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What putin's speeches reveal to us


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017

Those of you who understand the method of a good liar and a good manipulator, know that the best lie is one that is mixed in with vestiges of truth as to make it more believable.

His latest speech is full of half-truths, such as the fact that the west is being destroyed from within, but funnily never really mentions where that rot originates from, or the racial group that is the dominant majority of the elite which he blames for destroying the west.

Let's address what little complete truth is in Putin's words, that of the "nazi" problem in Ukraine, these Azov boys, which is very real, actually. Before this bullshit war occurred, there had been some moaning and bitching about an ultra nationalist movement growing in Ukraine. To my understanding, as early as 2014 Putin had been bitching about this movement finding itself integrated into the national guard, which catapulted their power and influence over the population.

And I find it curious that the jew Putin openly states that the annihilation of this movement is the reason for this war, and clearly this is all orchestrated by himself and this other jew from Ukraine whose name I don't even know. Zeleny? Fucking whatever.

The point is this kike is going to moan for hours about how he's upset that the west is this or that, and that he must "protect russia" meanwhile the real reason (as he states himself) for this war is to stamp out a nationalist movement that was brewing in a neighboring nation. This is just another case of the jews whistling to one of their golems to attack anything that is a threat to them.

Let's be real here, the worst thing that can happen to the jews is a true, nazi inspired nationalist state blooming in the modern world. Because their existence alone would be evidence that a nation can prosper under such administration and systems, and proves that the nationalist mindset is the key to a nation's prosperity and success.

After this threat to the jews has been eradicated, things will slowly begin to boil down and fade away, until the next big scandal comes up, either another pandemic or some other bullshit conflict somewhere etc.

Meanwhile of course, jews take the opportunity to move around billions of dollars from the U.S taxpayer's pockets and into their accounts as usual.

Make no mistake, the only full truth that putin speaks in his speeches, is that all of this is to stamp out a nation whose population were becoming nationalistic and was perhaps going to bloom in the future, as the seeds for this had seemingly been planted and were taking root.
Ukraine before the war was probably the most NS-friendly nation on the planet with big names even in culture endorsing NS. [Of course, Azov was unfortunately co-opted in being financed by some jew energy magnate, Obama, the corpse-in-chief and his crack addict son, and told to do things like kill Greeks which was completely useless.]

Another thing is that large parts of Eastern Ukraine are being deliberately settled with Muslims by Russia, many of whom are non-White.


This is a reversal of the Soviet policy to punish groups like the Tatars for being pro-NS by exterminating them, but same method.

In Russia many people have been jailed for years, even decades, for 'spreading ethnic hatred' or 'denying the Holocaust'. If people think it's so different from here because they banned drag queens or something, this is an illusion.

Anyone can see from jewgins 'philosophy' of Whiteness needing extermination with Russia being saved from the pyre by its amount of Eurasian blood and from Putin's speech that the real intent of this war on both sides is 'denazification'.
Azov is jewish owned, I don't know about other parties. Another matter of fact is that just as war erupted, the kike zelensky promulgated a law which made antisemitism illegal. This war isn't about any idiot (((nationalistic))) group, but it was planned years ago and it's nothing more than a way to kill off Gentiles and keep on the brotherly hate between slavic people.
The Azov battalion is Jewish from top to botton and this has been proven by many people now.

What we are currently witnessing is a concrete manifestation of their unrelenting pursuit of global domination, and it should not catch anyone off-guard, as their scheme has been in the making for an extensive period of time.

This means we now have to intensify our endeavors and fight even harder to prevent this from ever attaining full fruition.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - Protocol no.7
"Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords and hostility. Therein we gain a double advantage. In the first place we keep in check all countries, for they will know that we have the power whenever we like to create disorders or to restore order. All these countries are accustomed to see in us an indispensable force of coercion. In the second place, by our intrigues we shall tangle up all the threads which we have stretched into the cabinets of all States by means of the political, by economic treaties, or loan obligations. In order to succeed in this we must use great cunning and penetration during negotiations and agreements, but, as regards what is called the "official language," we shall keep to the opposite tactics and assume the mask of honesty and complacency. In this way the peoples and governments of the GOYIM, whom we have taught to look only at the outside whatever we present to their notice, will still continue to accept us as the benefactors and saviours of the human race.

We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.

The principal factor of success in the political is the secrecy of its undertakings: the word should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat.

We must compel the governments of the GOYIM to take action in the direction favored by our widely conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly promoted by us through the means of that so-called "Great Power" - THE PRESS, WHICH, WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS THAT MAY BE DISREGARDED, IS ALREADY ENTIRELY IN OUR HANDS.

In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of the goyim in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan."
Karnonnos said:
Anyone can see from jewgins 'philosophy' of Whiteness needing extermination with Russia being saved from the pyre by its amount of Eurasian blood and from Putin's speech that the real intent of this war on both sides is 'denazification'.

I noticed last year the big action Russia did was move to a metal economy i.e. Gold-Standard. And the sanctions never worked IF anything it Nationalized Russia rather than Globalized it and hardened it's economy. And China is buying stuff for Russia and literally telling people we send stuff to them. The very same Globalist that play both sides against the middle are effectively using their Globalism to reverse Russia back to National Economics.

On top of that MANY companies have been returning operations in Russia as they are taking a hit in finances, like Microsoft. So in essence Russia is being Nationalized, Autarky; in essence Russia like I said is becoming more independent and breaking free from the Liberal World Order.

But is Russia trying to head into NazBol? National Bolshevism. Neo-Soviet Union; Communist philosophy with National Socialist Economy.

Even China isn't truly Marxist and has grafted what is incorrectly called Authoritarian Capitalism into Totalitarian Capitalism as the Marxist principles lie in total economic control and better with planned economic properties. An Authoritarian Capitalism would be something like HistoryReviewed on Bitchute incorrectly calling Hitler's Socialist economic policy as Controlled Capitalism.

I prefer calling it Regulated Capitalism like Tim Pool said in 2022, "I'm not big on Laisse Faire Capitalism and agree there needs to be regulation and accountability of the Environment".

But it's interesting China uses it's Marxist wordplay to change the name. America could be a Authoritarian Capitalist or Controlled Capitalist system and perform better regulations rather than allowing private companies to be richer and more powerful than the Government and allow themselves to monopolize everything into a single entity to control the means of wealth and act as a middle man making money from money i.e. berging and steining just for shits and giggles.

Gottfried Feder isn't a big fan of people amassing money and rather people spend the money on buying wealth and improving their lives. If you have an average of the masses 25-30,000 dollars in the bank using some of the money for improving your health or eating better would make Feder agree. But amassing billions for some dupe like George Soros to bowling ball your nation into asleep judeo-bolshevism to lull the goyim back into their slumber to avoid a boo boo on the chosens muh feels is an insane thing for Feder.

Even HP.Cobra's articles on using your wealth and money to improve the Civilization/Nation/Self/Family/Community is something Feder would agree with. Look at Trump yeah I know, I know he might be a kike or he is xtian or whatever. But I respect the guy he moves his money and helps himself and his people and his companies and all the people that interact with him. For all the wanting of a better Government than the Republicucks and Democraps; at least Trump has his shit straight and wants everyone to have the American Reality.

Germany's system according to Terramare translation company translating the booklet; The German Institute of Business Handbook. German economic doctrine is called "Directing Economy". Not quite 100% planned economy but not quite 100% free market.

Makes sense a middle ground. Instead of building 80,000tons of toilet paper power bombing things. You find out a country needs 35,000tons your government requests a build up of 38,000 tons. But not a planned amount like Marxism of 30,000tons for the year and if more is needed fuck them. Or pure free market make 60-80-100,000 tons and just make it for the hell of it and sell and make money and just make it to berg and stein.

Russia is a beast. Russia mines and processes 6% of the Aluminum in the Global Market. Russia and Eastern Europe got hit hard with Communism ruining them taking them back decades. Look at Lithuania their population was so massacred they didn't return to their pre-Holomdor massacre till 2013 by now a few million more. But that population the Baltics should have been bigger and lets not forget the stupid xtian murders of people through Inquisition and other senseless bullshit.

But I can easily see Duginism applied i.e. NazBol or as the Simpsons episode. Wolfbane is fighting CommieNazis.

Communist Nazis; Hammer and Sickle merged with the Swastika. Economic Nazism with Political Communism.

In fact I can see a lot of Xtians and Commies who understand the situation actually fall into the dupism. Like Marilyn Manson sings in Beautiful People: "The weak devour the strong".

The total opposite of reality. That is why Humanity sucks so much it tends to the bottom lowest common denominator.

Sheer fact is like Styxhexenhammer666 states. The war is going to continue for a few years it's not gonna spill through hundreds of thousands have already been killed, millions displaced, millions more on the chopping block as war casualties and the war will be discussed for peace i.e. one side or both will sue for peace. And it'll grind to a halt.

Even the Russians in Russia itself are war weary and everyone is war weary. Hopefully this war is a lesson to everyone that the enemy shouldn't have an iota, an infinitesimal amount of power. Because slowly the termite will try to bring the house down with you. Slow and steady goyshkopfation processes to the Tziddikim.

Hopefully as the World gets more interconnected people learn their lesson. Like HP.Cobra's Age of Aquarius sermon. In the future Gods are going to look at people as they pass away and ask, "If you have the internet why not research Yoga or Chakras or study the soul."

I bet most will go that is ebil and debil like the ChatGPT Bing pre-search results. Is Yoga Evil, Is Yoga Demonic, Is Yoga done by xtians, etc.etc. so the enemy has done a good job and the people of being subverted into believing non-sense some desert schizophrenics invented.

Hey I got a great idea lets just label everything good bad and everything bad good. - Goysheeber said a few thousand years ago.

Anyways I don't think this war is going to either doom and gloom the planet. Certainly Ukro-Russia is going to be fucked over for years to come it's going to take years if not decades to repair the damage. Plus Russia is fighting with one hand tied behind it's back the Red Dragon is playing with Ukraine.

Like Tim Pool goes any nuclear exchanges expect it to be tactical nuclear artillery or small nuclear bombs of around 100-150kilotons. I wouldn't even be surprised if Nuclear devices have already been used.

This war is stupid and I wouldn't be surprised if Hitler would have pulled off a Czech Republic/Slovak Republic as Dr. Ferdinand Jurdansky said, "Split Czech and Slovak into separate republics you keep the Sudeten." Hitler, "After the war". Funny Hitler did take land from Moldova and Slovenia; Carpathian territories for Hungary and Bulgaria(If I recall).

Anyways Hitler would have fixed the European landscape 60 years earlier and Czech and Slovak plus others would have more than happily accepted it. Like Hitler states, "If a nation wants National Socialism give them all the information and tools needed. If they want to remain a Democracy that is up to them."

Imagine Hitler convening with Russia and Ukraine and making a separate territory of Ukraine. Call it Stroboslavia, Ukraine-Russian-German tripartite zone a walk way for Russia to go to the Black Sea same for Ukraine same for Germany and have a mutual agreement to allow all three nations the Crimean territory. So that Germany, Ukraine, and Russia cooperate the territories and any nation wanting to train or deliver goods can use the Black Sea ports for Ukraine and Russia.

Anyways people don't study their history. As George Orwell and Kane from Command and Conquer state, "He who controls the Past, commands the Future. He who controls the Future, commands the Present".

The Eight of time, the Hitler technology. If this time technology of Orwell is an 8 and also exists another 8 to make it 88 one above and one below like an Astarte technology it be the HH or the Hail Hitler technology. The Orwellian-Eight technology of literary genius.

But people want to watch the World burn as The Joker states. As Marilyn Manson states, "They can't see the forest nor the trees and they can't smell their own shit on their knees."

No one gives a shit about Ukraine or Russia or any of these fucks going there. It's a war as Hitler put it in WW1, We kicked the asses of the allies for the economic benefactors and yet the allies stated freedom!, Liberty!, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness!, for Peace!, for a better Europe!

While the Germans laughed and mocked them stating we are improving the economy of Europe.

As Hitler put it, "People fight for Ideas not material things."

One nuclear strike on Kiev and the entire Ukrainian military collapses it'll end the war immediately. These fools are fighting not for ideas but for improving Zelensky's trap is working perfectly well dupe them into fighting for the EU and NATO.

Ukraine = Duped into fighting for the almighty shekel rather than the All mighty Idea.
One theory I have heard, just to speculate, is that (((Zelensky))) is deliberately using the "far-right" militia groups as cannon fodder, sending them into operations with a high death rate. That way, the government wins some tough battles in the war, and the size of the militias are significantly reduced (so Zelensky doesn't have to worry as much about being overthrown by them later).

The goyim do the hard work on both sides and suffer the real losses, the (((oligarchs))) on both sides use them to profit. Standard operating procedure, just tweaked for active wartime.
Aquarius said:
Azov is jewish owned, I don't know about other parties. Another matter of fact is that just as war erupted, the kike zelensky promulgated a law which made antisemitism illegal. This war isn't about any idiot (((nationalistic))) group, but it was planned years ago and it's nothing more than a way to kill off Gentiles and keep on the brotherly hate between slavic people.

I don't think kikes would risk a nuclear war just to kill gentiles, they basically have turned palestine into a sacrificial ground where gentiles are bred only to be slaughtered for sport and to power their rituals.

They already have places where they freely kidnap and slaughter gentiles at their leisure, if all they wanted to do is kill a bunch of people they already do this elsewhere without any issues or risks.

I do think this Azov group has jewish tendrils wrapped around them but if at it's foundation they are nationalistic this is a threat to the jews. A militia with nationalist values being officially recognized and funded by the state is a serious threat to the kikes.

The interesting thing is that "nazism" is only a threat to the jews and nobody else. And it's interesting how they instigate and start wars over the smallest whiff that such movements are gaining ground anywhere.

How long until gentiles start to question if they should be going to war with one another over something that is only a threat to the jews.
Dahaarkan said:
Aquarius said:
Azov is jewish owned, I don't know about other parties. Another matter of fact is that just as war erupted, the kike zelensky promulgated a law which made antisemitism illegal. This war isn't about any idiot (((nationalistic))) group, but it was planned years ago and it's nothing more than a way to kill off Gentiles and keep on the brotherly hate between slavic people.

I don't think kikes would risk a nuclear war just to kill gentiles, they basically have turned palestine into a sacrificial ground where gentiles are bred only to be slaughtered for sport and to power their rituals.

They already have places where they freely kidnap and slaughter gentiles at their leisure, if all they wanted to do is kill a bunch of people they already do this elsewhere without any issues or risks.

I do think this Azov group has jewish tendrils wrapped around them but if at it's foundation they are nationalistic this is a threat to the jews. A militia with nationalist values being officially recognized and funded by the state is a serious threat to the kikes.

The interesting thing is that "nazism" is only a threat to the jews and nobody else. And it's interesting how they instigate and start wars over the smallest whiff that such movements are gaining ground anywhere.

How long until gentiles start to question if they should be going to war with one another over something that is only a threat to the jews.
It's no threat to the kikes, their leaders are openly kikes and they hail zelensky who is a jew, it's a clown show and no threat at all. They still fight for him and he literally set antisemitism laws.
Aquarius said:
Dahaarkan said:
Aquarius said:
Azov is jewish owned, I don't know about other parties. Another matter of fact is that just as war erupted, the kike zelensky promulgated a law which made antisemitism illegal. This war isn't about any idiot (((nationalistic))) group, but it was planned years ago and it's nothing more than a way to kill off Gentiles and keep on the brotherly hate between slavic people.

I don't think kikes would risk a nuclear war just to kill gentiles, they basically have turned palestine into a sacrificial ground where gentiles are bred only to be slaughtered for sport and to power their rituals.

They already have places where they freely kidnap and slaughter gentiles at their leisure, if all they wanted to do is kill a bunch of people they already do this elsewhere without any issues or risks.

I do think this Azov group has jewish tendrils wrapped around them but if at it's foundation they are nationalistic this is a threat to the jews. A militia with nationalist values being officially recognized and funded by the state is a serious threat to the kikes.

The interesting thing is that "nazism" is only a threat to the jews and nobody else. And it's interesting how they instigate and start wars over the smallest whiff that such movements are gaining ground anywhere.

How long until gentiles start to question if they should be going to war with one another over something that is only a threat to the jews.
It's no threat to the kikes, their leaders are openly kikes and they hail zelensky who is a jew, it's a clown show and no threat at all. They still fight for him and he literally set antisemitism laws.

They always set up fake opposition to whine about, too. Everything is just a performance to them; a show of illusions. They've planned and rehearsed for every possible reaction from the "goyim." Spiritual action is the only effective weapon against them, just like how the Egyptians once took them out which the kikes still kvetch and rage about thousands of years later.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
