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Writing a Satanic fictional book


Active member
Mar 10, 2019
As a writer I'm currently writing a story in which the followers of the Gods are the protagonists (the Gods themselves do not appear directly, as I don't think I can depict them in a respectful way) and they have on their side the powers of the mind (meditation) and various type of magic.

I've also decided that the villains are (not directly stated) (((them))) and their enemy entities (angels, saints, prophets, historical characters, ecc.). And I choose to depict them in the most despicable way possible. I will also add all of their programs (Xianity, Pisslam, Bullshitism, Crapitalism, Marxism) as enemy factions that all works for the same (((puppeteer))).

Do you have any tips for me?
Nimrod33 said:
As a writer I'm currently writing a story in which the followers of the Gods are the protagonists (the Gods themselves do not appear directly, as I don't think I can depict them in a respectful way) and they have on their side the powers of the mind (meditation) and various type of magic.

I've also decided that the villains are (not directly stated) (((them))) and their enemy entities (angels, saints, prophets, historical characters, ecc.). And I choose to depict them in the most despicable way possible. I will also add all of their programs (Xianity, Pisslam, Bullshitism, Crapitalism, Marxism) as enemy factions that all works for the same (((puppeteer))).

Do you have any tips for me?

In what area exactly do you need some tips?

Writing fiction can be very broad. Do you need tips on story planning, dialogue, character development? Or writing physical description, setting, writing sensory details, language, tone, etc?

Honestly, it's best if you write a story that works best for you. I mean, you don't have to write exactly how it is with the Gods and the enemy. One thing can be a metaphor and represent something else for example. Or you can keep the truth exactly how it is and incorporate this into a science fiction/fantasy type of story. It's your call.

I don't know how experienced you are in writing fiction, but, writing a book/novel can take a very long time. For some writers, it can take them 6 to 12 months to write a full novel. Not to mention the fact that you'll have to go back to it and rewrite, revise, etc. A flash fiction or short story can also easily get your message across, and takes less time to write.

Although it would be nice to read Satanic fiction stories (even if they're short stories).

Some members already post poems here but it would be great to read some Satanic stories. I remember Lydia [JG] had written one about Yule I think it was last year, or the year before.

Anyway, whatever you want to write, just follow your intuition. I'm sure it'll be a great story. :)

Good luck and happy writing!
Ara666 said:
In what area exactly do you need some tips?

Writing fiction can be very broad. Do you need tips on story planning, dialogue, character development? Or writing physical description, setting, writing sensory details, language, tone, etc?

Anyway, whatever you want to write, just follow your intuition. I'm sure it'll be a great story. :)

Good luck and happy writing!

Thank you for your reply.

Actually I'm pretty ready on everything other than how should I depict our doctrines. I was thinking of centering the magic system on breathing and imagination.

I've also chose to change the names of everything in order to not make too apparent that the book is Satanic (such as the names of our Gods and the Enemy).

I'm also studying a bit of non-mythological folklore to incorporate in the story as both allegories and simply additional beauty.
Nimrod33 said:
Ara666 said:
In what area exactly do you need some tips?

Writing fiction can be very broad. Do you need tips on story planning, dialogue, character development? Or writing physical description, setting, writing sensory details, language, tone, etc?

Anyway, whatever you want to write, just follow your intuition. I'm sure it'll be a great story. :)

Good luck and happy writing!

Thank you for your reply.

Actually I'm pretty ready on everything other than how should I depict our doctrines. I was thinking of centering the magic system on breathing and imagination.

I think maybe it's important if you decide on the doctrines from the beginning: establish some rules for your world. The truth will come out eventually in its own and best form for your story.
Nimrod33 said:
As a writer I'm currently writing a story in which the followers of the Gods are the protagonists (the Gods themselves do not appear directly, as I don't think I can depict them in a respectful way) and they have on their side the powers of the mind (meditation) and various type of magic.

I've also decided that the villains are (not directly stated) (((them))) and their enemy entities (angels, saints, prophets, historical characters, ecc.). And I choose to depict them in the most despicable way possible. I will also add all of their programs (Xianity, Pisslam, Bullshitism, Crapitalism, Marxism) as enemy factions that all works for the same (((puppeteer))).

Do you have any tips for me?

Brandon Sanderson's writing lectures help out a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cf-qdZ7GbA&list=PLSH_xM-KC3Zv-79sVZTTj-YA6IAqh8qeQ

A method I'm sharing that works for me and I'm just sharing this just in case it will work out for you: I read more, just to get the feel and ideas from the best books and also shitty ones so I know what NOT to write. Then I find out what works best with whatever the hell I'm drafting and then I better fix that in the editing and revising phases until I get something that feels like an official ass-kicking big willy energy story that will get published or if done by myself, succeed on its own.
Nimrod33 said:

I've also chose to change the names of everything in order to not make too apparent that the book is Satanic (such as the names of our Gods and the Enemy).

Well that happened to me some time ago...I was caught and things did not go so well for me...

Wildfire said:
Nimrod33 said:
As a writer I'm currently writing a story in which the followers of the Gods are the protagonists (the Gods themselves do not appear directly, as I don't think I can depict them in a respectful way) and they have on their side the powers of the mind (meditation) and various type of magic.

I've also decided that the villains are (not directly stated) (((them))) and their enemy entities (angels, saints, prophets, historical characters, ecc.). And I choose to depict them in the most despicable way possible. I will also add all of their programs (Xianity, Pisslam, Bullshitism, Crapitalism, Marxism) as enemy factions that all works for the same (((puppeteer))).

Do you have any tips for me?

Brandon Sanderson's writing lectures help out a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cf-qdZ7GbA&list=PLSH_xM-KC3Zv-79sVZTTj-YA6IAqh8qeQ

A method I'm sharing that works for me and I'm just sharing this just in case it will work out for you: I read more, just to get the feel and ideas from the best books and also shitty ones so I know what NOT to write. Then I find out what works best with whatever the hell I'm drafting and then I better fix that in the editing and revising phases until I get something that feels like an official ass-kicking big willy energy story that will get published or if done by myself, succeed on its own.

Thanks for your reply. Are you sure that Brandon Sanderson is a good source? If I recall correctly he is a Mormon and friend of SJWs.
Name it as "Satan the God who was left behind" Incorporate Gods into the story and their war against the jehovah and it's ilk.. Just like star Wars kind of story and it's affect on our world... Start with how enki created humans in his image and how jehovah wanted to destroy humans after the extraction of gold... And Satans war on his enemies... And us (Satanists) calling gods to come down on this earth and some bit of fiction as per your articulation...
Will your writing available for us to read ?
Nimrod33 said:
Wildfire said:
Nimrod33 said:
As a writer I'm currently writing a story in which the followers of the Gods are the protagonists (the Gods themselves do not appear directly, as I don't think I can depict them in a respectful way) and they have on their side the powers of the mind (meditation) and various type of magic.

I've also decided that the villains are (not directly stated) (((them))) and their enemy entities (angels, saints, prophets, historical characters, ecc.). And I choose to depict them in the most despicable way possible. I will also add all of their programs (Xianity, Pisslam, Bullshitism, Crapitalism, Marxism) as enemy factions that all works for the same (((puppeteer))).

Do you have any tips for me?

Brandon Sanderson's writing lectures help out a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cf-qdZ7GbA&list=PLSH_xM-KC3Zv-79sVZTTj-YA6IAqh8qeQ

A method I'm sharing that works for me and I'm just sharing this just in case it will work out for you: I read more, just to get the feel and ideas from the best books and also shitty ones so I know what NOT to write. Then I find out what works best with whatever the hell I'm drafting and then I better fix that in the editing and revising phases until I get something that feels like an official ass-kicking big willy energy story that will get published or if done by myself, succeed on its own.

Thanks for your reply. Are you sure that Brandon Sanderson is a good source? If I recall correctly he is a Mormon and friend of SJWs.

Okay, I did not know that Brandon is a friend to SJWs and also a lefty but what got me to refer you to his video lectures on writing is that he is a successful individual who at least doesn't write people to question pronouns like the leftoids' transformers hiccup or tokenized his characters.

I too am going through this, there are successful bs that worked so well in pushing enemy narratives like a story that's not a book but a movie titled "The Joker" and it portrayed the commie protagonist who captured the hearts of the watchers because he suffered in an unfair society that left him to die.

It has communistic messages in it which makes me hate it but I like HOW they said whatever they wanted to say. They won because they wrote plot with legit exposition, they lost because of dumb woke media hiccups like fooking she-hulk and her twerk fests. She-hulk is nothing but shoving their crap into people's faces.

I'm still learning compared to this world's pool of talented writers, but I am deeply saddened and fuming in the heart that most of them are unknowingly kissing the enemy's feet.
Victorian666 said:
Name it as "Satan the God who was left behind"

Probably not a great Idea to call it Satan, and he don't want to.

But like Sanat Kumara? He is still Satan, and Sanat is nearly the same as Satan, but if somebody search up Sanat Kumara, one won't find monsters.

Hope the end will be positive, like enemy comes and destroy the planet, but a very little group containing the protagonist, fights and returns everything so that Sanat Kumara rules the planet again. Or IDK, maybe it won't be good to call it an existing name for any gods.
I am not a writer, but I often think about this nonetheless.
I actually came up with a basic idea for a plot (but I don't think it'll ever see the light, as I am no writer).

The plot revolves around the protagonist wanting to achieve immortality (then I would've liked to add some personal trauma behind his goal, just to give his character depth, or made him based around me, as I actually have thanatophobia).

The trick is that, often, characters as such, are depicted as evil, as becoming immortal is seen as unnatural and wrong, while this character is definitely not. He actually has humanity best interests in mind with his goal, but nobody understands him, because they all like to live like cattle in a slaughterhouse.

The plot would proceed by having the protagonist witness to some kind of eye-opening event, that actually sets him on his journey, by making him realize humanity's actual power. It just came to my mind that this could just be the result of personal study, that led him to talking with a God, or something along those lines.

The technicalities of achieving immortality would just be allegories to the Magnum Opus.

At some point in the plot the protagonist would unavoidably have to fight an organization, made up of billionaires and politicians, who have a goal similar to his. They too want to achieve immortality, but instead of going through the spiritual way (Magnum Opus) they try to bend the laws of nature with science and robotics, creating monsters, especially as they experiment on kidnapped homeless people (or something like that). Also, they want it only for themselves, using the excuse of overpopulation.

I didn't think about the details of how could this character alone fight this powerful organization, maybe he naively gets recruited at first but then realizes the horrors happening and destroys them from inside, or maybe he has to go the "covert terrorist" route, I don't know. Haven't thought that far. But I like the idea of portraying the conflict between the spiritual immortality based on enlightenment and secret Soul power VS the unnatural immortality based on genes manipulation and robotics, with no intellectual enlightenment whatsoever.

I want the reader to realize that immortality isn't a curse, it is only when approached the jewish way, with no intellectual enlightenment.

Anyway, there could be either a bad ending or a good ending, but for predictive programming it's probably better to have a good ending where the world is freed of this organization that keeps humanity mortal and retarded by the protagonist, who then goes on to create an enlightened society, that manages to get in touch with the Gods that inspired the protagonist himself (if that element has been introduced). It could also be cool to not have the Gods existing in this story, but making it like the ending is the birth of the first generation of Gods, who would then go on to spread life through out the universe.

This last bit was inspired by a strong curiosity of knowing Father Satan's past. We don't know much of how Father became Emperor of Orion, who were His and Baalzebuul's parents, etc. I would love to know more. If the story gets developed with the "first generation of Gods" ending planned, then the protagonist itself might become a tribute to Father Satan, while not daring to be a biografy, just a tribute. Although, this route is probably less useful in awakening our actual fellow humans.
Try to counteract some of the tropes from current pop culture works that are clearly judeo-christian in origin.

Present journey and struggle in Satanic way. For example, not depending on some saviour with special powers to come and save everyone (basically entire Marvel and DC revolves around this trope), write characters that find strength within, overcome their own limitations and fallibilities.
I like this thread, as I also have been working on an idea for an epic Satanic Story. Brother/Sister SS is right about reworking those tropes, you’d be surprised how pervasive that kind of stuff is. Just be patient with your self and your own creative process.
Nimrod33 said:
Thank you all for your replies. A question: should I give my characters a Natal Chart or it would be useless?

Cool idea, but it would be too complex to find natal charts that would fit in the story.
Thank you again for all your replies. Although I didn't answer to Larissa back then, I fully agree with what she said: the "chosen one saviour" is Judeo-Xtian bullshit that is present in many of the mainstream media, such as Marvel, Star Wars and many others. Nothing more than an excuse to promote fictional jewish messiahs to the goyim.

I wanted to also update you that I was thinking about sticking to the Sword & Sorcery genre. I know that most of the authors from that genre are from the enemy, but I've realized that it fits perfectly with the Spiritual Satanist worldview. No surprise, as both have "SS" as their initials.
Thank you again for all your replies. Although I didn't answer to Larissa back then, I fully agree with what she said: the "chosen one saviour" is Judeo-Xtian bullshit that is present in many of the mainstream media, such as Marvel, Star Wars and many others. Nothing more than an excuse to promote fictional jewish messiahs to the goyim.

I wanted to also update you that I was thinking about sticking to the Sword & Sorcery genre. I know that most of the authors from that genre are from the enemy, but I've realized that it fits perfectly with the Spiritual Satanist worldview. No surprise, as both have "SS" as their initials.
I’m also planning on writing some satanic stories. Antelope Hill Publishing has done some translations of Mein Kampf and has published multiple pro-Hitler and other Pro-White books.
Ok so, I've wanted to also suggest to anyone writing a new fictional book to avoid some of the following cliches that are nowadays pretty frequent basically everywhere to the point that 90% have no identity:
1) "Power of friendship"
2) Excessive romance
3) Excessive irony
4) Excessive cozy
5) Last but not least, forced "inclusivity" such as DEI and wokeness

These are, at least some of the cliches that need to disappear, along with the "chosen ones" trope.
Power of friendship"
What exactly did you have in mind?

Excessive romance
If done right, it can make your story interesting.

But... mainstream books don't know how to do it right. Mostly because their idea of romance equals drama... For instance "the guy I dated bought me flowers, so he must be evil!" 🙄

I once read a romance novel by a "best selling author" whose main character had an affair with her husband. The woman found out she was pregnant.
What did the author do? She wrote a 20 page rant of internal monologue where the woman wondered how the hell she got pregnant... 20 pages of drama about an "unexpected" pregnancy.
It was my first time reading a romance novel... I can tell you it made me appreciate thrillers/horror even more.

Last but not least, forced "inclusivity" such as DEI and wokeness
I agree. Most of them have to shove their woke agenda down your throat. It's insane.
Mostly because their idea of romance equals drama...
and modern women who think way too high of themselves, having been fed this idea of romance, expect a man to be 666 (6 pack abs, 6 feet /1,8 m tall, earn 6 figures). Want him to entertain her, give her emotional satisfaction, DRAMA neccessarily. Oh, and that he'll be ploughing her until the passes out of orgasm.

Bah, it appears as if in mainstream media the number 666 has shifted from 'AEEEEE! Satanist! Run for your lives!' to 'uh-huh, an average chick wanting a top 1% man'
and modern women who think way too high of themselves, having been fed this idea of romance, expect a man to be 666 (6 pack abs, 6 feet /1,8 m tall, earn 6 figures). Want him to entertain her, give her emotional satisfaction, DRAMA neccessarily. Oh, and that he'll be ploughing her until the passes out of orgasm.

Bah, it appears as if in mainstream media the number 666 has shifted from 'AEEEEE! Satanist! Run for your lives!' to 'uh-huh, an average chick wanting a top 1% man'
I am not the most familiar with these things but from my past research and understanding, most of this is social media nonsense from people who live more on facebook and instagram than in real life. It is true that some women with the aforementioned habits might correspond to your description but they make a very small minority of the whole.
What exactly did you have in mind?
With "Power of Friendship" I mean the bullshit that you find in most modern anime in which the protagonist suddenly becomes overpowered because of his friends. This is too exaggerated and unrealistic and is repeated constantly to the point that the series loses consistency.

Friendship is of course important, but it shouldn't be portrayed like the above.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
