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Why Doing RTR's is a Life and Death Matter: Astrology For Year 2020-2021

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Needless to say the charts especially 2020 and 2021, are very obviously giving in what is going on with the world.

Long story short, battles are won and lost on each side right now. So the situation is still escalating for both sides. Whomever thinks this has only positive and negatives for us or for the enemy is not observing logically but quite emotionally. The enemy has been hit a lot, but freedoms have also been hit quite a lot, and this battle is going. Also, whomever thinks that all of these brutal measures happened to "protect anyone" from CO-VID as the sole reason, has to be quite naive.

People's lives are ruined, people are chock infested with dangerous drugs, people live like shit, and yet some people believe that this whole event happened to protect anyone. And this in plain words is called being dumb. Everything is designed around exploitation, and guess what, the same governments that want to replace people in their own homeland, wanted to suddenly save mass numbers of them, from what they obtusely referred to as "Nothing but a flu".

The pattern doesn't add up. Did the enemy wake up one morning and say, oh, we have to right now move all cogwheels to help everyone, hur hur. I think those who know their pattern know that this always the means to another, more nefarious end. If you want to do good, you do good, you don't withhold it for five to six centuries or twenty centuries, and then suddenly decide it's time to "help" anyone.

For one, all of this "Pandemic" situation, and all the restrictive measures, were put forth at the 29-0 entry degree Saturn in Aquarius, and the 29th degree of the previous sign, and have been reinforcing and going worldwide. Saturn in Aquarius in this case shows a passage towards a situation of possible strangulation of personal rights, ability to assemble, and a lot of other indications which have already manifested, and do throw constitutions in the trash bin and put them in suspension. Saturn in Aquarius in a chart has a similar effect, the person starts out social [like we once here, shaking hands etc] and people end up increasingly limited and isolated [many times due to personal choice] later on in their life. This cycle is followed, and in a sense, this cycle is being mirrored a lot in the current state of affairs.

That, before even Saturn really kicks into Aquarius. Many of these measures are quite "inhuman", same as are many other things the enemy is trying to make. These are more tailor made for artificial aliens, rather than human beings. "Radical" change of the human being from something more free, to some form of mass borg, also relates to mass events of restricting the "humanness" of humanity. In particular, at the time where this Saturn will be on the 15th degree, the configurations are quite worrisome for personal freedoms, "human rights", including it's retrogrades and current stationing. The above constitutes a more "technological" dimension. See for example how many people are lost in machinery these days. Those in power who think of nefarious use of technology, love these types of people, as they constitute a demographic that can be completely controlled. Many people solely exist in Social Media these days. Imagine the control others who have Social media exact over them. This is only one example related to these planets. As time goes, many of these "Social media junkies" are becoming no different than drug addicts in more than one ways, and the Social Media become their dealers.

On a more linear situation, for those who don't understand what that means "in the real world", if "Martial Law" applies, your "Rights as an American" all go down the trash can. Meanwhile people will be scrolling infinitely through Facebook and they may not notice [might have headphones on], until of course they hear some real loud tank outside their house screaming that everyone should come and give their digital ID to the military, or something like that.

This has been the enemy's wet dream for a very long time, and the first fruits of this were the mass freedom restrictions of 1999-2001, during the Twin Towers situation, which was the Wet Dream of the jews. This opened all systems go for mass, global surveillance, "Global governance" and the gradual liquidation of governments worldwide. What is going on now is very likely to this situation.

The world was never the same after 1999-2001, despite of what bullshit people kept saying and repeating that "This is not a dangerous legislation", "This will only last a while until the so called Terror subsides", and all the rest of the nine yards. All it takes after this is passed is the consistent appearance of an going "Terrorism", and all of this stays in place. Likewise, we have the Co-VID situation.

Unlike real enemies, people can scarcely and not at all evaluate the existence of such "Threat", so they have to blindly trust those in power to tell them every of their next move. Due to the fact that this is a health crisis, it's a very sensitive and serious crisis at the same time, disabling criticism of it, and giving easy justification for any moves the enemy makes. As to their validity, this is hard to cross or to comprehend or to put in context, so it makes things easier for those who want, like the enemy, to try to make this an abused situation for their advantage.

Many politicians, who may not be "On board" with the general JWO agenda, likewise, only listen to others who may be corrupt, and tell them what measures are "Necessary". Not knowing how to evaluate the situation, they can't but act in how they are advised.

Quite a few Nations have already declared the so called Martial Law. Others are one step before doing that. All the so called "Free World" is now being quickly strangulated in the enemy's last ditch effort to consolidate their control. Given the extent of the gamble, the enemy risks losing everything now or facing a tragic situation that will derail their whole agenda until 2024. The planets work against them.

We have entered a dangerous phase of the enemy and everyone else included. The enemy is making global tests now to asses how much force the so called "NWO" global government can exact, how much people believe in them, how compliant people will be and so forth. This hasn't really been going very well for them.

Most people aren't as dumb as they hoped. Plus much of this is so blatant, that everyone questions why we have went to Orwell's society over what the MSM described as a flu.

In regards to the planets, this strongly applies until September 2020, in regards to restrictive measures, and returns with see-saw effects until 2021. Rest reassured this whole situation will drag on for months, and possibly, years. The enemy is forcing the stranglehold to impose things that they want through this whole situation. Much of this has been programmed in movies, theaters, predictions, ran in simulations by AI, and many other things.

Uranus in Taurus brings not only financial collapses [many times uncontrollable, perfect example being this one] but also the creation of new monetary and transaction systems, and wealth redistribution. This may be on the benefit of the common man, or not on his benefit - at all. Another manifestation, look how many people, businesses, etc, all got thrown in the gutter all of a sudden, without warning, and without any foreseeable situation. Suddenly, many of these people were in the gutter.

At the same time however, many others will be getting raises in pay, a better work position [due to others failing] so even in this situation, there are still positives. This pattern coincides completely with the ongoing planets.

Clearly, as it should be observable, the enemy tries to bail out themselves, and they will machinate their way through trying to make gains out of this situation, even-though they have suffered strong losses. The other way this ends is that by 2024, people will chase the enemy down in the streets after all the financial crimes they have done against them. Another manifestation could be the total hunger games scenario, which could likewise fall under the radical differences of Uranus applied on Aquarius, dealing with finances.

This situation is altered by a lot of planning for them. Or rather, to be accurate, the enemy knows that challenges are going to crop up for them, and an acceleration of their agenda is something they need to apply at the earliest possibility and not wait. Long story short all these planets indicate is nothing "specific" and nothing for one side, guaranteeing the success of either side. The situation is still hovering around on the sky. Due to the nature of the enemy, they are at a disadvantage against the energy of the current ongoing planets, but that's it.

For those who think that any specific planet means something specific for "our victory", this is only half the truth. Despite of what "we have won" on a higher level, what happens here, and what is going on, is a whole different situation.

See for example how the enemy has had the perfect planned excuse to pass in a matter of days laws, systems, and governmental schemes that destroyed overnight efforts and laws [such as privacy laws] that have existed for decades. These destruction of personal freedoms relate to Saturn in Aquarius, and this is only the beginning.

Another thing ruled by Aquarius is the Internet, which will definitely come under siege in the next years. As for the sweeping measures taken on the internet, this has already been manifesting in it's first forms since late 2015, because the enemy simply couldn't wait it out, to wait for the times. Rumors have been circulating around that the "Internet cannot take it and gets overloaded" and these are only excuses to essentially take down or restrain the internet. Internet restrictions are a mass thing in China. Internet equals information, and information equals change. This is why in all "Mainstream" platforms, everything questioning this situation has been totally purged.

The reality is that if people do not follow the advice of the Gods and the specific energies are projected through the RTR to take down what needs to be taken down, all the rest of the words and prophecies mean nothing. People sitting on their bums right now and not doing what we are instructed, will land this world directly into a global gulag. In regards to the plans of this, this is all on the table, and readily visible. Do you see how easily the enemy has wrestled many into submission, and where this is all going?

Weren't there opposition by the Gods and the means already deployed, I have no idea where this world would have been now. Probably the whole "Curfew" would never end, and the mass marching towards Globalist Jew World Order Communism may have already be implemented.

Left to it's own, nobody knows where this goes. Leaving it to it's own is a no-choice, as there is only damnation from there on. Not doing our part means we are letting the situation slide straight into the abyss. This cannot be allowed to happen at any cost.

You can see that the whole methods are applied regardless, as a software program running on reality. The enemy has their plan and they will try to follow it through, opinions, wishful thinking, and other things, do not matter. What matters is what we do in the end of the day spiritually. Decades from now is not today, nor one week from now, nor three months from now. And three months comes before 30 years.

We have prepared everyone before and related only truth about where this is going for a lot of time. Well, now that the situation escalates, the moves against humanity and freedom have intensified. It's now that we have to take this very seriously and do what we have to do, for humanity's future.

That is the reality of the situation. We have a responsibility to do the RTR's and what we have been instructed, to have the instructed outcome, which is the liberation and spiritual assistance of humanity through trying times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'm very glad you wrote this Cobra. Lately I'd been thinking about how I fear too many members probably don't understand the sheer severity of importance the RTR holds. Not doing the most that they can because they are too lax, there is no blatant pressure, "we're saved" or "the gods are protecting us", "what's the worst that can happen", "we got this in the bag."

No we aren't and no we don't.

Real results come from real effort, the only reason things haven't gone down the shitter is because there is real warfare being done to keep the enemy pushed back. We are being pushed against by the enemy every second of every day. If we suddenly stopped everything we're doing now, the enemy would have their way in just a small number of months.

None of this is 'fixing itself', we are the prime physical and spiritual means of combating the enemy on this Earth. If the gods were able to stop all of this and prevent it from happening completely don't you think our war with the enemy would be over by now? Don't you think we wouldn't need to even be doing RTRs like we do?

If you're someone who sits on your ass all day only contributing the bare minimum while other members are busting their asses hours a day with RTRs, I hope you feel proud of yourself when you say "I fought the enemy" when this is all over.
I have faith that if we all keep doing the Final RTR as much as we can the enemy will be destroyed, I've already seen many positive manifestations for us, Europe (at least in Italy I do not know elsewhere) have been exposed a lot here, there are many people's asking and screaming that Italy should get out of Europe. Even the most Europeists at the moment are saying that Europe did too many mistakes, they cannot hide it at all. Hopefully, everything will be alright!
In regards to the planets, this strongly applies until September 2020, in regards to restrictive measures, and returns with see-saw effects until 2021. Rest reassured this whole situation will drag on for months, and possibly, years. The enemy is forcing the stranglehold to impose things that they want through this whole situation. Much of this has been programmed in movies, theaters, predictions, ran in simulations by AI, and many other things.

Uranus in Taurus brings not only financial collapses [many times uncontrollable, perfect example being this one] but also the creation of new monetary and transaction systems, and wealth redistribution.

So the Enemy might be making even MORE restrictions that they have already done and that will continue possibly for YEARS?? :shock:

And yeah, if you're looking at the stock markets and finances of many countries around the world, this virus is SERIOUSLY hammering every countries finances, even to the point that this could seriously be a world-wide economic collapse.

And we'll get through it Brothers and Sisters! LIKE ALWAYS!! :evil: :evil:
Danke shön Mein HP. For the info, and guidance.

This situation has certainly created a lot of free time for people. USE IT. For those losing work hours or out of work all together, no excuses now. Rtrs are an absolute must as well as spiritual cleansing and protection.

As our HP said, without these rtrs and help from the gods this situation would be far worse and the jew take over would be far more eminent if not more or less already in effect. This means what we are doing is absolutely working, no matter how bad it looks. What we do is working.

It’s obvious to see how delicate things are now, and anyone who can’t be bothered for rtrs, you’re not just sealing your own doom, but all of us. Our collective numbers and fire power are needed more than ever, this is a severe crisis and our strength in numbers is a powerful thing to help us out of it. It’s terrible times and very scary for sure, but the reality is there IS certainly hope in this bad situation. It doesn’t have to be run for the hills. We can get out of it. It’s very possible and all it takes is vibrating some words. Couldn’t be easier. So get to it lads.
the enemy will be doing their cursing in April as well. we all need to be doing the Final RTR.
Well said HP. Considering you mentioned about Martial Law, it's definitely becoming a big thorn in people's side. For this who are affected the most. Alot of Americans are losing their jobs to this global scale destabilization. Strange enoi that the Jew controlled companies are still open compared to the nationwide companies that small or family owned. The Jewing is getting bit overrated. Alot of Texans here know something is up, and they aren't saying it's Trump. All they say is that the 'Establishment" or the 1% are the ones who hold they reins now. Trump is in a bind that he may find his way, or doesn't. Hopefully with our efforts of the Final RTR, we sway things more in our favor, although it's still up in the air for future events.
I will keep fighting not going to let this earth go down we are the resistance. I think now is the time to think of what happened with the greys and the fact that at the last moment they didn’t care at all and were mindlessly distracted. I think if 3 percent of them fought back like what we said we are even worse off than they were but not sure they had the rtr type thing either.

Just thinking I am really worried I hope it’s not the end at least I tried and so did many of us. That is what matters it’s life and death.

So don’t stop enjoying life if you like go out to a park or walk in nature or something get connected to the beauty of life do what you need to do in your day to day life but remember without fighting nothing else will matter we will all be dead. So use that as your motivation to do the rtr and any other rituals posted by the Hps if they are in the near future and do whatever opportunity comes to you to do against the enemy online with spreading information. I think we can do this. Don’t worry too much but be the resistance.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most people aren't as dumb as they hoped. Plus much of this is so blatant, that everyone questions why we have went to Orwell's society over what the MSM described as a flu.

It looks like the COVID-19 is a VERY POOR bio-weapon, as it's very unstable and it mutates very easily, which means that it's turning back into it's natural form of a flu-like infection very quickly. In fact, this already happened, companies and factories in China already resumed operations from last week, only operations in Hubei Province are still suspended.

Literally every disease (whether artificially created or not) mutates into a less deadly form and ultimately just vanishes. The mortality rate of every pandemic is higher in the first phase, and it goes MUCH lower over time. Also infected people always develop immunity, which is why the Netherlands, the UK and some other countries were aiming for so-called “herd immunity", which is the most reasonable, and effective solution. It is a historical fact that quarantine never worked and never could work.

Even now the COVID-19 mortality rate is very low, even lower than the seasonal flu. Even in Italy, where the Juden Presse constantly talks about how the COVID-19 took thousands of lives, they already officially admitted that 88% of the deaths attributed to the coronavirus were false. People who die in hospitals with the coronavirus were deemed to be dying of the coronavirus, without taking into consideration whether the covid-19 was the main cause of death, or some of the other major diseases which they have had besides the coronavirus.

"On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.”


In my opinion, the fact that the COVID-19 is probably the crappiest bio-weapon ever made is an enormous win for us.

The question is if people will wake up and realize that they are destroying the whole economy and want to take away all our rights OVER A GOD DAMN FLU FOR FUCK'S SAKE, or after a month or two, when the coronavirus just naturally vanishes, as every other seasonal flu, the joos and their puppets will stand in front of the cameras, and in their most dramatic voice and expressions will tell everyone: "We did it goys! We defeated the worst virus in human history" and all the idiots, left with no rights, and economically devastated, will applause... That's how they operate, they want to turn the world into 1984 and to make people thank them for it...
Good sermon HP Hoodedcobra666.

We must act now this our chance to take them down.
I do every day The RTR,s even when i,m sick (i,m healing from cov19) don,t worry i,m fine thank,s to the gods and my
meditations.So do the RTR,s they are important.

Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Duat.
Seems i've returned at a favorable time then. i'm recalling the "knife in the back" quote Maxine made 2010 ish. Although we've already won letting up now would be a grave mistake. The Same thing goes for Satanist who think doing the RTR's themselves don't matter because they think their insignificant or have "little" power,DO NOT BE FOOLISH.

This is YOUR time to be called to arms, don't let these LAB EXPERIMENTS, dictate what you can or can't do. It is our time to RISE above the common ILK, and earn our medals of Gold, Sliver and Bronze If your still so blind you cant see it. I will spell it out for you T H I S I S Y O U R L A S T C H A N C E. The light is closing to those who already know the way. Stop wallowing in sorrow and create something truly beautiful for yourself.

I would also like to mention that Aquarius is Satan's most influential Sign, For he signifies the advancement of us all, BUT i'm not suggesting we leave it to him, NO he has been bearing all of our burdens for soo long, Constantly going above and beyond to ensure we all get a fair chance at our Destiny we would NOT be here without him. NOW is the time To lift that weight off of him; To go above and beyond, and be everything he has wanted us to BE. Even if you think your already giving it 100% make at least some attempt to improve every week. Do this, further our WILL, push our victory ever Closer at an accelerating rate, so that the enemy's "predictions" become WORTHLESS!!!

Hail Satan

Hail Astaroth
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

My 2 RTRs for the day are done. Onward to victory.

It is not enough to say I believe but rather I FIGHT!!- Hitler
But the question remains, just HOW many Final RTRs should we all be doing a day? And WHAT exactly should we be doing as well?

This is a precarious situation no doubt, but how best can we destroy their JNWO before it is born and put in place our system (the 4th Reich), freeing Humanity?

This is quite the time, and now more than ever you HPs and HPS' are important in this. What are the Gods saying? And how best can each one of us rectify the situation? I assume we are way ahead of where we were estimated to be in time time line of events before retaking Earth.
We must make this swing our way, and we cannot allow the enemy to get more victories. The people must awaken and resist these measures of theirs, which is happening, but the reaction is very stifled and weak right now due to how obedient and submissive everyone has become in the face of this covid.

We as a whole need to do enough spiritual warfare to totally shift this situation and all future developments from it into our favor. Let us win this together.

A quote from the Joy of Satan (Original source, Ibid, page 23) to inspire everyone:

"Enlil [Beelzebub] is neither afraid nor stands in dread of an enemy. A battle undertaken by him is pursued with unrelenting vigor till it is carried to its victorious end-- with him there is no pardon nor retreat:
The hostile not subservient land- from that land thy breast thou dost not turn.
If his anger is once aroused, there is no one who could induce him to leave or cool off."

We must be like Enlil. Unrelenting in our pursuit of victory, and only become victorious. We need to fight completely without fear and weakness of any kind, let nothing stop us, and be convinced 666% of our victory without doubt.

As his anger is unabating once aroused, so must ours be.

Gentiles aren't angry enough at the present. As a result many are very submissive and obedient still, especially in the face of this current crisis, many people are accepting everything the governments are demanding of them, blindly, without question, and many have even become willing snitches to call authorities whenever any person goes against the extreme measures taken by their governments. I have read multiple instances of this happening, for example, people calling police because some kids were playing football in a private backyard of their parents during the quarantine, getting their parents in trouble for breaking quarantine, even though there was no logical risk of anything as these kids never even left their property and thus couldn't spread or gain any infection anywhere.

All the evils and other vile things committed against us by the enemy haven't yet been remembered in full by Gentiles, and the numbers of gentiles aware of the fact it is the disgusting, odieus jews who are behind every injustice against Gentile humanity, haven't reached a great enough number at this time.

The Gentile people get angry as they remember even just part of what has been committed unto them by the enemy, and the current reptilian laws and policies they wish to implement need to serve as the reminder for all gentiles, ourselves included. Rather than grief or fear, all gentiles need to be furious, their unbridled rage directed against the jews and their lackey's without fail.

A strong, unstoppable reaction against the enemy must happen, anger so abundant that no measures they take can stop it and everything they attempt to quell it only serves to fuel the fire.

All this injustice against our world by the enemy, has caused nigh limitless unanswered anger and grief to gentiles world wide, let the RTR open the proverbial flood gates for this anger to break loose and get answered 10 fold.

Remember as well Satanic brothers and sisters, our numbers might not be many compared to the hundreds of millions of xian, mudslime and otherwise drones giving energy to the jews mindlessly every day with their dumb, pathetic prayers, but our true enemy is the spiritual backbone of the jews, the rabbi's and the spiritual caste of the jew who use the torah, and specifically those who know fully how to use the torah, to direct these otherwise chaotic and unfocused energies. Compared to them, our number is enough to overcome them without difficulty, so long as all of us do our part and nobody slacks.


Their spiritual caste is being attacked by the material and ignorant jew as well, which is suppressing them too. At this rate they will lose a huge amount of their spiritual backbone, which will make our job much easier.

Without a spiritual caste the enemy is powerless. All their wealth and material power obtained will fall short and run out when their curses are broken, as they naturally lose their hold over the world in such a scenario. Their agenda petering out as they lose the means to fuel their fire.

On top of all that, the retarded drones aren't able to gather in churches either over this period, so the xians, muslims and others have been raising far less energy than they were before. There hasn't been a better time to do huge damage upon the enemy. During the greatest turmoil the largest victories can be made with proper work and efforts.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Just a few questions here: 1- if I mess up on an rtr or even meditation,will it still have an impact ?, 2-what is the perfect moon phase,rune and time for self-discipline and intelligence ? and if I'm not prepared, will happen to me ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Uranus in Taurus brings not only financial collapses [many times uncontrollable, perfect example being this one] but also the creation of new monetary and transaction systems, and wealth redistribution. This may be on the benefit of the common man, or not on his benefit - at all. Another manifestation, look how many people, businesses, etc, all got thrown in the gutter all of a sudden, without warning, and without any foreseeable situation. Suddenly, many of these people were in the gutter.
Most important part of the sermon. The rothschilds have been quite vocal about creating a new world monetary system with a one world currency . The procedure to do this according to them is riddle each country with so much debt that a brutal hyperinflation occurs. In that hyperinflation they would transfer all the wealth from the gentiles to themselves ,then do a system reset creating a new world currency and uniting the world. The last time this was attempted was a 100 years ago during the great depression. However the gentile leaders managed to take the world off the gold standard at that time and saved the world. Currently we do not have any gold standard and all we have us privately owned debt. The Jewish plan seems a lot easier now with their control in all major countries in the upper echelons. A 100 years ago, people like Hitler were able to rise during the hyperinflation and save the world.

Most people aren't strong enough to survive an extended pain period of hyperinflation. They are completely plugged in the Jewish media matrix. Once it all breaks down, most certainly everyone will coincide to attack the oppressors who caused the problems I e the central bankers who are mostly jews.

Currently the system is still holding on even with the enormous debts been burdened on it for financial stimulus for the coronavirus.

I suspect the jews created this virus to create an incentive to shut down the economy. If the economy is shut down, for people to survive the government's must provide and the way the governments can provide without tax is creating massive debt which could crash the economic system. This is most probably what the jews are hoping for. In a period of prolonged economic stagnation, hyperinflation is inevitable because the governments cannot take on new debt without tax indefinitely. This is why trump is trying to reopen the places where coronavirus hasn't hit hard because he knows once a prolonged economic stagnation period persists, in addition to millions becoming unemployed a hyperinflation could insue. This is a very important phase for humanity because the dollar is the world's reserve currency and if the US falls, the European union countries will start falling like dominoes. It is also important to note that gold prices have soared and Russia and China have in previously bought an almost unimaginable amount of gold reserves. Why were they prepared beforehand ? How did they know this was about to happen ? It is also important to note that Russia instigated the financial crisis by crashing oil prices after not adhering to global oil standards which made the Saudis pump oil into the markets . Russia said that it had reserves for years and were prepared for years of economic bloodbath. Why were they prepared ? Who told them to be prepared ? Why did Russia close the border at the beginning of the pandemic and the US didn't ? Why is Russia not affected despite being one of the coldest countries which theoretically would mean more infections and more deaths. Who in the US is sabotaging the virus response and dooming the entire world ?

We all know who's behind all of this.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most people aren't as dumb as they hoped. Plus much of this is so blatant, that everyone questions why we have went to Orwell's society over what the MSM described as a flu.

IMO the Co-VID19 is quite serious, beyond that what has been understood, and that aside, nobody knows exactly what is going to happen over with mutations. Also, my solidified opinion and I stand by it is that this is a Bio-weapon as it was shared previously, as more and more information proves this beyond a doubt. It cannot be understated.

Whomever says this came from a bat that later on came from an armadillo, which was later consumed by a Chinese farmer [WTF] has to be idiotic. Not even the scientific community and most doctors have bought this stupid story.

The MSM games tried to double cross the people saying it's just a flu so they would allow this to spread, then, when it did spread because of the above, they did the other cross over and they said it is the end of the world. Nor of these extremes are the case, but this is definitely something that should worry everyone. It's as you say in regards to the ranking of this bio-weapon.
Everyone has points of deep wisdom in the replies made, all these replies are really insightful, and everyone must read all these comments, and comment likewise along the lines.

We have scored too many victories to even mention in a very short amount of time, most of these cannot be stated, they are out there, they are too many to be made a list out of. At the same time the enemy has also been playing many of their big cards, so the situation requires the aforesaid measures.

We stay strong, do our part, and HAIL SATAN!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most people aren't as dumb as they hoped. Plus much of this is so blatant, that everyone questions why we have went to Orwell's society over what the MSM described as a flu.

IMO the Co-VID19 is quite serious, beyond that what has been understood, and that aside, nobody knows exactly what is going to happen over with mutations. Also, my solidified opinion and I stand by it is that this is a Bio-weapon as it was shared previously, as more and more information proves this beyond a doubt. It cannot be understated.

Whomever says this came from a bat that later on came from an armadillo, which was later consumed by a Chinese farmer [WTF] has to be idiotic. Not even the scientific community and most doctors have bought this stupid story.

The MSM games tried to double cross the people saying it's just a flu so they would allow this to spread, then, when it did spread because of the above, they did the other cross over and they said it is the end of the world. Nor of these extremes are the case, but this is definitely something that should worry everyone. It's as you say in regards to the ranking of this bio-weapon.

It's an introduction of war, a bio-weapon is founded by war. Covid-19 is a direct physical warfare tactic by the enemy. It's no nuke or storm of missiles but it is not dissimilar in it's purpose, and instead of targeting countries it is the whole of humanity, it is war on humanity. The virus is used in purpose to weaken humanity, to disturb the societal structure, upset our groundings and that is why it is so severely stressed by (((them))) in media and fake news, to create those very scenarios.

I mean picture you're an extra-terrestrial who wants to destroy or ruin an entire species residing on an entire planet, what do you do? You completely abolish their order, you weaken them as a whole species, the foundations of their entire home planet. If you ask me, the virus is dangerous, but it's nothing more than a distraction, a red herring to build up to something far worse and far more destructive. It's the same kind of method we did with our own workings in the past 2 decades in order to build up to the most destructive RTR.

But that is spiritual war. Physical war is far more different.
Poweredbythesun said:
But the question remains, just HOW many Final RTRs should we all be doing a day? And WHAT exactly should we be doing as well?

This is a precarious situation no doubt, but how best can we destroy their JNWO before it is born and put in place our system (the 4th Reich), freeing Humanity?

This is quite the time, and now more than ever you HPs and HPS' are important in this. What are the Gods saying? And how best can each one of us rectify the situation? I assume we are way ahead of where we were estimated to be in time time line of events before retaking Earth.
Follow your gut, remain open to the Gods' influences. Everyone is an individual and there is no 1 answer to these questions. Have a nagging feeling in the back of your mind to do another RTR? Do it. Etc. :)
Thanks for this HP Cobra. Onwards to do more RTR's :)

DragonWarrior666 said:
Good sermon HP Hoodedcobra666.

We must act now this our chance to take them down.
I do every day The RTR,s even when i,m sick (i,m healing from cov19) don,t worry i,m fine thank,s to the gods and my
meditations.So do the RTR,s they are important.

Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Duat.
Stay strong! Heal quickly :)

Bigot Boy said:
Have a nagging feeling in the back of your mind to do another RTR? Do it. Etc. :)
Exactly :)
I said it before, and I will mention it again, this situation with coronavirus has came in handy for testing the level of obedience in general population worldwide. State officials say “stay in homes”, people stay in homes. State officials say “no one on street during curfew hours”, and people listen. State officials say “we will spy on your phones for your own good” and people nod their heads.

This is just preparation for what is yet to come, according to (((their))) plans. We must stop them.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:


But that is spiritual war. Physical war is far more different.

It's my opinion that the enemy played the pandemic card due to the fact that the RTR stopped all their global war attempts. And yes you are right even after the pandemic there may be many repercussions and enemy attempts. Economic collapse (already here), more restrictions, possible wars/conflicts and maybe end times bullshit.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most people aren't as dumb as they hoped. Plus much of this is so blatant, that everyone questions why we have went to Orwell's society over what the MSM described as a flu.


I dont't think the covid19 should be treated lightly. The article does not justify why there are so many dead that military trucks have to take them away. Some don't even have places to burry.

It is clearly a heavy enemy attack and they are using it to impose severe restrictions but that does not invalidate the fact that covid19 can be dangerous. A 16 yo in France died. But we do not know all the variables of this story...
Ghost in the Machine said:
If you're someone who sits on your ass all day only contributing the bare minimum while other members are busting their asses hours a day with RTRs, I hope you feel proud of yourself when you say "I fought the enemy" when this is all over.
They did fight the enemy and I am grateful they did as much as they have. Some people can only do the bare minimum and the others who can do more should be motivated to do so rather than their efforts being dismissed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks for the enlightening details, this is very accurate. I once got sucked in to social media, too. It has been toxic, because my business was completely reliant on it. That’s how they suck people in. They sell it as something simple and create dependencies feeding off of necessities. This is how I feel they will try to attempt micro chipping everybody, through medical means or otherwise. Selling it as a cure or building a society that depends on these microchips.

The isolation that’s been happening lately is very pronounced, although this was coming on prior to the covid outbreak in my personal life. Saturn is transiting some very strong planets in my chart, along with Pluto aspecting some not so beneficial chart rulers, Saturn being once of them. The gods have warned me and prepared me as best as they can but unfortunately there are some things I won’t be able to prevent once again. There’s got to be a better way to combat this isolation, other than mainstream social media. I have contemplated a highly secured bare bones chat room. As someone that needs a social life, I don’t do well in complete isolation. I suffer a lot from this mentally due to ptsd from a kidnapping scenario and heavy isolation as a child, among the general nature of my personality. Quarantine is effecting many people negatively mentally right now, and the gods have been very helpful but there needs to be something done about this. People are suffering in many ways, so I’m trying to get creative. My friends have been throwing online concerts, I’ll continue to be involved in as many art projects as possible, and having some friends over for myself personally. I want to help create a solution to this for others, though. This is already sad and we’re just scratching the surface.
Azoun is correct. Everyone has a different bag to carry, and not everyone has the same back. There is no point to create universal measurements as no size fits all. Everyone must go in accordance to what they can and do what one can.

Azoun said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
If you're someone who sits on your ass all day only contributing the bare minimum while other members are busting their asses hours a day with RTRs, I hope you feel proud of yourself when you say "I fought the enemy" when this is all over.
They did fight the enemy and I am grateful they did as much as they have. Some people can only do the bare minimum and the others who can do more should be motivated to do so rather than their efforts being dismissed.
Larissa666 said:
I said it before, and I will mention it again, this situation with coronavirus has came in handy for testing the level of obedience in general population worldwide. State officials say “stay in homes”, people stay in homes. State officials say “no one on street during curfew hours”, and people listen. State officials say “we will spy on your phones for your own good” and people nod their heads.

This is just preparation for what is yet to come, according to (((their))) plans. We must stop them.

Limiting the go outs is necessary in such a situation as the virus is not a hoax it is real. But when they wanna attach a gps to my dick, impose mandatory vaccination and close businesses this is typical jewish bullshit communism.

As far as I know nobody really does believe the bat soup narrative anymore. I think in a few years the bubble will explode and (((those scumfucks))) will wish they weren't born.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Azoun is correct. Everyone has a different bag to carry, and not everyone has the same back. There is no point to create universal measurements as no size fits all. Everyone must go in accordance to what they can and do what one can.

Azoun said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
If you're someone who sits on your ass all day only contributing the bare minimum while other members are busting their asses hours a day with RTRs, I hope you feel proud of yourself when you say "I fought the enemy" when this is all over.
They did fight the enemy and I am grateful they did as much as they have. Some people can only do the bare minimum and the others who can do more should be motivated to do so rather than their efforts being dismissed.

I should've specified my context going towards those who can do more if even just one extra but choose not to because they'd rather play games 8 hours a day or other similar things.

I'm well aware that individuals actually do have limits both in energy and time and I apologize for not being more clear in my statement. I've said in many other previous posts on other threads for members not to push themselves beyond their limits and that even the RTR can prove exhaustive to ones spiritual efforts, so I definitely recognize it.
Regardless of how things go, know that the final victory will be ours. We must have faith in our Gods, we must take care of ourselves, and we must do our best for our spiritual progress and for this spiritual warfare. Always remember that we have our allies and friends our Eternal Gods, the most powerful and advanced living beings in the universe. Hail Satan!
EasternFireLion666 said:
Limiting the go outs is necessary in such a situation as the virus is not a hoax it is real. But when they wanna attach a gps to my dick, impose mandatory vaccination and close businesses this is typical jewish bullshit communism.

As far as I know nobody really does believe the bat soup narrative anymore. I think in a few years the bubble will explode and (((those scumfucks))) will wish they weren't born.

has been made necessary * by the fact they created the virus, as it's not normal. Still, some places are more humane and, understanding the importance of it for health purposes, they allow people to run and train outdoors, as long as they keep a decent distance and don't do so in bulk. My country is no such sensible place, unfortunately. That's what you get with chubby and fat people in the parliament and government.

The financial crisis has been hitting some people hard and supermarket assaults won't be long. The kikes just can't expect to close up almost every workplace without backing the people financially. That's why in my country they plan to implement even stricter measures like military drop points to collect food supplies. Who knows what sort of garbage will be included. White wheat, unsalted bread, white sugar, poor-quality water, low-quality supplements (like enervit), non-organic food and other poisons for sure.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Azoun is correct. Everyone has a different bag to carry, and not everyone has the same back. There is no point to create universal measurements as no size fits all. Everyone must go in accordance to what they can and do what one can.

Azoun said:
They did fight the enemy and I am grateful they did as much as they have. Some people can only do the bare minimum and the others who can do more should be motivated to do so rather than their efforts being dismissed.

I should've specified my context going towards those who can do more if even just one extra but choose not to because they'd rather play games 8 hours a day or other similar things.

I'm well aware that individuals actually do have limits both in energy and time and I apologize for not being more clear in my statement. I've said in many other previous posts on other threads for members not to push themselves beyond their limits and that even the RTR can prove exhaustive to ones spiritual efforts, so I definitely recognize it.

In past sermons I felt like I wasnt doing enough to even deserve it to call myself SS.. when we were rallied to do RTRs.. even though I did 1-2 daily...

All I can say right now is that we still have SS that have to go to work. SS that have a family to take care of multiple hours a day. They do not have the free time or luxury to spam as much as they can.

Are they any less?
EasternFireLion666 said:
(((those scumfucks))) will wish they weren't born.

Don´t equate them with my culture. The scumfucks stand against pc and are racialy aware. They will also be erased if the one nation has its way. Sextupled my RTR amount today, did my part.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Azoun is correct. Everyone has a different bag to carry, and not everyone has the same back. There is no point to create universal measurements as no size fits all. Everyone must go in accordance to what they can and do what one can.

Azoun said:
They did fight the enemy and I am grateful they did as much as they have. Some people can only do the bare minimum and the others who can do more should be motivated to do so rather than their efforts being dismissed.

I should've specified my context going towards those who can do more if even just one extra but choose not to because they'd rather play games 8 hours a day or other similar things.

I'm well aware that individuals actually do have limits both in energy and time and I apologize for not being more clear in my statement. I've said in many other previous posts on other threads for members not to push themselves beyond their limits and that even the RTR can prove exhaustive to ones spiritual efforts, so I definitely recognize it.

for sure u got to max out how many RTR's u do, i did 5 two days in a roll all back to back and i can say that its too much for me personally (my throat ended up getting a bit sore), even though i have the time.

i would love to do raum meditations all day if i could as well but its not plausible, i would get burnt out and hate it, same with RTR.
Hola escribo esto con la intención de recibir ayuda.
Me siento perdido y confundido con todo lo que está pasando y más con todo lo que leo acerca de conspiraciónes y cosas por el estilo como la tierra es plana y cosas así, he estado leyendo predicciones y dicen que en año muy muy lejano todo se extinguirá y leer todo esto me está asustando mucho, ya no se que pensar ni en quien creer. Leo acerca de que nos envenenan a través del agua, aire, comida etc. Cosas como lo que dijo Michael Jackson en una de sus entrevistas de que toda la historia es falsa y que hay personas que controlan todo. Cosas como el proyecto Blue Beam que habla sobre que la tecnología humana está tan avanzada que puede hacer que aparezcan imágenes "religiosas" en el cielo y que las personas creerán en estás imagenes y me pongo a pensar si es posible todo esto. De que alguna vez nos extingamos completamente. ¿Y si el Satanismo Espiritual es una farsa?. ¿Y si realmente todo esto es una completa mentira?. ¿Matrix?. Todo esto me está haciendo asustar mucho y quizás les parezca muy gracioso esto pero quiero decirles que todo lo que digo me está pasando y tengo mucho miedo. Hablo de esto temas con ustedes buscando alguna ayuda y respuestas. Espero que me puedan ayudar. Cabe aclarar que en ningún momento quiero difamarlos o insultarlos de ninguna manera. Hice mi pacto hace aproximadamente un año (por si se lo preguntan). Muchísimas gracias a todos. Quiero mandar un gran saludo a la Suma Sacerdotisa Maxine Dietrich quien fue mi motivación desde el principio de esto ya que me enteré de esto por el PDF "Demonios los Dioses del Infierno" y me gustaba leer como relataba sus experiencias con los Dioses*Demonios. Espero con muchísimas ansías sus mensajes con la ayuda que necesito. ❤️❤️
I've received an unusual amount of signs that the gods really want the RTRs done as much as possible now.

For instance, yesterday (Saturday), both my parents were home and I often can't do any Final RTRs on those days. However, late last night I was building an electronic circuit, and my multimeter suddenly read 0.666 volts. At that instant, I realized that both my parents were napping and it was the perfect time to go outside and do an RTR! I wouldn't have thought of it without that perfectly-timed appearance of 666. :D
I dont think you should apologize Ghost, i mean your words were mostly directed to like you said, Satanists that don't participate very often, have VAST amounts of time and KNOW they can do more. There will always be misunderstanding we are only human after all. those who do NOT meditate AT ALL are hanging by a thread and those who actually care that again HAVE THE TIME, WILL receive a Metaphorical SLAP in the face... as i have :? But your words have reached me brothers and sisters, :D :D I will not Fall again this time i will make sure of it.

Last night i unconsciously drew the rune nauthiz on my day planner, i took this as sign and contacted Furcas to ask when exactly would be the best time to Start a new working. He told me the 2nd or 7th would be good, But the 7th would be exceptionally powerful IF i enter into a Contract with a Daemon. Long story short a Daemon offered and i would be FOOLISH to decline. I believe all those who think their own will MAY waver in the coming hardship should do the same, we CANNOT let this happen on the hour of our return. :twisted:

so here is what i'm thinking
- Nauthiz x 80-160
- Sowilo x 80-160
You can do less if you desire less if you desire like 48 S and 50 N or even 32- 30, BUT this is PERSONAL and the previous numbers work best, and like i said i want this to last, and truly hard times ARE COMING. Trouble is i'm having difficulty thinking of an Affirmation. any and all ideas would be greatly appreciated. Lend me your strength my strong and glorious family so that i may sprint towards my Goals and join you all in the Hall of Kings and sit with you at our council of Gods!!

Hail Satan!!
Hail Astaroth!!
Just thought I could give others more motivation to do the RTR......

Here's more proof the jews are trying to condition us to accept brainchips and having our consciousness uploaded into a central computer.

The upcoming (may 1) TV series "Upload" is their next attempt to normalize it, by using comedy and emotion. The American trailer already has over 18 million views. The message seems to be:

"well goy, if you already know you are going to die at some point, you might as well upload your consciousness to a computer to be able to live forever in a happy computer paradise that others from the outside can manipulate and add microtransactio- I mean, a happy paradise without limitations!"

The director is Jeffrey Blitz, a jew, who is well known for a very popular series, The Office. People I've met throughout the country could not stop regurgitating quotes from the series, and when the millions find out about his next series, they will likely herd like willful mind-slaves to this. There's already support for it on the comments section

The year it's set in is 2033.... In case if anyone has forgotten, NEURALINK was set to conduct a human trial THIS YEAR!! Based on that, it isn't far-fetched to say that this is another one of their self-fulfilling prophecies being waved in front of our faces!!

If any newbies on this forum haven't yet started doing RTRs, understand the severity of the situation, and start fighting back!


JUST AS THEY DID WITH THE GREYS, they are trying to do to US!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
