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Why Is Incest Wrong?


New member
Oct 14, 2022
This will sound like a troll post, however it is a serious question. Please do not post a reply unless you read this 100% and have considered what I said.

NOTE: I am only writing in regards to the social taboo of inbreeding, not the supposed biological issues which I have my own rebuttal to, which I will not go into depth on as that is not the point of this post, but to summarize, there is a phenomenon in geneology known as "pedigree collapse", which means a collection of organisms in a species, with a finite number of ancestors will inevitably collapse the family tree after enough generations have passed, meaning everyone would inevitably have to inbreed.

In this Matrix that we live in, nature is made into something evil and taboo. The elites control us by removing us from nature. Here are some examples of natural things made taboo:
  • Blood, this is the soul in physical form, life force, arguably one of the most divine substances. All carnivores consume blood (including humans, which we are carnivores), and is common in many gentile cultures such as the Maasai, Inuit, Nenets. Judaism exclusively prohibits consumption of blood (Leviticus 17:10, Deuteronomy 12:23, among many others)... unless it's the blood of Jewsus.
    Yet because if Hollywood brainwash via horror movies and other brainrot, this divine substance is "evil". The average person shrieks when they see blood, some even faint and pass out. Yet children in many gentile cultures regularly consume blood and cover themselves in it.
  • Paganism/Satanism, most people are terrified of Satanic symbols. Yet again thanks to idiotic Hollywood movies among other things, even irreligious people are scared of such symbolism, associating it with ritual murders or the Illuminati.
  • Wealth, "Money is evil goy, poverty is a virtue, leave the moneymaking to (((us)))" etc
    This is thanks to Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other antihuman Marxist religions. This is where the religious and the Atheists come to agreement, isnt that funny?
    Of course this has nothing to do with materialism and especially not fiat bank notes. Every Spiritual Satanist knows that wealth is about energy, not material possessions. Material possessions simply come from energy which is spiritual. Wealth has nothing to do with cash or assets, and everything to do with energy, in nature this could come in the form of food for example, calories a form of materialized energy.
  • Racism. I don't need to say much more.
    Racism is just an instinct to ensure your DNA survives.
    Racemixing is promoted to destroy human racial identity to make us easier to control.

Anyways there's a million more things I can add to this list. I know some people will disagree with this list, or it might come as a shock, but the point being that what is natural is deemed "evil" by Abrahamic religion. Nature is what is eternal, and Abrahamism (A-Brahmism) is ultimately the antithesis of nature.

I mentioned racemixing because it brings me to my next point - what about incest? This is one of the greatest taboos in the west, which most people are so disgusted by, they refuse to even talk about it. I must emphasize that I am only talking about sibling - cousin relationships and NOT parental or anything else, as the latter is almost always abusive and is very rarely documented across the world. I was reading some old posts by some members mocking the story of Adam and Eve for incest, among other occurrences of incest in the Bible. But yet there are countless examples of incestuous relationships in Ancient Europe (between cousins mostly siblings more rarely). In every primitive human tribal society there is a phenomenon known as "Dunbar's number", it is a number, ~150, which is the highest number of individuals a tribe can maintain before splitting off into smaller tribes, this is believed to be due to psychological limits to our ability to maintain relationships with only so many people, having to remember names, faces, experiences, etc. Dunbar's number is also reflected in modern social groups such as companies and social media contacts, but I am getting offtopic. Incestuous relationships (usually 1st to 3rd cousins) are cross culturally extremely common. There were times in history, and to this day in many places on Earth, where the population density is extremely low, or people living in isolation. Think about this - one could have been born in a tribe (a tribe is just a family), and not encounter another tribe in an entire lifetime, imagine living your entire life and only knowing your siblings, cousins, parents, elders, children, ans never meeting an outsider - that was and is the reality for many humans. This applies to many endangered or rare animals in nature which are unlikely to find a distant partner.

To summarize; racemixing is the NWO agenda, racemixing is not a taboo, but encouraged under the guise of "better genetic health", the logical conclusion is that incest must be human nature, and is not something harmful as we have been told. All ethnic groups ONLY exist because of inbreeding. To not inbreed is to racemix.
Please stop watching Sv3rige as you're just regurgitating what he thinks. He thinks anything is good as long as its found in "naaaaaaaychure". Some animals rape their young. A specific tribe in Papua New Guinea makes 8 year old boys fellate adult men to gain their life force. Would you do that?

'Tribes' aka primitive beings often lacking any sort of soul are not relevant to us. We have evolved past this shit. Satanism is not about worshipping the chaotic 'Pan' principle of 'naychuuuure' but honing our complexity as refined beings hand in hand with nature's higher purpose.

Northern Europeans have always clustered around dating their 3rd cousins, usually people 20 miles away. Beyond this, dating someone with extreme genetic difference can be sub-optimal. Yes, this is where 'incest' is healthy, optimal and reasonable.

Pisslamic countries and immigrants thereof where consanguinous marriage (1st cousin) is everywhere perpetrate dangerous dysgenic patterns. The difference between 3rd and 1st cousins is immense, it's not even comparable. Most disabled children in the UK are Pakistani and Bengali.

Humans are not carnivores or herbivores. We are omnivores, like pigs are. Our intestinal tract is obvious proof of this. Tribes aren't carnivores either... 25 percent of their diets tend to be honey. Even Inuit store endless stuff like berries in ice.

Also mother-son and father-daughter and even the same sex variant are unfortunately not as 'rare' as you think. I don't even get why you think this is evil and abusive (it certainly occurs in tribes) yet sibling sex is possibly OK? What if the sibling is much older?
Another thing. I wanted to touch on this because Tabby spoke about it before.

Drinking blood is whatever given many cuisines have blood in some form. Offal (cutting this out of any diet was a horrendous mistake) and even raw meat in the right context obviously have some health benefits.

Sv3rige doesn't really just drink blood for that though. He relishes the suffering energy tied to this, he even said it gives him a buzz. Then he starts talking about how the elites sacrifice and drink the blood of children which is to him an indication of strength, so he can do whatever with animals. Consider what you are connecting yourself into with bullshit like this. Food should be treated with respect and wherever possible energetically cleansed.

Some of these bible verses were designed to ward jews away from the problems they are already prone to, but these wouldn't be that much better for a Gentile if you desire the 'sweet savor' of sacrifice, etc.
Karnonnos said:
Some animals rape their young. A specific tribe in Papua New Guinea makes 8 year old boys fellate adult men to gain their life force. Would you do that?
The point was that if something can be demonstrated to be natural if it's found cross culturally, or cross species. A specific tribe or animal doing X doesn't prove we should too. But if an activity is found independently among many tribes who never had contact, then clearly it is us who are in the wrong, not them. All animals have their own dharma, nature to follow, it is also very difficult to determine what is natural to certain animals if you are observing them in captivity. Analyzing the behaviour of an animal in captivity is no different than analyzing the behaviour of a domesticated human 'soyboy', both are captive and not in nature.
Karnonnos said:
'Tribes' aka primitive beings often lacking any sort of soul are not relevant to us.
Really? That's the exact same mentality Jews and Christians use against Pagans, especially when justifying the Israelites military campaign against gentiles. "Goyim are just a bunch of soulless beasts, they have no spirit, we are superior to them". Actually I hear this excuse every time from Christians justifying their colonial genocide of the Americas, a bunch of primitive savages who needed to be enlighteed, never thought I would hear it from an SS. On the flip side calling nature something to "evolve from" sounds very Atheistic, which goes back to what I said about brainwashing taboos being against nature. I'm not accusing you of these things but just understand you're not the first to come up with this rhetoric, and it's origins.
Karnonnos said:
Humans are not carnivores or herbivores. We are omnivores, like pigs are. Our intestinal tract is obvious proof of this.
This is blatantly incorrect, though the confusion stems from the entire herbivore-carnivore dichotomy. Reality dictates that ALL animals are "omnivores", that is in the strictest sense of the word of animals who eat both meat and plants. All herbivores consume animal life to some extent, usually bugs, small mammals, eggs, or scavenging, all carnivores consume plant life to some extent, usually grasses or fruit. Also for an animal to be classified as a carnivore it needs to have a MINIMUM of 20% of their diet of meat (Hypocarnivore), Mesocarnivores eat 50% meat, and Hypercarnivores eat 70% meat. Humans in nature would have no less than 80-95% of their diet from meat, depending on climate and location. Try getting anywhere near 30% or your calories from plant foods in Europe or North America, let alone 50%. We don't need plants to survive but we NEED meet. Therefore we are Obligate Hypercarnivores. Our intestinal tract is more carnivorous than a wolf (which eats less meat than humans mind you)
(I'm new to this forum unfortunately, I don't know if I inserted the image correctly)

Karnonnos said:
Also mother-son and father-daughter and even the same sex variant are unfortunately not as 'rare' as you think. I don't even get why you think this is evil and abusive (it certainly occurs in tribes) yet sibling sex is possibly OK? What if the sibling is much older?
It's Adharmic and has no reason to happen... The parent has a monogamous relationship with the other parent. If this ever happens it's because the parent raised the child on their own, it would be very difficult for such a relationship to be consensual, therefore I say it is very rare. Most documented cases involve abuse and rape, it's not comparable to two siblings or cousins of similar age. I never used the word evil, I am just saying it's undesirable as there are social and psychological consequences from such relationships.
Karnonnos said:
Sv3rige doesn't really just drink blood for that though. He relishes the suffering energy tied to this, he even said it gives him a buzz.
I have no idea what you're talking about. No animal gives consent to its killing so it can be eaten by a human. All blood from any animal is the same. Technically even if you decapitated a cow in an instant it would also have "suffered". This is nature and reality. Drinking blood gives you a high because it satisfies your gut health. All mental health begins in the gut, because your emotional wellbeing is chemical. Being "high" the way you would from blood and raw organs, is the default state of humans.
When you mix blood, in result you get weaker newborn than stronger parent, but stronger than weaker parent. So ultimately race is weakened, because it is not as strong as that one which was strongest race of two parents, it becomes something in the middle between them. This is another technik to make white race weak.
TerKorian666 said:
When you mix blood, in result you get weaker newborn than stronger parent, but stronger than weaker parent. So ultimately race is weakened, because it is not as strong as that one which was strongest race of two parents, it becomes something in the middle between them. This is another technik to make white race weak.

So the logical conclusion from that would be to not mix blood, to stay as close as possible to your own genetics, right? Why else would society program it to be a taboo yet encourage racemixing?
bsod said:

Not everything someone does is a good thing, in regards to your question involving certain tribal practices. Many people and animals learn the hard way why they cannot do something. Yet, this is one way in which we evolve, provided we grow from the mistake made, rather than repeat it. Also, yes nature is always evolving, including us, although we work alongside its natural forces. That does not mean everything from nature is good.

As far as evaluating the validity of something based on common practice, this can only be given as much value as the people who do such practices. In other words, if these villagers are genuinely not advanced in soul, then it would not make sense to copy them, even if they all do something a certain way. This does not mean nothing can be learned from them, but it should increase your level of discretion and caution.

In the case of racemixing, this creates too much karmic distance from the parent to the child. In regards to incest, we can see that this is too little distance. Both cause failures on a karmic level.

Personally, I have not studied this in any sort of extent to give you a complex reason as to why, but we can already see the practice having stood the test of time. Although the answer may be simple in this sense, I think it is enough to resolve your question. It has caused negative events to occur, therefore we avoid it.

If I had to guess, I believe this causes failures in the karmic pattern which represents a race. Imagine a graphical pattern or image, but also view it as moving or growing, due to the offspring. It has to maintain a certain shape or it will collapse. Changes can happen, but they must be slow and done in a manner that creates prosperity. Like when you build a building, if you create a piece of wood which is too long or too short, this will cause structural instability.


As far as eating other animals, this is a concept of the solar chakra. We see that the broken down energy is recreated into something more advanced, as a result of the stomach. Following the "solar" concepts, this appears similar to how a King may tax his kingdom in order to fund a more advanced development.

Yet, the King does not relish in the suffering he creates. It is in his own interest to minimize this as best as possible, as he has a mutual relationship with his subjects. The same is true for us and plants and animals. We should take great care in the animals we eat, including doing spiritual work on them (something for the future).

Their deaths should be painless and done at an older age. Their "investment" into our future should be respected, seeing as we are the ones who are responsible for their care on this planet. All of this is much different from directly feeding on the worst energies of death and suffering, and trying to use this for some negative purpose. This creates much more destructive karma than eating tainted meat.
We know that a kid born from incest can have many issues, this has been documented and most people know. 3rd cousin is fine because you're not blood related much but even with 2nd cousin you are taking a risk. We should do anything that doesn't make our bloodline weaker. Same thing with race mixing. You can clearly see with your eyes that it does kill races. If Whites keep race mixing in the end there are not going to be more Whites. The kid is always more Black or more Asian.

With time if race mixing keeps happening every race will disappear. Why should we care? Because our souls are not going to reincarnate in race mixed bodies, you are doing a genocide and the offsprings are going to be way weaker than the original races. We can see this with our own eyes, same thing with incest but a lot of people are to brainwashed to see it.
luis said:
We know that a kid born from incest can have many issues, this has been documented and most people know. 3rd cousin is fine because you're not blood related much but even with 2nd cousin you are taking a risk. We should do anything that doesn't make our bloodline weaker.

Have you heard of pedigree collapse? It concludes that with any finite number of ancestors, inbreeding is inevitable. I will give an example.
Say you have a tribe of 8 people, 4 couples, the first generation of kids to be born from the 4 couples, will be able to copulate un-incestually, as they are unrelated, and lets assume for the sake of simplifying the math, that every couple only has 2 children, so now from the 8 original people we now have 8 extra offspring

Now these 8 offspring, who are the 2nd generation, all have 8 parents, the 1st generation, who are unrelated, so let's keep going and move onto the next generation. Again the 8 offspring un-incestually copulate, and every couple has 2 children, the 3rd generation now consists of another 8 offspring.

The 3rd generation now has a set of 4 grandparents, so they have aunts and uncles now, and therefore cousins. So far there are 3 generations, 8 within each, and within the 3rd generation, half of the people are related as cousins. In the MOST optimal case, we went within 2 generations from having everyone unrelated, to half of the population belonging to the same family tree. Okay, so let's move onto the 4th generation, seeing as they can still copulate one more time without incest.

Now at the 4th generation person has been born, and we draw their family tree and we discover something - this person has the blood of every single original ancestor. Their great grandparents are the 8 people who started the tribe. Subsequently the remaining 7 people who are born also share all of the same great grandparents (though not necessarily parents or grandparents). At this point everyone is related as 2nd cousins. The family tree has collapsed to a single point.

From this point forward, any reproduction would be incestuous. The 5th generation would have to reproduce with their cousins, and the 6th? Their siblings.
bsod said:
TerKorian666 said:
When you mix blood, in result you get weaker newborn than stronger parent, but stronger than weaker parent. So ultimately race is weakened, because it is not as strong as that one which was strongest race of two parents, it becomes something in the middle between them. This is another technik to make white race weak.

So the logical conclusion from that would be to not mix blood, to stay as close as possible to your own genetics, right? Why else would society program it to be a taboo yet encourage racemixing?

Because they play both sides agains the middle. They make it taboo in order to encourage. You make taboo, and when it is prohibited, you can encourage it to such extreme where races starts to extinct. It’s like when pendulum goes to one side extremely, and then it turns to opposite side and then goes same distance.
bsod said:
Karnonnos said:
Some animals rape their young. A specific tribe in Papua New Guinea makes 8 year old boys fellate adult men to gain their life force. Would you do that?
The point was that if something can be demonstrated to be natural if it's found cross culturally, or cross species. A specific tribe or animal doing X doesn't prove we should too. But if an activity is found independently among many tribes who never had contact, then clearly it is us who are in the wrong, not them. All animals have their own dharma, nature to follow, it is also very difficult to determine what is natural to certain animals if you are observing them in captivity. Analyzing the behaviour of an animal in captivity is no different than analyzing the behaviour of a domesticated human 'soyboy', both are captive and not in nature.

Behaviors like the ones I speak of are found cross culturally in all kinds of tribes around the world. The Yanomamo kill children by burying them alive, for no real reason.

And animals do this in NAYCHUUR, not in captivity. Ever seen a lion try to go at it with a non-fertile cub? I have. Feral cats do the same thing. On the lowest levels, that can be one of the most shocking traits of Leo the sign in humans too.

Subconsciously this all boils down to thinking nature must be 'moral' if it is thriving compared with a 'suffering' humanity, while vegan freaks try to claim it is 'amoral' (because they are weaklings and scared of it) and in need of being tamed to be friendly (buhh don't feed your pet cats meat guys!!) to placate the same suffering humanity's guilt, when in reality neither has much bearing on evolved humanity.

bsod said:
Karnonnos said:
'Tribes' aka primitive beings often lacking any sort of soul are not relevant to us.
Really? That's the exact same mentality Jews and Christians use against Pagans, especially when justifying the Israelites military campaign against gentiles. "Goyim are just a bunch of soulless beasts, they have no spirit, we are superior to them". Actually I hear this excuse every time from Christians justifying their colonial genocide of the Americas, a bunch of primitive savages who needed to be enlighteed, never thought I would hear it from an SS. On the flip side calling nature something to "evolve from" sounds very Atheistic, which goes back to what I said about brainwashing taboos being against nature. I'm not accusing you of these things but just understand you're not the first to come up with this rhetoric, and it's origins.

Yes, we SS are superior to retards like the Jivaro tribe that mass murder 60 percent of their own men for no reason and kill anyone who says they are in a relationship. They just aren't designed like us. The lifestyle can't lead to anything. Even if you don't believe me about the occult side of this, how can you come up with anything original when anyone gets an axe through the face for some imagined affront for or for hoarding more resources? The jew exalts "primitive communism" in all fields like anthropology and sociology for a reason. Marx spent the second half of his 'career' talking about how great tribes are.

This is the way reality works. Egalitarian fantasies about 'colonial genocides' are irrelevant. The Inca Empire tried to exterminate the Jivaro hundreds of years before the Spaniards showed up.

The jew is actually from one of these groups that could barely build a hut while being surrounded by palaces, yet their scheming, subversiveness and intelligence in conning their hosts hooked them into something 'special' and took them somewhere else. Jews these days are highly aware they are more 'complex' beings, while most goyim are taught that to see yourself as superior to anything else is a crime worthy of death. Gatis says he is infinitely superior to the civilized slaves (well, he is), but would bow down to some Aborigine that eats its second child. THAT IS RETARDED!!!

That said, equally, the more complex a being is, often the more damage it can cause in defying its level of existence and bringing down everything else with it. So from that specific perspective on 'slaves' he has some validity to his views, but not in general.

bsod said:
This is blatantly incorrect, though the confusion stems from the entire herbivore-carnivore dichotomy. Reality dictates that ALL animals are "omnivores", that is in the strictest sense of the word of animals who eat both meat and plants. All herbivores consume animal life to some extent, usually bugs, small mammals, eggs, or scavenging, all carnivores consume plant life to some extent, usually grasses or fruit. Also for an animal to be classified as a carnivore it needs to have a MINIMUM of 20% of their diet of meat (Hypocarnivore), Mesocarnivores eat 50% meat, and Hypercarnivores eat 70% meat. Humans in nature would have no less than 80-95% of their diet from meat, depending on climate and location. Try getting anywhere near 30% or your calories from plant foods in Europe or North America, let alone 50%. We don't need plants to survive but we NEED meet. Therefore we are Obligate Hypercarnivores. Our intestinal tract is more carnivorous than a wolf (which eats less meat than humans mind you)
(I'm new to this forum unfortunately, I don't know if I inserted the image correctly)

Look at the size of the human cecum for starters. It isn't that small. In most carnivores the cecum is inert or supplanted. In humanity it has complex functions that deal with the digestion of carbohydrates.


We have specific digestive enyzmes in our saliva that all carnivores lack and our intestines are long.

Carnivores obtain all their nutritional and energy requirements from meat. It is true humans can get all nutritional requirements from meat alone (mostly from innards, not muscle meat), our fat cell-structure is more like that of a carnivore and our stomach acid level is designed to ingest meat, but the energy side is clearly adapted strongly to carbohydrates.

Cats that don't eat some kind of meat, by the fourth generation, they will be totally non-viable and die out. Humans in comparison can survive without ingesting meat for generations, even though this is not advisable, shit and hazardous.

No tribe ever documented has obtained 85 to 95 percent of their diet from meat. The Inuit in extreme conditions eat 20 percent carbohydrates. Even the Hadza hunter gatherers from Tanzania eat massive amounts of honey, baobab and tubers. The Tsimaane also only eat up to 21-30 percent meat and a lot of this is fish, primarily lean meats like tapir. They also love honey.

Maybe one can argue this is misleading and that in the distant past humans hinged towards carnivory hard, but that wouldn't explain things like the enyzmes present.

No tribe or organic group of people has ever been documented as "vegan" either, but then "veganism" is a cult with strange rules.

bsod said:
Karnonnos said:
Also mother-son and father-daughter and even the same sex variant are unfortunately not as 'rare' as you think. I don't even get why you think this is evil and abusive (it certainly occurs in tribes) yet sibling sex is possibly OK? What if the sibling is much older?
It's Adharmic and has no reason to happen... The parent has a monogamous relationship with the other parent. If this ever happens it's because the parent raised the child on their own, it would be very difficult for such a relationship to be consensual, therefore I say it is very rare. Most documented cases involve abuse and rape, it's not comparable to two siblings or cousins of similar age. I never used the word evil, I am just saying it's undesirable as there are social and psychological consequences from such relationships.

Now you are bringing dharma into all of this and I just don't get why you make this division when incest is just incest. Why 'no reason' for mother-son but not sister-brother?

Life-long monogamy between parents usually DOES NOT EXIST in tribes. Many partnerships in tribes are a pump and dump type of deal, the mother lives with her female relatives and the offspring in seclusion, with the father not even seeing the child until they are grown. She may even pass the offspring off to another female relative or even some random woman and never see it at again herself. How much does this pattern resemble animals? Occasionally, due to barely or not seeing his kids, a father marries his daughter and is none the wiser - which is not extremely rare.

Even where there is contact with the child, the father plays very little of a role in bringing up children. At most, as with the Yanomamo, the father has to hunt for the father-in-law for a while in exchange for hanging around, seeing his kids the bare minimum every day. But even the Yanomamo have evolved enough to have strong taboos about first-cousin marriage.

The !Kung are some of the most monogamous and while they don't engage in polygamy even their partnerships often only last about 2.5 years before fizzling out, before they move on to someone else.

The Jivaro don't even tolerate exhibition or mention of any relationship with a female in male company, as this would mean the men among them are 'losing out'. The Noble Savage archetype is full of projections about "what we were before Eden's fall", these don't align with what actually happens.

There are documented psychological consequences from certain sibling relationships too. Do you really think most sibling sex doesn't have some sort of coercive element? Sometimes incest in whatever formulation doesn't, but a lot of the time it does.

bsod said:
Karnonnos said:
Sv3rige doesn't really just drink blood for that though. He relishes the suffering energy tied to this, he even said it gives him a buzz.
I have no idea what you're talking about. No animal gives consent to its killing so it can be eaten by a human. All blood from any animal is the same. Technically even if you decapitated a cow in an instant it would also have "suffered". This is nature and reality. Drinking blood gives you a high because it satisfies your gut health. All mental health begins in the gut, because your emotional wellbeing is chemical. Being "high" the way you would from blood and raw organs, is the default state of humans.

Decapitation/a quick death versus torture creates two energies that are different. You can test this yourself with whatever meat you have, meditate on shitty battery farmed garbage vs something well brought up.

This also has nutritional applications too. The extinction of Vitamin K from our diets that can be passed through the placenta (Vitamin K2 MK4) is largely because of cruelty, 'convenience' and stupidity. Now every American doctor has to inject babies at birth with a plant form of it to prevent them coming out in tons of blood clots.

Gatis fixates on the suffering aspect. He makes 20 minute long videos ranting about child sacrifice and how delicious it potentially is. I get he is trying to make a point about how jews and their pets do what they want while pushing the slaves to eat bugs and soy and be completely disarmed, but there is something disconcerting about Gatis and whatever entities he says he convenes with in particular (this is what caught my attention as being really off, as they sure as hell don't sound like anything we talk to here), to say nothing of his personal life (these could be lies, so whatever).

Why do the enemy and their minions slowly slit cow's throats to the point there are rivers of blood in cities? Why do they torture the 'Azazel' goat to death and pelt it with rocks as it hangs on a cliff edge just to blaspheme Him? These are ENERGETICALLY CHARGED, also graphic and sympathetic. They achieve the required result. Now imagine putting that in your mouth without cleansing the energy, it's just corrupting on one level or another. It won't invigorate in the same way an animal slaughtered humanely will.
bsod said:
luis said:
We know that a kid born from incest can have many issues, this has been documented and most people know. 3rd cousin is fine because you're not blood related much but even with 2nd cousin you are taking a risk. We should do anything that doesn't make our bloodline weaker.

Have you heard of pedigree collapse? It concludes that with any finite number of ancestors, inbreeding is inevitable. I will give an example.
Say you have a tribe of 8 people, 4 couples, the first generation of kids to be born from the 4 couples, will be able to copulate un-incestually, as they are unrelated, and lets assume for the sake of simplifying the math, that every couple only has 2 children, so now from the 8 original people we now have 8 extra offspring

Now these 8 offspring, who are the 2nd generation, all have 8 parents, the 1st generation, who are unrelated, so let's keep going and move onto the next generation. Again the 8 offspring un-incestually copulate, and every couple has 2 children, the 3rd generation now consists of another 8 offspring.

The 3rd generation now has a set of 4 grandparents, so they have aunts and uncles now, and therefore cousins. So far there are 3 generations, 8 within each, and within the 3rd generation, half of the people are related as cousins. In the MOST optimal case, we went within 2 generations from having everyone unrelated, to half of the population belonging to the same family tree. Okay, so let's move onto the 4th generation, seeing as they can still copulate one more time without incest.

Now at the 4th generation person has been born, and we draw their family tree and we discover something - this person has the blood of every single original ancestor. Their great grandparents are the 8 people who started the tribe. Subsequently the remaining 7 people who are born also share all of the same great grandparents (though not necessarily parents or grandparents). At this point everyone is related as 2nd cousins. The family tree has collapsed to a single point.

From this point forward, any reproduction would be incestuous. The 5th generation would have to reproduce with their cousins, and the 6th? Their siblings.
Okay but your example is about a tribe of 8 peoples. In real life you have many many people. This may happen even here and this is why there may be people unknowingly affected by this but in a Satanic world this issue can be fully prevented. In any case just by living in huge cities with lots of people helps with this. 2nd cousins while not being the best to have kids with, its still better than 1st cousins.
luis said:
Okay but your example is about a tribe of 8 peoples. In real life you have many many people. This may happen even here and this is why there may be people unknowingly affected by this but in a Satanic world this issue can be fully prevented. In any case just by living in huge cities with lots of people helps with this. 2nd cousins while not being the best to have kids with, its still better than 1st cousins.

You misunderstood me. In my example I limited the size of the tribe to 8 people for simplicity's sake. It doesn't matter if you have 8 people, the same applies if you have a population of 1 million, the only difference is it takes more generations to pass, only 4 with 8 people, but 21 generations with a million people. Pedigree collapse is unavoidable no matter what you do because there is a finite number of ancestors. The only way to prevent inbreeding is by racemixing (introducing new ancestors into the family tree).

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Jewish tribes in israel have been in incest relationships for thousands of years, and you can see what it has done to them.

But they haven't though, Jews are the one of the most racemixed ethnic groups on Earth, just look at phenotypes of Israelis, some are "European" (pale), others are Turkic, others are Arab-looking, some look Ethiopian. Jews mixed with whatever people they lived amongst, which is the opposite of racemixing. But even if they weren't, that's ignoring the fact that ALL ethnic groups only exist because of inbreeding - a genetic group cannot come into existence by accepting foreign genetics.

I cannot comment on most of what you said regarding the stuff done by tribes because it is pure speculation with little proof, but from brief research it seems that all of those claims are hoaxes or straight up lies, especially in regards to the Yanomami. Even-so those examples are not cross-cultural, because they literally do not happen cross culturally. Just because a handful of cultures on every continent on Earth do something weird, does not mean 99% do. An example is monogamy, which is the cultural norm in almost all cultures, even if there are some where it is not a standard.

As for the digestion argument. Your point regarding the human digestive tract is irrelevant if you believe we can eat meat in any quantity. Why should our digestive tract be any different if we naturally eat 50% meat, or 90%? Many conventionally classified carnivorous animals do not meet the description you gave (I.e. cecum size). All carnivores eat and carbohydrates and therefore have the capacity to process them to some extent which varies cross species, humans are no different. Remember a hypercarnivore (the highest level) eats at least 70% meat.

Karnonnos said:
They achieve the required result. Now imagine putting that in your mouth without cleansing the energy, it's just corrupting on one level or another. It won't invigorate in the same way an animal slaughtered humanely will.

I am curious why you think the elite would be doing this if you think it's harmful? It's like adrenochrome conspiracy theories (which again is used to stigmatized and suppress the natural human diet through fear). Why are the elites parttaking in an act with charges them with "negative energy"?
bsod said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Jewish tribes in israel have been in incest relationships for thousands of years, and you can see what it has done to them.
... which is the opposite of racemixing ...

Sorry. Meant to say that it's the opposite of inbreeding.
It seems like you do not have the intention of being open minded, or to actually be looking for truth. It seems like your only intention is to try to force all of us to follow an action which we all know would be harmful or even deadly.

This is even more clear when looking at some of your past posts, like in the topic called Question #654: Eva Braun reincarnation.
Where you are just saying very strange and nonsensical things. Which are not true, and if people followed these ideas they would be very badly injured.

Are you honest? Do you care about the truth? Do you want to learn? Or do you want to harm our people by promoting dangerous and harmful things?
bsod said:
This will sound like a troll post, however it is a serious question. Please do not post a reply unless you read this 100% and have considered what I said.

NOTE: I am only writing in regards to the social taboo of inbreeding, not the supposed biological issues which I have my own rebuttal to, which I will not go into depth on as that is not the point of this post, but to summarize, there is a phenomenon in geneology known as "pedigree collapse", which means a collection of organisms in a species, with a finite number of ancestors will inevitably collapse the family tree after enough generations have passed, meaning everyone would inevitably have to inbreed.

In this Matrix that we live in, nature is made into something evil and taboo. The elites control us by removing us from nature. Here are some examples of natural things made taboo:
  • Blood, this is the soul in physical form, life force, arguably one of the most divine substances. All carnivores consume blood (including humans, which we are carnivores), and is common in many gentile cultures such as the Maasai, Inuit, Nenets. Judaism exclusively prohibits consumption of blood (Leviticus 17:10, Deuteronomy 12:23, among many others)... unless it's the blood of Jewsus.
    Yet because if Hollywood brainwash via horror movies and other brainrot, this divine substance is "evil". The average person shrieks when they see blood, some even faint and pass out. Yet children in many gentile cultures regularly consume blood and cover themselves in it.
  • Paganism/Satanism, most people are terrified of Satanic symbols. Yet again thanks to idiotic Hollywood movies among other things, even irreligious people are scared of such symbolism, associating it with ritual murders or the Illuminati.
  • Wealth, "Money is evil goy, poverty is a virtue, leave the moneymaking to (((us)))" etc
    This is thanks to Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other antihuman Marxist religions. This is where the religious and the Atheists come to agreement, isnt that funny?
    Of course this has nothing to do with materialism and especially not fiat bank notes. Every Spiritual Satanist knows that wealth is about energy, not material possessions. Material possessions simply come from energy which is spiritual. Wealth has nothing to do with cash or assets, and everything to do with energy, in nature this could come in the form of food for example, calories a form of materialized energy.
  • Racism. I don't need to say much more.
    Racism is just an instinct to ensure your DNA survives.
    Racemixing is promoted to destroy human racial identity to make us easier to control.

Anyways there's a million more things I can add to this list. I know some people will disagree with this list, or it might come as a shock, but the point being that what is natural is deemed "evil" by Abrahamic religion. Nature is what is eternal, and Abrahamism (A-Brahmism) is ultimately the antithesis of nature.

I mentioned racemixing because it brings me to my next point - what about incest? This is one of the greatest taboos in the west, which most people are so disgusted by, they refuse to even talk about it. I must emphasize that I am only talking about sibling - cousin relationships and NOT parental or anything else, as the latter is almost always abusive and is very rarely documented across the world. I was reading some old posts by some members mocking the story of Adam and Eve for incest, among other occurrences of incest in the Bible. But yet there are countless examples of incestuous relationships in Ancient Europe (between cousins mostly siblings more rarely). In every primitive human tribal society there is a phenomenon known as "Dunbar's number", it is a number, ~150, which is the highest number of individuals a tribe can maintain before splitting off into smaller tribes, this is believed to be due to psychological limits to our ability to maintain relationships with only so many people, having to remember names, faces, experiences, etc. Dunbar's number is also reflected in modern social groups such as companies and social media contacts, but I am getting offtopic. Incestuous relationships (usually 1st to 3rd cousins) are cross culturally extremely common. There were times in history, and to this day in many places on Earth, where the population density is extremely low, or people living in isolation. Think about this - one could have been born in a tribe (a tribe is just a family), and not encounter another tribe in an entire lifetime, imagine living your entire life and only knowing your siblings, cousins, parents, elders, children, ans never meeting an outsider - that was and is the reality for many humans. This applies to many endangered or rare animals in nature which are unlikely to find a distant partner.

To summarize; racemixing is the NWO agenda, racemixing is not a taboo, but encouraged under the guise of "better genetic health", the logical conclusion is that incest must be human nature, and is not something harmful as we have been told. All ethnic groups ONLY exist because of inbreeding. To not inbreed is to racemix.

I dont like it because children might be disabled but in most of the countries cousins are not incest at all.In some countries cousin marriage is common but I personally hate it because it will ruin the relationship between the two families who are involved in it.I have witnessed this myself,when these kinds of marriages end up in divorce,both families have to stop seeing each other,also they force other family members to pick a side
bsod said:
This will sound like a troll post, however it is a serious question. Please do not post a reply unless you read this 100% and have considered what I said.

NOTE: I am only writing in regards to the social taboo of inbreeding, not the supposed biological issues which I have my own rebuttal to, which I will not go into depth on as that is not the point of this post, but to summarize, there is a phenomenon in geneology known as "pedigree collapse", which means a collection of organisms in a species, with a finite number of ancestors will inevitably collapse the family tree after enough generations have passed, meaning everyone would inevitably have to inbreed.

In this Matrix that we live in, nature is made into something evil and taboo. The elites control us by removing us from nature. Here are some examples of natural things made taboo:
  • Blood, this is the soul in physical form, life force, arguably one of the most divine substances. All carnivores consume blood (including humans, which we are carnivores), and is common in many gentile cultures such as the Maasai, Inuit, Nenets. Judaism exclusively prohibits consumption of blood (Leviticus 17:10, Deuteronomy 12:23, among many others)... unless it's the blood of Jewsus.
    Yet because if Hollywood brainwash via horror movies and other brainrot, this divine substance is "evil". The average person shrieks when they see blood, some even faint and pass out. Yet children in many gentile cultures regularly consume blood and cover themselves in it.
  • Paganism/Satanism, most people are terrified of Satanic symbols. Yet again thanks to idiotic Hollywood movies among other things, even irreligious people are scared of such symbolism, associating it with ritual murders or the Illuminati.
  • Wealth, "Money is evil goy, poverty is a virtue, leave the moneymaking to (((us)))" etc
    This is thanks to Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other antihuman Marxist religions. This is where the religious and the Atheists come to agreement, isnt that funny?
    Of course this has nothing to do with materialism and especially not fiat bank notes. Every Spiritual Satanist knows that wealth is about energy, not material possessions. Material possessions simply come from energy which is spiritual. Wealth has nothing to do with cash or assets, and everything to do with energy, in nature this could come in the form of food for example, calories a form of materialized energy.
  • Racism. I don't need to say much more.
    Racism is just an instinct to ensure your DNA survives.
    Racemixing is promoted to destroy human racial identity to make us easier to control.

Anyways there's a million more things I can add to this list. I know some people will disagree with this list, or it might come as a shock, but the point being that what is natural is deemed "evil" by Abrahamic religion. Nature is what is eternal, and Abrahamism (A-Brahmism) is ultimately the antithesis of nature.

I mentioned racemixing because it brings me to my next point - what about incest? This is one of the greatest taboos in the west, which most people are so disgusted by, they refuse to even talk about it. I must emphasize that I am only talking about sibling - cousin relationships and NOT parental or anything else, as the latter is almost always abusive and is very rarely documented across the world. I was reading some old posts by some members mocking the story of Adam and Eve for incest, among other occurrences of incest in the Bible. But yet there are countless examples of incestuous relationships in Ancient Europe (between cousins mostly siblings more rarely). In every primitive human tribal society there is a phenomenon known as "Dunbar's number", it is a number, ~150, which is the highest number of individuals a tribe can maintain before splitting off into smaller tribes, this is believed to be due to psychological limits to our ability to maintain relationships with only so many people, having to remember names, faces, experiences, etc. Dunbar's number is also reflected in modern social groups such as companies and social media contacts, but I am getting offtopic. Incestuous relationships (usually 1st to 3rd cousins) are cross culturally extremely common. There were times in history, and to this day in many places on Earth, where the population density is extremely low, or people living in isolation. Think about this - one could have been born in a tribe (a tribe is just a family), and not encounter another tribe in an entire lifetime, imagine living your entire life and only knowing your siblings, cousins, parents, elders, children, ans never meeting an outsider - that was and is the reality for many humans. This applies to many endangered or rare animals in nature which are unlikely to find a distant partner.

To summarize; racemixing is the NWO agenda, racemixing is not a taboo, but encouraged under the guise of "better genetic health", the logical conclusion is that incest must be human nature, and is not something harmful as we have been told. All ethnic groups ONLY exist because of inbreeding. To not inbreed is to racemix.

Also what different cultures consider incest is not the same everywhere.
But in countries where it is practiced it has increased honor killings,forced marriage and child marriage.
Children who are forced into this really suffer non stop.I have seen some examples :(
In human race right now I dont think its a good idea.It could hurt a lot
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It seems like you do not have the intention of being open minded, or to actually be looking for truth. It seems like your only intention is to try to force all of us to follow an action which we all know would be harmful or even deadly.

This is even more clear when looking at some of your past posts, like in the topic called Question #654: Eva Braun reincarnation.
Where you are just saying very strange and nonsensical things. Which are not true, and if people followed these ideas they would be very badly injured.

Are you honest? Do you care about the truth? Do you want to learn? Or do you want to harm our people by promoting dangerous and harmful things?

I don't know why you are saying this, or bringing up the other thread. No one is being endangered, this thread is a question of incest, not a suggestion of it. I am asking why such things are perceived as negative in the first place. The only way to make new discoveries is to question the status quo.

There are two reasons why I question the stigma of incest.
  1. It is the logical conclusion one reaches, knowing the harm of race-mixing.
  2. It is the logical result of pedigree collapse, because no matter how big of a population you have, 100 people, 1 million, or 1 billion, it is impossible to introduce new genetics without new ancestors. If a gene pool starts with a limited number of ancestors, then the biological result after enough generations is that everyone will be siblings.

How do you address the fact that no matter what you do, if all whites ceased to race mix, we would become genetically closer and closer? What I am asking is WHAT are we supposed to do if incest is something bad? The NPC would conclude that we should race-mix because it's supposedly healthy (not).

As for the other thread, you seemed to have been under the impression I was encouraging the OP and their transgender ideology, which I was not, I simply stated that although they probably weren't a woman in their past life, let alone Eva Braun, it is possible to reincarnate as the other gender, as there are cases of this happening and that gender is not an eternal attribute of the spirit.

So I'm very open minded, as I am just asking questions. If I knew something were harmful I would not encourage. I am simply asking whether or not incest is harmful, seeing as that something is an unavoidable reality of non-race-mixing.

This has already been clarified by the clergy.

Read here:

This answers all the questions. It helps a lot to understand. As has already been exposed to you.

If you can't understand it, or "connect it," then the topic point is no longer "incest" or "racial mixing."

But other. And it's about you.
Hs666 said:

This has already been clarified by the clergy.

Read here:

This answers all the questions. It helps a lot to understand. As has already been exposed to you.

If you can't understand it, or "connect it," then the topic point is no longer "incest" or "racial mixing."

But other. And it's about you.

Thanks for the reply, unfortunately those posts do not answer my question, so I'm unsure as to whether or not you read everything.

My question was, how do you avoid incest if you prohibit racemixing?

The obvious answer to that would seem to simply be "Just don't marry your cousin or sibling, but stay within your race", which is valid as first glance, and yes that rule will work for several generations, but then we run into a problem known as pedigree collapse, I will post the link again.

In genealogy, pedigree collapse describes how reproduction between two individuals who share an ancestor causes the number of distinct ancestors in the family tree of their offspring to be smaller than it could otherwise be.

In other words, the more we white people (or any other race) reproduce within our own race (group of ancestors), the fewer distinct ancestors every individual will have after ever generation, a distinct ancestors being an ancestor that you have, but not another member of your race.

I will reiterate my simplified example where you have a tribe of 8 people abiding by an anti-incest rule (no mating with any siblings or cousins), suppose all of those 8 people are unrelated to one another, then according to an anti-incest rule, any individual has 7 choices of whom to mate with, because they can't do it with themselves, but the other 3 are the same sex, so they only have 4 choices. assuming everyone reproduces among each other only, then half of the next generation will share their ancestors, as any individual will have 2 parents.

So the family tree has "collapsed" in half, half of the population are siblings. Assuming the second generation also consists of 8 people (again yes it could be more, this is for simplicity's sake, the same will still apply even with a billion people), an individual according to anti-incest rules, has 6 choices of who to reproduce with, because they have 1 sibling, so it's actually 3 choices, down from 4.

Okay who cares, they can still do it without incest, so once again we repeat the cycle, the next individual has 1 sibling, and 2 cousins, again 8 people, 1 is themselves and the other 3 are the same gender, 1 is a sibling and 2 are their cousins, so in a best case scenario that leaves them with 1 non-incest option. Okay so we go to the last generation.

Finally we get to the last generation, they have no one to reproduce with because everyone is their cousin or their sibling. The family tree has collapsed on itself, without breaking the incest rule it is impossible to continue reproducing, their only other option would to be to find someone outside of the tribe. Now suppose this 8 person tribe is actually an entire race, what option do they have then?

This is the elephant in the room and no one seems to be able to address my question. I'm not arguing with the medical reasons.
Also how does Cobra explain the fact that there are family trees of these royal families who allegedly weren't incestuous? It's documented that they had children with their siblings and cousins, so clearly it is not a symbolic marriage which has been mistranslated.

Also on the claim that white people are the least incestuous, it is genetically wrong because white people are the least genetically diverse, comparing to the black and asian race, yes we have many varying colours and complexions, but these all come from the same genes. When we look at a genetic distance chart, where every ethnic group is charted as an FST value from one another, we discover that the European genetic cluster is several times smaller than that of the African or Asian. To claim that whites are the least incestuous, is to claim that we racemixed the most which is not the case, the other races are much more racially mixed (I say this without any hostility btw!)
bsod said:

Everyone has their own level of understanding.

This is about "oneself." As I told you before. The answer is there. It answers all your questions, even the one that "obsesses" you about "pedigree collapse."

Don't be too hard on yourself. Give yourself time. Everyone understands the knowledge he is shown with "his time."

This also happens with advancement that is by degrees. GODS communicate with us in stages, when we are ready they will give us the information.

Some information you may understand in the next lifetimes as well. Don't worry about that. Some clergy writings are complex to understand immediately.

Knowledge comes from the gods. You cannot have the same kind of "knowledge" and how things work at their level.

The "pedigree collapse" thing, if you know about it, do you think Gods don't know about it?, if there was a danger regarding the issue of Racial Line Health, you would know about it and they wouldn't? Do you think the gods would leave us in ruins?

You are no match for them. Stick to what is said. Don't try to argue with other "links". NO mixing, NO incest causing racial line damage like Jews do.

If there are any "issues" in the future we will be notified. Relax. your "knowledge" is not the height. This causes "links" to issues that don't make sense, or are already handled.

The answers are in the Jos. Work on your third eye. Anything that is contrary to the knowledge that comes to us from Gods is wrong.
Karnonnos said:
Humans are not carnivores or herbivores. We are omnivores, like pigs are. Our intestinal tract is obvious proof of this. Tribes aren't carnivores either... 25 percent of their diets tend to be honey. Even Inuit store endless stuff like berries in ice.

I find the idea of "carnivores" and "herbivores" to be vague, nothing can truly be either, though they can prefer to. Sometimes a cow may catch a bug or two, same with a wolf feeding on a grass covered carcass.
bsod said:
Also on the claim that white people are the least incestuous, it is genetically wrong because white people are the least genetically diverse, comparing to the black and asian race, yes we have many varying colours and complexions, but these all come from the same genes. When we look at a genetic distance chart, where every ethnic group is charted as an FST value from one another, we discover that the European genetic cluster is several times smaller than that of the African or Asian. To claim that whites are the least incestuous, is to claim that we racemixed the most which is not the case, the other races are much more racially mixed (I say this without any hostility btw!)

Heterogeneity =/= inbreeding. Please understand this. There are highly inbred populations who are genomically heterogeneous. There are non-inbred populations who are genomically homogeneous.

The sample for extreme inbreeding in UK populations is very low, 1 in 3,168. Elsewhere this rises to 1 in 1,000 or even one in 200.

Race-mixing and inbreeding are NOT ANTONYMS. The Arab world should make this blatantly obvious enough to you. If a founding population is mixed and then practices 1st cousin marriage for generations it becomes highly inbred.
Hs666 said:
Some information you may understand in the next lifetimes as well. Don't worry about that. Some clergy writings are complex to understand immediately.

Knowledge comes from the gods. You cannot have the same kind of "knowledge" and how things work at their level.

The "pedigree collapse" thing, if you know about it, do you think Gods don't know about it?, if there was a danger regarding the issue of Racial Line Health, you would know about it and they wouldn't? Do you think the gods would leave us in ruins?

If there are any "issues" in the future we will be notified. Relax. your "knowledge" is not the height. This causes "links" to issues that don't make sense, or are already handled.

As I understand it, you don't know the answer to my question but you (rightfully) trust in the Gods to address this issue when it comes in due time, which is completely fine. But what if that answer which you don't know, but the Gods do, is simply that the alleged biological issues with inbreeding are all but a modern day hoax?
I say that because this was an actual "problem" in the past, some of the oldest reconstructed family trees in Europe (such as one made from a kurgan burial mound), almost always show cousin marriages. If incest from pedigree collapse were a problem back then, then surely the Gods would have dealt with it, but it doesn't seem to have been a problem after all.

Karnonnos said:
Heterogeneity =/= inbreeding. Please understand this. There are highly inbred populations who are genomically heterogeneous. There are non-inbred populations who are genomically homogeneous.

The sample for extreme inbreeding in UK populations is very low, 1 in 3,168. Elsewhere this rises to 1 in 1,000 or even one in 200.

Race-mixing and inbreeding are NOT ANTONYMS. The Arab world should make this blatantly obvious enough to you. If a founding population is mixed and then practices 1st cousin marriage for generations it becomes highly inbred.

You are correct in that inbreeding is not the same as homogeneity, as you correctly stated there are mixed race couples who inbreed and same race couples who don't.

... however the risks of inbreeding stem from homogenity, not the actual act of inbreeding as defined as cousin/sister relationships.

For example, suppose there are two half siblings, one purely white and the other half black. Genetically any random person in Europe, hell even an Arab, is more related to the white sibling than their half sibling. In fact there would be no risk of inbreeding here because of how genetically separate they are. So while they are inbreeding, it is not homogeneity.

Yet at the same time, two random European people, are far more genetically similar than those two siblings. There is more supposed genetic risk here than there is between two actual family members who are racially mixed, because there are more alternative genes to choose from for the child to avoid diseases or disorders.

In other words, while commonly genetic issues are identified with inbreeding, it should actually be identified with homogeneity, because that is the real cause of the supposed problems of children inheriting diseases or other genetic disorders (due to a lack of genetic diversity to allow the picking of healthier alternative genes from a genetically distant parent).

You are right that racemixing and inbreeding are not directly antonyms, but homogeneity and heterogeneity are, and seeing as heterogeneity is promoted by the elites, I question whether there are any problems involved with homogeneity (what is called inbreeding) to begin with.
bsod said:

You are going into cognitive simplification. This leads you to obvious errors in assertion.

Your question is wrong.

You are not able to talk about such a matter, for the reason explained above.

Your "limited" understanding of things, leads you to make connections between topics that are unconnected, but on the surface appear to be so.

This causes you to formulate reasoning, questions, and thoughts that are wrong.

There are many things that you do not really "understand" but you "simplify" to make them so.

You are linking an understanding of yours about "incest", with that of "pedigree collapse," with the concepts of correct "action" on how to maintain a healthy racial line and in the most correct way, which comes from Gods. This is your mistake.

You are pushing a problem where it does not exist. Because some of your information that you have is wrong, because of your lack of understanding of things.

In this way you will never get out of it. You will always remain in error.

Not long ago, you would have already been permanently banned from here. Just for raising an alleged "bug" by installing doubts/problems on such an important topic, to the detriment of the Gods. Done whether voluntarily or not.
bsod said:

Do you see any manifestations of your concerns within the populace of Europe, which as existed for thousands of years now?
I think you basically resolved this, by realizing that is it not actually an issue to begin with. Instead of following along the logical train that was producing this conclusion, sometimes it helps to step back and judge from a more realistic standpoint.

We can see problems with those who inbreed, and we have yet to see any problems with those who do not. Therefore, where arises the desire to open this investigation? There are more pressing problems in which you could apply your intellect.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=436902 time=1681693969 user_id=21286]
bsod said:

Do you see any manifestations of your concerns within the populace of Europe, which as existed for thousands of years now?
I think you basically resolved this, by realizing that is it not actually an issue to begin with. Instead of following along the logical train that was producing this conclusion, sometimes it helps to step back and judge from a more realistic standpoint.

We can see problems with those who inbreed, and we have yet to see any problems with those who do not. Therefore, where arises the desire to open this investigation? There are more pressing problems in which you could apply your intellect.

Today? No. Especially considering it is very easy to date someone from another country because of ease of travel and communication via internet.

But in the past, this was an issue and it was simply ignored. There is an ancient family tree reconstructed from people buried in a kurgan mound which shows incestuous relationships in Europe's past.

As for the future, is there is ever another cataclysm as there has been in the past, leading to isolation and reduced populations, this will be a problem.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
