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Thoughts on the American Nazi Party, National Socialist movement and related groups?

I think I read somewhere on this forum that Hitler came in dream to George Lincoln Rockwell and told him to create the Nazi Party and fight for the White race.
These groups are full of feds, you should avoid joining them, especially skinheads, they're at the lowest kind of racism and don't make healthy life choices.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Are these legit or just skinhead movements controlled by Jews to make real national socialists look bad?

Most of the time it's controlled opposition. They're filled with xians who think xianity is the white races religion. Ignore them, they aren't going to help our cause very much, in either case.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Are these legit or just skinhead movements controlled by Jews to make real national socialists look bad?
We cannot put a general label on all of them. It depends from case to case. Some are created by gentiles as a reaction to jewish oppression, some are infiltrated by jews, some are controlled opposition (like Stormfront). You have to investigate on them individually, see what they promote, what they allow and especially what they don't allow in their communities, for example Joy of Satan is not allowed on Stormfront.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I think I read somewhere on this forum that Hitler came in dream to George Lincoln Rockwell and told him to create the Nazi Party and fight for the White race.

Yeah I know Rockwell was doing great things in 60s with the party trying to recreate the nsdap and SS. Shame he got killed.
I agree with what has been said about a lot of these groups being infested. I definitely would not recommend joining one-we have access to so much power through Satanism, there's no need to take unnecessary risks by joining a group that probably won't get anything meaningful done.

That said, I do think that some of the individuals involved with these groups have been good people. Rockwell, while not perfect, was an awesome leader. He could have sat back and had a comfortable life, and yet he gave his life fighting the enemy in the only way he knew how. Hail Rockwell!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
