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The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)

Djinn Draconis

New member
Sep 28, 2004
They even boast of having a higher average IQ than any gentile race!

http://forward.com/articles/155742/jews ... eal/?p=all

In his new book, "Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People," Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, claims that Jews are different, and the differences are not just skin deep. Jews exhibit, he writes, a distinctive genetic signature. Considering that the Nazis tried to exterminate Jews based on their supposed racial distinctiveness, such a conclusion might be a cause for concern. But Ostrer sees it as central to Jewish identity.

"Who is a Jew?" has been a poignant question for Jews throughout our history. It evokes a complex tapestry of Jewish identity made up of different strains of religious beliefs, cultural practices and blood ties to ancient Palestine and modern Israel. But the question, with its echoes of genetic determinism, also has a dark side.

Geneticists have long been aware that certain diseases, from breast cancer to Tay-Sachs, disproportionately affect Jews. Ostrer, who is also director of genetic and genomic testing at Montefiore Medical Center, goes further, maintaining that Jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what we used to call a "race."

Genes Tell Tale of Jewish Ties to Africa
The Ties That Bind
The Other Jewish Genetic Diseases

For most of the 3,000-year history of the Jewish people, the notion of what came to be known as "Jewish exceptionalism" was hardly controversial. Because of our history of inmarriage and cultural isolation, imposed or self-selected, Jews were considered by gentiles (and usually referred to themselves) as a "race." Scholars from Josephus to Disraeli proudly proclaimed their membership in "the tribe."

Ostrer explains how this concept took on special meaning in the 20th century, as genetics emerged as a viable scientific enterprise. Jewish distinctiveness might actually be measurable empirically. In "Legacy," he first introduces us to Maurice Fishberg, an upwardly mobile Russian-Jewish immigrant to New York at the fin de siècle. Fishberg fervently embraced the anthropological fashion of the era, measuring skull sizes to explain why Jews seemed to be afflicted with more diseases than other groups — what he called the "peculiarities of the comparative pathology of the Jews." It turns out that Fishberg and his contemporary phrenologists were wrong: Skull shape provides limited information about human differences. But his studies ushered in a century of research linking Jews to genetics.

Ostrer divides his book into six chapters representing the various aspects of Jewishness: Looking Jewish, Founders, Genealogies, Tribes, Traits and Identity. Each chapter features a prominent scientist or historical figure who dramatically advanced our understanding of Jewishness. The snippets of biography lighten a dense forest of sometimes-obscure science. The narrative, which consists of a lot of potboiler history, is a slog at times. But for the specialist and anyone touched by the enduring debate over Jewish identity, this book is indispensable.

"Legacy" may cause its readers discomfort. To some Jews, the notion of a genetically related people is an embarrassing remnant of early Zionism that came into vogue at the height of the Western obsession with race, in the late 19th century. Celebrating blood ancestry is divisive, they claim: The authors of "The Bell Curve" were vilified 15 years ago for suggesting that genes play a major role in IQ differences among racial groups.

Furthermore, sociologists and cultural anthropologists, a disproportionate number of whom are Jewish, ridicule the term "race," claiming there are no meaningful differences between ethnic groups. For Jews, the word still carries the especially odious historical association with Nazism and the Nuremberg Laws. They argue that Judaism has morphed from a tribal cult into a worldwide religion enhanced by thousands of years of cultural traditions.

Is Judaism a people or a religion? Or both? The belief that Jews may be psychologically or physically distinct remains a controversial fixture in the gentile and Jewish consciousness, and Ostrer places himself directly in the line of fire. Yes, he writes, the term "race" carries nefarious associations of inferiority and ranking of people. Anything that marks Jews as essentially different runs the risk of stirring either anti- or philo-Semitism. But that doesn't mean we can ignore the factual reality of what he calls the "biological basis of Jewishness" and "Jewish genetics." Acknowledging the distinctiveness of Jews is "fraught with peril," but we must grapple with the hard evidence of "human differences" if we seek to understand the new age of genetics.

Although he readily acknowledges the formative role of culture and environment, Ostrer believes that Jewish identity has multiple threads, including DNA. He offers a cogent, scientifically based review of the evidence, which serves as a model of scientific restraint.

"On the one hand, the study of Jewish genetics might be viewed as an elitist effort, promoting a certain genetic view of Jewish superiority," he writes. "On the other, it might provide fodder for anti-Semitism by providing evidence of a genetic basis for undesirable traits that are present among some Jews. These issues will newly challenge the liberal view that humans are created equal but with genetic liabilities."

Jews, he notes, are one of the most distinctive population groups in the world because of our history of endogamy. Jews — Ashkenazim in particular — are relatively homogeneous despite the fact that they are spread throughout Europe and have since immigrated to the Americas and back to Israel. The Inquisition shattered Sephardi Jewry, leading to far more incidences of intermarriage and to a less distinctive DNA.

In traversing this minefield of the genetics of human differences, Ostrer bolsters his analysis with volumes of genetic data, which are both the book's greatest strength and its weakness. Two complementary books on this subject — my own "Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People" and "Jacob's Legacy: A Genetic View of Jewish History" by Duke University geneticist David Goldstein, who is well quoted in both "Abraham's Children" and "Legacy" — are more narrative driven, weaving history and genetics, and are consequently much more congenial reads.

The concept of the "Jewish people" remains controversial. The Law of Return, which establishes the right of Jews to come to Israel, is a central tenet of Zionism and a founding legal principle of the State of Israel. The DNA that tightly links Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi, three prominent culturally and geographically distinct Jewish groups, could be used to support Zionist territorial claims — except, as Ostrer points out, some of the same markers can be found in Palestinians, our distant genetic cousins, as well. Palestinians, understandably, want their own right of return.

That disagreement over the meaning of DNA also pits Jewish traditionalists against a particular strain of secular Jewish liberals that has joined with Arabs and many non-Jews to argue for an end to Israel as a Jewish nation. Their hero is Shlomo Sand, an Austrian-born Israeli historian who reignited this complex controversy with the 2008 publication of "The Invention of the Jewish People."

Sand contends that Zionists who claim an ancestral link to ancient Palestine are manipulating history. But he has taken his thesis from novelist Arthur Koestler's 1976 book, "The Thirteenth Tribe," which was part of an attempt by post-World War II Jewish liberals to reconfigure Jews not as a biological group, but as a religious ideology and ethnic identity.

The majority of the Ashkenazi Jewish population, as Koestler, and now Sand, writes, are not the children of Abraham but descendants of pagan Eastern Europeans and Eurasians, concentrated mostly in the ancient Kingdom of Khazaria in what is now Ukraine and Western Russia. The Khazarian nobility converted during the early Middle Ages, when European Jewry was forming.

Although scholars challenged Koestler's and now Sand's selective manipulation of the facts — the conversion was almost certainly limited to the tiny ruling class and not to the vast pagan population — the historical record has been just fragmentary enough to titillate determined critics of Israel, who turned both Koestler's and Sand's books into roaring best-sellers.

Fortunately, re-creating history now depends not only on pottery shards, flaking manuscripts and faded coins, but on something far less ambiguous: DNA. Ostrer's book is an impressive counterpoint to the dubious historical methodology of Sand and his admirers. And, as a co-founder of the Jewish HapMap — the study of haplotypes, or blocks of genetic markers, that are common to Jews around the world — he is well positioned to write the definitive response.

In accord with most geneticists, Ostrer firmly rejects the fashionable postmodernist dismissal of the concept of race as genetically naive, opting for a more nuanced perspective.

When the human genome was first mapped a decade ago, Francis Collins, then head of the National Genome Human Research Institute, said: "Americans, regardless of ethnic group, are 99.9% genetically identical." Added J. Craig Venter, who at the time was chief scientist at the private firm that helped sequenced the genome, Celera Genomics, "Race has no genetic or scientific basis." Those declarations appeared to suggest that "race," or the notion of distinct but overlapping genetic groups, is "meaningless."

But Collins and Venter have issued clarifications of their much-misrepresented comments. Almost every minority group has faced, at one time or another, being branded as racially inferior based on a superficial understanding of how genes peculiar to its population work. The inclination by politicians, educators and even some scientists to underplay our separateness is certainly understandable. But it's also misleading. DNA ensures that we differ not only as individuals, but also as groups.

However slight the differences (and geneticists now believe that they are significantly greater than 0.1%), they are defining. That 0.1% contains some 3 million nucleotide pairs in the human genome, and these determine such things as skin or hair color and susceptibility to certain diseases. They contain the map of our family trees back to the first modern humans.

Both the human genome project and disease research rest on the premise of finding distinguishable differences between individuals and often among populations. Scientists have ditched the term "race," with all its normative baggage, and adopted more neutral terms, such as "population" and "clime," which have much of the same meaning. Boiled down to its essence, race equates to "region of ancestral origin."

Ostrer has devoted his career to investigating these extended family trees, which help explain the genetic basis of common and rare disorders. Today, Jews remain identifiable in large measure by the 40 or so diseases we disproportionately carry, the inescapable consequence of inbreeding. He traces the fascinating history of numerous "Jewish diseases," such as Tay-Sachs, Gaucher, Niemann-Pick, Mucolipidosis IV, as well as breast and ovarian cancer. Indeed, 10 years ago I was diagnosed as carrying one of the three genetic mutations for breast and ovarian cancer that mark my family and me as indelibly Jewish, prompting me to write "Abraham's Children."

Like East Asians, the Amish, Icelanders, Aboriginals, the Basque people, African tribes and other groups, Jews have remained isolated for centuries because of geography, religion or cultural practices. It's stamped on our DNA. As Ostrer explains in fascinating detail, threads of Jewish ancestry link the sizable Jewish communities of North America and Europe to Yemenite and other Middle Eastern Jews who have relocated to Israel, as well as to the black Lemba of southern Africa and to India's Cochin Jews. But, in a twist, the links include neither the Bene Israel of India nor Ethiopian Jews. Genetic tests show that both groups are converts, contradicting their founding myths.

Why, then, are Jews so different looking, usually sharing the characteristics of the surrounding populations? Think of red-haired Jews, Jews with blue eyes or the black Jews of Africa. Like any cluster — a genetic term Ostrer uses in place of the more inflammatory "race" — Jews throughout history moved around and fooled around, although mixing occurred comparatively infrequently until recent decades. Although there are identifiable gene variations that are common among Jews, we are not a "pure" race. The time machine of our genes may show that most Jews have a shared ancestry that traces back to ancient Palestine but, like all of humanity, Jews are mutts.

About 80% of Jewish males and 50% of Jewish females trace their ancestry back to the Middle East. The rest entered the "Jewish gene pool" through conversion or intermarriage. Those who did intermarry often left the faith in a generation or two, in effect pruning the Jewish genetic tree. But many converts became interwoven into the Jewish genealogical line. Reflect on the iconic convert, the biblical Ruth, who married Boaz and became the great-grandmother of King David. She began as an outsider, but you don't get much more Jewish than the bloodline of King David!

To his credit, Ostrer also addresses the third rail of discussions about Jewishness and race: the issue of intelligence. Jews were latecomers to the age of freethinking. While the Enlightenment swept through Christian Europe in the 17th century, the Haskalah did not gather strength until the early 19th century. By the beginning of the new millennium, however, Jews were thought of as among the smartest people on earth. The trend is most prominent in America, which has the largest concentration of Jews outside Israel and a history of tolerance.

Although Jews make up less than 3% of the population, they have won more than 25% of the Nobel Prizes awarded to American scientists since 1950. Jews also account for 20% of this country's chief executives and make up 22% of Ivy League students. Psychologists and educational researchers have pegged their average IQ at 107.5 to 115, with their verbal IQ at more than 120, a stunning standard deviation above the average of 100 found in those of European ancestry. Like it or not, the IQ debate will become an increasingly important issue going forward, as medical geneticists focus on unlocking the mysteries of the brain.

Many liberal Jews maintain, at least in public, that the plethora of Jewish lawyers, doctors and comedians is the product of our cultural heritage, but the science tells a more complex story. Jewish success is a product of Jewish genes as much as of Jewish moms.

Is it "good for the Jews" to be exploring such controversial subjects? We can't avoid engaging the most challenging questions in the age of genetics. Because of our history of endogamy, Jews are a goldmine for geneticists studying human differences in the quest to cure disease. Because of our cultural commitment to education, Jews are among the top genetic researchers in the world.

As humankind becomes more genetically sophisticated, identity becomes both more fluid and more fixed. Jews in particular can find threads of our ancestry literally anywhere, muddying traditional categories of nationhood, ethnicity, religious belief and "race." But such discussions, ultimately, are subsumed by the reality of the common shared ancestry of humankind. Ostrer's "Legacy" points out that — regardless of the pros and cons of being Jewish — we are all, genetically, in it together. And, in doing so, he gets it just right.

Jon Entine is the founder and director of the Genetic Literacy Project at George Mason University, where he is senior research fellow at the Center for Health and Risk Communication. His website is www.jonentine.com.

Read more: http://forward.com/articles/155742/jews ... z2DSO3gDI2
They are definitely a race; a race within all races. One does not claim for example to be half Catholic, or how about a quarter Methodist, or that there is 'some Buddhist blood in the family.'

George Lincoln Rockwell once stated 'You can draw a picture of a jew, but you can't draw a picture of a Catholic or Protestant.'

Look to 'the Cohen gene' for the reptilian DNA all jews carry. They themselves admit their jewishness can be seen in their DNA. One does not have Catholic or Lutheran DNA, or how about Jehova's Witness genes or DNA. One does not inherit a Catholic or Presbyterian disease. Certain diseases are not prominent amongst say, Seventh Day Adventists, for example.

Now, one thing I wanted to state and this is the real reason for my reply. The statement that the jews have a higher IQ. My point here is--NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE KIKES! They are NOT stupid by any means. Not only are many of them extremely clever, they have knowledge that many Gentiles do not have, such as obscure loop-holes in the law, knowledge about money and finances and all kinds of other shit that can totally screw the average Gentile to the wall. They call themselves 'People of the book.' While many Gentiles plop themselves down in the easy chair before the television set with a beer, the kike is studying. This is a fact.

I remember a long time ago, after joining American Mensa [American Mensa is for people who have IQ's in the top 2% and above of the population], they had a manditory orientation for new members. The orientation was in the home of a jewish couple. There were some 30+ people there, and out of that number, I only spotted some 3 or 4 Gentiles, myself included. Nothing but kikes. One jew openly bragged to me a long time ago that the average jewish IQ is 135. 135 is near the cut-off for joining Mensa and is at the top 2%. One must take a supervised IQ test before one can join Mensa.

My point is while there definitely are idiot jews, the majority are not stupid by any means and should NEVER be trusted or underestimated in any way. Most kikes also are highly educated. They are expert liars, they know how to twist things, confuse Gentiles and are masters of deception. This is racial. They are manipulative and whine to try to evoke sympathy or get their way. Underneath all of this...they are deadly. I also note that the more jewish blood, the more the aura is flat.

The jews especially feared the Nazis because nearly all of the Third Reich Leaders had high genius IQ's...well above the 135 level. There was a book written about this called 'The Nuremberg IQ.' Most of the Nazis they tested had IQ's above 160.

Never, ever underestimate this racial scum! They have been the masterminds behind the most hideous atrocities, that are even beyond the imagination, for centuries. Their hatred of Gentiles knows no limits. Look to industrial farming of animals of which the jews are behind. I saw a documentary on this and went vegetarian for three weeks, but got sick on that and went back to eating meat. My point here is 'goyim' means 'cattle.'
One does not bargain with the jew. It is 'either'...'or.'

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Djinn Draconis" <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

They even boast of having a higher average IQ than any gentile race!

http://forward.com/articles/155742/jews ... eal/?p=all

In his new book, "Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People," Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, claims that Jews are different, and the differences are not just skin deep. Jews exhibit, he writes, a distinctive genetic signature. Considering that the Nazis tried to exterminate Jews based on their supposed racial distinctiveness, such a conclusion might be a cause for concern. But Ostrer sees it as central to Jewish identity.

"Who is a Jew?" has been a poignant question for Jews throughout our history. It evokes a complex tapestry of Jewish identity made up of different strains of religious beliefs, cultural practices and blood ties to ancient Palestine and modern Israel. But the question, with its echoes of genetic determinism, also has a dark side.

Geneticists have long been aware that certain diseases, from breast cancer to Tay-Sachs, disproportionately affect Jews. Ostrer, who is also director of genetic and genomic testing at Montefiore Medical Center, goes further, maintaining that Jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what we used to call a "race."

Genes Tell Tale of Jewish Ties to Africa
The Ties That Bind
The Other Jewish Genetic Diseases

For most of the 3,000-year history of the Jewish people, the notion of what came to be known as "Jewish exceptionalism" was hardly controversial. Because of our history of inmarriage and cultural isolation, imposed or self-selected, Jews were considered by gentiles (and usually referred to themselves) as a "race." Scholars from Josephus to Disraeli proudly proclaimed their membership in "the tribe."

Ostrer explains how this concept took on special meaning in the 20th century, as genetics emerged as a viable scientific enterprise. Jewish distinctiveness might actually be measurable empirically. In "Legacy," he first introduces us to Maurice Fishberg, an upwardly mobile Russian-Jewish immigrant to New York at the fin de siècle. Fishberg fervently embraced the anthropological fashion of the era, measuring skull sizes to explain why Jews seemed to be afflicted with more diseases than other groups — what he called the "peculiarities of the comparative pathology of the Jews." It turns out that Fishberg and his contemporary phrenologists were wrong: Skull shape provides limited information about human differences. But his studies ushered in a century of research linking Jews to genetics.

Ostrer divides his book into six chapters representing the various aspects of Jewishness: Looking Jewish, Founders, Genealogies, Tribes, Traits and Identity. Each chapter features a prominent scientist or historical figure who dramatically advanced our understanding of Jewishness. The snippets of biography lighten a dense forest of sometimes-obscure science. The narrative, which consists of a lot of potboiler history, is a slog at times. But for the specialist and anyone touched by the enduring debate over Jewish identity, this book is indispensable.

"Legacy" may cause its readers discomfort. To some Jews, the notion of a genetically related people is an embarrassing remnant of early Zionism that came into vogue at the height of the Western obsession with race, in the late 19th century. Celebrating blood ancestry is divisive, they claim: The authors of "The Bell Curve" were vilified 15 years ago for suggesting that genes play a major role in IQ differences among racial groups.

Furthermore, sociologists and cultural anthropologists, a disproportionate number of whom are Jewish, ridicule the term "race," claiming there are no meaningful differences between ethnic groups. For Jews, the word still carries the especially odious historical association with Nazism and the Nuremberg Laws. They argue that Judaism has morphed from a tribal cult into a worldwide religion enhanced by thousands of years of cultural traditions.

Is Judaism a people or a religion? Or both? The belief that Jews may be psychologically or physically distinct remains a controversial fixture in the gentile and Jewish consciousness, and Ostrer places himself directly in the line of fire. Yes, he writes, the term "race" carries nefarious associations of inferiority and ranking of people. Anything that marks Jews as essentially different runs the risk of stirring either anti- or philo-Semitism. But that doesn't mean we can ignore the factual reality of what he calls the "biological basis of Jewishness" and "Jewish genetics." Acknowledging the distinctiveness of Jews is "fraught with peril," but we must grapple with the hard evidence of "human differences" if we seek to understand the new age of genetics.

Although he readily acknowledges the formative role of culture and environment, Ostrer believes that Jewish identity has multiple threads, including DNA. He offers a cogent, scientifically based review of the evidence, which serves as a model of scientific restraint.

"On the one hand, the study of Jewish genetics might be viewed as an elitist effort, promoting a certain genetic view of Jewish superiority," he writes. "On the other, it might provide fodder for anti-Semitism by providing evidence of a genetic basis for undesirable traits that are present among some Jews. These issues will newly challenge the liberal view that humans are created equal but with genetic liabilities."

Jews, he notes, are one of the most distinctive population groups in the world because of our history of endogamy. Jews — Ashkenazim in particular — are relatively homogeneous despite the fact that they are spread throughout Europe and have since immigrated to the Americas and back to Israel. The Inquisition shattered Sephardi Jewry, leading to far more incidences of intermarriage and to a less distinctive DNA.

In traversing this minefield of the genetics of human differences, Ostrer bolsters his analysis with volumes of genetic data, which are both the book's greatest strength and its weakness. Two complementary books on this subject — my own "Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People" and "Jacob's Legacy: A Genetic View of Jewish History" by Duke University geneticist David Goldstein, who is well quoted in both "Abraham's Children" and "Legacy" — are more narrative driven, weaving history and genetics, and are consequently much more congenial reads.

The concept of the "Jewish people" remains controversial. The Law of Return, which establishes the right of Jews to come to Israel, is a central tenet of Zionism and a founding legal principle of the State of Israel. The DNA that tightly links Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi, three prominent culturally and geographically distinct Jewish groups, could be used to support Zionist territorial claims — except, as Ostrer points out, some of the same markers can be found in Palestinians, our distant genetic cousins, as well. Palestinians, understandably, want their own right of return.

That disagreement over the meaning of DNA also pits Jewish traditionalists against a particular strain of secular Jewish liberals that has joined with Arabs and many non-Jews to argue for an end to Israel as a Jewish nation. Their hero is Shlomo Sand, an Austrian-born Israeli historian who reignited this complex controversy with the 2008 publication of "The Invention of the Jewish People."

Sand contends that Zionists who claim an ancestral link to ancient Palestine are manipulating history. But he has taken his thesis from novelist Arthur Koestler's 1976 book, "The Thirteenth Tribe," which was part of an attempt by post-World War II Jewish liberals to reconfigure Jews not as a biological group, but as a religious ideology and ethnic identity.

The majority of the Ashkenazi Jewish population, as Koestler, and now Sand, writes, are not the children of Abraham but descendants of pagan Eastern Europeans and Eurasians, concentrated mostly in the ancient Kingdom of Khazaria in what is now Ukraine and Western Russia. The Khazarian nobility converted during the early Middle Ages, when European Jewry was forming.

Although scholars challenged Koestler's and now Sand's selective manipulation of the facts — the conversion was almost certainly limited to the tiny ruling class and not to the vast pagan population — the historical record has been just fragmentary enough to titillate determined critics of Israel, who turned both Koestler's and Sand's books into roaring best-sellers.

Fortunately, re-creating history now depends not only on pottery shards, flaking manuscripts and faded coins, but on something far less ambiguous: DNA. Ostrer's book is an impressive counterpoint to the dubious historical methodology of Sand and his admirers. And, as a co-founder of the Jewish HapMap — the study of haplotypes, or blocks of genetic markers, that are common to Jews around the world — he is well positioned to write the definitive response.

In accord with most geneticists, Ostrer firmly rejects the fashionable postmodernist dismissal of the concept of race as genetically naive, opting for a more nuanced perspective.

When the human genome was first mapped a decade ago, Francis Collins, then head of the National Genome Human Research Institute, said: "Americans, regardless of ethnic group, are 99.9% genetically identical." Added J. Craig Venter, who at the time was chief scientist at the private firm that helped sequenced the genome, Celera Genomics, "Race has no genetic or scientific basis." Those declarations appeared to suggest that "race," or the notion of distinct but overlapping genetic groups, is "meaningless."

But Collins and Venter have issued clarifications of their much-misrepresented comments. Almost every minority group has faced, at one time or another, being branded as racially inferior based on a superficial understanding of how genes peculiar to its population work. The inclination by politicians, educators and even some scientists to underplay our separateness is certainly understandable. But it's also misleading. DNA ensures that we differ not only as individuals, but also as groups.

However slight the differences (and geneticists now believe that they are significantly greater than 0.1%), they are defining. That 0.1% contains some 3 million nucleotide pairs in the human genome, and these determine such things as skin or hair color and susceptibility to certain diseases. They contain the map of our family trees back to the first modern humans.

Both the human genome project and disease research rest on the premise of finding distinguishable differences between individuals and often among populations. Scientists have ditched the term "race," with all its normative baggage, and adopted more neutral terms, such as "population" and "clime," which have much of the same meaning. Boiled down to its essence, race equates to "region of ancestral origin."

Ostrer has devoted his career to investigating these extended family trees, which help explain the genetic basis of common and rare disorders. Today, Jews remain identifiable in large measure by the 40 or so diseases we disproportionately carry, the inescapable consequence of inbreeding. He traces the fascinating history of numerous "Jewish diseases," such as Tay-Sachs, Gaucher, Niemann-Pick, Mucolipidosis IV, as well as breast and ovarian cancer. Indeed, 10 years ago I was diagnosed as carrying one of the three genetic mutations for breast and ovarian cancer that mark my family and me as indelibly Jewish, prompting me to write "Abraham's Children."

Like East Asians, the Amish, Icelanders, Aboriginals, the Basque people, African tribes and other groups, Jews have remained isolated for centuries because of geography, religion or cultural practices. It's stamped on our DNA. As Ostrer explains in fascinating detail, threads of Jewish ancestry link the sizable Jewish communities of North America and Europe to Yemenite and other Middle Eastern Jews who have relocated to Israel, as well as to the black Lemba of southern Africa and to India's Cochin Jews. But, in a twist, the links include neither the Bene Israel of India nor Ethiopian Jews. Genetic tests show that both groups are converts, contradicting their founding myths.

Why, then, are Jews so different looking, usually sharing the characteristics of the surrounding populations? Think of red-haired Jews, Jews with blue eyes or the black Jews of Africa. Like any cluster — a genetic term Ostrer uses in place of the more inflammatory "race" — Jews throughout history moved around and fooled around, although mixing occurred comparatively infrequently until recent decades. Although there are identifiable gene variations that are common among Jews, we are not a "pure" race. The time machine of our genes may show that most Jews have a shared ancestry that traces back to ancient Palestine but, like all of humanity, Jews are mutts.

About 80% of Jewish males and 50% of Jewish females trace their ancestry back to the Middle East. The rest entered the "Jewish gene pool" through conversion or intermarriage. Those who did intermarry often left the faith in a generation or two, in effect pruning the Jewish genetic tree. But many converts became interwoven into the Jewish genealogical line. Reflect on the iconic convert, the biblical Ruth, who married Boaz and became the great-grandmother of King David. She began as an outsider, but you don't get much more Jewish than the bloodline of King David!

To his credit, Ostrer also addresses the third rail of discussions about Jewishness and race: the issue of intelligence. Jews were latecomers to the age of freethinking. While the Enlightenment swept through Christian Europe in the 17th century, the Haskalah did not gather strength until the early 19th century. By the beginning of the new millennium, however, Jews were thought of as among the smartest people on earth. The trend is most prominent in America, which has the largest concentration of Jews outside Israel and a history of tolerance.

Although Jews make up less than 3% of the population, they have won more than 25% of the Nobel Prizes awarded to American scientists since 1950. Jews also account for 20% of this country's chief executives and make up 22% of Ivy League students. Psychologists and educational researchers have pegged their average IQ at 107.5 to 115, with their verbal IQ at more than 120, a stunning standard deviation above the average of 100 found in those of European ancestry. Like it or not, the IQ debate will become an increasingly important issue going forward, as medical geneticists focus on unlocking the mysteries of the brain.

Many liberal Jews maintain, at least in public, that the plethora of Jewish lawyers, doctors and comedians is the product of our cultural heritage, but the science tells a more complex story. Jewish success is a product of Jewish genes as much as of Jewish moms.

Is it "good for the Jews" to be exploring such controversial subjects? We can't avoid engaging the most challenging questions in the age of genetics. Because of our history of endogamy, Jews are a goldmine for geneticists studying human differences in the quest to cure disease. Because of our cultural commitment to education, Jews are among the top genetic researchers in the world.

As humankind becomes more genetically sophisticated, identity becomes both more fluid and more fixed. Jews in particular can find threads of our ancestry literally anywhere, muddying traditional categories of nationhood, ethnicity, religious belief and "race." But such discussions, ultimately, are subsumed by the reality of the common shared ancestry of humankind. Ostrer's "Legacy" points out that — regardless of the pros and cons of being Jewish — we are all, genetically, in it together. And, in doing so, he gets it just right.

Jon Entine is the founder and director of the Genetic Literacy Project at George Mason University, where he is senior research fellow at the Center for Health and Risk Communication. His website is www.jonentine.com.

Read more: http://forward.com/articles/155742/jews ... z2DSO3gDI2
I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing. Truly Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Anand Bon <anandbon@... wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing. Truly
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
I know what you reffer to here very well. I will never see a kike hang on alone. Always there will be other jews around them and they work as gangs. Alone they are completely weak and useless, won't tell you a word and won't stand up for anything, or cause any arguement. They will kiss your ass if confronted alone and try to get their way with all this sympathetic shit. Especially if you push them to the wall, they will really try and use their sympathetic shit. Personally they disgust me. Later if you give mercy to a jew they will come back with their clique. I know this very well from gypsies. Where I live there are many gypsies. Alone, they will never tell you anything or try to argue or call you into a fight. Especially if you're naturally more superior than them, taller or more muscular. When there are like 3-4 than them, they will do this.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing. Truly
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing. Truly
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
Choose as Psychic hosts..hmm Come to think of it,That 1 year i have meditated very less,I guess he was sucking my will and energies,Though it never ended.I just have too much energy.
Of all the Jews i've chatted with a Jew that Praised Satan,Gods,Hitler..Also in some ways Blaspheming them(Agares is my Wife My ass,Amun RA is My Father my ass,I was Tutankhamun in past life my ass,Shit load of Bullshits),Posing. -.-.I was like Okay Okay but never bought it at first then as time passed he was sucessfully making me believe in him bit by bit, Funny thing he always Claimed i was doing it,I was attacking him etc,In reality I never bothered to attacked him,not even a single spell. I Think Such Accusations were widely spread during the Inquisition, Maybe i should Ice that Jew. Thanks Cobra for Giving more Insight on Kike conscience. 
So true. In my lame excuse of a school, their are only kikes who work there. Except for the security guards, being there are very negative and violent kids who go there, a kike would be scared shitless trying to involve itself in the altercations of the students in the school. Everybody in there is weak, gentiles that go to that school, to me, all seem drained and tired. It is only the kikes who hurry and get through work and stuff, passing free heartedly, and keeping quiet about having the easy way out of school. This is due to the fact that everytime i witness a kike in the school, i counted a few, they easily seem to pass. They are the whiner dumb type, just like the kike who i know who passes high school SUPER quick because he had IEP. Well, if you are that dumb, how the hell can you operate and know alot about computers and the lastest ipones and stuff. It does not make sense to me.

Anyways, i understand when you basically said they suck up to people. They suck up to me all day, and the other ones, try their best to be my friend. Now, i am totally saying fuck them. After, i try to fake it cool with them, the guy says fuck me because i told him he whines too much. Then, in less then a minute, he apologizes and try to be cool. Even if he wasnt a kike, why the hell would i excuse such rude behavior. So he tried to suck up, and i just looked at the kike, not saying a word.

They are truly the vampires. The other at the school seems to record any information from me. He tries his best to engage in spiritual or political conversations with me. I knew he was not dumb, because on the first days of school, he asked if it was the energies in the school that i dont like. I looked at him bewildered and confused. Why is a teacher, kike, trying to talk to me like this. He then spaced out and moved away from me. This thing even admits something was different about me to another kike in the school, but he said it like he was praising me.

But, i do believe they are draining the kids. I go there refreshed and stuff in the morning and feeling great. Not even an hour in there and i am completly wiped out amd tired. So now i protect myself in school when i fell this way or different then how i came in. All the other kids just sleep, clown around, and say how boring and tired they are.

And to end with something that really made me laugh, i mean i almost lost it, is when you guys talked about the rat doing the stinky cheese. That stuff was halarious. I wanted to say that to a kike so bad. Be like: Hey rat, can you do the stinky cheese. C'mon just be your unnatural self. Wiggle little rodent.

hail father SATAN!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing. Truly
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
Yeah, just like their masters, they are too scared to attack alone. 
I too am really disgusted of them. When i see them in their black robes, with their black hats and that curled filthy hair they've got, all my hair just ruffles up. Creepy creatures. And I feel their energy so damn yucky. The imagine i get when I look at them, is of a smelly swamp, full of shit flies. I don't know how can people like them and like to be around them. 
Then there is the other type of kikes that are 'none-religious' and dress and act like other people. In the beginning it was kinda difficult to recognise some of them, until i became familiar with their energy. They soiled creatures.

Hail Satan!
Pe 28-nov.-2012, la 22:36, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... a scris:

  I know what you reffer to here very well. I will never see a kike hang on alone. Always there will be other jews around them and they work as gangs. Alone they are completely weak and useless, won't tell you a word and won't stand up for anything, or cause any arguement. They will kiss your ass if confronted alone and try to get their way with all this sympathetic shit. Especially if you push them to the wall, they will really try and use their sympathetic shit. Personally they disgust me. Later if you give mercy to a jew they will come back with their clique. I know this very well from gypsies. Where I live there are many gypsies. Alone, they will never tell you anything or try to argue or call you into a fight. Especially if you're naturally more superior than them, taller or more muscular. When there are like 3-4 than them, they will do this.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing. Truly
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
They do have a psychic radar!!

I have run into jews, not even noticing they are jews at first, in many places, such as a hospital waiting room, the grocery stores, bank parking lots...hahaha.....and especially clinics, as Doctors.

and one jew in particular, in the hospital waiting room...this old lady didn't like me, even after we chatted a bit. Im not one to be rude to someone that I just meet, I knew this woman had an accent, but I didn't put two and two together at first.
After a moment or two of small talk, she literally started to "turn up her nose" at me, as if I had a bad smell, and I know I had deodorant on. LOLOL

Another old lady jew, in the a bank parking lot, walking across it, slowly....;
this woman didn't look like a typical jew. I thought at first she was just a hispanic woman.

Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes....

I heard, "Jew!" in my head. I looked harder at her, and saw that she is one of the top dogs that works here at Catholic Charities.

She certainly didn't like me, and I was a good 15 feet or so away from her.

And as for Hitler, yes!!! YOU can ALWAYS TELL a jew, for they will react like you through fire or water upon them.
Irate as fuck!!!

I have also noticed, that a gentile, will not react in such a way as the jew does, when Hitler is mentioned.

As a matter of fact, many gentiles like Hitler and the Nazis.... although they may not be outward about their opinions so much, as they fear backlash from the jews and others for being...."antisemite".

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing. Truly
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes.... I've noticed this happening to Jason & I out in public, except it's EVERYONE. It's like, everyone's fine, doing their own thing, then we enter the area and when we get within a 20 ft. Radis of someone, they look up & directly at us as though we know them and called out their names. Hail Satan! Hail the Mighty Gods of Duat!
On Nov 29, 2012 10:49 AM, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote:
  They do have a psychic radar!!

I have run into jews, not even noticing they are jews at first, in many places, such as a hospital waiting room, the grocery stores, bank parking lots...hahaha.....and especially clinics, as Doctors.

and one jew in particular, in the hospital waiting room...this old lady didn't like me, even after we chatted a bit. Im not one to be rude to someone that I just meet, I knew this woman had an accent, but I didn't put two and two together at first.
After a moment or two of small talk, she literally started to "turn up her nose" at me, as if I had a bad smell, and I know I had deodorant on. LOLOL

Another old lady jew, in the a bank parking lot, walking across it, slowly....;
this woman didn't look like a typical jew. I thought at first she was just a hispanic woman.

Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes....

I heard, "Jew!" in my head. I looked harder at her, and saw that she is one of the top dogs that works here at Catholic Charities.

She certainly didn't like me, and I was a good 15 feet or so away from her.

And as for Hitler, yes!!! YOU can ALWAYS TELL a jew, for they will react like you through fire or water upon them.
Irate as fuck!!!

I have also noticed, that a gentile, will not react in such a way as the jew does, when Hitler is mentioned.

As a matter of fact, many gentiles like Hitler and the Nazis.... although they may not be outward about their opinions so much, as they fear backlash from the jews and others for being...."antisemite".

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing. Truly
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
I'm studying law and if you would see what I'm experiencing everyday, it so horrible. Last year there was a student( she is non-jew ) but honored her jewish girlfriend ( which is soldier in Israel ). We had 3 hours of honoring Jewish soldiers WTF. Then everyday the same the nigerians with their xian thinking, you have to obey Jesus for loving everyone,you have to love Jesus Christ for loving god and humanity and all this shit. And they are never alone.... You know I have relatives who are Jehovas Witnesses ... It's very upsetting because I can not say anything. They are inviting me to be a Savior :D hah :D They are gentiles but unfortunately blind... It's definitely a war but the most gentiles are blind.

Take care of yourselves

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Anand Bon <anandbon@... wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing. Truly
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
True I note most Gentiles will listen to you when you explain the truth about Hitler and the Reich, the war, the holyhoax, the jews and all this. The kikes on some level know they hung a mill stone about their evil little neck with Hitler. As to tell the truth about Hitler is to tell the truth about the jews and thus expose them to the world. They had to heap lies upon lies on Hitler's memory to hide the truth and the real reasons for the war.
From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:49:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)
  They do have a psychic radar!!

I have run into jews, not even noticing they are jews at first, in many places, such as a hospital waiting room, the grocery stores, bank parking lots...hahaha.....and especially clinics, as Doctors.

and one jew in particular, in the hospital waiting room...this old lady didn't like me, even after we chatted a bit. Im not one to be rude to someone that I just meet, I knew this woman had an accent, but I didn't put two and two together at first.
After a moment or two of small talk, she literally started to "turn up her nose" at me, as if I had a bad smell, and I know I had deodorant on. LOLOL

Another old lady jew, in the a bank parking lot, walking across it, slowly....;
this woman didn't look like a typical jew. I thought at first she was just a hispanic woman.

Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes....

I heard, "Jew!" in my head. I looked harder at her, and saw that she is one of the top dogs that works here at Catholic Charities.

She certainly didn't like me, and I was a good 15 feet or so away from her.

And as for Hitler, yes!!! YOU can ALWAYS TELL a jew, for they will react like you through fire or water upon them.
Irate as fuck!!!

I have also noticed, that a gentile, will not react in such a way as the jew does, when Hitler is mentioned.

As a matter of fact, many gentiles like Hitler and the Nazis.... although they may not be outward about their opinions so much, as they fear backlash from the jews and others for being...."antisemite".

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing. Truly
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
I have the same experience with this. Most if not all jews I know or ever knew were leftists to the bone. Multicultural-o-liberalo-atheism-o-semixians-marxist. Or simply bob marleys of sorts. Or anything that belongs to their forefather, stalin, lenin, karl fucks etc. All the literature they read was leftist prone. The super poems coming from their kike unconscious about the flowers in outer space filled with mayonaise.

Leftist 'poetry', 'art' [some insane and completely unreasonable crap on paper, giving out how CREATIVE a jew can be, lmao] and all this shit is just disgusting. I never met a jew being friendly to Germans or anything. You tell them on about Hitler, instantly they do the dances with their hands while talking, saying all these complex words, calling you a racist and a nazi and telling you to go fuck yourself. In a matter of 10 seconds, other jews will show up and they will all do the hand lap dance while talking in front of you. At the very 'best' the only right winged thinking jews you will see will be the right winged xian ideals, which are nothing more than right marxistic communism with a nazarene on a piece of wood. Its really disgusting. Hitler's name seems to run inside them like a poison. Even if they pretend to partially support Hitler or something, after a while they will just cringe.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

True I note most Gentiles will listen to you when you explain the truth about Hitler and the Reich, the war, the holyhoax, the jews and all this.
The kikes on some level know they hung a mill stone about their evil little neck with Hitler. As to tell the truth about Hitler is to tell the truth about the jews and thus expose them to the world. They had to heap lies upon lies on Hitler's memory to hide the truth and the real reasons for the war.

From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:49:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)


They do have a psychic radar!!

I have run into jews, not even noticing they are jews at first, in many places, such as a hospital waiting room, the grocery stores, bank parking lots...hahaha.....and especially clinics, as Doctors.

and one jew in particular, in the hospital waiting room...this old lady didn't like me, even after we chatted a bit. Im not one to be rude to someone that I just meet, I knew this woman had an accent, but I didn't put two and two together at first.
After a moment or two of small talk, she literally started to "turn up her nose" at me, as if I had a bad smell, and I know I had deodorant on. LOLOL

Another old lady jew, in the a bank parking lot, walking across it, slowly....;
this woman didn't look like a typical jew. I thought at first she was just a hispanic woman.

Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes....

I heard, "Jew!" in my head. I looked harder at her, and saw that she is one of the top dogs that works here at Catholic Charities.

She certainly didn't like me, and I was a good 15 feet or so away from her.

And as for Hitler, yes!!! YOU can ALWAYS TELL a jew, for they will react like you through fire or water upon them.
Irate as fuck!!!

I have also noticed, that a gentile, will not react in such a way as the jew does, when Hitler is mentioned.

As a matter of fact, many gentiles like Hitler and the Nazis.... although they may not be outward about their opinions so much, as they fear backlash from the jews and others for being...."antisemite".

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are
very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like
an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing.
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
hahahahhaha LOLOL So true!!!!! The hand flappin, thing...so damned true!!!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

I have the same experience with this. Most if not all jews I know or ever knew were leftists to the bone. Multicultural-o-liberalo-atheism-o-semixians-marxist. Or simply bob marleys of sorts. Or anything that belongs to their forefather, stalin, lenin, karl fucks etc. All the literature they read was leftist prone. The super poems coming from their kike unconscious about the flowers in outer space filled with mayonaise.

Leftist 'poetry', 'art' [some insane and completely unreasonable crap on paper, giving out how CREATIVE a jew can be, lmao] and all this shit is just disgusting. I never met a jew being friendly to Germans or anything. You tell them on about Hitler, instantly they do the dances with their hands while talking, saying all these complex words, calling you a racist and a nazi and telling you to go fuck yourself. In a matter of 10 seconds, other jews will show up and they will all do the hand lap dance while talking in front of you. At the very 'best' the only right winged thinking jews you will see will be the right winged xian ideals, which are nothing more than right marxistic communism with a nazarene on a piece of wood. Its really disgusting. Hitler's name seems to run inside them like a poison. Even if they pretend to partially support Hitler or something, after a while they will just cringe.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

True I note most Gentiles will listen to you when you explain the truth about Hitler and the Reich, the war, the holyhoax, the jews and all this.
The kikes on some level know they hung a mill stone about their evil little neck with Hitler. As to tell the truth about Hitler is to tell the truth about the jews and thus expose them to the world. They had to heap lies upon lies on Hitler's memory to hide the truth and the real reasons for the war.

From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:49:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)


They do have a psychic radar!!

I have run into jews, not even noticing they are jews at first, in many places, such as a hospital waiting room, the grocery stores, bank parking lots...hahaha.....and especially clinics, as Doctors.

and one jew in particular, in the hospital waiting room...this old lady didn't like me, even after we chatted a bit. Im not one to be rude to someone that I just meet, I knew this woman had an accent, but I didn't put two and two together at first.
After a moment or two of small talk, she literally started to "turn up her nose" at me, as if I had a bad smell, and I know I had deodorant on. LOLOL

Another old lady jew, in the a bank parking lot, walking across it, slowly....;
this woman didn't look like a typical jew. I thought at first she was just a hispanic woman.

Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes....

I heard, "Jew!" in my head. I looked harder at her, and saw that she is one of the top dogs that works here at Catholic Charities.

She certainly didn't like me, and I was a good 15 feet or so away from her.

And as for Hitler, yes!!! YOU can ALWAYS TELL a jew, for they will react like you through fire or water upon them.
Irate as fuck!!!

I have also noticed, that a gentile, will not react in such a way as the jew does, when Hitler is mentioned.

As a matter of fact, many gentiles like Hitler and the Nazis.... although they may not be outward about their opinions so much, as they fear backlash from the jews and others for being...."antisemite".

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are
very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like
an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing.
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
..Hail Satan!! I work daily to expose this kike lies. I find Gentiles will start looking into Hitler, than note how das kiken control..than slowly i bring in Satan. Amazing. How simply looking into Hitler starts the changes...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

True I note most Gentiles will listen to you when you explain the truth about Hitler and the Reich, the war, the holyhoax, the jews and all this.
The kikes on some level know they hung a mill stone about their evil little neck with Hitler. As to tell the truth about Hitler is to tell the truth about the jews and thus expose them to the world. They had to heap lies upon lies on Hitler's memory to hide the truth and the real reasons for the war.

From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:49:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)


They do have a psychic radar!!

I have run into jews, not even noticing they are jews at first, in many places, such as a hospital waiting room, the grocery stores, bank parking lots...hahaha.....and especially clinics, as Doctors.

and one jew in particular, in the hospital waiting room...this old lady didn't like me, even after we chatted a bit. Im not one to be rude to someone that I just meet, I knew this woman had an accent, but I didn't put two and two together at first.
After a moment or two of small talk, she literally started to "turn up her nose" at me, as if I had a bad smell, and I know I had deodorant on. LOLOL

Another old lady jew, in the a bank parking lot, walking across it, slowly....;
this woman didn't look like a typical jew. I thought at first she was just a hispanic woman.

Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes....

I heard, "Jew!" in my head. I looked harder at her, and saw that she is one of the top dogs that works here at Catholic Charities.

She certainly didn't like me, and I was a good 15 feet or so away from her.

And as for Hitler, yes!!! YOU can ALWAYS TELL a jew, for they will react like you through fire or water upon them.
Irate as fuck!!!

I have also noticed, that a gentile, will not react in such a way as the jew does, when Hitler is mentioned.

As a matter of fact, many gentiles like Hitler and the Nazis.... although they may not be outward about their opinions so much, as they fear backlash from the jews and others for being...."antisemite".

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are
very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like
an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing.
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
I agree brother,when I get the chance to educate some of our lost Gentile pagans,they seem to except Satan,but its a whole different story when I bring up Hitler.Then I am perceived as just crazy and some kind of lunatic.Even when I educated my nephew about Satanic things,he really gets into it,but when I start talking about the filthy jews,and how they have destroyed this Earth,and have spiritually in imprisoned our Gentiles,then all of a sudden he does not not want to talk anymore.Imagine that!It just shows how deep the lies go,that we need to support Isreal.I flat told him that I will do all I can magically to destroy that fucking filthy race and people. Hail Satan

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 6:12 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)

  I have the same experience with this. Most if not all jews I know or ever knew were leftists to the bone. Multicultural-o-liberalo-atheism-o-semixians-marxist. Or simply bob marleys of sorts. Or anything that belongs to their forefather, stalin, lenin, karl fucks etc. All the literature they read was leftist prone. The super poems coming from their kike unconscious about the flowers in outer space filled with mayonaise.

Leftist 'poetry', 'art' [some insane and completely unreasonable crap on paper, giving out how CREATIVE a jew can be, lmao] and all this shit is just disgusting. I never met a jew being friendly to Germans or anything. You tell them on about Hitler, instantly they do the dances with their hands while talking, saying all these complex words, calling you a racist and a nazi and telling you to go fuck yourself. In a matter of 10 seconds, other jews will show up and they will all do the hand lap dance while talking in front of you. At the very 'best' the only right winged thinking jews you will see will be the right winged xian ideals, which are nothing more than right marxistic communism with a nazarene on a piece of wood. Its really disgusting. Hitler's name seems to run inside them like a poison. Even if they pretend to partially support Hitler or something, after a while they will just cringe.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

True I note most Gentiles will listen to you when you explain the truth about Hitler and the Reich, the war, the holyhoax, the jews and all this.
The kikes on some level know they hung a mill stone about their evil little neck with Hitler. As to tell the truth about Hitler is to tell the truth about the jews and thus expose them to the world. They had to heap lies upon lies on Hitler's memory to hide the truth and the real reasons for the war.

From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:49:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)


They do have a psychic radar!!

I have run into jews, not even noticing they are jews at first, in many places, such as a hospital waiting room, the grocery stores, bank parking lots...hahaha.....and especially clinics, as Doctors.

and one jew in particular, in the hospital waiting room...this old lady didn't like me, even after we chatted a bit. Im not one to be rude to someone that I just meet, I knew this woman had an accent, but I didn't put two and two together at first.
After a moment or two of small talk, she literally started to "turn up her nose" at me, as if I had a bad smell, and I know I had deodorant on. LOLOL

Another old lady jew, in the a bank parking lot, walking across it, slowly....;
this woman didn't look like a typical jew. I thought at first she was just a hispanic woman.

Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes....

I heard, "Jew!" in my head. I looked harder at her, and saw that she is one of the top dogs that works here at Catholic Charities.

She certainly didn't like me, and I was a good 15 feet or so away from her.

And as for Hitler, yes!!! YOU can ALWAYS TELL a jew, for they will react like you through fire or water upon them.
Irate as fuck!!!

I have also noticed, that a gentile, will not react in such a way as the jew does, when Hitler is mentioned.

As a matter of fact, many gentiles like Hitler and the Nazis.... although they may not be outward about their opinions so much, as they fear backlash from the jews and others for being...."antisemite".

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are
very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like
an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing.
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
The Jew, Otto  Wienger. Wrote in his book <em>Sex And Character</em>:<em> "The Jew is a natural inborn Communist." </em>We also see the  Jews in their Jewish encyclopedia around 1908 that: "<em>Communism is the unique expression of the Jewish People."</em> And we have Rabbi Wise proud statement: "<em>You call it Communism, I call it Juadism!"</em><em></em> Its easy to be a rightwing Jew. As the left is nothing more then athesitical Christianity and the right is based on dogmatic Christianity. Two sides of the same coin. Even in America the Neocon right was formed by Jews from the Trotskyite left. And major Neocon player. Jew, Kristol bragged to fellow Jews in a New York synagogue that he and other Jewish Neocon's had driven out any Goyium from the Republican Party that did not bow to Jewish demands.  The Jew fears Hitler because they know he represents the Cosmic Justice they all have coming. The Jew lives a fear based modality. As it understands the Gentiles might get wise to them and punish them for their crimes against humanity. As has happened before many times. Every criminal fears being exposed for their deeds. This is a ingrained reason for their behaviour when they are exposed.     From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 7:12:24 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)
  I have the same experience with this. Most if not all jews I know or ever knew were leftists to the bone. Multicultural-o-liberalo-atheism-o-semixians-marxist. Or simply bob marleys of sorts. Or anything that belongs to their forefather, stalin, lenin, karl fucks etc. All the literature they read was leftist prone. The super poems coming from their kike unconscious about the flowers in outer space filled with mayonaise.

Leftist 'poetry', 'art' [some insane and completely unreasonable crap on paper, giving out how CREATIVE a jew can be, lmao] and all this shit is just disgusting. I never met a jew being friendly to Germans or anything. You tell them on about Hitler, instantly they do the dances with their hands while talking, saying all these complex words, calling you a racist and a nazi and telling you to go fuck yourself. In a matter of 10 seconds, other jews will show up and they will all do the hand lap dance while talking in front of you. At the very 'best' the only right winged thinking jews you will see will be the right winged xian ideals, which are nothing more than right marxistic communism with a nazarene on a piece of wood. Its really disgusting. Hitler's name seems to run inside them like a poison. Even if they pretend to partially support Hitler or something, after a while they will just cringe.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

True I note most Gentiles will listen to you when you explain the truth about Hitler and the Reich, the war, the holyhoax, the jews and all this.
The kikes on some level know they hung a mill stone about their evil little neck with Hitler. As to tell the truth about Hitler is to tell the truth about the jews and thus expose them to the world. They had to heap lies upon lies on Hitler's memory to hide the truth and the real reasons for the war.

From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:49:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)


They do have a psychic radar!!

I have run into jews, not even noticing they are jews at first, in many places, such as a hospital waiting room, the grocery stores, bank parking lots...hahaha.....and especially clinics, as Doctors.

and one jew in particular, in the hospital waiting room...this old lady didn't like me, even after we chatted a bit. Im not one to be rude to someone that I just meet, I knew this woman had an accent, but I didn't put two and two together at first.
After a moment or two of small talk, she literally started to "turn up her nose" at me, as if I had a bad smell, and I know I had deodorant on. LOLOL

Another old lady jew, in the a bank parking lot, walking across it, slowly....;
this woman didn't look like a typical jew. I thought at first she was just a hispanic woman.

Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes....

I heard, "Jew!" in my head. I looked harder at her, and saw that she is one of the top dogs that works here at Catholic Charities.

She certainly didn't like me, and I was a good 15 feet or so away from her.

And as for Hitler, yes!!! YOU can ALWAYS TELL a jew, for they will react like you through fire or water upon them.
Irate as fuck!!!

I have also noticed, that a gentile, will not react in such a way as the jew does, when Hitler is mentioned.

As a matter of fact, many gentiles like Hitler and the Nazis.... although they may not be outward about their opinions so much, as they fear backlash from the jews and others for being...."antisemite".

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are
very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like
an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing.
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
Good stuff. All Gentiles need to do is start standing up these goblin's and just say "NO." To them and their programs but to do that they need to be made aware of this enemy before they can stand up to it.
From: blackkat_411 <egret23@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 12:47:08 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)
  ..Hail Satan!! I work daily to expose this kike lies. I find Gentiles will start looking into Hitler, than note how das kiken control..than slowly i bring in Satan. Amazing. How simply looking into Hitler starts the changes...

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

True I note most Gentiles will listen to you when you explain the truth about Hitler and the Reich, the war, the holyhoax, the jews and all this.
The kikes on some level know they hung a mill stone about their evil little neck with Hitler. As to tell the truth about Hitler is to tell the truth about the jews and thus expose them to the world. They had to heap lies upon lies on Hitler's memory to hide the truth and the real reasons for the war.

From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:49:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)


They do have a psychic radar!!

I have run into jews, not even noticing they are jews at first, in many places, such as a hospital waiting room, the grocery stores, bank parking lots...hahaha.....and especially clinics, as Doctors.

and one jew in particular, in the hospital waiting room...this old lady didn't like me, even after we chatted a bit. Im not one to be rude to someone that I just meet, I knew this woman had an accent, but I didn't put two and two together at first.
After a moment or two of small talk, she literally started to "turn up her nose" at me, as if I had a bad smell, and I know I had deodorant on. LOLOL

Another old lady jew, in the a bank parking lot, walking across it, slowly....;
this woman didn't look like a typical jew. I thought at first she was just a hispanic woman.

Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes....

I heard, "Jew!" in my head. I looked harder at her, and saw that she is one of the top dogs that works here at Catholic Charities.

She certainly didn't like me, and I was a good 15 feet or so away from her.

And as for Hitler, yes!!! YOU can ALWAYS TELL a jew, for they will react like you through fire or water upon them.
Irate as fuck!!!

I have also noticed, that a gentile, will not react in such a way as the jew does, when Hitler is mentioned.

As a matter of fact, many gentiles like Hitler and the Nazis.... although they may not be outward about their opinions so much, as they fear backlash from the jews and others for being...."antisemite".

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them are
very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like
an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own Undoing.
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
Thank you for all your responses everyone. I'm glad I shared that now. I wasn't expecting that many responses. I sure learned a lot!

Hail Satan!
Praise Be To Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Good stuff. All Gentiles need to do is start standing up these goblin's and just say "NO." To them and their programs but to do that they need to be made aware of this enemy before they can stand up to it.

From: blackkat_411 <egret23@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 12:47:08 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)


..Hail Satan!! I work daily to expose this kike lies. I find Gentiles will start looking into Hitler, than note how das kiken control..than slowly i bring in Satan. Amazing. How simply looking into Hitler starts the changes...

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

True I note most Gentiles will listen to you when you explain the truth about Hitler and the Reich, the war, the holyhoax, the jews and all this.
The kikes on some level know they hung a mill stone about their evil little neck with Hitler. As to tell the truth about Hitler is to tell the truth about the jews and thus expose them to the world. They had to heap lies upon lies on Hitler's memory to hide the truth and the real reasons for the war.

From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:49:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jewish Race (From the horses mouth)


They do have a psychic radar!!

I have run into jews, not even noticing they are jews at first, in many places, such as a hospital waiting room, the grocery stores, bank parking lots...hahaha.....and especially clinics, as Doctors.

and one jew in particular, in the hospital waiting room...this old lady didn't like me, even after we chatted a bit. Im not one to be rude to someone that I just meet, I knew this woman had an accent, but I didn't put two and two together at first.
After a moment or two of small talk, she literally started to "turn up her nose" at me, as if I had a bad smell, and I know I had deodorant on. LOLOL

Another old lady jew, in the a bank parking lot, walking across it, slowly....;
this woman didn't look like a typical jew. I thought at first she was just a hispanic woman.

Im on my bike, slowly walking it, and she turns to look at me like i CALLED to her....and stops, watching me with squinty beedy eyes....

I heard, "Jew!" in my head. I looked harder at her, and saw that she is one of the top dogs that works here at Catholic Charities.

She certainly didn't like me, and I was a good 15 feet or so away from her.

And as for Hitler, yes!!! YOU can ALWAYS TELL a jew, for they will react like you through fire or water upon them.
Irate as fuck!!!

I have also noticed, that a gentile, will not react in such a way as the jew does, when Hitler is mentioned.

As a matter of fact, many gentiles like Hitler and the Nazis.... although they may not be outward about their opinions so much, as they fear backlash from the jews and others for being...."antisemite".

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is how they will use Gentiles to do their shit. Like I would see like 3-4 jews and 2 Gentiles on a place, they make Gentiles go and pick on others. If anyone tells them off on these behaviors, they all blame the Gentile. They are all pussies. They will never say they were the ones who did something. Even if you saw it with your eyes, aside with 100 persons, there are videotapes, proofs, they will still say it was someone else.

An undeniable skill they have is the psychic radar. I know this for a fact. If someone has intense power, I have noted, especially in my personal life, they will do all sorts of things to get close to them. There are kikes that are more stupid than others, there are kikes that are very intelligent and extremely vile. One day, I was stumbled by 2 jewesses in the same day. They started conversation and shit while I was in the bus. It didn't last but 2 minutes as I was very blunt and was obviously giving out I didn't want to communicate. They still got on with this big smile that is just disgusting. Everyday I meet them they still use this smile. Other kikes are know pretend to be so friendly, so sensitive or something. Many times I have caught kikes giving me looks like they were scared to their hearts content. I'm not even making it a biggie. There are some kikes who really look at me like the punisher has arrived. They feel threatened. Some of them
very aware of the differences and sense us. I always laugh at kikes and I make sure to make them think I'm not a threat or anything. I'm all fine and nice.

Your average stupid goy as they would say. The most disgusting thing about them is the many types of kikes. Some are mongolian, some are mediterranean, some are something in between. The strongest of all impressions I have, is that they really desire to stick to Gentiles from all sides. They just are around them. There are two guys I know who are very accurate representations of Nordish people. One is blonde and blue eyed, aside with many other Ancient Greek Features. The other guy is the Minoan type of Aryan, Blonde/Brown curls, very ancient Greek powerful face. Rare instances of such individuals. You will definitely see all the kikes surrounding them. Its like they try to keep them blind in all ways they can. I remember sitting on the bus and seeing this jewess right on his side. I wish I had a hatchet that I could jam through her brain. They really hate Gentiles and they want them as psychic hosts. There is another girl I know which is exactly like
an Ancient Aryan queen or something, her too surrounded by jews all the time. Peoples like these I have described, you just look to their eyes and you know they are special. I too since a young age had them around and they did all sorts of shit and caused all kinds of problems.

I wish I could protect them in a way, they are very important. Its really sickening to see more jews and more inbreeds in grounds that were Aryan. Or in any other Gentile country. If you want to right away know who is a kike and who isn't, take it indirectly on Hitler, Nazism, or anything of that nature. I never found a jew having a lukewarm stance about Hitler. It seems to run like poison into their mouth. It really scares them. All kikes I know, without exception, will in one way or another express their hate for this. All kikes I have ever knew, ALL of them, ALL without one exception, have been talking always negatively about Hitler and they have never made an exception to drop His name negatively in a conversation, to 'teach' Gentiles to defend them [as they usually do, like blind sheep] in case they are threatened like they were in WW2.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

The Jew thrives on terror. They like to think they can scare us into submission.

They like to "GANG UP" as well....if anyone offends a jew, they are gonna rally their family/friends that are Jewish, and attack this person verbally, physically, and PSYCHICLY.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Anand Bon <anandbon@ wrote:

I never Underestimated The Jews, Even Now Some jews are watching this,Scheming, Reading the Joy of Satan Website and many other websites,Understand them,Pose as Satanists,Some Meditations and Runes are Doable by Jews...One Jew was decieving me for 1 year,Though i never truly gave a Fuck about him,Dont know why,Never done a Thing for him,He QQ-d got more into Pose Satanist Style,Though he Failed to Get My Sympathy,I was More Slyer and Wittier in Nature than him,Though in the End that Jew Got More into his Lies and Blackmailed me i was Attacking him,I will pay,He will Come For me,Kill me I wont live past the Age 21,Quite Nasty isn't,I know how he looks like He showed me his Pictures,I myself Never,I was always One step ahead,Subconsioully.. Though One thing is For sure,If he comes i will destroy him without a second thought,He thinks I am wallowed in Self Pity,Shame,Be defenceless..Though i've let him think that way,For that shall be his Own
Do not Underestimate Jews.Though the Jew Dabbled With me Will Surely Pay it Big time,Even on the Astral Level.I will make sure such a Dangerous Jew Must not be Ever unleashed,Bound For Eternity or Wither Away shall he.
My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN
You came looking the wrong thing. Selling your soul? Please read website
To really know what we are about.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nyatakyisamuel216" <nyatakyisamuel216@... wrote:

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN
Do you really think someone would waste his or her time and money calling you??? Instead of wasting our time with such BS, maybe you'd take into consideration studying www.joyofsatan.com and what we are all about here. None of our Gods buy souls! But since you're so into it, you should know the real soul banker is 'yhvh' and NOT Satan. Call upon it and let it bring your soul to an even more miserable state than the one it already is at. And don't be at all optimistic 'bout it, 'cause u will get but nothing in return
Damn, this really pissed me off ..

Hail Satan!

Hail Satan!
Pe 30-nov.-2012, la 14:40, "nyatakyisamuel216" <nyatakyisamuel216@... a scris:

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN
Oh, and something else. How much madness one must posses in order to post his personal informations just like that on the Internet?? 

Hail Satan!
Pe 1-dec.-2012, la 02:49, thomas_schweitzer66@... a scris:

  Do you really think someone would waste his or her time and money calling you??? Instead of wasting our time with such BS, maybe you'd take into consideration studying www.joyofsatan.com and what we are all about here. None of our Gods buy souls! But since you're so into it, you should know the real soul banker is 'yhvh' and NOT Satan. Call upon it and let it bring your soul to an even more miserable state than the one it already is at. And don't be at all optimistic 'bout it, 'cause u will get but nothing in return
Damn, this really pissed me off ..

Hail Satan!

Hail Satan!
Pe 30-nov.-2012, la 14:40, "nyatakyisamuel216" <nyatakyisamuel216@... a scris:

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN
<td val[/IMG]But like was pointed out to me we have to have patients with those that are new.They have been indoctrinated with so many lies that most don't know the truth.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: thomas_schweitzer66@... <thomas_schweitzer66@...;
To: [email protected] <[email protected];
Sent: Sat, Dec 1, 2012 1:49:02 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Do you really think someone would waste his or her time and money calling you??? Instead of wasting our time with such BS, maybe you'd take into consideration studying www.joyofsatan.com and what we are all about here. None of our Gods buy souls! But since you're so into it, you should know the real soul banker is 'yhvh' and NOT Satan. Call upon it and let it bring your soul to an even more miserable state than the one it already is at. And don't be at all optimistic 'bout it, 'cause u will get but nothing in return
Damn, this really pissed me off ..

Hail Satan!

Hail Satan!
Pe 30-nov.-2012, la 14:40, "nyatakyisamuel216" <<a rel="nofollow" >nyatakyisamuel216@... a scris:

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN
I actually kinda laughed at it... looked at my wife and said "this is gonna start a shit storm" but yes patience is key... and like a former post recently stated a lot of ppl come here from yahoo and not seen the sight or they don't even know it exists.... so when posts like this come in I just laugh and let our more patient advanced members handle it lol Hail Satan!!!
Hail The Gods of Duat!!!
On Nov 30, 2012 8:04 PM, "Brian Gibbons" <briangibbons20@... wrote:
<td val[/IMG]But like was pointed out to me we have to have patients with those that are new.They have been indoctrinated with so many lies that most don't know the truth.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: thomas_schweitzer66@... <thomas_schweitzer66@...;
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Sent: Sat, Dec 1, 2012 1:49:02 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Do you really think someone would waste his or her time and money calling you??? Instead of wasting our time with such BS, maybe you'd take into consideration studying www.joyofsatan.com and what we are all about here.  None of our Gods buy souls! But since you're so into it, you should know the real soul banker is 'yhvh' and NOT Satan. Call upon it and let it bring your soul to an even more miserable state than the one it already is at. And don't be at all optimistic 'bout it, 'cause u will get but nothing in return
Damn, this really pissed me off ..

Hail Satan!

Hail Satan!
Pe 30-nov.-2012, la 14:40, "nyataky[/IMG]nyatakyisamuel216@... a scris:

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN
<td val[/IMG]I try but I sometimes loose mine with them too.When you understand the truth and realize just how much abuse Him and the Demons have had to put up with though the centuries there is sometimes an uncontrolable passion that rises up.But control is always true wisdom.Still learning that btw.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Jason Watts <jasonwatts1985@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Sat, Dec 1, 2012 2:56:37 AM

<td val[/IMG]   I actually kinda laughed at it... looked at my wife and said "this is gonna start a shit storm" but yes patience is key... and like a former post recently stated a lot of ppl come here from yahoo and not seen the sight or they don't even know it exists.... so when posts like this come in I just laugh and let our more patient advanced members handle it lol Hail Satan!!!
Ha[/IMG]briangibbons20@... wrote:
<td val[/IMG]But like was pointed out to me we have to have patients with those that are new.They have been indoctrinated with so many lies that most don't know the truth.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
To: <a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
Sent: Sat, Dec 1, 2012 1:49:02 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Do you really think someone would waste his or her time and money calling you??? Instead of wasting our time with such BS, maybe you'd take into consideration studying www.joyofsatan.com and what we are all about here.  None of our Gods buy souls! But since you're so into it, you should know the real soul banker is 'yhvh' and NOT Satan. Call upon it and let it bring your soul to an even more miserable state than the one it already is at. And don't be at all optimistic 'bout it, 'cause u will get but nothing in return
Damn, this really pissed me off ..

Hail Satan!

Hail Satan!
Pe 30-nov.-2012, la 14:40, "nyataky[/IMG]nyatakyisamuel216@... a scris:

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN

[/QUOTE] [/TD]
you cant sell your soul to father satan and get all of that brother theres no such thing as the book of life if you worship satan you will for sure win paradise

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nyatakyisamuel216" <nyatakyisamuel216@... wrote:

My name is N yaytakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN
I am sure you moderators approve posts like this just to remind all of us how deluded some people are in regards to Satanism lol.

Praise Be To Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "C Y" <yc28@... wrote:

You came looking the wrong thing. Selling your soul? Please read website
To really know what we are about.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nyatakyisamuel216" <nyatakyisamuel216@ wrote:

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN
I found the entire premise of the post offensive and ignorant! Your soul needs some major work as it is seems to be quite void of qualities which empower us to truly make a difference and matter in ways that enrich ourselves!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], thomas_schweitzer66@... wrote:

Do you really think someone would waste his or her time and money calling you??? Instead of wasting our time with such BS, maybe you'd take into consideration studying www.joyofsatan.com and what we are all about here.
None of our Gods buy souls! But since you're so into it, you should know the real soul banker is 'yhvh' and NOT Satan. Call upon it and let it bring your soul to an even more miserable state than the one it already is at. And don't be at all optimistic 'bout it, 'cause u will get but nothing in return

Damn, this really pissed me off ..

Hail Satan!

Hail Satan!

Pe 30-nov.-2012, la 14:40, "nyatakyisamuel216" <nyatakyisamuel216@... a scris:

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN
I found the entire premise of the post offensive and ignorant! Your soul needs some major work as it is seems to be quite void of qualities which empower us to truly make a difference and matter in ways that enrich ourselves! 
You are confused as to what real Satanism is.  I suggest you read through everything on the site http://www.joyofsatan.org/ and look through the sermons especially.  Then you can find out if this is really for you or not.
From: nyatakyisamuel216 <nyatakyisamuel216@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 8:40 AM
My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], thomas_schweitzer66@... wrote:
Oh, and something else. How much madness one must posses in order to post his personal informations just like that on the Internet??

Hail Satan!

Pe 1-dec.-2012, la 02:49, thomas_schweitzer66@... a scris:

Do you really think someone would waste his or her time and money calling you??? Instead of wasting our time with such BS, maybe you'd take into consideration studying www.joyofsatan.com and what we are all about here.
None of our Gods buy souls! But since you're so into it, you should know the real soul banker is 'yhvh' and NOT Satan. Call upon it and let it bring your soul to an even more miserable state than the one it already is at. And don't be at all optimistic 'bout it, 'cause u will get but nothing in return

Damn, this really pissed me off ..

Hail Satan!

Hail Satan!

Pe 30-nov.-2012, la 14:40, "nyatakyisamuel216" <nyatakyisamuel216@... a scris:

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN
Lmfaooooo WOOOOOOOOW!! Somebody needs to read a book!
Some people just seem more id oriented, and the "me!, Me!!, ME!!!" mentality is abundant in so many people instead of being able to take a step back and view things outside of oneself. All of us are guilty of being vain and self-serving from time to time which some may argue that is what empowering oneself is about, however the whole of we are in my opinion would not be what it is without the energy and contributions of what and who is around us. We get results from WORKING at it, not from just thinking someone or something should do what we say because we are entitled, believing one is entitled to something for nothing is nothing short of narcissism, or naivete, perhaps a combination of the two. What Brian said about patience is true, you can't expect instant results; not that sometimes we don't get them however when that happens it is all the more reason to be thankful to Satan!
Just another scam from lovely Ghana.Even a phone# to dial in your offerings.Sheesh.

From: C Y <yc28@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 7:26 PM

  You came looking the wrong thing. Selling your soul? Please read website
To really know what we are about.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nyatakyisamuel216" <nyatakyisamuel216@... wrote:

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN

you are thinking of the devil, the guy with horns and pointy tail... not Satan
From: nyatakyisamuel216 <nyatakyisamuel216@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 5:40 AM

My name is N yantakyi Samuel Boaz, iam 20years and i am Ghanaian i live at Tete le in the northen part of Ghana but i st at Kumasi Abuakwa Cannan at Atwima Nnwabiagya.Iwant to sell my soul for money,power,sex,prid and succese lessthan 4weeks.if it be so i Nyantakyi Samuel Boaz shall religiush the ownership of my mortal soul upon death for eternity.will understand in any agrrement to erase from the book of life and entered in to the black book of death and worship Satan forever only if i get what i want thank you joysatan666.this is my numder[0234092233]HAIL SATAN


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
