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The Gods Will Never Give Up On You: Ups & Downs In Life

Absolutely beautiful, HPHC. I can't love react this post enough, lol.
I have the utmost adoration for every single one of us who walk this path because we are leading the resurgence of the Eternal Gods. The Revival of Our Gods is the most beautiful thing to witness, not just because humanity will regain their natural connection to our Creators, but also because we will lead the march into the second Golden Age where the Gods can truly be venerated in all their glory until the end of eternity.
Having the privilege to be a SS fills my heart with enormous amounts of pure joy. 💛

Blessed be the Gods, and all of the Devotees of Joy of Satanas ✊
It is very frequent in this life that one might face numerous failures, difficulties and many other problems. When these weigh down on someone, one can be confronted with the weight of their own mistakes, miscalculations, or delusions breaking out in front of them. This takes a toll on someone and one's spirit might become darker.

In this world most people out there are going to give up on you. Some might not, but many will. Over the years in Spiritual Satanism I had a quite a few people give up, especially when we were confronted with large difficulties or we were sitting in front of grand plans. Or that might have involved other obstacles along the way, impatience and related. I still on the contrary have not "given up" on these people who did. I believe they will come around.

This is not to say the overwhelming majority of people did take this route, they did not. Most people have stayed the course and they have grown tremendously as a result.

And I thank these people for taking this road, since that emulated the Gods. The other people might eventually change their minds. It will be good for them, the time will come, I am sure of this.

As we evolve it can come natural that we make many mistakes in our path. Life itself can also heap upon us all sorts of problems, foreseeable or less foreseeable. Yet the best case about Spiritual Satanism is that one truly has the Gods with them, and not in a figurative way. The Gods are here to help us enter the straight path and they do not give up on us, insofar we do not give up in ourselves. They will help us out of almost any predicament, provided we want to change and move out of our problems.

Of course, many people do remember the Gods only when the times are dark, they run to them and so on. But when the times are good, they might also drift away from the awareness that the Gods are always there. In both of these situations, one must remember equally the Gods are always there and never doubt this topic.

When one is higher up, they ought venerate and use the good for the Gods, and when the dark times come, they are there for you to help you. I always did what I had to for them, despite of ups and downs in life. These are natural and will arrive, and all the ups will be replaced with other better times, and all the lows, one will be able to manage and confront. So one must not allow fear to take control.

Ups or downs, one must never forget them, as one must stay close to them on the high moments as to remember them and to not crash, and on the low moments, one must remember their helping hand all the same. The hand remains exactly the same, loving and unyielding either way.

I want to share that I am no stranger to failure or dark times. Had possibly quite a few. These are necessary so everyone can evolve. Expectations of an error-less transition to transformation to the Godhead is not something one should expect. The more accustomed one is with the false belief that errors or dark times won't come, the more one is deluding themselves and reality will disprove them.

What today looks like an insurmountable problem, if you put faith in the Gods and progress in the path, will eventually be overcome. It will take some time, but it will happen. In fact, much of this path has been trials and tribulations, except of successes and victories. The latter won't come without the first in this path.

But I learned one thing through it all: The Gods will never give up on you. They never gave up on anyone that didn't give up on themselves, as far as I know. Even in the times where you have given up on yourself, they are there waiting for you to pick up and they will help you.

It must be beyond any doubt in the mind of any Spiritual Satanist that this would ever happen. As you grow in the path and you display that you are in the Path and you walk it, then you have to never doubt about this fact. There must be strong certainty in their love and providence.

The Gods are always here for you.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a very inspiring sermon (y)

It's important to keep fighting and keep moving forward 💪
The words are always true and timely. Every day we struggle with difficulties, the most important thing is not to blame the Gods for our problems. Every day I hear this "God is angry and punished me" of course it is true the angry one of course. In a year we may be in a different place with different people in new circumstances, but the Gods will always be with us. Not all of us have the skills of our guides hence, every action will be appreciated. I believe in you brothers and sisters, do not give up.
I thank you for this post, it have given me hope to fight and stand.. Am battling with smoking cigarettes,drugs(cannabis) and alcohol..and also too much masturbation and I believe these things as brought my life as a spiritual Satanist to a very poor state, I dedicated four years ago, got a government job and later got frustrated from this job, xian rotten shits, Jewish characters everywhere in my working place this even pushed the urge for drugs the more..Am trying to fix all this and I have promised myself and father Satan that I won't take this bad habit into next year..I love the joyofsatan and no matter what happens I still and always find my self coming back into meditation and wanting to be with the Gods of Hell..I sincerely appreciate this article about the Gods not abandoning us no matter what..I will register again with a good name and start contributing to Jos soon...Hail Satan forever
This is a message felt very apparently by everyone here, and I'm glad to see how everyone's faith has developed and grown over the years since the early days.

There is something truly humbling, when you feel absolutely spent and at your lowest, when you've endured years of endless hardships, and you almost stop recognizing who's looking back at you in the mirror, and yet, the Gods are still there with you. At my own lowest, something really was remarkable about the idea that these cosmic, infallible beings beyond my comprehension even took to notice me at all, let alone when I felt so small. There's a world filled with 8 billion others, and a cosmos infinitely larger still, filled with life I can only scarcely imagine, and yet, they took the time to reassure me when I thought all was lost. Even human beings that were meant to be close to me, with nothing else going on in their lives couldn't spare the minute to glance sideways at me.

Much of my self belief has come to stem from the fact that they believe in me. They obviously saw something in me, and in anyone here, that was so seldomly found elsewhere. For that reason alone, you owe it to yourself to try.

I've seen more than one person here, say that they've spent 2-3 years (or however long) doing workings and feeling like they've gotten nowhere. Nonsense. Developing your psychic self is not going to immediately manifest with you hearing the voices of the Gods to the same degree you can hear someone talk to you physically on the street. There's a long process of growth, and part of the building of that "psychic self" isn't necessarily the things you think of. It can start as plainly as awareness. Or compassion. Or a wisdom or perspective you have that others might not.

Keep going. No matter how fast or slow you're developing, no matter the ups or downs, no matter how long it's been. The effort isn't going nowhere. Rome wasn't built in a day.
I want to share that I am no stranger to failure or dark times. Had possibly quite a few. These are necessary so everyone can evolve. Expectations of an error-less transition to transformation to the Godhead is not something one should expect. The more accustomed one is with the false belief that errors or dark times won't come, the more one is deluding themselves and reality will disprove them.

Dear High Priest, you have no idea how desperately I needed this sermon today. I am a naturally optomistic Being of Light and Love. I usually carry a joy within my heart every day and I constantly share my joy and innate Love with the Gods. However, yesterday my husband said something to me that absolutelly gutted me. I had no idea he harbored such resentment for me. It must have been festering because he said this hurtful thing with such passion. Anyways, my inner light went out. I felt terrible darkness and I felt so empty of Love. I cried all day and night and again today. I forgot to ask the Gods for help. I was so very low. Then I felt a strong nudge and I had to turn on my laptop and read Ancient Forums. And I found this sermon immediately. I have asked the Gods for help (finally) and I quit crying and I can feel my inner light filling me up again. You are right. I was delusional to think I wouldn't experience that kind of low and personal failure. I don't know how to handle this situation on my own, but now that I've asked the God's for help, I will trust them to guide me........Thank you for reminding me that they're there when times are bad, too.

Hail Satanas!!!!!
It is very frequent in this life that one might face numerous failures, difficulties and many other problems. When these weigh down on someone, one can be confronted with the weight of their own mistakes, miscalculations, or delusions breaking out in front of them. This takes a toll on someone and one's spirit might become darker.

In this world most people out there are going to give up on you. Some might not, but many will. Over the years in Spiritual Satanism I had a quite a few people give up, especially when we were confronted with large difficulties or we were sitting in front of grand plans. Or that might have involved other obstacles along the way, impatience and related. I still on the contrary have not "given up" on these people who did. I believe they will come around.

This is not to say the overwhelming majority of people did take this route, they did not. Most people have stayed the course and they have grown tremendously as a result.

And I thank these people for taking this road, since that emulated the Gods. The other people might eventually change their minds. It will be good for them, the time will come, I am sure of this.

As we evolve it can come natural that we make many mistakes in our path. Life itself can also heap upon us all sorts of problems, foreseeable or less foreseeable. Yet the best case about Spiritual Satanism is that one truly has the Gods with them, and not in a figurative way. The Gods are here to help us enter the straight path and they do not give up on us, insofar we do not give up in ourselves. They will help us out of almost any predicament, provided we want to change and move out of our problems.

Of course, many people do remember the Gods only when the times are dark, they run to them and so on. But when the times are good, they might also drift away from the awareness that the Gods are always there. In both of these situations, one must remember equally the Gods are always there and never doubt this topic.

When one is higher up, they ought venerate and use the good for the Gods, and when the dark times come, they are there for you to help you. I always did what I had to for them, despite of ups and downs in life. These are natural and will arrive, and all the ups will be replaced with other better times, and all the lows, one will be able to manage and confront. So one must not allow fear to take control.

Ups or downs, one must never forget them, as one must stay close to them on the high moments as to remember them and to not crash, and on the low moments, one must remember their helping hand all the same. The hand remains exactly the same, loving and unyielding either way.

I want to share that I am no stranger to failure or dark times. Had possibly quite a few. These are necessary so everyone can evolve. Expectations of an error-less transition to transformation to the Godhead is not something one should expect. The more accustomed one is with the false belief that errors or dark times won't come, the more one is deluding themselves and reality will disprove them.

What today looks like an insurmountable problem, if you put faith in the Gods and progress in the path, will eventually be overcome. It will take some time, but it will happen. In fact, much of this path has been trials and tribulations, except of successes and victories. The latter won't come without the first in this path.

But I learned one thing through it all: The Gods will never give up on you. They never gave up on anyone that didn't give up on themselves, as far as I know. Even in the times where you have given up on yourself, they are there waiting for you to pick up and they will help you.

It must be beyond any doubt in the mind of any Spiritual Satanist that this would ever happen. As you grow in the path and you display that you are in the Path and you walk it, then you have to never doubt about this fact. There must be strong certainty in their love and providence.

The Gods are always here for you.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I wanted to reply to this sooner. I've been busy caught up with my work in this material world and also work in the spiritual. I finally got some rest and the time to reply before I begin my next move.

This post. It's giving me a direction on where to work next. It is a very deep message. It is underestimated. They will return high priest cobra, sooner than you might expect.
This path is something eternal. When they least expect it, the magick will flow to them through the will of the God's speaking to their soul with their gentle but powerful voices. "Have you forgotten me"

they will remember the blessing that came with this path. They will forget the delusions the enemy or they themselves accidentally have filled in their head. Even if it's only temporary. The cycle will keep happening to those who are meant to be here every time they fall away. The ones the gods have seen who have purity within their hearts when they took that oath and decided to dedicate.

When they come back they will see many more around them who have gone closer to the gods, become more powerful themselves as old souls from hell are being born finding their way. Even you yourself too are becoming more powerful. That is the natural outcome to those who stay dedicated and stay consistent we grow stronger. Its just the reality.

They will also see the great and beautiful changes each time. Sparking new curiosity and another fire each time. It is just up to
Them on how long they can keep their flame lit. Will they make it through or keep running out until they learn how.

Who is it that you miss specifically? The laughs you share with some, but also the same potential the gods see as well. Whisper it to Apollo and Satan. I will make sure I put heaps of work in so the god of the shining sun can obliterated the darkness that's causing their confusion. to spark that fire again as a torch bearer guiding our lost family home if they wish to return home after remmebering. They may have forgotten, but we didn't. When you fall, a spiritual amnesia may fall onto you as well unfornately. I've seen it myself. Many have forgotten the great they have accomplished. The higher you climb, the harder the impact of the fall if you hit bottom.

I came here to put work in. The Gods love what I do thanks to you guy's making this knowledge accessible. Their presence is healing when I do the rituals to them. Sometimes even life changing. They keep blessing me in every angle. You're also right, few complications do come. One does have to know it may or may not happen. JOS has even spoke of it in many areas on the website when working on a new big serious project things suddenly happened here an there lol

Which reminds me.
I'm working towards also to start donating a good amount of money to JOS. It's going to build up to thousands every week all thanks to you and the God's believe it or not. I would love to help bring JOS finances up, so it can grow even more after everything I've been witness too on my path. Trials and tribulations exactly but in my own way. Bills happened to have come up right now ironically lol After a week or two, things should be up and going on my end though. Lol a big example right there of things coming up out of the unexpected. My new job is very promising though. Everyone's electronics suddenly went down at work, but I was the only one who was able to work. Looks good on my end from what they were saying.

The pain in this world is what brought me to darkness before myself though, but a little bit different kind of darkness. I seen how messed up things are, learned it was because of this war when i was blessed with that wisdom after seeking it. I wanted to understand and also yet become a master myself. I had no fear, darkness kicked in and became raw strength like a black fire in itself shining with a white essence. I knew something had to be done as there was a problem taking ahold of this planet and also our human races. I made a promise on my journey to never forget before I stepped into darkness myself and began my journey. The power of conciousness is your greatest tool when in the dark. This way you won't forget to keep your fire burning.

I am thankful the gods have a heart to understand honestly. You're not wrong at all. I've walked away from RTRs time from time myself to start building up on protection when it was needed. It gets wild when you see things start to lift up on their own in your house and slam down, but this was when I was new. Starting off when I was a kid and was thinking at the time should step back for a minute and make sure im protected.. My family was in the room with me and I remember we all started yelling about it.

I got quite the stories of expriences even down to people starting to stalk me. but hey i have to get back to work myself. All problems are taken care of to say the least since I've been doing extra protection heavily, more work and also recently learning black magick and working getting closer to Gods who are masters themselves in these fields.

Thank you for this beautiful post high priest hooded cobra.
Can you explain to me in more detail about Hitler? He is now immortal or I misunderstood, please explain to me.
He became a God. He never committed suicide in Berlin, but rather left to the constellation of Aldebaran to complete the Magnum Opus. It's known that NS Germany had advanced technology and it's common knowledge that Germany was developing a space program, so it makes sense. His body was never found, which further proves this.
It is very frequent in this life that one might face numerous failures, difficulties and many other problems. When these weigh down on someone, one can be confronted with the weight of their own mistakes, miscalculations, or delusions breaking out in front of them. This takes a toll on someone and one's spirit might become darker.

In this world most people out there are going to give up on you. Some might not, but many will. Over the years in Spiritual Satanism I had a quite a few people give up, especially when we were confronted with large difficulties or we were sitting in front of grand plans. Or that might have involved other obstacles along the way, impatience and related. I still on the contrary have not "given up" on these people who did. I believe they will come around.

This is not to say the overwhelming majority of people did take this route, they did not. Most people have stayed the course and they have grown tremendously as a result.

And I thank these people for taking this road, since that emulated the Gods. The other people might eventually change their minds. It will be good for them, the time will come, I am sure of this.

As we evolve it can come natural that we make many mistakes in our path. Life itself can also heap upon us all sorts of problems, foreseeable or less foreseeable. Yet the best case about Spiritual Satanism is that one truly has the Gods with them, and not in a figurative way. The Gods are here to help us enter the straight path and they do not give up on us, insofar we do not give up in ourselves. They will help us out of almost any predicament, provided we want to change and move out of our problems.

Of course, many people do remember the Gods only when the times are dark, they run to them and so on. But when the times are good, they might also drift away from the awareness that the Gods are always there. In both of these situations, one must remember equally the Gods are always there and never doubt this topic.

When one is higher up, they ought venerate and use the good for the Gods, and when the dark times come, they are there for you to help you. I always did what I had to for them, despite of ups and downs in life. These are natural and will arrive, and all the ups will be replaced with other better times, and all the lows, one will be able to manage and confront. So one must not allow fear to take control.

Ups or downs, one must never forget them, as one must stay close to them on the high moments as to remember them and to not crash, and on the low moments, one must remember their helping hand all the same. The hand remains exactly the same, loving and unyielding either way.

I want to share that I am no stranger to failure or dark times. Had possibly quite a few. These are necessary so everyone can evolve. Expectations of an error-less transition to transformation to the Godhead is not something one should expect. The more accustomed one is with the false belief that errors or dark times won't come, the more one is deluding themselves and reality will disprove them.

What today looks like an insurmountable problem, if you put faith in the Gods and progress in the path, will eventually be overcome. It will take some time, but it will happen. In fact, much of this path has been trials and tribulations, except of successes and victories. The latter won't come without the first in this path.

But I learned one thing through it all: The Gods will never give up on you. They never gave up on anyone that didn't give up on themselves, as far as I know. Even in the times where you have given up on yourself, they are there waiting for you to pick up and they will help you.

It must be beyond any doubt in the mind of any Spiritual Satanist that this would ever happen. As you grow in the path and you display that you are in the Path and you walk it, then you have to never doubt about this fact. There must be strong certainty in their love and providence.

The Gods are always here for you.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A great encouragement tonight, thanks so much for sharing this.
It is very frequent in this life that one might face numerous failures, difficulties and many other problems. When these weigh down on someone, one can be confronted with the weight of their own mistakes, miscalculations, or delusions breaking out in front of them. This takes a toll on someone and one's spirit might become darker.

In this world most people out there are going to give up on you. Some might not, but many will. Over the years in Spiritual Satanism I had a quite a few people give up, especially when we were confronted with large difficulties or we were sitting in front of grand plans. Or that might have involved other obstacles along the way, impatience and related. I still on the contrary have not "given up" on these people who did. I believe they will come around.

This is not to say the overwhelming majority of people did take this route, they did not. Most people have stayed the course and they have grown tremendously as a result.

And I thank these people for taking this road, since that emulated the Gods. The other people might eventually change their minds. It will be good for them, the time will come, I am sure of this.

As we evolve it can come natural that we make many mistakes in our path. Life itself can also heap upon us all sorts of problems, foreseeable or less foreseeable. Yet the best case about Spiritual Satanism is that one truly has the Gods with them, and not in a figurative way. The Gods are here to help us enter the straight path and they do not give up on us, insofar we do not give up in ourselves. They will help us out of almost any predicament, provided we want to change and move out of our problems.

Of course, many people do remember the Gods only when the times are dark, they run to them and so on. But when the times are good, they might also drift away from the awareness that the Gods are always there. In both of these situations, one must remember equally the Gods are always there and never doubt this topic.

When one is higher up, they ought venerate and use the good for the Gods, and when the dark times come, they are there for you to help you. I always did what I had to for them, despite of ups and downs in life. These are natural and will arrive, and all the ups will be replaced with other better times, and all the lows, one will be able to manage and confront. So one must not allow fear to take control.

Ups or downs, one must never forget them, as one must stay close to them on the high moments as to remember them and to not crash, and on the low moments, one must remember their helping hand all the same. The hand remains exactly the same, loving and unyielding either way.

I want to share that I am no stranger to failure or dark times. Had possibly quite a few. These are necessary so everyone can evolve. Expectations of an error-less transition to transformation to the Godhead is not something one should expect. The more accustomed one is with the false belief that errors or dark times won't come, the more one is deluding themselves and reality will disprove them.

What today looks like an insurmountable problem, if you put faith in the Gods and progress in the path, will eventually be overcome. It will take some time, but it will happen. In fact, much of this path has been trials and tribulations, except of successes and victories. The latter won't come without the first in this path.

But I learned one thing through it all: The Gods will never give up on you. They never gave up on anyone that didn't give up on themselves, as far as I know. Even in the times where you have given up on yourself, they are there waiting for you to pick up and they will help you.

It must be beyond any doubt in the mind of any Spiritual Satanist that this would ever happen. As you grow in the path and you display that you are in the Path and you walk it, then you have to never doubt about this fact. There must be strong certainty in their love and providence.

The Gods are always here for you.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this words. After I did too many mistakes in my life I am happy to hear that the Gods are still here for me.
Thank you HP HDCobra666

This was a lovely sermon once again and brought back the memories of all those so called friends who abandoned me in my worst times and those who we responsible for my downfall
In time they all broke away one by one they left my life as you said they weren’t really my friends and I only realised that they weren’t meant to be my friends after coming here and reading Father Satan’s words in his book Aljiwah where he has that he doesn’t want us to have close relations with those who are without!
I used to always wonder why my friends never lasted throughout my years even from childhood, they would leave me by saying I have a new best friend so I can’t be your best friend! I would shrug my shoulders and say “ Eh who cares you weren’t that special anyways”
But when it started happening more throughout the years I started thinking is there something wrong with me nobody stays long enough, but I spoke to soon in the last few years I did make friends with a rotten person who wouldn’t let me go, constantly pestering me constantly wasting my time, I would have to think of excuses to say when she would contact me! One day I prayed and said God please take this person out of my life and not long after that something happened and we had a fight and she threatened me so I blocked her in my phone never to reach me again, so that’s how I ended with my excuse to block her, thanks to Father Satan she is out of my life, but I have a few more, One Christian and one Jehovah’s Witness and here again something happens we argue and I find the excuse and block her and now one left the so called Christian by name and now I don’t call her or hang out with her, but I have two other friends who don’t believe in religion but are good people I don’t associate as much I keep my distance at least they don’t bother me like the others
So yeah it’s a blessing when people without leave our lives, no I know why in my past no one was meant to stick around or stay because they will never be a SS and I’m not supposed to be close with them anyways
But yes we should never give up on our spiritual path or on our selves because our Gods would never give up on us!

So I thank the Gods for they all deserve our thanks

Hail Father Satan
Hail to all the Gods and Goddesses
Hail to the Demons and Demonesses
It takes great maturity to admit the truth fact of failure and dark times, those are inevitable and will always be ,no matter on what level someone reaches, there will always be problems and there will always be a grind towards GodHead , across many years I have seen you HP Cobra and many members of this community how wonderful they grew , how much they changed [ to the better ] , it is true, meditation do that and it surely does work!

I will personally say this, myself, I am about to say some things which I truly do not wish to anyone to ever happen but something tells me it will, to anyone as this is life.
Since 0 until 18 years old of mine I never had a family , I have been left over and grew up like an animal , I had to earn my own buck since I was 13, I was alone ,weak, poor, left over, laughed at , bullied, many things , I was suffering , A LOT ,not only due those things but many others , I used to meditate a lot when I was a teenager about 15-16 , everything was growing and flourishing , my income was to the roof , I could had been with anyone I wanted, I was literally having it all ,but that's due a very strict schedule of meditation with constant and persistent effort, I don't know but I was fit af, I am looking behind many years ago and I can't believe the Guy I was , like a God I am looking at my past self. I was so tough and yea.

But then with time, after 18 I started having my own family , my parents that I never had and I had a relationship, I had exterior things going on in my life , meaning family and relationships with others which for me personally it done nothing else but to take my away from my path, now..I am not blaming the actual people , I know it was my lazy ass, anyways , because I got comfort probably surely that's why I started lacking in meditations and many other things but not only that, that's not the biggest major cause, there were some extreme events going on as in literal Plutonic kind of experiences , now , everyone experience various things , we do not have to experience and know everything in order to become a God, although In the same I think some things are "necessary to happen" as those are part of the actual "process" which leads to Perfection.

Experience is the greatest teacher, HP Cobra shared some things, I did shared some things , everyone share some things, everyone reads ,everyone tries to understand but the lesson will fully be understood when you will LIVE IT , in FULL, now I don't think it's a must not to have a family and to be left over to death itself but I think this lesson is important , not only that it will give you knowledge and truth but it will give you the power WITHIN , activating the power of the God's , fuck I need to get back to my meditations, dafq I am doing got no clue but I need to stop being lazy ass. Thank you for your great sermon as usual , Great HP Cobra ! I love the wisdom you're sharing! You've been growing so much and this is so admirable , I would never thought I would say this to anyone in this lifetime but you're my no 1 Geezer ! Please keep bringing life to people and keep inspiring them to strive to greatness , I wish we would all meet one day in Hell, together as Brothers and Sisters , growing together , helping each other, I truly do like this kind of love and brotherhood and way of working , I am sure that's how the God's proceed as well Up there where they are.

Ave Satanas! 666
"as one must stay close to them on the high moments as to remember them and to not crash"

Remembering at my high points felt extremely relevant to me. I became blind pursuing a large goal & I still haven't re-lit my fire of pursuit after 2 years. The act of believing in a goal & having more resilience due to a strong "why" was an extreme high point in my life. I need help with clarity of decision making & awareness while in this state, because it seems I can act manic in my pursuit & miss warning signs.
É muito frequente nesta vida que alguém possa enfrentar inúmeras falhas, dificuldades e muitos outros problemas. Quando isso pesa sobre alguém, a pessoa pode ser confrontada com o peso de seus próprios erros, erros de cálculo ou delírios surgindo na sua frente. Isso cobra um preço de alguém e o espírito da pessoa pode se tornar mais sombrio.

Neste mundo, a maioria das pessoas vai desistir de você. Algumas podem não desistir, mas muitas vão. Ao longo dos anos no Satanismo Espiritual, tive algumas pessoas desistindo, especialmente quando fomos confrontados com grandes dificuldades ou estávamos sentados diante de grandes planos. Ou isso pode ter envolvido outros obstáculos ao longo do caminho, impaciência e coisas assim. Eu ainda, pelo contrário, não "desisti" dessas pessoas que desistiram. Acredito que elas vão mudar de ideia.

Isso não quer dizer que a esmagadora maioria das pessoas tenha tomado esse caminho, elas não tomaram. A maioria das pessoas manteve o curso e cresceu tremendamente como resultado.

E eu agradeço a essas pessoas por tomarem esse caminho, já que isso emulou os Deuses. As outras pessoas podem eventualmente mudar de ideia. Será bom para elas, a hora chegará, tenho certeza disso.

À medida que evoluímos, pode ser natural que cometamos muitos erros em nosso caminho. A própria vida também pode acumular sobre nós todos os tipos de problemas, previsíveis ou menos previsíveis. No entanto, o melhor caso sobre o Satanismo Espiritual é que alguém realmente tem os Deuses com eles, e não de forma figurativa. Os Deuses estão aqui para nos ajudar a entrar no caminho reto e eles não desistem de nós, na medida em que não desistimos de nós mesmos. Eles nos ajudarão a sair de quase qualquer situação difícil, desde que queiramos mudar e sair de nossos problemas.

Claro, muitas pessoas se lembram dos Deuses apenas quando os tempos são sombrios, elas correm para eles e assim por diante. Mas quando os tempos são bons, elas também podem se afastar da consciência de que os Deuses estão sempre lá. Em ambas as situações, é preciso lembrar igualmente que os Deuses estão sempre lá e nunca duvidar deste tópico.

Quando alguém está mais alto, deve venerar e usar o bem para os Deuses, e quando os tempos sombrios chegam, eles estão lá para ajudá-lo. Eu sempre fiz o que tinha que fazer por eles, apesar dos altos e baixos da vida. Eles são naturais e chegarão, e todos os altos serão substituídos por outros tempos melhores, e todos os baixos, alguém será capaz de administrar e confrontar. Então, não se deve permitir que o medo tome o controle.

Altos ou baixos, nunca se deve esquecê-los, pois é preciso ficar perto deles nos momentos altos para lembrar deles e não cair, e nos momentos baixos, é preciso lembrar de sua mão amiga do mesmo jeito. A mão permanece exatamente a mesma, amorosa e inflexível de qualquer maneira.

Quero compartilhar que não sou estranho ao fracasso ou aos tempos sombrios. Possivelmente tive alguns. Eles são necessários para que todos possam evoluir. Expectativas de uma transição sem erros para a transformação para a Divindade não é algo que se deva esperar. Quanto mais acostumado alguém está com a falsa crença de que erros ou tempos sombrios não virão, mais ele está se iludindo e a realidade os refutará.

O que hoje parece um problema intransponível, se você depositar fé nos Deuses e progredir no caminho, eventualmente será superado. Levará algum tempo, mas acontecerá. Na verdade, muito deste caminho tem sido provações e tribulações, exceto sucessos e vitórias. Estas últimas não virão sem as primeiras neste caminho.

Mas aprendi uma coisa com tudo isso: os Deuses nunca desistirão de você. Eles nunca desistiram de ninguém que não desistiu de si mesmo, até onde eu sei. Mesmo nos momentos em que você desistiu de si mesmo, eles estão lá esperando você se recompor e eles vão te ajudar.

Deve estar além de qualquer dúvida na mente de qualquer Satanista Espiritual que isso aconteceria. Conforme você cresce no caminho e demonstra que está no Caminho e o percorre, então você nunca deve duvidar desse fato. Deve haver forte certeza em seu amor e providência.

Os Deuses estão sempre aqui por você.

-Sumo Sacerdote Cobra Encapuzada 666
Obrigada por esta mensagem!
Salve Santanás Lucifer
Thanks for the post is looks like is what I 'm waiting to hear, so even myself I'm already given a god from satan the one who encourage me to move forward on the path of spiritual the one who gives me understanding, knowledge, faith and energy inside my body, that's why I love God's, Gods they protect us, teach us how to behave with others, let us be Hamble to Gods they will move with us daily, HAIL SATAN.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
