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Thinking of making the dedication ritual...


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2020
Estland ist Judenfrei!
Yes, we have many Satanists from non-white races.
Here is forum for Asian Satanists: https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=22

I am white but I have also small percent of Asian blood.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
But I don't know if I'll get anything out of it since I'm a brown skinned gentile person and part white, but my Asian genes are dominant,
You cannot be part White, part Asian and have brown skin. The Mongoloid race (the `Asian` race) have light and very light skin and in many cases, lighter than many Whites. Perhaps your `Asian` side might be from South East Asia where there are many brown skin Asians however these people represent more of a subrace of their own than belonging to the Mongoloid race. Is not the case for you but many mixed race people are confused and ashamed of their race, which as far as I noticed on one side comes as a natural psychological reaction from souls who unnaturally share two racial structures, but on the other side having negative feelings about being mixed race is illogical because this is the result of circumstances that the mixed person themselves had no control over, so they cannot do anything to change their race. However what must be ensured is that the mixed race person won't race-mix themselves with other races but seek as much as possible to reproduce within their own racial lines.

Nonetheless this doesn't affect your potential to meditate in any way as long as you don't carry the blood of the allien race that infiltrated humanity.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
but what I can't come to grasp <or understand> is what makes them better than every other gentile race on the planet?
I don't think that Whites themselves ever bragged about being the "best" of all races. However the reason why most people who uplifted humanity with their inventions are White is probably because Whites are naturally more prone to spirituality and creativity than all other races. With spiritual advancement automatically one gains more wisdom, more intelligence and more creativity. The only difference between Whites and the other races as I said is most likely because Whites are naturally more inclined to be spiritual beings, which result in larger number of Whites being proficient and inovative in many human craftships, especially arts like music, painting and sculpture which directly emerge from creativity, this is why the biggest musicians, sculptors and painters in history are White). Probably this was a gift from the Gods who are extremely spiritual Beings.

However the root lesson to learn from here is that it's spirituality that allows one to expand their creative potential and their abilities to create and inovate. Without spirituality there is no progress. For example the modern day exact sciences like Physics and Mathematics are still mostly based on the knowledge, discoveries and writings of spiritually elevated people who lived hundreds to thousands of years ago.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
Is there any spiritual satanists here that aren't white?
There are plenty yes.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I understand that there isn't no middle men in Satan, and I tried asking this question to the Gods themselves, but they never answered any of my prayers yet.
Perhaps you cannot hear them. A person cannot hear when they are deaf. Same when one is astrally deaf they cannot hear anything from astral.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I know I'm not going to make any dedication ritual to a white power organization... At least not without good reason. :)
Joy of Satan is primarily a spiritual organization, I wouldn't even say religious given the conotations that the word has nowadays. Is not a White nationalist organization although is obviously natural that the Whites here have a lot more pride for their race due to the increased awareness that comes after reading the websites and meditating. Also what I said above also explains why the vast majority of members are White, however that doesn't make JoS a White organization or White power or something. We strive for every race to have the power to govern and advance itself.
Scroll down to the "JOS Specific Forums" in the main forums page, they have "Black Satanist Community", "Blacksun666" (Aryan specific), and the "Oriental Satanic Alliance". You will find plenty of non-white Satanists in the non-white forums, though I would advise not to leave the forums when communicating since jews infiltrate the forums alot and pretend to be your friend to lure you away from here to then try to get you off the path
JoS is primarly an organization of being pro-humanity and anti-jew. That's what it boils down to. In other words all non Jewish people are welcome to participate and practice. The reason being that they are alien souls and our practices are incompatible with them, and vice versa.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:

The Gods stand behind all Gentiles, regardless of their race. Users like HPS Shannon, Ramier, and Blackdragon [JG] are black, for example. There are many other non-white SS. "Supremacy" of one race over another is just Jewish propaganda used to stir conflict. There is no reason we cannot coexist peacefully. The same applies between humans and other friendly entities in the universe.

In terms of racial differences, or for other articles on race, please read here: http://www.josafrica.com/black_race.html
There are other topics on race within Satan's library.

Certain people may have karmic factors going in their favor regardless of race, but those gifts are rendered useless if they do not spiritually advance. The same applies to race as well.
The other members have already given more than enough feedback and I'm not going to regurgitate the wise words they said but only responding to let you know that I'm also a brown Asian from "Latin America" and there's other mestizos here who have been here as long as I have and maybe longer. I been in the groups and forums for more than a decade. Even High Priestess Maxine responded to an email of mine when I first joined concerning my concerns about me being here and she reassured me that it's more than fine and mentioned that we (at the time) have a High Priestess who is Mexican.

From what I understand this High Priestess mentioned is no longer around because of personal life responsibilities and she never left on bad terms.

There is a hierarchy in Nature and we are to express that but in a even higher state that many can't understand at the moment because of such low understanding of reality. But there is also hierarchy within each race that has to be respected as well.

We all have our base level strengths and and weaknesses in the general sense but as mentioned through spirirual advancement we grow these abilities to the best of our capabilities.

Hope this all makes sense without us having to break it all down bit by bit but if you want that then I recommend the search function as there's posts about this subject.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
But I don't know if I'll get anything out of it since I'm a brown skinned gentile person and part white, but my Asian genes are dominant, so I have black hair and brown skin... Brown eyes too. I'm very proud of who I am, and I don't like placing anyone above me [especially someone who is of another race- pure blooded, or not]. I understand that the Aryans are the literal off-spring of Satan and I'm totally cool with that part of the JoS, but what I can't come to grasp <or understand> is what makes them better than every other gentile race on the planet? I can't say I see them as having more potential than I, and I also never viewed them as my betters while growing up either, since none of the white people I grew up with and lived around shared the same potential as me in seeing beyond the system... All were Christians, or just straight Atheists. None even realized their own psychic potential... Or were even aware of the Jewish enemy, much less any astral entity.

I've been seeing spirits and hearing voices off and on through out my life, ever since childhood... Been having psychic occurrences too, but nothing too special... I understand that some people here have their third eyes open? Maybe those of you who do can break down the metaphysics of the soul that would suggest that the Aryan soul is more powerful compared to us gentiles who are not, or at least not full-blooded Aryan...

Is there any spiritual satanists here that aren't white? Perhaps we can have a talk via e-mail, Skype, or in some sort of instant messaging? I'm very serious in wanting to make this dedication, but I first want to know where the Gods actually stand... I understand that there isn't no middle men in Satan, and I tried asking this question to the Gods themselves, but they never answered any of my prayers yet. Maybe me coming here in asking is their way of guiding me to an answer? I know I'm not going to make any dedication ritual to a white power organization... At least not without good reason. :)

Do not worry, you are very welcome here. Let me put it this way. Whites are the direct offspring, the descendants of Satan, whilst other Gods also created the other races. Each race is special and unique and different and on their own stage of evolution. Whites are better when it comes to certain things than other races naturally, but this does not mean we should look down on other races with disrespect, and that these races cannot evolve and advance. We are all different.

The thing is, racial hygene is essential because every race has its own collective karma, physical and psychological traits and states of evolution. Mixing not only causes identity crisis, but a variety of physical and mental problems as well. Mixed people can still evolve and advance and all races, pure or not can still raise the serpent and reach the MO.

If you know for sure the asian race is dominant within you in appearance then you have an asian soul. Be proud indeed, asian gentiles have contributed much to civilization back in the day especially. When you become a God, your mixed genes will be harmonized and you will be perfected in your own unique way.

Do the dedication ritual, you will not regret it!

There are many SS here who aren't white, and one is our black high priestess, Shannon. Blackdragon666 is a great astrologer who i am currently working with, and we have other blacks here like Sarjam and Ramier as well. Our mestizo and asian, arab and turkish SS make up a large part of our community and are very much of Satan.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
so I don't see how me being a racially mixed individual is some sort of handicap?
It is not, that's what I underlined that you don't have such complexes like other mixed race people, which is a great thing. Nobody should feel like they have a sort of handicap because they are not from a pure blood race.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
And if it is unnatural then why does nature allow different races to breed?
That's a good question. I did think before, why the Gods didn't create humans in a way that would make it impossible for them to race mix? I think it would be impossible. Even with genetic engineering the Gods created humans with their means of reproduction (sexual intercourse etc.). However the Gods created the races to advance separately on this planet, and not live together. It was the jews to changed this natural order of things starting with the Egyptian Empire. According to Ben Klassen (yes you probably would label him as a White supremacist or something but still I think the argument is valid), it was race mixing to led to the end of Egyptian Empire. I do agree with this. The member Ninrick said before that new souls are very undeveloped on a scale of spiritual evolution over lifetimes, because they are extremely young.

Such souls cannot be expected to have any willpower to fight against an enemy such a complex level like the jews because these people are very inceptive in their judgement and evolution. And the reality is that the vast majority of mixed race souls are new souls who are living their first life now. Obviously this is probably not the case for you and other mixed-race people here. But the point with this is race-mixing will lead humanity to ruin because while old and wiser souls are dying and probably not able to easily reincarnate, new and inexperienced souls are being created by race-mixing, this is why the jews do promote it in all White countries. There is no way the vast majority of mixed-race people will ever pose any danger to jews and many Rabbis do admit the White race is their worst enemy which shall be exterminated by any means, that's what the Rabbis say. To put it into perspective is like expecting an army of 7 years olds to organize a coup against a government and take it down. in reality very few mixed-race souls are older than one lifetime.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
As for white people being the most spiritual people on the planet, I don't think so... Prefrontal cortex/ rational thinking- (logic) dominates the mind of white people and western <white> societies,
Spiritual inclinations are in the soul, not in the brain, the brain is a physical organ. It is as far as I read the most complex physical matter that exists but still.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
and the majority of whites are Christians and Atheists... I think Europe has the highest Atheist population on the planet, right? Sweden is it? And Christianity is not a spiritually based religion...
There is something interesting with the christianity. We know it is not based on spirituality but if you would ask christans, they will say christianity is a spiritual religion and the practicants of christianity are spiritual beings, because in their acception praying to the hebrew thoughtform, kissing icons and going to the church are spiritual practices. Are they spiritual beings if they believe they partake in these practices that they think these are spiritual? Is not easy to answer if you ask me. Still harvesting energy from the gullible goyim through christianity if still a form of spirituality which the jews practice though.

Anyway the reason why there are so many atheists and christians is because of enemy brainwashing and total hiding of spiritual knowledge. If you look at hindus, you would probably say many of them are spiritual beings. But they have grown with some sorts of spiritual practices, while Whites did not have. Still as far as I know modern day hinduism is not very far from christianity, it has been severely infiltrated and damaged by enemy teachings.

Also don't forget that new-age is quite popular in White countries, and even christianity has been adapted to these teachings in order to not lose adepts. What does it mean? That many people do seek spirituality, but the jew took care that people will only easily have access to toxic, perverted, and sometimes dangerous practices, while hiding and forbidding anything of value. For example you wouldn't even be able to find JoS if you do a google search, at least it was this way a few years ago, because google either censored Joy of Satan completely back then. or made sure that the website will appear on the 5th page or something, where nobody would ever look.

And all this happens in countries where 'dialectical materialism` and `cultural marxism` are dominant philosophies, where one's statute in society is measured not by the values they hold, but by what physical properties they own.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
And to run into a white person that actually gets involved in anything that is of any real spiritual substance is very rare... Unlike what you would find in non-white societies where spirituality dominates and even meditation (in Asian cultures) which the average white person does not take seriously at all.
The societies that you are mentionning are literally growing up with such spirituality, they learn it from small age, even if is corrupted and seriously washed down. Whites don't grow up with any form of spirituality, let alone having easy access to spirituality that is seriously beneficial for the body and soul. But this will radically change as time goes.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I'm trying to get answers to where I know I'm just not joining some white power group with a specific agenda that conflicts against my own...
Our agenda is simply to defeat the jewish infiltrator, take away all his fortune and power over the planet and restore the ancient religions and society. As I said this is about all races, the fact that the most members here are White doesn't make Joy of Satan a White nationalist organization.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
Now as for being the greatest musicians and artists, well... I would have to disagree there as well. Art is pretty subjective... And I don't believe human beings have ever been given a real chance to express their true potential when it comes to the arts of any form... And until then, I will reserve my judgement.
I mean greatest in terms of global acceptance from people. Beethoven, Mozart, Michelangelo and the list goes on and on. There aren't many non-White artists in the whole history that are as famous as them.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
You said that there's a lot of non-white gentile Satanists here? If there's any that are willing to offer me insight and some guidance than can I get some contact info?
Well this is a place of spiritual advancement. You wouldn't need guidance from particular people in this case, because the knowledge is online and free.


What you need to do if you decide to perform the dedication ritual is to read as much as you can from the website and start practicing meditation, starting with the beginner programs and advancing your way up. The forum exists for general spiritual guidance. You woulnd't neccesarily need spiritual guidance only from non-Whites, perhaps maybe you just want to have discussions with other non-Whites. You can for example open threads in the Blacks for Satan forum or Oriental Satanic Alliance which is the forum dedicated to the Asian people. They even had a High Priest but for some reasons he dissapeared.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I never felt inferior, because I'm a racially mixed person... I see myself having the shared powers of the two races that I'm a part of. Sure, being a racially mixed person comes with it's disadvantages... But I also believe there's a flip side to it as well. As I said before, I've been raised and brought up around nothing, BUT pure blooded white people... Growing up in a small town within the midwest of the U.S. and that's pretty much a given. No kid or adult had my inherent potential... I've always been surrounded by idiots and mediocre minds, and these people were pretty much all full blooded white folk (97 to 98% of them), so I don't see how me being a racially mixed individual is some sort of handicap? And if it is unnatural then why does nature allow different races to breed? Please don't get me wrong here either... I'm all for the preservation of culture and keeping racial identities alive and well, for the sake of history to where the powers that be can't change our history. Just as long as a race has it's roots then I don't believe that the powers that be can ever truly control/ or "dominate" humanity... And I specifically would like to see this with the white race since they are "supposedly" the off-spring of Satan himself, but all I'm saying is that I don't believe that being a racially mixed person is some sort of handicap. I never felt that way and I've never seen myself as being inferior to anyone... And if anything, it was the latter.

And there is a lot of white people on this forum that brag about their race being the best and strongest out of all gentile races... And I've read through the forum, so I know. :) As for white people being the most spiritual people on the planet, I don't think so... Prefrontal cortex/ rational thinking- (logic) dominates the mind of white people and western <white> societies, and the majority of whites are Christians and Atheists... I think Europe has the highest Atheist population on the planet, right? Sweden is it? And Christianity is not a spiritually based religion...

And to run into a white person that actually gets involved in anything that is of any real spiritual substance is very rare... Unlike what you would find in non-white societies where spirituality dominates and even meditation (in Asian cultures) which the average white person does not take seriously at all... And I can also talk about psychic powers and aliens, spirits, and what not just fine among other races, but the second I bring anything like that up among the average white person I'll definitely get eyes rolling and some would even try to call the mental/ "Nut house" on me to where they would probably stick me in a padded room, LOL! This is one of the reasons why I decided to ask about race on this forum... I'm trying to get answers to where I know I'm just not joining some white power group with a specific agenda that conflicts against my own...

I honestly don't see anything spiritual about white people <at least to the extent> to where I would label them "the most spiritual", and I'm also not saying that they aren't spiritual, because I believe every gentile has the ability to achieve Samadhi... I definitely could be wrong too and I'm not saying that I'm not. I remain open minded, and will be willing to change my mind if given a good enough explanation to them being the most spiritual. I don't have any strong bias towards whites to where I wouldn't...

And truth is stranger than fiction, but perhaps black people have the highest spiritual potential out of all races on this planet? I highly doubt that's the case, but I'm third eye blind... Kept from achieving Samadhi, so how would I know? I wouldn't... And I don't see how anyone can assume otherwise? This planet is controlled by a very, very advanced <and multi-dimensional> force of alien minds that keep the average person from occult power, which is exactly the reason why you don't see anyone demonstrating live psychic abilities on TV, or on the street... Besides magicians, but they do it behind the guise of deceit and one questions just how human some of these magicians are considering the symbolism they use to represent themselves and other red flags (possession is a real thing as most people here probably already know).

Now as for being the greatest musicians and artists, well... I would have to disagree there as well. Art is pretty subjective... And I don't believe human beings have ever been given a real chance to express their true potential when it comes to the arts of any form... And until then, I will reserve my judgement.
Dude FUCK YOU and the horse rode in on. Or I should say menorah. Maybe you should read this before thinking any of this shit you are saying is acceptable.

The Alchemist7 said:
What you need to do if you decide to perform the dedication ritual is to read as much as you can from the website and start practicing meditation, starting with the beginner programs and advancing your way up. The forum exists for general spiritual guidance. You woulnd't neccesarily need spiritual guidance only from non-Whites, perhaps maybe you just want to have discussions with other non-Whites. You can for example open threads in the Blacks for Satan forum or Oriental Satanic Alliance which is the forum dedicated to the Asian people. They even had a High Priest but for some reasons he dissapeared.
Don’t waste your time with this donkey. He’s not here in good faith. The ZLS forum sent him to see how many anti-white comments he could make before getting outed.
The Outlaw Torn said:
Don’t waste your time with this donkey. He’s not here in good faith. The ZLS forum sent him to see how many anti-white comments he could make before getting outed.

We've mentioned before that these things have to be addressed whether responding to a troll or not as many other people read these things and helpful posts from members can clear any questions or concerns some might have but for personal reasons don't want to ask.

I didn't see any White bashing whatsoever and would like to see you point this out where this happened.

If it is a troll then as always they'll be outed by their own stupidity and weakness. No need to jump forward to the accusations even if yet.
hailourtruegod said:
We've mentioned before that these things have to be addressed whether responding to a troll or not as many other people read these things and helpful posts from members can clear any questions or concerns some might have but for personal reasons don't want to ask.
This jackass calls himself “proud brown gentile”. No legitimate person would that only a troll or Jew trying to compensate and make people believe his (((identity))). It would be like if someone came here named “proudblackpowahnigga666”. It’s stupid.

And then this donkey asks if people want to talk on Skype or places outside of the forum. Does an SS do that? We are told to stay away from those places.

I didn't see any White bashing whatsoever and would like to see you point this out where this happened.
It occurred everywhere in that post but are not white so you would not pick up on it.

The typical mongrel that hates their white side and has to take it out on whites as a whole.

Notice how when confronted he couldn’t give whites an ounce of credit for ANYTHING and had to go straight to demeaning, implying that we were inferior for having large xtain and atheist numbers, while also saying that his slope master race is superior because of their “traditional” religion. Where has that religion gotten them? Southeast Asia is a shithole.

This is just the typical self hating hapa male. They are the mixed race of people that suffer and have the most hate and identity issues out of any. Just read about the case of Elliot Rodger another deranged hapa (White and Asian mix).

I won’t be surprised if proudbrownjackass72 is in the news for killing some blonde girls that rejected his sorry slope ass.
I just figured it out.

Reading the comments of this rat and seeing the way he typed and said certain things made it clear. His mannerisms are so obvious like Mageson.

This is long time detractor of the JoS known as Richard Lester. He occasionally makes a troll account like this with the goal of trashing the white race until he gets banned. He also emails SS and tells them shit about how the RTRs curse your soul and other defamatory statements against JoS.

Rich has an Amerindian father and white mother. He was raised almost entirely by the white side family, and he hates them for it, because he is the typical mongrel that hates whites because they are better than his worthless bum ass father and race that he comes from.

Remember that Redskins are the LOSERS and the ones that got punked and genocided which is why he hates white Americans. It’s been over 200 years and he hasn’t gotten over it. Pathetic. And he has blood of the conquerors and colonizers which makes him even more insane and erratic in his hate. He wishes that he was a pure native so bad LMAO.

Richie also has an astral parasite attached to him that he claims is unremovable, so yes this person should be slammed into the trash can and back to EXP-JOS where he belongs.

Birdies have told me all about you dick!
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
Shadowcat said:
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
But I don't know if I'll get anything out of it since I'm a brown skinned gentile person and part white, but my Asian genes are dominant, so I have black hair and brown skin... Brown eyes too. I'm very proud of who I am, and I don't like placing anyone above me [especially someone who is of another race- pure blooded, or not]. I understand that the Aryans are the literal off-spring of Satan and I'm totally cool with that part of the JoS, but what I can't come to grasp <or understand> is what makes them better than every other gentile race on the planet? I can't say I see them as having more potential than I, and I also never viewed them as my betters while growing up either, since none of the white people I grew up with and lived around shared the same potential as me in seeing beyond the system... All were Christians, or just straight Atheists. None even realized their own psychic potential... Or were even aware of the Jewish enemy, much less any astral entity.

I've been seeing spirits and hearing voices off and on through out my life, ever since childhood... Been having psychic occurrences too, but nothing too special... I understand that some people here have their third eyes open? Maybe those of you who do can break down the metaphysics of the soul that would suggest that the Aryan soul is more powerful compared to us gentiles who are not, or at least not full-blooded Aryan...

Is there any spiritual satanists here that aren't white? Perhaps we can have a talk via e-mail, Skype, or in some sort of instant messaging? I'm very serious in wanting to make this dedication, but I first want to know where the Gods actually stand... I understand that there isn't no middle men in Satan, and I tried asking this question to the Gods themselves, but they never answered any of my prayers yet. Maybe me coming here in asking is their way of guiding me to an answer? I know I'm not going to make any dedication ritual to a white power organization... At least not without good reason. :)

Do not worry, you are very welcome here. Let me put it this way. Whites are the direct offspring, the descendants of Satan, whilst other Gods also created the other races. Each race is special and unique and different and on their own stage of evolution. Whites are better when it comes to certain things than other races naturally, but this does not mean we should look down on other races with disrespect, and that these races cannot evolve and advance. We are all different.

The thing is, racial hygene is essential because every race has its own collective karma, physical and psychological traits and states of evolution. Mixing not only causes identity crisis, but a variety of physical and mental problems as well. Mixed people can still evolve and advance and all races, pure or not can still raise the serpent and reach the MO.

If you know for sure the asian race is dominant within you in appearance then you have an asian soul. Be proud indeed, asian gentiles have contributed much to civilization back in the day especially. When you become a God, your mixed genes will be harmonized and you will be perfected in your own unique way.

Do the dedication ritual, you will not regret it!

There are many SS here who aren't white, and one is our black high priestess, Shannon. Blackdragon666 is a great astrologer who i am currently working with, and we have other blacks here like Sarjam and Ramier as well. Our mestizo and asian, arab and turkish SS make up a large part of our community and are very much of Satan.

"Mixing not only causes identity crisis, but a variety of physical and mental problems as well. Mixed people can still evolve and advance and all races, pure or not can still raise the serpent and reach the MO. "

Ehhh, surely we have our flaws (as does everyone), but I definitely wouldn't say that we're unhealthier. It's an established scientific fact <at least to some degree> that the more diverse your genes are then the healthier the person is... And it is common knowledge that the closer you keep it in your own gene pool then the more likely your off-spring will come out all fucked up. Brother having a baby with his sister... Or mother... For that matter, for example. o_O And sorry for painting that mental imagery by the way! Lol! ;)

Also, I believe there's a lot more to race and racially mixed people than what is offered to us through scientific studies conducted <through conventional means> within this Jewish matrix... As I said before, I definitely don't see myself as an inferior to no one... I've always been more capable than the average pure blooded white person, and what ever other pure blooded race that I've come in contact with that wasn't white, so how would you go about explaining that...? Perhaps I'm deluding myself, but I highly doubt it. :)

"If you know for sure the asian race is dominant within you in appearance then you have an asian soul."

According to my ancestry DNA test most of my genes are white/ European (Scottish), and about 28 to 33% of me is Asian, but never the less... My Asian genes seem to be my dominant genes, definitely so in appearance, but I definitely wouldn't say that my soul is "pureblooded" Asian (or definitely *not* some weaker "half") and I don't see how anyone can make such an assumption without the proper spiritual understanding? Do you have an open third eye? I don't mean to be rude, but how could you possibly know that? Lol...

I think my soul isn't only part Asian, but also part white/ European. I think the imprint of the soul is created through both parents... Not just 1.

"Be proud indeed, asian gentiles have contributed much to civilization back in the day especially. "

Have they? My life is a living hell... The government pretty much owns my life, or at least those who control this planet and this matrix. I've never had the privilege of living life on my own terms and these "contributions" that you speak of never changed that fact either, so am I proud? I'm afraid not... I'm not proud of any of my ancestors, because none have made any real significant impact in my life to where I would become more than just a prisoner/ and slave to my own will... And not to sound blunt about it, but I don't believe there's any real nice way to put that... Sorry... :(

And what do you mean by "Harmonized"...? Do you mean that I will become some sort of hybrid human?

It maybe annoying or troublesome to try to understand at first, but it is a fact that the soul is wholly of the race that the physical body is the most dominant in. I understand you pointing out all the details of your genetic testing and feeling like you have to go off of all of that. (these by the way are not always accurate and are to be looked at with skepticism especially since these companies are run by jews) But the truth is the soul reincarnates in the body that is the most compatible to it. Sometimes the most perfect and ideal body to the soul is not always ready when a soul reincarnates, so the closest possible option is taken. This does not take psychic ability to see.

Let us say for a moment what you say is true about being better that most pureblood whites or other people ect in whatever way you are talking about excelling in. (not sure what that would be, i am guessing in general) You are an exception. Do you know what this means? that this is the example for everyone. And among the human race there are exceptions to the rules. pointing out the difference in each race as far as their strengths and weaknesses doesn't mean that this is saying "i am better than you. you deserve less respect than me ect" this is not how this works. The point of becoming racially aware and understanding of oneself is knowing the baseline of ones current level in all facets, and this also ties into race, as far as intelligence, empathy capacity, physical ability and other things.

When one is in touch with this baseline on all facets of their current level, they know where to start as far as self awareness and can only grow from there. The point is for all of us to be that exception, to grow past the weaknesses and known limits that all of us have, this is the point of evolution. I can tell you one thing. If you truly are proud of who you are and have no hangups about being mixed, you are an exception in that you are already a step ahead of many, as there are often a lot of hangups associated with being mixed blood often for a lot of people that hinders advancement, but this is not needed.

This however does not justify mixing. Even if the aforementioned problems do not count for you, it means you are part of a minority of people whose souls might have been worked on in past lives, and even have some good chart placements to help the genes manifest in a good way for you, but this is not common.

I do remember the mainstream idea that being mixed genetically is "better" and a lot of people believe this, but this is not the case. The jews control the media, as well as rewritten history and a lot of science. Some races have certain propensities towards disease more than others. each race has a different temperament, average IQ, and level of empathy. These different genes possessing these different characteristics can cause a lot of disharmony. Problems with couples as a result of cultural difference also are hard on and even break up families. People who are genetically more homogenous, are much more symmetrical physically and psychologically sound. If people practiced eugenics and racial hygene, the human population as a whole would be much more attractive. It is clear that the skull and bone structures of caucasians, africans and asian people are very different.

Almost every mixed person i know has hangups about their identity and self hate.
There is not a lot of details on how your genes would completely harmonize, but it would basically be in a way where nothing conflicts and everything is amplified to support and be consistent with your soul, representing the most dominant race your body manifested.

The jews have destroyed what was in ancient times the mainstream. All of our ancestors were much better off without the enemy. The asian race had some amazing feats, as did the arabs and others before pisslam and other jewish crap came along and ruined them.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
The other members have already given more than enough feedback and I'm not going to regurgitate the wise words they said but only responding to let you know that I'm also a brown Asian from "Latin America" and there's other mestizos here who have been here as long as I have and maybe longer. I been in the groups and forums for more than a decade. Even High Priestess Maxine responded to an email of mine when I first joined concerning my concerns about me being here and she reassured me that it's more than fine and mentioned that we (at the time) have a High Priestess who is Mexican.

From what I understand this High Priestess mentioned is no longer around because of personal life responsibilities and she never left on bad terms.

There is a hierarchy in Nature and we are to express that but in a even higher state that many can't understand at the moment because of such low understanding of reality. But there is also hierarchy within each race that has to be respected as well.

We all have our base level strengths and and weaknesses in the general sense but as mentioned through spirirual advancement we grow these abilities to the best of our capabilities.

Hope this all makes sense without us having to break it all down bit by bit but if you want that then I recommend the search function as there's posts about this subject.

I haven't noticed any real form of hierarchy among races... I've seen blacks lead whites, and vice versa. I will not place another race over my own being just because I'm told that they're "racially better" than my own without being offered any real proof that they actually are... And I can't say I have much respect for fellow "Browns" that would. To me, that's a weakness on their part... Not mine. Maybe you're caught in some spell to where you believe otherwise? I honestly don't know why you would choose to believe that white people are your racial superiors, but hey... If it floats your boat, than more power to ya I guess!

If I was given the knowledge (and spiritual understanding) to where I would know the truth, and if the truth did say that whites are "the master race" then I would set aside my biases and accept it as fact, and then I would show them the proper respect... I give credit where credit is due, and I wouldn't have any issue in doing that, but so far... I'm not seeing any actual proof that says that they are my racial betters. I grew up among white people... I was raised on my mother's side of the family, and I went to a prominently white school and none of these people shared the same potential as me when it came to seeing beyond the system itself. Most of them couldn't even see beyond Christianity... I know most of these kids today even as adults and none (that I know of) are on board in fighting against the system, much less the Jews... They're all yes men and yes women. They're perfectly happy in living life as goyim... And you're saying that these people are my "Racial betters"...? Na, bro... I won't blindly accept that.

I guess I will step in. Hail Satan newcomer, welcome of course. I’m one of the Non-white SS. I’ve read your replies and replies of others. As such I would like to point out a few things. You seem to think Whites are one’s racial betters. Whether they are or not simply is a byproduct of feeling inferior? Why do you feel inferior? Comparison of racial differences mess as n nothing but continuing the same maze of one’s own feeling about it. Meaning it goes nowhere.

I never like my race at one time, despised them due to the degenerate behavior that they still do and have done in the past. But Khepu, one of the Gods gave me peace with understanding as I meditated explaining to me to not keep hating something that was temporary in nature. But to see the potential they(blacks) could do when balanced. I could still feel angry at the actions, but to keep hating my race led me nowhere but a circle.

Feeling inferior is due to one feeling personally weak in areas that they see within themselves and also their races development.

The Asiatic Race has my respect highly. You guys have contributed to other things in life. I personally admire the fortitude of the traditional cultures you have maintained throughout the years despite communistic dictatorships and the ilk in religious ideals that have no bearing Pagan society rampaging in. You should be proud.

I never considered whites my master race. My race is my race. They do not lead me. The gods and myself lead me. I’m black and proud. I stand white my brethren who are black, white asiatic or any other subgroup of the gentile races listed.
That is where you must understand that. I do hope it helps you to understand what is the reality and not falsities.
The Outlaw Torn said:
hailourtruegod said:
We've mentioned before that these things have to be addressed whether responding to a troll or not as many other people read these things and helpful posts from members can clear any questions or concerns some might have but for personal reasons don't want to ask.
This jackass calls himself “proud brown gentile”. No legitimate person would that only a troll or Jew trying to compensate and make people believe his (((identity))). It would be like if someone came here named “proudblackpowahnigga666”. It’s stupid.

And then this donkey asks if people want to talk on Skype or places outside of the forum. Does an SS do that? We are told to stay away from those places.

I didn't see any White bashing whatsoever and would like to see you point this out where this happened.
It occurred everywhere in that post but are not white so you would not pick up on it.

The typical mongrel that hates their white side and has to take it out on whites as a whole.

Notice how when confronted he couldn’t give whites an ounce of credit for ANYTHING and had to go straight to demeaning, implying that we were inferior for having large xtain and atheist numbers, while also saying that his slope master race is superior because of their “traditional” religion. Where has that religion gotten them? Southeast Asia is a shithole.

This is just the typical self hating hapa male. They are the mixed race of people that suffer and have the most hate and identity issues out of any. Just read about the case of Elliot Rodger another deranged hapa (White and Asian mix).

I won’t be surprised if proudbrownjackass72 is in the news for killing some blonde girls that rejected his sorry slope ass.

Once again you are instigating trouble. You can’t trust anyone who is new to be at least eligible to speak from their perspective so we can point out the flaws so we can help them.

You have a lot of rage brother. I’m black but my rage doesn’t blind me to every person who comes on the forum. If they are genuine I help. If they are a troll or an infiltrator then appropriate measures are. You just rage. I am deeply sorry you hate my race and other non whites, and in a certain degree you would be correct, but for the understanding that gods give, you are hanging yourself by a noose by constantly causing rife unnecessarily.

As Khepu and Astarte have said to me in the past.

“There ways on overcoming obstacles, but there is one way that will truly get you there. The paths are fraught with trials and errors that others transversed, and those ways have caused turmoil and death in the end. The true way will have obstacles but you will not be alone along the way or without guidance, unlike those who desire chaos.”

You Outlaw Torn, are causing chaos. Something that is unnecessary and goes beyond mere protection of the forums. So please for your own abilities and spiritual advancement stop judging like ever newcomer is an enemy. I read his replies. He’s still here because he may want the truth. It would be of benefit to instruct property besides vehemently like an oversized air ballon.

Hail Satan
Ramier108666 said:
Once again you are instigating trouble. You can’t trust anyone who is new to be at least eligible to speak from their perspective so we can point out the flaws so we can help them.
Ramier this user is a long time troll of the JoS named Richard Lester.

I wrote a comment here exposing that but for some reason it wasn’t approved.
Many things has been said and many I could mention, but considering that your black ego prevents you from admitting that although all races are special in their own way, the white race is more inclined towards an evolutionary, spiritual, social and cultural path and progressivism because of her most direct lineage with the Gods... I'll stop here. It's all about percentages. I have studied a lot about racial society and cultures, white and non-white. Ancient and modern. All races can be proud of something but none can do it in terms of percentages like the white race. It is not an attack on your race, it is a fact. I do not think you are inferior to me, just as I am not superior to anyone, the whole world and all the races of the universe (good ones) can harmoniously coexist and enrich themselves by living in their diversity together. Everyone except the Jews.
However, one must be honest with oneself, having the intelligence to understand things by observing life in general. I hope you are not a fake as my brother with the image of Trump above said, by the way... I feel that you have a deep ability to direct the conversation and the attention of others towards certain topics, leaving out some others.

Have a nice day!
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I was raised on my mother's side of the family, and I went to a prominently white school and none of these people shared the same potential as me when it came to seeing beyond the system itself. Most of them couldn't even see beyond Christianity... I know most of these kids today even as adults and none (that I know of) are on board in fighting against the system, much less the Jews... They're all yes men and yes women. They're perfectly happy in living life as goyim... And you're saying that these people are my "Racial betters"...? Na, bro... I won't blindly accept that.
More proof that this is Richard Lester.

Stop larping as a “brown Asian” when are you literally just a mestizo with a white mom and deadbeat native dad.

Seriously why do you hate whites when they are ones that accepted you and took care of you while your native family didn’t do anything for you? You disgusting ingrate. The fact that your brown ass was even allowed in a white family shows how accepting we are, and how terrible that is.

Go ahead and raise some bastard redskins son just so he can go on ancient forums and trash your race for even daring to take care of him.

You make me hate mixed people.

And hoodedcobra I know that you’re reading this, and if you disapprove my comment again it will show that you are of the enemy because you allow this known troll to post here and slander the JoS and whites a whole. You know who this is as well as I do.

He’s said that the RTRs curse your own soul. How can you allow someone that says that to post here? He also worships blacks in private and thinks they are superior to whites. I have read the emails.
Beautiful response. I don't have the day off but I wanted to just write this for now and I'll try to add more when I get the chance but Ramier hit the nail on the head as well as the response to Outlaw Torn.

Hail Satan

Ramier108666 said:
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I never considered whites my master race. My race is my race. They do not lead me. The gods and myself lead me. I’m black and proud. I stand white my brethren who are black, white asiatic or any other subgroup of the gentile races listed.
That is where you must understand that. I do hope it helps you to understand what is the reality and not falsities.
Ramier108666 said:
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
The other members have already given more than enough feedback and I'm not going to regurgitate the wise words they said but only responding to let you know that I'm also a brown Asian from "Latin America" and there's other mestizos here who have been here as long as I have and maybe longer. I been in the groups and forums for more than a decade. Even High Priestess Maxine responded to an email of mine when I first joined concerning my concerns about me being here and she reassured me that it's more than fine and mentioned that we (at the time) have a High Priestess who is Mexican.

From what I understand this High Priestess mentioned is no longer around because of personal life responsibilities and she never left on bad terms.

There is a hierarchy in Nature and we are to express that but in a even higher state that many can't understand at the moment because of such low understanding of reality. But there is also hierarchy within each race that has to be respected as well.

We all have our base level strengths and and weaknesses in the general sense but as mentioned through spirirual advancement we grow these abilities to the best of our capabilities.

Hope this all makes sense without us having to break it all down bit by bit but if you want that then I recommend the search function as there's posts about this subject.

I haven't noticed any real form of hierarchy among races... I've seen blacks lead whites, and vice versa. I will not place another race over my own being just because I'm told that they're "racially better" than my own without being offered any real proof that they actually are... And I can't say I have much respect for fellow "Browns" that would. To me, that's a weakness on their part... Not mine. Maybe you're caught in some spell to where you believe otherwise? I honestly don't know why you would choose to believe that white people are your racial superiors, but hey... If it floats your boat, than more power to ya I guess!

If I was given the knowledge (and spiritual understanding) to where I would know the truth, and if the truth did say that whites are "the master race" then I would set aside my biases and accept it as fact, and then I would show them the proper respect... I give credit where credit is due, and I wouldn't have any issue in doing that, but so far... I'm not seeing any actual proof that says that they are my racial betters. I grew up among white people... I was raised on my mother's side of the family, and I went to a prominently white school and none of these people shared the same potential as me when it came to seeing beyond the system itself. Most of them couldn't even see beyond Christianity... I know most of these kids today even as adults and none (that I know of) are on board in fighting against the system, much less the Jews... They're all yes men and yes women. They're perfectly happy in living life as goyim... And you're saying that these people are my "Racial betters"...? Na, bro... I won't blindly accept that.

I guess I will step in. Hail Satan newcomer, welcome of course. I’m one of the Non-white SS. I’ve read your replies and replies of others. As such I would like to point out a few things. You seem to think Whites are one’s racial betters. Whether they are or not simply is a byproduct of feeling inferior. Why do you feel inferior? Comparison of racial differences contributes nothing but continuing the same maze of one’s own feeling about it. Meaning it goes nowhere.

I never liked my race at one time, despised them due to the degenerate behavior that they still do and have done in the past. But Khepu, one of the Gods gave me peace with understanding as I meditated explaining to me to not keep hating something that was temporary in nature. But to see the potential they(blacks) could do when balanced. I could still feel angry at the actions, but to keep hating my race led me nowhere but a circle.

Feeling inferior is due to one feeling personally weak in areas that they see within themselves and also their races development.

The Asiatic Race has my respect highly. You guys have contributed to other things in life. I personally admire the fortitude of the traditional cultures you have maintained throughout the years despite communistic dictatorships and the ilk in religious ideals that have no bearing Pagan society rampaging in. You should be proud.

I never considered whites the master race. My race is my race. They do not lead me. The gods and myself lead me. I’m black and proud. I stand with my brethren who are black, white, asiatic or any other subgroup of the gentile races listed.
That is where you must understand that. I do hope it helps you to understand what is the reality and not falsities.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I haven't noticed any real form of hierarchy among races... I've seen blacks lead whites, and vice versa. I will not place another race over my own being just because I'm told that they're "racially better" than my own without being offered any real proof that they actually are... And I can't say I have much respect for fellow "Browns" that would. To me, that's a weakness on their part... Not mine. Maybe you're caught in some spell to where you believe otherwise? I honestly don't know why you would choose to believe that white people are your racial superiors, but hey... If it floats your boat, than more power to ya I guess!

If I was given the knowledge (and spiritual understanding) to where I would know the truth, and if the truth did say that whites are "the master race" then I would set aside my biases and accept it as fact, and then I would show them the proper respect... I give credit where credit is due, and I wouldn't have any issue in doing that, but so far... I'm not seeing any actual proof that says that they are my racial betters. I grew up among white people... I was raised on my mother's side of the family, and I went to a prominently white school and none of these people shared the same potential as me when it came to seeing beyond the system itself. Most of them couldn't even see beyond Christianity... I know most of these kids today even as adults and none (that I know of) are on board in fighting against the system, much less the Jews... They're all yes men and yes women. They're perfectly happy in living life as goyim... And you're saying that these people are my "Racial betters"...? Na, bro... I won't blindly accept that.

A spiritually advanced non-white is superior to an average white individual. Do not look at the race as a whole. Look at the individuals. I don't believe he was instructing you to obey any broad racial hierarchy.

Blackdragon [JG] or HPS Shannon are high-ranking Black members within JoS. These are our betters and we should listen to them. If we listen to their knowledge and instruction, then we too will become prosperous. It is not about blind obedience. With high rank comes high responsibility as well.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
The other members have already given more than enough feedback and I'm not going to regurgitate the wise words they said but only responding to let you know that I'm also a brown Asian from "Latin America" and there's other mestizos here who have been here as long as I have and maybe longer. I been in the groups and forums for more than a decade. Even High Priestess Maxine responded to an email of mine when I first joined concerning my concerns about me being here and she reassured me that it's more than fine and mentioned that we (at the time) have a High Priestess who is Mexican.

From what I understand this High Priestess mentioned is no longer around because of personal life responsibilities and she never left on bad terms.

There is a hierarchy in Nature and we are to express that but in a even higher state that many can't understand at the moment because of such low understanding of reality. But there is also hierarchy within each race that has to be respected as well.

We all have our base level strengths and and weaknesses in the general sense but as mentioned through spirirual advancement we grow these abilities to the best of our capabilities.

Hope this all makes sense without us having to break it all down bit by bit but if you want that then I recommend the search function as there's posts about this subject.

I haven't noticed any real form of hierarchy among races... I've seen blacks lead whites, and vice versa. I will not place another race over my own being just because I'm told that they're "racially better" than my own without being offered any real proof that they actually are... And I can't say I have much respect for fellow "Browns" that would. To me, that's a weakness on their part... Not mine. Maybe you're caught in some spell to where you believe otherwise? I honestly don't know why you would choose to believe that white people are your racial superiors, but hey... If it floats your boat, than more power to ya I guess!

If I was given the knowledge (and spiritual understanding) to where I would know the truth, and if the truth did say that whites are "the master race" then I would set aside my biases and accept it as fact, and then I would show them the proper respect... I give credit where credit is due, and I wouldn't have any issue in doing that, but so far... I'm not seeing any actual proof that says that they are my racial betters. I grew up among white people... I was raised on my mother's side of the family, and I went to a prominently white school and none of these people shared the same potential as me when it came to seeing beyond the system itself. Most of them couldn't even see beyond Christianity... I know most of these kids today even as adults and none (that I know of) are on board in fighting against the system, much less the Jews... They're all yes men and yes women. They're perfectly happy in living life as goyim... And you're saying that these people are my "Racial betters"...? Na, bro... I won't blindly accept that.

As others have explained, no one is saying which race is better. It's the spritual elite of each race that have the best leadership capabilities.

You're acting as if Whites will be ruling our own nations when that's not the case. Each individual race is expected to lead their own but we are also to work together to better the world and eventually take to the stars when we reach the Golden Age again and follow thru on the quote "to better ourselves and the universe".

Each race has their own respective traits and there's no need to compare as that leads to nowhere. A higher way to think is to acknowledge those (of any race) who have and are living in accordance to the Spiritual Truth as these are the people contributing the most to humanity.

I believe what others have said to you should be suffice in response to what you said to me. I do apologize for not giving a better response that lead to you to think that way of me.
The Outlaw Torn said:
The Alchemist7 said:
What you need to do if you decide to perform the dedication ritual is to read as much as you can from the website and start practicing meditation, starting with the beginner programs and advancing your way up. The forum exists for general spiritual guidance. You woulnd't neccesarily need spiritual guidance only from non-Whites, perhaps maybe you just want to have discussions with other non-Whites. You can for example open threads in the Blacks for Satan forum or Oriental Satanic Alliance which is the forum dedicated to the Asian people. They even had a High Priest but for some reasons he dissapeared.
Don’t waste your time with this donkey. He’s not here in good faith. The ZLS forum sent him to see how many anti-white comments he could make before getting outed.
Wouldn’t be surprised honestly.
The Outlaw Torn said:
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I was raised on my mother's side of the family, and I went to a prominently white school and none of these people shared the same potential as me when it came to seeing beyond the system itself. Most of them couldn't even see beyond Christianity... I know most of these kids today even as adults and none (that I know of) are on board in fighting against the system, much less the Jews... They're all yes men and yes women. They're perfectly happy in living life as goyim... And you're saying that these people are my "Racial betters"...? Na, bro... I won't blindly accept that.
More proof that this is Richard Lester.

Stop larping as a “brown Asian” when are you literally just a mestizo with a white mom and deadbeat native dad.

Seriously why do you hate whites when they are ones that accepted you and took care of you while your native family didn’t do anything for you? You disgusting ingrate. The fact that your brown ass was even allowed in a white family shows how accepting we are, and how terrible that is.

Go ahead and raise some bastard redskins son just so he can go on ancient forums and trash your race for even daring to take care of him.

You make me hate mixed people.

And hoodedcobra I know that you’re reading this, and if you disapprove my comment again it will show that you are of the enemy because you allow this known troll to post here and slander the JoS and whites a whole. You know who this is as well as I do.

He’s said that the RTRs curse your own soul. How can you allow someone that says that to post here? He also worships blacks in private and thinks they are superior to whites. I have read the emails.

Do not be exaggerated towards our High Priest. Please, Stop the anger for a moment and become lucid again. You're wasting your time, the boy is clearly a troll but you need to allow this dialogue to exist for our visitators so everyone can see what kind of nonsense some people can get to. Plus all of our answers are all important.
The Outlaw Torn said:
And hoodedcobra I know that you’re reading this, and if you disapprove my comment again it will show that you are of the enemy because you allow this known troll to post here and slander the JoS and whites a whole. You know who this is as well as I do.

This is strategy bro :D

This is the most effective way to deal with this kind of situation.

One the one side,HP.Hoodedcobra666 use these to train us :D because some members are more inclined to suspect everything,while others more inclined to belive everything.This circus,won t take long and each of us will see if we re paranoid or gullible :mrgreen:

One the other side,give chances to some people for clarify thear ideas.Some are just imbeciles, who simply whant to vomiting their knowleage on us,with no interest in JOS.While others,they have interest but no worries in appearance.

Actually this is a good training for me,because i have some paranoid tendency :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I don't believe I'm a new soul... I believe the soul is eternal and immortal. The body and spirit dies, but the soul lives on through reincarnation, and I believe reincarnation ties into the multi-verse. I believe when someone dies that they reincarnate into another universe completely... If that weren't the case, then why are we constantly seeing more and more people being born on this planet? Human population is on the rise... Right? Where are all these "new souls" coming from?
A soul has a beginning. I don't know how it is with other beings but for humans the most logical explanation is that, as there is a physical process of creating a body through sexual intercouse, there is a spiritual process that creates a soul in the same time. That is how new souls are created since you mentionned the population growth. For a soul to be immortal and live in a multiverse, you would automatically agree that humans like us exist in other universes as well, because a human soul is not a standard piece of energy that would fit any body anywhere in the Universe. The human soul is the human soul.

As about multiverses, I don't think they exist. The Univers is infinite in space, there cannot be two or more universes if they are infinite. There multiple plans of existence above the physical/material like the astral but that is a different matter.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
And if I wasn't a threat to the powers that be and their slave-race of Jews then why do they desperately keep me from opening up my third eye? Why do they keep me from meditating? Why do they keep me from advancing my soul? Obviously, because I'm a threat, so I don't know what you're talking about (no offense) when you say race-mixed people aren't threats to the powers that be. In my experience, I obviously am...
That is because you haven't understood what I said.
One is not a threat to anybody when their entire existence resumes to eating, sleeping, working, drinking, shopping in the malls and filling the clubs in the weekend. One is not a threat when they are incapable of uplifting their life beyond their basic instincts. One is a threat against this jewish system when they spread the truth they learned to other people, when they do activism against this system, when they are protesting the system in the streets, when they do spiritual work against the jewish magic system. That doesn't resume only to us, many people outside who are not SS are doing work against the jewish, only limited by their possibilities and level of understanding. How many mixed-race people have you seen overcoming their basic instincts and actively fighting against this allien system? I've only seen a few here. And the reason for this has been explained in the previous comment.

Even you, what are you doing in particular in order to consider yourself a threat for the jews? What is your contribution in the totality of the efforts against their plans? Is a question that I am asking, don't take it as a reproach or doubt or something.

ProudBrownGentile666 said:
Well, if you guys promote a belief system that isn't actually based on proof <one that suggests that whites are racially superior to every other race on the planet>
You said this from the beginning, not me or anybody else, if the spiritual mission that we are doing is not enough "proof" for you then the misunderstanding is on your side. Until anything, plenty non-Whites are here, will be here and many more will join in the future to contribute to this spiritual mission that has no secret racist ramifications or whatever you might imagine.

The Outlaw Torn said:
Don’t waste your time with this donkey. He’s not here in good faith. The ZLS forum sent him to see how many anti-white comments he could make before getting outed.
Strange words for someone who is not very far away, even if what you said is true. I cannot tell even one single instance when you was in good faith here.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I been doing the meditation stuff for years... I practice yoga every week, and been doing that for years too. I'm only here to take the next step in making that dedication, but I just want to be certain on what I'm making that dedication TO... You know?
Basically, to Satan. A commitment and dedication to grow spiritually and to eventually reach Godhood. A commitment to better yourself and the world around you. To help yourself and to help others, just as our Gods do.

And yeah... My agenda is to get rid of the Jewish enemy too, but more so the alien assholes that created the Jewish problem. The aliens are the heart of the hydra... The Jews are simply a head. If we don't get rid of the alien problem then the Jewish problem will always persist. Right?
Our Gods will take care of the reptilians and we take care of the Jews, with their support.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=372152 time=1656992395 user_id=21286]
Blackdragon [JG] or HPS Shannon
Funny you mention you them because Dick here thinks that there is no such thing a black Satanist.

He said that “Hps Shannon” isn’t even a real person, and is just HP cobra Larping as a black woman so that JoS gets more non white support. (However that would work :roll: )

Richard or “proud brown Asian gentile” you really shouldn’t have ran your mutt mouth like this to so many satanists in private. I would like for you to challenge me on any of it.

There is an entire dossier worth of horseshit that you have said and done I’m not even touching most of it. My intel is solid and comes from many sources and reputable SS that have had the misfortune to have spoken with you.

You harass Satanists with public emails and you come back here every month on a new account just to engage in this trollery. Seriously dude find something else to do.

It’s fucking EMBARRASSING that a grown man spends so much of his time attacking and trolling a forum and organization that he is supposedly done with and doesn’t care about. What is it that bothers you so much? Why is it your life goal to trash Joy of Satan and the white race? Imagine if you had done something productive in all of this time.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
And I don't "hate" white people... Why would I hate my own family, and my own fucking blood line you projecting fool...?
“Why would I hate my own family” then goes on to describe how his family failed him and how hates them…

I love white people
No you don’t. What’s the point of even saying this when everyone knows that it isn’t true?

And sometimes I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, seeing how promoted your race is within this matrix... Being used as the false representatives of such (that Jews, and their alien masters hide behind) while the dark-skinned <non-white> gentile races are stuck at the bottom of the barrel... And unjustly so.
Take the British Broadcasting Corporation out of mouth before speaking to me. You say that whites keep da poor ethnics down n sheit and that they would have da powah if we didn’t oppress them. Where’s the proof that they would be better? There’s none. It’s just speculation.

If the roles were reversed, then I doubt your race would be able to handle those depths of hell, so fuck you and the Jewish horse that you road in on...
But you are a major advocate of white genocide which is why you make comments like this above..

Give me some strong evidence that I'm this "Richard Lester" that you speak of? :) I'll be waiting.
I already did.

They accepted me, because I'm their daughter's SON you fucking idiot... It's not like they would "accept" anyone else who wasn't family, because they definitely wouldn't... Especially since their some-what racist themselves (and I'm not really dogging that by the way, because we all are to some degree... It's natural), but their racist ways are probably worse than my father's side of the family, so... I've seen talk shit about blacks and browns a lot, but nothing too serious was ever said to where I wouldn't be able tolerate being around my mother's side of the family, but I'm just saying... There's no way in hell that they would accept any non-white into their family if they weren't actually family, so stop presuming to know my mother's side of the family, because you really know nothing about them. Also, my father's side of the family not accepting me shows some resolve on their end... My mother's side (my white side) raised me in all the wrong ways... They failed me. They spoiled me... Didn't teach any real form of discipline. Didn't teach me to question and think for myself, and they pushed Christianity upon me. In the long run... They fucked my life up. They did more bad than good, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about when you give them credit over my father's side of the family... And I'm not saying my father's side of the family would of raised any better either. I don't believe anyone should be having kids PERIOD when they're still *very much* plugged into the matrix their selves... And that's just about everyone too.
So we both agree that it would been better if you were aborted. That’s a good point!

Your acceptance and your being prone to morality is a weakness... It's not exactly a strength either, so... Yeah. There's just another thing that whites naturally suck at...
Thank you for continuing to prove everything that I say
Wow. He said “most mixed race people are handsome” which is dicks way of promoting kalergi without saying it.

And ER was not handsome lmao he was the average hapa a very soft and feminine guy which is why women didn’t like him.

But then dick says that he is handsome himself (😐) Im surprised that he didn’t also say that he had a big Richard!

If you were so handsome dick I don’t think your time would be spent doing this troll shit everyday. Most attractive have success in the real world which is something that you clearly don’t.
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
Hunter666 said:
Many things has been said and many I could mention, but considering that your black ego prevents you from admitting that although all races are special in their own way, the white race is more inclined towards an evolutionary, spiritual, social and cultural path and progressivism because of her most direct lineage with the Gods... I'll stop here. It's all about percentages. I have studied a lot about racial society and cultures, white and non-white. Ancient and modern. All races can be proud of something but none can do it in terms of percentages like the white race. It is not an attack on your race, it is a fact. I do not think you are inferior to me, just as I am not superior to anyone, the whole world and all the races of the universe (good ones) can harmoniously coexist and enrich themselves by living in their diversity together. Everyone except the Jews.
However, one must be honest with oneself, having the intelligence to understand things by observing life in general. I hope you are not a fake as my brother with the image of Trump above said, by the way... I feel that you have a deep ability to direct the conversation and the attention of others towards certain topics, leaving out some others.

Have a nice day!

First off... I'm not black ('assuming' you're talking to me), second... You just said that your race is racially superior to every other race on the planet, because you have a direct lineage to the "Gods", but yet you're also saying you're not my superior...? Rofl, wtf...? Are you special, or something?

Third... Humanity is kept from achieving the MO... We're kept from occult power and knowledge. If there ever has been any human beings that have actually reached the magnum opus than where the hell are they? Why haven't they took care of the Jewish problem? Why do they not manifest themselves to the masses and prove that they really do exist? Why do they have to wait to the age of Aquarius? What prevents them from showing themselves now?

The JoS website itself (what Maxine wrote) is pretty clear about Satan "not finishing his work" upon humanity (that being the magnum opus). I don't see how you can say that whites are over-all better than any race when you yourself have never been allowed to live a life outside of "the cave" (Plato's Cave, even though it's not 'his' cave)/ or the Matrix, the Jewtrix, or what ever you choose to call this "unseen" mental prison that we all seem to be stuck in. I prefer to call the cave the "Truman Show Biosphere", because that's the closest and most accurate example I can give to describe it. Everything around is pretty much based on lies... Society and civilization itself is BUILT and based upon lies and deceit. Almost everything in society is meant to drag you down... Kill your spirit. To keep you on this level (of spiritual stagnation) to where you never evolve past this matrix (the frequency fence that keeps you within the matrix) to where you would become more than just some psychic exploit for some alien assholes that run this *ENTIRE* show, so how can you possibly determine (for certain) that white people are better than anyone? And I already made my case about whites being the least spiritual race on the planet... Western societies are *DEVOID* of anything that has any real substance. This is the reason why whites FLOCK to non-white cultures just to get a *taste* of the life that they're not built to have within this matrix... Not saying that they wouldn't have it if they weren't bound to a matrix though, so don't get me words twisted. :)

Also, I wrote about 3 to 4 different comments making my case to other people who wrote comments back to me and the admin of this website denied them all, so now I see that the JoS is pretty big on censorship and controlling the flow of information... No surprise there though, because anything organization that has any real platform (within this matrix) always seems to be had by it. It's pretty sad and pathetic, but what ever... This type of shit and seeing how even the JoS likes to censor people and keep them from talking to each other (hence, controlling the flow of information) just kills what ever faith I had in the Gods to begin with... To play the same game that the Jews and their alien <parasitical> masters play is suspect in itself... Real gentiles (much less the "Gods"/ if they exist) would not have to resort to the same lows in silencing FREE SPEECH.

Last thing I want to say... Allow occult power and knowledge into the hands of the NON-WHITE gentile races and then let's see if the Aryan race still holds the title (not that they hold it anyways) of being "The Master Race", because I guarantee that shit would change if humanity were allowed to pursue occult power and achieve our peak potential/ that being the non-white gentile races. I know myself to a considerable enough degree to know just how dangerous I am on an occult/ "Psychic" level. I know, and I've seen the truth... And I don't appreciate morons being placed above me within some "Hierarchy" that isn't even human in origin.

Since you wrote me that, our High Priest isn't deny your posts at all.

You just said that your race is racially superior to every other race on the planet, because you have a direct lineage to the "Gods", but yet you're also saying you're not my superior...?

My race is more inclined towards an evolutionary, spiritual, social and cultural path and progressivism, but I dont hate those that arent. I would like to see griwing other races too because all of them deserves that.
I like to travel and Ive seen a lot of black countries, all of them were like a zoo. Im Sorry about that, but is It. Love and people rights are often denied, low morals, a lot of Jewish shit. All black countries are, today, the most close to the Jews. I've seen too much in Africa and Brasil to feel right saying that. And Im just talking about the most civilized ones... You cant visit south Africa because White people are still seen as enemies and killed, but nobody seems to care.
All the advanced blacks I have known in my life were born in a occidental countries with occidental WHITE cultures, America, Europe... all of this must have a sense to you.

If there ever has been any human beings that have actually reached the magnum opus than where the hell are they? Why haven't they took care of the Jewish problem?

We are here to grow and evolve, learn from our mistakes and create our own future. Hoping for a salvator to come Is a Jewish mania and weakness.

Allow occult power and knowledge into the hands of the NON-WHITE gentile races and then let's see if the Aryan race still holds the title

Dont worry, we do It and nothing still changed.
Have a Wonderful Day 👋
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
Dude, what are you talking about...? HP Shannon herself even said that whites have more potential than her own race... I can find the direct quote for you (in her saying this) if you want me to? And another member up above just said that whites are better since they're the direct lineage of the Gods themselves. I've read through the forums and there's a lot of comments made by JoS members saying this same shit... HP Mageson even said this in a previous comment of his, that whites have the most potential out of all races, so yeah... You telling me that no one is saying that is laughable. I mean no offense in saying that... You've been pretty respectful to me, so far, so I hold no real dislike for ya. I do appreciate it, but I'm just saying... You're wrong.

Please don't get confused about the details. This is not a case where one race is supposed to dominate the other. Yet, one reality of the universe is that one's ancestral karma can help or hurt someone. We recognize this karma or other characteristics of hierarchy, but within this hierarchy is no room for bullying, intimidation, inferiority/superiority complexes, or other destructive actions that prevent advancement.

This karma applies on a group level or an individual level. Even besides whites on earth, those who are born within the society of the Gods will start out simply better than anyone on Earth. Likewise, whites have much positive karma behind them. HOWEVER, a black person who is born to a spiritually advanced black family would have significantly more positive karma promoting their advancement than an untrained white person or family.

I understand that you may be upset about this, but we have to recognize differences in spiritual power (different from potential!) between individuals to promote meritocracy. Within JoS, we look at the individual level, hence why HPS Shannon and other black members have the status that they do.
Focus on advancing and stop worrying about the hierarchy of races (which exists and should exist). If it wasn't for the obvious superiority of the Gods, Races, Families, and Individuals none of us would be able to take the hand/s of those higher than ourselves to be lifted upwards.
The Outlaw Torn said:
ProudBrownGentile666 said:
I was raised on my mother's side of the family, and I went to a prominently white school and none of these people shared the same potential as me when it came to seeing beyond the system itself. Most of them couldn't even see beyond Christianity... I know most of these kids today even as adults and none (that I know of) are on board in fighting against the system, much less the Jews... They're all yes men and yes women. They're perfectly happy in living life as goyim... And you're saying that these people are my "Racial betters"...? Na, bro... I won't blindly accept that.
More proof that this is Richard Lester.

Stop larping as a “brown Asian” when are you literally just a mestizo with a white mom and deadbeat native dad.

Seriously why do you hate whites when they are ones that accepted you and took care of you while your native family didn’t do anything for you? You disgusting ingrate. The fact that your brown ass was even allowed in a white family shows how accepting we are, and how terrible that is.

Go ahead and raise some bastard redskins son just so he can go on ancient forums and trash your race for even daring to take care of him.

You make me hate mixed people.

And hoodedcobra I know that you’re reading this, and if you disapprove my comment again it will show that you are of the enemy because you allow this known troll to post here and slander the JoS and whites a whole. You know who this is as well as I do.

He’s said that the RTRs curse your own soul. How can you allow someone that says that to post here? He also worships blacks in private and thinks they are superior to whites. I have read the emails.

Yes you are correct in him being Richard Lester. However I wanted to let you know that it is still incorrect to go blasting others who may be just genuine individuals and that your brash vernacular can make any potential non whites turn their backs on an opportunity because of your particular word choices.
WKM said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
And hoodedcobra I know that you’re reading this, and if you disapprove my comment again it will show that you are of the enemy because you allow this known troll to post here and slander the JoS and whites a whole. You know who this is as well as I do.

This is strategy bro :D

This is the most effective way to deal with this kind of situation.

One the one side,HP.Hoodedcobra666 use these to train us :D because some members are more inclined to suspect everything,while others more inclined to belive everything.This circus,won t take long and each of us will see if we re paranoid or gullible :mrgreen:

One the other side,give chances to some people for clarify thear ideas.Some are just imbeciles, who simply whant to vomiting their knowleage on us,with no interest in JOS.While others,they have interest but no worries in appearance.

Actually this is a good training for me,because i have some paranoid tendency :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
How about just cautious rather then the other.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
