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Top CDC Official: "We'll just get rid of all the whites"


New member
Dec 24, 2017
CDC jew official wants to get rid of you.

This self hating granny is just out of her mind, she needs her medicine.
Hmmm… did she also just say it’s the well educated that are part of the problem and it’s unfortunate? So whites and smart people should leave? I guess she had to add the last part otherwise that would mean she has to leave to if it was just whites. Clearly she’s not educated, so she can stay.
Eric13 said:
Hmmm… did she also just say it’s the well educated that are part of the problem and it’s unfortunate? So whites and smart people should leave? I guess she had to add the last part otherwise that would mean she has to leave to if it was just whites. Clearly she’s not educated, so she can stay.

Whites they hate primarily because they are middle class [pain in the ass to control for jews, they want to destroy the Middle Class], and I guess then they hate anyone who is educated and/or a thinking person despite of race, ancestry or creed. I also read online that "vaccine hesitancy" is also highly correlated with people who have higher educational levels, not lower.

The idea that people hesitated is not connected solely to "dumb conspiracy theorists", but the inverse.

All they want is brainless slaves that abide entirely and without any questions to whatever they want to enforce, no matter what it is. Whites she probably relates here to Trump. In general, they also hate any American who has been doing well and is thinking or is curious about anything.

They are really experiencing major anger and terror that people for example know the laws or their rights.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Eric13 said:
Hmmm… did she also just say it’s the well educated that are part of the problem and it’s unfortunate? So whites and smart people should leave? I guess she had to add the last part otherwise that would mean she has to leave to if it was just whites. Clearly she’s not educated, so she can stay.

Whites they hate primarily because they are middle class [pain in the ass to control for jews, they want to destroy the Middle Class], and I guess then they hate anyone who is educated and/or a thinking person despite of race, ancestry or creed. I also read online that "vaccine hesitancy" is also highly correlated with people who have higher educational levels, not lower.

The idea that people hesitated is not connected solely to "dumb conspiracy theorists", but the inverse.

All they want is brainless slaves that abide entirely and without any questions to whatever they want to enforce, no matter what it is. Whites she probably relates here to Trump. In general, they also hate any American who has been doing well and is thinking or is curious about anything.

They are really experiencing major anger and terror that people for example know the laws or their rights.
These left extremists really don’t think out their logic. They whine all day about racism and bigotry, yet they themselves are the biggest bigots. She’s white and wants all whites gone. How about the guy on CNBC who said drone strike all non vaccinated people. Kill them all he says? What is racism and bigotry? It’s hating an entire group of people due to the poor actions of a few and unfairly judging the whole group. This is the exact same thing. And they don’t see it. I meet whites in my day to day life who can’t stop complaining about how horrible white people are. THEY are white. All rich people must die. The police must be killed, Trump supporters, ect. The sad thing is they’re not just being dramatic when they say this stuff. They mean business. We’ve seen it all last year and even this year with Trump supporters and Blue lives matter supporters being shot dead in the street during the protests. They’re endlessly harassed and assaulted. They’re silenced on social media. They’re #canceled.

The left is calling everyone dangerous, meanwhile they’re unable to look in the mirror at their own actions. Shaming someone for not getting the vaccine is dangerous. Saying it makes covid less severe if you get it while vaccinated is dangerous. Because how do they know that is true? They haven’t been surveying people and calling people up who get covid after being vaccinated. What do they actually know on the matter? As far as legitimate data? They know nothing. It’s too soon. Yet people are pressured and people are pushed. Now Biden has a mandate that will effect over 80 million workers. Maybe more. As you said, people are more aware of the law and know this isn’t legal to do. But they try and take advantage. And they have the power and so they can. Checks and balances aren’t really working. And this has me worried. Because rtrs work and help, but it takes time and the enemy has a suicide bomber kind of mentality. That’s a dangerous enemy. It’s all very stressful. Gaaah, I’m going to do an rtr!
(Oy vey goyims whites bes problem please not look up the war crimes we commit not to mention the 5 dancing jews on 911 be good slaveses an not think)
So then for white people to live, we must get rid of all rats?
Why don't more people find it suspicious that you have people that look like they are white talking about getting rid of all whites and killing whites.

Hopefully eventually people will look into it more and realize Jews are not whites but a seperate race with their own agenda and our enemy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Whites they hate primarily because they are middle class [pain in the ass to control for jews, they want to destroy the Middle Class]

This sounds so familiar... here in Mexico the president said that the Middle Class were "the enemy"


(It's in Spanish, but it basically says that, that the president made the Middle Class his new enemy
TheAwakening1 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Whites they hate primarily because they are middle class [pain in the ass to control for jews, they want to destroy the Middle Class]

This sounds so familiar... here in Mexico the president said that the Middle Class were "the enemy"


(It's in Spanish, but it basically says that, that the president made the Middle Class his new enemy

The Middle Class is the people who keep all the system together, they are the medium people that keep systems balanced.

Middle class people and middle higher class, can resist them legally, financially, in positions of power etc.

The enemy wants to destroy the Middle Class so that we have two classes in the future, the "own nothing and you will be happy" serfs, and the higher class who will own everyone like dogs in the hunger games.

Of course, every JWO affilated country will work towards this model of destroying the Middle Class, since it stands in the way.
LoveForSatan said:
CDC jew official wants to get rid of you.


nice first post, downloaded video will share to minds
Lol..getting rid of all the WHITE people.???.....that will also mean the xtians..as well. And the evil kike bitch HERSELF...running her slimmy mouth off..and showing her hatred to herself as well as others like her. She is obviously Jewish descent.. as well. One can see it they way she talks!😂 And showing laxk of intelligence as well...lol what a dumb fuck...😂
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Eric13 said:
Hmmm… did she also just say it’s the well educated that are part of the problem and it’s unfortunate? So whites and smart people should leave? I guess she had to add the last part otherwise that would mean she has to leave to if it was just whites. Clearly she’s not educated, so she can stay.

Whites they hate primarily because they are middle class [pain in the ass to control for jews, they want to destroy the Middle Class], and I guess then they hate anyone who is educated and/or a thinking person despite of race, ancestry or creed. I also read online that "vaccine hesitancy" is also highly correlated with people who have higher educational levels, not lower.

The idea that people hesitated is not connected solely to "dumb conspiracy theorists", but the inverse.

All they want is brainless slaves that abide entirely and without any questions to whatever they want to enforce, no matter what it is. Whites she probably relates here to Trump. In general, they also hate any American who has been doing well and is thinking or is curious about anything.

They are really experiencing major anger and terror that people for example know the laws or their rights.
These left extremists really don’t think out their logic. They whine all day about racism and bigotry, yet they themselves are the biggest bigots. She’s white and wants all whites gone. How about the guy on CNBC who said drone strike all non vaccinated people. Kill them all he says? What is racism and bigotry? It’s hating an entire group of people due to the poor actions of a few and unfairly judging the whole group. This is the exact same thing. And they don’t see it. I meet whites in my day to day life who can’t stop complaining about how horrible white people are. THEY are white. All rich people must die. The police must be killed, Trump supporters, ect. The sad thing is they’re not just being dramatic when they say this stuff. They mean business. We’ve seen it all last year and even this year with Trump supporters and Blue lives matter supporters being shot dead in the street during the protests. They’re endlessly harassed and assaulted. They’re silenced on social media. They’re #canceled.

The left is calling everyone dangerous, meanwhile they’re unable to look in the mirror at their own actions. Shaming someone for not getting the vaccine is dangerous. Saying it makes covid less severe if you get it while vaccinated is dangerous. Because how do they know that is true? They haven’t been surveying people and calling people up who get covid after being vaccinated. What do they actually know on the matter? As far as legitimate data? They know nothing. It’s too soon. Yet people are pressured and people are pushed. Now Biden has a mandate that will effect over 80 million workers. Maybe more. As you said, people are more aware of the law and know this isn’t legal to do. But they try and take advantage. And they have the power and so they can. Checks and balances aren’t really working. And this has me worried. Because rtrs work and help, but it takes time and the enemy has a suicide bomber kind of mentality. That’s a dangerous enemy. It’s all very stressful. Gaaah, I’m going to do an rtr!

There is no awakening for this type of people if you were wondering. They made a permanent choice. The rituals will enforce our side but will not awaken those fanatics that would only joint if the ballance of power changed. Subconsciously they want to be on the winning side so they make themself believe in whichever side has the power. It would be dangerous to let such people on our side if we won for obvious reasons. That being said we are left with our side and the potential to grow and the other side who will never change. If you follow this thread to the conclusion I cannot say here what should be done in the future. We just want to live our lives outside of this cancer and hysteria not asking for much...
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Eric13 said:
Hmmm… did she also just say it’s the well educated that are part of the problem and it’s unfortunate? So whites and smart people should leave? I guess she had to add the last part otherwise that would mean she has to leave to if it was just whites. Clearly she’s not educated, so she can stay.

Whites they hate primarily because they are middle class [pain in the ass to control for jews, they want to destroy the Middle Class], and I guess then they hate anyone who is educated and/or a thinking person despite of race, ancestry or creed. I also read online that "vaccine hesitancy" is also highly correlated with people who have higher educational levels, not lower.

The idea that people hesitated is not connected solely to "dumb conspiracy theorists", but the inverse.

All they want is brainless slaves that abide entirely and without any questions to whatever they want to enforce, no matter what it is. Whites she probably relates here to Trump. In general, they also hate any American who has been doing well and is thinking or is curious about anything.

They are really experiencing major anger and terror that people for example know the laws or their rights.
These left extremists really don’t think out their logic. They whine all day about racism and bigotry, yet they themselves are the biggest bigots. She’s white and wants all whites gone. How about the guy on CNBC who said drone strike all non vaccinated people. Kill them all he says? What is racism and bigotry? It’s hating an entire group of people due to the poor actions of a few and unfairly judging the whole group. This is the exact same thing. And they don’t see it. I meet whites in my day to day life who can’t stop complaining about how horrible white people are. THEY are white. All rich people must die. The police must be killed, Trump supporters, ect. The sad thing is they’re not just being dramatic when they say this stuff. They mean business. We’ve seen it all last year and even this year with Trump supporters and Blue lives matter supporters being shot dead in the street during the protests. They’re endlessly harassed and assaulted. They’re silenced on social media. They’re #canceled.

The left is calling everyone dangerous, meanwhile they’re unable to look in the mirror at their own actions. Shaming someone for not getting the vaccine is dangerous. Saying it makes covid less severe if you get it while vaccinated is dangerous. Because how do they know that is true? They haven’t been surveying people and calling people up who get covid after being vaccinated. What do they actually know on the matter? As far as legitimate data? They know nothing. It’s too soon. Yet people are pressured and people are pushed. Now Biden has a mandate that will effect over 80 million workers. Maybe more. As you said, people are more aware of the law and know this isn’t legal to do. But they try and take advantage. And they have the power and so they can. Checks and balances aren’t really working. And this has me worried. Because rtrs work and help, but it takes time and the enemy has a suicide bomber kind of mentality. That’s a dangerous enemy. It’s all very stressful. Gaaah, I’m going to do an rtr!

I mean srsly many talk about the white, race saving all whites, white unity and etc. But if some don't want this then you cannot fight for all whites but instead for the ones that are on your side no matter how few they are. If we just wait for them to experience some sort of white awakening we may be waiting until it is too late. Better struggle for the whites that are with us. The rest should not even be considered white...
GoldenxChild1 said:
How can this stand on LIVE TELEVISON?

Awareness needs to be spread.

I doubt very many people were watching this kind of stuff if really anyone at all.
slyscorpion said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
How can this stand on LIVE TELEVISON?

Awareness needs to be spread.

I doubt very many people were watching this kind of stuff if really anyone at all.

Yeah I guess. If she said any other race had to go it would spread like wild fire..
EasternFireLion666 said:
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Whites they hate primarily because they are middle class [pain in the ass to control for jews, they want to destroy the Middle Class], and I guess then they hate anyone who is educated and/or a thinking person despite of race, ancestry or creed. I also read online that "vaccine hesitancy" is also highly correlated with people who have higher educational levels, not lower.

The idea that people hesitated is not connected solely to "dumb conspiracy theorists", but the inverse.

All they want is brainless slaves that abide entirely and without any questions to whatever they want to enforce, no matter what it is. Whites she probably relates here to Trump. In general, they also hate any American who has been doing well and is thinking or is curious about anything.

They are really experiencing major anger and terror that people for example know the laws or their rights.
These left extremists really don’t think out their logic. They whine all day about racism and bigotry, yet they themselves are the biggest bigots. She’s white and wants all whites gone. How about the guy on CNBC who said drone strike all non vaccinated people. Kill them all he says? What is racism and bigotry? It’s hating an entire group of people due to the poor actions of a few and unfairly judging the whole group. This is the exact same thing. And they don’t see it. I meet whites in my day to day life who can’t stop complaining about how horrible white people are. THEY are white. All rich people must die. The police must be killed, Trump supporters, ect. The sad thing is they’re not just being dramatic when they say this stuff. They mean business. We’ve seen it all last year and even this year with Trump supporters and Blue lives matter supporters being shot dead in the street during the protests. They’re endlessly harassed and assaulted. They’re silenced on social media. They’re #canceled.

The left is calling everyone dangerous, meanwhile they’re unable to look in the mirror at their own actions. Shaming someone for not getting the vaccine is dangerous. Saying it makes covid less severe if you get it while vaccinated is dangerous. Because how do they know that is true? They haven’t been surveying people and calling people up who get covid after being vaccinated. What do they actually know on the matter? As far as legitimate data? They know nothing. It’s too soon. Yet people are pressured and people are pushed. Now Biden has a mandate that will effect over 80 million workers. Maybe more. As you said, people are more aware of the law and know this isn’t legal to do. But they try and take advantage. And they have the power and so they can. Checks and balances aren’t really working. And this has me worried. Because rtrs work and help, but it takes time and the enemy has a suicide bomber kind of mentality. That’s a dangerous enemy. It’s all very stressful. Gaaah, I’m going to do an rtr!

There is no awakening for this type of people if you were wondering. They made a permanent choice. The rituals will enforce our side but will not awaken those fanatics that would only joint if the ballance of power changed. Subconsciously they want to be on the winning side so they make themself believe in whichever side has the power. It would be dangerous to let such people on our side if we won for obvious reasons. That being said we are left with our side and the potential to grow and the other side who will never change. If you follow this thread to the conclusion I cannot say here what should be done in the future. We just want to live our lives outside of this cancer and hysteria not asking for much...

Yeah they want to be on the "winning side" even if that means they will be dead. Maybe if they can understand that last part they may reconsider maybe some of them wish they were destroyed who knows.

That's crazy but I am aware of this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
