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Views on segregation?


New member
Dec 27, 2022
I've seen a few people on here share the idea of keeping continents and countries single race and not letting any race corrupt another's homeland. Im not sure if this is the opinion of the wide community but i do believe this to a degree. I think racial segregation is very beneficial in cases, but i also want anyone of any race to be able to live wherever in the world they want, as long as they arent criminal.

I wanted to ask, what are your guys opinion on racial segregation?
That it's great and necessary. Blacks shouldn't live among Whites and viceversa, other than a very very small minority which has its use.
Aquarius said:
other than a very very small minority which has its use.

What do you mean?
Blizzard_Owl said:

The main concern is avoiding interracial births, or other inappropriate relationships of this nature. The next concern is avoiding a situation where one people is hurting the self-sufficiency of another, like in some sort of unequal partnership or worse.

No, we don't have to prevent all movement between countries, but everyone would need to have a proper respect of race and community for closer associations to take place in a successful manner.
I agree, segregation needs to come back. If you take a look back to the time of Jim Crow laws you’ll see that blacks had their own businesses, their own space, had nuclear families and were generally much more content than now. That is if you know how to read between the lines and see past all the propaganda of the enemy.
Aquarius said:
AFODO said:
Aquarius said:
other than a very very small minority which has its use.

What do you mean?
Ethnic restaurants, diplomats, highly specialized people.
Study, research, co-operation on multiple fields and so on.
Aquarius said:
That it's great and necessary. Blacks shouldn't live among Whites and viceversa, other than a very very small minority which has its use.

Yooo brother that is racism , I don't understand you why shouldn't black and white live together
blackwizard said:
Aquarius said:
That it's great and necessary. Blacks shouldn't live among Whites and viceversa, other than a very very small minority which has its use.
Yooo brother that is racism , I don't understand you why shouldn't black and white live together
Yooo brother, that is common sense. It would lead to more social cohesion, among other benefits.
blackwizard said:
Aquarius said:
That it's great and necessary. Blacks shouldn't live among Whites and viceversa, other than a very very small minority which has its use.

Yooo brother that is racism , I don't understand you why shouldn't black and white live together

Question, friend, why do you "want" to live among whites?

I say this with complete respect to you, but I do not want blacks living in the same proximity as whites. The racial relationship is not equal on a collective level. I notice that most races will piggy back off of whites and then get upset when we want our space. (Especially in the West)

There are, of course, exceptions to the individual of any race. However, in order for a race to flourish independently, they need to be given the chance to do so.

You dont need us as much as you unconsciously think.
A lot of people don't have the willpower or determination or foresight to fend for themselves and their own people. That's why they want to live together, because its easier. It's like you said, "piggybacking," they don't understand that hard work has to be done for a society to thrive and that people have to do it. Somebody, somewhere has to pave the way for great things. Everything has to be put in order - we are all accountable for the world we live in. It's a slave mentality to pass that burden of accountability off onto another person, group or entity, such as a government. Its a weak mindset that creates an opening, a window of opportunity for inequality and imbalance and for some groups to dominate others.
GoldenxChild1 said:
blackwizard said:
Aquarius said:
That it's great and necessary. Blacks shouldn't live among Whites and viceversa, other than a very very small minority which has its use.

Yooo brother that is racism , I don't understand you why shouldn't black and white live together

Question, friend, why do you "want" to live among whites?

I say this with complete respect to you, but I do not want blacks living in the same proximity as whites. The racial relationship is not equal on a collective level. I notice that most races will piggy back off of whites and then get upset when we want our space. (Especially in the West)

There are, of course, exceptions to the individual of any race. However, in order for a race to flourish independently, they need to be given the chance to do so.

You dont need us as much as you unconsciously think.

First of all I am white I have very white skin dark blonde hair and dark green eyes, I understand that you think I am black because of my username I am very good in black magic and black is my favorite color.

Anyway back to the subject you should look at Ancient Egypt black and white live together and this is fact, black wasn't slaves they was equal to white in everything.

Look at our gods and you will recognize that white gods and black gods collaborate in all levels not separated.

It's a big hoax that black or asian are less than white

Also nation like USA have advantage in Diversity because I think every race have features, putting the efforts of many races in a work certain powerful it (US army for example)

I totally understand that race mixing is a sin, but WTF segregation this is insanity oh god
blackwizard said:
First of all I am white I have very white skin dark blonde hair and dark green eyes, I understand that you think I am black because of my username I am very good in black magic and black is my favorite color.

Anyway back to the subject you should look at Ancient Egypt black and white live together and this is fact, black wasn't slaves they was equal to white in everything.

Look at our gods and you will recognize that white gods and black gods collaborate in all levels not separated.

It's a big hoax that black or asian are less than white

Also nation like USA have advantage in Diversity because I think every race have features, putting the efforts of many races in a work certain powerful it (US army for example)

I totally understand that race mixing is a sin, but WTF segregation this is insanity oh god

Races living together in itself is race mixing. Also, races live together will ALWAYS end up in racial conflicts, and "racism".
Jews are deporting millions of people from Islamic territories to Europe to make TOTAL chaos and to completely wipe out the whit population.

Segregation is NOT racism and it is NOT hate, or hateful.

Egyptians were completely whites, and they have trade with blacks, but did not live together. They were "teaming" as races should do.
blackwizard said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
blackwizard said:
Yooo brother that is racism , I don't understand you why shouldn't black and white live together

Question, friend, why do you "want" to live among whites?

I say this with complete respect to you, but I do not want blacks living in the same proximity as whites. The racial relationship is not equal on a collective level. I notice that most races will piggy back off of whites and then get upset when we want our space. (Especially in the West)

There are, of course, exceptions to the individual of any race. However, in order for a race to flourish independently, they need to be given the chance to do so.

You dont need us as much as you unconsciously think.

First of all I am white I have very white skin dark blonde hair and dark green eyes, I understand that you think I am black because of my username I am very good in black magic and black is my favorite color.

Anyway back to the subject you should look at Ancient Egypt black and white live together and this is fact, black wasn't slaves they was equal to white in everything.

Look at our gods and you will recognize that white gods and black gods collaborate in all levels not separated.

It's a big hoax that black or asian are less than white

Also nation like USA have advantage in Diversity because I think every race have features, putting the efforts of many races in a work certain powerful it (US army for example)

I totally understand that race mixing is a sin, but WTF segregation this is insanity oh god

In Ancient Egypt they were "still" segregated by caste. An adaptation to the situation of proximity, which is not what we are doing now. I never said the darker skinned Gods didn't collaborate; however, they are racially separate and most likely segregated.

I disagree with you. There are no advantages to multicultural societies. Money is the only glue. All the civilizations of the past that were of a supreme excellence were racially hygienic, both genetically and socially.

You seem to have a sympathy for the darker races and that is all good, but don't forget that you, if you are in fact white, are widely disliked by most other races because of the Jewish manipulation of today. In order to correct this, a return to normal ethnic nationality is needed.

Have you had a chance to read about what National Socialism is? I encourage you to educate yourself, you can go to satanslibrary.org to do so.
blackwizard said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
blackwizard said:
Yooo brother that is racism , I don't understand you why shouldn't black and white live together

Question, friend, why do you "want" to live among whites?

I say this with complete respect to you, but I do not want blacks living in the same proximity as whites. The racial relationship is not equal on a collective level. I notice that most races will piggy back off of whites and then get upset when we want our space. (Especially in the West)

There are, of course, exceptions to the individual of any race. However, in order for a race to flourish independently, they need to be given the chance to do so.

You dont need us as much as you unconsciously think.

First of all I am white I have very white skin dark blonde hair and dark green eyes, I understand that you think I am black because of my username I am very good in black magic and black is my favorite color.

Anyway back to the subject you should look at Ancient Egypt black and white live together and this is fact, black wasn't slaves they was equal to white in everything.

Look at our gods and you will recognize that white gods and black gods collaborate in all levels not separated.

It's a big hoax that black or asian are less than white

Also nation like USA have advantage in Diversity because I think every race have features, putting the efforts of many races in a work certain powerful it (US army for example)

I totally understand that race mixing is a sin, but WTF segregation this is insanity oh god
You're wrong, ancient Egypt wasn't multicultural, it was an all White country. The blacks came after numerous invasions, and they weren't black but arabs.
The Usa has literally no advantage to have blacks in it, it's a total mess because of them and there are many dangerous places just because of them.

And I don't know of any black God(for now).
Aquarius said:
blackwizard said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Question, friend, why do you "want" to live among whites?

I say this with complete respect to you, but I do not want blacks living in the same proximity as whites. The racial relationship is not equal on a collective level. I notice that most races will piggy back off of whites and then get upset when we want our space. (Especially in the West)

There are, of course, exceptions to the individual of any race. However, in order for a race to flourish independently, they need to be given the chance to do so.

You dont need us as much as you unconsciously think.

First of all I am white I have very white skin dark blonde hair and dark green eyes, I understand that you think I am black because of my username I am very good in black magic and black is my favorite color.

Anyway back to the subject you should look at Ancient Egypt black and white live together and this is fact, black wasn't slaves they was equal to white in everything.

Look at our gods and you will recognize that white gods and black gods collaborate in all levels not separated.

It's a big hoax that black or asian are less than white

Also nation like USA have advantage in Diversity because I think every race have features, putting the efforts of many races in a work certain powerful it (US army for example)

I totally understand that race mixing is a sin, but WTF segregation this is insanity oh god
You're wrong, ancient Egypt wasn't multicultural, it was an all White country. The blacks came after numerous invasions, and they weren't black but arabs.
The Usa has literally no advantage to have blacks in it, it's a total mess because of them and there are many dangerous places just because of them.

And I don't know of any black God(for now).

I thought Shax was black?

This wouldn't be the first time I've mistaken the description for "dark-skinned" with "black"(as in non-aryan) though.

Another is Valupa that comes to mind.
I have come to believe that racism is natural and healthy for our survival. It's instinct, is it not? You trust your own more than others.. outsiders can jeopardize what we have built. Human beings have always felt that their team, their tribe, their people, were superior and should take precedence over others. It's our prerogative. The "self sacrifice," expend yourself, lay down like a rug for others to walk on and thrive and feed off of you, my responsibility is others before it is myself, mentality is entirely Jewish and a slave mindset. The gods want us to live shining, beautiful lives of excellence.. they don't want us to let others stand on us so they can rise to the top while we stay down below.. it's your own job to navigate and command your voyage through this life.
In that case, BlackWiz, all races are already insane races DO segregate. Without or without even trying. Some do a much better job than others. Like Indians(east and west) and Asians. I don't find it hateful but if it is then so be it. Living on top of each other causes a great deal of hate. Your average black person is openly hateful toward whites(or is urged to be) and whites are the ones getting their asses handed to them.
A disproportionate fraction have only to unconsciously offer their core way of life that was left behind in Africa to bring to the table. Whether or not life was functioning well at the time. Certain tribal peoples who have some curse on them seem to have a way of constantly battling other tribes(often made up of their own race),taking rivals as slave(work and sex), overly aggressive behaviors, have disgusting rituals and ways of getting high and strange ways of acting once getting high.
They aren't less. They are simply different and have a different set of spiritual and Earthly problems to work out. Should I let a wolverine into my house and offer it welfare even though it will still claw slap me? That is what it does. I still like wolverines and can enjoy their company at a distance. Blacks either want to assimilate(I've met them and they're a joy to be around) or conquer and cuck. The ones who want to conquer and cuck only speak I'll of segregation because it allows them access to white who can be hustled or fetishized. This much conquering and cucking has only gone on so long because white majority they seek to hustle are meek Christian pussies WHO THINK ITS WRONG TO HATE. You know anyone like that, B-Wiz?
Expecting to be able to live in a country and force integrate against the will of the people living there is creepy and stalker like behavior. I can understand people wanting to explore an exotic part of the world and that mutts exist that we can't bring ourselves to get rid of.

I think one or two large cities on the border between nations that belong to nether side is an acceptable compromise and a good way to prevent future generations from adopting an open border policy by giving people who have anti social tendencies a place to live away from civilized foke. Whites for generations would be able to see first hands the danger of living with Blacks and Whites and Asians will be able to enjoy each others company and cultures without having to inhabit each others homelands and destroy the vary cultures they are see eager to visit.

One or two cities can provide all of the benefits of globalism without having expose us to native genocide, If Blacks want to eat at a European style restaurant, go to a functional university or trade with Whites who want to be there in one of those cities I'm ok with that but the intergenerational dependency and creepy behavior to Whites will be coming to an end.
Abyssos said:
What the fuck is wrong with you? This is the problem with Ancient Forums right here, on full display. At least Henu the Great, Aquarius, and GoldenxChild1 have explained what needed to be explained. People like you are who I think of when I criticize Ancient Forums. Ancient Forums needs to get it's shit together and do a better job of making National Socialist doctrines more visible, front and center, and clearly communicated. It's not going to happen though. This shit is merely the symptoms of a 20-year-long failure to communicate rising to the surface as it so often does.

You can't expect everybody to learn everything right away. We have fucking websites dedicated to NS leaders.

It's their own fucking problem if they don't read it. Satanism is not only NS, Satanism is not only politics. Satanism is more than that and we can't and basically shouldn't just focus on politics. Joy of Satan is SPIRITUAL Satanism and not only National Socialism. Besides, your views are different from us, and from Hitler. Hitler wasn't "racists" he wanted segregation, and we want that too, but that's not because he hated gentiles, but because it's more natural this way.


It's actually YOU who don't know NS doctrine. NS is not neo-nazism. NS was followed by blacks too.
I can't find it but I'm sure there was a "meme" exposing White supremacy, it was a quote from the leader of the racial political section of NS, and it was something like:

We do not believe in one race to be superior to the other, we believe in the differences of the races.

The USA and Canada are not White countries, although they used to be.
They used to be non White/European countries.
Europeans replaced the indigneous people.

I'm an American.
Looks like someone lost his european heritage.
Are you monolingual?

I'm not your Fuhrer. I'm not interested in ruling over non-Whites.
Good, you won't rule anyway.

My policy is LEBENSRAUM, and Germany is a country I have plans for.
Do you even speak german?

Lebensraum could be done in Canada, great place for isolating a shrinking minority.
The remaining 2- 5% Europeans could settle there, monogamy, extra money for every child born, no degeneracy, no jewish creation (feminism etc.).
Don't know how your fantasy exacly looks like, but it's propably a european conquest, trying to fight hundreds of millions of muslims with a tiny minority of White men. Bet that's something the jew would love to see.

I would tell you to start learning arabic
I probably will, because the muslims will not decrease, the opposite is the case.
And it's and advantage if you can understand someone behind you saying "stab him in the back".

but it won't matter, since you are the exactly what I picture when I think of the enemy.
I could say the same thing about you.
You are using the divide and conquer jew tactic.
These kikes infiltrate everything, they are everywhere.
Every white NS movement (nowadays), who is going to protest with swastikas, is kike infiltrated.
Telling them that it's a good idea to look like the evil whom the jew portrays them for decades.
Movements that play into the kike hands, instead of spreading flyers/ making "antisemitic" propaganda that actually hurts the jew.
Your "i don't need non White allies" is a kike tactic.

In a few sentences, you have checked several boxes that mark a racial enemy of my Folk
How exactly? Because i don't want to leave my homeland/ country of birth and get rid of my mother tongue?
German is the best language in the world, it's like the adult version of the childish english language.
Why the hell are you still in the USA?

go back to your racial lands
How about you be a good example and do it first?
Language is like one of, if not the most importand thing that unites a Volk.
Hope you still know where your european ancestors came from.
But i forgot, you are an American now.
I want to raise awareness on one thing.

And that is studying abroad.
Oftentimes when people study abroad, those students want to stay in that country. That can be for various reasons. Workrelated, better life conditions, etc.
But sometimes it is also that the thing that they study for is non excistent in their own country.

I do not advocate foreign people to come study in your own country, changing the native language in universities to english because everyone must understand it, although it serves its own purpose and would make communicating on the world level easier, ...
with the risk of promoting multiculturalism and other bad behaviors whilst doing so.

I am for the sharing of knowledge, also between races, but I am against letting them study in your own home country.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I want to raise awareness on one thing.

And that is studying abroad.
Oftentimes when people study abroad, those students want to stay in that country. That can be for various reasons. Workrelated, better life conditions, etc.
But sometimes it is also that the thing that they study for is non excistent in their own country.

I do not advocate foreign people to come study in your own country, changing the native language in universities to english because everyone must understand it, although it serves its own purpose and would make communicating on the world level easier, ...
with the risk of promoting multiculturalism and other bad behaviors whilst doing so.

I am for the sharing of knowledge, also between races, but I am against letting them study in your own home country.

I have an idea that may suit you as well as quell the vastness of this situation.

Remember as we become elevated we can progress to using technology to further act as ways to communicate from one area to another. Also don’t forget we can use astral realm to meet one another to share information. But as such the ideal is to reach that state. With current information and limitations in this regard amongst the vast majority of mankind, I would propose a small minority to study in foreign continents until such study of the subject matter to help that non white country is achieved to bring back to one’s own continent so further reliance can be reduced and one can advance their own continent from there. I would also propose monitoring of said studies to ensure it is being done as laziness should never be accepted.

As such spiritual and technological advancement should still be incorporated to ensure at one point in time so that can be used as the means instead.

Tell me what you think sister.
Ramier108666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I want to raise awareness on one thing.

And that is studying abroad.
Oftentimes when people study abroad, those students want to stay in that country. That can be for various reasons. Workrelated, better life conditions, etc.
But sometimes it is also that the thing that they study for is non excistent in their own country.

I do not advocate foreign people to come study in your own country, changing the native language in universities to english because everyone must understand it, although it serves its own purpose and would make communicating on the world level easier, ...
with the risk of promoting multiculturalism and other bad behaviors whilst doing so.

I am for the sharing of knowledge, also between races, but I am against letting them study in your own home country.

I have an idea that may suit you as well as quell the vastness of this situation.

Remember as we become elevated we can progress to using technology to further act as ways to communicate from one area to another. Also don’t forget we can use astral realm to meet one another to share information. But as such the ideal is to reach that state. With current information and limitations in this regard amongst the vast majority of mankind, I would propose a small minority to study in foreign continents until such study of the subject matter to help that non white country is achieved to bring back to one’s own continent so further reliance can be reduced and one can advance their own continent from there. I would also propose monitoring of said studies to ensure it is being done as laziness should never be accepted.

As such spiritual and technological advancement should still be incorporated to ensure at one point in time so that can be used as the means instead.

Tell me what you think sister.
Foreigners can be hosted given that there is consensus and eventually laws set in place based on this consensus. These laws can for example forbid any sort of miscegenation, regulate separate living spaces, and like you said, active monitoring of how the studies are advancing. However, all of this requires extensive advancement against enemy influence not 100% certainly achievable in the very near future, but perhaps in a few decades at the earliest. Another thing to note is that there can be varying degrees of cooperation available between certain nations while some nations are more open to close cooperation than others.
Ramier108666 said:
Also don’t forget we can use astral realm to meet one another to share information.

I would propose a small minority to study in foreign continents until such study of the subject matter to help that non white country is achieved to bring back to one’s own continent so further reliance can be reduced and one can advance their own continent from there. I would also propose monitoring of said studies to ensure it is being done as laziness should never be accepted.

As such spiritual and technological advancement should still be incorporated to ensure at one point in time so that can be used as the means instead.

Tell me what you think sister.

Currently and for most people the astral realm is too much of a world where miscommunication is too easy to excist and as thus should not be used as a means of providing education to others.

Instead using technological means to share information, clearly, is the better option.

Letting them advance at their own pace is indeed better and methodss that may work for them better than for us for studies should also be encouraged.

I also agree with monitoring how well they do on average. They shouldn't be having failing grades, obviously.

However what I was also thinking, is that maybe having classes given by experts in their fields to students might be the better option, but itd also mean for the teacher or expert to travel to that school for a couple of months.
This can be solved by technology, but, one does learn better in a proper classroom, rather than sit online all day.

It is not that one cannot learn from the internet, but nowadays it is also very much a place of distraction, and will most likely continue to provide distraction (although most likely a lot less in the future, I hope, when things and mentality shifts), and as thus, having a dedicated space to sit and study and focus would increase proper learning.

Henu the Great said:
Foreigners can be hosted given that there is consensus and eventually laws set in place based on this consensus. These laws can for example forbid any sort of miscegenation, regulate separate living spaces, and like you said, active monitoring of how the studies are advancing. However, all of this requires extensive advancement against enemy influence not 100% certainly achievable in the very near future, but perhaps in a few decades at the earliest. Another thing to note is that there can be varying degrees of cooperation available between certain nations while some nations are more open to close cooperation than others.

I also wonder if those students, if they travel abroad, should be limited in the freedom of visiting the country theyre studying in.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
Also don’t forget we can use astral realm to meet one another to share information.

I would propose a small minority to study in foreign continents until such study of the subject matter to help that non white country is achieved to bring back to one’s own continent so further reliance can be reduced and one can advance their own continent from there. I would also propose monitoring of said studies to ensure it is being done as laziness should never be accepted.

As such spiritual and technological advancement should still be incorporated to ensure at one point in time so that can be used as the means instead.

Tell me what you think sister.

Currently and for most people the astral realm is too much of a world where miscommunication is too easy to excist and as thus should not be used as a means of providing education to others.

Instead using technological means to share information, clearly, is the better option.

Letting them advance at their own pace is indeed better and methodss that may work for them better than for us for studies should also be encouraged.

I also agree with monitoring how well they do on average. They shouldn't be having failing grades, obviously.

However what I was also thinking, is that maybe having classes given by experts in their fields to students might be the better option, but itd also mean for the teacher or expert to travel to that school for a couple of months.
This can be solved by technology, but, one does learn better in a proper classroom, rather than sit online all day.

It is not that one cannot learn from the internet, but nowadays it is also very much a place of distraction, and will most likely continue to provide distraction (although most likely a lot less in the future, I hope, when things and mentality shifts), and as thus, having a dedicated space to sit and study and focus would increase proper learning.

Henu the Great said:
Foreigners can be hosted given that there is consensus and eventually laws set in place based on this consensus. These laws can for example forbid any sort of miscegenation, regulate separate living spaces, and like you said, active monitoring of how the studies are advancing. However, all of this requires extensive advancement against enemy influence not 100% certainly achievable in the very near future, but perhaps in a few decades at the earliest. Another thing to note is that there can be varying degrees of cooperation available between certain nations while some nations are more open to close cooperation than others.

I also wonder if those students, if they travel abroad, should be limited in the freedom of visiting the country theyre studying in.

As I said by my reply to you, it is limited to the current state of mankind, in the aspect of astral discussion, but it is an option that can be exercised later down the line.

Regarding of using technology, yes it would seem the most appropriate, however you make a decent point one do a better when one is in a proper classroom with a teacher traveling abroad. I cannot not agree to the full employment of such an idea until as you mentioned the mentality shifts, as amongst Blacks we need further education amongst ourselves as well as further spiritual understanding before undertaking the idea of advanced study. Even when we are monitored I’d rather we be mentally and spiritually astute.

For now, as the situation stands, I propose Blacks limit their interaction with the White Nations and other Ethnic Nations, instead focus on rehabilitating the masses and striving with full conviction in regards to spiritual understanding and evolution, applying it so there can be better dialogue with the other racial nations as we progress.

In regards to Abyssos, you seriously will need to hear this from me. You may say the the White Race is superior, which in regards to evolutionary standing, you are correct. But you sir, are not of that category with your current mentality.

Regarding superior ability requires superior mindset in regards to becoming the best one can be by consistently improving. One can have all the advantages but be disadvantaged if they are not improving upon themselves.
Abyssos said:
pimmlmag6 said:
Don't know how your fantasy exacly looks like, but it's propably a european conquest, trying to fight hundreds of millions of muslims with a tiny minority of White men. Bet that's something the jew would love to see.
It's been done before, and it will be done again, and everyone here knows it. I couldn't care less about the rest of your post.

All that matters is my will. I cannot be reasoned with.
You can not counter anything that i have said because you are a stupid stormfront kike.
Jews are not smart, you are the proof that jews are just pure shit.
Abyssos said:
Ramier108666 said:
In regards to Abyssos, you seriously will need to hear this from me. You may say the the White Race is superior, which in regards to evolutionary standing, you are correct. But you sir, are not of that category with your current mentality.

Regarding superior ability requires superior mindset in regards to becoming the best one can be by consistently improving. One can have all the advantages but be disadvantaged if they are not improving upon themselves.
While I'm not phased in the slightest by these remarks, they were also mild enough.

I don't care about making claims about my personal abilities, although interaction with degenerates hardens me and makes me want to stomp on them.

Your implication that my instincts of discrimination automatically mean I'm not improving myself is nonsensical. Everyone here keeps pushing this ridiculous trope, and it's so mundane and ludicrous that I can barely be bothered to make any significant response to it. For that reason, I will not mention any improvements that are happening in my life here, but elsewhere.

All I care about is results, and the Mission.

I'm glad you're planning out the future of your Black Folk. Just bear in mind that blacks thrive when they have despotic leaders, there's something in the black nature that is drawn to warlord leadership.

Another thing I should clarify. While I recognize that Whites are superior, that's not nearly as important to me in regards to the threats to my race as the fact that non-whites are more prone to violence, immorality, and abuse against Whites, while Whites meekly accept their genocide. I don't care about IQ statistics or any of that, not because I don't agree with it, but because I get it, and don't need to review it anymore and must move on to the more important stuff, such as doing what I can to further the cause of eventually instilling a spirit of self-preservation and discrimination in Whites, as well as a fiery will, all of which lead to Vitality.

You won't have any real struggle in instilling Vitality in your fellow Blacks. You're just going to have a very hard time protecting any territories that you will control against hordes of "ghouls." There's small pockets of civilized Blacks here and there in Africa, as well as isolated individual blacks who are intelligent, but are stuck dealing with the rest of their villages who destroy any progress they try to make. You're going to have a very rough time if you aren't ready to go full gamer when you need to. This is not an attack. I'm just telling you this ahead of time to help. There are some Blacks out there with traditional beliefs who understand the plight that blacks face, and their voice is extremely unpopular as a result.

I can go on and on, and it wouldn't constitute a singling-out of blacks to criticize them, as we Whites have our own problems that are just as bad, namely the severe lack of Vitality that I must keep mentioning to make sure no one forgets it, as well as degeneracy, anti-family values, anti-fertility values, the White Woman problem, and much more. In some ways, our struggle with the degenerates elements of the White Race may be much harder than the struggle of the Black leadership with the degenerate elements of your race. I could be wrong about that, depending on how powerful our propaganda and control will be in the coming times.

What people here don't seem to understand is any perceived or actual arrogance on my part is an effort to set my spirit to a rigid and feverish pitch towards the necessary Realpolitikal action to do what must be done for the survival and well-being of the White Race. I am not capable of thinking subjectively, and despise all who do. Most people think subjectively, in terms of personal egos. I have opted to boost my ego on purpose out of spite against such a degenerate tendency. Pride is a quality that is sorely lacking in White people, so I'd might as well make for it. All I care about is reaching objectives, no matter how many bugs I must crush on the way.

With all the above being said, I care not to deflect any accusations about my mindset. I do not think or see in that midwit spectrum, so such accusation are irrelevant to me. Thus I encourage to feel free to call me bigoted, hateful, stupid, and arrogant to your heart's content if it makes you feel better. I'll even agree with you. Yes, I have a terrible and arrogant mindset, and I just hate others because I think I'm so much better than them. I avow all of this.

None of what I've said here is meant to be an actual attack, but I suppose if you want to see it as that, I'm not going to lift a finger to stop you.

Another thought that I've had. Why your focus on the idea that I've said that the White Race is superior? Let me guess, you're just picking one time that out of condescension against a degenerate, I stomped on a stereotypical eggshell of theirs, and decided to just go ahead and say something along the lines of "Yes, the White Race is better," or something like that. I don't necessarily know that such is the case, but I am annoyed that such is your focus regarding everything I've said. You show signs of not paying any attention to my words, in which I put forth painstaking efforts to make my actual positions on these matters as clear as possible. I don't give a goddamn if the White Race is superior, you know damn well that this is not the actual main content or point of any of my posts. Go back and re-read my posts, I cannot possibly have made myself any more clear.

The previous paragraph can be considered as actually antagonistic, because I'm getting sick and tired of the midwit tendency to only be able to recognize pre-assigned cookie-cutter perceptions of various ideas, whether they are simple but sublime, or complex.

I've typed this sentence in various ways several times, and I'm going to type it again:

The vast majority of blacks will not be willing to leave White countries because they want free shit and to be able to abuse Whites.

Non-whites bitch whine and complain constantly about "White Supremacy," and yet the entire non-white world wants to go to White countries to take advantage of our industry and civilization.

In the future, when you try to get blacks in America and Europe to go back to Africa, you are going to meet a lot of resistance, as well as violence.

In order to address all this, you're going to have to be ready to get your hands dirty when necessary. I as a White man am not going to get in the way of your business with your own people. I'm offering this information and advice now while we're not at that stage, but once Minecraft starts and it's time to start playing, you can do whatever you want to work with your fellow blacks, and I do mean anything. If you want to think that they can all be reasoned with, I'll gladly allow you and other Black leaders to make such a mistake. I won't get in the way. I also won't get in the way if you decide to take "harsher" measures when necessary. That's none of my business in the grand scheme of things, whether I agree with it or not, although as long as a single Black, whether degenerate or not degenerate, is in my White country, then it is my business, to one extent or another, depending on if I personally happen to be a White leader in some capacity, or if another White person will be the leader, either of which is fine with me, as I have a strong trust for most good White Nationalists. I'm just letting you know where the line starts and ends.

I have nothing against the desire of Black leaders to improve the conditions of the Black race. I'm just not willing to go out of my way to nation-build for a race that has largely been a direct threat to the existence and well-being of my race for centuries, even if this doesn't apply to every single black. I'm just willing to let the better Blacks that don't have any bad blood with us Whites have a chance at accomplishing their aims for the future of the Black race. On the other hand, I speak for millions of furious White Nationalists, when I say that regarding certain elements, of which there are many, a severe correction is in store. I won't elaborate any further, but assure any decent and moral Blacks that they are exempt from such activities, as we Whites are reasonable, even when we are unreasonable, as we can be both at the same time. I hope my word usage, while subtle, can be understood.

pimmlmag6 said:
You can not counter anything that i have said because you are a stupid stormfront kike.
Jews are not smart, you are the proof that jews are just pure shit.
Stormfront? What's that?


You are unfortunately incorrect Abyssos, you have painstakingly become a nuisance when it came to certain understandings of the JoS ideals and one of them is that we understand you hating another race and believing you are some chosen man to lead your own race when you clearly aren’t putting forth any spiritual effort as you have said you don’t really put much time into it is insanity. This in itself is a stupid notion on your own part that you must use only material means of political gain and not using spiritual affluence to further your so called mission *ahem* for White Nation( yet are doing the exact opposite claiming to be following in the Führer’s footsteps as a NS.)

You are hypocritical and damaging in the very ideals you believe in, thinking we don’t understand what the Führer and the ultimate understanding of what Satan has bestowed upon us.

Also do not delude yourself. You aren’t proud, you are egotistical. Fed by the need to sublimate your ideals and expect someone to take your mantle and run with it. You have this mindset and really expect to see any other SS who has true understanding and spiritual empowerment as the deluded ones. I see this as a true tragedy.
Blizzard_Owl said:
I've seen a few people on here share the idea of keeping continents and countries single race and not letting any race corrupt another's homeland. Im not sure if this is the opinion of the wide community but i do believe this to a degree. I think racial segregation is very beneficial in cases, but i also want anyone of any race to be able to live wherever in the world they want, as long as they arent criminal.

I wanted to ask, what are your guys opinion on racial segregation?

Somewhere or other I saw a couple of memes: "Don't hate. Segregate!" That and, "Reparations Without Repatriation is Madness."

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
