reacting to it with intense do or die training. It was a turning point in my life and I will miss the days before.

It is not so much that I did not believe the gods are incapable of miracles, but more that I might not be deserving of one. I the mid 2000's the gods were much more "physically" present before an ex high priest gave the call toward spiritual warfare. There was much more interaction back in those days and I would witness them move things in my room, touch me, and communicate directly. It almost feel like a past life it was so long ago. I always felt the we had to deal with these sorts of issues ourselves and if it ever came down to it with shots being fired that I would be dead. They are dealing the with enemy ET on their level and we are dealing with the enemy here on earth on our own, or at least I thought that is how it was going to be. I'm glad I was wrong.
Thank you.

I forgot to thank you, I have to pull myself together.

It was a great ritual for Lord Set.
These rituals are getting better.
Thank you.

Hail SET!

After doing Set's ritual, I felt a great mental healing and sense of clarity wash over me, which I severely needed during my absence. I also learned that Set is my guardian, which makes perfect sense considering he was always my favourite Egyptian God that I felt a strong attachment to ever since I was a small child <3
Blue said:
Dear Master Cobra,

This is a beautiful ritual, thank you!

It would be nice if someone clarified which are the 144 laws mentioned in Seth's ritual.

Thanks again.

I think this refers to the 144000 Nadis of the soul.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
