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[VIDEO] Thukdam (death during meditation)


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Mar 5, 2024

Tukdam: Between Worlds (2022) | online streaming: BitChute
The Yogis of Tibet (2002) | online streaming: BitChute

Thukdam (Tib: ཐུགས་དམ་) is an honorific meaning “one engaged in meditation”, a phenomenon in which accomplished meditator’s consciousness remains in the body despite its physical death.

"When somebody is in tukdam, means that person died in meditation… that person was doing meditation practice all their life."

[High Lama Tai Situ Rinpoche; Tukdam: Between Worlds (2022); 00:22:17]

One in such state, although declared clinically dead, shows no signs of decay and is found to remain fresh for days or weeks without preservation, even in hot, subtropical environment. Typically it lasts two or three weeks[01]. There are different methods to determine if someone remains in tukdam. Pinching the skin is one of them. If retracts like in alive person then it’s a good indicator.

"This very often you can see in many good practitioners. When most of the people die, after die your face changes, yellow, pale and when you do the pinching of your skin, mostly it will stay there. But a real practitioner who has meditated, when passing, they continue their state. When you pinch in here, it’s like now, immediately going back. And also they have heat or warmth in the heart center. Also, the face is like in life. And a very unusual one happened too, one story, just one year ago in Bhutan, one local master, Jedun Rinchen. So he’s dead more than one month, and never changed."

[His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche; The Yogis of Tibet (2002); 00:48:41]

Also placing hand around heart would give sense of warmth, although it’s not supported by science in sense of measurable evidences.

"So there's the warmth around the heart, and there were four cases during the time that I was involved, and we only got clear thermal imaging data one of the times, and they were stone cold. You could see very clearly in the thermal imaging that there's the wall and then the body, and everything is all the same color. There was no variation whatsoever. Every day a group of devotees would come in and would carefully inspect the person, and they would feel carefully with the back of their hand, and they would be commenting on it, and then they would agree that the person was still in tukdam. The hardest to explain is if all these people are not crazy at all, they are in fact legitimately putting their hand there, and they really sincerely are experiencing the feeling of it being warmer than it should be, and the camera is not malfunctioning, and it really is definitely showing that from the point of view of physics, the thermal vibratory energy is the same in the body and the wall. When the Tibetan tradition talks about tukdam, they don't have thermal imaging cameras, so when they say the body stays warm, the specific statement that the tradition is making is that when you touch the body around the heart, you experience the feeling of warmth. Everything that I've ever experienced is completely consistent with the idea that people experience tukdam exactly the way the tradition says that people experience tukdam. Nothing that I've observed has contradicted that at all. The more time that I spent on this project, the more striking was the contrast between as long as you weren't trying to do a whole bunch of hard science with equipment, everything looked one way. And then as soon as you start bringing the equipment in and trying to nail everything down and take a bunch of physical measurements, then it all falls apart."

[David M. Perlman; Tukdam: Between Worlds (2022); 00:52:08]

It is said that death is being conducted in a consciously controlled manner as a opportunity to become fully enlightened, but also as ability to self govern the process of transition from one life to the next[02].

"This is my teacher, Kyung Ga Rinpoche. He invited all the students… he told he is going to pass away. No illness, no sign of death, he’s just normal, he gets up, does his prayers, and he told his attendants to make a good tea, and then he makes the tea over and over again until he’s satisfied, and he says all these prayers together. And when he gets to the completion state, he says „This is the time for me to pass away.” And just like he’s falling asleep, like a Buddha, he put his right hand under his cheek and lay down and looked at each person… you know, he’s doing prayers for each person to benefit in the future and then he passed away."

[Lama Drupal Samptan; The Yogis of Tibet (2002); 00:50:38]

When the body becomes sloppy, loses hue, and emits excretions or smells, the person is said to have woken from tukdam[03].

Research on the subject is currently being conducted by two independent groups, from USA and Russia, sharing results and findings with each other[04]. The first, supervised by Dr. Richard J. Davidson (founder of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin–Madison), run under the name “The Thukdam Project”, and the second one, supervised by Prof. Svyatoslav Medvedev of the Russian Academy of Sciences (founder of the Institute of the Human Brain, St Petersburg).


[01] - TRICYCLE - The Thukdam Project
[02] - Tukdam: Spiritual Practice
[03] - Tukdam: Spiritual Practice
[04] - Discussions with Participants in Russian Research Program December 13, 2019

Tukdam: Between Worlds (2022) | online streaming: BitChute
The Yogis of Tibet (2002) | online streaming: BitChute
This sounds like xian bs about "becoming a saint" after sitting alone on a mountain for 50 years and eating a piece of bread every day. These people not only commit suicide, but offer nothing to society. It's sad that these people are respected more than construction workers and janitors, at least here in Greece.
This sounds like xian bs about "becoming a saint" after sitting alone on a mountain for 50 years and eating a piece of bread every day.

I think it's worth to differentiate between their mental/spiritual and meditative/practical programs. As with the first I have no doubts, has been infiltrated and corrupted, so the second part arouses curiosity. A person, said to be a meditator, being clinically dead, whose body shows no signs of decomposition for days or weeks is something that contradicts to what is currently known to modern/western science. So apparently there is something they do right and therefore it raises a question. Can I, as a Satanist, learn something from them?

Both, we and them, are on spiritual journey, so is there something that we share in common in regards to practical steps in achieving enlightenment/godhead/magnum opus that is known to them but unknown to us?

These people not only commit suicide, but offer nothing to society.

Do you mean 'commit suicide' in its literal meaning in regards to 'thukdam', or in a more broad, life approaching sense (being wasted), or something else? From what I understood so far, passing away and therefore 'thukdam' happens where the time is right to do so.

And about 'offering nothing to society'... from materialistic point of view you're probably right, however they do pass and preserve knowledge throughout the generations. A good example would be sponsored by Heinrich Himmler expeditions to Tibet, in pursuit of occult knowledge.
A person, said to be a meditator, being clinically dead, whose body shows no signs of decomposition for days or weeks is something that contradicts to what is currently known to modern/western science. So apparently there is something they do right and therefore it raises a question. Can I, as a Satanist, learn something from them?
That's a good point.

Do you mean 'commit suicide' in its literal meaning in regards to 'thukdam', or in a more broad, life approaching sense (being wasted), or something else?
I mean it metaphorically, gradual suicide of the mind and body when denying all physical needs.

From what I understood so far, passing away and therefore 'thukdam' happens where the time is right to do so.
Sounds very idealised and romantic, could be real but it's not so different from promises such as 72 virgins when you die.

And about 'offering nothing to society'... from materialistic point of view you're probably right, however they do pass and preserve knowledge throughout the generations. A good example would be sponsored by Heinrich Himmler expeditions to Tibet, in pursuit of occult knowledge.
I mostly alluded to xian priests, but yes, neither of them produce material value. Maybe the ones in the video do hold some useful and perhaps Satanic knowledge, which would indeed be valuable to society. Xian priests offer neither and are more well-known than actually important people. As for Heinrich Himmler, he did try his best to scientifically prove the NS stance on genetics and spirituality. He wanted to prove to the rest of the world that Satan is indeed our Creator, even if he already knew it himself. You've probably heard of the Tibetan monks who fought for Germany and committed ritual group suicide in Berlin. It should be obvious why communist China invaded Tibet once they came to power.
I think it's worth to differentiate between their mental/spiritual and meditative/practical programs. As with the first I have no doubts, has been infiltrated and corrupted, so the second part arouses curiosity. A person, said to be a meditator, being clinically dead, whose body shows no signs of decomposition for days or weeks is something that contradicts to what is currently known to modern/western science. So apparently there is something they do right and therefore it raises a question. Can I, as a Satanist, learn something from them?

Both, we and them, are on spiritual journey, so is there something that we share in common in regards to practical steps in achieving enlightenment/godhead/magnum opus that is known to them but unknown to us?

Do you mean 'commit suicide' in its literal meaning in regards to 'thukdam', or in a more broad, life approaching sense (being wasted), or something else? From what I understood so far, passing away and therefore 'thukdam' happens where the time is right to do so.

And about 'offering nothing to society'... from materialistic point of view you're probably right, however they do pass and preserve knowledge throughout the generations. A good example would be sponsored by Heinrich Himmler expeditions to Tibet, in pursuit of occult knowledge.
Do agree that even if the aims of those people do not coincide with our aims to Godhood, the fact that they contradict the modern paradigm of materialistic sciences , especially in medical terms ( go figure a body being dead for one month and still being intact somehow ) if it's not intentional at least is a reaffirmation of the spiritual potential of humanity, which we hold True.
Too bad all that potential is channelled in something that's almost meaningless from practical stand-points. Like really if we could attain only even half of that individual's concentration ability we'd be on a totally different existential level, and I mean We as Satanists.
Either way. Our opposition to their over-arching morality with spiritual practices stems from the fact that we as Satanist are also part of real society at large and through our spiritual journey we take the responsibility to contribute and shape society for the better if possible. We don't retreat from it on the mountains .
Sounds very idealised and romantic, could be real but it's not so different from promises such as 72 virgins when you die.

Sometimes I think about the worst case scenario i.e. not achieving godhead during this lifetime, so naturally subject of death comes up. I would like it to happen with acceptance, dignity, and peace. 'Thukdam' in its broad meaning, at least from what I've seen in those documentaries, seems to have all of those qualities. And it's also an opportunity, not a goal in itself. Nevertheless, in this conversation we're having, I'm driven by a pursuit of knowledge and along the way finding something useful, rather than blind preaching.

I always thought about '72 virgins' in terms of a carrot that would push followers into action. Of course plain mirage...

You've probably heard of the Tibetan monks who fought for Germany and committed ritual group suicide in Berlin. It should be obvious why communist China invaded Tibet once they came to power.

I haven't heard of it, but definitely going to educate myself in this matter, and I would really appreciate if you could elaborate on 'why communist China invaded Tibet'.
Too bad all that potential is channelled in something that's almost meaningless from practical stand-points.

All that unrealized 'practical' potential makes them a neutralized threat to status quo. I personally find it hard to watch how they're being pushed around by Chinese.

Our opposition to their over-arching morality with spiritual practices stems from the fact that we as Satanist are also part of real society at large and through our spiritual journey we take the responsibility to contribute and shape society for the better if possible.

True. A question comes to my mind, how to find a balance between responsibility towards oneself and the collective. Where the line should be drawn.
I haven't heard of it, but definitely going to educate myself in this matter, and I would really appreciate if you could elaborate on 'why communist China invaded Tibet'.
https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/the-new-face-of-joy-of-satan.92482/ :
"5.Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler who was a Satanist, knew the truth about our spiritual origins in the Far East, and sent an expedition to Tibet, where the Germans were very well received. The expedition brought back around 30 Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Berlin, all of whom died in a group ritual suicide in the spring of 1945, with the fall of the Third Reich."

https://www.deathofcommunism.com/communist-inquisition-torture-of-spiritual-practitioners/ :
"The invasion of Tibet, is for the purpose of destroying spiritual knowledge [Tibet has been isolated from Christian infestation, due to its geographic location in the treacherous Himalayan Mountains and its being closed to outsiders) and to murder and torture spiritual leaders who have this knowledge."
True. A question comes to my mind, how to find a balance between responsibility towards oneself and the collective. Where the line should be drawn.
Can't really draw a universal line here, but for me it extends as far as I'm enabled to also better my personal condition and not make unwise compromises. It's been said maybe by HP Maxine that Satanists don't really have "spare-time" so to speak. Now , of course nobody can speak for Her , but having clear aims and a demanding schedule can make us feel more accomplished.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
